I - - o - -son. We are selling some of the finest, ·a nd best imtkes in the Dominion. S ome of our leading cirizens atteuded the Scott Act Cc mveutfon held in Cobeurg We won't sell you shoddy goods without telling y ou what they are. where yon c&n ma.key· ur choice, without recently . . Uhion mee tings in t h e 11everal churches the p "vruent (Jf a r n.il wny fore, and are being arranged for during the Week wirboat the loss of ·im' . y ,,u of Prayer. oan uet a11 ~no rl a .. a,.r·.roen t, FOR MEN, \VOMEN AND CHILDREN. and the VERY SAME Hay is being shipped he re fr.im M on . DJSCOP I· T, and r Eial, coetin~ much ],;se money than the farmers a.sir. in tn"DY cases OBBAPl!lR A young lad ske.titig on the pond the J!OOKS, other day got hia o!.,tlwa "·et,-the ice have ~ivGd the fint ship mPnt of a giving W t1y .. Bovs take warning. layt19 and well aes,,rt11d J..t from Messrs. Wym Audrns, H;1.l]e1 and Arm· Nel1t0n & Bone, Reli~ious Track strong took part in the citizens' concert .Society, 8.8. Union, Society in P on typool o n Frid ..y e~euing last. fur thA :Prnmotion of An effort is bt·ing made to establish a We do not sell 20 per cont. cheaper thou ai1yone else; but we d Ohriat.lan Kuo wM echanic's Instit ute here. Quite a uumSKLL AS CHI~:AP as any other. l"'dge, Partridge & Co., ber of names have beftu 11lreadv secured. and gtll\?antee satisfaction, Two drunks on the street one afternoon Please give us a call. No trouble to show goods. and a. eavinii of m ouey Sohoole last week. For what doe11 t.he Scott Act · contemplating buying a Inspector dra w his aalary 7 There has Llhnry will do well TERMS, CASH. been no la.w enforcement in \Vest Durham to 11ee my stock. for months past. A.LL Tl'f'E 8. B, PERIODTCALS AND The anneal meeHng or the Bible Society LESSON BEL 8 AT LOWEST Br&nch will be held in the M e thodist R.ATEB. BOWMA..NVIl~LE. church, Wedne~day Evg. 12 inst. Ad- NEAD~' BJ~OCJ{, ::s:::::=::_ .=z:::::c_ dressee by the Rev. R. D. Fra.ser, Agent "of the Society and re1ident ministers. Dr. W. E. Swauaton, of Grand Harbor, Dakota, who ap1mt some week1 las t winter among hie fri end~ in and about Orono, hn11 been elected aa representative to the When every man, woman and child should be happy. D akota Legislature on a large majority. Bowiu.NVILI.E, Dec. 12, 1888. Why ? Because H i1 many friends will be pleased to, hear of his success. Miss P ollv Odell hall b ,,e e1 visiting iu T ol'onto. · y purobulng; S1rnday School Libraries Mr. A. H. Breutnell ia 1r1wellit:1g in the and Prize Books frp rn Boo k west in th e int" ll"ests of the Canada CitiOenoerns, o r imy <> ther zen. ohy ( o.s r ..blis hMr. Jo geph Rickaby and wife, of Lind· m llut. say, h ave beeu visitm17 Mr . Geor ge Dob- MONEY LOST -o-- UlW.NU. ___ .,__ THE PARLOR BOOT & SHOE STORE RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES Felt Boots of every description. BUY AT HOME Stock large and Particularly Choice. SIL.VER Plated Ware Moose and Buck Moccasins, all sizes Dressings and Blacking. W. JENNINGS, P. TREBILr CDCKtt ~.,....__ ....-.,,....,, ..._,......_ ,, -.....;...._,. , The Jolliest Time of the Year. Fancy Clocks. "WEST END HOUSE. ..., J' OPENING Ui THE NEW .READING J.i.Ot>M. O!! Wednesd~y evoui111<: of laet week the u ..w rvum· uf tht1 M t:ch .. nic11' lu . etituta were torm11,tly opened. 'l'ne Pre411dt1nt, RdV. ~. D . Fr1uer, began the proceedi!lllS by a brwf a udl'ess, in whion, after tixteuding a wal'm weicvme to thulltl pri>sent, be Baid that thu Dirt!C· tors had b.,en working toward their preaent po&itiun for some time, and now (From. tM Ntws.) Mr. J. Jolly, i11 vi~itini.: friendm here. Mr Wm. M ,:L ,.od, of T oronto, is home, Mi&s Dean, of Port H o1Je, i11 visiting M:rs. Andrus. Mrs. C icero Gamsby left l ast Thursday for California again. Mr Thoe. Ve uner, of Odilia, was in town on Tuesday hi.st. Mn.Q·1in (net· Inell Travelle) has gone to P a rry Sound to 1 'e1ide., Mias Smit h, of Greenbank, ls visiting h er Bister, Mrs . E. H. Betta. Mr. E. Allin, N t'l wcastle, wa.s visitinl{ hie brother, Mr. W. C. Allin. The W . C. T· U. will meet at Mrs. J . Reed's, Doc. 17t h r.t 7.30 p. rn. Mr. Andrew Bom;:.rville, Winnipeg, is visiting at Mr Geo. S umerville'11. Mr. Henry Birch will move to Pontyp ool and open a flo11r and feed store. Mr. R. Momimc's SL Bernard d og ha& arrived from E !or& and is said to be, cheap "M.tl.rNJ.BD THE Diamon.d Gold JEWELl~EB," Inspection and Comparison Invited. Silver Watches. THE WEST END HOUSE docs not mean to be nnders,,kl by any house in the dis trict, and they sell not.hir g but GOOD, HONE~T GOODS. NO ~HODDY. Rings. Wa.tches. rejoiced in the poasession of epacfous and colllfortable rooms. They had been met most generously by tl1e citizens . The 'l'own Council t1ad made a grant of $150 which it was 'hope:i mi~ht b t:loome a permanent an· nual grant. Th"' Mooha1iios' J nstit u te,as part of thtt educational eystem of the place, looked to tho 'l'owu Father~ for enoouragumeut and support. The fund for furni~hiug tho new rooms had been provid;.cl hy .i1b11cr!ption, t'1e ~mum1t at prest!nt. guhacrib.,d trnmg $195 Up to date $1711 ,.,.d liem. expeucled in fittin;:. up rfrn Lir.rary, Rettdilll! Room and R~urnat·Ou llo11rn, The remaind er, and pr.. ha'Jly more, would b e needed to oomplore the ·quipment. He, un buh,.H of th e Dirt otora, thank~d, moi;t hi;utily, the '.l'uwn Counoil anu the oiuzens gene r a lly for the, i r generous aid. Special mention should also be made of a gift of t wo bea.utifu lly fi nished chess t>1 bl es from Ti. B. R1rnseii, Esq., and of two larii:e wo.11 tn !> ps, one of the D ·miuiv11 1 the -other <·I' th e PrJvlllco, from lJr. McLaugnlin . M P . P . Viiluable lab01· had been 11:1ven by th e DirtJctors, and especially by M ossrs. Davidson, Keit.h, Muir, Mason and Keachi o. (1) The Libm"!li of about 2,000 · volu111es most of which were frosh and .all rrn&d1tble, is nccessi ble at all times ·du riniz I n~i.i t·1te h··urs (2) The Rcfldi,11.g Room which w[JI be . open fro <n 10 11 , m. to !) 30 p. m lrne al· ready 011 til" the followrnjl' : (a] Mu g a z ine~ , HMper'e, 'l'he Ccnt.ury , 'l'h e Amliricur. , Haq:: er's Young PO!nple, A tla n t ic Mouthly, Lippi ncott's, ·St Lou i ~. [bl Illustrnted papers, Harpers Week· 1y, F rank L ('>ll lie·e, Grnphic, J,o nd on Nevrs, Grip. (c] 8 ciemific and other Journal6, Scientitic A ··rn1 ·icau, Scinnce Weekly, Architects' Supplemept ot' S cientitio American , l\f..11t1 t11.ry Times, \Var Cry, ' :f.'urf, Fie.Id e,nd :Farm, P t1r Pn ological "Journal , M echa nical News, Oaroe ntry :ond B11ilc ing, Toronto Saturday Night, :Educa thnal J ourual, The Budget, New York In dependen t , Scotti8h American, ){j15~i ntH 1·y R P, Yi>;ilV, Spirit of the 'rimes. (cl W1·' ekly N ewspapers. The Ne~vs, Su~ & STATE':!~J.\K, Bowrnanville ; Port Hope Ouide a n d 'rimes : Lindsay Post, and '\"lardvr; Peterboro R eviev·, and Examin~1r; Cobourg World, and S entinel Starj Whitby Chronicle; Oshawa. Vindicator ; Millbrook Reporter ; Orono Newa; Guelph Mercury; l:ltra.tford Beacon; Dundas 'l'rne B1mn<'r; 'Voodetock Stand .. rd; l:V estern Advertisl'lrj Bobcaygeon Independont ; Manit<)ba Freo Press; D etroit Free Presn; Now York Hernl'-1. (d] D1 ;ily Newspapera, T oronto Mail, Globe. Empire; Montreal H erald, W1tneae, .G·a zet te, ::)tar; London Free Press. Of tho above list the Directors were indebrod to Messrs.James .Gal e, Climie, FrMer, Jury, Tillev, Mc'l'avish, H obbs, Binglw.m, Ayre, Davidson, and others, for a ln.rge uamber. They would ba pleased t.o receive, nt. any t i me further contrillut.ione of like n ature . The m emh11n1hi p tickets lrnd bee n place<l 11.t 11s low a fi!?.llr,e a11 possible, and ~-cr::i ;s .follov>s :- l "or Library ancl Reading Rt>0rn , $1. 50 per r.unum ; for LibM'l.rv 1.1.lor-~, $1, with 50 cents for each 11ddit.ional memb11r in t.he family ; for R ending Hoom alone $1, with 50 cents each for 1i.,xt. two add itioual members i n & ame family, and 25 cents each for alt beyond. In oorclosion the President expressed the hope that the young people of the town, e6peciallv would take advanla!!'e of the prHleges now offered . The Ii:Btitute would make every effort. to merit the h earty sympathy and eupport of the pnblie. Spef'ohe~ suited to lhe occasion were mado bv M 11,voi:- Yo11nie, the Revs. A. Macnab: D.D. , And H . . s. Ml'.tthews, Messn1 . D. '.!.'. Morrie. W. S. RuHell, Thos. Paterf!On, W. R. Climie, Aaron Buckler. JI.I, A. James. Jemes Gilfi.llan, Lewis Cornish, W. B. Couch and a so11g by Mr. John Koachie. All kinds :Bracelets. A SQUARE DEAL Wedding Ri11gs. i SPECIAL VALUE., IN"" Brooches, and Blankets, · - - - - - Flannel Sheeting, Cottons, - - - - - - - Dress Goods, Flannels. Ear Drops Lockets EVER-Y LIN"E. i$ilverware, Fancy Goods , etc~ Spectaeles a.nd Eye Glasses. Teas, Coffees, Spices, Sugars, Raisins, Currants, Candied Peels, Figs, &c. l DINNER, TEA AND TOILET SETS. Brack and Knlves. Forks. at $50. Mr. Wilson and wife, Helle\'Ll<', a.r e visiting Mr. Jae. Mille·, jr. Mr. Wilson wns forn:11·rly a r e.sident. Will try io add to yom h ·ppine~· b·: o!J~rinc: y ->u s:rMt bl\rgaine in the ·sqnares. 'Wog cau ,,.ve monoy by rurch·.a~ n.({ your Chnacm"'" ancl N'ew '1:8'1.r · present~ frc>in n·: \Ve '!h.~e th.e Mr. J. H. Shoults, Toronto, w~3 here livest stock evtr broud1iC to J.b1s to ~ 11. w ~ are bound to ""II <~nr goods this month, It is last week and drnµ ped into the News i;cknowle ·ged by thous1mrls tbat .wa .ha."'3 the nMt.,st store, m cest goods. and do-tihle btst office and r l"riewed hie subscriptinn. work, and give the bt<;;tr ~fltisfact10n m West Durh ~m . Misa Sybia S t·me, Oshawa, and Miss TRY MAYN I\ R I;>, THE JEWELLER. Lilly, E . F. Robhins, '.l.',,acher of Languagoa of Demill College, wel·ethe guo5ts of Mrs. A. A . Ga m~by recently. HEll:P AS1'RAY.-Come unt(d&t Zi, OvSEKEEPER WANTED -By con. 11', Darlington, two ewes and tw<> ew Years a middl:i aQ"ed WOTJ?"n' a.~ Mrs. H . S. Van D er vort, of Warren, t'enll ra lNh lambs. 'l.'heowner is l'!i'!Anested to pt-o·v e p:roousekeeper · .AP.Pi~ to G&<,i._ W.,JCY<J.T, Ill.. is visi ti" g her sis ter, M rs. R. H o ck- Pioneer F arm, Clarke, or Bowrnan\·ll 1e~_:_3: " pe·t.y. pe.y eitpenses an cl t .. ke them away. 6(}-3w· .TA.11. R u ·Nm,1t, in. :Mrs. Vim D ervort came to Ca nada ourtlee. to wit,nf!BB the marri:Jge of her eister to Ult --CAPE J~OST.--.Betw<>en Be~eh ... - ----- - -t l1e Hon. N . B Rich-a·dson . Avenue and King.Rt,. Btowmanvi1lo\ on CATTLE·: ASTRA'"i':-Come um.to Jo.t lt3rd o. Black Fur Oaper 'rhe tinder wUI 18. c<>a. s:· n,.,r· in1~ton, one two year oM The oyster euµper at the Christian · Nov. be rewarded on le&vlog it 11 ~ the oT.. TR~N h ol'er , and yearling buil'. Owner is reqn·ested Church p »r"onag:e on · Monday even'ing Office· . ·-- ..._____ 49 to prove p~:.p.-rty. pay· exuenses. r,nd tltke was a pleas ing affair . Oyster11 were WE- ASTRAY.-Came onto Jot W., · them Q.Way. T: H. CLA= oN, Bowm:n.n;c'.!~'!,., eerved io m ·tit vxcellent ta!tll ; the pro· con. 7. D arlington, abou~; Nov. Jst .one . _... gram W RB lirst·dass. G, M. Loug w11,s Mwe Th" owner is r ' qu~stero toe prove urop· ; 11 8 1 ··t . · ty.' P··Y ~xpe e and take h l'll" aw1>y. Tx;i~a. ·, ~ent ·ooo 7~o. OT"' .$11: for l chairman. l'llr. Gw1. McLean lll!lDI{ in .. "l'iT;IOY Ha3·don. '!J-l!w . ·: lh, ~.lb 01' !! lb or the boat · i:· . C· >ndy to baJ111dil1 eanada . gocd Htyle. Mr. R. Momeut made a aio~ ·"TRAY GP on 1ot. ' Ex~oeas p~id, . S'tltable speech well suited to the o cca sion, Mrs. EIF .'"R ~, .t~.;:l .,,1.me , ft·r presents. Purity gD~itauteed a.ncill promp l!. 26. con. 3, llarllnp:con. a two yea.r Gill delivery. Htomple orders solicited. Cl.cero Ganieby eanl>( a cou pie of seleciions 'l'he owner is requestod·'.to p rove prr.·p ·· ! H F~-.,,.H & C C Mesars. 0. A. Gamsby, C . G . .Arm&trong heifer err.y. p ay expenses snd ta.kt> her a.W>,.y,. · i""' O>, ONFECTI::J:!f·E;;\S. and J·aa. H allett sang songs, duets, etc. RICH. N ICROt.9, ~ourtice. i19-3 v.f. f . IiontlO» :.-. Ont. Pupils who occupy first four positions HEE·P STRA.YED.-Frnm lot 16, B. ~ N t· · H: " in their respective cla&11ee inOrono Sclwol:: J'. Darlington, tbree ewe"',. crossed "'.'-trh. ~ 0 IG:e lS 8 reb y n' ~Ven 5th Cla.a- L Watson, A Newsom, P South Down, many bursln wool. Jnform~tw:Ju 1 to recovery than~1111lly r ece1v·md\ That the :ll'lre·bytery M Whitby, the Trustees Jamieson, J M<1ment. Sr 4.th-E Batt.en,. leadl·Dji: WM, &oooll!, Bowman ville P. (); DO-lw"' , o! the Chntcli Le>ts of St·. .Andrews , 9on;l{fM.'&.J Martin, C .Andrus, Clarence And!:rue. _____..._____ __,,.. ___.._ - - - - - -- ·- - ..·- t10 ~ . Darll:iogton, the '.ll't'ustees of ilte Manse ·cATTLE ASTRAY -Ca,me onto Y!ot 11ndGtebeoSSt.Andre·w· Congregation, Dll.r Jr. 4th·- L Dary. G Jiunieson, M Davy, . ' b N l" U lington. and the 1't u Rteee of a. cert afn fond Srd-L G11maby,M Trull, 25-, oon. 8, Darlington, e. &Ut ov. ". "· called the "Seton Fud" wll! a.JJJPlY to t.be M J erome. rou.r yearhog 0111,tln two 0 ~ t?ern at,ee<a'.: ' J,egial atlv3 Assembly of the Pro..,i'nce of MMoml'lnt1 W D3vy. Sec. Div.-.Sr.. ·Tho o.v rner Is r , q_uested to prov,:. J)roperty, TN» Onta.1!0 at tt.e next sesalon theree>t to- e11a.ble 3rd.- W Bro.,,n, F s;utt, L Samia,, L exponees and take them aw·o.y. JollN B .o<T:'l)r,· them or L lw ir successoPs in ot!lce to. tiell or ea. d9- 3 w o t.berwi.ae .dispoae of a block of land uonta.inlng Broad. Jr. 3rd-M Waddell, E B eshr (i): Enni.skH1 Tamblyn, T H1&tten. ~A:RMER'B 1:Nsii:Tu~:=-Th e Thi- :~~~~~~~~.:ga~~;~t~i:~ci~~~gt~'h°"i~~~1t1~~:0 - Chains. Jewnlry. - HANGING LAMPS, HALL LAMPS, . H AND LAMPS. CALL AND INSPECT. WEST - END JC>JE:C~ HOUSE . ~ ~ 1\401'1.!:"UFl.T::E=I.."Y;·. H S F Public Notice! To all whom it may concern. ( (j YO· UNG & CQ' s For the Holiday 1 ' ' stock of Groceries Season: , i E cAN"·fJ' y R , S 1 , , and Provis ions is now complete and in g ood order. y New Valencia Raisins, New Sultana Raisirt1:s, YOUNG&CO. bUty CA'l' ARRU:. New Home Trentmcmt t ..r the (Jure .at' cat·rrll, (Jalarrhal ~nr11 ~ 8 , nn<l Hay l'en~r. The mioroso ope ha.a p~ovcd that tZ.eso disea.seo a~ c·mtagloua. and tbat t.hey a·r e d110 to tho prnrence of livinGr paraaite11 in the Unini;i roam ~~a.no of the upper a ir passag"s and eusie.chlau tubes. The eminent sc!ent· .. ft stitnte will meet in t.ha 'L'o wn Han. aa. Hampton on Wednesd~y 19th !mat, ·. nt 2 p. m.. for e lection Of offloers and o ther rn1pe>rtdln~· bu·iness. A full attenda.noe Cl3' memhors O'i!Jl>o i sired ,V, J ROY. Presidenb. 50- lw· ' ' - F In the To-.- of Bowm-anville, in the County of i s to apply an irritan t remedy VMekly and -· · (," e ven d.a .Jy. tt-na kooplJJg thi; 1 i oli cate mem- F ARM FOR SALE.-15-0 acrea <J·~ lot · ' IN 'l'HE br&ne in e, ce>nstant state of lrr' tatwn, u , can, 9, Di;rlington ;~ soil clay, loom, I a ccomp,.nlfll by violent sneer.mg, allowing log d:wolllng, large Imme bsrn, erchara1~hl'eE> l 'OOWNSJHIP OF CLARKE. it no chnnce to heal, and e.e a natural conae. wells convenient to chur~h. sohool. r ·. O .· : __ quence or 1Jucb treat;ment not one perooenent store~ alld. hluoksmit h shop,. :five mUeot from cure ha,s ev er been J'ecorded. It i ii an Burl:eton Station. the boot b1uley mark:ot in Parsua.nf; to t oe powers ·of sale oontalncd in a bsolnt<> fact. tba·, tbeoo diseases cann0t btl Ont>Lrto· Fat m in hlgheat &ate of cul.tl-;<ation , a cGrtt.rn mortaage wnich wm be 1iroduoed at j cored by 1my 11pTJl icatfon mad.e erteaer tlui.n 80 a<Jrea in first class ord e1, . fo r,. oomi=w or»p, the time of sala and on wb!ch·defe.ult in pay ouce in t·wo week~, for the m0rnbrane mugt tho· balance under new aL-d old ~ratJS. To an mffllt ha.e bee1Q macle there wilt. b6 offered for get n chance t.c> heal before any anullmttfon ind..,strious man with smc.M. cnt>ltll.l Uero will aa:::e by public-. auction at Bw1nett's Ho eel in Is repeated. J t Is now 7 yrs. sin·;e Mr. Dixon b i 0 t pay tor it as raymentg the village 0Newo11Stle on 1 t" discovered the p<J.raeite in G.ttarr.h and form- c~:~.:!ta~r!~':e~ ~~ ...6 nci to o~r,eeJ. an orul&ted his new trua.tmGnt, and since then hia dillonryiri,nt. ForparticulM'!I address: 'l'ERENCE r emedy lJaR become a ho!l~ebold \l'Orll in McDo::OIELL, Enfield P. @.. 48-tf every count ry where the li:l'lglish hmi;cuitge at One o'clock, ::!". M ·· is epoken, Cures e ffected b y him aoven years 1'1Y Mr, Le vi Fairbank&. Auctioneer, t'!!le ago are eures still, there having been n o following valuable prop,erty: 'l'he so1 llth return of t,ho diBeiwe. ,, 1uarter ot lot nnmber tw.enty-one m th" ::trd Se> highly are t hese r~medie3 varned, and ·conoossia.:a or the townshm or Clarke. and the so great i s t he demand tor Uiem, that iguor· The Annual gen era.I maet\ng of the She.re- ·south 50 acres o! the oortn 100 aores ot lot m un ant Imitators have started up e"f'erywhere, holder s of tho Ho,mptoo B11.tt.3r and Cheeee 11er twenty in the 3rd c l>n-cess!on of the said pretending to destrl>f a ))tiro.site, of whic h Manur1ictnrmg Cornptrny will be held in the t.ovmsbJp of Clarke botlh ]i>arcels 1togethe1'cot1· they know not,bin11:, by remedies the results 'l'own Hall H~mpton. on Satm~ny, th" 15til> t·iining 100 acres moc ·e or less. The a bove of the appllc11,tion. of whiob t hey aro ~Q uallf' flay ot Decem her. .A. :ID.. 1888, at & o'c1ook p. m, property ia oonvenfoi:.try aituamd a.bout 31 ignorant Mr. Dixon's r emedy is avplieu fort.h e purpose of electlni;: 1>Boanl of Directo·11 mi\eR north·O/l.St nr th.& village of Newcastle only onNl in tw o w eeks. tmtl from one tc. to ue.: vc.fol' th.i ' "'Hnl.Itl;\' year .. o.J th" t1·!!.t:rna,~t. 'rher0 a.re a good rrtune ho1 180 with stoo.; three applications o1fect s per m~ nen t o tro in J ie>n of euoh othor b<>Slll<l88 as m s,y properly foundation and oellax and fail· out·hul!dings most aggr1i.vated cases. N . 'B.-For ciitarrhal oom 11 betore the meeelng. imd fences, orchardaBd wells on tbe prem1sear. troubles r ecnll:\r to females(whltes) this reme· 1". L; l!:LLIB, Secretar y. 'l'erms or oa.le.-.A. de posit ol ten per cent o dy la a specific. · Hampton, Deo. Si:d, 1888, !9·- 2w· the purchase money 11ha.ll be paid at t.hc time Mr. Dixon sends a pamphlet describing hie _ RO"TS A . ( of sale and the balance or the purchase ~noney new treatment on the re-0elpt of ten cents in OTICE TO PAT . 1\ . - m Eletmg within 30 days the reaUer. l!'ull poasass1on on of the Patl'ons or tho Hampton Bu~t.er &, t hB first day of ap1:il next. 'l'he sale is sub 8t11,mo5. The a.rldrcss iB A, ll. Dixon & Bon. !IO~ King etreet west, 'l'oronto. Oanada.Cheese M'f.g. Co.., will be held in the rown ject to" reserve~ b11i. .. , Scltnti~ American. Hall, H ampt on. on Sa.tnrday, 15th Deo .. 1888, The Vendor will furnish a R eglstral'S .A..b at 1 o'clook, P. M., for i·coeivi11g the Repe>rt stract ot title but shall n ut be reqmred to proSulfor . ers from catarrhal troubles &hould >!.nd closing up the past eeason'a buaines~ . F, d nee or procure any Deed a~tra~ t memo~lal carefully read theabove. L. ELLifl. 8eoretary. 49-2w. document or copy t hereof not m ht~ possess1on · ··----..---..··· --·-· .. -- -- - -- - -·-- - -· - - ·- - but tha purchaser shall search the title and ~i~'l!~1r:~~~~~t~\e~~~~~~ii~egi[:gE~~:~: ~i~f~~iiI.al~~~:~~~l~s~~eto~zt~~=: th<J said Seton flrntl. Dated at Toronto Ulis first day of December .A·. n .. 1 ~. M1r..LF-.R. & I l:uNO AN, H )USE AND LOTS FOR SALE.-1 5-0-6w. 8 olicit0re ro:r Auplicants w ill sell the brick dwellimg I now OOO!ll!>Y on Coneeaa!on St. '£hero ar~ eight roonos. pantry, olo8ets. kitchen, exoelle.nt cellar "nd h :i.rd and 11nft water. It is a t.w o storey ltD1~k. cottage roof nearly new Geed garden ~a~~e OF A Dnrha.m, and to apply, .the proceec'l'il in BU(?h nrnnner 88 shall be doe1de<l upon biiJ· the said Presbytery cf Whitby, and also to diapose of. for Cash and sell as cheap as the cheapest. 0 New Layer Raisins, New Currants, New Figs, YOUNG&CO. im.vite you to call and examine their stock-it will pay you VA· ·l u ABLE .:AR M Thursday, Dee. 27, 1888, MORTGAGE SALE u . G New Peels, New Flavoring E:x:tracts New Fruiti. YOU NG & Co. Crockery -AND- ° Annual Meetingu-. Glassware, BROOMS -AND- Competent judges say that our TEA.. S are unexcelled for quality and price. Try our Green and Black Teas at 25c. and 50c. Highest Prices paid for Farm Produce. BRUSHES, COFFEES AND- N SPICES, Laundry and Toilet Soaps, Canned Goods -AND- & Co. CENTRE STORE, Wellington Buildiugs, A PI.EASING DUTY.- " ! fe11l it my duty I BOAR FOR SERVIOE.-A Poland proc:,;e1 : 1 h~:!$~~~~~·~fp~is~~ 8~f~~r a~ht~ ~~~ to e1ty ," write&John Borton, of Deaert, l China Boar is )';·P t !or service on Lor _ 5, :~ aenae. . . p Q th1&t B ul'dock Blood Bitters cured i con. 3, Dr>rllngton. lnm'!i.... $1 00, to 1!e p1ud ~urther part1cnlars aml cond1tions or Aale · ·! . . · . h i at time of service. 'l'II08· .11..EA'l', proprietor. m ay be had from J AMES CAMP DELL, EB<J.., my wife of liver compla1?t, from whtc I . . -------------· _ ___ _ _ _ ._4~:::-..~.w·~-- Whitby, thti auctioneer or the V endor's Su· she has been a chronic sufferer. Herl licitor, JNo. B~LL Dow. . distreasiu« painful symptoms 8000 ge.ve HONEST TOM.::--A thoro:b~ed _ BerkJ).everell'e Block.,'Vhitb:y. "" · shire Boar rci:nstered pedigree, is kept Vendors Sol!c1tor. 1 way'. ~nd 1 can }ug~ly recomm~n~, the, for_ service on ioc 32, con. l!, Darlington. 1 Da.ted at Whitby:this 26th Nov .· 1883. . I med1cme to all sufformg as eho dtd, Price, ~1.00, JollN STA.OEY, Owner. 50--3w, J9~tw. l PROVISIONS ~ALL KIN OS. King Street, Bowmanville. CHAS. YOUNG, W". W". ALLIN, F. A. HADDY. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla~