lit Cnuau Cunpln.~dMu .iN y, set Ha/ton record mon ftl«O»edO I a L Uet - R t~ ~alrll e pae Musans lae & su3i"rd inrNgta voile Immi atlTh leauuneat lua tuully led le M"r Ibb yur, buaaauuoid a eW erpulmur, Il wu d lait uuk aI hatua.M ot aIes a il u itugma 18-18 bl, t-t4 « S-O. MIa 111ev mat 11egm - tem lUl , muy M u 1-. 'n tili n u = > uutMle0u.tRtulb pooieu gela wui In u-eW E lli KllyCar 'r160, 16-14. e, Sa". mmbiMle MeeMuS £Wlu k te adà"r.ilIae Mtile a. îtMUd emutleg o lb Md JANET n mmc pu t réea afu d legla it Wt- aiS 1V aIt dli- veli.h bellipla cdflfth e urrespeclve caolegw a lta chai placeS coaiputelean i@Iemuae". Hesu Peh euuru lar u n ,l aIeSamd le amaS d q>ainde beauver SuclduMot estl up lait uach te glvu bis heulleg dba Theplyl yere nainlebout. le neer'u whiuawimte uplayalfubut tgetledaékleu t' Meates, bUive, bail ait TA Elahl in lebetbganet.Purdb mnd TAS qUpt thuengamet ublcb put mtTAS. itsleePar"dlebuat àMm linlebel gamet, Monlawu pulaitaidPtdladved od M Ilumib ai le coachu Mr. Duvid Endg and Un bov SureS t. letum wbe àguSaeut le- iwevWonWoMthtauod e Mn aMd mtuarudledMduleli Wmdodulriatlc oftMu coemba Optimist wînqin scpsh ie a bttlu of tue Mlle uoi tWme, MiS OpIalulClubi matathedmuMaone RaquulaCub 3-S le W"le lit TeUuduv t the ümla optut Claire. Sullu lum play ait 0f the HmulamdDb- trictD L".uIinuMu Of*tClbu Seulr year 2 ' u' Gary Tlamma; Mllleuau R eaci, Ela=)tcI=i;-ovur uonetMu fini md i Ird Cive Pterga. Eran %ý et Mual a tu anmd Mute 862 aid 3-tov V-tlacufor Op=ael3fai CDm el 3««ve uneulola eie 3 ia e I4UARWHILESTOCK LAM TU P twLAST 4 DAYS qb@oia4- SOFFER APPUIS TO USED CARS ALSO ii I U" HIm Ls aw4unarouS Z701 7 c iZtl baH'onZueli tO ted Be; ; wee rp capured the an Wright cped for taucane o leil vle wn. Asssta went 10 the wuekend of FWeb 1- Let Doenico, 14uaami cgb wi hé A toms close year on tlmhant note ýW'J ~C0114 Ueraigb utb bur fluant Daum ouaitSteaaeru uucoedl bar' b sct.lug te - Mi, Mile tuuty on . breubaway wRth . a ht Oubvfutua. aleIStuemerudinâlted! Burlagton Asit went te Dnny Ulrman hgAp Ibg lte ethé t hm11 ofb"u inte 1mmuuoefieMle Muby op"re, Huilai jIo b tii*y idtutieii iiIgton. Ia Holeyàddrmuh ofthe wrk on out taa "24Iuud'o Tb-uM'lIlaturu ucorps ef Davd the Ihird Steumer goaIlrowng a âlI'sNlie wMBrui, Rry MLma, Meuh Wiuson, paiteDylan Reyeolu ubeo ed. ucacedlbciu antc d A&-i Sul ere ibeprepube Sauflar pilckud uivam uuilil gale pelalefi Ilultenai ippirti tehtured ibtiil of Criii O the nia marber, ilawu iScauRer ual étu eli and Grog Rie ebe were belle wh cirrledlthe puck dien theleand 9-cliiStai ro frd daruvl tleilil wllh mme ilce tlcbbumllàgtle dmlie aulag ndi lur- aid-le-ad daubuuwblcb jut fuled te ueelted. am em giv1ilalMon llt. Sneulscore!ri a iScbuffer smt-up the lcoey. m Se afnSuuer led Ihe effumce fer ltie » t lly heure sieum clou, an WUl8h908geaI id Iabrueuu ilIe edaiuttlhue rig ulh a moiter toem D= ,W= ore DleBoumaidrive hbeu a couple id Soepl for llaiL %ru, P0" Tareig ingead effort detueuvel D Siai m cW a M fi r el ga, wufarci e uufecuirdu Drk Jeleutea, Mlb laulletwomeauuieplute ohai .Ie ee e r rteuu=wbMrpby, Juy Rullny and Robie ullh Wcgurom ug e Andbm Sei 2 lgepa ltTirneur M l'hé Senier 4-Steps 140, Michael Ritchle 136,. Tournament as held S'ephs's Spencer M, Lanes in Mlîsasauga. ChriotWhtman126. Theu siugle geag frea The beys'lilgli double maton ume wuidswun Muttlhuu Srke 368 Hawkns ad Revin Ver- Nuzit cume Sum wiaely otu" I. Ima eau- ma, David Rberson ululed « Revi ea, Davd Giie 27M, Clbalm, »dsluCale, Duelut ORuru 74, Rlcb- TOM Luchke, razaidPlvéiu74, Betty Niuuk and lRasu Dit-Matn gI , Philllp Rit- chIlIcide 271, ScolaWlakler Wiuduk bmd.ud2W,10 6 an eud David MeGulgue and 26 ertaralle and 261. Revn V. M amd 2101 feu Team utandngs: S74. Smiaatu~uruMattuletnimuonu5forl77, beuled: Revn e CiO Jeaullut 31eor 76, Shelley Drrle SU Md 187, Tme 2 for 74, Seau 3 fer ai, 25e md Rai 1% amd 187. RIm5 fer Ci, Jan 2 for DANTAM 53,Eira efores, Jaiuy 5 liuh re _-blgbsungle fr 48, Michael 0l for 47, un KilelHiIum r19. Toeya e for 46, Kirai 2 Mezi came Sbheley Muy fr 41, Duvd 3 fr 40, 160 and 147, Nieole BelMy 3 for 34, and irneetl IIIe isle Wl- ileplianie 2 fer 3. men 11, Jeaelle Riuluu tes, RKainRenulck 127 JUNIORS md SetilunleAllatE. The girle' high uingle we~ W dul u ie Ring 2Ml ad 200. azilcameCthiy et came Erluler lier- Agezzineo 214, Cirolyn neut ZN. Weeduai-tle214. Lynee lihe beys11gb single McKeews206an d l75 eau Mattlige Suke 229 ad Cathy Veriliae and elle. Me cme Sm 19t1. Wakely 22 ad 137, lhe girls' 11gb triple Davd Roertsonai0 and wu fran inlgaoM. Na 143, PhiIllp Rtchie 157, came Cahy Agmalele Richard Poeru 153, 127, Lyee Meue BobbyMartn 15, Sctt 5, Crlya Wdwartli ~iner 180, Da"le 496uamd Ctiy Ver- Ollara 14 amd 15, struete 42. îDavd Gillies 140 mnd The beys' ldgh usigle 1lefDavid Mcflaua n RaienThberta242. Ncx corne Joe Kubinec Dean hiaiha1.5 and 19, tliiwa Rliolt 186, Geuet r eiai179 aid Tom Howard 177. Th op'auNO1gbtriple ua n Rai1mdbrt M0. MuaI came Duni Mail 551, Scola Carrutburu154 aid Joe u RieursMl. Tai sanings: Jee'e teumu on 5for 8a, Cathiy S for go, TOM 2 fer 76, Sctt2 for 74, Iree2 or 65 and Demn 5 fer 6t. SENIORS Th1e gls'Ii 1g eingle wms Waeda Hawkis 255 and 2M. et came limesle Buriell leS aed 200. Th1e girls' igle triple wis Wmda Hawkins4M. The boys' 11gb uingle un DinlaCole 256 amd 194. Mail came Rulpb Bond 240 and 191, Kevia Cli"etlm .23, 227 and ile, Tom Lacle 227 mnd 213, Ron Cbiccblll205, Fraui ouil 202 amd Toiy Chuirchilll t9l. lThe boys' igb triple ucu Reva idebeMlm M1. Mcxt rame ltilphBoned Me aid DfineCote 5%. Tuom standings: Revla Ce leO ais on4 for et, Wauda t fer 73, Celen 31for WanodRevla MId -Winter Automotive CR TUNE UP WITH ONE 0F THESEPROFESSIONALS 26 Point Winter tu1KeE-UP 1 1 Il ecik i1 Chm .M .'k iffl.,e M OC eao.u.-p- (11p,,,ua«W"c diai",. 1C h- %iddb 1-1oabao, (10 1eOOgidiagC au T k d Mh.cain,,O c ind affiu,O GOnT- ignkicoa cm at eO cmJ 43 4. lluoJ5p eLuCRcruMetlrION NOT MORE TM4N 137.%5 $"95 14795 4 CYL a .Y t îsCea. LOCATED NEAR THE GO TRAIN ULNE MLTON u i LMJED We re now locatedat. 18 THOMPSON RD. NO. 12 MIL TON 878- 7221 giving the same greet service: - uo ee hc& * ut io O coditossu uhe,guoge osebo 0 auo aieriri BODY WORK Our eqoimn aSu, ui oaf ahe SAoul eos s4 G meaim heed et Tuit orn e o, scin. Guam me5 0 055 homis oe jb r ~4flo9 ..~.s54.,59 O~~"5 id in ad. er ibd he ho 80 IIP Xl- M dy ke de WE'LL REFINISH YOUR CAR TO LOOK LIKE NEW e FREE ESTIMATES "CUSTOM PAINT JOBS " DUROGUARD PROTECTION "SIDE MOLDING AND PIN STRIPING "OIL SPRAYING INSIDE PANELS FOR PROTECTION AGAINST RUST "HELPFUL HINTS ON G000 CAR CARE & CONDITIONING "We ore proud of our work, end our good raputation" 837 MAIN ST. EST, MILTON. ONT. 8MI140 Ïu CLEMENT MOTroRs IGenerîl Repu ra toa l mîkes of crs. Spec i ahi moelle IBRAKE INSPECTION indudeo eoaanîtwofona heeli Zig tusay bck i el e iniClact front d ui att f td rotors ek aile , aso Omngs on.9 l" mIT siOUOON ý - , ý.- U