Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1888, p. 3

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~auadiau AUlJ~ DR S 117 CHURCH ST., tORONTO, ONT. How m11.ny respectable working girls are 1 ADVICE TO M " 'l'HERS.-Are you dis· 1 Notes for Women, there in Toronto who are compelled to live wrl ?roken of :y:our. r est Tbem l\rc twenty .three wumen inspeLtoi;s t urbed at nifht 1 on Iese than that a.mount? by a sick child suffe rmg a.nd cryi ng with '.Jnl.i l yon r hair becomes d ry, th in , a nd 011t of 142 inmates commit ted, 77 were in the N ew York Custom H ouse. Among pain of Cu t t in!! T eeth 1 If so se nd at MEF.CER REFORMATORY. t hem is a sister of Ros coe Vonkl~ng. '.rhey grny before g iving the at tention needed; "What institute is that?" is the invari- I sentenced for six ~ontha, 24 for ~welve receive $21 per week. WEDNESDAY, DEU. 19, 1888. once a nd [!et a bot.t ie of "Mrs. W inslow's bl · f th t ·t i months, and the remmder between 0 110 a.nd 10 presene its licanLy a nd vitality. enquiry o e ouras · ,, two years. a And yet another A melit&n gil'l is to mc.rry Soothing Syrup." For children teeth in g, l\ cr p on yonr toilet-table a bottle ot lts value is inca lcula ble. It will r elieve The Mercer Reformatory, for women, I Of th 46 d f ·Ne a. foreigner and a tit le. '.Che engagemen t is 'd d th f b ese were un er years o w,,_ , · A:,·e r 's H air V igor-the only drcssingIe t he r ep I Y give?, provi e. . e ques ion e 50 between 20 and 30, 38 between 30 nn d 50, a.nnounced of Ba.rou Von Schr oed er, of the the poor li ttle s utiel'er imm ediately. D e yun req11ire for the hair- a nd use a lit tle( a.eked ~f a. well informed cttizen. i and the r ema.inder over 50 yea.rs. P russian Imperial G naHfo, te Mies Pri 1ich· pend u pon i '. , mot hers ; t h ere is n o Pa.ssmg through the front offices to the I F ifty out of 142 o ov Manufacturers of -th" cl of the a.rd, of B Jston. mistake abou t i t.. It cures Dysentery d a ily, to preserve th e natural color a nd, · reforma.tory proper, I was shown first the , total numb r ' r . er one tr 1 1 prer c nt bald ness. I t is said that thEJ &&~th &I lJillnanza and Diarrhooa, regulates the S tomach and privilege corridor, a. bright, airy department, I mo a.lit i e · rere ~uilty perso'.la 1;'1· T liowas Munday, Sharon Gr ove, Ky.~ -" ~ containing some dcz~n cells r Y n var ous P a.see, were commtt- Ba.nker Flood will give his daughter, Miss .Bowels, cures Wind Colic, s often s the writ es : " Several months ago my bait These cells are re~lly tiny bed chambers, tcd for vagrancy, 25 for larceny 11.nd 16 for Jennie, $50.000,000 and make her t he Gums, r educl'!' Inflammation, a nd gives A.1·1ificial richest youug woman in the world. She to:i.e and energy to the whole sy~tem. commenced falling out , and in a Iew.· each lighted by a separa.te window. They dr'!1.nTkhene.rnee~s. . . 18 ve_ry l_ittl~ sw~ne~s among t he is fairly well to do now. It is related that " Mrs, Winslow's S oothing Syrup " f\for Lilbbs, contain the needful toilet appliances, a ch11.ir, weeks m y h ead w as a lmost bald. ~ box bracket shelves a.nd sma.ll iron bed- 1rnmatea of t_lle rnstitut1o~, sa.1d the atte'?'d- one day as she was si tting in her sewing children teething is pleasant to t he t aste tried m any remed ies, but they did noi· · ant, answermg my enquiry. "The hospital chair, her father dropped $2,500,000 of 4 And Applianoes tor all De· 8 te 'd and is the prescriptio n of one of the oldgooL l. I finally b ought a bottl e of Ayer' it f'll:!Jlities of the HumanBody Th~ bedding consists of hl11.nkets, sheets, ~8 closed at present, a.ud the general he11.l.th per cent. U. S. bonds in her lap. ~inal DiseasllB. HtpJoint est and best female physicians a nd nuree e H air Vigor, a n d, after using only a par~ 18 very good. We had only one death last Disease, Diseases O! the Pillows a.nd white quilts ' aul looks as in- i year" Some dist mct1ve q uality has always been In the U~ited States, and is for s al e by uf tlie conten ts, m y head was covered_ Kn\'\e and Ankle, Knock viting a.s any weary body could desire. w·h "d h . associa.ted in the public mind with the lady Knee, Bow Legs, Club Feet, Altogether these diminutive rooms, so fresh with a hca·vy growth of hair . I r ecom,,. en ~e cons~ er t e 1i~es of those w~- of the White House. With Mrs. Gra.nt it all druggis ts t hrough the wod d . P1ice lil'tc. in t heir cleaulinese, must become potent men prevtou 3 t_o !ncarceration, and the ex. was interest in nation al affairs ; with Mrs. 25 cents a bottle. Be sure an d ask for me1 Hl your preparat ion as the best hair·. AL~O CR UTCHE!:l. factors in purifying the hea.rte and lives of besses t a~1;1ertam~ng;heretof such a r~i:ord Hayes, Tempera nce ; wit h Mrs. Cleveland , "MRS. W1NsLow's S oorHI NG SYn.uP." restorer in t he world ." . · i;heir oooup;mta. ears. es ~mony. o t o 011.re 11 1 superv1a1on bea.uty, and wit h Mrs. H i>r rison it promises and t a ke no oth er kin d , " .llfy hair was faded and dry," write~ "These cells are awarded to those inmates exercised m th1~ department. to be d omesticity. N e11.rly a ll the i tems Mabel C. ITnrdy, of D elavan, Ill.; " b Ut ·a h b 1 f The chapel is a large handsome apart · a.bout her t ell of her doing her own w h ose good cond uct JUsti ea t e estow!I. o t th fi t · th b "ld" R r · nC : er nsing a bottle of A yer's Hair Vig!)!'.: a. special privilege," remarked my guide, men.~ ef nes m e UI mg. e 1g10us marketing and pra.ise her skill as 11. house<:OXSllHPr10N Cl!RED. I ~ hecame bla ck and glossy ." " 11.ud they are a possession much coveted by servi e~ or both Pretestants and Roman keeper. An old physician. retired from practice. ha.vthe inmates," Oathohcs arc conducted at stated times · l .in~ had placed in his hands by an East India A 1et ter f rom A l a b ama te11s of a gir missionary t he formula. of a. simple vegetable Further on we entered the sewing room, !hrou~hoit the week! and on Sunday mo~n "who can drive like Jehu, ride and shoot remedy for the speedy and permanent cure o! VETERINARY SURGEON. where the clothing is ma.de a.nd repaired. I mg a un ay scho~I 18 held, when the !n- like a cowboy, run like a professional and Consumption. Bronclli.tis. Ca..i;arrh, Asthma ::>old by Druggist s and l 'erfumers. · d th ·1 f d 1 th· g th t ma.tea a.re brought in personal contacb with examme e pi ea o un ere o m a. C · · . swim like a duck. She will go rowing with ann all 'f hroat and Lung Affections, also a lay en readiness for UBI', a.nd found all the · hnsha.n liidrns, who labor earnestly 00 no ~ompany but her doa and gun, and she positive and radical cure for Nervous Debtlity ,., and all Nervous Complaints, after having articles needful for a woma.n's wardrobe, mfl.uenc_e them 0 r g.ood. I htt.ve riirely seen ce.n d rop her oars, spring to her feet with tested it& wonderf ul curative powers in t hou· tl de f he&v factor cotton. a mor~ 1mpreas1v~ sight than th. ese women nea V ~a " . Y .V and girls present when assembled for one of her ~un and shoot a ma.rah hen or a gros- sands of casea, has felt it his duty to make it So 1lisfiguring to the face, fornhea d, an<t. bea.k without rocking the boat or misplacing known to bis suffering fellows. Act uated by The inm11.tea wear ~ umform costume of these services. this motive and a ctesir~ to relieve human neck, may lio entirely r emoved by th·· i blue denham, a "!'aterial much the same as Swayed ever by impulse, a hymn, a text, the oars. She sleeps on pillows of down suffering, I will send tree or cb.arge. to all who u~e of A yer's Sar saparilla, the best ancl thtt.t used for sJ-.ir~mg_ and overalls . On Sun · a tender woro. will bring a. softened look on from birds and ducks killed by her own desire it. this receipt, in German, ] 'rench or expects by next spring to have E~glish , with full dirceotions tor preparing and m afest A ltcrative and Blood-Purifier ev~ day each woma.n is given a long white apron many faces, a.nd a quick tear even in many hand'hand f h f h k" d k uamg. Sent by mwl by addressing with 1 liscovered. an? .a !men coll~r. Th.ey ~re all?we? the eyes, while good resolutions are r.iade, too enoug ea.t ,,ers o t e same 1n to ma e a · stamp, naming this paper, w. A. NOYES. 149 Power's Block, Rochester , N , Y . 41- l y pn vilege of dr?ssmg t}teu:: h11.1_r, w~ioh 1a not often t o be broken by the evil influence .,f feather bed. l>r,"J. c. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maa Mrs. Harrison is an enth usiastic china. t:ut u pon entering the mst1tut1on, m any neat associates more hardened. Sold byD1·ugg!Joto; $1; alx bome.for ... method. · That reformation, thor.>ugh and complete, paint er tt.nd showed a. correspondent the Consumption Surely Cured. " The ·~mates a re i:ot allo.wed t~ wear is pQlleible ha.a been proved In ma.ny In· other day ~h p ride a s et of salad and fruit any of t?e·r. ow!1 cl~thm.u durmg their stay eta.noes; but it has been despite the associa.- plates caref~lly painted under the instrua· !~ t~e mst1tution, sa.1d th~ att~ndant. tbn, and due rather to the personal efforts of tion of a ~kilful Dresden artist now in To T l!E E DITO R : P lease inform your readers that I have It_ is p~t away for them until their term the staff or kindly he11.rted philanthropists ; Indianap )lie. ·Each plate wo.s decorated exwres. · for as one .lady recently remarked : "No with the separa.te ingrld ients of a sala.d. a positive remedy for the above named Do they generally come m well sup· one knows what the women in the Mercer One bore a. delicate spray of celery, another disease. By its timely use thcusa.uds of Graduate of the OntarlQ Veterinary Cc6ge, Regt8 tered mexr.tb~ of the p~tario Veteri'llil.l'Y plied?" I asked. h a.veto endure from thE.ir companions when- bore a sliced lemon or a bit of lettuce, an- hopeless cases have been permanen t ly Mealcal AB§oc1at1on, " Occasionally they a.re very well dre~s· ever they endeavor t o ti~ht their w~y up- other a red tomato cut in half, and so on cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles ·Office and Rcsid.ince, Newtonville, Ont. through the order of pickles, carrots, olive~, of my remedy F ll.EB to any of your readers ed," was the reply ; ' ' but often they are in ward into a. p11rer higher life " W,lll 'vieit Orono11very 'l'uesday snd!Saturday a terrible state of destit ution. It depends a ' · cucumbers and purple beets. The fruit who have consumption if they will send me Office how;s tr m, 10 a. m., to ;l p. m., . at good deal upon t'·e offence for which they plates were finely designed with different their Express and P . O. address. Coulters' Hotel Calls by Telegraph race ·v· are arrested." fruit-currents, gooseb erries, plums and Respectfully, D r. T. A. SLOCU }!,"_W Max O'.Rell on America. imt: e,cll,jl.~ attenJ;ion. Retracing our steps, we next visited the grapes. Among other gems were a water Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. CHAI GES MODERATE. ~'hen t hat eccentric and imaginative knitt iog rocm. In this departmen t all the color of pi>naies and a large square tile with knitting required by the institution is done, Frenohma.11 who is kno wn to the reading chrysa.nthemums. " ·~ Ma.x O"Rell gave to tht> world his pub!ic as in addition to contract work, which is oc· Twenty·tive years ago the now Pein ces a.muling skit upon English men and women of Wales and tuture Q11een of England was casionally given. "In the knitting and sewing depart. enti tled "John Bull and his Island," our living on the third floor of a corner house in Americo.n cousins found his book extr emely Copenhagen, and her fa ther, who no one Wbon Baby was s ick , wo. gave her Ce.storia, mente," said the attendant, "we have t hose inmates who, by rea.son of bodily weaknesa, entertaining and applauded his keen faculty over dreamed then of being a King, .W >\S When oho """ :. Child, siio cried for c ...,toria, for analysis and h is discrimination as a poorer than m .ny a burgher in che sa me are u nfitted for mote a.rd uous aervice." When sho boc:.mo :Mioe, she clung to Caotoria, " Have you any difficulty in controlling cri~ic. When subsequently he visited Am· street . Sbe and Iler t wo s isters, now t he Whou oh e h r.d Childr!ll>, ahe gavo thom. C11o11toria, with the traditional politeness of erica and, Cz ~rine of Russia and the Duchess of Cumthose unier your ca re!" I enquired, gla.rcing at the groups who were knitting and in- his nation, said all sorts of sugary thing· berland, occupied the s~me room, scantily about Americ1Lns and their institut ions, no furnished, and instei>d of a wardrobe a ourdulging in q uiet conversation. · "Not much," she answered, "They work one in the United l:Ha.tcs questioned his tain drawn across t he wall hid the pegs on ,;;a~~:!'!'!~~~~~~~~~'!'!!~~~'!!!~ But, a.las, since his return to which their few dress ,s , hung. They had = www BOWlttA1'i VILLE, Ont. largely by impulse, and have no more ste· di· sagacity, ness of purpose tha.n little children. It is Europe, he has been lecturing in L ondon on never worn a si lk dr ess in tneir lives. Now ES'.r.ADL ISJIED, 1857. difficult also to retain .their attention for t he United States, and i t is no "fl discovered Alexandra doubtless has all the dresse1i she Nervous Debility, Seminal Losses and pre-ma· · ture Deca.y promptly and permanently cured by any · l ength of time. W e have educational that he is a very unsafe guide to follow, aud 1vant s, but ib is mor e than likely that ah., that h ie exaggerations a.re so extravagant as looks back wit h plearnre upon those year s ia HE SCIENCE OF LIFE, cll~ases io t he k ni tting roon, through t he A I ,L KI ND S OF t he great medical work winter m onths, for an hour and a half E>.ach to ta.ke away all value from his criticism. the happiest of her life. t hat no man with any self. He declared Almost any morning a.bout 3 o'clock in of the age on Manhood, day, when those wh o wish t o do so may learn any t hing to do with politics in respecthab Charleston, S.C., a h··1 Y whn h a.s nerve, not Nervous and Ph ysical De· to read and wd te." As education is cer tainly an aid t o reforma- the United S tates, and that if a senator ac- nerves, may be seen going home frr,m her bility, Premature Decline, gains ad mittance to a select enter cidentally tiol' a nd .fully restores lost vigor n.n d insures proofrea.der for The Charles · work . Sile is tion, it would surely be a desirable t hing Errors of Yon th, and · t he P.prfect manhood. Sent to any O:d dress. post.· to cont inue t hese classes all the year around, tainment t he custom of the master of the t on W odd. She comes from a family which nntold miseries coneequen t paid on receipt of price One Do 1lar per box, ot h for brains and pluck. H er thereon, 300 pages, 8 vo., 125 The laundry is financia.lly the most pro- h ouse is to or der that the silver as well as is k nown D Sole agency, SCHOFimLD'S DRUG S'l 'ORE, d one in t he latest styles an d materials. the ha.ts and coat s in the hall be carefully d11tiea take her to the office of t he news. str ~et, 'l.' oront o, · King ductive dripartment in the Mer cer ; its net prescriptions for all diseases. Clot h, full gilt, _oo...·u..,J.:rsw:;; & wwww revenue la~t year amount ed to over $2,000. watched, In referring to the national pre- pap er about 8 o'clock every night and de· only $1, by mail. sealed. Illustrat lve sam ple There are t wo distinct laundries, one being dilection for profanity he Iells of an American tain her ther e until 3 t he nexb morning. free t o all young and middle aged m oo Send poker party on an English steamer of which But she d oes not rely upon mere courage. now.- The Golct aud Jew.elled Med!il awarde!l (;:? ~ ~ TO P.ONTO STEAM lAUNDRYi 'SOO'i'CIT, ENGLISH , GERMAN AND need for the Mercer a nd Central Prison wash· ea.ch · member l aid down each ca.rd with a new She carries a. lo11.d ed revolver iu one hand to the anther by the National Medical .A saoo1- ,~ o@Q il!.g; the second being r eserved for family a nd Q 106 York St., Tor on t o. ation. Address P. O. Box 1805, Boston, Mass. and distinct oath. The ssme poker pa.rty a a.:id a lantern in the other. The police k eep or DH. W. H. PARKER, gradu&te of Harvard ' - , NEW B RUNSWICK . ~' cqntraet washing. '·; short time after wards sang hymns and psa.lms a lookou t for her goings and comings, and Medical College, 25 years' practice in Bo~ton, ·! SH IRTS, COLLA RS ,AND CUFF& who maybe cousulted confident ially. Specialty A I A aspec!a1ty. Out or town. work ~ Asofwe enter ed the ir oning roo~' and the chat· the busy workers ceased; they for t wo h ou rs. Max O"Rell declares that a lookout M she p Mscs t heir bea.ts. S he is a Diseases of Man . Office. No. 4 Bulfinch St. t er ilJJ /, lLJ pro~pt:ly at~endcd to and returne<l he has met men in ot her countr ies who swor e maiden lacy and the t ask is u npleasant, - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -- - ~ ' bent over their tables in silence. · pe1 · rnstr uct1ons. "Do you a llow conversat ion in working and alao, he is ula.d to s11.y, who sang hymns, but she considers it a duty t o work, and ~~ G. P. SHARPE, Propriet or. '. I N STOCK . but America. alone produc.es men who d o wha.t "her hands fin d to do" s he docs is hours ?" I enquired of t he matron. both with equal facility , -:::----~\ L~ · tl"ext door to Palmer house. Handy t o Unio~ :.11 her might. " \\ ith ,r;\ .,.. .1 Depot. C~Il and e11e our designs a nd get our "In t his d ep3.rtment, yes," she ans wered. "The girhl ar" ~onstant.Jy moving, and t hdr estimat es before purch asin!! ~ ~ -·~ ·· ' r he Game Dinner. rema.rks mUllt necessarily be ma.de in a tone Execut ion by .Electricity. loud enough for me t o hear . T herefore, we The annual game d inner 11.t the Grand T h.e N ew York l::it!l.te law which p rovides P "cific Ho tel, given by Drake, P arker & Co., know it to be harmless. It is not the loud talking t hat troubles us, but t hat which is t hat after Jan uary 1st next all execut ions t he proprietors, to their friends is one of the , I '-' -. . _,(111. It never was intended, so far as I c6n learn, carried on in low tone and which may be for .murder sho.11 be performed by the agency even ts for Novemb0¥ in Chicago. Grea.t That either men or women were intended tQ· of electricity is like to bring about a diffi. p rept\rations arc made a nd the thirty-third good or evil but most likely the latter. be bald. Then we descended t o the refractory we.rd. culty which wa.s not cont empltt.ted when the of t h e series, which t ook place l.ist Saturd ay I think you will believe me, indeed I'm sure "What forms of punishment do you legisla.tion was passed. It was taken for evening, wa.s equal, if not su perior, t o any you will, If a t the .. Paris Hair Works" you have ca.lied:, granted t h.at t he new mode of d eath w ould preceding one, M.r . John B. Drake gave his adopt?" I enquired. 'l'here is one thing Nature thinks of- let Ull "Deprivation ot privileges, solita.ry con · be painless, and t hat t here would be no firs t game dinner in 1P55 at t he old T r emon t tha nk her for all we can., and ca.ch succeeding finement in light cells, dark cells, and in ghastly prep arations to add to t he agony~of H ouse, on Dearborn S o She takes particular trouble with onr race ; Elegant i n D esign extr eme cases t;he dungeon. No, we never the crimiM I. The L egislat ure forgot t o year he h as endeavored to furnish new She knows a scanty growth or hair, the gray resort to corporal punishment in any form." specify in who.t m l\nner the death · den.ling a.ttractions, The last OD 3 cert~inly was in a nd wbite;iing locks, So lid in Construction shock should be applied, and it bec'l.me some respects in advance of a.ny in the long W ill detract from the beauty of the face. I inspected t he dark cells and dungeon, and fonnd them to be clean, dry and dimly necessuy to refer ~he m11.tter to a commit- list in the years gone by. 0 n this occasion !E xce lle nt in Tone e has her la.wi:I' so striot tha t yoq But Natur t ee of eleotromedioa.l experts t o suggest a must never err, PRONOUNCED BY ARTISTS TO BE THE FIN EST lit, furnished with a straw pallet and cover · mode of operation. The r ecommendation John B. Drtt.ke aud Samuel W . Parker wer e For you'd surely pay t he penalty a t last, . provision mi.de was moat t he h osts and the MADEIN·CANADA,andequal tothe best United States let. Sustain it . that bounteous head of hair " The dungeon, with bread and water m a.de by this committee invol ves a number ala.borate a nd ample. T he var iet y of game i nstromonts, at (when duty and froight is paid) Dr. Doren wend's lfa.ir Magic's unsurpassed. I diet,will generally reduce the most refractory of myBterious p reliminaries which will, in will be no~iced from t he menu as fullows : many cases, inflict agony worse than death ust try it vou afflicted , you nover will regre' J of mount ain she p, deer tongue, black L<3g to ebedience," said the attendant, " but we (Tli i':;i r;:ngrn.v ing represents L h e L ungs In ::L hcolthy state. ) The Mal(ic was never yet known to fail ; have r arely t o resor b to these exped ients. itself. The crimin~l is to be strapped down t 11.i ldeer, mountain sheep, saddle of antelope, And the good that it will do you w ill ma ke T )rn REMEDY F OR CU RING ~ ~ amrnE FO~GH.1.Sll!!l ~om.rnmcATE Mont hs ma.y go by without one punishment , upon a hble or to a cha.Ir, then a m etal loin of venison, loin. of elk, op ornum, coon, you soon forget 'l'he expenditure a bottle will entail. '<..'-IJ WIIll TllE &lANUFA!lTURERS and- t his ward is often vacant for o. long helmentis to bepla.cedon hio he!!.d , a.nd meta l black bear, wild goose, sa.nd hill crane, ruff. points are to be put in con tact wit h va.rious led grouse, mallard duck, V irginia p1ut · time." OCTAVIUS N EW COMBE & CO. This· now famo us preparat ion for invig, ASTHMA, CROUP , Upon further enquiry I fo ll.nd that the parts of his body, while warm water is to ridge, red head duck, sage hen, bre.nt, ors.ting und sti m ulatin g t h e g rowth of t h eq uirrel, butter· women a.re locked in their cells at half-past be applied t o his hair a nd head. So pro· wood duck, j'l.ck rabbit, E ALL D ISEA SES OF T H E TH ROAT, L UNGS A ND hair is unive rsally accepte d as the moat seven each evening. From tha.t hour until tracted and complica.ted a method of p repar · ball duck, prairie chicken, blue·winged teal, PULMONARY O RGANS. valuable specific on the market. AU fi ve or six in the morninr they are free from ing t he criminal has aroused much discus . wild tu rkey, widgeon, p heas ant , plover, nv J 'l' S P AT THF U T. USE dise ases of t he scalp ar e either r elieved or · any supervision beyond t hat exer cised by sion, and exciting strong opposit ion t o t he qua.ii, venison steak , fox squirrel, black CONSUMPTION HAS BEEN OURI D p er manen t ly c ured. A rich an d rapid an overworked wat ch wonmn who makes her change in the law. Unless some more simple birds, snipe, r eed bir ds, red ·wing starling, When o th er n cm e(lies an il Phy~ici o.ns have growt h of hair will follow after j udicioul{. Ornamental long r ounds t hrough the ex tensive b11ilding, means of electric applica.t ion can be devised , mar sh birds, Engl\sh hare. fa.ilOO. t o effect a. cn·c. it is doubtitl whether t he new law will be Dishes.-Pyramid of ga.me en Bellevue, a.spic an d re·gular treatmen t . l t r e mains wit b and who cannot make more than a. brief a nd Recommen<led by P l 1Y:-iH :!A ::s, :i'.l r:"rSTERS, A:-\D ca.rried out. of birds a la r oya.l, pat tie of liver aur socle, hurried visit t wo or t hree t imes d nriog t he t h e user a lone to secure the des ir ed .NURSES. 111 fact by e verybody ~.-~1:, has ~ivcu it a good tri :t l. ....·l never fail~ to b. ·in ··el fr! boned quail in plumage, r ed .wing st arling night. r esults, Dr. D orenwend's "Hair Magic" au na.tural. The special ornaments were A S AN EXP EC-:-,-; ~ A N T I T HAS, EQU A L. is sold b y all d ruggists at $ 1 ·p er b ottle, T hese thirty-three inma.tes, each with Was Far A b une the Moon. the bare back rider a nd the h u nter's mis- J n i.ot lut:- 11·1 ~('~8 t o OM .1f ost Deli<:1tt1: : ~,\;' ~their varied experience in deadly evil, with or six bott les for $5. If not obtainable t he r estraints of the work room r emoved, One fine moonlight n ight a K ilmannock hap. It contabs :;o OPlUM in ·:::y form. in your l ocdlity s end direct t o the sole and t he freed om of night and dar kness farmer setting home ward from Bonhill, m a nufacturer, enclosi ng price. A . D ORN' y to wher e he had sat; too long and drunk too The F edera tion Question. abou t t hem, ha.ve unlimited oppor tuni h P RICE 2.5c, 50c A Kn $ 1.00 1·En. J;.-···· ,.i::. w :&ND , P a r is Hair W orks, 103 and 105 exchange con5dences of thCJ worst deacrip- deep, had reached t he b urn near his house. l t is not t he wan t of success of the appeal DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO . ..·-·imit ed.), Yonge S t . , Tor on to. F or sale by ·J·. tion without check or rebuke. I s this a . Att emp ting to cross it by the stepping.atones for feder ation which has produced the recent Ge n e ral Auents , lll 0N1' IU~.l!L. H igginbotham & Son, and a ll drnggist dt<sira.ble thing? 1 - t o effect which in safety req uired daylight agitation in the ranks of opponen ts. On the But t h is is but a sm all defect compared or a steadier head t han J ohn's waM on that contra,ry, it is t he success of the ent er prise with the fact th11.t t here is absolutely no night - he missed one s tone, and came down and t he practical steps recently taken t o I classification of the inmates. T hey mingle , splash iato the burn. Unable to raise him· ca.r ry forwar d the work t hat h as arou~ed ( ~tqttid.) freely in recr eation hours, work together, felf beyond his hands and knees, he looked t h is open a.ntagonism. We would say to all eat together in one large, gloomy dining d own into the clea.r wa.ter , in which the loyal Methodists. D o not be disturbed by f.f;ff' Na~e.- This fa· c wite 7/tedicine is put m oon was r eflected, while the water stre!l.m· rumours a bout t he alleped failure or obst ruc. up in ovut bottles holdi~ a wee ounces room and sleep in adjoining cel'e. by the public is unanimous that t he For va~rancy, l:.trceny, and assault, drunk- ed from his hair. At last he began to shout tion of the movemen t. They are C'esigned each, uith t he name blown 'i n the glass, and the.name of the inventor, S . R . Camp - enness and pr os titution of a. grea ter or less to his wife, "Ma.rget? Marget !" '.l.' he good t o cr eate a feeling of doubt no d uncertainty, degree, theae women are sentenced to mingle woman hearing h is cry, ran ou t, exclaiming, With God's r elp we sha.11 go steadily for· bell, in red ink across the /ace o f the label. - " Oh, Joh n, my John I Is that you ? I war d t ill we enter t he new Victoria. in the Beware of imitations, ref use all s1J,bsti- · together for a period of mor.ths or years. Many a re first offenders, guilty only of W ha?'r. are ye, J ~hn ?" " W haur am I ?" Q11een's par k to ta.ke our full ah a.re in mould tutes, and you wdl n ot be disappofat,ed. minor evil. eent enced may haps by some he rei om ed; "I dmna ken, b ut I see I'm ing t he intellectual life of t his p r ovince. Let is the cheapest place in the Coun ty for coun ty judge at the reqne3t of an anx ious far a.boon t he mune." I t .was the same man t hose who have subscribed arrange to p a.y father who desires t he r eformation of his of whom it is t old, t hat on a moonlig hi; night their instalments as early as possible. T he erring child. Many others, a.las, a.re h a.rd · on his way home, over come by drink, he people of T 01·on to should now put for th a Cooking Ranges, Coal and Wood Cooks, Parlor . and Hall ened criminals who have lived a life of the had fa llen or lain down to r est by the r oad - libera.l and united effort to raise $50,000 adStoves- all the most popular makes a~d styles. vilest sin that wom ~.nhood oa.n compass. side, _ and had fallen aslee_p wit h his feet i~ a. dit ional to what they have p romised. Numbers of the mmates are young girls 1r unnmg stream. Awaking after a while, A Liandid Oonfession. yet in their early t eens, othecs ar e elderly I with t he i mpression t hat he had reached J ewel Range, with the new D uplex Grate; also Grand women who have spent all t heir lives in and home, and wtt.s in bed, he shou t ed- " M arget, arising from o. disordered state of the Liver, out of p r ison. bring anither P"'ir 0 · blankets to pit on ma "Well, former, how a.r e t he crops r' Duchess, Grand Universal :and Diamond Range. Stomach and Bowels, sueh as Wha.t good influences ca.n the earnest - feet, and blaw ou t t ha t ca.wnel. " "Very good. Dyspepsi a or Indigestion, B ilious hea.rted staff exert that will not be more t han " You don't k ick about anything t hen ?" Affections, H eadach e, H e artbur n, counteract ed by the evil r esult ing from in· " No." Acidity of the Stomach, Rheumatism, discr iminate associat ion? An InteUiy ent Do~. "Then whtt.t are ) OU looking so blue L oss of Appe tite, G r avel, N er vou s In look ing over the latest a nnual repor t of Bogges- " I wonder wha.t's the ma tter J ab?,ut ?" , . t he Mer cer Reformatory for a r ecord of t he wit h the dog ? H e came down to the office ! Because~ don t k now of anythmg t hat D ebility, N au sea, or Vomiting, &c., &c. n umber of r e· commitments- a. r ecord which with his tale t ucked in, and when I t ried t o T can complrun of. " Pric e 2.G Ce nt& per Bottle, I did not find-a few particulars at tracted send him home he h owled so I had to give it It d - -- - - .. . t_ l-.k -th - '- f J k PREPARlD oMv BY my attention which may be- which certain- up." _nee s so~e ca1am1 y 1 e a.u.o a.c - Jtatt,;Jtuau. PRISON GAT.ES, I l Oon't Wait~ ,? & ~cox, zo TRUSSUS, I 3J I. · I Ayer's I-lair Vigor, ! Pimples and Blotches._ I I I B O UNSALL'S Marble and G ranite Works, DUNN)JS ·eAKINC I~~.~.~J·!~!l.!~± POWDER,· T'°'E' COOK'S BEST FRIEND' 0 EXHAUSTED VITALITY f ERRORS OF YOUTH T .· . ;mRA N ITE MON U MEN TS $ . -. . _) · N' I """°- = ====== B A ..· AM ANOTHE R WONDER. 2 ~ Per C en[ ~~sJxpanse CONSUMPTION, COUGHS, C OLDS, I I Newcastle Stove and Ti n Depot C~nuoen's Cat11aruc Gomuound Cure~ Chron icGonstiuation, Costiveness, and-an Complaints I j Parlor Stoves w ith a nd wit hout ovensArt Garlands, Art Sult a nas, et c. . Orders taken for the best Hot Air Furnaces. Granite, Iron and Tin Wares constantly on .hand. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO. (LimiteQ.), MO:L'llTRE AL, "lOP· R · PEAT E ' T ai ly ought to be- of interest '"to t he genera.! Mrs. Bogges- " I don't know. I never i sonv·:~e ~ enhght~~ t hbl d"'.eller: ;n noj r thp ublic, . missed him. By the way, mother says you , ern c 1ma. es uI?on e eesmg s ey en .ov. The t ot al expenditure for t he ye11.r ending I ought to- - " Jack sonville, srnoe t he ou t break of yellow Eave in September, 1887, w as $29,783 40, or close "Was she her e t his afternoon ?" fever t here a !ewwee~s ago, has had 4, 500 upon $30,000. T he net r evenue $3,595 . 93. " Yes.' ' cas~s of the disease '!1t h 335 deaths. S uJ?1~herefore, the instit ution costs over $26,000 l "No wonder t he dog ran away. I tell posmg some place ~n Ca.n'!'~a had _lost th~s , m th Mad "' . ' yearly, the a.verage d aily cost per inma.te be- you t hat do11:'s intelligence is almost huma.n, I numb~r t~ pe~p!e lD a~ditiond t~ its obrd1- 1 Gentlemens o es e toOrdet'< " ~ ing57.98 cents,or $4.05 perweeh. sometimes," , naryt d ea , s, w a apamc wou ave een 45 crea e . I I I Troughing, Roofing and J ob Work don e on shortest notice, and prices, considering ma.teriil,l, as low as the lowest. -W. T. BONATHAN, NEWCASTLE. ,

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