g ... . . .llJlll!. .ll'IMMlllll'"9!~~"'9BIMll··11111·····2··~~~~..--l,lill"'!lams;:~ ~~·:!:'!±!!:?~.--.-~-i!???==:z_w:::==~:?.:S .£ . .......... s.a:awuww;;w. lll!S w:szap:a·li .& . ... lAW441JJ .s:sa ( .!QUI aa ass: z ca :: wawcw w a--=u:a ; a a l"·HE CANADIAN.STATESMAN 18 PUBLISBJ:l!D·,.. ·. YOUNG FOLKS. The E't'EBY \l'ED.NESDA Y l'tl.~H?.~U\G -,BY- Angel and the Flower, BY HANS ANDERSEN. A d · h 1 for more Hong-Kongs, n now .e ong. auritius, A Rampoor, a .t .. . t:rnand o p o, Greece, Borneo, 1! ' . k And how much e' e no one. c~n ~ow; But be, kind _ es, prop1t1ou11 , A GREAT MAGAZINE. The Centmy for 1889. HARDWARE ! HARDWARE I I Stoves and Tinware, Paints and ( ils. f "EaM time that a good child dies, an An· An A_..t FuneraL gel ot God:comee down to earth, t .. kee the AT THiil OJJ'EIOJ: ..;....,..,..,~~-o~~--~~ dea.d child, in hie arms, eprea.ds a.broa.d his A !a.dy named M· ·· Hutton has given tho 11nswered thi s by the statement t hat "it l arge snow-white wings, flies forth over all following account of a.n intereAting thing h es been fairly \von, not by ad \'ertising ·~.ftlt emee Bl<>ck, King St.rcet, no ..,manYill~, <01ttarto. those places which tho child had lovecl, nnd she saw nea.r Syduoy, N. S. W. lt wa~ EChemes, but by the excellence which plucks a whole h~ndful of ffowers, whi II he notbiog more or Iese than an ant funeral. characterizes it in every department." T E R .::b.a: ·s : bears upwards with him to the thru" " of H~~e are her words: · Jn their announcements for the coming ··' ., ... .AtJ1l1 m,·11 $1 lf11ald In advance. God, that they may bloom there in yet gro 1·t· I saw a large number ~f ants surround1n.I( ear the publishers s tate t.h"t it has al'~erirent strlotl:r In advance required Crom er loveliness than they ha d ever bloo1 1..-d on the dead ome. I determm~d to watch thetr Y b th · d · t k The Oen .llaOl!Ottbers outside of the eoun ty. OrderB to ea.rib. The good God folds all thee" rt ·"ers proceedings closely. I followed four or five I w~ys een eir. esire 0 ma ·e. . ,4lsoontlnue the pa.per mnPt he a ccomp&nied by to his bosom, hut upon the flower w1\ld1 hP that started oil from the rest toward a hil ~ury the one indispen sable per wd1cal. o amonnt doe,ar t.'h., p.ai·<> wll not be11topp0d. Sa.baorlbers arP r "-~l·"'n" ·> 'l ~ ·u:>t.i tullpayment !11 loveth best He bre!l.thes a kiss, a nil ni<'n a look a short distance off in which w11s an its clas·, so that wh~t e\·er oth er pllbhca- Begs to inform ths inhabitants of Bowma.nville and surrnundi~o de . . voioe} is given to it, and it can j uiu iu u'1e ants' ne&t. This they ent;red, and in about tion might be d esirable ip t he family, The Townships that he ha.s opened o ut business in the old stand, formerf~"' &ATE!! OI' A.D'H!BTUI.Nfila song of universal bleesednese." five minutes t.hey ree.ppea.red, followed by Century could not be n eglected by those occupied ly Mr. W. M. Horsey, one door ea'lt of S tandard Bank:, and ...,'"' · Lo, alt this did an Angel of God rtl.i.te others. All fell into rank, walked reg ular Iv who wish to k eep' abreast of 1h e t ime3 in 00 '11'bc!eCclumnoneyear ············· $60 oO~;::;; whilst he bore a little child to H . ea.van·, and e.nd slowly twQ by two, until they arrived a.t all matters pertainin"' to culture. And will~ at all ti mes keep in stock all goods usually kept in a first-cla.ss ·· " Halfyea:r ······ ···· ·· 36 :a~ ~ ·· " One Q'llarter ···.·.·· . 20 00 ~ the child heard as if in. a dream, and tJ:le the ~pot where lay the d_es.d bodies of the the unpre cedented cncnlat ion of the ma)!'· Hardware Store, con~ isting of ~a.If Cohimn one year . .............. .36 oO-a.ngel winged hiR ftight over those spots in sold1er -e.nte. Jn a few minutes two of the aziae would seem to he the r esponse of · " Half year ...... ······ ·· 20 the child's home where the little one had ants e.dve.~ced and took up the de11.d body of J tbe iiublic to ·I.his intention. 5 ·· Oneone quarter. ...... 12 be en won tt? P1~y, aud they P~18eel thro.ugh one 0 f th.eir comra des, th en t woe; tb ers, ~nd yeer .. ··· ......... 20 oo "\V,th 1h e Nove m ber rmmher The Cen··uarterColun..n 1 .. Be.lfyear ··...·· ·..· 12 50 ~a.rdens which were filled with glorious soon until all were ready to march. . First t b · 'ts t hi ty e ·e t h olume 6 flotl'ers. .. ·· One quart.er ·.···. ·· 8 00 wa.lked two antJ baa.ring a .body, then two ury egms 1 r ·B ' n . v . · .~lines a'ndunder ,first Insertion. $0 60"\Vhich of all t hese shall we :a.kewith us ·whhout a burden, the.n two others with Two great ~eatures < Jf the m&Razme which .... ~· plant in hea.ven I' a.sked the Angel. another dead a.nt, and so on until the line a.re to contmu e t hroughout t he n ew vol· 11~~ :~~=!~'t:~a\tr~~~~~=i~i0i,,; ~= and Kach subsequent insertion ...... o 35Now there stood in the garden a slender a.nd extended to abouc Corty pairs ; a.nd the pro · ~me are a lready 1'.l'ell known lo the pubI shall also keep a well assorted stock of the best manufacturers' ~ ten lines,tlrst lnser tion,perline 0 10 - l o bea.utiful rose tree,·; but a. wicked ba.nd had cession now moved slowly onward, followed he, the Lmcoln history and t he papers on Baoh subsequent Insertion " 0 03broken t.he stem, so tha.t its boughs hung by an irregular body of a.bout two hundred "Siberia. and t f e Exihi Svstem. " The The number of lines to be reckoned bY arpund it withered, though laden with lan~e- ants. Occasionally the two laden ante stop- first of th~se. written by M essrs. Nicho'· !!lle apaoe oocupled,,measured bya scaleot1 unfolaed buds, ped, and laying down the dea.d ant, it was lay and Hay, Pr£sident Lincoln's private .Mid Nonpareil. . " Stove Pipes, Mic11s, &c. ~~===============~ "The. poo_ r'. Rose-tree !" sa.id the child "let ~a.k~n up by the two walking u~burdened secreta~ies; c ontain& the inside hi~tory of .,,.. ,. ~s te.k_e it with us, that 1t ma.y bloom above ~eh~nd them; and thus, by ?ccae1onally re- the <'lllrk days c! the w"r a:i setm from Tile manutaclure and putting up ot Eave Trough11 DBS, JllcL..llJGU'l lN d BEITH, there m the presence of God." h evrng each ether, they a.rnved at a. sa.ndy t h fl · Wh · t H ' 10 " 'ill receive spt'cial attention. · On"ICE :- MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWlll"N·VILI.E. And thti Angel took the Rose-tree, and spot near the _sea._. T~e bodr ~f a.nts now · · ouse. ,... L ,... · 'k'issed ohe child because of the.words it had commenced d1ggtng with their JS. " a a. numTHE HIBERBN PAPERS, J)r J W ·duntiate · · ·.wo AUGHT.IN,, Dr. A. BElTB. Gradu .. k . 1e one h aIf-opened his . ber of holes 1 ·n ·be ground · i ' n·o of the Roye.I . · epo en · and t he 1ltt · " w h' 1ch a by George K 1m11an, are attract,ing the at· Cc>llege of Phyeicisne ate. ot the T.c;i:o~to eyes. 'fhey then plucked some of the gor- dea.d a!1t was la.id, where they now labored tention of the civil .zed world. 'l'he Ch~· ··d member, of the ~n lvereity, l'bys~CJ,an , geous flowers which grew in; the garden, but oq }lnh.I t hey he.? fi~l~d up the ants' grav~a. ca go 'l'ribun"' says tha.t "no o ther maga·ltC>J.&I ~~P1e 0~ Eur· .,urgeon, &o. 1 they also ga.the~ed the despised butter-cup This did not q111te finish the rema.rkable cir- zine articlss printed in t.he E nglish lan '81.0ne. n urg ' 11.Dd the wildheii.rts ease. ' cumstanoes attending the funeral of the ants.. guage just now touch upon a subject .. .. .... p;a. J. (J. HITCJHELI., "~uW then, we, have flowers !" exclaimed Some six or se.ven of the ant~ ha.d a.ttempt· which so vitally inter ests all thoughtful B¥ BER OJI' 00);.LEGE OF PHYSICIANS the child, 11<1Jd the Angel bowed his he&d ; ed to run off wi!ho~t performing thetr sh&re people in Europe and Americ3 and Asi>l," · _ l!IJI.d SJµ'{eo!).,8, Op«;a.~o. Coroner·.eto. bu, he winged· not yet hie ~ight towards of the taek of diggmg. These were o~nght As is already k uowu,copies of Tho Centu ry . Bowmanville, April 2nd 1 1888. . ~~deniie, .IL.»~JJ>klllen. 71., th.e throne of tJ:o.d. It was mght.,. all was and brought back, when they wore e.t ~>nee entering Russia have these article torn . , . . still, they r.em1 un1l4 ,Jli the grea.t city, they a.ttacked by the bod_ y of the a.nts and ~11led out by the cn11tom11 officials on the fron ...Plt. E. (,, JI· J, f'tt J J J., ho:ver.ed over one of the p.&.rrow s treets in upon the apo~. A eingle gra.ve was quickly f JCENT!~'.IE OF ROYAL.OOLLEIJE wMqh l~yheap8 of At'.~'\V . 1 !l!!lM. · !1!!4 rnbbi6h \in~, !l!~Q t!J!lf we!"e ~l! drop~ed !nto ~~," !'.t\ . . . ot Pby!JClO!J~.· LOJJc.lQ!l, ]1.ng.1Member _of lo" it wiA~ fti~tjpa d& · , .... -1rni:1NG 1889 . "\ .(;ollEge 01 F,by~1ciena no 8urg£C.l!B. Ontario. .,·· , · . · · . The Century will pnbheh the m ost 1m· -i~::i~i~t£:~,:iti~~E~~~~- ~car of llfirre. Fre.itments of plates, broken morbe.r, ra.gs Ba.by's Creed· por t ant. a rt feature t hat h as yet fomi d . ' owm~~iyr~: and old hats, la_y e~~ttered;a.round, a.I! which I believe in my pa.p&, place on its pages. It is the resl1lt of fou r ~.... . .. . .---------------~...:::_::- bo!e a very umi;iv1tmg asl!ecb. · Who loves mo-oh, 80 deuly I years' work of Mr. Timot hy ColA, the '~- ~' 1,A lt'lllJ:tr.All' !I, D .. {,, B., ~he Angel potnte~ our m the midst of all I believe in S&nta. Claus, Jee.ding magazine engraver of the world, this confused rubbish, some broken fragWho comes to see me yearly. in the galleries of ll:urope engraving ' " lt?il:b:ER OF CC1LlE GE nF I BY ments of a flower pot, and a. clump of ee.rt.h I b l" h bl d" l... · · · ' ' · / ..11'.l c:'I CJ..HiS .AND ~LRGEONS,On t.. which had fallen out of it, and was only e ieve t e r iea ta"' frcm the e:r _ gma s the gre~tert pict ures Ofllce arC! ll ~ i <i · t< t·; } rnaklllfD, Onfnio, held together by the withered roots ~ a On the boughs together ; by Uie old n~a. te r s, A senes of pe.per8 0 30 "ild fl>wer, which had been thrown out inI believe the fairiea dance on I reland , its customs, land~capes , eto. , tq tlw ~!riiet bf;!c1,1uee i~ was.considered utter O'er the fields of ht:ather; will appear, and there &re to be illustratI belibVe my dolly knows· · .· o. BIJRKE SIJllPllOl!i', Every word that's sp:iken; ed articles on Bible srene11, t reating es.A.RRIBTElt, SOLICITOR, &:o, MOFRl8 ly worthl011s. " We will take th·a with ue," ea.id the I believe it hurts her, too, p£ cially the subjec's of the Internat iona.l BLOCK{ up atalre, King Street, Bowm1.u1 le. Bolio tor tor the Ontario Bank Angel "and I will tell thee why, a.s we ! ' Vhen her nose is broken. Sunday School L£sson ~. G eorge W, :rrh'ate Bon.ef1 loe.ned e. t the lowest rates. soa.r upwards together .to t~e throne of God." Oh, I believe in lot11 of th\ngsCable will w1ite " S trange 'l'rue S tories of I ce.n'. t tell all the restL ouiaiana." There will b e novelettes and So they resumed then fl·ght, and ~he An.Jolm Iet&b. ..albraltll, gel thus related .his story. " Uown m tha.b But I beileve in yo11, mamma, short stories by leading writers, occasionPerfumery~ :D .A.RR IS TE R, SOLICITOR, NOTARY narrow stree~, m ~he lowest cellar, there F irst and last and best. al articles on wa r subjects (supplemental '":I PUBLIC, &o. Office-Bounsall'a Bloo,k ?nee dwelt a. poor stck boy; from his ver_ y CHAS H. LuaR1i.-, to the famous "War Papers" by Gen er a l >baa Street, Bowme.n'l"me~ ,M..on.ey to lend, mfa.ncy he was !.l<lmost bed-ridden. On his . - - -- 0·---best days he oould ta.ke two or three turns Gra~t a~d o,th ers, which h ave been apFB.Al\K 1'1. Fii ID, B. A. on crutches ecro88 his little chamber and A .Boston Nee:ro Qneen, peanng m 'Ihe 0flntury ), etc., e tc. A curious female character resides In the T~e _(Jentnrr ccste four d ollars a yea r , ARRISTER, izolicitcr, Not ary, & c, that was a.11 he could do, On a few d;ys in summer, the beams of the sun need t o pene- NorthJ< Jnd of Boston. Sheie a negro woman and it IS .Published b:y t h a Century Co., COBOUR G. trate for he.If an hour to the floor of the who claims to be of royal blood, and behaves of New York, who will send a copy .of the ()ftlce,- .A1mour Bleck, Kinp; Sfrcet. 22. cellar; and when tho poor boy_sat there and herself with dignity comporting with her foll pNl'lpectus to any one on r equest. lilt the w11orm iiun shine upoll. h1m, e.nd look :..1fancied ~tation, Clothed in r oyal purple S, CJ, D'£1\'IU1\'G 1 ed a.t the bright red blood flowing through 1 she sits daily upon "her throne," an old 1 9 ICEN~ED AUCTIONEER FOR his d elicate fingers, a.s he held thelh before arm cha.ir. There is a bell att achment In · the County of Durham. Sales attended his fe.oe, ohen w~e it 8ai.d of him, "He has her room, a. sort of annunciator, wbich she to on shortest notice and lowest.rates . .Address Ileen out to· dn,y. " A neighbor's eon used al. pulls when she desires anything. The bell 36:tr !lH1i.11c" P. o. ways to bring him one of the youni:i boughs on the end of the cord rings in the kitchen S. nlJBDEN Qi (JO,. lLLUSTRATED. of the beech tree, when it was first budding of "her castle " and a "servant of the UCTJONEERS for the County of into life, and this wa.s all he knew of the cour~" from the.kitchen at tends her. BelI,\RPER's WEEKLY has a well established -ValJ.!~~~:~; 1~~~yrE~~~!'Adg~~~P~1 8J8 1es;,e~~d woods in thtiir b ' e.uteous clothing of spring fore entering her appaitment it is necessary place as the leading tlll!Strated newspa.per in otller bu siness promptly attended to. Box !172. verdure. . Then would he place this bough that they shall knock on the door and await America. '.rhe fe.irn03S or its editorial COIU· ,J ~ Jl()'W!manvillo l'. O. 36- tt ohove his head, and dream that he was the order to "come io." She is very strict mcnts on current politics hLLs earned for it the ..- - - - -- ----·- un!1-:r the beech t~ees, wher.e ~he Bun was in this particular. Even he whom she ha.a respect and confidence of all impartial readers a.net the variet.y and exc~llence or its literary Pianos Toned ancl. Repaired. shmmg, a.nd the birds weresmgmg. O.o one sworn to "love, obey and cherish" must content.s, which in clnde serial and abort PFing day, the neighbor's son also brought conform to t his rule, which is arbit£a.ry stories by the boat and most popular writers. tit it for the perusal of people of t he widest lnm some wild fi.JW<:rs, and amongst these a.nd a,bsolute. ARTIES WISHING 1·HErnPIANf18 there happened to be one which h&.:l ret &inHer meals are oe.rried to her, and if she r11nge of ta.ates and pursuits. Supplements · Tuned orrepairen oannavethem attended ed ite root, &nd for this re1Aeon it was placed wishes to go "up town" shopping or to a.re frequently provided. and no expense is spared w bring the highest order of a.rtistic ·b:r leaving word at the DOMINION O:HcH.N ability to bear uvon the illustration of the P. S.~We can rnpply you with anything in the Drug line. Go's OrrIOE, Bowmanvllle A first-clae mar in a flower pot and laid upon the window sill church a. herdic must be ready and pa.id for changeful phases of home and foreign history. quite close to the bed. And the fl.ell er was in advance to c~rry her about. She rules the aw 1H1in11 In their emplo~ A ne~· "'ork of fiction from the pen oCWILLIAM planted by a fortun:i.te hand, and it grew subjects-,colored sa.ilor boe.rders- some- DE.AN HOWELLS, and one by CAP'l'. CHARLES a.nd sent forth new shoots, and bore flowers times with "a rod of iron," and oocaefonaUy KING, will be among<the lei.din!!: features or lbe W EEKLY tor 1889. ~very year; it wa.e th~ si~k. boy's most prec- she i. s sues a proolamition. ioue flower garden- hie httle treasure here If orders a.10 not obeyed there is a. storm on earth- he watered it, and cherished it, of roya.l wra.th. Even· those who a.re with. and took ca.re t hat the very la.et sunbeam out her domain h~ve been known to shudder which glided t hrough the lowly window, a.t her a.nger and praise heaven that they art> 00 ~hou ld shine upon its blo~~oms, And these living under e, republican form of itovern- HARPElt'S WKEKL Y .. ........ .... . .... . HARPElt'S MAGAZINE .. ..... ... .... .... $4 00 flowers were interwo\·en even in his dreame J ment, · - for him they bloomed, for him they shed · This curious character cla.ime the.t her HARPER'S l:k\Z A.R ............... . .. . . . . $! 00 a.roun d their fri.gre.nce and r ejoiced the eye great gre.ridfather was an African king, his HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE .... ...... .. $2 00 --MANUF.A.CTURER O l f - with their beauty, and when the Lord call- wife we.a a. queen, his eon eucceeded him to Postage F ree to all subscribei·a·i n. the United ed him hence, he turned even in dea.th the throne, a.nd h is son, her father, in turn Btates, Ownada or Mex-i.co, towards his cherished ple.nt. He has now became the ruler of the tribe which she of the kin", to rhe volumes of the W EEJ{ f, Y bel{in with been a. year with God, a year has the fl ow- claims, as the only dau"hter ·KING S'l.'REE'r, BOWMANVILL 0 · h · d d the first Numbers for J anuary or ea.ch " er eton d f orgotten lll ·t e wm ow, au now preside over. year. When no time is specitled, subscriptions !Ius now on hand a number ot vehloloa (and is me.nnfaotm·ing a great ma~y moroHi1 tl'te ne Graduate ortheRo:val College<il Dental i ' is withered, therefore ha.a it been thrown She ie proud of her linea.ge, and although will begin with the Number current at time of pn.tterns a nd beet finish, which I am '?H'erlng for ea.le '!'t the lowest pi;1ces ?ons1 sten· . Su1geone, Onta.rio, out wi th the rubbish ivto the street. And not living in regal splendor she maintains receipt of order. with due regard to workmanship and qualit y, The following u a. hat ot 0 FICE OPPOSITE EXPHESS OFFCE. this is the flower, the poor withered flower her queenly dignity, which, however, she Bound Volumes o,r JIARr 1m'e i'.l"Bi,ticLY f!'r the prinohml vehicles manufactured by me SOLD E'ILLING A SPECIALTY wth~icflh we hh ave .addedt tdo our . nosetgay, fhor a.~sumed only a few years ago. The e.ssump- · t~r::nfg~r:ia~fcpkost··~e.td~~~1~;h ~~~~~~~: }~~~ Double Covered Oarriages ..... , ........ , ·· , .... ... ... .. .. .. ... .. , .. . .. . ... , ·. $150 Up w1mll 11& is ower a.s ~mpar e more JOY . n t e t1on wa.s brought a.bout by a.n err oneous act of expense (provided t he treignt cloes not exSi ngle Phretons .... ........ . .... . ................. ...... .... · .... . .... ·········· 100 It bTIFICU.L TEETH I NSERTED WITHOUT rarest a.!1-d brightest blosmm which ever of her husband, a very dark complexioned ceed one dollar per volume),1or $7 per volume. 70 a PLATES, bloomed m the garden of a Queen. " son of some ot her r oya.l African family, who Clolh Ca3es for each volume, suitable for Open B uggy' ·· '··"'······ · ' · ... ""·'······ " '····'···· ... · '·" ·" "' ' '··' ·' ·· 90 11 Great Reductions in price on all Dental ··But how comest thou to know all thi~ t' became enamored of & "white lady" who bi~dmg, will btl s ent by ma.ii, post-pa.id, on reTop B uggy..... ........... ... . .... . ... .. ... .............. . ........................ 6 11 5 Work. Vltall.zet Air, constantJ:r in use pro- asked the c'oild whom the Aa~el was bearing conducted a. fort h class hostelry for colored ce1pt o~ $1.00 each. D emocrat Wagon............ ............... . ............ ......... .. ............. ,f uclng Painlese Operations, Pllrticular e.tten 11 with him to heaven, ea.ilors, a.nd eloped with her. When he Remittances should be made bv Post Office Lumber Wagons................................................................. 55 ::Uoa pald to the 1egule.tion of .Childrtin's Teetn 11 "I know it," r~plied the angel, "for I returned, penitent, she determined t ho.t ~:Sney Ord<!r or Draft, to avoid chance of Light Wagon.................... ................... ........ .. .................... 46 ,,.,-.ALL WORK W ABRANTBD. ..._ 11 was myself the little sick boy who went from that time forth she would live as be· N ewspa.per.H:re n ot to copy thisa.dverUse· Express Wa.gen.... . ............. ....... . ...... . .. ...... . ... ..................... 75 £ranch office. Dr. Rutherford's Orono. upon orut.ohes. I know my ftower well." . ca.me a queen, and make her spouse, who m ent w ithoi<t the express orde1· of HARPER & Skeleton............................................................. .. ............ 5 1t - - - - -- ------- -- -· 40 · And now the ohi!d ahoget~er uncl~sed was of l~~ser rank, tre'l.t her as her dignity BnoTIIERs. his eyes, and gazed mto the br1eht glor1ou a.nd pos1t1on commanded. From thab bime Address HARPER & BROJ::~~RK. d 1 ver:r cheap for o a face of the angel, and at the same mo.ment up to the present ~he has obliged him to _--- - - .- ------ --.. --· ----- .. P08set1s!Jtg atJ.perlor te.cilltlee tor manufa.oturl.ng carr iages, 1 inten to eebel or approved credit, and by eo doing I hope t o gree.tl>· inorea.se my num r of aalet. WoulCI ·P bowinsubservienoytoe.11 herwishea. ,, M1 A.JAMES, The question has often been asked, "to what d · es The Century OWi' its gr eat circulation1" The Ohristion Union once * BEO.£.MANNINB ,1' ' s: o::1- i I = Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders' Hardware, Shelf Goods, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Barbed Wire, Forks, Hoes, Spades, Shovels, &c. co:oK, HALL I: PARLlO I R STOV: ES. I to sell goods at small profits and prices will Having purchased cheap for cash, I am prepared be cut close to suit the times. M @~Q)R®m ~~ H~Jlml(OO~e L I I v . . · . I I I ""-'- . -o---- .. J. HIGGINBOTHAM &SON, Chemists and Druggists.. --- o --PROPRIETORS OF B I A full assortment of Drugs and Medicines always on hand, also Toilet Soaps, Sponges, · Cosmetiques, &c. B L .A. Binge's Syrup of Horehound, for Coughs, Colds, &c. ss ~ asal Cream, Har:per'sWeekly. , for Cold in the Head. Dr. Woulff's R.emedy, for Cholera, Diarrhoo~, &,., CORN"" OU-RE .. Our Corn Cure is the most popular preparation in the market. 'I1ry it. P E NTIST Ry. D. - HARPER'~.0~~.~~0DICALS. '! HA IN ES , CARRIAGE "WORKS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, GARRIAC ES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O. HARNDEN, L. D. DE NT IS TRY Sulky............................................................................... o .. f ._ B R IV' A C0 V' BE Fine Hair Goods. LADIES, And God folded the dead child to bis heart, a nd he received wings like the other angel, a.nd flew hand in hand with him. And all tbe fiowers &lso God folded to hie heart, but upon the poor withered wild flower he breathed e. kiss, and a voice was given to it w1mo1rr u11To WITll Tll:ll:'.l'B, and it sa.ng together with all the angels which endrcled the throne of God; some · · .Ill. o .llL .&IL ' very nigh unto his presence, others encum pe.saing these in ever widening circles, until PBA()Tl()AL DENTIST, t hey rea.ched infinity itself, but all were 01'11B TWJ:NTY YEARS lllXP.B:RIKNCll. a.like happy. And t hey all sang with one u.aaOxldeGu .&dmt:ius1ered fer Patnle· voice, litt le and great ; the good, blessed Operallo··· child and t he poor wild flower which had .. . . . . .()8 ·()CJL1JlVG'A BI.GCJ&· la.in withered and cast out amongst t he sweepings, 11.I!d under the r ubbish of t he flitting day, in the midst of the da.rk narrow stree~. fi~1.~::! i~;m:~~e:i::e~:eBI a.~:~ls:v~! BETTER THAN EVER!,, All THE WESTERN Ki~enllth d ewoodparr onV~i~i~i;~u"gR;epd. aired That Last, La.at It'ight. The moon hung elorioua in the aky, As heart in hea.r11, and eyo in eye, Unheeding all the boors flew by That lust, last nighi. The trees were brilliant red a.nd gold ; How p!i.ssing sweet the storv toldAh ! never long a.nd never oldThe.t last, la.st night, W ~ pledged each other to atta.in To Pisgah's heights of heart a.nd brain, And ea.ch to ea.oh should true remain, That 18.l!t, last night. 'Your hand eleotric 1o my own, Your lips, more precious th!l.n a throne, W ere mine, ah, joy I ~d mine a.:Wne, Tha.t lut, la.at night. ADVBRTISBR Commemorates its At the Shortest N otice, Painted and Trimmed if D esired. · 't th F tor:r I also do Pla.ning, :Ma.tohtng, Turning and SaWing with C_irole, Band r Sot "" e e.e re all kinds of lumber tor carpenters nd ot hers tor building p12rpooe11. Saw'8~a.~i':fa.9i and Plain Plokete for tenoee In every style required, made to order. 50 HEALTH :B'OR A tLL.T " QUARTER OF A CENTURY" sentin~ By appearing in entirely new outfit and prea. magnificent Souvenir Picture to each subecnber for 1889, en titled 11 THE FALLS OF NIAGARA," . pr emmm, . which , Patronize Home TRADE, liter spending much time &nd money, I a.DJ 1ow prepared to fill all orders promptly, I ' llV8 a tine asl!Ortment ot WAVES, BANGS, SWITCHES, CO.MES and PINS very cheap. ::SANGS FRO:tla: $2 UP. .)ld Switches colored and made to look like aew, Highest price paid for long out hair. HAIR TONIC Warranted to prevent the hair from tailing . out and will make it grow. ' ..WI have also a tlne lot ot new Stamping rat.terns. All ordei'11 promptly attended to. _;If/ I Mrs. A. DAVIS, Nea.cb' Bwok, &wman.TW.. Thie beautiful ts a. la.rge va , STOIJl· C IJ ·r 1D~rEyw A.ND BOWEl8 phot:'·lithogro.ph.1s 1sx2!inches,r.nd is being specially ex~cnted for us on plate paper. A [;IV c. . t lll.. . 1 .II'-. .. hr ~ " · photograph of this size sells ror $2, 50, and . d t t h Ith D b·l· t t d Constitutions , Three months ago he did not know cannot be distin . suished rrom the lithograph . They invi3orate an res ore o ea e i i a. e H is les'sona in geogra.pby ; when placed beside it. It ie pronounced b_Y art l unble in a.II Oomplalnts tncldental to Females of all Ages. ll'or critics allover Canada to be the ftneatspec1men a r e nva I Though he could epell andread quite well, of photo·litbography ever produced tn the 1 Children and t h e a ged they are price ess. And ciphel', t oo, he could not teli It w ill be a. sourcti ot congratula.tion to Dominion . . Will be~ In Deeembe!'. The lea.at t hing in topography. phila.nthropists all the world over should the coolness existing betweec. England and GerButtwLata change I H ow passing strange!' many be removed by t he combination of the New Type Throug hout! Ia an i nfa.llible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds Sor 1 This stamp·collecting passion Illustra_ t ed_Departments.. and U lcers. It ls famous for Gout and Rheumatism. For disorders of tho two powers for t he suppression of ~lavery in Has roused his zea.l, for woe or weal, 1 Africa. England bl!oll so far been a.Ilowed to Beautiful Free Premium! I . · -Chest it haB n o equal., . . . . And llets of n&.roes ho now can £eel do most of the police work in restricting the Off in amazing fashion. 1 For Sore Throab, Broncltitis, Coul'h·, Cetds, horrible t raffic in slaves, but it is now stated that Germany has expressed her willingness GI~ndular Swellings, and all Skin DisoaBes it b~ s n o rival ; and I hear him spea.k of Mcz.,.mbiq ue, To all now ordering for t he yellol' 1889 at to co. operate in the good work ; and if an the low rate of Heligola11<), n~v,.,ria, contracted a nd stiff joi n t s It acts Uke a ctuum. · greemen~ is arrived at, the allied navals Ca.shmere, Japan, Thibet', Souda.n, ~ qua.drone will no doubt be strong enough to Suma.wa, Spain, W aldeck, Kt>ka.n, sramp out the slave trade altogether, Manufactured only at T HOMAS Ho~LOWAY's E11tabllshment7 Or $3 for four copies for the term men tion ed. K h&rkof1 Siam, Bulgaria. 'l' H i popularity of t he ballet in P&ris is on Agents wanted eve;~here. Registered 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (la.te 633, OXFORD STREET), LOlUJOJi oh" wane. In 1884 the Opera. House gave Soleswig-Holstein : oh I boy of mine, come at our risk. l,or free sample pa- ' .. d ld at ls l .l.d 2 8 9d 415 6d llB. 22& and 33s each Box Ol' Pot · 32 b .net nights, in 1885 28, in 1886 22, and letter& Genius, without a teacher I pet· ~ terms to agents,eto., e.ddreee, 1·n a re 110 · JI . , · ., · ., ' ., · , It, ll:>87 13. Thus la.r, only 11 ba.llet per' A.DVER'l 'UlER P R lNTlNG (!0. may be had from all Medicine Vendor11throughout the World, W&les, Pana.ma., Soinde, Bolivar, for1na.nce11 ha.ve been had since last New J elalabad and Ka.nda.har, J.oND~f.:..~;T· W P ·rehaaer& hould look .a i thfl La bel on tile Peu and Boxe1. : Yea.r's day. Ca.bul, Decoe.n, Helvetia.. Oireulation this week, 2,400, I I · 533, Vxfor i&ree&, J.eaclon. lhe7 are sparlo11.11. Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the TH E PILLS The Little Sta.mp Collector. I wonder, if in yeiors to be, You will remember dade a.nd tree, And whispered vows of constancy, That last, last night. I p · ' · · TH .HJ 0 INT MEN T ' Balance of 1888 FREE $1. ~Udren Cl'J for_ P itcber~·-Castorla;