Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1888, p. 6

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,,~~~· ·-· :~~~ O~U . . NG-~F'!O ~L~K!!!S!!.~!!!f~o~!tp!r!in~ts~ .· ~a~nd~M~:~:y~h~,.~=~t~w~i~th~,~~~~M~I~S~C~.E~LL~AN~ ..~E~OU~S.~~~-~.~,~~~!!!~~~~~~~~~~~i!!~=!!!!!!'~*~~!!!!!!!tmli~~~::;.:::. ~""U · i~11 (.~tat.cstuau.. \!JI" .n " ~ her in the closet, BO thab there wasn t trace J, f'\.~ >"-(:·:".~ " i....., .- ~I :~ · l-1.- ~ ~ >' · ~ ~ of her presence to befound. So·ca.lled "revolutions" in industry, conMr. Monroe went ho111e q·Jite perplexed, I sequent upon discovery ..ud invention, follow ' 0 11 T A =-·:·-------:~:-==-=·----· e.ep """' · but half hoping to find )1ia little girl there one another so quickly in .these days that we WEDNESDAY DEC: 19 1888 · hu.vc well nigh lost the faculty of wonder, as 1 "Ah!. line's the :itllo round thl!!g mv papa ~alks bafore him. 1 ~_ --~·--'-· ---~--I To ted~t0e folks down town what 1113 wa.nt~ to hn.ve ! But no Maxy was t h11re. 9 lti~e a. littl.e "reyoht~ion. , s1~o?eeds "revolution ' wit.h ===== ·-- · . _ ... ·· - them do comp any bii.tl gathered l·V t h1a ume, for it bewilderme; rap1d1ty. One of the latest 1a ~ I'm going to try mysell,:--now let me i:et a chail', .i wa.s nearly 2 o'clock, tho hour for the din· said to be an approa,ching "i·evolution" in And then I.JI st and on tiptoe so I can reach up there : ner. telegraphy owing to the alleged discovery "Halloo 1 (that's what they all say) -you dear old ! Ma.mma. Monroe said hopefully: "She by a Spanish s~va.nt of a method of sending Sanb Olau$e, . . . '. must h ~ve gone somewhere else. She must despatches without the use of batteries. Prel'm gorng ·to hav· n ittle talk ~nth Y.0 n. because I have gone to Mrs Brown's while she was liminary tests in the presenc0 uf < x0ect wit I want t , t ell yon alll e.bout a. h~tle gtr· I know, · _ · t Who never h' d a Ohiistma.s in her life-she told me out, !loud she has taken the ba~ket to some nesses a.re said to have pro v~d t hu1oughl:y so 1 r one else," but she looked. pale and hllr eyes successful. "I hardly cmld believe .it, but she s·ya 'tid really' were anxious. We congratulu.ro Mr. O'Connor very for and ft I'm sn~~ll~ou're ahvaya very kind ba\ I'm surprised Dollie was cry in!! in a little hea.p in a. heartily on his victory over Teemer, It is , nt you, ' sofa corner, and lbtle kept her comp~ny. something for Torontonia.na to be proud · That you s~iuld have forgotten euoh a little one I The ladies gathered a.round Mrs. Monroe about, that in this yomig Irish Oa.na.di11.n ' 1·c1111torlaissowelladaptedt.ochlldrenthai Castol'la eures Colle, Colllltlpa.tlon, r rccommcnditaasuperiortoanyprescriptiOD Sour Stomach, Dlarrhooa, Enwtation. & SM You h~v~~ ~~~hap> already all the sb·:ckinga you han I full of ay~pa.thy, ea.ch one tryine; to bhink they 1.a.ve_ a cht!ompion who seems so likely boWD to me." H. A Allcnzn " D Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes difill. . of aomethmg hopeful to say. t o prove h1mselt 11o worthy eucccaaor of Han· ' ,,._ ·· gestlon, Do and you indescribably feel d~ll. IEtngu/d. low-spirited, lif<:A t Ia.st p "Pa. M "d h e wouId go t o la.n, wh o ma.y now b e set down as out of the l'll So. Oxtord S~, Brookl111, N. Y. Wit.hons illjurioua Dledication. ICllS, mrne~able, both phyro· . . _ f onroc si>t callv and mentally: expenenoe a scmse of . But could you go to bu: hJ ~se inste..d 01 commg. · Mrs. Smith's quite at the other end of town race. His du.y is done and he must be conTa.IE C ENT..l.UR CoMl'ANY, 77 Mnrray Street, N. Y, bloating of aftQr eating,in or tbe of "gonehere ? s"ys that Christmas is tho time o! <t!I the I an d see r "f M axy ha.d t .ak en h er b ii~Ite t th ' tent to 1·ie · Id t h e pas · to ' younger men. H e . fullness nesY,,, oror emptiness stomnclt morn- 1"or mamma . ere. year I Mrs. Smith had sometimes worked for Mrs · need not be j ei.lous, however, as he has a J ing, tonguo coated, bitter or bad taste in 1 ~ /"~ t~ Joi, ,p:, ,y ~~~. ' y ' month, irregular appetite, dizzineBS, frequ<'nt · lfo r children to reme~ubar p~o r little girl~ and boys ' Monroe a.ud l'.vhxy knew she was poor and brillia.nt record of victory on which to ' headaches, blurred eyesig-11t," lloating speckB" Who never han<r the1r stockrngs up for picture·books ' needed help she might possibly have look back and content himself i the hou before theirrftnbility eves. nervous prostration or exand toys· n r of temper. bot flushes, thought ,1f her, fia d ing M rs. B rown a b sent. of his decrease. We trust that O'Connor will haustion. FOR SALE BY J. HIGGINBOTH.AM & SON, BOW:M.A.NVILLE 1 alternat.lng with cit illy seneatioos, sharp, "I want you plsasa, to c.rry her a doll with shiny 1 A whole long hour drai:rned hy, for he stop- always show himself worthy of the resp ect as biting, tmnsient pains hern and there, oold A d curl~ t h t d th t'8 th k 10 ' d n ped to ask questions of everyone who seem- well as t he admiration of t he people of 1 1 feet drowsiness arte r meals, waliefulneas, 0 1 e or · ed at a.II likely to have seen the child, be Toronto. . · I n eytlee"gi· r~ls~ n an open- a disturbed and unrefreshing sJQep, const11;nt, The recently formed pbn of putting down Indescribable reeling of dread, or of impend- And a muff to V<arm her fingers, and a cunning little fore Papa Monroe ca.me ba.ok. lo.fr c;"~~"t}!~~ all, or any considerable number o-And a :~k wltl1 pr·tty verses-ll~w eho'll laugh, the Everybody had be?n ~rying to cheer up the E~st Africa.!1 Slave Trade promises to be o.f these symptoms, you are suffering !'rom · little thing l everybo.iy else, but it did seem so strange suuceaaful. It is to take the form of a. strict th~t most common A'!'erican malt\<J,ics-" . that she should be gone so long, that block.,.de of the ooa.st by the English an<i :Bniou~ Dyspel?sia, 01· T01:p1d J,1ver, assocmtlld "An(I. give her lots of goodiea, too, becan9a she's it wa.a hard work to find anything hopeful Germa.n fleets aBSisted s o far by the French with Dyspeps1u, or .J.och;B'est.ion. Tue more poor, you see, I to ea . B · - · l-0mplteatP.d your dtseu.se .has hecome, the .. .·~nd ought .to have more sugt\r-plulilll than you could Y , ,, · _ Y th1a arrangement it is e::cpeoted that the greater the number aud d1vers1ty of~ , mpbring to me, · Sb.a couldn t loee her way, said imports necessary for ca.rrymg on the slave toms. No nmttcr whut stage 1t ha~ r . ched, Nowtcllitonyotirfingers and remember a·yougo- Ma.mma Monroe. "She knows every street trade will be stopped a.ndattheeame timetha.n D.-. Pierce's Golden lf.ledlcal Disc cry J t ~ h rttl tockl~ t 0 the - to wn. " - be no outlet, and consequently no will subdue it, If · taken according to diree- ' us pac ... .. er i c 6 g very, 'very toe. ID" ,, . . there will · tionR for a reusonEtble lcog:th of time~. Jr not .. That's : all_:only, Santa Olaus, I Just would like to · Here comes pa.pa, a.lo!'e, said Katie, marketi for :;he slaves brought down to the c.urcd, eompltc11t10,ns mnlt1ply 1111~ fP11~u,mpsayj c ,. . with her face agau~st the ~mdow, and with coast. By this plan, combined with the en 1 sc0B0, .t10n oft.he Lungs, f:lktn ))1sensc, D.iscnse~.or llrn(\t~ If JOU sl)ould have more presents than you need on that she beaan crymg aga.m ·t"t IB · very RbemnEtttSm, KHlney ottier grnvo Clh .., t d ,.. · coura.gement of 1eg1 ima.t e t ra.d e, I mahu\ies are quite ,liah1" to set in Etncl, soonor And couiti'.\ea~e"':neJti'st a few as vou pass the chimney Papa ca.me in, the picture of d espair. naturally expected that, as in the case of o r later, 111d1we a In.tu I tcrn11nnt 10 ~1. · -wh;r · Ma.mma. grew white and she hadn't a word the West African alave trade this accursed 0 ve 1-. ry Pi ucts e rce's Gohl o u 1 Ued1cal Die- Of _ Id b every g1ad 1a . d eed - G 00db l . . b uameas powerfully 1J)l()ll the J,tver, uud course- r' WOl~, - ye I to eay. a.1ong the ,,, c.astern s h'ores of the con 1 t hrnu.irh tlmt grcnt blood - put·ifring org.1m, · .. Good bye Suddenly there IVas some one stamping tinent will within a. comparatively short cteu.n s'-'s Lile sy~tcm of all blood-tu.!n.ts and rn~--off snow in the hall and a i:ra.y little voice t ime be altogether destroyed. pur1tlGs, t r on1 w ho.tcvcr cnuse nris1ng. It ts HOW MAXY SP.ENT ON] C.HRlBTMA.S d ,, ' ,., · . ., eqw1.!ly ellicricious in nctiug upon tli'J Kid· · crte : Mamma, am I late for dmner ! For yea.rs past the world nas boen watchneys. nml othel' excretory org:ans, cleansing, Then t here \Vas a great rush, you may be ing with anxiety a.nd protest ing sgainst the stri·u:Httc.n!ng, nnd heEthng their t1·tieaseti. As · llY MARCH ELLINWOOD. sure. F.verybody Ia.ughed and cried and growtb of Europenn a m t d th an nµ petrnm"" 1 ·estomtl\'e tome, it promotes k" d M . ~ r a.men_ a, an e digAfil:ion a.nd nutl'ition, thereby b11Hdi11g up It was a q ueer way to spend Christmas, isse axy, and she told her· story as well increase of the burden of taxation necessary bo_th !lus h llnd stre11j\'~li: In malarinl districts, and a queer place for that matter. Maxy ~she could, and a.fter a while t he Christmas for the maintenance thereof ; yet the pro t lua ":'011derful. mf F '1tic111e ldmAs gamCel rl.llgreadt h~d hurdly done + .. lk. 1 ' ng about i ' t before dmner wa.s e&ten. cess still goes on To·da.y Russia is seeking colebn tv m eurmg 'eve1 · an gue, 11 s an w w ""' " O J th· k " 'd M 1 " I }~ever, f> 11 ml> Ag-tw, 11nd kindred diseases. an~ther Christmas came a.round. ~Y lD · ma,m'?11o, sa.i xy, to borrow $100,000,000 for the purpose of v ... ·~ie 1·ce'6 Golden ll.letli c al Da9o The day hacl begun very much like others Epent most all, ~y Chnstma.s I? tha.t closet, keeping up her display of strength; Gercovcry ~ tht1t she remembered, there had been stock- and sca.r?d you most to death, JUS~ be~auae I ma.ny wants $60,000,00·J in or der to increase CUftlES ALL MUMO. RS io!!S filled with a.II sorts of delightful things. ~tlos afraid of thu.t tramp, and. he didn t come the siz~ of her fleet; and England is serious ' ~ after all" 1Y t h" k" f d' $ · from a cornmon Illotch, or EruJ)tion, to t~ There ha.d been the usual merry strife to see m "W · · , lll mg o expen mg 50,000,000 m the wo1·st Scl'Ofuht. Sult-rheum," fever-sores,' which ahouldbefirshwithCbristmasgreeting, e a1 1 make mistakes, little d1>ugh· same manner. What is all this to end in ? S<;al.Y or Roug h Skin, in sbort, a ll disease« tben such a happy time at brca.kfoet. . ter," ea.id her mother tenderly, " but you If not war a.t a.nearly p ariod 1 with its fright: are safe and your Chris tmas isn't quite gone f I · d "t tt d t h h · caueetl by h11d: blood are .cor~qnered by t.h~s There was one t hing about Christmas in ., u C03v an i .s a. en an orrors, lB t ere powerful, punfymg and m v1~orat mg med1· ?ine. Great J<!atiug· Ulcers r~p1dly l1cal und~r Maxy's home that was a little singula.r, it al- yet. not a du.nger that the over-burdened people its tieu ~g·n Jnl1uenc~- Bs1)ecrnlly has it mam- ways kept getting better a nd better, and the may be driven to r evolt a.gainst the tyranny fesr.ed its poten cy rn curwg '.l'ettPr, J~czema, d · f h · · Eryi;irclas, Uoils, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, Sernf· evening wo.s tile beet of all. Wllful Cupid. an _ op_presa1on o _t ~system .of m1hta.nsm uto110 So 1·rn; a.nd Swellings, Hip-joint; Disease, S ometimes, you know, little folks begin to which. is ·lowly grrndmg them mto the dust? "Wh Swellings," Goitre, or tThick Neck, ge t t" C~rol1 ' ne, th e e Ides t aud Derh apa tiie mos t A s every b od y w h o k new anythmg · and i1;e Enlarged Glands. Send en cents ired , and " fter T ommy h aseaten a stock ~ a.bout 111 stamps for a large Treatise, with colored ingful of nuts and candy he thinks that bea.utiful of the daughters of the Duke the matter fully expected, the researchea of plat~s,, ~>n Skin JJis,case~. or the BEt~~ntnQunt :;.· Willie had more than he djd, or his presents Maximilian in B,ovaria., wa.s, while still a the Mining Ci>mmis~ion which the Ontario for a I reatise oo Scrolulous A!fccti , · i don't snit him and he goes to bed .feeling child, selected as a fitting bride for the heir Goverr;ment appointed, are confirming the "FOiri 1'Hl!E IP.ILOOD US THIE L . F~. ~hat Christma& is a myth. " .. of the Austrian crown, and although t here opinion, that as yet the majority of Canu.Thorong·hly cil'lrnse it l~y u sing n 1 ·.-.1"1ercN T he ~ecret of h all was"in the beginning. was no hrm a.l betrothal h er father was in- dia.na have very fai11t conceptions of the G;o~d cn. lllcdical. Dwcovei-y, _ a nd good Mu.mma Monroe had them begin right. fQrmed t h.ab she must be educated in such mineral wealth of their country There ie d1gest1on,and a frur slnn, tmoyEtnt sp1nts, v1tJtl F · · · a.b undance, ' p~rh~ps m · · mexha.us~ · strength bodily health will be established, 'or one th' mg t hey mus b eat no cand y b efore a. wa.y as wouId lit h er f or h er f u t·Ure gra.nil. ~ron ore Ill ~oN~Ul'IAMPTWON bre.,.J,J,,,..t-1->u r. this won't do, I must ~o eur. This was more Aa.aily said th:1.n done, ible "'bundance·. There 18 sliver. There is ~ ~ J..Y..ll. Jll. ' be.ckt_, 11 ,y~t, .. y. fo r money was scarce in the duc:1olpa.lace ; copper. _'.rhere 18 ma.rble, .too, and much which is scrofilJ~ o~the I,~11 g9, is ""!'ested Maxy ~Xf'"""'"l thia day to be a little bet · but the whole family, from the duke him other b1;1 ned ~ca.Ith w hich will ma ke coming an~ . cured by tins i-e'!'edy, 1f take~ m the ter thau an ocdi11a.ry Cll'dGtma s; for there self to the youngest child, seem to have genemt1ons rich and powerful meanwhile ' nne¥ and ·ome of· thrown t h emselves con amore into th '. work, th earner stages of tlle disease. From its rnotr- wa.e to be comp·ny to J1 t t' ' d d vol<>tlS power over this tenlbly f atal disease, w · · e P!'?sen gen er~ ions seems to sta.n an when ti i·st ofl'ering this now world-famed rem.. her best friends would be there with their and to ha.ve cheerfuly econnmized for the gaze uke Joshua·s moon at Aakelon, not ed)" to _the public, Dr. Pierce tliought seriously papas and mamrnas, and the whole house was sake of the fortunate Caroline. She had knowing what to do about it. Capita.lists ~ia~~~~~ li,h~ts ~~~.;'~~Mt~I~~a&·fc~fv~ ~~~ in a delightful state of bustle a.bout IO o'clock, professors and t eachers of the best, a.nd she are timid and will not ris~ _ l oss in setting medicine which, from its wonderful com- wh en Mrs. Monroe caEed Maxy and gave h er well repaid a.ll the ca.re that was lavished up .blast furna.cea, a.nd giv1ng us osoule.r 8 bination of tonic, or strcn$~heuing, altcrative, a basket to carry t o old Mrs. Brown. " You upon her· tor at 19, clever, accomplished, demonstration, of what exper ts say is the or b \0!3d-cleansmg:. a~ti-b1hous, pectoral, aod may step and a,sk Dolly to go with you," ahe and regally bea.utiful, she w 11oa the very idea.I fact that we can ma.nufa.c"ure as good iro 11utr1t1ve properties, 1s uncqmtlcd, 11ot only sa.i "d ' M rucy was P1eased · f or 8 h e k new h ow 0 f wha ·'- Id b e. ' on t h e conttnent. · · n M a remedy f or Consumption, but for all v· ~ queer. s .. ou as any ii Clironie Diseases of the ghd the poor old lady would be, a.nd she When the time for the marriage drew near T he likelihoods seem to predict that with ..8 loved to hear her prnise mrunma'a goodies, the young Emperor Joseph came on a vfoit t h . and tell h.ow good she was not to forget an to the Duke in Bavaria ( the family t itle is ~presen~ Wl~ter bhre_ c of ~he most ~!st~' ? · o1d woman on Christma.s day. · " in," not " of,"( that he might make the gmshed Bnglishmen of tlus generation,For WcEtk Lun~s. SI?ltt.ing of mood. ShortS0 8b t h d · t f h" f t "I d or rather p erhaps it would be more strictly ne!IS_ of llreath, Chrome Nasal Cutunh, llron. e pu on er wa.rm wraps a.n start - acqua.m a.nee 0 18 u ure WI1e .1.: e ga z~ correct to say of the passing generat;irrn-will oh1t1s, Astt11m1, Severe Coughs, anu kindred ed out in high glee. It was snowing a little, at t he st.i.tely creature who had been so h d . f h . . a1fectious, it is an efficient remedy. i,·!r1 and nothing was so charming as to be out in carefully trained for him wit h resp ectful ave passe a~a.y. vne 0 t ese Jij ii.famous Solcl tiy Druggists, at $1 .00, or Six Be~'rea . t-0 f th d l'k h' admiration, but he fell violently in love poet, another 1s an equally famous Eccl eafor .$6.00. . . . ,;c.;;,,..,,, a. ~i:i:ow ·s rm ; a ea ery, ry snow 1 et IS. ia.stic known perhaps as widely by his world PY"Seod t en ccn.ts in stamps for Dr. Pierce's !folly had a sore throat a.nd could not go; with h er madcap younger sister Eliza.beth, r cnoV:.ned hymn "Lead Kindly Light ,, a· book on Consumption. .Addt·ess, Maxy trudged on withou t h er and enjoyed who, regarded in the family as a merA child, · · · · · f h 1 lk th b. th f 11 and one too for whom no high dei;.tin by his theolo!!ical services or opinions, and ~;:r;n~:~ 0 er ong wa roug . e a . was iu ~tor:, had been allowed to pass tb.e '.hird is a. no~ leas .famous Statesman. Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts rull 66$ Main St., BUFFALO, N. Y. TiJ.e only blot upon her happiness was days on horseback scouring the country side. One is '.1 largA Eprncopalrnn_, oi;ie an ardenb ·----~ -c Dolly's sore throat. Ministers a.ud courtiers stood aghast, but c .. thohc, and on-: ~ <>ODSClentlOUB Qlla.ker, over one month 11 three nam~a, it is safe to say, are carved Her first little tap at Mrs. Brown's door argument and persuasion wer e alike wa.sted brought no answer, so she knocked louier, on the Emperor, who cefused to see that a. high on the hat of the If!1mo_rta.I. All_ of then ag:i,in ; but all was still. "She's gone l11ock of accomplishments was a blemish in the~ are worthy of mel!1oria.la lil the shru;ie to the neighbor·s," thought Mnxy ·, "I'll go the one whom he loved, .'and a. few months which F.ngland has dedicated to che worship Cleaned, Died,.Preaaed and.Repaired by.) ~ t f in a.nd leave the basket a.nd get warm , any- later Elizabeth, thor< mgh child aa she was, 0f h er G 0 d · ar_id the memory of h er be s t and Y . i .l way, if the door's uulocked," and in she knowing no more of the etiquette of courts greatest. It 18 hardly necessa.ry ~o say that J.:!.1 walked. t han the veriest little gamin, entered Vienna we refer to Lord Tenny.sou, Ca.rdma.l N ew She looked a.round ct1refully. Mrs. Browu in state a.a Empress of Austria and QPeen of ma.n, and Mr, John Bright. Dyer and Clothes Cleaner. might be a 3 leep on the lounge, bub no, the Hungary. They have a Boa.rd of Railroad and WareAlthou~h this happened more than thirty house Commissioners in the S tate of MinneGoods warranted to be as no one will know hou 8e wa.s quite d eserted, but the fire still them from new when done. shone red through t he cr acks in the stove, yea.rs ago she has not yet learned to submib sota., which, acting under instructions from and M axy sa.t down to wa.rm her feet. with patience to the r.istraints that hedge th;, S tate Legisl a.tnre, hae been probing the Corner of Kmg and Ontario Streets, · Presently the ~ate latch click ed. in the lives of sovereigns, and tbe V1ennaee, question of the b eat mei;hod of heating rail- BowmanYille. "She's coming' s11oid Ma.xy,, peeping from in spite of their love for their beautiful Em- road cars, and has reached conclusions which the window. "Oh my! it's a. tra.mp !" And press, openly mourn t ha.t the Emperor are likely to be embodied in useful legiala.it was,; one of the dirtiest and most forlorn, at should have chosen one who regards a. court tion during the wmter. They unheaita.ting that, and Max y, like many another little gill, b11oll as a penance and a. state ceremony as a. ly condemn the ca.r stove, an antiquated was terribly afraid of anything t hat looked thing sca.rcely to le lived through , From abomination around which t here should by like a tramp. the day of her ma.rriage it seems to have this time have gathered associations of hor" M aybe he'll come right in " she thought b een a. constant endeavour to shake off the ror enough t o banish it h enceforth, for all ,/ " like I did. WhatJ shall I' do ?" Thar~ fetters of her station, and p erha.ps the hap- time. It is not by any means a question of / was but a. minute to think. Maxy glanced pieat hours of her life a.re those which, while having the oars h eated by stoves, or nob quickly around and spied a. closet door 1 following the hounds of England, or hunting heated at all, for the p erfect feasibility of sr.a.nding ajar. "I'll slip in here and take the chamois in her n ative land , she is abl& adapting steam heat has already been t ried the b!J'..Skc~ with me, for he mustn't find t o forget t hat she is Empress Queen. For by the Rock Island road, as mentioned Ji.at that." A minute m ore and Mary, safely h er age the E mpress Eliz,i.beth is the young· Week, among o thers. May the day aoon hidden in the closet, h eard a. kwick a t the est looking woman in E urope. When one come when our Canadian roads als) will of LlJBRICATOR IN '! 'BE 1'IAR.KET;, front door, then a shuffia~ step passed sees .her slight, graceful form, eyes brilliant their own accord free t heir patrons in this around the houae. Then ca.me a. knock at '. with life ~nd vigoll:r, and c?mplex_ion that wa y from feMs of roasting . If t hey do not, the back doo'\',and after a pause the shuffling flushes with pa.ssmg emot10ns, it seems some m eans will have to b e found of forcing When buying Coa~ fl,sk your dealer for the New Oils, step came_back, the ga.te olioked a~ain and , absl!rd t hat she s~ould be the grandmother their h\nd, with more or less d ecisiveness. all, wa.s s:ill. _ _ . of big b?ys and girls. . , Amid all t he pessimistic outcry a.bon t the The ht~le girl gave a. sigh of rehef, 1 ~arohne, the.forssken one, seems to_ h.ave former timer h aving been behter tha.n these, for _ h er prison was_ d_ a.rk a nd ?lose, and , met her fabe w ith true royal eq,ua.nnm~y. it is pleasant to notice from the r egular official Try it once, and you will use no other. b esides she was begmnmg to feel m a. hurry 1 Perht1ps fh e tho0;ght_that, as her s1ater.g~111- returns that t he p rison popula.tion of Britain is to go home; hut, a.las, t he door would not ed what she. lost it did not really ?Da.tter . , always becoming smallerwhile the general in1 ifl ct.JOI... L BROS. & Toronto... open. · _ . ; If one may Judge by her fa.ce, her h fe llaa crease of mhabitants proceeds as usual. In the In vam she pushed ; m va.m she turned , not been a. ha.ppy o~c. When sh? was course of ten ye9.rs the number of prisoners in: VETERINARY SURGEON, ~he little knob. The door hu.d locked a,b ont 24 she wa.~ marr1e~ to the ~rmoe of E ngland 1\nd Wales sank from 20,833 to 14,itself ! - I Thurm and TaxlB, who died some nme yea.rs 536, a diminution of 30 p er cent. from 1877, 0 RO NO. ON'l'. Maxy wanted to cry then, but sh e tn~d . ater. · to 1887. Another very gratifying fact is Es ~ h ard to be brave. "Maybe Mrs. Brown will J t hat the reduction in the number of fema.le VY be b ack soon and I can make h er h ear me," I Brave in the .Face of Death, prisoners has been greate r than among the she said, "W:on't ah? be sea.r ed?" I _ males, for while the falling off in t he num- I It~~ dark m+t hc. little closet ; there. was One,~~y d~rmg the last P.a.rt of t?e w11.r ber of m en has been only 25, 3 per cent. .t he Has received her new stock of nothmg to do bu · t hmk, and .YJ:p,xy thought Dr. W dhs "\>'\ es~morela.nd was dreasu~g the falling off of i;he female prisoners has b een - -MANUFACTURER OF- ab?ut the f?olks at home. W hat were the_y wo~nd of a soldier ~ho had been shot m t he , 41.2 per cent, If a. still wider range of view doing now - Had she been gone so long as i t nec1t near t he carotid artery. I is taken the conclusions to be drawn are still s~emed? An~ were the_y wondering why she . Sudden~y, t he blood vessel gu.ve ll'.ay, u.nd more gr atifying. During the last quarter nd invites the Ladies of Bew· did not come - What if M rs. B rown ha~ JUSt as qmc1tly the surgeon thruati his finger of a century the lowest number of prisoners K ING STREE'f , BOWMANYILL manville and vicinity to call gone somewhere to spend the day? At this in1?, t he hole ~o st?P the ~?w. was i"n 1852.3, when there was a prison popHu.a now on hu.vd a number ot vehlole5 (and is manufacturing a great many more) o1 the ne one or two tears fell down. I Doctor, said he, what docs that ula.tion of 16 700 out of a total popula.tion and see her Pattern patterns and beet finish, which I am oli'ering !ot sa.le a t the lowest prices eonsieteui, "I k now what I'll do, I'll ask the Lord to mean ?" of 18 400 000 This shows that ·Ia.st year with due regard to w ork manship a nd qnality. The following i11 a list ot help m~ get out,", ~d down she went on her j :: It means death, '.' aaJ,~ the surgeon. . . with ' ten' miilion more people, there wer~ the prinoival vehicles mlU'lufa.oturod by me knees m the da.u and offered her prayer, 1 How. long can I hve · asked the soldier,! 2000fewerprisonerstha.nth~rewerethirty-six Double Covered Carriages .............. ... ....... .. .... ........ ....... ....... ,Upwa.rd1 with so much faith t hat she felt comforted w~?se ~md was perfectly ?lear. ., y ea.rs ago. It would be w ell if t he same a.nu a.1:1sortmentot 1 Single Phootons ...... .. .... ..... . .. ............... .................. ............ lc.v \ 11 a.t once. . . , Until I remove my finger, ea.id Di thing could be said of all the countries the Open Buggy...... . ......... .................. .............. .. .. .. . . . . · · · · .. .... 70 11 It was wa~m an h?r small prison, and by- i Weatmorel~nd. . world over, and so far this can be said. As and·by, leanmg aga.mst a pile of comforts, The ~old~er asked for pen and pa.per, a general rule the criminal population ia not Top Buggy.. ................... ... ....... .... ... ... .... ............ ... ............ 90 11 · wro~ h1_ s will, wrote an afiectiona.te letter incr easing so rapidly as it u sed. to do. Maxy fell ~sleep. Democrat Wagon............ ................................... .. . .... .... . ..... 6 5 u !llTOKE a- Second l'<ior W e st of William Meanwhile they were getting anxious to his wife, and when these were dono said Lumber Wagons. . ... . .. . ... .. . . ....... ......................................... . 55 " l·lcher l!.ltaJJ · a.bout her a.t h ome. Katie had been lookin){ q 11ie oly : Light Wagon. . ........ .... .. . . . ..... ................ . . .. ......... ....... ........ . 4 0 11 H.esuits of Mouth Breathing; " Let i t go. " - ou t at the door or w indow every few minExpress Wagon.... .. ... ..... . ...... . ................... . ..... ............. ...... 75 " ~ utes for h"'lf an hour, and how mamma. had 1 The surgeon withdrew his finger, the Many disease germs enter through an Skeleton .... ...... ........ .. ...... . .. ... ................. ... .. ..... ........ ........ 50 11 D ~!it\ "~ begunto sa.y,"How stra.nge itisshedoesn't bloodruehed out, and soon the man was open mouth. The mouth was oot made for S ulky....................... .. .. .. ................................................. 40 11 (1~ come." The minutes passed on and no M axy dead. h b f ll · b · d 'breathing, but for ea.ting and speakin!{. Or ilte Lio.nor Rablt.. P onltlT.'tlY pared came. At la.st Papa M onroe could bear it ' The body of t e rave e ow was une T he nose was ma.de for breathing, and the Poeeesslng superior faoilitlee for ~anufaoturlng carriages, I Intend 1 sell very cheap tor 0 "' or approved credit, and by so d omg I hope to greatly increase mu .·..i.mber or sales W ould by Administcrinc Dr . Huneis' , no longer, and he started out to look for h er . in Oakland, and every year sin~ Dr. West- air, passing through t h e long, moist nasal sell t he wood parts only , or the gearings of buggies ironed, ' Golden Spec~·1e. At Dollie's home he found that she had gone morela.nd ho.s gone on Memorial d~y and passages, is purified, and leaves b ehind dust, . It cAn be given h· t. cup of -co!ree,or teJI. ·w lt'hott· a~ne ·· d onwond ermg - w h er esh econId p I lloCed flowers on th e grave. mh & bilkuowledgjotithe nerson,.t&'kln;; 1ti,tstbGolytclyl and h urr1e c1. IS year disease germs and VEl.rioi.s impurities, while lo""1ll.le··. nnd wrll eflleet a p9rm11.nent and a~eedy be. "Shewouldhurry hometo-dayofalldaya," whenMemoria.l day ca.me th e· doctor was the air is warmed and tempered for th e :.-'~ic~~gl~~if.~~'i.~~~i:'~fi;~t,~g.,~:i'.~ 1he B aid to himself, " a.nd she is such a faith·' a.b .Salt Springs. H e left the ~cene ?f gay lungs. But when the mouth is left open, At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed lf Desire d · .~ cn·es. and ln every Instance ,. perfect cur· ful little thing, anyway. " , ety, crune to Atlanta, and carried his tri- dust, dirt and disease rush down into th e 1 ~:i,/~ 0~0 ,. '£:t"w1J: ,~::p[g1 J~. ttb~~g~~~ ~ft~ H e found Mrs. Brown at home, and she bute of (lowers t~ llhe grave of one who was lungs and, fastening there, develop and Ai the Fa.otor:r I also do P laning, Matching, Turning and. Sawing with Clrole,Ba.nd <>r SOI! Saws. and prepare all kinds ot lumber tor earpenters nd others tor ·building purpOBeB. lw1>osslb\llt:t tot' ,;-,,u"flq\for s.ppettte to eJ<tst. Fot assured him that Ma.xy had not been there. calm 11ond brave m the very presence of destroy the whole syatem. - [Boston Budget. Ornamental and Plain Plokets for fenoes in every style required, ma.de to order. ollx:olAr r.od full payttculars · ·ldl'r.ss GOLDE ~ · "'h · t 1 death · 81'JUJU'l~ co., J.!:i:i 1111.c· St.. Cla· 1 ih1aatl.O. I ,.. e snow h a d quite covere d the l' 1 t e .I. v · ,, ' ' ·' ' · ' ' , ' , ': rtd I - , hn Messo"'e · · I I H AT A I Ls Y0 U Infants I I Children. I ' -- ' · ' · · , I 1' · ' ; I I .., ' I ·' I of I I" Spe cial Latest Designs '· lll co I 4 TEA AND DINNER TASL! & ltAltCtNC SETS arrived this week at Great variety of Bros. tAM~S. Endless varieties in Fancy Goods direct from Europe. · Q McDOUGALL & METCALF, are ottering Coal as follows : 81 ..a l · L1ver ;OOu anu .tmgs -. Stove and Chestnut, .................. $6 ..~5 Grate and Egg, ..........................,... 6.00 · . W orId's o·tspensary M ed'teaI A ssoc1at1 on, uir . - ·--.. Gents' Clothing 1 I LUMBER SHINGLES LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. · THOS. P AT, McDOUGALL & METCALF. I /'" THB,ESHERS AND l,ARMERS USE ONLY McCOLL'S i A R D I N E :: M ACHINE OIL. S UNLIGHTCbAL0IL. -co,.r, THE OEST on F .A MILY SAF ETY & IOHN SPENCER, ff A IN CARRIAGE "'tTTQRKS RISS McT AVISH GOODS, GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, GARR IACES, SLEIGHS, GUTTERS, WAGONS, &G . e;r ·, B 0 NN ETS, HATS TRIM .t-.1 IN GS D U : ', i(lC N . UC&lQ"' . s i\1 NE ; V · All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired · ,

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