cmtmr*omz P ceor Lai. n l"iMoto leS wOw. M ai ¶ba Mtuncaen camllem w»m haniO. 4obfp àoegb PoMsOOiu Lii omis of nsubr- bni mpm Iis OL*aiia Tm. A" m PN"P6 AWAWtUn5pIoaONovm Adomtots Awbelak/N*Mehewm aO.on.. Aorff«oo/ihWwtm &0 IsoRUnd iilo., TOeosa M- - ascimom Goosis. TO. auliégi.Pool.The BillooloW*oOmdPool. Tii. tioblo A&- %«rIGuonomTMO. iMAoCo&~na. Thé Geosom nd ,Opaodo. MwOOmmToOU@ ODcs"o $Wbh. TMO. MP NOI fosaThe. Miabo m a W OdOl..TO. NMui Ne* CoqqseuorlN orOk roi, Ois onu, OokoNePMav5aoos, 0"« Thés.O bOni àhie W«."ad Comâiew. Tho aaMùoi HaptOondit .àsaiTO.eOoSrbuoo Cnne. T. obwoooh 00. TO. SiodfoSa Tisén si11w.Woodoo b &eom, ,0aaaoaousoooadoo.esooié0.o..nooisdoO.u..osoéésO 11Mw te the pUblic inéest bot serveci when Ure are major pmoumtebsaolvsd? Tha he =b ausi e drot idf the carrenIbts ovr dis re- luof th uac of cempea pempuug unacceptaloly htgh edetoet ci heevy mtel. into Haltese aewer qstom. mes tdis oetroversy firet arase, most eweppm, iu- -bln The Cmanè ChampIan took dis posi tioedt dis force cf PlClçty wqAtb"tw8y te aoui- islylaW.eiofthe reaulta it Rugi ons ficill, lucluding .clM administrative officer Dem- ab Perga., bave teks.n dia position tbraughoaat fils pralractsd debete fere fUidards ~L~n*dus f6r seage, diey aiii chance te change disir "stema te nwetthe wstandards. Mr. -Peru hee ergued »Il alcmg thet M bug a s c ei wopwftoabhWruaomable efforts te me« d sthe ars Impossil by the 9q1o, disydueerveci to ha ai- ed ei lcarry con diat werk wtth- outa buwdan ofadversespublicity. $hare Frida y Its snfrtunate diesituation capeceralg dis Mtas Aeros' re- qui fer lce lime et Memortal Are for Frildey ighte inths up- camng -m hue dogemertei 1.10 a bitter dleagreememt between the tiro main parts. lt'a rather ironic dis two owuers, Ver. Goodhng, cf Mite Juioor Flyera, and Gary Thomas cf Milon Intermedlete Asmas, wbo bave become Involveil widi disir respective teama becaine of ther love of hockey mca findi dth buvebturnlmginto bâte. Thope te a gruet duel more et sanis dieu slmgy deb Frideay Me~ homne dates andl dis =*h*oyiebdUwb. Wa dis tetas are really fight- hog for le 1r sremacy Of disir tenu ov odmotu. For ymii du Juiiors bava M e e d " eeu t thdu ten abe eb Wpsste. A long fira't ugod bd bail a mwrky bh@#lw#Ue secondbl ak ent »000a*s tht welu* bus gpt hall ia IM 1-d nM*Pieydb. It le btter ilutdu long terra, eccerdlng te 1Mr. Perdun, te get reaulte thraugh negotlation thon by beeding a Compny loto eub- mission dirough thedull ScoSd"v weight o govermmet pcwer.- The moat recent tests carrisi out by due Reglon rvaaI dut aU but ona of duefirme omeoettdu Reglo,'eastandards, wlitout tbreate, court action or due kn cf bedly eedeil jobs end Indunt- rial amasement. Vie muat cour woder wbat more couMilbave boom pcccmp- MW dl twoodthdager-of pb IUId t eI ilevttable ehluing of e&Wteaiwrâwas about cespenles bang #M leregard for du pabija aefety anidbe idia softhe vlru ment. Cartelnly public gresurela aut cf due tale avallahie te gover.- ment in lta efforts te enf«btce regulaioait paus, but a du incidenit b he, it trnt tdu ed by knowlnig dthetain com- -aie are caueing envlroameutal problema, or by knowlmg dtha government hboaecleil enddt due problemia bave heau ecîveil wattmiaiumof Mdislocation andhardship? Perbaps, ilu du case, tdu reuts should bo lefIte e peek for hemiseslves. nigh ts traditiomel "Hockey Nlgbt lu Milton," stretchea bock almoot la yeers. Tha club hm ebathedubene- flciary cf a policy wbich ba guaranteed tdu teme. du t Meloftheuweek. Periiaps it ih bacaima ofM du ailvantage, Flyera bave boon able te melntain thir flue fimenciel andl geerafly aonmd hockey tearusover du yeara. Wihihedut a avantaga, tdu Intermediate club ba bai te acrape for ail ther sorth. The put four yearabava beesi a trying expérience Iforduhe eutfive and follcwwsofduhelidi. Thlnge bave chungoil dramat- kellylu due pust yenr. Vilditdu sale addition of Gary Thoma, oi Miltcwne Peslty, theclubnow bam amont! financlal becklng sIi on stringsaattachod. 1 The team its& hma tesM geut strîdelu duepset bal( year on.tdu les. ite. playera suci as Peter MbDiiie, Marty se&, end Bruce Eflleon bave atiltoil qi WUlAcro and indications formet yeer are for aven greator local repres.- tation. The times bava cheogeil. Ve are bot taeklng heet u 10or 1M eymore. f111m a uMW ara o bock la Um Md culil the Aem dam v à chace te Aht-out3 o omeul e t It gily as Frtiay nbom hlmihmontral bim fr ON& «h m t q M M t= Ai kMeos ebaebabarnath a=ne=é.el thlie or n fotOatâms &m o 'sOn'sean'obb uner. my bmnaed% m avowei Uan WetiUn But Its alO lIsmel MW pulle41u& c"b. Mort of atle Un ombalai grabnoe ifrr*bimil 6-w-&ý me ale complet*lul> mini *à topée. abat lun an qpqht. 50ee com cOname wull lmesaes motions, iamdenâts hiieloi lee .ollsaaisaeillobumhW" ..Wu rise> eom tos u.»ore laener - aa osini b ii= nUnounte ml o 1wo- io't remulfl OUI14 bisaUnassii.&Wunt, ai mOb& »» S!,5ad m.çI5.IuW opwa col; d IM wu *a b.d lingh i. te uM. .gobukono à b&t e ..i Wtén du i bdul à tee ewsdb bu*ocaoeW A Mdn On dW iaUIsmUn i ll\ggufjM Orb gets WEMSB«ARLD >the boat la -YOn W uhilicainla vry cmy tu ina M AliP OttoJ ed biMnIbeai eapurmi e Wt h ulg ouN. abm ho m ejesteim Ie Unnud.utl Cornma llecaillouConmihaPrime Unie. lia fnoe" plui EUgt True.a, eier. Slmote hb. uSbm ila eploi aFioU i pumi .bu Un0»ait oW Unom etuset Mr eepecbme"i tbeaa relalhg a q»eh lmoe bu v.Pu frokb hu* ir liv0 ni in mIqwt fniRâb. ft md on Mr.i" Mm be wuni-ve M vet a~IsUUthmomr. iour~ bnamisOày.vmba 800~16i8W n etm oppeelbon ..l Mibffl a ton wMyi ch pmteb a b< maWstucm- Mimepette los. h inaI 'lema Crà".etmma aiaUeui1 debeé 0fUn lgliaon ropossi b>r Prm v eerOco elUaloa eCo.eL gmahhpneaa Mir. Jdhuksr.mar uhhly ipot lit nm bftm t* unph at8t U Uet didUd tom some W - --, aiw a fwnah" eboth <bt poblu, o en Obe- Mor nt maUwr. 75 Vears ago î Ftemd aFe ,U, tplhm #-: deeJmbaiwur<UnilaUolio & eabibwo rumM#lva nmu ieuei n gi Ovob an ai =iobpaot My>adm th âealon