Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jul 1889, p. 1

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:r ts man~ ""TB RMS :-fl.50 .Px:a Al0f1J14, . NEW 8BBIEB, NUMBED 568. ~ OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD A.FTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES Ep1roR A.ND PROPRIETOR, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, WEDNESDA't. JULY 3, 1889. BURK ETON. Mr. Parker e.nd family drove to Myrtle on Sunday. J'4r. Maharg, tha popular condm~tor, is the guest of Mr. Knapp. W~ were pleased to welcome home Mr. Albert Goodall, of Toronto. Mr. Gilby and family spent Sanday evening at the residence of Mr. Gocxlall. Mr. Elmes returned from Myrtle on Wedneada.1, havin~ completed an important work there. He spent the first in Toronto. The postponed picnic became a reality on Saturday. Early in the morning the party proceeded to the lake. Some of them proved to be fishers-of men. They report a gay and happy time all round. If one of our inventive citizens would devise some machine to remove a certain cow to " neighboring swamp and bury her a mile deep, with the bell underneath, he would receive the unanimous thanks of the municipality. Followmg the good example set them ·another crowd drove to the lake on Mon· day. About 8 a..m , Monday, a. heterogeneous and noisy lot, chiefly trousered, Thia powder never varies. A marvel 01 purity, strength and wholesomeneee, More passed through the village for a day's cconomice.l than the ordinary 1tlnds, and ce.n sport at the same place. The we11ther not be sold in competition with the multltnde was delightfully fine. of low teat, short weight, alum or phosphate powders: Sold onlyin cane, ROYAL BAK· I SOLINA .. ING POWDER C0.. 106 Wall St·. N. Y. Ml". Jollow has been on the sick list. A WORD TO FARMERS. Mr. Wm. Baker also ha<t a raisina on Tuesday last. " TO .ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, Mr. John Tremeer is home' after a proI take this method of thanking my old longed viait b the gre\t North West. Mr. John Sa.wdon who was so badly customers and the public generally for the liberal patronage extended to me dur- hurt at Mr. Bunker's raising is slightly in~ the years that I have been in business improving. and having fitted up a ~ood show room Mr. David Montgomery had a. very and office on the site lately occupied by successful raising on Saturday last. 11; Mr. C. Rogers on Silver St.; between will be a grand structure when com. Percy's blacksmith shop and the News plated. office, where I shall be pleased to see my Visitors of week _ : Miss M. A wde, Toold friends or make new ones, and I in- routo ; Mrs. Washmgton and Mrs. Tur· vite all who want anything in the follow· ner, Bowwanville; Mr. L. N . H ogarth, ing lines·· to call and see me and examine Bowmanville ; Mr. Leslie Pascoe,Enfield. goods and compare prices and quality be· Mr. A. L . .Pa~coe has graduated from fore placing your orders : agricultural machinery' steam and horse power thresh- the "Canada Busines~ College" and reing machines, Brantford binders, reapers turned home. We congratulat.e him on and mowers ; seed drills, spring-tooth his success as only four of this year's cultivators, disk, sulky and iron harrows, students have graduated. _ Solina. Division S. of T. elected the riding and walking plows, straw cutters, grain crushers; root cutters ; also agent following officers for the current quarter : for the Goold Bicycle Co., and St. Thomas W P-H Argue; W A-Sister S Awde; White Bronze Monum1:.nt Co.; insurance R S-A J Reynolds ; A R S-Sister M effected on fa.rm buildings and pri vato Hooper ; 1'reas-Sister L Hogar~h ; F S -A Abrahams; Chap-Fletcher Werry; residences at lowest rates. Headquarten for plow points, machine Con---Lewis Pascoe; A Con--Sister Na ncy Williams : I S-Sister E liza Pasoil and axle grease. JAMES McLEAN, Bowman ville. coe , 0 S-Wm Yan Nes i; P W P- E G 14-tf. - VOLUME XXXV. NUMBER 27. ...... ...... COUC:S:: , BETHE81JA. f SHAW'S SOHOUL HOUSE. CRYDERMAN I ll!t' ARE NOW SHOWING ~he Largest and most Elegant stock of (STRICTLY NEW oooos) lll shown by them or any house Bowmanville. . NO LADY .should buy a Dress before seeing their -stock of- -I DRESS COODS, I- which, for extent, elegance, variety and value, cannot be approached in West Durham, anC:. is only equalled by some of the city houses. ~-----0---------- ~Bear in mind that our stock is new and fresh, bo1;1.ght for Cash, and is sold cheaper than you can b~\Y- bankrupt, shop-worn or antiquated goods. - h Grocers' Due Bills taken at par for goods. . OOUOH. JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN. : MILLINERY! 'Ve have just made a very large ·---purchase of J.lfillinery and Millinery Goods, at a big Rediwtion. 1-~hey are the very Jatest styles in the n1a.rket, and will be sold at amazingly low obtainable . ~lease ~on't delay in seeing ·thern. pr1~~s. LADIES In all other departments , we are showing the largest stock we have ever shown he1·e. CHALLENG E --- -~-----·- . -VTE- any :firm in the County of Durha1n to equal us in quality aud price, and any firm in the Dominion · to surpass us. · > )Ve are at present, showing a very large stock of Dress Goods, Silk.s aud Trimmings, Ladies' Jackets, Corsets, Hosiery and Gloves) Prints, Muslins, Ijiuens, Sheetings, Shirtings, Cottons, 'rweeds; Clothing, Lace · Cu1"tains, Boots and S-hoes, andMilline:ry. LADIES, we call your attention . t o o:ur P.r esent large purchase of Millinery, which every Lacly should see, who is lookJng for a new article. Remember the place,~GEo. LAING's old stand. > -E. THOMPSON, & Co. "Mammoth Bank1~upt Stock Emporium/' A Strawberry · Festival will be beld Bt \ Mr. John Clemence, sen., is ill wit h the residence of Mra. J. R. Cole, lot 5, inflammation. Farmers in this vicinity have comcon. 5, Township of Darlington, on Wedneaday evening, July 3rd, commencing at menced haying. 4 o'clock. Proceeds in behalf of Bethesda Sunday School. Public school picnic in connection with our school is to be held Friday, .1 uly 5th NEW HA VEN. in Mr. Osborne's wood. A special request is made to all who Mr. Thomas Vancamp has been visiting attend the weekly prayer meetings at friends in Cartwright. the school house to make a special study Who from this neighborhood was so of the subject of prayer. unfortunate as to lose a wheel of their DICK · .carriage while out driviog1 Mr. a.ad Mn. Geo. Lme and Mr. and SOUTH CARTWRIGHT. Mrs. Walli11 from Mariposa. and Mrs. Left on the door.step of Mr. John Bradburn from Cartwright have , been Cowling 's residence, lot 20, con. 1, Cartspending a few days among friendll here. wright, on the 23rd inst., between 2 and School closed on Friday last for vaca· 3 a. m., a female infant, apparently about tion. We understand the average attend- two month11' old. The baby was nicely ance, for t.he first half year, to be over dressed and laid in a large basket wit h a twenty three, quite an increase upon that nursinl( bottle filled with milk, by its of preceding yea?'ll. side. There was also a package containin g a sponge and a. paper of oina with Rowse ENNIS KILLEN. Bros., o~ha.wa, stamped upon margin. The strawberry social given by t he. There was also t wo parcels of cloth ing left ladies was a success, afohough the attend- on the step by the b1sket. A n ote was fouud in lady's hand writiog, a.a follows : a.nee was not very large. The Rev. R. Sanderson, the incoming " Take good care of this child. f!.nd you Methodist pastor, here,will preach hie first will be well rewarded s ·1me time. " A sermon next Sunday evening. bui?gy had turned around ia road about Among the visitors : H. Hoidoe, Stouff- fom· rods west of hous~. A man and ville: R~v. G. Oliver Mono R:ad · R. J. woman were see n ru nmng away fro m ,.,..dd Cl ' M'l C 1· house, when the mma.tes were aroused · .1.,1 erv, aremont : 1 ton a lander, 'I"J b b · k d I ft b ·h Kirkton . · . . 1e a e is mar e on e · reas t wtt . · /brigh t r ed birth mark. U nless t he p \r cies ~ mce g~me of ball was played on are heard of within two weeks, the child Friday evemng, between t~e Beavers and will be sent to the Orphan's Home, ToDragoons. Score 10 to 8, m favor of the ronto, as Mr. Cowling does not in tend to Beavers. be- imposed upon. We congra.tulate our former townsJY\an, ----------Mr. S. G. Brown, un ta.king first els.ea ORUNO. honors in the recent Normal School ex· Miss Bingham, Bowman ville, wa.s visit · aminations at Ottawa.. friends here. The Rev. Dr. l:Sarraes preached an able Mrs. Walker, Port Hope, was yi·iti ng and effective gospel sermom for his fare- fri~nds here. wall discourse in the church, here, on W. W. Trull is busy rebuilding the Sunday evening last, The cultured doctor has wade many w11rm friend'! here, and corner block. Mrs . W. Ta.pson, Bowmanville, wa.a leaves with the best wishes and kind regards of everyone. His powerful sermons guest of Mrs. W. Henry. will not soon b1.1 forgotttin by very many Mr. W. Henry was expected home of his hearers. from Manitoba last week. A meeting will be held (D. V. ) on l!'riMr. Thos. Dancastar, sr. is suffer in "' day the 5 th July in Kennedy's Ball, from inflammatory rheumatism. .~ Enniekilleo at 7 .30 p. m. for the purpose Mrs.John Hallett and family, of Wood· of considering the plans and principles of bridge, are visiting at Mr. Jas. Hallett's the "Equal Righ ts Association, " and if Mra. E ast wood and family, of Cavan, thou11:h t advisable, organizing a branch of visiting a t her father's, Mr. J. P . the Association here. The meeting will are Williamson's. be addressed by Mr. James L . Hughes, of Our basti ball team easily defeated the Toronto, and others. All are most cordially invited, and voters are specially club from Hamp ton la.st Saturday, by a score of 19 t u 2. ~ urged to be present. T he uniou P ublic School Picnic will be T YRO.NE. held this year a bout July 8th at the lake Pa~-ooe. Farmers, take your eggs to Tod Bros, Miss McB urney, of Hope, is visiting shore. P rizes will be offered as in previl UWLA.N. ous yea.rs for acquatic spo.-ts . They will give you the highest market lie re. prices. Misll N ellie R utherford entertained a R ev . Mr, Liddy will preach h is fore1vell Miss Bertie Brent is visiting friends a t large n umber of h er youn()' friends · to a sermon n ex t S unday morning. On Fri- P ort Hope. d ay evening sixty of his Raglan friends A goodly number from here went to birthday party at her fath':ir 's residence one day last week. A happy ti me was and admirers took him by storm. Hav- Haydon on Sabbath. spent . · imr armed t hemselves "to t he t eeth" with Major Davey baa been visiting his toothsome dainties they repaired to t he rospects in Clarke township a re good P daughter at Perrytown. pal's!Jnage where a very enjoyable evenfor an abundant h arvest, l;>nth of cerea ls R ev. J. M. Wright will preach here ing-wa.s spent. After fulr j ustice had and fruit. Barley in a number of places been mfleted out to the provisions, 1 m ad. next Sabbath evening. is al ready lodged. Corn and potat o11s a.re dress was read by Miss Alice Still, while Rev. L . P help s takes possession of the suff~ring somewhat wit h the rain and Miss Phoebe Hezzlewood, on behalf of Manse here, t o-morrow. cold. th e donors, presented a well filled pufse Mr. Wallace and wife, Mariposa, was Mr. A. F . IL Jones, manager of the to Mr . L i· 1dy and an album t o Mrs sojourning here last week. Traders' Bank, Port H ope, a nd Mr. Jas . L iddy. Mr, Liddy replied in a n eat Large crowds from here went to Hamp· E . L inton, of this place, .spent one day speech, after which ot h ers took the stump. t on last week a.t. Scugog Lak~ fishing, a nd reand Haydon, on M onday. P lenty of good music and singing e nMr: J. H . Manning's bees are doing t urned with 25 fi.dh ranging in weig ht livened the proceedings throughout. from 5 to 20 poun ds. Much might be said in reference to our great work-17 swarms in two days. R obt. Cowan, carpenter, of Ken dall, M essrs. J. Hare and A. E. Harris pastor in his labors with us. All have bad his sympathy, and many ha.ve · been caught a fine lot of fish at Scugog la.st wb ile erecting a building for J ohn R ainey on the farm of A. R. G ;\msby met wit h blessedly e Bcouraged to still pursue the week. e.n a ccident tha t m ight have been serious, " j ourney begun" while many others have The S. of T. have ma.dti foll arrange· by the falling of a timber which struck been sou udly converted under his preach· men t s for their pic-uic, at Lake Scugog, him on the sl10ulder. ing, and to.d ay are enjoying the happi- on Saturday-. ne8S of knowing their sins are all forgiven. Mr. Walton Emerson and Miss Mabel Mr. ,J. A. Wilkim on , well known i n The circuit generally is in a prosperous Kenner have gained strengt h enough to connection wit h the " B ig Push " a nd condition. Seven or eight ha;ve been re· be able to be out again. "Bribery Brigade,' ' is the guest of Mr. centlytaken into full mem bershipatMyrtle Wm. Thom pson of this village, e ngaged Me~srs. F. H. Harrie and A. Manning in t he lawful a nd co mmendable callina and about the same number is to be received into full membership at this a.re writing t his week at the entrance ex - of L ife Insura nce and ph otog raph eola.~g~ ing. pla.ce next Sunday. Mr. Liddy goes to amination , B owman ville. 8outh Darlington,and takes with him the Who are t h ose terrible boys that anMr. T. Little h ad a sheep shearing bee go :Jd will of ever·y.one in this pa.rt ot the noyed the S. A· here uf fate. L ook: out last F i:iday and like other t hings of that " vineyard" where he has la.bored so fa1th- you don't have your name published . sort racing and fast records were r epo rtfully .-Cor. Whitby Chronicle. Rev. W . Kenner has moved into Wm. ed. Mr. '.rhos. V icker;, thin klllg ac tions White's ho u·se for a few months, while the would speak loud <ir t han wo rds, gently OOIJUURG. parsonage at Blackstock undergoeSl'e!Jair. disrobed a sheep of its heavy fleece under Victoria University i~ once more the Dominion Da.;y visitoro: Mr. L. Bing- , the watch in 4 m. 58!ec., beat that who sceae of sadness e.nd bitter afRiction bv ham, Miss Jennie Fraser, and Mr. z. ca n. reason of the eotnnce of a swift messe n-_ Pollard, Lindsay ; Miss Tamblin, Orono; L ittle hop es a ro en tertained for the r eger of death into the family circle of Chan· Mr, and Mrs. Dyer, Oshawa ; E va cov.,q of q uite a num oer of our aged citcellor Burwash. On 'l'hurada.y week a Bell, T oronto ; Misses Rose and L 9na izens, a mong them are J ohn McComb, sr., malignant type of diphtheria caused the Lane, Oshawa; and mrny others whose aged 78; Rd. Ruddnck, aged 84; R ich. dee.th of Arthur Burwash; aged 5 years, names we did not learn. Brown, J. P., aged 80; John Beat , aged and Tuesday morning about 9 o'clock, On Saturday evening a. number of the 72; and John Str achan in his 89th John aged 8 years died, at 12 o'clock Ladies' Aid members assembled a t the · yeir. The la tter gentleman waa born Gracie ageo 11 died, and at 5.45 Cla.rke, Parsonage and presented Mrs. Kenner, Nov. 14th; 1799, and having baen a. deli· a ged 5, t win brother of Arthur died. At ex-preddent, wi!h $ 13 in c cash, accom- cate man all h is life, has given p roof of ten o'clock next morning two hearses pa.nied wi1h an address. On the same what care and temperance in all t hings drew up at the stepping post outside the evening the bible class met at the vestry cari do toward prolonging life. al event of t he pa.at week was College grollnds, and a few minutes later and marched to the Parsonage in ~ouble · The eoc1 .the undertaker and his assistant appeared file, and t ook ~rs. Kenner, their ex· the marriage of M iss Marion McConne.at the door of the Chancellor 's residence t~acher by surprise! and presented her chie, youngest daughter of Duncan Mcwith a little casket bearing the body of . ~1th a plush dressmg case, half do~en Conna.chie, Esq ., t o Dr. J ohn Spencer , Clarke, then with John, and last of all silver dessert spoons an~ a. b~tter knife. V. S ., Bowmanville . . The ceremony was with littlfl Gracie. As each body reached Ao. address was r~ad suitable for the oc- performed by R ev. J. A. McKean, R. A. the foo t of the stone steps lead ing from ca.si~n, '1.fter .which M_rs. Kenner ma.de Presbyterian m inister, 1n the p resence of the door ·. the Rev. James Allen, M. A,, a s uitable .r eply, thankmg them heartily a large gathering of invittiil frlsnd s. The with bowed and uncovered head s tepped for t he kmdness shown t o hei:. Mrs. weddmg presents were costly and numer· in front of t he Untert akers and escorted Kenner has won many fr10nds while here. o us, a ggregating in value n early $500. each to t he hearse, while friendssoattered T he happy cou ple started the samti ovenalong the entrance and ~rounds, with he.t For Rickets, Marasmus, and all ing for t he A tlantic Sea B oa.rd on their in ha nd stood with solemn stillness as th e Wasting Disorders of Children wedding tour. Their many friends wish little caskets were carried by. They were them happ iness, long life, etc. burie d a t B altimore in the Methodist Scott's E mulsion of P1we Cod L iver Oil ; cemetery. A t prsent there is but one 'W'ith H ypophosphUes , is unequalled. The h which children gain flesh The vocal o rgans are st rengthened by other case, tha t of theOhancellor's servant rapidity wiL girl, and she is in a fair way of recovery. and strength upon it is very wonde rful. the use of Ayer'e Cherry Pectoral. . Cler The remaining fo ur children have been " l h ave used Scott' s Emulsion in cases of gymen, la wyers, singers, ac tors, an d pubsent to the country, so that there. are only Rickets and Mara.emus of long standing. lie speakers find this preparation t he most Dr. anC: Mrs . .Burwnsh, the ser vant girl In every case t he improvement was mark- j effec tive re medy for irritation an d weak· and her mot her (who is nursing her) in ed.-J. M. Main, M. D., New York. ness of the throat and Juno-a, and for all the house.- G uide. S old by all Druggists, 50c. and $1. e:O.'ections of the vocal orp;~ns . . . t POWDER Absolutely Pure. -4Kl~G I

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