liv LINDA KIRBY tin Si. n Miton ater the officer spotted theI accused alter beingshotlin the toer bock, Poice apprelaended John Rves outsde of the Mit- f l15il1tittitý,t(,itwlttfI arkuîî, jirrd j,3lhe and trtltivdtf tren i-vtau,-an. t-w minutes lUter The arresl ofthe 6l',heay seaiariicaiie le I JUSe oîltyftaIttfinteiusp t had i1lti aCut e fi t fno e fTrnoh«ymajor bus bu. Ibmi s our star Pee-1tlegionaalPolice maie tie A lta i nnales sitar i8so..Patta ltan, 22, of A.44 calibre magnum rifle was seizei and an 1i- &-"qitars dsove t SibyL-sranbo« glbon t-W»tapmtDr, UMhltaeagged dowema police caraon- ichlonig bayont. bacabu taIL ain ktSL Pe am maioWtasguid the Mialagakilt- b , ea t à v e d t a b sn o f r o i v a b e a s m o n wuWMtei 4teprmi fo oernfrBot t moshe Uweoew tb wtei mur isalaMoe com dil laiblon Cao = ýi1de os f *sN -m , cdoOlà e W"«et a iyonoc'. hoammm e rgt rtkM l lrlipllis oul odiinatMlo pros JoeI Rives is also reported in good condiiona followUrnv f1ihý s, fsU f S ion ad Jea eRives. paients f theaccseud, werebnolidaying in the sootlaern states ai the turne of flaey mer. acbmdslmd tn arrive home Bondoy esm at t Whad M. dy masag, bot y beoeter mom made bis tinst court appearasce in lieis dum ta retatamext Mosday ta court ta have a tuial date set. bieesalorieu, piciawesaa page 1w,. Be Euw*bitrn VM EIra 3lPAGES -3OCENTS IWATON, ONTARIO, WEDiNESDAY, f8iUA8Y 3. ion day arecenre mmawm ammmwe oras iemmhomanores wM as*t uYM 6 u mekeuL Pea1. te. ame boas mi Capt eM Ieh~ r, amssCMU, lis a 5eima"au" mema. Chamber honmors topindividuals Dy JOHiN HALLINO lbegt&o hwlbadwo"Vtsgl CbsmplmmEdIi am on onhbe tDSAlmM Vmin pbmmaid continue ta Erasat " Id b o nsbi morla fo ctvte buDommioma bouty-lmr faNom, RBarrmlis. Bommneas imtovesaent Aima almays et isvotved Md saVUr ep <BIA, tac"lbaumasasa elia pegattg smlvalmbuama Bonin grecet*ab accepled plasdts ogmaielem mtbu iCrmmcsdMe. Barris, wasiere& dsartad q-1tmg - ilseHrws noay l& mn. Basin fomotbear smadborisuaudB.A., wsamog MNu. Boniswumname C OfO t be atmaaçratilo. outaindin id edsla onnrd bp .«n metsatrWa t atj, is the cbanbeat adra1 nal dmen. d , ï âm,. ctmens ta ai Milon Umm" csiAtm SMW49Y nsiume tmeam haveDos nf ieIl Yu, MT. nhemmdCtin Perm er bonadfr bI» S*we dna mn caidlea iaits iîamfety AéOmn#d D- latm.tbY ae Il&g~I ulp assb meinalc ciraserd mainuS eiansen thd aamétscilly. ,tlssaIt a qustion ofe abm "lau thIbmsauce coakm aIm comm- macAm.iariol ieaclor Ram tagbui goaldmIb*ebave boa ametâtaidabaveamt s W al il oclueuIlia Iormmfle ndas taa ie Mcidideas.or asyma*o. Wa mIS de everyetag wm 0tu ta reaP Ib"baadded. proran ta beole eta morbad ou %CS nec"ta my Ibora mil la ___ ttion Maor the unea alibtrc tien m ey misite -Ibouaseatar cuIso livn tagaICnleanla msmr i aise gt a baSe tabuom@ eIs olie eisteedts aba la M " jas td a a bulet-aalL Your Wn ter Carnival hosis immunammpuis. 5. ksmeàe gda l W9Sebel, an re Pbmman md PrkSceel Ibla g am» k berrlli ebaal.aadjame.D«14 yaar-g MujM WâdOr a a. boyS le bob li. a =rde iàuiadamit j iii AayU P ublc tg fe«e &tl leaealvlm. Pb. 12, 13 and 14. Itfs a legitimate topic ay JANE MU)LLER Chmpi»aRe - ele e ev fbe majmrlty oiftaal eedsabee ee eeab ai r nle Ba&"y and sasyad tatf teroade, rmib in tomer accidienta ihan coaald bave lacs teMiltandooshebnafthiIbmOnilProvancial polucerespoadditota imer calta ia&"y thon Betoday-wmsaelyMx cm.ofMMaielil. Malta. Beglaonal Police abasdmed carttrmta mm syaoamd ta calta Bmandy.About ol acleu tacafl MWa ein toma mas aeveralCM ,cetheb mmd ou DeMcR& dlaie ithle aftiero Thomembo cal thIbm tibaifor read odcitian hP~% ~ o m cuedumm polbum for muam apublic morts dopartit> epateliemt bond John Matteoemsita t ofpeuple are paring dbive«mya, Me. Msaem ld ý- - f.a; d &hit La ' e, b iiosthe ptamapeecmrsare mmved," laeadded. iltos Reg"omPlice mmcm caltad ta baveix carn tamed mbicb more pîrad on Ibeaitreet buyana te teree bour limt, actordingtablMr. Mattea. Ibis meeteodi 21 cm. soieaccumulattas belpeit ta tairter deplele tebin*s moi reimval budget. Me. Matma il l eanaklng loran tacreame ta bande adue ta teseveelty mi tee mistar mbos tatdget Smam routeslintmms are ont cawrestly deslgsated, tai lgm morai parking taelbe for sosi resay I mil la'is lace lay mnt minier. For mmm, M. Maillamasuoedermd everal signes ibcb mil siipulatetetmIbeourparki alinit. clmaloimt Brin Smnith mite Esvironat Cand soii t e msia mas nstaarecordta te anea, bti"a lottomnom." Mliftn rcevdsix cm. af tee tatal accumulatin Salorday mite a isether 14 cm. &"dy loliomed by 1.5 cm. uareugh m ieshjt and atbo ModaYinoi5ing. Champion duo look at our social needs Dy STEVE ARNOLD Champion News BISer Life anng Ibe aweet geeapostures ai Milton s alwaymltenaaon plicated aiiaar. TIi. demande ni te arm cninmed mst ni te embigbhofacoech day and, wbatlUilesparetame boere mas, was taion op by tee cnmmasaty-wbieta provid6d wolnome activitimIes fr theetre, family. Flnamclal problems, divorce, mlge andcblld abuse and ail Ibe ailier alimenta oi lite more someIbini tbat generally affected only cty reidents. The coumtry talk wbo dld saperisace macla pro- items aoived Ibem wiIb Ihbe llp ai relatives mian ere almaym mithil easy rancha, or tlathe assint- ance of an amdermtamdlng bana manager, a carlng tacter or sympoIatlcteclergymna. A groatmany cbangeolhave boas mrmaigbtl>y lime lwmverCrwde pde dmvoapmenta maie mc- Imiried la aie Eeeryyear me ad moe eeresdents came to tbm laies, masyfInm Ibe clty, baping ta, ibid a slmapler lite astyle bore-s way ni lite Ibey bave meverbmamm. Taday, Ibm balanace i Mitasas papualatin bas abfted. Ibere are Mare urbas teas raural peaoale. Familles are maie eparatmd by an satire cntinent, ratber teamby a feapotor a cocssinrnad. A great masy peablmnsbave baen caused by Iliese cbanges as meil amd tee traditnal ieayn ni salvisg preblenuibavemeaaoies tale iiaadaqae for the esemanda. Family dactare, caubht in a mever ending psy bat- tle iilbteProvincalî eaita imurance plan, cn tina temuolvea maire ta aie treotat msta mbers of patiesthan individuel&, Cbaarcb attsadance, once casidmcmd cmmpulnnory by tbe commaity, bus pismieteit frein;lhoiglan bygosa yeare anpeaple rejeci Ibe reotrictive val"i af anoteer age. An teprebles ofailite paie and traditios]sl aya ofideallsg mite iadm prove isadequate, peoplebhave beaiatareimg tamodem aervices mueb as tamlly mmd credit camaseils, grop homes, apeciol acbmmta, assaciatimons for te mestaily retodeit and te whota. UstorbtatelY, many ni Ibese services opiaear ta lae lacblmg in teameet, concrete patares ni modern Mitoand it laaaicka tot nbeing srely fait mithe acb pamaisg ymar and ieitb eacb solved problein. Wbere doethe Milton residents ni tnday go for belp mate tee prollsmofi Ieir lines? Wbere are tbe laelplng ageoclas teey lmitbebindin tIbtg city? Perbapo, rateer tean being tee victims of as asilliagiaeas ta belpi, tee residmia ofmiomdems Milto ice d Iemselves caglat inaeffort nf makisg tee cbange from aelt-suficient country toms. to metrapolim. Ibisla the tient onia thesapart umein ocial ser- viceiiti Mitan-mbot exintaiebot iee loch and bom the situation developed. Tbe aecond mmd teird partsa mli examine tee pro- bema test are caseal because ofthtle services teat do sot saInt and tte teps belaag talces ta correct te probienis. 14 . fi ta er~--~~~- ~ -4letain - O usm îaa....hlIbMflbliariS Skates r.dy Lseeb in motion FIRST SECTION Ibm Cblavbu pqir- plcad itheliiCiMcCnmtm PeotissaIrpat ...... ta o Ima mai nrciol Report met recantt OurftoaderWie ..... cilailtm Ii lmu anil reosmmendations. Another ItaioO ........ Meailag bat beplanebed. Brasmala BeeYmrsCt-C?.SECOND SECTION Claaaliedadz .... .Bt-El Danks *3net t0 biame nealEstate ......BS-BU Ibo ~ und oorrftai a uli ay- SportS...... t-C.... cetds;rt c 1Iis my elu F1WOUAISECTON weub la restor Parasi Weâ by:= rite. marysapaget. m aieut. AMiOhboW pra ...... ntD4 A fAe»land Comrnuntty Newfflper-SoMng the COMMUnity for 120 Years -1