1Il, . G ffII@ »r.- N b rj Ua. t-sat pýw - bn smrflf*ow* oMing i«abbwlho thën n nsw a" eN t 60MIL né.io. JuiN lb-l new -deitor pmmq k Am ubebodo =]PmlL ag ie dcubdlva MMAGEBALE lInuy br. * hm lsu. te c ?BOUNGLNOOMNCEL uwtq0.MWP. t al Sm Pmu-4adhsIt «MonAdollo SOes.d.. et lomes b@bg6* mmdey dane -hsbdte. ibe *" wub e u 10 Mai.J" N ON M 09 PUNlN 101.w5e~ et Irait IL. ouI Uhi la hsbbm .Tkhble, uwoo*bit $N siaee Mudfvab» e t Od W.dor P telse btwmslI4iene. Nov ma MoW. 3-11105. 1201h aussht'o58Y dby et M«Pwbl La- rny. fflbtits hbtoebu nb, lUmm GUEALOGICALUNNIN ft»Y. Ibr . t àpm-lbe ien*I - etitabaPehI ettheot- adfr bW s] OIAeYVUILW.TN and al . 7 5 iP.m-lIt't. V. agai bleshohsotasvieesmnas althNe = sAbp u e opruootwu tpuieb ar s.o boa».gstooCsoilW beaieno CAMI5IELLVILLE HnuillItAL0cm MMsiY. mer. a et a .M-m.-Tt'et Menbg wuN b ho te bbON sss.Mo csmopbfmd. nie , "Ih.b< 0wu1 sd "Mig wu mecauee.ify-scai héip mét mn 106*or redollil o oun- %à&C00M Cit't'tNiu.a t&e ?iOsiy. mer. 2.eN al -m-f ten vu be lig è @us blMa N- CANVAMM WONEIUO 'Psesisy, Ma. 38 al 7 P-.a"j t ce*i" etusin oN oie 01.11 -- - osmâmmmam~ inf - wu gdwieVeuoOiostaie 05oia~ NIONSTAMpCL4nJ Wadmouady, Mat. 3t1ikm &Je p.M. tb l 'mioN WYWadisye m.m*ihb la pa 04060noméet DMati CMOM anaor Wedoeoiy. lMW.3san t ap.ie.-l se"ob*sa Wuo'rInstituNe v baile mêue *1 lNpy ibUn mVIve Imi,1A huy.met btou 50t5.b t lu' abo lb Miday fer a bne wtoeom uilee itso- svi»Ne gw 11o»r .md tmn.I - b$ Wgtt'dMIWus%« 1At lfsdpmoto lieonOel sumoo .4ru O bsbons. 6là fDmus.l ns, esslt flees .n*y, 1m.I, dm* O MieOin.101 aN000",% O st(MIS&tm- 0*MW8 d nMc oia., *M, .3 a ,11 0045 khpoSt. aI to, sdu isee sutouio hln. hfo oititéh7 pOWn l. AWngb isdulIbIsg pelolt- Nsobi mto cm Jcm maoutAsCortocu.st- P". 0 i WC. U$0 "ý modo 7d' ecd dhu. .stos.2 OsON. l oto m kmpls loti d 0tom oU dofhomm eONhoimunou plu tdCod so cuay. mm. c fl odsJ. masou 19 ve e. 30*moto- mto ..0, bMY mmbadotmatm m bd" 8114 NO Pieu«W« M' d N Deug toge badmt . . 0ed, tmhu.obU f y Csole tm" or Joun kMcCoy. - s ~, _ tmattlrdbstsdry moita,2 ottdo.oiouhtu- mS tie. 3 hudmoom wth mm .m soun s o e.bg dpo ttai M. oWiStsiMcM. HOMtlnin.Ui&.** Id M e 001"Lhtd J ndMo =Wj Aolr4 O MoLitis mmcl dio= mmCo»I J hdm oto 0mgus Ul lgbs.meio. oout 05Othi u.Ito"nd , m. 1 W& at Ptuohhogopststchu lotA*htgpl , oodout m a hnotitg. Cl Wbuotstd on wbtN'bi tm»otou. A*t- 5110 ~ ~ ~ WWw NOln@dCIttNlOthOO ta 0tI76,.N Pl«0isiddSy J.hictisot ie.OU. Rat h.it*ut'o id 2 lotm " wiouttdoSdu" %f0tufu Wvk" eoaso itltttt asfsd adicout».OPe b ok . oot tpstupi ' dg ttapid -to' hi 20 t o utus chait o, boge Nclt'groct hh tom otsoth mm ,o tc mt,2 otytt'hdtctot lt blhb rout totfw ot* h iit~Pee mmut0tit, oiSO d Pitott 0000 tON, 0sute io, sepototedkdttg tmmdot',uoohuoot, 3 fficplootsesd 8 supor0t. thnplsom Ntheituwt CMtoo 90ubto ty n0sd tut hotus VWoosteW u tto M - be-kt's -t' W-ndtitdly mootfmlopi.so ooloomt.icCdul Wosiut NU NOptg oloo it-hdsy J.133% tletolog untO 195Ashhtg #76,9W 6-huslg co oWbt b"tgPl.2p--dt .toStoukp MMm nWtlot bloLotot'COttisi.N MLuot' oitithoimatis. ioil ogtbio LargW 2dtgbellgtg cdo U2bora . el&a *oSflciite un WMeMY IM AI tli s 3 badrooset, 3 bota, towneohcusicth garage, h»»«oe XICW1VTOWNHOM I, U.US cloe and suitcornes with 2 o<plmnea. tocelen 3 bedroosvu, barge oprtNedb*Ig noe. fan*lymc tenants el souy f or ruts owot or mocnt peoasoion twhh lid-bn barsand foure, gnW alfooo tO th a avoln iSomber. Aatdng MZ6lO. Pion. cg 8ev oodfu#lyfncedgarden. PleselStlla 4. Cmmid. MO Main St. E. Tronto Lino826-9218- "WWÇO 4m8101 1 ri $4,000. Plam Ca M" MOMM. 6L Imm,