Na.1 n s.ree.Mon Open Monday-Frldav. garni P.m. 878-2341 TH8E CANADIAN CHAMPION. ILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNEgDAY, MARCH 31,1982 Peo the m abul0*Ue.MA TN Offl - E0fW ae, b p Oduisef COarkad Muccap. c"dbail e 984 cMd lmS Sp McOs u<cn*ip lm *ci T--i iomoteom-.iou o c ccur O 0plv Atii f iloicacf105 tirtp dcv f the fai .4 0, 411, cfi s otice,. ucd Sp cgW in mi o »CIeS $8.111j «05 tchClrk of theTownof Mltica, oficocf wM a estrni fcthecmiuonsfoc ltscco- U... oalici fc #cc If m.itcir a oiceof Ob- #!çu05w1hem co.ledis, the Caouil f theCorporatince ~4MuaullpS. OTOaM&c .Main ccaia 1& uluaofnh i Piielef-e th*OPRAIN0 ~ceraT T -1ONOMIt O MON iliNEEXASO 0FOAI M. Lieu0 M1*0 F« TE C INpkOF Miw- FHE TWN OFMILTO 1 C1MU 0L THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF HALTON PUBLIC NOTICE TO RCONSTUCI DEMtY IROAD FROM TREMAINE ROAD TO APPLEBY UNE IN THETOWN OF MILTON Nitou Oaioom le à i Oie fi odu Rgicl Muodclpilipof Ifaicco lnlc adamifimt ucafta oS.ion443 PMud4oif TOc MuidofeaiAc, Smhi Olapên214 Cfhe 1w atSad.wm of 0.1.10 19m, ouConodof Ou %Ocld iaddpdtp f Hcic. i , at ff.g i o e hS. 0lduf0Ragilocal Nudquaiml mBuhdhq. 1051 Biaclo o.d, eOmboel. Ocuom -.138 por. on APOf 21, t0z oU PaMsàa S-ian ta cuccumouc m" Rod fioocTiciain Amd oAeOisSpLiahiWrTomiif bgtcf. A f. % ifmo f90the I idc.d foc I bcda000fend the popciid S-la. meybc i n tai 1 Reiod FAP.Wcihc OipccvfouiOlm. liaiBromie Poed. O*vee.Ontde. Oui Wdiidav. Apif14 lUS. ef 830 8.&..Ifmoai Counci,. Sp 10 Plawiuhinid PaMlcfWobCmwciiti. 0.40hm n hi on or c ieliCoucMb MWp pOMa MihM chh k W 05055 *kiid ilocdpfftid Sp the MWebdSp.f.cwlouiappIoiabuOtu". A" opsoli mmcel.-0o be 99 l.uam rmeOwm 11mt àwiMmMdti Hli POla#bu NALON .MMNUYmmS -M UMIME HALTONHILLSPLACE -STSELSAV MILTON oapocolofi#aM emilao oo liepebifii nmbiomWFSamcW 4StoW0 fndaen eMmonoi9Ds0il05i~03.5, .lbidmfc.cMcwhc.sIaMM fOt-c *W, - md M . taOicffoche pccpoed Bp4-n numi c McNAmL fa "*de.eual M dsi. iii. m.of iüiMBn cumi*n..M mcmMal.fohilOiOSia ecndc DONMILtaO05tOS.1BMito chafosdm pn xii usOf mef ffofeuoniooicafatkm**Sh«dfonCrubdonn0aScodfthn tfflemAnOLI. Sselean7f@iioo the c ond of 0900ffOc GUJOfLme #wa oycfoiflfflldi halesio h.vmisdm-: khpo. M hiai ScucofM*f0tf.Ccc«&iccoU- c cicc .. ATTUIONI . pu 0ur lmf05Cialoone TUrr^N' Sae.up to *304m 5or more GARDEN off"imof a new smute. CENTRE 953-2480 SALES TAX cm we M Mi yo REBATE one. imuuiheAMic7/Ml Servce. mc. Custom Bulit Furniture for Pcu., B Re-Upholotoy msdalicm Fre t niae dy or .venhcm Ottoria, Fret pick up ant dellvey upt mpow Ail workmanahlp guaranteed 87-of878-0884o trallfl9eclIn 1 Oliver Cblmney SwftpS 9»d ce.:it44 a9744 i-8R0 fr 1- 'rcon- wpTS-pYk-o2 WAOTE-EocrcIs. Slcpcle c cicdccc aicM234t. IE L1.01.55HL 513h824-619 fîrplaci 00em cl 9 Vour pecifOitons. mm*a 8-11X 14 TAM Ia, ice lby CahlY 07M7712 981001 ORDER YOUR SPAINO CHICKS NOWI mm ccd en layng RMPTrON CHICICNATONE8Y e3 EatmcrAoe. 461-3M0 FU mu im cf fmadm end LAWN-BOY Moweca & Trmmera Sals vithbServici ALS MARINE Hwy. 25 N., Acton 8531682 FIREWOOO MWWoed nd $Q'NO ~ 0dSofiWc. $Mi. Facm Con 4 x el Wi-. D = M' M fremia *» itr ccnmv d PIANOSI I "6Speclaia" Expancion Colobratlon Salli Now om5., pio str. 65 new Et uacd uprigbta, gronds & cpancrccl Si». Af updic ccc roof, Cccii, Sheicb- Mcnning & Lcmagc Picn-aap il al ic for fblacocol. Slaficd piao tachi'cne. Van Geaut Houle of Pianos 41480U4M3 4.AW"NxpAROrO'8CIJPMEPGE SBALES. Ccîcc 80001 GOING OUT FOR MORE BUSINESS SALE piceplaco &com ta moco WcigicI & 70% et- 005.1 Oeil APOLLO ENTERPRISE 878-4ffl 2- epeamob AIl Ne c.0 Am 8 .u FIREWOOD qoy Nocd MiomO hndiccad. $0. Irl 000DINC 1008. DAVES ciaoJOoic =... mmcc NoidicO 5bô" & rner,.0Md bio. verp aM cmdiloft5f iUIt $IS40î T.V~A Me lf1JwIui .1. paO.enoff. Iii- J.&. 7407. 3« SeOPE 30 .E.. 001-pia 90L1. 80f. ofoofilci. Euolienit Scidliiin. 8704300 affoir . .- TENT. wt050' 912, aleçe 6, Ordir 0500. aII) 8n 781378. TMROIE rccmm Of fie farnlfo!0. 7 Ploc@ dlîxîi aoc oiInce "lm . T. se. aim a, le n ifOlot. COU 075.373 ffl iac emapi"us GAPAGE SALE Ap*dil.M.i 000*Sc. ,- « fo0 Woomn0 b piwm tati frr oncle.. roSie-m cli .Cati Ernu. 51f. 15. r4TLY cocof- ait Mexcol u& analla Sic i purpuie. 178- -0. HEAVY DUTY CLEANER FOR MILTON Pari.ii, - 12 no.Mondy to Satut- day. St1rting45.25 Pic Ircur. wagetmycibeS corcpomaaithcx-i p,,gc. Etoicca in demp noppiticiand spry SufficcOf om Oc lfointeview WAIT0010 SHORT OROSO COOKI, DIaHccASh400 S. Sicocca TRAFALGtAR GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB fuli b oc il Oocp cd ciior Mcli30 vei Inm e. Ma-acon lb~, foc000là801a Idccat#.wUln lu- FEES LD. CLASS A 1960 MECHANIC In 001 Wnted .0 ROLLER Applyl poco.: RED FEEDS Sonins Esso IONS ONTHE FAiM coa, of fain0 S mm Ficdu Milton IALS 4M2 MAKE THE MOST . a eP.M. OUJTOF SfflIN WrIte ~isa agrai imto rncx MRENS people end ciokc croney .TON solfng An. Se ott :7 ocn boas sel opu-n doua cs ouic Ci La,020.13 JOHN PINCOMBE PONTIAC - BUICK LTD. 336 Gualpi St. E. Gaorgetown (Acros from U.C.0.11 fa iooking for oggressive and exporiencad salefllpe, quaiified sarvcîcc echnicians and auto-body exporta. Aima a combine- ,lion utîfty peraon ta inciodi cor cieaop. building maintenafnce, etc. For particulara coul: JO04 ps 11cOMB9. OPPOU'TUNITYI F0R 2 N.WIUsedVehidu Supmnea Muav cm osopets end Ooccrflmc TO ToCcomissiona * Bcmf9package *C-oinmycoff.d Occroclraf 845-1646 173LocaMMiW.O&Evw1 BE AWINNERI Join The Champion Taam 0f Carriara To-Day. -good pSy, conteaaia, prizas and much more. The Ccnadienr Chawrplaoc ncrcpibrg o,e, appl~icinsfol hefclOcclcgana Claver Park Crea. Vanler Dr. S. MarySt. Cali zht <hampilon Circulation DepI. 878-2341 or Wrte: The Canadien Champion. 191 Main St.. Milon. Ont. AtIn: Circuaion LAMGE FINAIOCiAL OAOIiZATION ,*qui sals & Secice mapccmciiaticomfoc the Milon Startnioneiup tri $400 par 000k i liOd 3po airn icprogracr Fuil biniefiti No oacghi laxcl OpprucitpfortranOnct in thcfuture. Phioe Pereoc . 1Mcccgc 451-6130 bchitirc8:30 an.t&4.30 p-r HALTON COMMUNICATION Et DISPATCH 12 hoocca - shift work 4 daya on 4 deya off Able to mccii utS PiePi. faimiaNOO ePercl micn atctrainicng. Kaculadg ef Haltaira ccccccuadngo e-Amoc. Apply: Wi Stills Ave. W. Unit 10 Milon, Ontario EARN EXATR CU EamniexIl blcecce -ifile et hmu. 0 yac have !mop l aS" ~iS lW& thmN ym hlm o lu a a TrI~~idi 0S418?in-au.U SECOND SECTION Mi05 OisLTone te 0" lhu, ho0*0WF« av MW 0.010 y cf730Pmb FUBM coM hife cfS FPi. Aor Whainacd Bed -coi Tcia aveOlf aicd. AdrrolOc200 Sp r, cmkico f On- t1.0 ifcuoTheO c t1mb AncCouinid OicOh Oti. la cflede a aommk Cam ~ o omadAo T. ccM à FREE f9 f. . .»dy m th 100fe. Pca celgter 51 ý -i 4-