J Soda S.ftlor IMttM ftaI£State ILtd. MeSrUea tss.eou*ialm OtuleAs a-g Ille. ~ ~ ~ VA vmA-l7AL 1h psi essuiislusss.mn bl àbs -dd -et. absolse luus . 3 ousb.*. 0ul Utimm seiu m1 - v. oy, b. ' f. uossstsdou& cf istie. e suiv ledit Wbdwwt moueab uo daego Touts - ~~- PloObula M bi ol eu olsos Mdt*M. y»., ha the nSoy ospat e»w 0s1.su inl wmmo ab. M mblO , no lebleN,osMuMipusiu sUd tu esowsunosu casihiesn. SEs.ulallulNes» su.b usAl - l-.hgMd 00 T h ost ,""o ý . ih es u lsooed nasi gppIs PAs de us.e* cma le ~ UWYPULuMAUa pMbmeoaudlaud fIloaliso llseus LUM »p e ueal 0. Fbsp lm h ie. SRIOPOVUP le d«,olps f ue y. is. Ig..nsais. h.n a5$OM lout.m etus111h TasbemuiSciorobb *m dsameqmmn. homm ,c h iftlas k S the Ou laio éaleu TO.StmfUSfdlkMWUti ut as.alebls-Asise $84.m. Y_ ATOlODY.Hu. 9«K oÊdh W 31 beaiaisblbi osa M, esaiswm&buo euk d»losUqWpqmn.t.FOOA5ekmab 96.sunesvouaipsIaSllUo. ors luR bls 5su - AT 0V01Fau esisuO iM .-1 bnese.b elsoplua. ebdsosbsde. Iaupp.lAusi amloi uoIeOd. mes. nuowushnoau gin aca an- alon ID ldu- dy mou lhm u gsongu elpmnd et aqv 904»00g tCaod mC.con .ues bodrocu-om uhh lIssedin- ibis&+ roc». OitE ppIêsOsusag-g, ph. ca inI eetcm ms.lgugs oi iEO00. tAl- Im-C dto bush Mt96.WOM. tlb. On OMispycd" ewMuhOue lm ed- bo.m u. eogia Mr osom doys6 rq ooé SI- . ddAubhla odyf6 51 00WCaod bMuln. lceMd on S@u M. vusln Miln. Cet RomCusC.co. This lwo idrashdn brck agala bselodnnsd hmcghact asd hmuaInsu kichs. etudnael cngs. cepnlaira, end flisd momutus rm.Aublol Mesaaooo ighonte fous a bslanetso- ..mwd pMW et M m. Pax y d" pnd-scfm, IOM* Ihmos edrocu am end Imm &bsouna se in floMarti plMy ofr m o bush ocnnocding Iis quietshootcie.. l opM *à sllb ponpunncs-6 Tmnm cth en oMm luso Locomd n m uspOod dls hd rn m551dMched home is *inPhe nal. us auof Mio, clm o s choolo and uhopplsg. lb.esxc8pllcnul i n .d ulached co=n. Lrgs, fan* y e ski- chss coinb.d. f cuphoando. Athng $W,500.00. caN PutHawHhsb Tua McI.;os.bubbea. 3 bafth, wuad bcnmg tnpkmanmd dou- bles gsngs c. mmad & bas oa lb «s.hal mompses dmM. Adhno tCW HO~ OUBE" Doas. nudm romnfuran fandy nmn.0 go bsndy su.e luso11% Inn beonuns nalan .545e, nWn Pm vuM bclln-n dish- bue pc.amd W4s Yoi dem con au" Honb lb.Thns. w b.dnousbung" alc sslMd moanarelonsn m bashed bhusên cnqnlm ulih sons hgic4nss, 4th bsd- naomn.amd 4 place bath . Wei ,nasnOd hnusm vtti deMahod gansage; pisoIn ci ro ncf n or p.nucn.,The finunnCi a fentmmn-11% cntil910 You aelleInvlted to unlG"Oen *WSASTAFN.U*91 PESENTLY, TIiS STATELY, ORICK HouWs et 3M56 Winims Fac .dncn2onan, oick cauncrn SEMI h w bsaopnuaInaladiag a-- Avenue, Mlfton Ihcme onsa2.2aann . g nay eis it-a las Xasods eec13W lat, rn-chn M Snnsfobe«ç . caMai Ihaosoal bahpis. foaa. s n a.uhuM" li7, 19U Cloua insahacfi end shopping. OfIsnadIo nus. WM san d.aFmuaMon~oa f 10% 1 O net M s. chalanstls lau gofc utla 1963nit mahIis hnous s upen hony set 0p$1120,1000liAt.00. Co uc bnalabe for de- 71.90.00. 2 L fl p L tie 87 ACRES #M M «4tns - nWu» INOU8TRAL-IIGWAY 401 Gently fotttng lnd Xc mile fr0on1 A& EXPMSRE Highway 401. This propesly bas 141.ACRE 17.85 acres.of inducstriel lnd af- lana fromtasssud bordons on Located aithin miaues of fers excelleat potentiel. Gaod commercial lad cithîn 15 min- finascisg. Asking *4,000:0 par cUs of Monar. Mortgoge &setW- 0,E.W. Large baak barin and lm- acre. The ondy site laft io thie ares aoneil avallube. plmtent buldings incladed in th e:t this ans price. For ait detils, 11,10. Approirateely 25 acre contact Pacine I-obbs. 3.9 ACRES INOIJSTRIAJ. prime location vwlt M-2 Zasfing. Rail idig analtubte. AStctug $76,000.00 par acre. CatI Pautto Habta for furthar informetion. *34,O.00-FULL ASKING PRICE. Gooti maroguge cari b. amud. Three bedroaPlu, is a - restion raam. A avs t tnr- haus. COUt taYl feslcai. CuitPauline Hobbe. 11S ACRES Land wvithin the Ton of Miton aniti pictuasque escarpacant nlew. Pnced at $3000.00 par acre. Callt tai RURAL-MILTON FIVE ACRES, dritied wat, and tacateti minutes tram twy. 401.- The perfect spot for the home of yaur dreams. Adsg *0,900.00. FOR RENT Lre eecuic.uso% n 2 acre 0 g î 5Miton and Buririgtdr:Cai Linde ulath. COUNTRY IOT 1/ acre, rural tot on qiilst counitry roari. Very deirabie area bel- mnen Oakviiie aad Mittan amnit iash fersland. Cati Mike Led- with. Asking *55,000.00. Coast t CoastRra Sstem Gfrhîg VOe, T, lFoe25 Y... EL.MTCHELL LTD. REALTOR AN & 310 MAIN4 MrEE 44 *UM S T. EAST 44 PUlL CENTRE DR. h. 01413 41 -11