"7 vaemst.,mo Oc dk >%Ste~B.nPo AcmwteetuteY ILBRANDCMPTCEAIN MUN1u. ConMtuctIon Ltd. M1no 44BBd*, bkbckS tom RARLSONiket m N U CReenoaCLetete a 6owc ae FMC ordotDoc FadeaI sdutm ~ CIMNEY SI Coroa m Prooeeits Fsctafoetv en-ma- 8"r018 ALUMINUM WINDOWS Et 00-IRS GLAU end REPAIRS STMRSROIOT W, J. b<081C MASIMO 8pomO n t.O'tendo AOtMWdemb Phone ErrllMooPhe. CAMW e fIRS -a 0011 ACooflng Meent DANS AUtO BODY CocetotCoedaoWtotk 24HtMtTon 8785146 il fde th ti of Stt.Ia Ate.) Atclor Auto CeSfsion rai NPootNt RD. 87H-424-5 CotepletPekltbttend body Repett FRE ESTOVATES BILLS AUTO BODY COLLISIONEXPERTS hooe7.I30 pet *I$ NWaUI Rd e Fa7 ia oemn AU"»Dyia Prflomm r0guum 6OM c.. ompVimI hCOS0R9wIO AU.) 87OME IMPoMENT t IS u lI bnmeoi .dincet . o liotrafe &ctnc eedeotlml ewntelo Cali 8784M0 Nedoln Electic 878-111 RlR 1 Stn neOtei EnECIC RMIEiDn CNOUSeseIA ELECTRIC EIN INALTION MICOM ERA ELECTRIC PavidenCoere a tteottedo Jonko- CI CETE d-- ALTON &MCISAAC CONCRETE LTD. Baesements, Roors, Patios, Brnm Fouodatioro -Cnioettoleeowolv PACONI htotalamtoed ite etto D»d IStock Roios *îtteial b iductial 111.hfol" Photo l41l) M-421 MMTN MPLACI Uic. NNo 1C1 pEATIJRIMO THE LT OIOTAOOOOSAIOS WOOOMLACE SeinaB@eVicltetfav ANORSPAIRiO 6tyeptedm otene., aiN 878-10-1 DOM FLOWIR - 264V. w. maSHOP Rttttiot Et iutelol 878-2081 Dise Jockey Service -ptoioe,&Chfte Weddkilce.Sacqait CwOeqdeFi",01Sotel aBP« i t AUIR ICENTRE 070022 Leiel a500004 rWL~oe)Floere- A 65f DM OSTMATU I CT I i I on i I I MASONi! ~USTOM DEStONIR 0F Patios e Babecans oConotic 1. Ictediot teccote Brickr & Shoco CALL JOE FEiiO 878-803 ieeahtop.m GUS MOWSRAY LTD. 878-211 Oey HNnog b CooWel Salst e R. R. 3, MCo CoOItiIU Heetng Hmoo Puettpe * Oteie&BGou eCotte) Ait Cotdootcg * o it A, Cteoet * IdtIlOot FLOOftN t ufapmrBqfL 1O& 24 HmtSuceu Oeoa 86-6538 or 8700004 WPAIING Fre Estlenotet Call AI anytime C&IHOME IMPROVEMENTS PehcocmutPope, Dry Wall Scten Stucturel Wotk Monayi"ldeib ccd Ptlo@) pitiig ro&d Col:GIL VANSOCLEN PAINTING CONTRACTOR For Prie Etimatet sOUSTRIAL RtEO)ONTAL îNlERIOtt- EOTERJOR 878-6137 ANTrRIM INTERIORS Pap.eheegin e Psino Fr.. esmat« Phono 07874 NSoAW MILTON CALL 878-8fSt 375 STEELES AVE opn oetom Repel toc etImeko. Fu Guerooteod. me tep Citetealo. COMMERCIAL & PRIVATE Cet Ton 878-1483 SNOWPLOWrOu Foo, cfflctlemwb. cmli: 8787634 -. J., v. V cxx r=oeey.WnB vlot nPIumbn tiom. Commtercti -Reeehoii coioemi-NatureltGunienstallttion HOMSNOVAIO Cala 1CALLTODAY Rooflelg, oocrete lourda878121 Iloetey Soc woo sj.j frepte oc ddo.pettn. 878-7408 MOETallMATIS R W E icTSfUa McCORMACK8 beb.Betn ADN IONOR Compot udWi RectiotOal Commciaml -ONSTUCTIN FlomoorSpede)Y»W ,dtO G euleoott *COMMERCIAL. 20 J!Euieece INDUSYHIAL * Nesinsoktallto Roc ,ecec-addi- .REIDNTIAL - etiolt tlon-Shleg5eng-ctood 24 HOUflieRVICI -Neriteltltota declea.- cotcooe patla- . *Retocillng kkoh t-e eeemaoeltitg Rter Work Mueto-DOgu&41ng 1 deier t ILTON CENTRAL SeeigMilten for mer 2 878-2425 LBR yYFee E trae John's Carpentoy iScCaio884 for t m a tei,'capeett Mltnt noockc Ti 0287 .Cuetothote Mcc -l2nooe-6.30pm. Addtions T«. 93)& 900 OCpte Retriretions Wed 930 &.m.900p.m Poeroned attenttItion Io Thur.930 a.m.-.0ptam. 8 queii ttty teteutttp ed ri OOect.-SB30p.m detah &Otti Do St.930e te -B0pm.d Gram et8rt BAVAN Consilrallan Ltd lInvoutettflt Ld. uIi' * 0tie& &otes fcoto Gt. MM. um" e 0R00,81000 iedel1teteo Pepnn QUICK PRINT INC. * Gnero orpomtBv P20 enmb GEERLPINI *Y~~~*~~ CounWto,et 87M Bondi Photo Copies 06.330 O3teole.,eoUtti9 Mlton, Oteo KOSKE 878-0515 GLASS E)SCCPI *lcti Co.oteotol Auray 87 -9 5 T31e3Top OIUeRou Ca t ~ ~ ~ ~ Mlo O 1.BMeOtototo 8840 Pat 2l4sMom orFt3-0 Son 874M 8534M .a "op* att oct - P toteioe t iflThm am C orEt Tmot oo Nnoeia tttilte GEORG. tootneîodatpo ON A I Milton,0 OntP.atmon. Mto St . t - Fot1l Foot Mto ire8.30-r.00 c .0 Th.C«"dsnmaeWleetW.d.. Jur. 27,IM 0 LEase Wînter doId miseriees tioan )aving evetyot if yobo- litte ide motet 60 tfruit) jarre SOWPLOWING Te fuoily oure, Whtever you deokout wospeobly doliet food aod drmb, lutaet hSANOING ultit Il lum, begim b In t epie, sot oedy tlctueowl e ot pumoel Ml an-an bwaiatint wlt a-am Fo ftaem«n,eae t..ig etneet of 6 t itita, t i- racoeplektl tiouo itthecritfor titi Wel, snyo Amie nurte Protide seila Grahamof St. Johnanifes otn f comfort- MILTON POOLS Amblanoe, titeeon able foed ns affractitily Saes & hAccescoroto 00010 titia yott un deposs ible. lidO la eo roui -ote Ceioecels tn belli, bliginlng tilb ttimeifor tevitnme". oAboe Gottd -sevice b. e MM tii oIT 0a Keep te bougeias *Insfaitatiot toiniumo. Cignoio are iteamy an yoo oao, Une. r7070 eo'toenat dctor, Grhmmenta. Unee 529 Moto. untC6 cau me. teamers, acd pbas o VmtlOut Shawoootr, oYe eloold probably teter on lin radltor. cf~ci"lnwhthe ~diecor Evtrybedy will boette BA&Th if Your.fla itit intle try a tttiers. Be sre ëM de fau note , obro'npodo peleOo t0ugfr, eooct aces'fyo eItatounttinyoOlpoois hat coulddmain o flIc bte antan cltfreno. eeloee If yourpatients are in w t h ,lpcae1 liir. GaamBysY bcd, freomito bnge et *Accesoie, che.ial ould lieltefr hmo rfre '18lhonpén B. N. 5 dotto if yor patint doa.Gletbemnaoitra i0ipo usa titoperature f ad- extea or won t t tian 48 hcur, or lfo o-opop upor le ontop tempreture la cent- ofte beal. Wbill yot're DOlN-ME boodwltt .ntlla or ttdytog the bed. habidle dlarr 1 ineÏa.-- aiyotr patient ino MTMU.ne CUteao tlrlphrox- aIr cr0 other mrote ANteofec Ituru if peu bote yoe air h. hedroontoc and ve tgltg. trolMe recdlog a get tit e tnhe Ub. u1ma1.AÎI ttandard trmomitter. qweehloo aod rediteed WORK UARANEED otedoo't biteIn tp. WOKG iANE d eterlilce tino." Kiqie n te flid Unre Graam ta en wlCh restdtuag tel or en740 aria rlg officer wiCh puzeele or Setttiog anda dP C h it. Johnbu otltci radio, puce hey MaiorO BMrg adend inttretorfi ellter. Normal3 inteir homte ieolChhbolthy pimple, pe Iton Colour cor.court. 1calyth kds ^ Et Sound Lsd. inal,loo alerh e ejoy beibg ep an ceeleiho are OUtla rond, n long he lalThoeipson Ro IlnPan around, eepeolaly amt oterdole, or tu Unit No. 1 thenursoe. Ratevilin o pebeiwedg germe. 876-1175 caoproperly, aotl ln st. Jolu Seticea ai)t aket of T70 e ttifomtY geresnAmbulance course Mn & Serce."c"-n o i p ncoolble. Grahab lncast L b~~~ ~~~ St&Bt to0tOt' tme he fil wtIh c.oltble fron St. Joi boa o(ianod paper enywbore. ICtenche liiafor th e Od oio bo.homenrsiq tibille thâ ."abycto bemtitcao bie uetuto 100 otory finie yoe ti10bfamlly. fi Cotet epe aboutîitespeclaf er abOle, ag"erot b kearting up thepaiper lotge, eofety, gc 87-48 boue batalthcmr.prectim 46 Wnblong bonde lMme Grahaemwbo i Ohopo . mens, hoeeby, regimberadit! e, te UnTittaitain ietteen hgero lid er clasesare '"Ma Uc69tlMoc up oter he terlets,,nid ré- biated binaspets JSOR sgOtcdSEVICE tember, rltfl aid aiboecnid agiano JUO F0 TUR COVCEbaceletsloin00carry stages. lTe tinlogli yoee L - n . 1 o tue lmr bunoi Gieyu ainshoe.beltit cari 100t lots of fteld, ud don't d «Onco r tnbyngo M VM jwut etlcin pronne PWoea1Whto a or es hy lot;Cir.d sge.oT ley Beed ae Offi.t liere.of t 1lib.port. It gansia SALIS sIl for graodmotheres produciog. Peopliwon INSTALLATIONS chidhen o eop. Wrm aouot dong h ee'r MARM soutt inverycomfwrrCbng Ch1g 206 MAIN STREET C. SUITE322 OINTERIZED fulot YbtJjA Offl MILTON, ONTARIO ntieticottaeW tO? ulyapoit LOT 157 reet, 2O letto roin afloopa BH.un-88 atile, îe lttet prmeofices n t Eeg. 978-5905 onhl Iklin vioes deiocati ta ai ____________ terby Atllable Rpis- AiI Malienalmtuo thit. Pltine 1p.7U pretiouO ro Nota & Rehailt coca Eein- C*tiSM. diige, oit t dsra.3500010 m eto gTo, FLORIDA Heceotiba40 ota.o oIin Milce. 390 On-7-11y341 opntec Socel RE.U FOR reti-5,t00nte.f for Meoose or lia WATER ceW-= Ptaevreteg LoUètd M[eira IutlUno. l BeachS CF OctaCo C Gelfpîoe etrolmor ietiro.f hello Cmel Cbestiiolu M n ep-i SO FT ide. it te comott 3 f = ol) and Bookings are ilo b ot THE . Ite tee)) la PRE OUe tLD E tie scapeMittat 11140 or874« cr 8lh os Chmpon 00 ty or ield gan i FCEESerice, OOP - 0 SU 1 33-141 SanWrRnaTER SOFTNER SAL grI0 llPrIc LL e REE alt eliveydlhaci teinteam doublte l7-e FRE WaeAnayss Wte Sut0mS -i h V&M c"Mon Av*ý Muon Wood John's APPIU-." com uffl gmW«ý c«"Ing sproY, atm hg. Heffikwe In- i IP ý-=ff : ly in ut t ey De cet Mg ld ot ty ry mng wm ot, for -lm an e. sa M'e ted cie non- dte Mth n-