- --- -- tsm 'l' 'RMS :-tl.60 Pu A1nrox. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M, A. JAMES EDITOR.urn VOLUME Pli.ol'JW:TOB, Ni:w S:a:mES, Nu.MBEB 542. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1888. LONG SAULT. Mr. Wm. Farrell is spending a few days around Burnt River. Mr. Edward F. a rrell is visiting his uncle Mr. Fislaer, Carleton Place. Mr. W. Coram has purchased Mr. Jae. Coram'e farm of 100 acres for . $900. Mr . Wm. Sproule has been very · low with erysipelas. but is doing nicely now under the skillful treatment of Dr. Mc". Dowell. Two young men from the North, Came down here a larking, They sing the song of a missing wheel B.ow is that for sparking? N .E WTONJI ILLE. XXXIV. NUMBER 51. BLOWING UP THE OUNDATIONS -OF- f I OVURTIOE. HIGH PRICES. Mr. John Brooks is drawing stone for a new house in the spring . ..· Mrs. Goy· ne is visiting her sister in Flebherton ··.· Mi1111 Beatrice Sanderson and brothers are visiting friends in Prince Edward .··. Master Charlie Nichole and the infant son of Mr. A. M. Fowler are ill with inflamTmM. mation. COOCH, JOHNSTON & C~DERMAN are now sho,ving a lovely assortment of new, useful and Fancy Articles suitable for I OOLUMBU8. Mrs. Wm. Milligan haa a fine bouncing 0aby boy. Mr. Robert Hurley's infant daughter is very ill. Mr. Robert Vannatto and wife are visiting friends here. Mrs. Wm. 'rho'llpson is visiting at her by father's in Port H op e. Mr. Geo Gray is making great improveHis i.cy fetters are broken, knocked to smithereens and his power de- ments to his out buildings. BAMP'l.'ON. Mr. George Smith :has erected a very fied by my mammoth stock of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers 'and Sliapper, ran On Wednesday, 12th inst., death endof which are marked down to prices within the reach of all. GOOD fine shed south of his barn. Mr. Jabe:.1 ,Workman has such a pr etty ed the sufferings of the late John KersGOODS and LOW PRICES have long since gained us theadmir- daughter you should see her. lake. At one o'clock Saturday the corte~e a.tion of close buyers, and this Fall and Winter our prices will comMr. Thomae Ovens has returned home left the family residence for the Bowmanpletely demoralize the high price dealers. from the States. He looks well, ville cemetery. Mr. Kerslake wos an old This is no buncombe. \Ve never had a. more extensive, better assorted, or better Dr. Wm. Dickey contemplates becom-I' r esident of D arlington and "'.ery highly made stock of men's, women's and children's foot-wear- fine and coarse- and our ing a member of Clarke c.mncil. reBpected. The l.lereayed family h';\ve the . . . sympathy of the entire comwumty . ... prices were never lower. Call and inspect our goods and be convinced. . M1s~ Peth1ck who has been i~I for some Mrs. H. Eiliott, sen., is improving slowI have also secured a Hartford t1me, lS very slowly recovermg. ly · . .. Mr. W. Martin has been somoGrand social soon at Mr. George Grey's what indisposed tor the last few days ... . ~ Heel plat e machine for fastening Mr. W. L. Ward has got a position in a ~ ' ~ A. the perfected "K" heel plates on for the benefit of the C. I>. Church. A i;:reat quantity of wood is passing butcher's shop, in Toronto. Success, ~ ' PUT - <~ Rubbers and Overshoes and in through here tn the Newcastle market. 'Vill., .. Owing to various reasons the ~T .,.~ operation daily at our store. On Wednesday evening, Dec. 12th, a cheeee meeting on Saturday was not ON YOUR This is the latest jmproved meeting was held in the Orange hall, to largely attended and was adjourned for a man to represent this ward, at one week. All interested are requested patented heel plate m~chine in the choose the council. The meeting .was called to to attend. U.S., and iM the most perfect de'!' he prices asked for Dress Goods, Factory d er b Y Mr. A· M c M ur t ry, M r. G e orge CottonH, WhiteCotton,Winceys,Sb.ir&in(l',etc. vice ever produced seeming or Grey was selected to preside over the ut b'. A. Cole's, conslderln~ the qua.lity of these plates on Rubbers and Overshoes. meeting. Mr. Wade and Mr. W. H. goods will surpri~e you. Call and inspect. The l!'. A. Cole's Btock of ClothB and Clothing are 'fhe failures of other plates are Reid were the gentlemen chosen. .d h 1 1 new and tasty-all bou"bt for ca.sh, and are taken d ecI ared M r. Re l t e uc {y offered e.t such prices that will astonish intend. that they cause the rubber to leak. vote man · Speeches were then the order. ing purchasers familiar with tlie prices r eguA new patent feature in the per- Mr. Reid did well.- News. . Jarly askeil for those goods. .All wool suits to order for $7 and upwards. Over Coatsll tn fected "K" he el plates that we now ord··r $6.50 upwards. l~it3 a eure thing at F. .A. Gole'11· Give hlw a call. HARMONY. offer the public is a simple patent- - - ----- ., ed invention called a Dam, which Mr. Hugh Hinton ls sinking fast, conOSHAWA . :'·\ND ~"" HEY WILL encircles the prong of the plates 11rnmption carrying him to a premature (From tl1e Ontario Reformer.) , · and which when the plate is se- gravo. The Carling and Skating Club are Mr. Arthur Farewell shipped another ~ AS LONG.· curely fastened is imbedde.d _in the car l oad _2~pples t o the Briti_ e h market, busily engaged making the ice. rubber, so that thQ water that might be drawn undoc the plate oy from the liarbor, last week. A Christmas tree enterte.inment will be suction car:not possibly enter the rubber through the punctures. An interesting event took place on given by :M:etc~lf·st. Sunday School, on Drop in and see the wonder, and secure a pair of the periected " K" Wednesday evening, Dec. 12, at the Friday evening, Dec. 21st. residence of A. W. Farewell, Esq., What aih the town clock ? It gains heel plates free by purchasing a pair of Rubbers or Overshoes. Brookside, Harmony, being the marriage about 25 minutes in as many hours. Can ~Ordered work and Repairing receive prompt attention. of his only daught~r, Miss May, and :Mr. it not be fixed to etay fixed 1 T. H. Everson, of the firm of Everson & The manner the head stones in tht! old Hawkins, hardware merchants, Oshnw11. 45. Sign of Big Boot drawn by two horses, BOWMANVILLE. The ceremony was performed by Elder Catholic burying ground, are b eing used by children and quadrupeds is a disgrace. D . Prosser, amid surrounding relatiyes There are stored in the L. J. Coryell and friends, who tenderea their warmest congratula1,iont1 and best wishes to Mr. Seed Co's elevator, some 6,000 bushels of and Mrs. Everson. Thesoung bride was peas, moat of which are fancy varieties, . the recipient of many handsome presents. hand-picked . On Sabbath morning, 23rd inst, Rev. John Wilkie, of Indore, Central India, TY.RONE. will give an account of the mission work Miss Carrie Scott has returned from there, in the Presbyterian Church. Port Hope. .A. man named Brown, an employee in Mr. Frank Jamieson left on Monday Mr. Warren's tannery; was slacking lime when the lime, drove the contents, by 1renfor Muskoka. Mr. Hei~ht, of Toronto, was in the vil- er11ting th·e heat more rapidly than ex· peoted, all over his person, scalding him ~--'--- ·~- ·~-----lage on J!,ridar. about the face and chest. Mias Bertie Gardiner, of this place, is Dr. McBrien, who ·1eft town to escape home for Christmas. If hie creditors, has been heard from. More new subscriptions have been sent reports are correct, he is in Chicago, and in for the STATESMAN, will probably iocate on the other eide. W. J. Haycraft will have a shooting s.,me of his creditors have had some of match next Saturday, in Tyrone. his effects seized, but whether they mediOur DRESS GOODS cannot be surpassed, when style and quality Miss Petch, Burnt River, is visiting tate joint action for closlng up the affairs of th~ estate is not ~euerally known. are ta.ken int0 consideration. Our MANTLE CLOTH and CLOAK- her sister at Mr. G. B. Jardine's. Rev. W. Kenner preached in the Queen INGS are said to be the most effective in town-at any rate our best ENNISKILLEN. St. church, Bowmanville, on Sabbath. dress-makers have purchased their ewn Mantle Stuff from us. 'fhe many friends of Dr. Jas. E. Brown Mr. Rich. Davey is vi1iting his brother, will be pleased to know he is expected An~· fo make this department more succeEsful, I have completed ar· Dr. P. N. Davey at Muirkirk, Kent Co. home and probably hie melodious voice rangements with a. first-class 'artist to cut all the garments I may At the Parsona~e Trusteti meeting at will be he11rd at the New Year's. Tea at require. I therefore make the following offer to any lady who may Bethesda last week every society paid in the Presbyterian ch:.irch here. desire to purchase from us: to cut and fit any garme'µt FREE OF its portion of the $760. Mr. Geo. Gale preached a capital eer· Everybody and his girl should come to mon in the Methodist Church here, on CHARGE, prqviding the amount of bill exceeds $6.00. That is if you Sons' Festival here on Christmas Day. Sunday night. ·f he pulpit at the Presbyget here quickly and not on Saturday, as we have then generally too Tea from 4 to 7!. Splendid pr(~gram af- terian Church on Sunday morning was much else to attend to. ter. · · supplied by Rev. Mr McClaren, student Very fine monuments from Boull6lall'e of Knox College. Rev. A. McLaren Marble Works, Bowmanville, have been preached lt Ashburn that day. erected in Bethesda cemetery to the memThe special religious service11 held by ory of Mr. J. Hockin and Mrs. W. Sle- the Rev. S. Salton, at Burketon, have mon. resulted in gre\t good ; several heads of. Mr. R. Moore is to be on the war path families have 11i~nified their. determina· The mate1ial to make a queenly garmtint ; the most desirable fabric again, having been engaged by Mr. R. tion to lelld a christian life. A class has for our climate, equaling the natural seal m effect-preferable in point Woodley to team this winter; also Mr. been formed with Mr. R. Siemon as lead. of economy. The prices are now so reasonable, this beautiful texture H . Hooey is to be head man for Mr. G. er. A subscription has been circulated H. Jardine. for the erection of 11 Mission Hall, About is brought within the reach of all. Mr. Thos . Woodley had a very success- $150 has been:subscribed ···. The Rescue Remember you will find the choicest goods, but not at fancy prices at ful bee on Wednesday drawing stonoi, for Duet from Hamilton, consisting of Bros. his new farm buildings. Everybody work- Dunnet and Stafford, are announced to our store. ed well loading stone, allso at the table. . reach here next Thursday. They will hold their first meeting in ·the Methodist The new~st, the neatest, and the Upwards of 100 loads were drawn. Church, at . 7 p. w. A collection only. . , most stylish, at our house. The News co171s should be more correct This Duet has been greeted with crowded when copying our new11. 1t was amu11ing houses whorever they have sung and unto read in that paper last week t.hat the stinted praise has been heaped upon · Woolell Goods a specialty at our place· trustees engaged Mr. Allin last Saturday." them. Meetings will be heJa by the I said in last budget that Mr. A was here same gentlemen Friday evening in the Grey FJa11nels 'Che best Taine in tO\Vll at our house. but hie engagement was announced in the Presbyterian ·Church. A mass meeting STATESMAN a month ago. W11ke up, boya. o} children in one of the churchee SaturUn Tuesday night of last week Mr. J. day afternoon, at 2:30. Meeting Sunday -·~·Cartis a?d wife were taken by surprise ~y evening in Methodist Church ·..· Rav. C. a few friends who came to celebrate. their A. Simpson, of Willowdlil e, so well and tenth wedding day. A variety of ~in 1favorably known here, preached an excelware wa11 p1·esente~ to them a~ter which lent missionary sermon in the Methodist all went m for a )Olly good. t1~e. . No Church hereon Sabbath evening last.·. . · Please remember it is not the coat that makes the man, it is the doubt they had it for Jamie 1s a JOiiy We have a new harnees shop opened in our village by M r. ,J. W. Virtue, jr. Ha pants, and llINDSON is up to the business in that respect. Give goo"d fellow. will doubtless get plenty of work .... Mr. bim a call. VJCToJUA. ()AltBOLIC IU.LVE Js a ir:reat 1 S. Mills has got h is new premises nicely nhl to lnternlll m~dfolne Ill. the treata1e11t . fitted up and the family are comfortably of scrofulous sore·· ulcl'r.5 a1ul absccs~cs of · ttl d all li.111tls· se e . A i t end t o th e work no·w, Sam. Carrying the Earthworks Storm! King Winter Capitulates and well He may. The opening . o f our new M e th od' ut church will take place on Friday,the 28th of !;hie month, when we expect a very large gathering of people, of all denominations, will be present. The dedicatory service will begin at 1.30 p. m., and will be conducted by Rev. J. F. German, M. A., Chairman of the District, and Rev. E. A. Stafford, D. D., President of the Toronto Conference, who wiU preach tho dedicatory eermon. Supper will be served from four o'clock until eight, after which a sale of fancy work will be held. Among the many other 11rticl0s will be an auto1:.raph qi1ilt. All should participate in the good work by attending the opening. Xmas and New Year's PRESENTS. Such as Ties~ Gloves, Mitts, Fancy Handkerchiefs, Hem· stitched Handkerchiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs in all prices, Toques, Fascinators, Clouds, Shawls, Dress Goods, Imitation Lamb Caps, Persian Lamb and Beaver Caps, Muffs, Tiedowns, Blankets, Overcoats, &c. These are all New Goods, bought specially for the Christmas Trade, and will be sold at very close prices. Bowmanville, Dec. 15, 1888. KIRBY. Mrs. J as. McUormack and family have returned from a visit at her fa~her's . .. . Misa May Power11 continues to improve, though very slowly ... Mr. Wm, Clemence and his son Robt. have ·returned from Floss. for One Door West of Post Office. SHA W'S SCHOOL HOUSE. CHRISTMAS TREE E.NTERl'AINMENT. - A ~rand \\l Kfflt/ for R U BB E Rs WEAR fWl CE M. TRELEVEN, BOWMANVILLE, I ...... q:ov. .. We are enabled to offer splendid value in all our different departments. ----=- - - SILK SEALETTES. MILLI NE Ry To the Gents: CEO. LAINC. entertainment will be given in Shaw's School House on'.Friday, Dec. 2ht to be~in at 7 o'clock p. m. A very good program of singing, readings e.nd recitations by the scholars and others. Public cordially invited. Admission 15c. SALEM. A school entertainment will be h eld on children 10c. Wednesday, Dec. 19th at Salem S. ~ . ENFIELD . N o.9, the program consisting of dialo2ues, readings, recitations, vocal and instruMr, Wm. J. Ormiston and Miss Mary mental music. 'fa.lent expect.,d from Ta.pp, both of this place, were united in Solina, Tyrone, Hampton, Bowman ville, the bonds of w~dlock at the parsonage, etc. Doors open at 7 p. m. . Proceedings of Eaniskillen. last Wednesday, 5th inst. to begin at 7.30. Admission 15c. A They returned to the home of the bride's cordial invita.tion extended to all. \ parents - immediatelyafter the ceremony, where they were enthusiastically serePROVIDENCE . naded by some o,f their friends. Tboy Mr. W· .Be~mau haa taken up his abode have sett~ed down in Mr. Dyer'· house, Best wishes .·.· in Hope. . · south .of the villa1te. Mr. Byron Blackbum is expected home Huntera from Q4hawa spent Saturday in this neigh1>orhood. , .. Mjss Julia Tapp for Chris\maa. Mr. S. Wood, of Clarke, has taken up and Mias E1len Jlishop, of Montreal, were visiting here last week . · ·. Some his abode here. . window breaking has been indulged in Mrs. J osie Souch ha11 left our midst again, lately. · and intends going weet. There will be an entertainment in the school here on F riday, Dec. 21st . SULlNA. Mr. T. Keat bas returned home from What about tl1e singing echool 1 t he west afcer visiting friends there. Mr. Geo. Awde attended the Counties Mies M1mning, teacher ot our Public Connell last week. School has been re-engaged at an advancR ev. J. D. Dyer, of Tyrone, preached ed salary. at Eldad on Sunday. Miss Emily Ba.t~le is sick. ~rs. M?rk Mr. A. Hogarth had another corn Prou.t (nee M11gg1e Stalker,) ls not 11n- husking onl Monday evenini:t last. provmg very fast. M.rs. T. Keat has been very sick but is a little better. Mr. D. Montgomery had~ very succ~sa' ful stone bee last week. He mtends bulld· A numbe~ of young folks from Orono, ing a larl(e ba,rn next summer. Clarke Umon, and other places, started . . . for the rellidence of Mr. Thos. Keat, V1s1tors this week ; Mr. &J?d Mrs. 01.iver Providence, one evening last week, but Pa~c~e, Oshawa; Mies L ott10 Cowl, Little. for &ome reason or other got on to the Britain, and Mr· A. Thompson, of Orono~ wrong track. After they reached their _Mr. an~ Mrs. T. C. Langniald enterdestination they thoroughly enjoyed the tan~ed q~nte a number of y1.·ung folks at cheerful hospitality awaiting them. their residence on Monday nening. A. · plea11ant time was spent in games, etc. OB.UNO. Mr. W. L. Broad still keeps very ill. NEWC.dSTLE. Mrs. Scott has returned home from ToCome boys, brace up and ~ive us anronto. other tune. · Mr. M. Andrus, Lindsay, was home for Taxes ar0 18 mills on the dollar. Not a. couple of dayil the past week. bad for a village. Mias Polly Kirkland, of Picton, is Miss Dunn has gone to Michigan to spending ~ few days with her parents. spend the winter. Miss Maud, daughter of Dr. Corbett, The Christmas entertainment of the Port Hope, is visiting Mrs. W. W. Trull. Methodist Sunday achoo! is to be given Mr. Robert Moment has purchased on Thursday, Dec. 27. fro1n Goldie & McCulloch, a $500 burgMr. Chas Wilmot shot one of his bears lar proof safe for the poet office last week. Jack was a fine animal, and Rev. J. A. Carmichael, of Columbus, his oil is valued at $50. will preach in the Presbyterian church A Mr. Coots is to be principal of our ne.x.t Sunday morniniz: and evening. Public school. He is an honorary underAll the members of the S. of T. are graduate of two yPars. His salary is to specially requested to be pre~ent a.t the bo $440. .A. rare salary for a gold medalmeeting of the Lodge on Dec. 2Gth. ist. Mr. John Allin, farmer, haa inflammaMissionary sermMa were preached in tion of the lunge, the effects of a cold the Methodist church on Sunday morning caught while attending th'l .A.seizes at Co- by the Rev. McDairmid, Oshawa, and in bourl(. the evening by the Rev. Mr. Matthawa, On Tuesday evening 11th inst., Officers Bowman ville. and Committ11e11 were ·a ppointer and the Mechanic&' Institute puG on a good footA ing for a permanent succeae. Officers : Rev. J. A McKean, President ; T. Smith, TEN HUNDRED HOLIDAY PRESENTfi still Sec-Treas. Board of Directors :-G. M . Long, R. Knox, Dr. Tucker, Geo. Pol- to be given away with MoClung & Bell's · lard, Wm. Armstrong, R. Moment, 0. celebrated Half Dollar Tea· Now just G. Armstrong, Wm · .Henry, Rev. T. think of it, useful, elegant, valuable ar· ticles actually GIVEN AWAY ! But they Dunlop. Me1111rs. W. H. Reid, W.W. Dickey, are disappearing with:wonderful rapidity. John Davey and W. McCormack ar& The tea is going like wild-fire; so are the Read thi1 again . spoken of as about to run for councillors. cheap dre811 goods. McCr,trNG & BBLL, All the members of our pres11nt Council Post Office, Newoastle. appear to be in the field again for re·elec· tion, They have done well in the past. A requisition is goiog around for signature ·callipg out Mr. Ezra Hall. . Mr. Hall has been a member of our Council for the part two years and has proved Our sincere thanks are tendered to the himself a diligent and thouizhtful council- thousanda uf friend11 and patrons for their · lor, and ehonld he again otfer himself he very liberal support during the time we will doubtless be re-elected. Our popu- have been in business, an4 we trust by lar Reeve, G. M. Long, i1 not likely to keeping nothing but the beat quality of meet with .any opposition this year. rhe goods that can be procured to still merit track appears to be clear, too, for T. W. a continuance of the aame. Your patronUnderwood, bt Deputy Reieve. C. J. age will be thankfully received and all are Thornton and John Jackson, we hear are welcome. We wieh you all a Merry to try conclusions for the honorable poai· Chriatmaa and HappyNewYear. C.i.ws:1m & ALLIN. tion of 2nd Dc'lputy Reeve. I Thousand! Thanks, Thanks, Thanks.