All the School Books and School Furnishings. My 200 page Book for 5c. is a genuine surprise. My 5c. Exercise Book, with fine chromo, is a beauty. STILL A LEADER. My . 5 quire package of fine Ladies' Note Paper for Envelopes to match. "WALL PAPER We begia our cheap sale of dry goods was expected, but this wM before the low before wheat materially advances. Those >et pro_bably a and clothiug on Friday, Sept. 27th.-El· temperature aod h eavy re.ins, which pre· who mnst sell this fall c>ln 1 vailed from the 3rd to the 23rd,had lower - fair price, one · t.hat if the crop .ts _good lison & Co. Dont forget to call and see the I ates t d the anticipations of the most sanguine, will prov1'l a paying price. If 1h1s IS ae· and it was also an idea formed on t he old cured, as it may be by nearly all, the f'.1-r· designs in watchee, clo~lrn, and silverware acreal'(e whioh the returns published on mer need not complain, th .. ugh t~e pri~e at the Cu-op~rative J ewelry store. H. the 19th of the mon th showed to have afterwards goes higher, as '"e b~l.ieve ib C. Brittain. will before spring. The cond1t1ons of Scribbl~ng ahrunk to the extent of over Pne hundr~d European crop~ aud probable dt1ma.nd 3 thousand acres. ARM TO RENT.-A first -class farm of one hundred acres to rent. .Apply to The new wheat, as shown at the coun· are utterly incomp:itible with low pdcas, T. BINGHAM, Bowmanville. 38-tr. try markets, is of very gre~t diversity of continued until a new crop can be grown, milling value. The samples which are aud we believe they warrant the belief OR SA.LE CHEAP. - A Covered Bngll'y, McL11ughlin make, nearly as 1?ood taken from wheat secured between July that paying prices nre probable for at as new. A bargain. Apply to this oflico. 37·tf least a year and a half longer . 20th and August 2nd are generally excellent., weighing 64 lb. t.o the buehcl in OLTS FOR SALE - A year old en- ' m11ny case3, and showing plump, well· A UOTION SALES. tire colt, nnd a suoklin"l c ,, t. both draua:ht, These coils are eligible for ,. "~i8try. 'l.'hey nourished , and regular grains. s,1ch Fair will be on the grounds .Fnir Day. F. RUNDr,E, samples are; however, rare, and probably T UESD A.Y · Oct S ·-On Hampton . Leskard. 30-lw ASK FOR 'rHE Grounds,s11le of farm atock,1mplements, not more than half a million quartl!rs of household forniture. S. C. HUNKING, l BARLEY WANTED.·- Sixty-thousand the entire harvest were secured in the Auctioneer. . bushels of No 2 af!d 3 b!"rley. also two early period. The wheat reaped, carried rowed bf!.rley. HIKhest rmce paid at the Cal· and threshed between August 2th and and TUESDAY, OcT. 1.-Mr. John S. l'tundle, edonia Mills. .JOHN McKAY, 25~h is, for the most part, too damp for Jot ·12, con. 5, Darlington, will sell the 39-Sw Bowmanville. the £nest in the market. Only 5 cents. 25c. September milling, and is not a good wholu of his valuable horses, thoro'bred RESS-MAKING. - Miss L . Smith; sample, though even the grain secured Durham and H ereford nod high ~rade faehionable Drees a.nd Mantle·malrer, is T.EIE SOROLA.RS' COMPANION-a Pen Holder, Slate Pencil, Lead under the most unfavorable conditions, is cattle, improved implements, furni· t1rep1Lred to work at very reas· n11b10 rates. Her rooms are &t Mr· Mark Ayre's. \Viii go Pencil and Ruler, in a nice wooden box, fo1· 5 cents. often very fair in wei.ght, ·md only reture, etc. Sale at 1 o'clock. See large out 30 1w to work for 'JO cents per day, I ~ill give great. bargains 111 quires to be kept till the cold wea~her in posters. W.HEZZLEWOOD, .Auctioneer. order to make satisfBctot·y flour. The TUESDAY, Ocr. 8.-The farm, (13 acres) IGHT WAGONS FOR SALE Cheap, mean weight of this year's wheat is prob · or exchange for cattle. One democrat stock, implements, etc., of Mr . George wagon, and one light single horrs wa1Con, ably a fnll couple of pound on the bushel Langdon, south of Hampton, will be nearly new. Apply to .T. V. 'l'nELEVEN, Rememler the place for bargains. better than that of last year, and this, of this Fall, desiring t o clean out all Lot 16, Con. t, Darlington, Hampton P. 0. sold. Particulnr~ in bills. One o'clock S9 2w my present stock. Remnants of course, is a matter of no small consequence sharp. · S. C. H UNKING, Auctioneer. to the farmer." paper at half price. B~autif?l TORE AND DWELLING FOR The root crop will be a heavy one. The TU ESDAY, Ocr. 8.-Farll\ers, don't fail to SAT,E,-That fine new store and resi· see the big sale .posters, announcing a ceiling paper and decorat10ns in showery weather has considerably hasten· once, elegantly fitted for Merohant 'l'allor or big stock sale onHampton Fair Gronnds <l ed the growth of. mangoldij, which are Fancy Dry Goods now occupied by Mi:. John great variety. on Oct. 8. 'l'his will be a mon11~er Lyle. Apply to WM. H. lvES, Bowmanvtlle, largely grown, as well as tha.t of Swedes 23-tf, sale. lt will be a big day in l:lampton. and common turnips. Of the latter there See the posters for all p ·rticolars. S. promises to be some extraordinary crops. ALESMEN WANTED.- To handlo c_ flUNKING, Auctioneer. Grass at this season never looked much my thoroughly reliable Nurs ery Stock. I euga~e men on salary or liberal commissron more luxuriant. Thus with plenty of h ay , WEDNESDAY, Oct.9.-The farm stock and Permn.nent employment guaranteed. Outjit tou, a rich winter's keep is assured In implements and household effects of free; pr iviou~ experience not required. Wrileto C.L. YA'l'IJ:S, Nu·r·eryman, Hoches· fac~, in many places there was not st~ck Mr. F. Lamb will be aold by auction, !er. N. Y. Mention this pa.per. 28-lm· enough to keep it down, and it is this on lot 21, con. 4, Darlington. S. C . fact which keeps stock dear. HUNKING, Auctioneer. FIRST-CLASS FARM TO RENT.-BowMANVILLE, SEPT. 25, 1889. The apple crop will be a partial failnre. THURSDAY Ocr. 10 -'l'he un1ersio-ned ' , 50'!s of 1rood land to r~nt, near Mttple ·. . · f . h"' Grove.It m1'es from Bowmanv1Ue,with ch1nch There is acarcely any in some districts, has r ecetved mstruct10ns rom t e as· :and school house within halC a rnile. Good but. in more fortunate places there will ·aignee to by auction wilhout r ,.,. ' !>rchard. lle.rd and soft water, and good build· -OFbe more than anaverage crop. Theweath· serve on lot, 32, con. 1, Clarke, thti m11s. ~or }~lier pf!.rticularr apply to M . A. .1 d l l h ' h JAMES, 8TArnSMAN Office, Bowroanvllle er for apples being good, some wtll be k farm s toe , go0us an c 1atte · w tc 38 tt Farming in England. large for English growth, but we saw no were lately tPe property of George -- - ) ARM FOR. 8 .\.LE. -vJ:.,,. (}-50 ac· e such apples there 11s we grow in Ca.n11da. A question asked us many times since The apple trees in England Me stunted Wight, and all the interest of t !10 said farm on Kn·J'"' " " 1:.utLd , between PickP1·· George Wight in the south half of lot ioJ{ ll.nd Whitt·y, "eifll! K ·iuth·weat Quarter ut our return from England is, H ow are the looking and covered in moat sections with 32, in the ht con. of Clarke, and all of lot 8, 2nd con. I I 'tckering. lfurJ and ·oft crops o"er there 1 Our answer ie, Very a thiek coating of moss. water, con1for1 ·~tile liou~e. goorl d'Jfiivlng house lot 32 iu Rangt> B, of the. B roken and barn with"""'" ·ti<bling. L ·" 'll'·" orchal'd, good, indeed. Our observation extended Not only will the English farmer h ave Front concession of the same town· 11:or.d fencing. Sui! good, tit!" ht<l'i\i ont,ablc. over a considerabl" portion of England, better than an average harvest, but his shin., containing 120 acres more or les~. Apply on premises, or by mail' t6· GlfRVAtl including that part lJ>ing between Liver- returns from his stock should be considL' COHN ELL, PlckerlnK P. o. 36tf . l'he stock is first-c!Jsa and we would pool and Ma11chester, then south to Bath erably in advance of most years, for both AND FOR SALE BY TEN-DE&.besp.1lak a go:id attendance. Sale at 1 ][ and Templecoombe, and west through meat and mutton have this ytJat' touched l.JJ 'l'enners will be received by the under· o'clock sharp. LEVI A. ToLE,Auction- signed the greater part of Devonshire ; and also a higher figure thau has been recorded u11 to Oct. I5tb. for 10 acres of eer. from. Exeter to London, and then to Liv· for a very long tinrn pait, and this is by land being nart of lor 20. .Hroken Front, Dar· hngton, belonginl( to Estate ot the late Alfred erpool, by the London and Northweste}:n no means confined to any particular dis- MONDAY, <)cT. H. - -Mr. \V. L . Masou, Crumb. 'l'bere is a capital hearing. orchard Railway, making alto!(ether abuut 1000 trict, bua is gener11,I throughout tho westColumhms, wi1l sell his very valnable and the land is well fenced. For furth er par· rnville ticulars apply to JOHN Cnu111n, Bowm1 miles. stock, iwplements, etc., as h e is giving P. 0. ern shires. The active enquiry that pre· 38"'-1 w. From July lOt.11 to the date of our sail- vails for dairy beasts has sent prices up up farrnin:;:. This is a bi~ 6ale. See ing from England, scarcely two days in almost to phenomtinal .figure, and this will large posters. Begins at 1 p.m. sh'l.rp. A LUABLE FARM .FOR SALK. succession passed without more or less be q11ite understood when we state that For s ...le on terms to anlt the purchaser W. Hmcz:LEWOOD, Auctioneer . the South West quarter of Jot23. con 8. Townrain. June we were· informed was a re- the more useful grades of dairy cows can L M t'Y 1 Oct. lGth.-Mr.J .O.Henry, ship of Clarice, containing about 6U acre ~. 'llb.e mark11.bly .fine and pleasant momh, en· not b e bought in these parts under from WEDNE& Is In a good state of 011ltivation. well one and quarter mileR north of the tn.r111 fenced· and has an excellent bo.rn 111nd out abling farmerH to gather in one of the $110 to $120 a piece, even common cows buildin11s and a i::ood dwelling ho us~ thereon. t.own o~ Oeha~a, will sell by auction. largest imd best hay harvests for many such as sell for $30 to $40 here, $105. Indisputable. his vaJt1.(l.ble herd of thoro'br.>d a.ud 'fit.le yeara, but the we t weather that followed With prices ao high sales are not in the For further pa1·ticulars o.pp!y to J. W . KERR Hereford cattle, and other farm stock Coboarg,or Roll'!'. MO~ll!JN:r, Orono- 30'ilw, caused considerable anxietv towards the slightest degree restricted, there being and 1mplemente,also his farming lands. m iddle of August among farmers respf1ct· still so many dairies waiting to bs filled. Sale at 12 o'clock, S. C. HUNKI NG, -UcARM IN DARLINGTON rn RENT; ing their grain harvest. The weather Store cattle are also meeting with equally .I: -WO acres, beioJ{ lot 19, con 1, Df!.rlina:ton, .Auctioneer. on which are good dwellinK a.nd out buildings. during tli16 period had n ot been 1mf:llcieutly good enquiry, good serviceable ones mak· orchard, aud well watered. Hlllf a · warm and bright to hasten itB ripening, ing $130 to $150 pel' pair, with a very T ummAY., Oct. 22.- The fa.rm stock, im· splendid Quality amounts to little Uinless prices mile from Hampton village. Plowin<? posses· plements, etc., of l\fr. John Heard, lot sioo yet with two weeks of dry weather up to brisk sale . Fat beasts have also part.ici· at Olllce; full oossession Ma1·ch 1st next. up at Present ·ooonpant will sell feed and give 19, con. 4, Darlington, will be sold at are fair, the end of Augu11t the harvest would have pated in the improved trade; the general for a small consideration. Rent very auction, S . V . H UNKING. Auctioneer. once been finished. Owing to the much rain, run for the best animals at most of the modera~e. .A.ppty; to H. Er,J,IOTT, Ju,. Hamp39- 3w* grain was badly lodged and twisted,hence weste1·n markets during the week being Three very ·mluable houses and lots for ton Low prices are not bargains-unless quality ad.ditioni1.l labor was necessary to reap it, from 12a to 12s 6d per score,as they quote sale in town of Oshawa. Terms easy. .AJRl\i FOR SALE.-75 acres of lot \ is there. and it was quite a common siRht in.many it in England, meaning 20 lbs., while For furth<1r particul~rs apply to S. C. S6\ eon. 3, Darlington, on the 'l'own Lin:e parts to see fanners cutting wheat in the anythiug less prime made lla to lls Gd, HuN1m:·w:.;, Auctioneer. two and ~alt miles from Oshawa. Well fenced. witll cedar rails, splendid orchard, old style, with l'eap hooks, and women and coarser b easts 10s to 10s 6d, with a good house, two barns.stables, carriage and children binding behind them. In brisk all-round trade. RELY O-N 'I'His.- Dear Sirs,-! have house and 01her outhulldtngs, two good wells , h1Lrd water; alao47 aoree on lot 27 3rd oon., the Midland Counties self·binders have used l>r. Fowle1"s Extract of Wild Straw· l<'at mutton, comparatively is even hair way between Q3ha.wa and been introduced, but in the south and dearer than beef, and very little has b ~en berry for the last thr~.e years, and can Darlington, Bowmanv"ille in a good stato or cultlvatiom west of En~land the harvestiug machinery sold at th(~ local m arket3 under 8!i-d to always rely up0n ~t as a qpeedy cure for Belonging to the estate of tho late William is fully 25 years behind the age in Canada. 9~<l and . even lOJ per lb., the but~hers diarrhre!i and all summer complaints. · I Hsncoolc. For particular·. etc.. apply to .A.· R:. l'.liANC'OCH:, 61 r~!llre View, 'l'oronto, I Within the fortnight ending Aug. 24th, having to pay pretty smartly for every ca n recommend it highly and I wish you W. Ont. farmers had 1eized every favorable oppor - bit of mutton they want, and as far as we every success·. Mrs. W. Fowler, 12 Oxtunity t. ut and carry and a go0d qnan· could judge frvtn prescmt mdicatioos there ford St. , .'.I\oronto. $30 PER ACRE. tity was in stack . - mc1t of tlie 15r.. 111 i>< is little prospect of any i mmedia te return COVETIOE. 3tacked- at this date. A new system to old quotations. And, if mutton is dear, A.RM FOR SALE.- West, half LQt waa put in force this year in some sec- Jamb is even worse ; farmers, with abundre. lst Con. Clarke, comforts. ble bnild· Mr Dan Sandsrann, of Enniakillen, is visit- inge. tw0 wells of w&ter, plenty rail iimber tions, similar to what is pursued in the ance of pasture, taking up a very inde- ing f~iend s-iil, thia· diatrict. Jilrowood. SEWELL HYA'r'r . New- i and some ·western State!! and by a fo w in Manitoba. pendent line and declining to pa.rt with Mrs Jo:lia Brooke arrived home from her castle. 35- 7w* .-isittoEnJlland.J)B. 'llneatlay last, acoompn.nied Many farmers, contrary t o the practice their stock u nless they can ge~, a.a they by her brother, M~ S Bs0oks. ol New Orle1Lns. in olden times, had resolved to thresh were with very littlti difliculty, their shil· Uncle Sam is always a welcome guest. -their corn without stacking, and send it Jin!? a pound for best lambs, or from $8 Mr A & Tooley, proJl'rletor of the People's .at once to the miller. To do this it was to $9 each. 'fhe store sheep tt' was Mills. is IJu·y repalri·ng the breach In North halves of lots i!3 and 3{, 7th con; Whit· e i:r:;,vite attention to our complete and carefully selected stock of by, llLtttlY occu11ied by and Mr. fenced Stonehouse. This La. ies , Gent's, M' I B necessary that the corn should be drier equally firm, and manv ex pected by Sep· darn. We· are glad to see him setting farm· l& well drained and will be i isses and Ch.ld l ren s oots and Shoes, Tr11nks, Valises, thin.KB in .order, as-a good miJI is a Kreat con· than when intended for dtacking. Past tember to see sheep making the extraor- vcnfenoe in.our cammnnity. sold· cooap and on easy terms. The under·· 'etc Oui· popular stock f f' h' b1, · per£ec t b eyond COIDsl1ZI1ed'bas several other improved farms for· ' ' 0 as 10na ~e goodS lS .e xperience had taught that the expense dinary high prices which ruled B:illlllO eight J!J'NNJJS: KJLLEN. sale. J. B. Dow. Sot·r., Whitby. 31 3m. jpa1-ison. We are showing the correct styles of tho season. No old shop of stacking might be saved and as high a or nine y ear8 Rgo. Anyhow, indications price realized; moreover, there is tbe los~ seemad to favor such an assumpti0n, and, Mrs wm Bingham ie visiting ftlends In tne ;worn, bankrupt stock or shoddy goods manufactured for bankrupt from rats and mice and other shrinkinga with prices everywhere so exceptionally west. houses.. We w_9.rrant all our goods to be what we represent them. to be reckoned with. It is, however, held high, the t0ne of the trade was more Rev A· Macl.&Den Ilas returned looking' The prices are 1ow, and no one can se11 you respectable goods cheaper. ~· B. CHANDLER, Newcastle, offers- '. by tiome that the straw is more u seful for buoyant even than wheu stock 0f every better rar his vacation·. Mr P"Marone'Y' is ereotin~ a. handeome resi· (~ by private eale,or willexchan~e tor farm. "ll'hese goods are bargains, viewed from any sta . ndpoint. The quality farming purposes when threshed later kind has been down at starvation prices. dence ~n .our vHlage. .prope-rty, all of hia vroperty in Newcastle. d 1 h R e] e, trusty; serviceable goods, Marked a.ii. on. The continuous rain was not favor- With such ~xtraorwna:vy pdces JPCevailing .A. large uumber of nur villagers were In !consisting or Storee, Houses and Lots and! 'an · sty e are t e1·e. able to this plan, and few farmers were in England, surely our· Canadia.E farmers attendlanoe !lit 'l'oronto-J'Sir. jvalU&ble Orcha.rd, the homestead bein~ one ' ROClT BOmTOM PRICES· ;O~ the most com1>lete in the county. 'l'eirme. .m '.J. enabled 10 follow it this season. .Among tile necent vi&itorR : 1\[rs Robsrt I 3Gtf should good prices too, for their . It jg to be booed for the benefit of the sheep and lamfi>s and also beef when they Virtue, Al'koaa;: Mr- and Mrs McLaughlin,. easy, Owen Sound'. ' English former; that thll weather during have it t o sell. M . A. J. Rev·Mt-rEa.atman. fl~ Oshawa. preached an t@· in ,, . f th B B d b h the last week of August was m ore favor· excellent sermon i·11· the Presbyterian church· · 01 . ::Sign o e :iiG 00'.I)· rawn Y two orses, BOW~U.N LLE. last Sabbatlb n~ornfulg. · able for harvesting, for it was feared that THE P RICE OF WHEAT. Dr Nidd~ry was ht our villa.~e lookln~ after if the rain did not quickly cease and finer the sick frn- & da.y or two whil.e Dr Mitchell weather follo~, wheat would " grow out" vr.,rf;l shall not advise farmers to sell wa:i-at 'l'oren·to He returned home again after· rirHE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS, F@R i. Sale or to let two good convenient where standinii, and thus what promised or hold t heir wheat FOi." bettelf prices, but a lengthy i.'ieit among frie11ds. .to Port Hope.I with large and convenient buildings and ever.y convenience. to be one of the beat yields for many as there is j!ust now great speculation Bill.RKBTUN. Torma very liberal to a good ma.rn Apply yearn would be sadly marred. Reports regarding the provO\ble ~utmre prices of Rt once to .T. N. nuTr.EDOK, Port !flove or , Mr Goo~&l<I has been quite ill, but is· Canton, Ont_ came from those who have be_en fortunate wheat. we shall explain the situation as i~. ._ 3~-6w" enough to thresh, th~t . th01r yield was it a )ears at the i:esent time. The Sa1lfi· erson and Miss Beatrice called·at even better than. ant1c_1pated. O~hers 'opi;:,~n is generally preceived in commer- Mr~ Emres·· one tTen;nK last week. . who had cut thetr gram substan ttated cial cizcles that vrbeat will advance lD :M'r A Samlerser1. brother-in·law of Mr S1Ld· '!.'enders will be received at the oJIJ'ce this. The e11ors. whon l'.andled by the price. The strong point in the present !er. 0111..former 6'lation agent, was in Durketon ofSealed the undersii.:ned for the t'rectiOlil·or e. High last week. in tho Town of Dowmanville School!building she~f were i;innsually hea,y.. ve wheat situatiou is the fact that the crops ~· .J.~ sse Knapp surprised his f)iende l llf Smee writmg t~e foregom!! we ha of moat of the countnes which supply makmit. his appearance the other day. l\lllra up to 3 p. m., on Wednesday, the, ~nd day of October prox. learned from a rehable source-th~ ,Mark Europe with bread are exceptional!,? Mabary is e~x:pected, 'l'endere may bs for p11rt or fov tho whore Mr :Ha.nna addressed the school im Su. r nby, building. L~ne Expre·s of Sept. 4- that Sun· short. At a recent grain congreea of 'V'e wisl\ some more ot the EnniskU· l en· Sunday 'l'he foundation and b<tsemeut to b e complelJ11hme has retu~ned to th_ e corn fi~lds, de· statisticiaus held in Vienna, the deficien cy School workers would favor UR whh a. call ed by the 15th N <>v~ , 1889. 1:1erted of its aid and stimulus smoe t~e w 118 reported muoh greater than even the Many oiti>:ona from hero attended the Iadm·· 'l'he lowe~t or any tender oot necess11rHy ae~ond weell. of July. The n orthern di~ - moat unfavorable reports had led anyone trial 1.. st week,among whom were MiB!l 'l'illey, aecepted. Elmes, Mr R~hbms and .Alice, an<!l Mr Plans and s pecification~ mc.y be sMn at my tricts .and parts. of Western England ~ill to suppose. Excepting Turkey, Gra11ce, Mr office on and a.tter Wednesd·.y. i:lept. 2oth· Q;uigley. .T. McDOl'IGALL. bl'!nefit b<_>tli with respect~ th e quan·ltY Spain and Portugal, for which no figures i:leo., H. 8. Board. HAMPTON. and qua~1ty of the seuon 8 wlieat. But had been receiYe~, the wheat was estimBowman ville. 23 rd Sep., 1889. :s\l·l w Our la11d·lady was before ~he Bea.k on Satthe r eg10ns thus helped. ~o not grow ated at 223,000,000 bushels less than last urday. more than tw:o or three m:ll~on year,an amount which cannot be supplied, Mr H J Hoidge hl\li tak:en a position in of whe1;1o1, ag1mist_ · 0! 0n to etght millions this side of the .Atlantic, large 11s the crop Whitby, grown 10 those. d1striot11 where the chan((e has been all round. U nless these fignres What bas hecome or the l11mp ln froat or the BoWllIANVILLE, Sept. 23rd, 188(), of weather arn~~B too lat. e to , do more are grossly deceptive it is plain that farm· church shed l To the Ojjlcers and 11Imnbers of Ca11a<lian Mr I L Brown was a judge on fruit at Clarke th. a n ?elp cond1t1on. . 'The. extreme un· ers in this country can afford to bide their Home Circle, Number th,.ct, Bowmvn~ertamtv . of th,o Enghah chm11.te. creates till'le and hold on for a much better price fair this week· ti'iUe. Mr ·F letcher Roach is s11endln11t a few data m the end a dismal a~llt'age of ita .o wn. th 11n is now being o ffered. Not only ll! it with his uncle, Mr 'l'hee Burrows; 'I beg lo acknowlt'ldge lhe receipt O'll Uie an aver~ge of go<_>d seasons 110 much mar· probab1e that wheat and other fdod pro. Ou~ vopular teacher. Mr Geo .Jamieson, 71b iastanl of a cheque for the s11-m of one red by mter~upttons th.a t the farmer la ducts will be higher the coming season, purposes proseoating his studieis next year, . thousand dollars from the Supreme Recent visitors: Mr 'rhos J Cole and Miss ro.b bed of hta, and of bad. season~ but it will be more than a ye&r before, of your Order, the one thousand Cole, Maple Grove, Miss Lily Paac·oe,- Oak· Trea1nrer dollars repfesenting Uie amount of insurso far r~deem~d f~om abll;Olute fa.tlure t~ even with good crope, increased prodttc· wood. the agricul~urist 1~ deprtve~ of th_ e pity tion ean reduce the price. As soon as Mr Fred Lamb has returned from tha.N.ol'th ance ou tbo lifo of my deoeasdd husband. and atte~hon which ·rutoi1eved drust~ higher prices are fully eatablished br~· \Vas~ and will sell his rarm stock, ete Oot Stn.. I also detiire to lhank the menbers of the Bowmanv!Ue Cirele, for the kindly interest would excite. . , · . . er11 will eYerywhere try to increase their See bills. Mr L Johns, wire a.nd daug:hter. and Mi: they have taken in procuring Iha cheque T h e wheat crcp of the U niteo Kingdom cultivated area in order to secure larger John Elliott and wife have returned from above Damed . is now generally assumed at thirty bushels Toronto. I Remain YoMS Trulv t o the act<e in Great Britain, a~d at ·wo er;~~~ Ame.rican Cuitivator on this point ~eference had been made in these columns BETSEY E . GAGE to long pea vinBs, tall corn, and over-g.rown · million b11ehels for Irelan~. Thts on_the of wheat prices considers that no fa.rmer l'Otatoe vines, but Mr Charles Goodman ef ·- -- -- - - - -- -- - -· average _ under wheat th11s season gives iB justified in selling at present low this place takes the cake for tomato vines, .ll!! A. llEA.UNG, SOOTHllllG ap11Uootien. one wliich moasuros 9 ! T Inches. for etlts. woa "tl~, brnlMes anti No1·~t;, there a totalJl!lld of '75,487~670 bl'lsh?le,. equa~ prices. Tho faCJts as to the 11hortage in having HM tomatos on too. "'fontatos they grow , ts notltlog bell'CCT tlaan Vlctorl& Cnrlloll1: e.Uington Buihlings. to 9,4a5,958 qrs., At the be~tnnIDg 0 Europe are known and it clnnot be long tall, over there." Salve, August·a full yield of .ten million qrs. ' HO, FOR SCHOOL I GET YOUR School ··· Books -A.T- F F C VARIETY HALL. Artistic Exercise Book, Pictures Framed very cheap. D L S J. H. KENNER'S VARIETY HALL. Linen Window.Shades. P. Trebilcock. S West End Hous ----o---- · EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE. FREE EXHIBITION F 'DRESS GOODS, latest styles. DRESS TRIMMINGS. NEW" BUTTONS. V Ever·y lady should call and see these new goods, they are very fine. The stock of YARNS is now complete. 8.ny body requiring Yarn should call at the West End House. WE COMBINE THEM. F ~~~~~~~~- F - . ,. __ Fine Farm for Sale. rwa· ' Off to Toronto. l Farms for Sale or Rent. M. TRELEV ,· EN, Tenders Wanted. Go where you will In Bowmanville, You'll find them on the move. vouNc &co., m GROG!~ ----o---- Notice. Have moved across the street, Their shop is trim and neat, Their stock is quite complete, And now they hope to greet Their friends, and politely treat Them in their sto~e across the street. their past support, and assure them nothing will be wanting on their part to please the purchasing public. Be sure you call and see theleading grocers. YOUNG & Co.,.'r ·w They thank their many friends for '