PART-TiME Mkc~cdWa eode eeeg LUe N . hi S AO ,P. TEL___ S l dok W Ia P Prier moumbb exparéForM mdCd ruVmWrSr, nSlir aleri 0 lad. bIAVVOeiwPW R' C a 19 "M. _ ;~etie m~g mm buoeff m baakm col teileiigdi t MFetiUm giclii aeptbii Ui ue;khm X%. M41Se. eMMi0fAege&deiim uI Il,, Qedle. eNUifIS. f7lme iL Caon-- o~ar m Orim1*d. n SAONiet 3wet X P04. Wor d fifma",eMW Mu*uubeciMdie ~ co~o MIIZZEZ ht »»MW. 84 »M gj:l «WceBBdPd/Mrcr driai. c puili"i. W n dleel mwm*mun ou 0 ie oéI*Lr*0M«e DeI& W Uuis le, ai e) , ei PS. cMillei.borcdn cefCU d.emie tjp4e ) Phubilie iIcrem 2frM i e po rt dinp uNi A.I=Pe iheée. P.S.iSucei teeeet Vcer0a110ad2aasi .e.0dladleg aefieeilu; in ~ ~4m < do*mei 1 MP..MU Co s te s,,, , am ieeiqu tce Mr.,nne wa f* < cm là efor MS;11%3r reluibeee l k dNt rt etc. efe up ~eekfied CklecaedgealcaaicelbeeeIableihaail . W a cd~.ViugI ad i iSlelel11 s m g 2bu.SPo n Yeefui27-38 S Lluufete W*mmse ô Aece bac ceh*tlus Mo P0l » bokmlire lt00V» 9 lat = LMe . .=%u "elce11, 1101 DATom t Ofr q M 0 uXdd.;iore.«*75f tamille.e Weei. IcIeube 9e1110Ydélit mlu M. cm L411efft kwbCin.edCreivbaekelltaiM.~ ~ MOTIEId Mies Inorn Tx ~ uacnieyietecucmeee4ycceie Bmi e m Od eh*otud if-c h. cOt- 1w; fPuar Mr . oihut lal uff nUSe 2 ~ = 1ZPWc. lieu C MÇ *,m'y, be, w bb«boe uld u nidbK W bt i* eLA~ im im Calni 0fl II e . ms~e e CMISINchairer al 3. rSIAcanteP~mie ue»iuiebna*.ul lut eile cl n mPus. ei ro oi, wEiI t ' e'y______ diive WAMO I, FienT YMcA archMAIB92 orN dmbotul Finet em 2 ý di p M Meeln mai f...........mae0 . I uct s.peel. fraie AmuP tecote o Mi SrtraElw ad hm . mod i ar- o d %aebeU n le, ecaciempuQý m utle uili SN WSO IN Mo. tem. cerait-ad P- a a*%diTfl Ue)f k.Otaio et prx a- F. bin9aM blleMW ls6ialemai paee au dam eOue ml.LC oleit. 47100. cItl icroerbrddweucci exmcuod)lPrlou*mue.l m rc wAPre In Mu 1 -Mi ELu') eur,*uaalidiimkNOe Ceoi lev "a ~, 2e= 81wal; amolli.hMVdallau 2 brais M 0 am 11 ul.u tàe a be et uthecmffic e esiOii a. ocin timlS-fI h. ; inli bilbu- Nlvei &d~ ob om - eu&pa R fl CU. aiAcean eu. $aMf orlie.2d «, di Mae8. .. cee l ai glubeect edi2pci . cl el iacce e ubo darbcp fielfehi .lm M Sdu. dm 228 évids.Se. b. ClU ie upo et of m 10.00. li n cte ontu fet umciofai bine ue m alba. Scua i scem lest mendflp i0 l.u UIbM O PIl n cJipe.UIpSOomM ui. i ICWON30 x11 r . JVmail.WsKthnr neood)Dvat 0 -.-m M- mO cuntiusWîtwill* inctraibla Sport aP Iacfie $-01111m-. feula0M~ tindi AlM Im mU UUY uu i rce c ipeec llc.e. a ecieh. e cai ploemia; m.amdh Afluidei llilemfr iec 111 004 pu.1V iilIt N Le mieor a. lederlleic ermceamu aci ac BrasCalae we hl O- ;a 0 PC Pimach bomdi 2:0ugu nM MiiPie, a $Cho~.ul o» lun . Ielfitip !2 m 'r MLTO HYDO"O- IM uY C m ;rnre o.el w era.. wMmuaIui iecl. a;3 ami li10 b dimeiadim.M lchV eee deett fereleaer. reea"Eti OOo ulc d mae 4 ucce cldid9e.oa-ur3al. eprea piceeip m ie ep ree l . iaim l« . - auie 7 M l. U IDNP C OM I SS4I ON M tbe ipot; uca3 lue s. evaitel M;ulSale MWaM iM baleim $0pruS mateD iv an p u- BMla.i rhceilitilo, ObTONectbqAL t,iprai. url ret pcele q a bafrucit cb eud.3afink ahie In* ; Pfief, 0A UA IniPA.'AOYb illvOm eU .ieel.. U$4 MW.WATER, EiiDilulbeauRGptlt. ai it bovr laI. T aliaedg e t. lae . huM0"Snkm merkl m CTars. msdf ngnfl i. maschbrininé i, lmaen M. Mam. Rabai mmm» «W'-______ I 0Jre- rect.tPo u e vm.4 ote nm Mi Iami.emll enirou.lm M InWMCDMM .heiPlS rd. m CElIGr y i t ToduUN u0r ept Wntla0 - reo5Wmie eAae.eer a ce 111 PAT135.Lu.. iru ta. Mrd&il.tOiai bui ruariry cii e eoeebineeidiat Palm cee ~ 47l. !VoLAuI pceipba.liSaouaDi.e. cilee. fmg.owtbondAi2u"amallm sm C Cali oi BMilMl me ct Dcum M .««.efColiiLm S7-SB e$M -1XV fo sie. i ieul bm ipalan ait umci-lon Uq i. Alox F.o lOhsihlOwufliMd, PUIIMIB Jj~ Pa~ea 412. 91 ODTeie U W Mu m a, $lme W. teu. elexaustfenmitadAUOIqUO~k etoboue v i aleSceé imanskmi Wesi m SfiniilMlieuRbMm lm PUSc e al.P pi pi. -U.- mitheluOSglcw u r retin din.sung" vém; I P~ us M ii II ifnuliede Uegma b . e.cRier. um14 esm là, mnuohICei aml T END Ie Ufl ALNA ot4ookibd;fbe Ibifan S lm VRIpihM nofNeitBRainT Niella. AS P.. S aviodouemail.ouuatutai T re uers i~frpt pr la o km ndm adnir af O -C i. rlebl. A E 6bom0vel ndel MSm 000" FUN A= slra cewtmoidiofe err ko admeiul leiuACOtAIN na MliRl ¶AFT. eM t-~ * ba" ou r u 0 itenSlApeu. Cetre@lm. a;sn r wOoedilaie,3- UI _________________________ Nec~ M 011i119uadsAex»; 4iea. Ler old ol MW wgioien;ELEZZ j&K Home I lo. enderbocur in s ra eotS fon ol;nchnmtosw mtraiw it .ie Imm Niellerale aile B Offic N M &*4oq er Iw .Coi " % ier c oduoti 2:0 P... O n.e a »,,d r A. p m nlIitÎNL4* - . Are « Wky cf = .iI.16« e olSdiTandem dimi .e ts êei. UP.d - a Mth &112n wihtkethvvillea o Wl. MliIrp Mm d in uAOu nm tc.mBRt lène endf. 0~ PLORIIIIIII XLT. C«lt Io SBIIIIi W M eu ntll. f aq uedir l ha Lot youir unwanied Items put rionevi 'you pocioetl pbuceyçjr-ad. and Id Z Id J'im imi mmum ce onW pn» bédmm " Nt 2«db"l euh@ WM eh "" mo comm; 00M wM dock; a Odd tmis. prS. 25 pr. jeu a JIM m Wousý, am r -Obp asmLkut OMM 0-J 'd ck»ntsdoy< TMMCW ri&oRmby,#Î o md ceh§*; 2 Dm cl-a euv ec fln- IN MINq 871-4246