~~L~K~S~.F~M!Mlrn!!...,!!;~~~~!: · f~c~!!!!!~~~.:!'!l:!!~n!!e~d·!:it!!ae!!lf~,!!! an!d!!!;~n !fl l'!:~ -!! a!!!Jk~e~~:r::=:wp:::::::~~~~~~~~~~!!~~lli!~~ · ~~~~~~~~-~-Il.~!\\! ! .. l!ll? He was very, very tall, wlbh long, white hair, 11.nd a beard that oovered most, o! h fa A. mn·d T1ts l< to :Get : U~e1·t Etlwar< l on a Oae day some sad news 011.me to mammv. In fao~, ant'l he wore a. black gown tha.t trailed Ilailroi"l J'i·a1Jl . a. letter from over the sea. It came oue on the fl :or, and carried a big book unde:r A propos of princes, th e sight of the de. mornint? when tho children were at break- one a-rm, '.l.' be children clung !\round partur e of the p rince of Wale2 and hi~ fam· Anvrclll ·ro M.01·.J-IERS.- Are you di fas b in t he mireery, und mamma. was sitting m11.mma, in Clelighted terror, h11.rdly daring ily from Pe.ris M the littginning of t he wee k :tnrbecl at J1ight and broken of your rei by a. sick c hild suffering and crying wit with th(m , as 11he ne~.rl y s.lways did except to brl!a t he. Even Carl wa.s a. little fright· wau a somewhu.t amc111tng one, says a .l:'.i.ris when there w11o11 compa.ny. She opened the enEld. letter t o the New York " Times." S trange pa.in of Cutting Teeth ? If so send at. letter, 1md horface g rew very white. " My dear madam, " e~id St. Nichol11.-, in t o sayth'lt on this occasion t he usual preoa.~ once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's "On I" Sb.a ga.ve a little ory, and covered a. very low, d.eep voice, " iuwe these chil:!ren tions had been neglect t1d, and tbat every· Soothing Syrup." For children teething, her eyes with her hand for a. minute Then all been gc·o.d l" , · body who Hated was al.lowed on t he pfat· tte value is incalculable. It will r elieve she saiCl, and her voicA was low, and.trambl_ M amma JllSt gl~nced at Georgie. St. form. There wa.s cpnte a miscelb.neoua the poor little s ufferer immediately. De- ed a good de~i, "Children, your Uncle N1c.hohs waij lookmg at him, too, Georgie crowd by the time the royal party came up. for and felt hia checks grow r ed, Up bill then amusement had been pend upon it, mothers ; there is no George is dea.d." !rhe chlldreu Bll hlt sorry, e.nd their " ·: rhey have d~ne pret ty well," a nswered found in ~ta.ring au t he ~ortly val mistake about it. lt cures Dysentery arrangmg !the t ravelmg ruge and Diarrhrea, regulates tlie Stomach and bright fooes grew sober, and they forgot mamma, "I thmk they havts all tried to Pts ' "Ca.storb:.l~sowellnda.ptedto cltilclrenthai Cast11rb cures Colle, Const! tlon and cloDks in t he ealon-c&r, Ou. the r recomm end ~.t as superior to any p rescriptiou S~u!' Stotrtnch, Dinrrhren, Er~tatl~tt. B owels, curefl Wind Colic, softem1 the to eat for a moment, but 1 think perhaps in be good. " L-;;irnvnton:e.· R. A~ AJICRl<R M.!>. Kills Wor:ns, givos sloop, and pruw.oteii G> was somewhat on aceount of mz.mma' d pale '.!'hen Sb. Nioholllos opened his book and ta~le was a gigantic bouquet, with a uea.tly Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tl1.,.... ,.,_,, ' ' gestlon ..,.,. .........ord Sli., llrookl,vn, N. Y. Withou& urjurloU3 xnedicetkm. to:::ie and euergy to the whole sy~t.em. grieved fa.co ; beoauo!l Unole George hatl scribbled away at a great rate for a. minute, w~1tten copy of venes ~tuaohed, eentdor1Jhe to Germany when he was non much lookiD~ fint an one child a.nd then at another, pr!n~esa 1 by some friend ·· Jummy, the " Mr9. Win~low'& Soothing Syrup " Nor gone more than a boy, and had lived there ever but oftenest at Georgie. '.l.'hen he a~ked two prin~ese pet dog, was there an great state, iehildren teething is pleasant to the taste sioce, and none of tho children had ever seen or three more questions of ma.mma, and rnunmg ~II over the carrtpge. I o is o. fat , ir.nd is the prescription of one of the old· him. So he seemed quite like a stranger to Bhook Ca:rl'd Jitr!e, trembling hand and overfed h t1h brute, a.nd wit h the innat e 1115tand best female physicians and n urses them, o.nd non ab all uke U Ll Cle Joe, whom hoped he was well. And then of a. euddeo snobblshne~s of dogs soeir.ed to know who Jo. the United States, and is for sale by they sa.w every day of their liver, and loved nobodv knew just how it happene~, the la.mp a nd wheTe 1t waa, The royal. party were went ou+, and when ib was ligh t ed again Sv. fe~.r~ully mobbed when t!iey did come up, all druggists throu14h the wo1ld. P1ice very dearly. F OR SALE BY J . IDGGJNBOTHAM & SON, BOWMA.NVILLEs But they all felt sony for mamma, aud Nicholas had gone. & u d ~I:~ valcitd h i~ d all t heir work out out tor !5 co;nts a bot tle. Be sure and ask for "Well, if that a.int the gr0 atcsb !" said bhei;n to ~et a pass~g~ clear. I~ was _not " ,MRS. WINSLOW'S SooTJIING SY RUP.' B.i.by May, who could see that eomebhing waa wrong, but wae no b old enougn to un- Georgie, ae 80011 as he could find hie tongue, until, actmg on a. br1ll!ant.idea, the eta.t1on .a nd take n o other kind. deretand all about it, left her saucer of oat"H d"d h · ,, master sent a trolly with ho b-water bo ttles come 1 e,~id oome l cried Cul. straight through t he crowd that tho prince meal a.nd cream, and climbed up in mamm..'s " " tJonsmnpti on Sui·ely tJured. 0 1 lap, and patted her cheeks and kiseed them ' very glad and party, following in it;, W'loke, were r.ble until she coaxad out a little smile, that we.a "No"':, let'~ loo~ at our shne~," ea.id J ack, to get up t1> the entrance to their bar. b U'o THE EmToR : Woul« you believe it? Tfie oa ts were was a. moeb amusing sight to see l.ow the Pleue inform your readers that I have like a gleam of sunshine for them a.11. Pretby soon mamma read the rest of the gone, and the ehoes were full of nuts and servants gob t he prinoesH and then the prince -a positive nmedy for the above named , ,, · into the train .. dizenee. By its timely me thousands of Jebter, and then there waa mord news for ca?,dl'.: , ,0 .'l I O~ ! Oh 1 cued .!lfota. "Now, One could nob help thinking of Lhe old .ho11eless ca~es have been permanently tho children, 0 "Your Cousin 0 11.rl is coming to us," said . don t Y ~,, wrnh you'd pub yours out, Georgie days In St1a.i1! when to touch the queen or cured, I ih11.ll be glad to send two bottles ~lme~ l one of ,he prmceseee was to incur deat h a.s Di my remedy FR"ICE to nnv of your ree.dere mamm }, " You know his mother died when B 1 ~ ~orgie ma.de a;w,;y t~ce. " one w~tched t he foo.tmon hoisting . bhe prin'Who hnve con~nmption if they will send mo he wa.e only a baby, and now he is a.JI a.lonf', poor llbtle fellow, 11.nd ao he is coming to liv1> Maybe I don "! si.1d he. L~ok here, cees m to the ca.rru.ge. The prmce gave their Exprees a.nd P. 0. address. --~ o---we !,orgob to tell him what we wa.ntec', afner them mt re work. Oue footman gripped hi· Respectfully, Dr. T. A. SLOCUM, 164 with us. " ,.,... " Ob goody! goody !" oried a.11 the children. all , right arm and another got his vwo hands We.st Adel11ide st., Torc.nto. Ont. "Won' c that be nice!" . '.' So we did l" said 011.rl, "bu~ he'll bring firmly planted against the prince'd b1>ck, Having decided on giving up the Dry Goods business, all our lar~li.nd Ma.mma smiled, "You must be very kind it Just as we!!. Here, . Geor~le, 18 a aha.rt> ot and one, two, and away. Lt seemed that i t To Correspondents. well assorted stock of .1 to him," she said. nune, He knowr, you see." would have been much eimpler to have hu.d "Ofcoureo we will !" so.id Ueorgle. "We'd He must have know.n, because OhristmM a stepladder. .When all had been sl:iob in We charge 10 ceuts a line for all notices be mean i f we didn'a. When will he come brought to them a.ll J 11et what they most the doors were closed 1md the royal p.i.rty of Anni veraariea, Concerts, Lectures, and ma.mma. l" · ' wanted. B11t Georgie hasn't got ove1 being stood at the windows like wax statut es to entertainments, for which no printing hM "Before a greab while," mamma answer· puzzled yeb, be stared The prince t ook up a mos t :been, or i11 to be ordered at this office, ed. ··,it's the f1rnnieet thfog, " he ea.yo. "I peculiar attitude, crouching so t han his head will be sold when an admission fee is charged or colBut it was not until more than a month don t know ha.rdly what to think, ma.mma. only appeared above the window· sill. The lection taken. The same ch&rge is made had gone by than little Carl Rupe.rt came to You ,know he was awl ul ta!J, ~nd Uncle Joe fac.ia of some of the crow~ were a study, for all business notices appearing among bis new home, and in the meanwhile the -hes awful tall, too. But J. H pun out my Most of the people had their ho.ts off, and news items. Cvrrespondent11 will kmdly children thought a great deal aboub him, s~oe}iext Eve of St. Nicholas, trlle ae you many wore a. devotional a.Ir such a.a one sees hve. in a. church. Nobody except the Americ~nB state this to all applicants for such notices and wondered what he was like. "Of course hb'Jl have blue eyer " said · ··- loves a lord mere dea.rly tha.n does the French and whenever possible forward the bourgeois. · amount with the notice, r;ir ste.te to whom Georgie, whose own were black a.a' coals A LARGE S'l'OOK OF "and ye!Jow hair. All those Germany fel'. Mis. Ma?oogin Rears tha.t .Bolognas are -------the a-0count is to be sent. tf. Ma.rri!lge no Failure. lows do, you know. And Is pose its like· Made Oat of Horses, ly h.,'ll be real fo.t anJ big and strong, maybe "Do ye ait eaUllageq, Mrs. McGla.ggerty ? ' GRATEFUL- COMFORTING. Speaking abou~ brides, I heard of I\ good like that Hana Bergman, Bub if he goes "Faix Oi do, an' Oi likes em, Mrs. interpret at ion of newly ma.rried life by a to-" M:a.googin. ~1 a.re just to hand and will be sacrificed t o clear out at once. bride the other day, She ha.d j ust got back Ge,rg1o doubled up his fiat withoub knew "Thin take my adwoioe from this nut, from her Western wedding trip, when ebe Ing it. Hans Bergman wa.s always tea.sing Mrs. McGiaggerty, an' lt1ive thim'.l\lone." It will pay buyers to inspect our stock before purchasing. we.s asked by ·a lady friend: boys smaller than himself. and he wae ".l!'ur fwhy, Mrs. Mi>googin ?" · ··Did you have a. p lea.sa.nt trip?"' BREAKFAST. "Fur uv'r" fwhy, Mrs. McGl · ggerbv." the only " Germany f ;llow " Georgie ha.d " Oh, yes," s he replied unconcernedly. "By a thorougli k now1e d ge of th e nat ural 1 ~ Jaws which govern the opor Ations of cligestton evar seen. sa.id the widow. "Didn' t; ye know they "We h a.d a lovely j ourney,a.nd what is more, :and nutrition, 1md by a ciU'etul application of Blit when he came to see his Cousin Carl wa.r ma.kin' their ea.usages now av harses an' we did not h.ive any tricks played t'.pon us. the .fine properties or well-selected Coco11., Mr. -dear me! mules, asnhore ? Yis Inda.de thev a.r'. Sure But I want to tell s ou," e.s she whianered t o .:Epps has p1·ovid e<l our bret>kfaiit >-able~ with a "Why ,_ db h' h · he 1'·n'b " near 80 big as I amt " ·n' d1 "dn'tl me d·ughter Tooz"' re· d 1"d i·n the her friend, " marria.ge is no failure. " elicateI y f.,. vorn eYera;;re w 1c may aave th h l\'r G ~ " ' ~ a 39. ' ns muuy h NWY doctor~· bills. It la by the oug t 'I.aster eorgie. "I coulcl hold him n"wspapero, They ta.kes oald hi!!rees tha.t judicious use oe ·mch articles of diet 1b.11>~a. withone lmnd, kicku.llht.'s11mind to. Aud a.t' no gud · anv more, an' kiils t h!m an' The Maiden·s Prayer. "ndi"n' m·c',,lne · 0 constitution mo.r b G graduutiy built up nnt1l h!E hai.r 's aG black as.mine, and his eyes, uoo, groinds t.him up in · groi Young Miss \Vilgns-"Where are you strong enough to re£i~t every tendoncy io a. n h 0 ' h 0 I 1. w ~ ·' · " dieevsc: Hu ndreds of snbl;lc nui.l,.dies are 11'.l weeny th ougn ! A nu oo.rs lik e t hey diz, an' thi:n they ~ells t hem !l.S aaus!lgea. .:lloa.ti'g a.round usre11dy 1 ·0 attack whe1 ·evt1r ma.mm~, only·eci.red h&!f to death, and as Did ye uvor hear the loikes, 1\1.rtl. Me- going, pa.pa 1" R ev. Mr. \Vilgua-" To t he temp er·~nce the· e Js u. wes.k point. We ma:r eeoapo many 1 'fh~h p "!',·, l been cryine; a week, po()r little GJc.agert"'. Upon me wurrud o :·d ni·v~r mecti.ng. We in tend to inaul"ura.te a movea f11Lal d w,f; by koepinli1 ourselves w ell for,ii1ed ~ .. J · v ·vith purn blood u..od .,_ prooorly nourlshod beliave id only t he newspapers aez id's so, ment t o eave t he y oung men of the c:m n· rmm e."- "Oivil S t1rvice Gazette." That is about what Georgie thought , a~d 11.n' fwha.~ the newvp ~par·s srn, y e know, is Ma.de simply w ith boilillK' water or milk. his baa.rt went out to tne lihble ntraoger on got t o be so, Mru McGlaggerty. O.'d. no try." Y ounst Miss Wilgus-" Try and aa.ve a Sold only in pa,ckets. by Grnutsrs. labelled thus: th 6 Epo t · s o did J a.ck's a::i d M eta.·a and B ..by more t h" .J ~!ti.ES l~l"t"S di <;..., 11.omooopa&hle ChemIllk a.Y ait in' a sausage now, ma real nioe one for me, will you, plpa., dei>r? ' l!itl< . J.oi.ulon. ·: n;:land. Ma.y B for tha.t matter, and ib wa.sn'~ l ong friDd, thanOi'J think a.v aitin' a raw Cbolnv· !;~~~~~~~-~~~~~-~~~~~~~ -- befor& Cai 1 felt r1uite at home among them man ur a biled naygur. Its the D itch almoet as if he had known them all his u ha.t diz It all, Mrs. McGie.ggerty- thoy aih Da.nial wa.a ZI Ot a sea.Faring ma.n, but he 1fe. aa.ueages u vcy dav uvtheir loives an' t hey'd was familiar with the ?oaring ma.ne. " Hes real chiIJp31 now, " said Georgie to euner have a. bologny an the table than a. Uncle Joe, in conlidence, ·'and I like him tnrkey, so they wnd . My D Jczy is married What is the differen ce between I\ fallin g 'Wfben B..,by was sick, "\T8 gne her Caotorla, tiptop; but he do~t tell the greatest yarns to a. Ditohma.n, as uv'ryb?dy knows- Ditch star a.od a fog ?-One is miased from th<· Whoo she WAii "'Chila; she c.ried for Ca·tol'ia, you ever HW, Uncle J oe. " Ilinnery Oi calls him- an' hti'd the lu.d for sky, and the other is -mist ou ear th · '\Then she bec:imo Miss, oho cltrng to Caateli11, '·Hows that? ' asked Uncl~ Joe, begin- ~he sausages fur ye. Himsel' an' his owld , · niD g to look interested, "What about fat mother id sit down to a dish w se,usage Contra.rytowha.bmight naturallybeex;ieob· 'Wl.eu aho had Chlldreu, eho i;ave ~hosn Caotoria, ' an' ahwolpe the lasht bit av it afore ye knd ed i:nder the olr~ums~a.uoee t he v.dmissio n. of Georgie? ' ··Ob, everything 'most," Georgleanswnsd, look around ye. Id's no wandher t hey !ad1 es to. th~ Umvera1ty of _New Brunswick "'Bout the way folks d8 over where h e makes thim oub a.v harses- the Dibch 'll a.it 19 r esultmg Ill a _gr11-~ual diminut ion of th~ 18 used to live. Over ti.ere h e says, vld Sn. annything ; an' Oi furmly bela.ivs the) 'd m-ile students. .It · consequently 11fea.reo Nicholas comes round on a. white horsa Joni; be uvry bib as well plaieed wud them aff than the lne~ltution will soon t>eco!Ile High enough before Christmas, and finds out who' · they wae med out a.v b'iler iron. My billy· school for gir.le. It can.only be_siuc_l thali the 1 been good , and wha.b they want, and all goat knows hetther nor to ate sausages, N ew Brunswick youth ~ wa.ntmg m i;iallrm 0 and then gives ib to '. m when Chrhtma~ an' my Tummy srn he'd no more put his try ~ t he N e w Brunswrnk beau ty mun t be comeb. And they all fill their ahoes with t oot' to wa.n av thin: than he'd shwall wantmg in oha.rms. E 1~1ish serge le the popular dress mat e rial Having done buaioe·a in Canada for ~he p&st sbuff for t he white horse to eat, and put \ im P ..rish g reens. Oi tha.wt oats and dogs wa.~ '9 years, our repur-at.lon and reeponeibllity &re ou~ doorF, and sometimes ~h«y find t heir ba.d enoof fur thlm to mako their bolog nies Red morocco alippe1s are very chic for houce w ell known. Wa pay salary and cxpen8e6 shoes filled full of candy. Don' cyou tJ 1 ieve, oun av, but harses and mules- phew I id weu , Ladles' suede slippers and ties ar e Irom the ·ta.rt. if ever:rlhing is sa.tlsfa.otor:r. Uncle Jor, he says he's eern Su. NichoJ 3 ~ makes me say siok bo t hink av id. Oi'd ah.own in black, tan, grey, 1md otber coloura, .No p revious experionce rtquired. Wr ite· us time 'n' 11ga.in, Carl does, for terms, which are vsry liberal, before en· 80 h" knows it'· h!!>te t o be an owld cart horee over an stitched across the vamp wibh severa.l rows so. Now ain' o tha.b a. whopper :" A~enoo. D~e a darruk noight. Mebbe thv of. t he na.rroweet ribbon. Bla.o~ sat~~ &hoes, go.g ing with .!I.DY other firm. R:EFERlllNOl!lS .-Br~d street"e or Dnn Wiman ··Oh, I don't knew," said Uacle Joe, Ditchmtn wudn't sandbag me wud a pickax with the t ies embroidered wit h sl!ver or & Co's Commercial Agencie·, well known to gravely. "l don't k now as 'oie, Georgie, a.n' rna.ke boloe-nies outJ av me, au' have gold, are most tMhiona.blo with black even· business mlln ; or Standard Ba.nk, Colborne, boy. You've seen Su.nta Claus, be.vei.'o me surved up an the bruckish t able wud ng dresses. 'O nt. yon? P?ompillc!chle pie an' i.hwirtzer kase puddln' Curious customs preva.iled in some par ts CHASE BROTHERS' COMPANY, "Ye-es, " admitted Georg ie. His own 1.1rrly nh' next mawmi!h'. C H t ell ye, Mra. of Sutberlandsbire in the "olden time. " N ot Nnrse1·;ymen, mind wasn'b quite clear even yet abou t the McG!aggerty, t he Ditch is ~ettin' to be tile lea.~t curious of these was t he egreemeot COT.BORNE, - - - ONTARIO. 37--0m. queer little dumpling of a man, novured ears intoirelv ton hoiQ!b-ha.nded in the oounthry, bet wPen the "miniRter's man" ~.ncl ~he min· .......~~~-----~~----to toes wibh iur, whom he had caught in the ~ 0· they nr'. By gQrriea, hut a.v D itch ietor. In t hose days tho minister; for t hE · very a ct of fi lling the stockings heb year. Hmnery uver thro!es to bring anny of his time being, had t he sole right of fiahinu He hndn' b more th~n h~lf balisved there h~radiesh s~usa.ges to my house O'Jl. give sa.lmon on some of the beat tioola on the was ai;iy real, true So.nta Clime, y ou him a cut )n the poll tha.b'll lasht him a river. T hia w11.s p art of h is e11lary, und he see, and had kept awake behir.d tlhe siHiDg· loifetime. No s11.nsages in ar.oine, Mrs. could fish t hoae pools in any way he plea.~et' L OCAL ..A.GENT F OR room ,sofa to f.nd out tor himself. I think I McUla.ggerty. Oi naioher talk Ditch nor by net or rod, and by p roxy. Tha com( ~ must tell you all about it some time ; I alt D itch, me frind. " qumce was t hat hia ser vants wero regul!\rly h11oven 'll room h ere, JOHN J . Jm,"NINGS surfeited with ealmnn; and so it C:iID~ t o "Woll, why shoulrl'b there be a. S b. pass thab before engaging t hey b ound d own - ANDNicholat, then," a.sk ad Uncle Joe, "like the N C'.! the ministsr not no giyc;tllem aalmon often er one Carl telle about?" ot 0Upl:lrstitiou3 Herself. than once a week! "I d("n'o know," answered Georgle. But " So you wouldn't move into y our new - - - - --- - - he didn' t believ.i there wa.t, all the same. houae yest erda.y because it waoFrida.v 1 Fi.,, HOSPIT Ai- R E M ED IES. 6 BOW1UA.1'1VILLE, · 011'T You could tell by the way h1e lipa curled at fie, Mrs. Baldwin I I t hought you were To meet a demand for a liue of reliable the corners. They curled in exactly superior to such little superstitions," remedies ofunquestioned merit, the Hospi taI · OFFICE AT FACTORY. the s~me way a. little whilo afterward "l know it was foolish in me, Mrs. R~m· Rem edy Company obtained the prescriptions when t he children were all cuddled around bo, bub we all h ave our weaknesses, you of the celebra.ted hospitals of the Old World the co' ev nur!'ary firs. : know." - L ondon , Paris, B erlin a nd Viennl\. "We'te going to do the way Carl ea.ye," "Bub that's such a ridloulous notion. The Th ese h ospitals are p resided over by t he :SL A.CKSTOCK, 111.ld Dean. idea thab there oan be anything in the most brillian t m erlical m inds in the world, "Pooh and nonsense I" said Georgie. mere- why, M rs. Baldwin I T hat's an awfnl and to obtain the prescriptions, ~l:mai".e PETER HOLT, ~ - Proprietor. " We art!" declared Meta, stoutly; lookin1Z wart on y nur nuokle. Why don't and place on the market t he remedies in HIS HOTEL hn.s b een thoroughly re· "i'nd put out our shoes with oats in 'em, your rub it with a. piece of ha.m rind and use a.n<l endorsed by such eminent merlical .fiUed and refurnished. and is now second so I" then bury the rind under a atone and walk authorities was a bold and brilliant p iece of to no houee in the dietnot fer accommoda· " And I 'm going to aak for bhe beib aled away from it ba.okwards ? I've ta.ken off 1nterprise, a nd worthy of the success which tion and oomfort ot the ~ravelling publlc. New tBD:d ample oommercial rooms on ground floors, in this towD,' iaid Je.ok. bas a.ttende(l it. Shoal s of quack remedies dozena of 11hem tliat way." .Good al6blinir and shed room, 'O crowd the ma.rket, each absurdly claiming " Yon'll be likely to get ft," 1ald Georgie, to cure every ill from one bottle. T he curling his lip more 11nd more. public will tum with relief from such bl atant Objeot Lessons in European !ravel. " Well, I will, now," replied Jaolr, " 'cau1e and chameless catchpen nies, and po.tronize, Carl aay·-" trhe friends of a pretty young girl In one OF-" Cat'· foot !" interrupted Georgie, of the aubnrba.n towns are telling,under their not a remedy, but a list of remedies, each of which is a sIJecific for a single disease, and " You re a goosey.gump I And Carl's a breath, the following atory;: atory-t eller. There lsr.' c any auch a thing." The yonng woman, who is noted for her has t he rncommendation of havin g been !1.'he little German cousin's black eyes fiaed pretty face and winning ways, ra.ther than origin ated (not by the old woman or t he beastly Indian, as the quo.ck advertisementa with bears. "There was a St. Nichoiaa fc h ·f f I d where I med to live, that went round the or er gi t 0 m n · baa ju&t returned froni read), but by educated gentlemen, wh o are & personally conducted tour of several physicians an~. specialists ot the highest way I told you, " he said. "Bnt maybe month· In E nrope. there i sn' b h ere. " "And you vleited R>me, of course," said ste,nding in Europe, and whose pa trons have to pay from 325 t o 3500 Lo command their "Anyhow wto'i.l trv It," aald Meta. "I a friend on her first morning call. i s is the greatest departure wouldn't be 10 hateful, Georgie Holmea I" · "L'ilt me see, " mused t he young girl d.iop- services . Th Those tears tonohed Goorgie's heart. He ly, "did we visit Rome? Mamma, did we known to modern medicine. The specifics for Men and Boys, Women and Children. which are sold at one dollar ea.ch are eight did not mean ,to be unkind. visltJ Rome?" in n umber , and cover the following ailments: "Well, I won'b," said he. " L'Jt's play ··Why child, I don' o just r emember, but No. 1, CahttTh, H ay F ever, R ose Cold. No. 11omething , now. !rry it if you wa.nb to," It seems to me t hat we dtd; let me see-" "So they would and sa they did. When "Oh, yes, ma.mm~," broke in the da.ugh- 2, Disea~es of tlle Lungs, Coughs, Colds, No. 3, the nig ht of the 6oh of D acember ca.me ihey ter, " I kpow now, of course we di:i. D·m't Bronchitis and Consumption. Rheum atism and Gout . No. 4, Dyspepsia., all, eirneptlng Geor~ie, fill~d their shoes b with oata for the white horse, a.nd }'Ouremem er .Rome ? Why, tha.11was where Indigestion, Liver and Kidneys. No. 5, put them out on the steps, and t hen they wo got thOllCl lovely cheap stockings I ' Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Neuralgia . No. 6, F emale Weakness, L eucorrhma, c11ome and sat down around the fire to wait. Did~ 't Like the Bank Selected. Irregularities. No. 7, System Tonie and. "h's so funny I" gurgled Meta; il!n' b it ~ I>A. Vl.tB~ m~mrno. 1" Brown- " My children manifest boo early Developmen t of Form and F igura. No. 8, " Very funny," smiled ma.mma.. in life a. t endency to put a.way money and-I a golden remedy for Nervous Debility. We sen c l a circular describing the above diseases "I hope he'H eome, " said Carl, soberly, am Exceedingly worried over it." ' "But I 'm afraid h e won't ; it's so far to J enkina- "Why, that is an excellent t rait and treatment on receipt of sta.mp. Th e VETERI.N ARY SURGEON. here. ' and I don't see u.ny reason why you should remedies can be had of any druggist . If ORONO, - ON'r. your druggist does not k eep them remit : Then Georgie's lip began ta curJ, but be wor ried." before he could speak, ther e Wt\ S a clash of Offi.ce.- Poab Office Block. Hrown- " But I a m. The baby swallowed price to us and we will ship direct. Address all letters t o H ospital R emedy Company, Calls by tslegra ph or telephone receive im· bells ou tside, and a. t hundering rap on the a dime thia morning." ~ 3§ West King St., T oront-0, Canada.. . r lncdiate attention, WEflNESDAY. DEC. 25, 1889. FIVE AND ONE. I -- mDAi&iii!JiiiiilfiW~-:n<~m;;pa;na111\1\Mli I Infants I Children. t·a: T DB os. - Giving np Business. General Dry Goods - -o -- · H . REGARDLESS OF COST. FALL AND WINTER GOODS EPPS'S COCOA Due Bills taken as Cash. 0 TOD BROS. 0 DOORS, SASH, BLIND S, MOULDINGS, rl', · and other Factory -Work all Kiln Dried. AFuH Stock always on hand. Call and Examine. McClellan ~ Co., BOWMANVI LLE, sole agents in this locality for TRENTON, ONTARIO . JAM.ES OEYMAN GIL~OUR&co_ Dominion Organs I VIS k COMMERCIAL HOTEL will be found in his old shop, next door aoor to Express Office, where he keeps constantly on hand T B· O~MANVI LI~E, A LARGE & COMPLET E ASSORTMRNT Coarse and Fine Boots and Shoes Special attention given to R epairing .. :J:)_ ~"'I· Rubbers, Slippers, etc. · Trunks, Valises, Satchels.