-y 0uakt , lowV ed,.ini] 0 h ,on the way M i bn fIhré AMi aIe t a mt at ut ""a *anutten a nitalI osmium forPriceaa a Primas et gkCr- a"- bé 'e h tbea " is uaifiee ad Méb adl f*enaE ier »lt ristivlgS~ âM* tVMnIna lis MWt mpiBpeh e a sa ld»cmnmaandmwg ers CcdAtm t l in" alh Patdeyeht . ti ] udua-'lia aniMeclUneaCh*a wtt] "ià Pnht lcamom là$" g ImiPt2atu - te canaiv&W ammits hayr Gai Kantz, OpuugCeameate-Thl Prince an pnlananewtt]ha ruaamaedaismtsW ae itameamoe MoeDtrt 1 à wt]up t<Marin l'it.atty temay »mil isa tapgardnh a n hit wtt] ae ha naten te mIW 6knaThmlillwttbh waIm uatagmteeent tctait ed aentcam&~ p Ibo "<bon auan t uptehacanwiva 0n6 ttia-taa'tisawn daliewtt]pe VM i r wtt] rId ..etwaettjlay Par* M ha*"3 Kaaem angel-etB gand atfngr Psacae Stanstan-thbe Rtary Cu att] atrtumnrantagisl ttLaurer Armaa ett ihadg-TbWint wt]taiseplaneaietLurier 11aalaee Tmb-it Ut hawhtaesuy - li afet*, te talanaete aily ftnwwI , hlwmnnadop.m. 'la acalaahaMt]tntuh aw crtanu- auII CM-mUUtamB, eg ilguse Tatweypea tianeatee.lS Miantg wtt haunuucalaatthetetPenL HM Atg nme Ihia-litawgtentaiseplne t Moanin . Mania haservice wtt] ha pm aidaiSurtItanwhn wtobte the ationail Cl'euCneniy kia-lme wlttbchaa dmuuutratien of tuas pwemitaleniry pntniapnmmatGtan Sien mmmi Ramn-'Kelintim wtt] hue n Iatliatimplcaat. v@hyua lnen-twmtauimtGpm nah OhUDamuatatta-To tise muistta*i.dae hm oin.Aeit uretepe- taotdethtwtltaie pscatGtim. flaTenaIiOptimitt=Chin bttave a valon- lUne Day tDenneet ha (tptlmtt Clit, isej- aady eb. I4.lai hataneofClms eMt anaayo lan tIia n w iHoyRm mnma - ht-puad hy ha PRotary COib, htnwItlaplanaeKerollos peu- petyladttean 1 àe Mm-m hdu hahataspMt tati, Sawmi OLéieha aae-A tan ten liti itasn eal-ilà ta titnclnaet Rotary Paris-yen dwuWend ma enuis et t et ('MW *nom aà tsIlamheelié mUhhat laM ~~abo aUîa ~ em~I~bs UnpeA wtater waoepie twadwater Cod snap-breaks pipesf fiodsMilton MaOU stores L ma u m'e gthenc e MW a lp tem mtenisiàti wo ainel a f Dintg at Mtlien Mlt mmi miat cinéaw lait kisaappars memaplofflnn wttsagfomaseer. Dy n anaacaatengise, dha t]ndnil enten mdnismlmamaaie tour stares i tha U.Waler whit - re ft r dartveaeai sater ppes, wikb looi ha piar ytuna . sanfiet tiamnavaraih p Cean f "enlien aempoaseeof "ttisntistwaa gont u st ntehr daY," 111wu afailan wteh anytintg onanolJentcaed matntmennnigintaseay," theemployaeeadiad.1 Mne nllcadsatr ewa nuplng nermea hahecarpnt inte dusnetora m nigtitg Jean Wrld, seiere ppshm epnet ,cause ater teeaisbeakng*i utamai damale wu repwlei ai Cambridge jeweam enatattei nne eannWar Ahai an bohu lmInt hedufiet avalanche ofi sater, a ecnd et aIfsater Ppes anplde-evieng ta what seinnue derlhed an a mia]itagara Fattesittdu mat] entrance n et te Ze,lers. It was so-o-o hante ameretâ a dtd aissInandtaM h ha ha slnimply visstrtmeinte h nartira 5lntenplend uthathe od air masnwe ehhveaei hamalarignate ha analist-weeern part Ofitdu cumlrp ha "ati an" ha teetrn plaletemeuatbetnt Ontacte MO is w ulaa ie nend b he duig pesnurae nyntana hmping tata a tee peneuare ayaem mer "Ltknty," haand, "wecaaenpeat tthistgawtt ha magitha mmaor wu avnelhty weem er r ha umtdayn"." A hua araswarcat, throuhlaoJan., bhadd- ni, cilafornaverace or w altaJ&pahae average fvMrptunpoeta'anralht itn ni pan, ha saKfl Wet rm bhloc ce i -3 ha -8 de- *"Wehaveteaiueitisht ama raaemade t, of malcemamhala tha anleemen t tpeople reemeis,"ho ani. lltIen pie l s et rcJhn Mtthees sai t1k ccl an" aseed '"anl sa niaa"1fetN erawn, adletithat dnnp en wmld bhan gaenier mancemienshataff, Bobhlnweir. Mttev' cenelpar ai ItalIen RuIne, twer, ted a alghtty mre difficult "lie wentisr huatI entend utan maris tranu Nleld. "ht harebavnheneeeau nomtatei ;iantean mm S intenatnce pelaitt." Wawtnatan lee, hk mi, ectrea, for due met part, an palvta rnpaty wiseam alt n hav* net ninamnaa, sari s a a gnwrcrawl 1>eple dmdihe ore ht ther nu" nwafF ped t, ehen they 900-*Umem arirsa" Me. Mo ad dite -numajor eteematn ta laidrk bt twm't a gecrmmaht." WE'RE MOVING!. The Retail Sales Tax Branch of the Ministry of Revenue moves its HAMILTON DISTRICT OFFICE to the 2nd f loor 119 Kng Street West Hamilton, Ontar'io L8IN 3Z9 Telephone: (416) 521-7504 on Jaa00nI& lm =oe JackSourcea, isai tofmaintenanaceaaItha mal, sald tha sacnda flood wunpa*e hsiedomra se apen, anoiengent i ar ta ruhittadhamat] tram Ze mplapendhamat] mantenace saff eqlpa tsmnelvansti s t, pompe a vacuumenetaan effort te ditanpate duthe w n tcis of wa -t rwohlitac-aun 1te atthe frontci Zelersand mn themat]eoutrance way. Mat]manageaaaieliendercmeaplandtheidpre- ilam aoflamet sater penta mMe peculita oMitont Mat] ae, hatnoûter mach compexen have atarni dAlano iltton iat] ecapedanay mch tcdante tat senter. tha prbnnha&hu roppd t, heare ta th aterote7'ihmail. Me. llandeesn ame amblet to enea ttal damage etmtet aropeulIme, btnt e naggated the gare would be loas lnanse eemnlmat Dant CurelefniCtrrte Ptamblng, due campany citain t l erokien pipes onitha sprinkler ytem, hu èstimated repaIras weIt] letseeen $1,5W anud 8.teM. J.dWn- .CARIDER HEAT P*W" c CAER HEAT PLineS- tata tenift If y«u Inmataila Crrie aon h~m to an .xllno forcd CAU GORSWUSATou AI5WAD»fff CALL US TOOA V 785fMaina st. E. $aJg By CAROL cTEWART-KIRKBY f i l pn o n a i t l c i t e T t ' a t i i. d , I protest changes in the Educatiun Act which ait]se a langer schadl day and grant aatisority to mmstrY e(fclhlttaiatcanfidentlbaaedaca ttt , 0ntt'ta 17, eich iswtllan mate aais" dantmleantrive bsn& aaexctAui eccesand isjeti, wua appraved lit Lta anyear with Septemiser tataaandeaidtnetta atrdcé changes. tietnasNain, a superlntendent forlthe Hnllan ia- MUn Catlailc Separate, Se"satBoard, suid tise aats~ ty graated la mninltry officinswtt]have thse maStimpact ofall changes inade. "Everynschaal boardin Ontario, wheher itla pub- lie, prIvae ae naparate tchad, isa an independent corporation. Previnaaly, tier a sanonetaalary aalinn'ty fr a nan-hard repreaentative tla"taa maltera lahellai cafiïiirl," explalned Mr. Nlan. M. Noan ai anme achant haoardsave apaken agant tise amneedment. "We ha#ee atiingla tie, hasever, and ail nde seerh la dane ia public," lhe aîd. ltae Stanana,suspermtendent of intruction fr lise Haltan lBoard af Educattan. aid h ledda't uneany rosi ditlcultles; viltiste nae aulianity gven la mntry reprenenlatlves. "ttasically, lise miister ta putiag an paper sehat ta already in practice. It glvsthe legalgoaied," adisr. Stanena. Tise tengüinng af tise achani day, ta enclade lanchs and ra»ttme, wsan&achange that ln mach needed, accardtglta Mr. Noan. "la generat. aaelety han ald 'do mre' and tim sel nase glve al] nehanta tise Unes needadintado mare,' Mr. Nlan ami. Tis proavision doe nt havetlisetin uperatian un- IIIHJI rn'rri~ clentiel info ti eptemher, 192. Enougis ime has heenuiiessed w ai'a, ncessrN i aetbig have, ben runguon fht' hurs of instruction since tata "TIsera, might have ta ha a fese miner changes at thsecaedaryaschnnl levei," Mr. Staneamsai. Thera are tier changeasiladedinlatlie ne reguatttn. One chtange is a prpmsailtte vtk'e lag ni Ontarioas eet]as the nattanat rIng. aisuatal r FORMAES QUALITY SALES and SERVICE WE SELL s W3 SMIC£ ALL Mau1 SA e, flAU SAVE I Seie-rctsaloeie avl ,,,akes L Acotaana- watatttheinaeani A ,canma n hnteaia*miy Is iakneenô*eantar OFFPpt xMJDA an. 11 à !L'Ji