~auadiau Jtattsuulu. HOUSEHOLD. Woman, beic~ and a. Fount of Blessin~. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 28, 1888. As woman is the most complex of organic the most richly endowed in fac. ulty, as she is the la.st to be developed, she muet herself demon·tr&te and mea.sure her power. Penetrated with the d:vine truth of womanhood, prizing a.nd dignifying every l ' relation, especially.tba.bof Motherhood, iutel· lectua.l a.nd artistic culture and spiritual growth will preva il and society recover from its grievous wounds. Not through arbitrary and conventional law, bul; through spontan· eOllS a.ttraction to the divinest and holiest, for and will woman reach her true position in the world of ethics. '."Cutorla!ssowelladapteiftochlldren·tba$ Caatorfa ~Colle, Constlpatlon. During long ages of struggle and conflict [recommend it aa euperior to any prescription Sour Stomach, Diarrhcea, Enlctation. · she ho.s been !\Sin "'troubled dream, Now lmowuSome." a.& ~ :ar D Kills Worms, glves sleep. a.w1 promoe.:· t ha.t man gives her both freed em a':l.d c J-oper· .. ' · ·· .. gestlon n1So.<>%ford8$., llrookqn, N. Y. WJUM>ui mJur!ous medication. ation she is euooriog into the promised land. The pathway thereto Hes through an un· Twr: CltN'l'AUn C9VPANY, ':'7 Murro.y Street,!(;..~ selfish diffnsion of t1 pure and high affec~ion within the circle of her influenct. It must ·be rtfrected by reason and kept steady through . aelf,reliance and 11elf·control. Thejinforming Deifio spirit within must shape e:z:ternal conFOH SALE BY J. HIGGINBOTHAM 8c SON, BOWMANVILLEj ditiunli. Whon th<1.t gams the mastery then has the true civiliz~tion booome aotna.l. Then will there be aspiration jeyouely working , through obedience to the·laws of our being, laws which will be reOODllli~ as bhe blMlis of hir.ppinesa and ha.rmony. W oma.n's intuition 11ha~l lead in etbioa aa in maoners. He<h, pu.rity, ~eacie, industry and social order sha.ll repla.ce degrad~tion, corruption and suffering. This is the " Philosophy of Living." The heroic in woma.n is already an Tble powder never varies. A marvel of a.drnowledged qui!.lity. It needed not PlUl. PAUED BY <11urity, strength and whdlesomenees. More western storms to show how eaey .it is for Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. ,ooonomical the.n the ordinary ll:inds, and can the motherly protective instinct even in Price $1; a!J: bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle. not be sold in competition with the mnltitnde youna girh to ca.use them to forget their ·Of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate ;powders; Sold onlyin oa.ne. ROYAL BAK· own angers in Ba.vlng those intrusted to NG POWDER CO.. 106 Wall St .. N. Y. · their charge. For hours young women 'J.'HE JEWEl.iLER, ~. fought desperately vnt,h dea.th in 1<11ch by ea.viog pl1ttes or saucers whenever they conteets'a.a would'bave appa.lled the 11trongest u.re broken io but two or bhn:e pieces. Put imd wisest of men. Aher chafing the ht1nds t ogether wit h liquid glue It will dry in a ·and feet of her pupils and shelte.r ing them few honr~, a.nd then the article ca.n be pa.int· from the cruel western wind, Ella. Lg.mar ed to suit an.y fancy. If it is gilded first Ma.nufa.ct.urers of clasped the feeblest in her arms and went and painted with a spray of roaee, it i s We carry a. fulJ line of Gold, Silver and to sleep tc wa.ke no more on earth. In the handsome enough for any room. A loop of Nickle, Huntiniz and Open-face Watches ' ea.me wild elemeutlll storlll Minnie Free- ribbon may be glued npon the back. When which we are sEilling very cheap, so cheap · -ti - I ma.n trained her little flock to fight the it is upon the wall it will hardly be dietiu- in fa.ct that no one need be without a .iart1 Cla fury of the blast in which so many perished, guisbed from a.n expeneive pfaque. A gla.es !zood reliable timekeeper. We can supply Limb~, and at immense odds ca.me out victor. Where tumbler may bll painttid for a. B.owei vaae. ~ . affection or duty lea.de the way W oma.n c11on Paint in any color, sha.ded from dark to you with them at a.11 prices, from the And A:ppha.ncos for all De· face danger and death smilingly "There light ; while wet, mark all ovtir it in waves cheapest " Waterbury," at $2. 75, to the formit.1e1 of the HumanBodJ · . . · -Spinal Disea.eee, HlpJoiat 1 ·s a Mmerva. m every household as well as or lines to represent the crackle work so most expensive Gold one11 made. We fashionable juet now. Common bottles of have also in stock a full line of those Disease, Diseaaes ot the a Ma.rs." Knee and Ankle, K~ock No, it is not in great emergencies that any nea.t shape with la.rge months ma,y be celebrated " Rockford " Watches, for Knee, Bow I;ega, Club l! eet, women bi!, nor is it in ethica.l purpose. In painted pink or blue, and finished witla a which we ore t;he ~ole agents for the J,.tc. · l. · d epend ence small la.ndsca.pe, tor toilet bottle1. menta.1 d' wc1p me and moral Ill ' district. \Ve have ala< > c omplete lines of ALSO CRUTUHE~. together with that sense of oomralieship Elgin, W 11.ltbam, Columbus, Illinois and Swis11 makes, all of which we guarantee which would enl\ble us to Wlll'k shoulder to Pine Uone Ca.rd Receiver. ~ " ' · to shoulder for diTinest t1nds, we need to give good satisfaction · . growth in order to rea.licB the true Phi. Any lady who has access to the pine woods losophy of Living. Forever that growth can seoure the ma.terial for n dainty ca.rd 'U7r U1i' & 'l?lnll~UY· begins at the center, Do not all hardy receiver. The cones can aleo be bou11:ht o.t ANO W e 'fN e ~~ ~~~ ~ e; pla.nts grow from the interior T fo the fancy stores. Aho get a wooden plaq ne and order of P tovidenca is nob the inner, essen· decorate it with ribbon bows (s0arfot, brown .In our Silv· e rware and J ewelry DepartVETE.H.INARY SURGEON. tial life of things hidden within the ou ter and gold, for instance), or pa.int a. sceni. from ment it is our aim and pride to keep the pine woods on it. Bore four holes in husk? always the nicest and newest !{Oods to be In men tal freeclom, moral stamina. and the µiiddle of the phqnc and also in the had :mJ we can furnish you (our variety united efforts, women need not abc:.te base of the cone, and fa.ten · the two secure- is unli mited) wit.h anythin~ in these lines one j.~t of 'whatever is feminine and lovely. ly wit'h n:uTOW ribbon. Gild t he tips of t h e at the lowest possible p ri ces . The true bu.lu.nce between t he affection~ "'nd coue 1m~lea, and you have a thing of beauty the r eason will ~iva her the secret of life. that will be a joy for a l ong time. An excess of effomina.cy has been her bane. It has often i.uduced a. ··bric· a· brae religion" L axative Foods. in which emotion governs insbead of convic· We a lways have on hand a nice variety of tion of truth. The t ime has come for her t o Ctl\cked wheo.t, oatmeal a11d Indian mea.l new clesigns in Walnut, one and eight brush the mists of slumber from her eyes 15ruel, Graham b rnad, bran bread ( three· day, weight and sprin~ C locks, together and a.wake to action. In the words of Mis. fourths flour, one-four t h bran), ·new p ntatoe8, with a hrge assortme-nt of Nickel times Whitney, "Be a link in the divine chain gre<1n corn, turnips, onione, applt1-sauoo, and alarms. a.nd feel th~ j oy and the life of it. · · cranberry sauce, rhubarb and gooseberries, Real work disposes one to ltelieve in a. real stewed prunes, honey, molasses candy, fresh God." \Vho but she, arising in the mnjeety fruits (ora.nges, apples, pears, peaches, plu,mo, of purity, can ex·irpate those roots of intem· apricots), dried fruits (raisins, tigs, pl'Unes, pera.nce, prostitution, greed and dishonesty dates, ta.ma.rinds, dried apples, etc.), s!l.lad It ie a mistaken idea that many people Gra uate of the Ont.ario "Veterinary Collep;e, which a.re the shame of Christendom? have that they should put off wear ing oil, porter, ale, cids r, mineral water . .Registered member of the Onta.rio Veterino.r1 Pulsatione from the tender but mighty sQectacles as Jou g as possit>le because by Medical Association. woman-heart shall send their life currents so doing they often do permanent injury WOfilcj, and Residence, NewtonTllle, Ont. Seasonable Receipts. Will visit Orono every Tuesday andlSaturday though all forms of activity,- uot as coercto their eyesight. Good Spec tacles, corQftlce hours fr m 10 a. m., to i u. m., at ion but inspiration. In the all embracing · Coco.A.NUT SPONCE PUDDING.-Stir toge~h rectly fiLted, C.'\n neve r in3ure ·your eyes, Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts ruli Coultere' Hotel Calls by Telegraph 1'eooive affection of sisterhood and motherhood, not er two cupfuls of dry sponge ca.Ke crumba but on the contrary are a l ways beneficial. imr. ediata a.tte11tion. ono poor, debased man or woman but sha.ll and two cupfnls of boihng milk. When If your glasses do not suit y o u or if y ou over one month. CH.A! GES MODERATE. feel her soft, enveloping sympathy a.nd be nearly cold, a dd the yolks ot four eggs baa.t- have never worn them and fine your eyea.roused to a higher life. And that inspira.· en ~tiff, one cupful of grated cocoa.nut, one sight foilin g we can supply y ou with ·a 1 tion, tha.t fountain of social purifioation and cupful of snga.r, one teaspoonful of rose developme·t begins in thll Home. There water and one glass of sherry. B!!.ke and s uitable pair at any price you wish from 25 cts. to $12. . is the eonrce of all good influence as of a.11 spre!l.d with the whit<!s of ionr eggs bea.tt>n : ha.ppinel!S. - suift', two table·puonfuls of powdered sugar, one-half of a cupful of grated cocoanut, one ..........,__ t<;laspoonful of lemon juice. Brown. How to Treat the Minister. M.oox: TYRTLB SouP.-Boil two calves' In a recent talk to laymen .Kishop / meent feet a11.d one neats' foot until very tender, We a.re a.lw~ys p repa red to do· any kind :>f the Amerioan Episcopal Methodist church thou cut them in pieces, put the bones with of Watch or Jewelry~ repairing neatly said some sensiblt1, prac~~cal thinge, among some beef gravy or stock into two qu11.rts of moderate cost. others thefollowing adviceastothe treatment . water,. a bunch of sweet herbs; two la.rge of the minister. " B rethren of thela.ity," he onions chopped sma.11, the rind of one lemon, DOWlllANVIl.. LE, Ont. liaid, I beseech you to note a. few t.bings ths.t one anchovy, and b t'.lf a. nutmeg gra.ted ; I now name, so you ca.n remember t hem : 1. boil this until it comes to three [.into ; then The J eweiler. 38. ESTABLISHED. 1857. Be cautious: 2 Be jnst : 3, Be generous : 4 strain it off, and put the feet, with the Be prudeat. Under these hoods this short gravy, into a stew-pan; add half a pint of A LL KIND S OF 11<mplification : _J~e oa.reful how you talk me.feira or sherry, twelve oysters; then about your m1n1eter. One of t he worst simmer for an hour; s eason wibh cayenn" things a man can do is to make a.dveree pepper, t hicken if not sufficiently thick, criticisi;n . on his minister. 1:he reputatio~ with a little butter rolled in flour; just bc:· I of a mmist0r was as sa.cred m my. lather s fore serving tl.dd the j .iicc of one lemon. · _ - - 1house as was my mother's. · Give your WINTE& Pu SouP.-Beil a p i nt of >1olit minister a house-Voa.rming. "lend your b~st, peas with a sm11oll bit of eoda, until they ·aro. 'l'llE BEST LtJBRICA'l'OR IN THE ·m ost genial men to meet and welcome him quite soft and wm p~ss th.rough a s ieve: done in the latest styles and materials. to .your town. Pa.y him all you promise. put to them eome bellf, veal, or an)" good When buying C{:al Oi} o.sk your dealer for the New Oils, You owe it to him. You a.re dishqnestl if broth i n which you ha.vc boiled plenty of you do not pay every cent of a. raepeclJable vegetables and onions, rub all t hrough a. SCOTCH, ENGLISH, GERMAN AND s alary. And remember a. minister cannot fine hair sieve, mum ic up, season with a 11 live on the a.v11orage salary of a bueiness man. teaspoonful of essence of anchovy, half a I NEW BRUNSWICK He has bi113 to p'l.y, in order to ma.ke ynur d h · 1 d l' ·' d · d Try it once, and you will use no other. cb.urch stand in ibs proper ra.nk, t hat you re erring, sa. t, ca.yenne, a n a. H"1e r1.e T-C ca.nnot understand. Fix up your church; mint. IUc.:UOL.1.. BROS. & CO'Y, Toront~. make it clea.n and bright. L~t no grass EGG SAUCE FOR SAL1' FISH, ETC.-B 1il grow on the side walk. People will then five eggs ten minute~, when cold chop small, IN STOCK. say as they pass by, 'This is.a live Church.' put them in a saucep'l.n. with a. pint of melt· Call and 11ee our designs and get our Do not 'discourage J our minister in taking ed butter and a lit tle p epper and salt; sfiir the benevolent collections, but help him. It the sa.uce on the tire, and serve very hot. estimates before purcha.sinl? i~ your duty. You promised to do w when L EMON Mrncn Prn.-One cupful of boiled It never was intended, so far a.a I ca.n learn, SHIRTS COLLARS AND CUFFS you j oined the Church. Let every m'l.n, sta.rch, one c uptnl ot ruga.r, (}De cupful of T . hat either men or womo11 were intended to IA a apecla\ty. Out of town work b0 bald. . . , !. lLJ promptij' attended to and returned woman, and child pay t owar<l t he support mola>!sas, ene-ha.lf of a. pint of chopped rais· (This E ngraving represents the Lungs in a healthy st:Jtc.) I t h.ink you .will heheve me, mdeed. Im sure per instructlons. of the presiding elder and pa.stor. I beg of ins, one h~lf of a cupful of sliced citron, TUE REM EDY FOR CURING you, do not be satisfied with that religious jnioe of two lemons and t he grg,ted rind of Ha.~~he~·'#~ris HairWorke"youho.veca.lled. G. P. SHARPE, Proprietor. emotion that sp anda itself in singing and one. Bake in two crnsts. 'l 'bere is one thing Nature thinks of- let us text door to Palmer house. Handy to Union cyying. S·a pport the vhu_ rch on ibs r eligous N EAPOLITAINE!l. - One pound of flour, one· thank her for all we can_ 2:(pgh ASTHMA, CROU P , She t akes particular trouble with, our race ; ~~!!!I~============== side. . Go to prayer mi:etmg ; go to class- half of a pound each of powdered sugar a.nd She knows a. scanty growth of hair, the gray A LL D ISEASES OF T H E TH ROAT , LUN GS A N D . r, yolks of six eggs and one teaspoonful meetmg. T ake pa.rt, if you only q ·rnte a butte and whitening locks, text or hymn. T ell them you want to h~lp of vanilla, Mix together, ani if too stiff, PUL[;1Q NARY ORGANS. HEAi:nt~ Will detract Crom the beauty of the face .. ?r be helped. .G~ not beca.use you feel ltke add a. little milk. Le'l.ve in cold place one· nv I TS F AI T HP U L U S E But Nature ·has h er la.we so striot tho.t you half hour. R oll t hin, cut in a.uy shape, and . . 1t , but from prmc1ple. must never err. CONSUMPTION HAS BEEN CURED For you'd surely pay the penalty at_lnst, Thimbles. ba.ke. Ice, while warm, with boiled icing, W hen other Remedies and Physiciaas hove u.tain it. that bounteous bead of ha.U" s ·· · · a nd almon ds. failed to effect a. ct1re. Dr . Dorenwend·sHair Magic's unsurpassed. Uecormnended by PlIYSI C.!"A ::s, ;1"11 x 1 s TF.RS, AND . ·· The thimble was or iginally called a. thumb FRENCH TEA AND COFFEE. -:-- A n_?~ed NVlt8ES. In fac t b y e,·erybody ;·; i \~ h a.s givcu. Just try it you affiicted, you nover will .r egret it a good t ria.l. .it n ever /ai.ld to l;, in. "·dfrf. 'fhe l\1 a1!'ic wa.a never yet known to fail ; bell by the English, because w orn on the French chef mo.. k es coffee ~y pounng ho1!mg .A.nd the good that it will do ·you will make thumb, then a thnmble, and .finally its pre· j water on t~e gro~md b_ernes ; after. filtermg, A S AN EXPEC7C P.A NT I T HA S t : EQUAL. you soon forget . . · sent name. It was a. Dutch invention, and t he water is aga.m boiled and. nga.!n poured II is ha :·MhJs ro tht Most lJeUcate Chi· ::. The ex penditure a bottle will entail. Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the -iiimM,W,rmim.mm..W::.mmm.ua w as fint btought to Engla.nd in 1095. Thim- en the coffe~ ; and finally a third time. H e l t contabs ,,.o OPIUM ia ·~;;y form. ~· bles were formerly ma.de only of iron and does not boil the co_ff.ee and water togetbe~, This now famous preparation for invigBvwels Kidneys Liver, carrying bra.es, but in comparatively Late years they nor put the .ooffee m cold water and let 1t orating and stimulating the growth of the otT gradu'ally without weakening the system, have been made of gold, silver, steel, horn, come t o a. bod. To ~.ake good tea, h~ ea.ye, :ill the impurities and fo~l humors of .the hair is universally accepted as the most ivory and even glass and peu.d . In China y ou Ill:ust P?Ur 1><?1lmg water 011 1t and <;ecretions ; at the same tune Correcting DAVI~ & I.AWREN CE C~., ·. ":. imit ed), valuable specific on the market. All bea.utiful carved pearl thimbles a.re seen, th~ow it out 1m.~t<l1ately. T~en ponr oneAcidity of the Stomach, curing Bili· G<ne ral Auents , MON, t. L~tL. diseases of the scalp are either relieved or !Elegant in Design bound with gold and the end of gold. The thud of the boil!ne- water reqmred, put tbe ousness, Dyspepsia, Hea.dach.es, I permanently cu~ed. A rich a':1d .r~pid Sol id in Construction first thimble introduced into Siam wa.s a pot over ·a. .st.ea.mmg apparatus, and t~en add zin ess , Heartburn, Const1pat1?n· g r owth of hair will foll ow after 3~d1c1~us bridal gift from the king to t he queen ; it is 1 anot~er third, a.n~ fina..lly the last th1.rd, re· Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, DWl.Excellent in Tone shaped like a loL-ue but!, ma.de of gold a.nd I p~a.hng th~ ~teamtng, ID order to l et it draw Nervous Debility, Seminal Losses a nd prema· and r egular treatment. It r e mams '!1th ness ofVisiori.J a undice. Salt ~l:le.um, turoDecay promptly and }lermanently enred by ; the user a.lone to secure the desired PRONOUNCED BY ARTISTS TO BE THE FINEST j t!:ickly studded with diamonds arranged to without boilmg. Erysipelas, Scrofula, I'luth: ',m g of / r esults. Dr. Dorenwend'I! "Hair Ma~c" MA~E IN CANADA_, n~ equal to the be~t United ,States . spell the queen's name. PLAIN Ric~ PUDDING. - 8cald two ta.blet he Heart, Nervousness a n :t ·.- en~ra:I wllU·l~ll~,~~,~~,... is s~ld by druggists at· $ 1 per ~otitie, 1 nstrumonts, at,,.wnen duty and freight Is paid) 2poonfuls of nee to remove t he ear t hy taste. Debility ; all these. and many J i ~ ..~r sm11;1· f1l Add one quart of milk, a little salt, ha.If a ~!!!!!~HH~ ![I]~!-~ ! or six bottles for $5. If not obtamable htr Complain~yield t o the h appy ; nf\uence I A Souroe of BGauty. teu.~upful of white. SUl(ar , one teasp_?on~ul · · I in your locd.lity send direct to the sole of BURDOCK BLOOD :BITTERS. If a l ad can atnt tn oil she haa a never 1 vanilla, a small piece of hutt~r cut tn bits fig~s:n~H~}?;r:~:t.:i,~~l~~~\7~0 ~6~~!doi~~~~:~ ' miinufacturer, enclosing price. A. DoRN- Sample Bott les lOc ; R egular s i ze $1. Y s;1 . BEFOr.£ Nl?.C~MINil cn1a ... ur.1cAr E f .· fp0 h' h to d b t . and scattered on top. B ake m slow oven perfect manhood. Sent to any address, post. wEND P aris Hair Works, 103 and 105 ~ WlT!l THE MANilFAC TUREi!S , M 1lllg source Ip' m w ic h rdaw eau Y 1 two hours H alf au hour before itJ is done paid on receipt of price One Dollar per box. Yo ~ St Toronto For sale by , J. F or sale by all dealers. 1 "S "" E 'M ~ OM.,. E " · ,... 0 a.oquee a.re a.n y to use, h lf . f l f ld 'lk · Sola agency, SCHOFIELD'S DRUG STORlll, l for her hause. . n g. ·· ' l d · ' 2~! A \I~"' " · "" \.; - - ""'-~" -" " ' -·.!.. j bnt a dollar disappears very qnickly in buy- po~r ~ver it ~ a teacup u 0 co mi ' King 1UIW1fJUI' ~CO., J't'O!'l'i J toi'S, Toronl:O str iet, Toronto. I H1ggmbotham & Son, and al rugg1st i07·U19_9_E!~.Qfl S.!.f!!~T, TORONTO ing the m. A good snbstitute can be ma.de t his will make it crea.my. I I I .j I I Ea.ch year we b'e ar ot aomJ · new toy meant to furnish ·plooeure to tJi.oee who a.re able to pa.y for such things. Music boxes are among the oommonost of these. A cut·~lass deca.nter with a mu;ica.l box ?ifay do for a stupid boy's excus« ; but what can be said for the parent who · concealed in the boctom is the lattst novelty in rhe line of fancy articles with inueica.l sees his child languishing daily and fails an>w hmente. The El.eca.nters are tinted in t1 to recognize tho want of tonic and va.riety of delioa.t.e colors, which serve to blood-purifier? Formerly, a cour se of 0011coal. the false bottom under which the bitters, or sulplmr and molasses, was the . ,meoha.nism . ia pla.c cd. Clea.r glass bottles are a.lso ma.Q.e, ...v.i when partly filled with rule in well-regulated families ; but 11ow wine oc colored liquid conceal th~ worlle all intelligent households keep A.ycr's still more effectua.lly-. l'ha musica. box is Sarsaparilla, which is at once pleasant wotmd by mea.ns of a button under the bot· to the taste, and the mos t searclling and oom, a.nd play· only when the decanter is , effecti'l\e blood ~edicine ever disco,·ered. pla.ced on the t.-ble. Mueica.l pla.~ea are Nathan S. Cleveland, 27 E. Canton st., ma.de in a simila.r manner, but th" mechan· Bostmi, writes: "My daughter, now 21 ism in them does not play when the plate is years old, was in perfect health u~til a on the table, but when it . is lifted to be year ago when she began to complam of palll'ed a.round. A concealed 11p1 ing under· fatigue, headache, debility, dizziness, nea.tu &tarts and stopa the works: Th.. imligestlon, and loss o! ap.Peti te. I concluded that all her complamts originated . plu.tee r.nd decanter· cost S7.50 ea.ch. The most el~ga.nt fa.nay article that emits musiin ituRme blood, and induced ber to take Ayers Sarsaparilla. This medicin e soon cal 1ound1 is a gold snuff box. It 111 ele· restored b er blood-maldng organs to gantly wrought and is mauvellons in its healthy action, and in due time roeetabworking. PrEBBure upon a small disc lished her former h ealth. I find Ayer's oaneee a circular . lid about the size of a Sarsaparilla a most valuable remedy for silver dollar to fiy open, and . a. little bird the lassitude and debility incident to pope into view. The feathered eongster spring time." warbles in e:re.ot .imitation of a. cmnary. J. Castright, Brooklyn Power Co., Brooklyn, N . Y., says: "As a Spring Medicine, I find a splendid substitute "A reliable Watch. is of more value to a for the old-time compounds in Ayer's · sinner than a B ible or a1i Et·angelist." Sarsaparilla, with a few doses of Ayer'ti Pills. After their use, I feel fresher and I Exchange. stronger to go through the summer.'~ "Did n't Know 't \Af8S Loaded" a Queer ToYB. l ·, .. . . I · o· r , >.'.). ' Infants I Children. ' Absolutely Pure. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, "WATCHES. MAYNARD, Latest Designs Ill . AUTHORS & COX, TRUSSES has the finest stock of Watches in Town. TBA ANU .DINNER SETS arrived this week at Great variety of Bros· I l ·17 CHURCH ST TORONTO ONT TASL! l ltAltCtNC l.AMt8. JEWfLRY SILVf R WARf. Endless varieties in Fancy Goods direct from Europe. LOCKS. McDOUGALL & METCALF, are ottering Coal as follows :- SPE GT AC LES. Stove and Chestnut, ..................$6.25 Grate and Egg, .............................. 6.00 BOU NS ALL' S Marble and · Granite Works, LUMBER, SHINCLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on and a lowest prices: REPAIRING. at McDOUGALL & METCALF~ MAYNARD, THB,ESHERS AND FARIERS USE ONLY McCOLL'S · · _ w l ORK CEMETERY TS GRANI re. M0NU MEN ARDENE MACHINE OIL·. l? MILY SAFETY& SUNLIGB:TCOAL OIL. ANOTHER WONDER. ~~$ 0 a,0ronp0~T~0~J~~~To~~~!~RY. I , 'fjJ , @ CONsmnTIONI COUGHS! COLDS, THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND Ow DER I ! FHE KEY TO .o· BE.. ! . EC I I I and 0RTEs PI AN 0F 01 aJ91tf l ess E xpanse P ERRORS OF YOUTH :Piz- 25 ___ , . ,. , I + , + I an I ". "°,