}.~~~~~~~_?_!"~~~Jt , Has a man the right to keep his hat on in I under the deadlies t p rovocation, always "ll It i~ very hard to find any woman who I a ! ) a theatre if he chooses ·to do ? So think" a smiling though lhe hcui·t be rea dy L·· ~reak, Whl con ess that her shoes a.re too tight, too I Frequent ly requirns prompt action. A n i Ma ny persons wonder a t the lirod, worn 80 sui"t ·g·i·n·t and often tempted to the .ways of' em by s orr, or t<,o high- heeled. ·n who h·s brou!Zht Iler shoes are and wea ry feeling thern wich" ~ " ~ · lt · ·1 b- , d h b hour's delay wait,iug for t he d octor may 't 1 t that oppresses I m w of the Park Brooklyn the manager theatre there for f scant wages esi.re t . o p lo.1ae the looeeneas usua Y mi ig, an nlurt HF. the 11.ny blood apparen cause. t may be povert.y W ED N ESD AY, DEC. 12, 1888: t es If too women · 0y f their 1 · be attended wiLh serious consequen ces, '. f or or a disordered stomach ; in h and h from a dh I requiring bim either to take off his h.a.t or oreman w 0 as .so mu c ru his power, or b · com .- am ame C either oase ~ho atom _ . ach, blood and liver ar e especia lly in cases of roup, P neumonia, not performrng then· r egular runctions, a.cd ~==~============ leo.ve the building. He left the building to curry favour with bhe employer ,vh~ too acks or aching feet, t hey are always sure and now wants $5 000 to soothe hie wound· frequently does not scruple to levy tribute the shoes have no part in it ; because women and other throat and lung troubles. with m11ny persons, there will follow a dull girls i.n a aref really not Hence, no farnily should be without a heavy headache. nausea and many othe ti od feelings. If ~ome women, both in ou to po_or h d way which m.ay be plea.san.t ed t aware · th'how they d have Th departf symptoms that precede a well developed ca&O f theatres and other plaoes were required to . .1m but _is ea.th and dishonour .to his rom na. ure Ill is regar · e per ect bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ot Dyspepsia. Purify the blood, cle· tnse ~ho. · take off their big ha.ts or va.cate the premises victll1,1S· It 18 not very many vears. &lllce a. female foot ia describe·l by a physician as which has proved itself, in thousands of 1 sys, em of the cloggfld secretions by using it would be a great improvement promment Toronto merchant fell in with folloiws : cases, the best Emergency Medicine MEAOHAM'S MANDRAKE · one of his former victims who h&d esc&ped " t should have great bre11dth and full---0-The record of business done by the Ameri· and reformed and was returning to America. nese of instep, a well·marked gre&t toe, a ever discovered. It gives prompt relief 1 MIXTURE, c11n Post-office Department la.at yea.t' is to fill a responsible pQsition in a la.rge dry- long second toe, a small little-toe.' Woman and prepares the way for a thorough prep m~d by J, B. Mnch'l.m, 133 Youne{ stree something m&rvell.>us. There were 1, 769,· go<?ds Psuablishment. The miserable, greyr needs & strong e.nd firm footing, particularcure, which is certain to be effected by a chemist or nineteen Years' exDerience. Sol 11 " 11 800,000 letters mailed, and 372,000,000 poet ha.1rd reprob&te a.fter learning all this put ly becau~e of her function of motherhood its continued use. Rawmanv!lleby Higginbotham & Son. cards, s . H · L a t uner, ' M . D ., Mt-. V eruon, · ..... lw ishe.e to notify the Public that she is · 1 1,063.200,000 d h' d d fnewspapers h l a.nd periodto the.alternative to the poor girl of either re- and ·t yet f this perfect foot is the exac.b oppo'. suming her former sinful relations or of s1 e o the ideal lady's foot of to-day-nar· Ga. , says: " 1 have found Ayer's Cherry going t o sell her Immense Stock at the tca s an t 1r a.n 'lurt c ass matter the tune of 372,900.000 pieces. The.increase shaving her new employer informed of he rowr.ess, shorbness and littleness are the P ectoral a perfect cure for Croup in a ll very lowest rates that has ever been in receipts was $3 857.566, and the increase antecedents, a.nd her good position of course qualiti~s that .go to make it up; and there cases. I have known the worst ca ses offered in this town. Look out for bar- in expenditures $5,734,326, which does not sacrificed. S·wh cases are not rare as one are women, u we may believe wha.t ia · r elieved in a v ery short time by its use; 80 gains the remainder of this season. lllfl\ look as if the diatribudon of mail matter by would think, all behind the a:ienes know said in the newspaper~. wlio, to secure a and I adv ise all fan:lllies to u se it in snil118 the Government were IL very profitable right well. narrow foot, are willinp to have the little den emergencies, for coughs, cr oup, &c." Straw and Felt Hats Dyed and Reshaped in<luatry. Alllong other ch<Wges the Departtoe ruined. A. J. Eidson, M . D., Middletown, in all the Latest Sty Jes . ment suggests the red uction of posta.ge to one During the war of the American r6bellion "Strange a.s it is, the American women Tenn. , says : " I have used A yer's cent, aml a uniform charge on third a.nd 10,000 ot the Maine sol<'.iers made allotments while cramping, Ghe feet, deny it. Th~ Glierry Pectoral with the best Qffect in AGE NT FOR TilE TORONTO DYE WORKS . . of their p!l.y to the State Treasury, to be uh· T m y pmctico. Tl>is wonderful preparamese are mor~ 1ogtca.l. hey distort and tion imce savecl iny life. I had a conf oun Ii c Jass matterof one cent f or every t wo drawn during their absence by their fami cripple the feminine foot to a much greater stant "ough, night sweats, was greatly ' · ounces. - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - A Mr. Samuel Blrton ot .New York has lies or by themselves on their return. degree, bub then :iing its praises. Its favor· redu ced in fl esh, anrl given up by my · When 1 say Cunm I do not mEan merely ~I> writ ten and c1.<med to be published a some· George h.itchen of the First Maine Cavalry, 1te name, the' golden lily," is well known. physici an. One b ottle and a half of the etop tllem ior a tuno, and then have them re-? what ingeniou· and mildly int eresting b ook who enlisted in lSl3 l , reoentlv wrote from "Many of the peculiar e.ilments under Pectoral cnred me:" turn a1taln. I MI~AN A RA.DIC.AL CURE. l have made the disease of S, ca.lfod "The Ra.ttle of the Swash and the California asking the S>ate Trrnsurer at which women pass their days in invalidism "I cannot say enough i n praise of l C1.<pture ol c ..na.da." "The CaptureofO!l.n· Augustv, to sen d him $10 t hat he left there unhappy a nd miserable themselves, and A.yer's Ch erry Pectoral, " writes E. FITS, EPILEPSY . . ' ·' ad··' is r at·ber a misnomer since any origin~l · in l 864 The accounts were overhauled, nBlr ing others unhappy, would vanish or be Bragdon , of Pal est ine, T exas, "believ. Pamted l'l first-class style at it y the book poaseasEs rests in the fact tha. Kitchen's balance was fou nd . an d the $10 greatly mitiga.ted, it they would but apply in.I!; as I do t hat, b ut for its use, I sho u ld it shows how the United States has been with accrued interest , $24.70 in a.11, wa s common sense to the selection of their long sinec h ave died." A l1felongstndy, I WARRANTtnyrcmedyt& 9 . . ' . . ; : . ' . forced by Great B ritain at the c:.nnon's mouth sent t o him. Kitchen w"'s a charaotor' and ahoes. <;irraE the worst eases. Because others have· 1 tailed is no reason for not now receiving a cure Part:es anyt_hmg m the above lme tbat to ta,ka over e.ll the British possessions in this story is told of him, During a skir· "The shoes of men, a s a rule, are not so Sond at once for a t1·eatise and a.FREI< B O'l'TLii . reqmree parntrng will save money by havmg this western hemisphere with the exception mish he said to "' comrade: ' ' Do you see badly .-J onstructed and worn a s the shoes of 1 o~ my INF A r.L IBI,B REMEDY. Give Expregs PltEl'AitED BY the work done at my shop. ' ;. tha t long , lank reb with a straw hat on? d h "ld ,.~d Post Office. It cost:i you nGthing Io:r <li Bring your Sleighs and Cutters in early in tbe of Barbadoes,.t? pay the sum of $1, u,?0,000: W ell, watch hirn i ' ump." So saying he women an c 1 ren. A l arger proportion ..;.·iaJ.. and it will cure you. Address . Dr. J. c. Ayer & Co., Lowe ll, Mass. oenoon. I t wont cost anT· more ~ ·nd better work 000 for the privilege and to assume Canad'l. s :fire<l. and as tl~e smoke rose he him- of mentf wear shoes, in which o ~ , t · custom·ma.Je d t · :'·7, O. ROOT, 37 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. can be done by having plent.y of time, debt into the bargain. The wit of the b ook somG e or is ma e o tit t he foob. Tiusine~s Sold by all Drnggist1>. Price $1; six:bottlea, $5. Orders for is not very apparent. We may charitably scif leaped into the air exclaiming, " By men generally have eschewed h eelB, except ""'·};;~ sup p()seitwas meant for wit, as nobody surely thunder, the wrong D1!l.U jumped th~t time. " the lowest ' lifh.' "-f1<1ir. would ever be foolish enough to oipend brains !~ittchlen ";~s cbanhied fron~ the field cursing ~··H ·- m mi!l!Miil'!lml_....,Dmll and m oney on anything so visiona.rily futile . a ean r e t at stooa edgewise. " ill receive prompt attention. as a "prophecy" of this kind in serious One half of Emma Abbott's life is Epent HOUSE TO LET.- T hat v e1·y d esirable 0 i · · Shop over McMURTRY'S LIVERY STABLE, earnest. A likely enough view is that it is in a bath of glycerine an.<l rose water and h ouse jnst w11ststreet. of MrsApply . .Johnt o Brown's H'I. S r N C"' OF L "'" BOWMAN VJLL.E· · k · t f d ht resid ence, Concession Cou cII ·u.E, ~· I.« .i.ll, . h · e11umg · . o raug s, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, a. "skit" designed to ridicule tho condition the oth er h al! Ill ou 11- t t the great rnedica\ worlc the resu 1b of w h1c. Tlg ance Is a very white of the American na.vy. skin and a sweet voice. Whenever she has - - --··- .. ·- -- - -· of the ago on Manhood, To buy Foot Gear for Men, Women, d d bli h" h STORE TO LET.-The store now OC· Nervous and Physical De· · S9-3m · d bY Mr. W. H . Ives, on King Street, bility, Premature Decline, 0 mmous un ergrc un rum ngs w IC a suspicion that she is catching a colcl, and cup10 Boys and Maidens, at Seem t o foreb ode an earth quake of war, a.re t he suspicion is frequently with her, she two doors east ot the P. 0. Posse8sion May still heard on the c<:>ntinenJ; d Eurcpe. To hauls .oui; a trunkful of Indian blankets and 10th. Apply to A· E:UCKLER, Jeweller, Errors of Youth, and the one who watches the current of events it ap· hangs them about her room over every era.cit _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....::. 15:.. tr 11ntold miseries coneequent p ears as if the nations there were gradually, and crevice, in window and door. Then she HOUSE TO RlCNT.-A.rnost d esirable ~hereon, 300 pages, 8vo.,125 ~nd irresistibly, in spite of their backwe.rd takes a handful of Jong ha t pins and fastens . ITou.se on Ge_orge·st., seven rooms, prescriptions fo_r al~ diseases. Cloth, full gilt, strivings, being sucked into a terrible mil.el- down the coverings to her bed, leaving un· mcely fimshed. foldmt{ dooi·s, etc., good only $1, by rna11. sealEd. Illustrat1ve sample Goods are down to the lowest strom. Each is a.ware of the · ed a hole at the he· cellar~ Possession on East! lat December: '16Apply free toTall n gand and .Jewelled middle aged men Send · horrible h bda.n· pinn ~d J'us~ ' tlie length to F 1 MASON K ing St tf now. beyGou o1 d Medal awarded point e x cept given awav. ger. I n t h ese d a.ys, there is not t e rute of the pillow, through which she lets herself ' · oo the autber by the National Medical .AsaoGieagerness to fight l ut of mere love of fight- in feet first. The mfl.id then proceeds to fill STORE TO RENT OR SELL.-Store, atie11. Address P . 0 . Box 1895, Boston, Mass., ingl, that wasdonce the case. hCiv f ilizatlion has her up with hot flaxseed lemonade; more Dwelling and Driving· house in Enniskillen. ' ' 1 at ast opene our eyes to t e · t\ct t iat vrnr clothes a re piled on the bed a nd flaxseed and A good stand for business, on. reasonable who may be consul1 ed confidentially. Specialty ·n endless vai·i"ety-we make a is an·11· awful and f tragical the toims, Apply to tho BINGHAM, owner. R.Enniskillen. Hu~·cHISON ' Oiseases of Man. , Office. No. ·1 Bulfinch s t. h crime, Hence t k comfortables alternate with each other until Listowel, or WILLIAM l . l . h d un w1 lngness o eac government o ta e t he songstress perspires a t exGry pore. 40tf s pecia ty lll t ese goo ~ . the responsibility of beginning it. E~ch Aftn the climax the cov erlets ar e peeled off ARM TO R ENT OR SELL. - 145 asserts its own eagerness for peace, and one by ·one and a long about 3 o'clock .. ncres, pnrt of l ots 30 in the 7th and 8th C LOT HS & TWEEDS~.tl LA MODE throw the blame on ano ther. A nd yet a.11 be.th-mistress comes in with sponges, btushes concessions of the Township of "\Vhitby. Im-mediate possession . . Apply to .J. B . BICitELJ,, O ur CLOTHING DEPARTMENT seem to recognize in a grea ter or lees degree and towels of va rying coarst,ness, and the Our New Stock has arrived , and com· the inevitablflness of war sooner or later. artietie is rubbed and scrubbed thoroughly. 55 :Front·st., East, Toronto, or HrcH. HAI,L, E sq., Brooklin. 35- 3w prises something nes.t and pretty for has s till at i ts head the only first- France appears to be the disturbing element A little lunch is served, with coffee for a f_,adies, Good and Serviceable for Men cla s s cutter in town. Most of the at present. Italy and Germany in alliance cordial, and then followa an outing of two O OD HOUSE FOR SALE.-A two and Boys, and Boots that R Boots fo.t storev frame house sitt1a.ted on O'Dell St.. other houses tbat blow of first-class , a.re silent but with a watch·dog's alertness. hours. every member of the ho.usehold. containing seven rooms and summer kitchen . " '·eliver me from some of my friends !" Young A . L Bressler of Detroit, who has closets, pantries, &c. Hard and soft water ; cutt ers have their work made up may well be the cry at times of " orthodox" full t acre of ground wi!h gond selection of been imprisonea in Munich, Germany, for b y sueaters and call it first-class, Christianity. A little more discretion might making false pretensions and for debt, is in choice fruit trees. .A.p ply Lo .1L A. JAMES or to THE CULTIVATOR TRIJNKS, YA.USES, &;SA.'l'CHJlLS. IN STOUK. D , B. FOG·G, Propdet. r, Bowmanville. 41.-tf be advant .. geously mingled with the z 3al A N lJ a pretty serious predic'1ment . He has trick· t o gull the public. which some doughty champions are always ed G-erm&n officers. Such an offence is very ~Ordered Work and Repairing' ~ TOCK FOR SALE.-1 have for sale COUNTRY Every customer that has an eye to ready to ma.nifest on htr beha.lf. B ooks, heinous in the eyes of the Germ' n people. 25 good ewes. Leicester Ham, Shropshire Specialty, fJ.S usual, speech es, lectures or what not, which a.re Ham, 4 good l<'arm Horses, one extra good Something imperial is always supposed by b eauty i n clothes calls upo'l D. DAVIS. considered hurtful to the faith should be ad- them to belong to officers in an army whose brood mare, oue dri ving horse, gentle, 8 steers vertised as little as possible by those who head is the German .Emperor. A punishable rising 4 ye11.1·s. some good young heifers, 4. flrood sows, a number of spring pigs and 21 think there is good reason to fear their in- offence against an officer is consequently a sucki ng pigs. J. D. TRELEVEN, Hampton. fluence. And lea.st of all should they be very grave affair. Once in Hanover a. Ger16- 3w· 'l'he ,B est. of the proclaimed from the pulpit of a.ll pla.oes, for man soldier refused to sa.lute him. 'When . ·---- - -- -- - - - - -- - - -AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES . Savin~s OB PRINTING of all kinds done nothing helps to sell a book, or a newspaper, Bressler COfilplained of the soldier's conduct, ( nEVO'l'ED TO neatlv nnd womptly at THE S'l'ATEB:\l:AN or rnaga:oine article !ike clerical dvnunoia- the soldier said, "He'd be hanged if he'd Paid u11 c:apna1, $3110.000. office. Country orders and order s by Farin Crops and P r 11cesscs, to d esign them for him. Uest, · , ·- . $ 'l'0,000. tion, or even mere clerical criticism. Scores salute a windy American." Bressler preila- printing mail receiv:e our spe-clal attention. 'l'ry us for · DorUculturiil_&_t'rnitGi··nvt11:i;, of people will then h11.sten to risk the very ed his complaint , and the soldier was locked your next printing and yen will be thorougllly Live-Sl.ocli aiul Datryln:,:;, danger from which they have been 80 care· up for several weeks, thus losing all cha.nco "at isfied. WEDD.ING CARDS, all the latest While it also includes nil minor depo.rtments beg to notify the public that am receiving folly warned off, who would not otherwise of future promotion to the rank of under styles, printed neatly and tastily at 'l'HJC of Rural :interest, such as a Poultry Yuru, I for this company, and allowing a . Etomology, Bee-Keeping,_ Greenhouse and deposits have thought of doing so. The drum ecclesi· officer. 'rhis and similar episodes, which S·i·Nl'ABM.\N Office. No daub work. higher rate o ~interest than the banksGrapery, Vet.erinn. r y Heplies, Farm Questions aatio ie an excellent advertisingmedium, THI~ YEA.R'S ARM FOR SALE.- One hundred and Answers, F.reside Reading, Domestic N o NOTICE 01' WITHDRAWAL HEQUIRE D · . .Bressler formerly related with some pride, and fifty acres being parts of lot.a 23 and Economy. and a summary of the News of tbe and should therefore be used with very will prove very disa.dvautageous in his preI am also pt·e pa to grant cautious deliberation by those who ha~e the sent predicament. His other difficulties arE 2~ in the 9th con. of the township of Darling· Week. Its Market Reports are usually com· ton . .A bout seve:oty-tbree acres ploughed . plete, and much attention is paid to the Pros· (,oans Oil .REAl.i .E. § TA.TE control of its thunder. of comparativdy little importance. The fact Immedia te posseseil)n given., good buildings. pects of the Crops, as throwing light upon one on favora \Ile te rms. England, it seerr..s, is to be "startled," as that Bressler was in debt had prob~bly little For further particulars. tums and conditions of the most important of all qL 1 estions\Vhen to THOMAS BURDEN, Bowmanville, or to Buy and When to Sell. It is libera.lly illus· OFFICE : the newapa.per have it, by what they call a influence in ce.using his arrest. In Germany apply J. K. GALBRAITH, Solicitor. Bowmanville. C1JT and PL1JG trated. and by llECEN'l' ENLARGEMENT, great ecclesia.stic<>l scandal. Strange ·now nearly all young men of military or qnasi At McMurtry's Dr:v Ooois ! :ltore. ·46-tw contain~ more readiDg watter 1 han ever be· muchof that sort of thing there is just now. military character are supposed to be more fore. The Subscription Price is $2.50 per year. W. F. A.LL'&~ A.l:{,M lN PICKERING FOR SALE. "" Wars and rumors of wars in the world. Hick· or less fina.nciallv embarrassed. but we a1'A offel'ing a SPECIAL HEDUCTION Bowmanvi.lle, Oot, 11, 1888. ·t2- :.n. - One of the best farms In Pickering for erings and dissensions in the churh. Portents sale containinll.' 125 acres, all of which .are in our CLIJR 1tA.TES J!'Olt 1889 l in the shape of convulsions in the realm of cleared and in high state of cnltivation. On FINER THA.N El'ER. na.ture, Wha.t do such things signily ? In the and Their Victims. the premises are a good <iwelling house and 2 Subscriptions, in one remittance . . . $ 4 meantime this " scandal" which is likely It was hoped some time ago that the fash· out buildings and two wells, Thid property is 6 do. do. do . . · · 10 See situate<]. on. lot 15, b. r..,.one mile and a bait to break out befnro this paragr&ph ree.ches ion of wearing the dead bodies of birds as from l~ickeriil.g village, halt a mile from· Grand 12 d o. do. r o. . . . 18 CANADA. t~e printer, is simply this t~at the .Arch· trimmings for bonnets and hats was going '!'run[{ Station; three miles from Pickering . «To all New Subscribers for 188!·, paying bi.shop of Ca_nterbury has d~cided to c1te ~he out. .Such a hope, apparently, is doomed Harbor, and six miles from . Whitby. For lll uapttal palct up, 11n,ooo,ooo. Res,, ip,no.oe advauce now. WE WILL SEND 1'HE PAPER r ..particulars apply to JAMES PICKARD WE!i:KLY. from OUR RECETP'r of the remitt· B.is~<?P of Lrncoln before him fo! following to disappointment. Perhaps the day ma.y furthe, on the premise's, or Pickering, P. 0. 29-tf anoo, to January 1st, 1889, w1'i'HOUT CHARGE. This Ba.nk la -;r~pared to do :Legltl· divisive ~oursea, and thereby bemg a cause , come when people who have e. little regard · b of stumblmg anr~ often?eunto many. It a.p· for such helpless cnatures as birds will give Jiate Banking tn all its branches. A.RM FOR SALE.-130 acres, com~ 4'!1"SPECIJ\IEN Corms F1rnm. Address ID 1·onze OD pea!e ~ha.t the Bishop lB ?ne. of ~h& ultr~·r1t· them up to their fo.te. It really seems to posed of south part ·of Lot No. 19, Broken LUTHER TUCKER & SUN, Publishers Farmera note& discounted ; Depoalte aLd Is three miles from the Town Qf Each p L (JG & p A CKA.GE. uahst1c sort of church d1gmtanes, havmg a. be of no use to try to protect them. The Front, eoeived and Interest paid on amounta of .A..~:El.A.1'TY", 1'T.lY". Bowmanville. This is one of the best farms ili _ Y strong P.ersu11de~ness a.s to th~ value of ela· Joa.fer from tha E~st End of London goes the county of Durham. rt, is In a high state of H - 3w 15 upwards in Savings Bsnk Department: 11 1 borate m1ll.nery m offic1a.l l!<lrvi~es. In fact, forth with his cages and his lime and cultivation and is well fenced On the pre· DRAFTS ha is thought to ". fl!l.Vour. of Rome" far too catches them. He, however, mostly r~tains mlsea there is a stone dwelling, two l!lrge and otber out-buildings, with stone (saned and Oolleetlona made in Europe T much. for ~va.ngehcal Ep1soopa.c.y, ~n~ str_ p s the male. The other bird-murderer also l>arns for cattle and horses, ·.hrae wells and . · · · are ~ccorq~ngly to be taken for h~s d1sc.1pllne. goes forth on his cruel erand, and, by pre- stabling \Jnlted States and Canada. four cisterns, also wind.mill for pumJ;iing _ _0 _ _ He is a c.ehba.te also, and a believer ln un- ference, catches 11ond retains the female. water, I!'or further particulars anply on the W. J, .TONES, married clergy. He takes ber in the nesting 1rnason because premises or if by letter to HENRY MANN, Bow· .4ge1. 31- tf · If the Chinese don't retaliate upon both the fea.thers· are soft and beautiful then. manville. th.e United States and Canada by expelling What matters it to him that his victim is __............- --- -- -- ·-·- -- · - - -- ..- - - ~a'.Ua'.dillll jf}tft!Jtu}tU. SPECIAL TO °'! 'R Z"Mt 1PWI MISO£LLANBOUS. 1~o:~h:f;rf~e~f~fw:~~s:x~::tte':t~i·b~1:~Ji~Jl I ·-J~~? " . 1~il'-----AWMl.ll:l~l!MM11·B1M···M·lll Realth and ~ooes~----·-- --r··-T .. --0 ·--·-- s ~ --~Ve _L _ _ . -~l- f ··-8·-7A~;~-w:;;;;;:;T I 1 ' LADIES -Mrs. Donnelly ICURE Mrs Donnelly Surreys Buggies Market Sl h j ' agons, eig W Cutters &c FITS! or LOWES hav;m~ ·PRJCES· IN TOWN A toraI yer s ch erry p ec· FALLING SICKNESS, · n:, PAINTING EXHAU QTEa· v·1TAL!TY I -W".MORRISON. T "' ECLIPSE HOUSE j DA V_IS' EMPORIUM! TIES COLLA--o-RS! CU FfS CLOVES ~~~JVc;tl~~e~\~KY~!rl~~~~~f~eofnHJ~:t~'ii~ Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe F G 1831 1889 S J l:V s The Ontario Loan and Co. W . H. IVES. --o-- MYRTL-E rco F SMOKING TOBA F Women STANDARD BAN l\. OF T&B Fall l F Fall ! T Fall I J THE JI A. w. JIOURIS & all missionaries and traders and tra.vellers who hail from this continent it will be very BRO. strange. It appears so utterly monstrous that after forcing the Chinese to admit PROPRIETORS. MONTREAL. foreigners to trade a.nd travel these very MANUF'ACTURERS OF Yankees and Britishers should turn round a.nd say, while we send our missionaries and U mercha.nts to you, we forbid any · of your countrymen to come near us. Such a courst. of conduct has nothing which ca.n be uq!ed in its excuse. If the Chinese are inclined to huddle too much togather why not have strin· gent municipal regulations, to prevent such a sta.teof thingsnotonlyamongtheChinesebut a.mong all othernationalities as well. Nobody asks an immigrant from other countries whether or not he proposes to settle down in the country, marry, aud in due time become a citizen. All that is left to every one's own Pronou need, by practical consum- free will, and there are ma.ny more unwholesome people than the Chinese. ln any case ers , superior to anythjng m let us all ~ry to be fair. · the Canadian l'iia1ket. It is pleasant enough cert.i.inly, to have the assure.nee of a. man like Lord Salisbury Write :101· Information. that everything is pea.ceful, a.nd that on Britain's horir.on at a.nyrate there are no ominous war clouds to disturb tho serenity Manuractarer# A.Jso ot '.Ille Celebrated of the beholder. It somewhat prejudicially affectsone'sconfidence,however, torcmember that this assurance from so high a quarter, wa.s given e.t the Lord Mayor's dinnor, and -OFat Lord Mayor's dinners, of course, ~he prophecy of" smooth things" is generally matter of course, and needs to be taken Tornuto Office and Warehouse : 20 FRONT cum grano, Without looking nearer home t he.n Egypt, there are indica.tions in that STREET h AS'l\ 38~m W. C. I3 0NNELL. MANA.CllR- q uar ter that all trouble is not yot ov er. General Grenfell has announced himaelf iu H favor of a p()licy of p assive resistance !lt , Suakim, which clearly means that .the Eng. "thd · . t b t th t . h t t b .:Jlt Eu ra"' n ye , u a 1i s. are D? o e Wl 5 ~~cir'AciiIE.;;. "'.!"' go · with their present force~ they feel hardly _ _ strong enough to cope with t he Arab~. No doubt Lord Salisb ury would explam the _ . .f' . · . · · latter part of h1~ speec~, in which he m s1st· BY QNE MAN. Greatly improYed. Also TOQL d · h · f d r mam l t . d e on u e necess11>y o mcrease a ent ' torfil>nil' "'"S whe b tl not inu!io" O.' rnist11k~. Y s,,\~t"/,.~~"wii),P":,;';J{!;ii~ie. 0 ~F~ by the usu al ple.a. t h at the str ongest. aesurot ller s, for common. cro$R· Cnt A aws . by mall $ 13.00. H1111.. T are1 ls hn.vesaw0<1 1itoDC 01tD8 da11y, wo wa.ntallwho ance of peace is· t h orongh p reparation . or b urn ~uod UlHl uJl fo tertiSted i ll the t 1111b er b usiness to W8,l · wI1te!or our lllustratcd l»w Oataloguo. Woha·veex· ~; \?,·,;r,~~{,7;},';"~'::_~,~~t~i~!i;~!t·;;,fJ:",.r,/~e.i y· nn~vb. csut: Young women who serve in stores have · "" l thh I t "'l h ~ty socu res ~geney. No d nty to """'· Wemanu f"cti1 N las a genera mg no appy 0 , "-\CY. a.ve ~~. ~:-;'t 1N.';~tgf:.~ ~~;v~tlll,l.ntmc co., aoi tom -AT THE· A. CONVEDSE MF'G CO. 'l · J {;-r E & COTTON "RED CAP" BRAND ~ AN ILL A ~ INDER Io HOURS 9.Cords 36 0 1 0 0 1 1 10 1 Ghlldre" } e· rr fo't. ~.~eb@:r't1! ~¥'~~~~iS[r~~~ often the mother of a nestful of helpless A SURE CURE young, and that they a.re left in the nest to FOR Bl LIO USN ESS, CONSTIPATION, die of starvation; to die while piteously B 9 ) ~Jlf@~ ~~11{~ 1 crying out hour after hour for the mother ~~~ ~ · · INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, SICK · that never comes? The mother-birds are HEADACHE, AND DISEASES OF THE: IN THE WORLD. killed and the young left to die of starv aSTOMACH, LIVER AND ElOWELS. THEY ARt MIL[l,THOROUGH ANO PROMPT" tion, because certain women insist that it }'01· l'artlcularH and Descriptive Clrculnr shall be so. Yet how gentle, and sympaIN ACTION, ANO FORM A VALUABLE AU> lid·lress tile thetic and tender, those verv women can . T O BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS IN TH£ pretend to be whon it suite their conveni- BARTON LAND and WATER 00., .TRl:ATMENT AND CURI: OF CHRONIC, J,os ANGELES, c.u,. ence. How correct and nice in theic ta.ate "AND OBSTINATE DISEASES. in everything that rela.tes to good mU:nners. How shocked they are by vulgarity; .how horrified by coarseness. If they could see - - - - - -- -- - - - - - -- -Will offer for Spring Trade the LARG·&ST, themselves exactly as some men see them· UllEAJ"ES'I' and HOST y AltlED could h!l.vc it onoe driven in upon thoir con'. range of Prints ever shown, sciences, that, in the estimation of all raincluding . tional o.nd right-feelin.g men, they are inSPRING NOVELTIES comparably inferior to many coatermongers -OF'crossing-aweepers. and untaught Afriot\~ uegroes, they might for one moment pause and worthle&sness. Is it IIreflect th a pon their t th' th · Mercbnnts will do well to see their samples rea y, en, come. 0 a.ta nmeteenth before buving elsewhere. Early advice will be IS: century wo~11on lS so .utterly se~fish, so given when travellers will call. hop~lessly without bra.ms or feelmg, and 93 st. Petei"s s&.· 1fontreal. so mcapable of l~arnmg even the very I - -- -- -- - -·--- - -- - -el~ments of .huma.mty, that she !llus.t and will ha.ve birds to adorn herseh with at - - -- - - -- - - - - -- - - - wh...tever cost? At bottom it rea.lly is want FARM STOCK-- Farmers havina stock · of mtt1llect. · of any kind to dispose of should advertise A delightful Toilet .Article. Not a face paint . it in THE STATESMAN, a paper that almost or powder does not cover. over, but ~Y farmer in West Durham reads.U. 3tf cures· aed in connection with When to be Silent. BOAR F@R SERVICE.- A Thoro'· and A woman in comfortable health n11.tura.lly bred Bel'kshire Boar is kept for service Most Effectual and Positively Removes all rises in the morning in a cheerfnl, }rnppy on lot 28, con. 2, Darlington. Terms, $1.00. Pimples. Freckles, Tan, Black Specks, frame of mind, inclined to sprightly cu.... var. Some ,ten weeks old suckers for sale. Blotches aod all Roughness from the sation, aud, were h er husband able to be Co uuncE, 47- 3w face, hands. neck and arms, leaving r qually so, could, in ·those tew m om ent s of B O AH,S FOR SERVICE. -A T h oro'· them an.d morning converse and greeting, drink in breq Berkshire Boar and a th~ro'·brod . Botar enough nectar to m ake her eves bri,.,ht and PolandCD hma arJe for serv1pce on ~ot « sot.D B¥ DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE.~ kepp t · " . ar1mg on. · . 1 ,, ~RSONB. roor1e_ __ her step elastic all day l ong. B ut a life of tor, 47-iw* business or .public duties is seldom cond uc· , ~ POND J,ILY CREAM, , · ·, . 2~ CENTS. ivetoe.!.'ood night's rest or a. cheerful h a HOL8TEI~ BULL ~OR SE.~VICE. j POND 1,ILY SILVER PJ~LLE'l S.. £!! qE,N;rs. k · It ft h ·th t th' hPP! A thoro -bred H.olstNn B ull, OCTOR, P OND LILY SKIN SO.AP , · ~a CEN rS. wa emng. o en appens a. e s mt N o 3708 registered in the D l!' H Book V ol , · 1· · time devoted t o w aking and dressing are the 4, the p ' roperty ol .J. & s. l;enfou;,d, will be s . EUIU N. Chemi~t, Undsay , I Manufacturer and P roprl etor for Cana da , ve1·y moments when a wise wom"n will h ol-i' k,ep~ for service. at SIMON P . ENFOUND's, on .,oi . her peace, content to know t hnt ki "ndly "" 33, Con. 2. Darlmgton. P noe $2. 19-t f· . 1 __ _ . _ _ _ -·- ·- · · -· · . ·---a ttentions and pleasanb wo.rds . h ave more B OAR,S FOR S ALE.-. A n af!ed Berk· .. ter a ppreo1..tedaft er a hot <> power and are L .,.,t shire, a young Berkshire, and .a young ' steak or oh op and a uood cup of coffee t han Suffolk_ Boar, a ll tboro'-brod, a:n.d w mners of . J vr , · b f [M H w · s h first prt~es at Bowmanv1 lle F air, ror salo on 1 6 ore,--- . rs, · · eec er, reasonablo terms. SAMUEL SNOWDEN, lot 22, , , . con. 3, Darlhir,;ton, Bowmauville, P. o. 43-iw· Gentlemen sClothesMade to Order. BEST AND CHEAPEST · THE ONTARIO BANK DEPOSITS ocmtinnes to do a General Banking Buslner!l . Bo wmanvillu Branch, . t ece!ved in Savings Bank Department aw2> 1all and interest allowed at current rates J!i". ·Otice of withdrawal necessary. All depctl~ ~a:vable on demand, EXUH&NGE Jonghtand sold and Dra!ts issued uponEnropa Jnited States and Canada, also Gold Silver 1111 Jnlted sta;es Greenbacks bouii:ht a,;d sold. THE MACOC TEXTILE &PRINT co. l POND lJOLl.iEVTIOIY~ Promptly made at current rates upon all a .I' Jf Great Brittain, the United States an.d PDc minion of Canada, · Latest Paris Designs. LILY CREAM Telegrapll Transrers Mado tor large or small sums on all parts a: Canada. Thie is eapeoially advantageous persons living In Manitoba or the North.,.;ee: ir.s It makes the funds a vallable at onoe at; tha place of payment. J!'orrnrther partioular11 call at the Bankfn Elouee. GEO. MoGILL ·RODIE, Acoountant. . Man:,~ . I I Breeder's Directory. 'u Pon'j,~~~YLm~v~f.~~~~~. 'f· bea~~}~~fy,white I UNDERTAKIN~ -:B-Y- I 1' LEVI MORRtS.. · I am fully pr epared to attend F unorals ou. the shortest n otice, at the lowest possible ra to ~askets and Buria l Cases ready on short noti First-class h ea rse on very modera t e term Shroud s and Coffins constan t ly on hand. F un eral cards supp od at once. F urniture Shop. Show Ro oms -Bouns~lla New :mock. "4 R P EATE Tal · ln29 - -