A CÉO irosa vlm"atlldp qanad et Joh am e.te.I La m 4B so Ly. edas Wr. Ulnnly od dMo te t nt hànlith aIle- gnlean'tslpcgaorgntfmeluplobatae Whet lhey'r .tfla repu e cta nrl- =uletm : altmrler. rejust filswlag mur duo alawnaha "80 flopr«D anf ekts c "W. de. Ja lot oft g" Un. Mtdd as- be al ecrmees"ca auonlaailp sellli Doa sfet cuisscreatete almopbert icli encour- agsgthem tM dseusproblers mr readiNIl t M os y ok s:spread evenly bteLwenHl- tnandeiPl," cci Mre MeFadzean, tlitartason- lp realiltatlon leaclier. LentilgortaiuW.. crdcd a u O If Do 07M clliensrOoeced witb beDo inMellareoremoire A INMBMWadiraps Wc. WMetumcoma baiiare itit Bar00een ite iiclinve auie M eof vistial lafnet tedocnlp toper cmlt of lawltlp lerQl&ütvaanpercet- Zgeof@cpopMalallo wlareKCarn'adlilllâty l Dor as eobeliai le ravel le dsUnied States la mee canes Incieai ci uo," bWre McFadcoanext- Mau *a tpurchased Gleeenflve-aed--lialf eare ailo, WUn. Meazete lion beaileble a mort ei acueeletre but tla hr ore c ehani The Germae Sigidx Labrador Retrever croit la moreuon set of "es la Wre. WFdeet-tie ~.JIWR..C« eof lieaisaem s e'eo oipetbit lilnit e a ro r, " abcni. CmunlaimartlI M«entanNil. BahPare#. Glotte wvabittai et chocl In aMorlelowa, Pceiiom etsUi m ttarp clah a" Ga NJ.-netof evralin theUnited States. Ibe train- Illar. distrlat Comulanhaarfer AMOIIN ing ubtclad bar ta bcalrsnledcenonlaforlire anef WCbga dum begaI vIithbasic obedilnce leanomi mouliece4H clb m ite vas wufoeitiby m0y shut home ane tte lak hadenl1uMo" , calti eacrltiliortage of gronp lame epace la IaG iiii satormy hilaog glce it wasiM Balloenon local clilletehave lie referrei la D opssinlJuDe iMes, heDproetof e o allon adG. ChllireneAid Socetp wlilcl m, Stancley saliehai Wt decdai la laco are lanDth Iret place b-n lrYilglaepLOCerhe Doanme propecty for a liecause.ofaitIlhDopnliicty about wlatnseeed- grawhpboaiileove tdgrcuphamm,"WMr. Stas.lesaid. A Provinci lne tueopereea graeep borne van A final decloton la la la mode leler Ilile wetli, lie iilayed midi anappW bung oW bc ellldlieioresand ti.etr wicli Wr. Stantley icilihave tD otgi the tWlrega ricesRevite rd. of eppenila o eprovincial Geirens IServices Sltaoe iealeqte what mtey profouicoails have ltevew Board. 'nieinOmpe~ i gIs B Somut e clioreqeire eetlng-eye ieg laeyers ta psy fornotng t tborbansportationeintebopartine training butin Kur's rase lünarni ha erna heper e b.:~uil a., pul~:ar re o useoas seeig-eedgs but Karen suggesls, allliougli soinseare metenttioge, Dey bavesa lenency talac btgli sirng. Labrader retrievers, on theotlia band cnt letocnlffocllonte, ena ecrona of tDo No botelas aeeusint loper tDo andestrable caracteritlc and poe.iteperiorvorblegicg, aleecoutelas. IenidWS lol Glnaeteobeince Lraiclng tht ta secliotle n"effective ilaoledlenct," according le lier muer. If Karecommande Gimn len ove for- wari ad paablobstacl la tevay the dsg negobtates tauarounditI. Glenna w i gnore a for- war command et a street corner for esample if Karen ee tel iss eailg aneocmi g car. 'Ton have tolebam n lerbstttDodot and you de- tltltlyhaeo le itititertoure goleg,"sanya Doe 2-ear-ioliierblone-haired compieic. 'Theatre Dmsilion vleanllp iralreipeople reqire aeistance a doeleobof public aaronesa ofti Dofact lata iet artau sl of heprolilcu ac- atdti mi asp laicappeli people Karen ex- plaine. Teneare cliaegtg, liowtver, ted iociety ta leig tg evit Don t Ilihandicaps ita adiffer- net litd. Par t iIs change la attitude cao la at- trtleted titeooducation systern. As a clilld Kare atonied inlaergarten along witf UDoflai châldenon lier block intMilton. Ititas net aetO Grade1t i atMuiltnDirict 10gb iclacl tlier clanoimatesdiii ta l aiîare nler is ebillty. Grads i te 12 vert spent at W. RosWcDonli Schel in Brantford, teprovincial ecliol for thet vly ib aea. A residettlal aclicol settieg mesntI Kerecame borne onlp otniteetell antd spent tDo rest of liairt ith ootr laedlcappedl peuple. Tia tppe of seellngilit't ealp gve Karen much onfiecoe nrelatos ithfipesea vo id sot alire ailhanicap. "No oetreiltrgratlthfet " silail. Aillicgli Karene parentso itteailier ileaateni Wilon Distrct 10gb Oe" oo m aot fan Grade 13, Karenntoib lier t. Hec iret ew dopi Iliere slit carne acrona uore diat one staiet w'eiseaidthtp remembrti goieg le Ichool vIithlier in Knier- garlen. "lnlogratloe grvetae persot more confiece le flematlt rafler timascoult ocut o a speclal cliol tedtrplegefitle." SUethfilao Doe ewtrendislegreat ted eotes tDo Bmanlfo cnlilao wt bobg la calitermare le ahlllllinre Wllalheila eoregulersoeii Gged Brown Resîgnat'ion flot finalized ty TERRY RUGGLES Specl a lThe Champ"e Cm"celfor Halles Iteglon bec failti leproceta wrltloc agreement lenifinalse tDo resignatise of Garfield Bronsregioial clerli. 'We bave sot received tep draft agreement ai ail," sid Johnlilay, Mr. Brown's lewytr. Weglteleg le Januarp a a ulier c of te calta vert placted ndlree tenilantoin thle tegions solicitor, Davi Harris, wbo le beeiling Doe matter, but itllino repocae, sai Mr. Finlay. .We watlineow lieevaestand," lbeschd. "Ai long ou on agreement ba besignet Wr. Browne remains as Regional cltci." *Hallens clotf administrative officer, Denia Paril, wbeon aaseiti the poito s acting Ileganal cleri, si DoteRegion baboe ovmg tDo sainetifficulltis ettieg ine ech lillliMr. Harria. '.We've toit!ad lil at es wsrkeg on i,"sii Wr. Porlla To ei telIhe praces, Hallense wsit olicitor, Kie Anderson, vil le kieg oer the jobsof irait- ieg upltheagreemet, saii Wr. Penln. in an earlier interviawr. Perlo sai fiat tDo ternis nf agreement hbeoe sttlti bock le Dectbr aniwera relroiclive Dec. 31, lUt1. HoeIlion sai: "Wlieeaue le presoet by lega] coccei Dot'songoôdaeasigecler." Mr. braites resignation itas tenouetinl Dececlier ta a sliort presa reltase reai by ChaIr- man Jack ills. Neglotlations btweeteoRegion ted Wr. Browe havebeegsleg on for over sixmonths. Tliroigliout last year, Wallon Reglioal coicil lia reorganlsti lis management triicclre, le roipose le aivice givet lip constllents Hickltag and JolitleLtd Mr. Broiteliacbeocffitorlr i unfer Doe past toit veeba. whlie arela ncE e orklie la iIassuetDo posltiou asuanger etrecordstadiformicaon ser- vienoi theoRegosallerbi coffice. Application for Doe job as Halbis ReItogona clritereceloetiFriiay. K-28-just ha farutiuPmbqet eplsplfoeipDo Do havrti sat i o"v=h0=a ivt Cia reWhaendWreRcetteb-alai as anmfbldW Cot prablam Do pag for ther d" 1 qhli, etflo.Mturar iqapaclimyle hvadoe c unoraasiw Dovmt Doit m e trim e bav e a ar tae boss ne'ai bei cap ruoueWHle fni WBp im v mel otbl as p tvanIa e opte onlmshaitnrevabi, ahaiWr Bo vasn l .la . ivi ahitieeat ia hecautonosanoamgoturn "we's &4 tothrtiowat eoucfIor mlod ive tobe h andi Wr.BErmnali. Om Selarrrne fte t»bm wuareocot ed by Walln egonelPoe tedMliteec aicapM hmtRoucly ted ion eWllti ile at Fj h fltmalelelelth Ie retpecton Os*a"fr -chwffl bu on i nu aa robbme wm IlIaolle. mat ai Ranlp r... rdote, pp h lLhmftl lte eftheoreatinula0ail 8" G caft lIai. aalathotares granuhoen Expct onrolment drop Gal=tvUdeb bp1poai).b> Wrla Booboda, a atlatltfor bit OOdDIuhdaI, C lle ularent menasualaatio ta odatalot ata aIt.bo laler.W esuivre tn orl rlt acheci conhai aap3halatar, marnai.Mre".a".rmilwjao=k. Flscr alIplo.ah = taj "ht=li&Wte a aWanaé le aie. po a m i cene la oLaiaat &" ub t r ai aa aa l l MUonuhaebeo apjoa i 11. 7 Par ulonacr cuualancma Ia iardtl o0"àotnBl e MMM atetwse va uea sur- WallonBoni et BDéatloc area vIventrato "h lat oaln m anp aoqlrcenitnt 01 finane B tualain olaa Imml rU hlateo Warren,'animocl neb tleGadel0. opâtDo rt tontime alerMi, bl tlro p a Iclieàs tht noonuto&Wdrop ot lm fo li allan ute ot pt 1-4-bI Eclr," 8beooaà pane .,"sptlita u hpoia iv-porar ir. WaranituatnMa=haob. prejeoflan la prattp mattltarmutN5" airai "avoage"Ila Do poovlnta. Wr. ~ ~ ~ IW ua'aelln W na «Weamalollaelatadoaevart ai unaialp ns D liimalon ar CrisW et. ne oiti frou D io laêa»oaa n aBallon a" t haorauri ai1- Monday to Thuraday 1IllOate -700pm FPiciy o Saosndev 12-.Wnoon lOltO.P.m Ssndav lMOnoon- 700pm M Offlimi AV& E., Mfton F If UFFI led properly can b. Do aIr Ct th cea&eof i ieaegcog N ovai dumnpod lnte Doilti eelo a ram fe s ic ile tiez tdl:ttt enaer." camido=p tDomatarla kMpaeltibd cm neSunasa cbg for I., et taltot', W= Wedo'tý do lDo t it u. a d= .t e t Do potelnetty baser. han bamned btheipD fecual gsvermnet wliontDo qunetcio féenlagtofcf$13»10a Rtegona csmmultam *bout pouiîbte benll liaere thet uap la =t oa te=retbD .111,ive ad gt,4 clii edulareliv cficaDis oulaPiR tld councilme, ."la Dot ouihava e la iui i itIl lesufera eo lu facia once Il alaD The once -C Dolt May la fataiOtibualamsfe inlg tem intlon liaian lavmtgaum tby fie Pr.vlant Wlellrp Of lienaiby Dtieed Ceeaaty a" BOtlallrvlo. govaimntt bacaane oi Sianifi baards. DIET CENTER®R Get Ready For Spring fflE 107 0007001a A LIFPES MOO: Lp 17 -25 àla IM *l u b itetei mocacaJ. aSa, $Ooo Off mAixT lU A p25"pLfOmL ( DIET mumEfWý amm, CENTERO -- -- .= Ill. ut: I W.ILY"WORK.WEAR *FAUIO IN. L mLtmIaftw1emBY DOMINION) la- . f* 4.- 9.