Call on H. C. TAIT for Photographs, School Books,. Fancy Goods, Picture Frames, &c., Bowmanville. ~~-,..,_,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ USE ONLY THE IZ DAHL BR.A.NO OF PURE NORWEGIAN COO LIVER Oil. ·:ness and dl~eases ·- The ,Great Standard Remedy for all Weakot tho lungs. impaired nmr1· tlon, oto. . This Oil is Pure. Fresh. nearly Tasteless, and therefore most suitable for delicate dilrnstiona. Nooe genu·no without the narue IZUAHL stamped on each capsule. WheleHale by LYMAN, SONS & CO. SAHDHAM'S COUCH BALSAM , Cures the roost ob· stlnate cu.8c, it ta.ken p~rseveringly. SA.NDHAM'd 'COUGH BALSAM has stood · t he t.eet of yel\l'B or tr1><l. SANDH<\.M'S COUGEI 'BALSAM can be taken by the youngest children- is pleasant. in taste, safe, and prevents consumption {(taken in time. SANDIU.M'S COUGH DAL!;IAM is ma<le from u. prescript.ion or est:ablishecl value which ·has been in use tor yeara. , Large Bottle, Small Price, 25 cents. Loo k ! Read! Accept I 'The MONTREAL WITNESS, WEEKLY STAR, MAIL, GLOBE, or EMPIRE.. .··· $1 00 The MEDICAL ADV 1SER.... . .. 25 -7 PackageR of Ohoice Garden Seede, · 35 from best seedsmen in America .. $1 GO 'We will send the above to any address frorn Il()W till Jan., 1890, for Address; MEDICAL ADVISER, Boie 51, Bow11uNVILLE. ·Or leave your order with any newsdealer in town. ·.. .'D't.._. ~ \Ml'l"til r~h~ : l;I';f-tt'lhi>ra:·;;-.-;. tH~ _ """"' "'1'*"*"-JWUit ~~~~· .. - ' - -~,_,., . ~,~-··-~"--~~~ BOWMA.NVILLE, NOV. 28, 1888. W'·MW<·-- Mrs. Morrison offers her whole stock of new winter millinerv at cost. Must be cleared ont in three weeka to make more room for fancy goods. Read Ellison & Co's. new advt. Moro sneak-thieving reported in town. Crescent Heel Plates will make the old walk easy at Hellyar's. The public admit o u~ prices are rernarkub1y low. Ellison & C<> Country people want to know what bas become of the Scott Act Jns llector. Rubbers to never wear out! Crescent Heel Plates at Hellyar's. See advt. Orders for the Christmu.a Globe, at 25c each, received at the STATESMAN office. Some one broke a large pane of glass in Young & Co's shop the other night. ManninR's Cooperage was tb.e ecene of great activity dnring the apple season. Ladies call at Mrs. Donnelly's and see those new styles of Fall and Winter hats. TbeCurling& Skating Co . met la~t night to decide about rebuilding the riuk. The Happy Thought cooking range sold by S. S. Ed!all is the best stove in the market. \Ve h ave seldom heard a better address at a tea-meeting than Rev. S . T . Bartlet~'s last week. People come 20 miles to see our cheap Flannels, Dress Goods, cloakings and clothing. Ellison & Co. Hehold what a galaxy of news a amall space conte.ina in our correspondence column Space is precious. Mr. A. A. Poat, architect, claims that $25,000 worth of new b11ildings have been erected in Whitby in 1888. Mr. Wm. Ruse, director of Queen-st. choir i6 teachin~ a siuging class in the Presbyterian church, C(Jlurnbus. Cotton Combine is broken and prices are lower. See the 7o 1<'11ctory at Tod Bros. Special prices by the web . . Hev. W. fl. Warrimr, B. D., is de· livering a course of lectures in Mont· rea.l Congregarional College this week, Bowmanville is tl) be favored with more weddini:11 shortly. Lovely wedding cards printed at thll STA.TESillAN Office. Subscriptions taken for all Canadian and American newspapers and m11gazines at lowe~t rates at tho S:rATESMAN office. That electric li~ht h11· been taken from the band-stand and suspended over the crossing of Wellington and Division Sts. Lindsay people are showiog grel\t respect for Mr. and Mrs. S. A. McMurtry on the eve of th eir departure for Monti·eal. Elder B enjamin Rogers, one of Oshawa's 9ldes~ resident11, died last Thursday in his 87th year. He was among the early settlers of thia section. Gold money, Paper money, Silver money, Copper money wauted at ·Tod Bros. for tho eame wo will give good value in s::-asonabl5 Dry Goorl~ . . 'l'he largest assortment and .best value in Gent's Winter Gloves and Mitts in towll is at John J . Ma~on'a JJry Goods & J eweky s ·ore. Oall and see them. The pleasant little editor of the Ushawa Vindica_tor was last week_mad~ a preeent of a. pair of boots by H. K m g who sympathized with h im over th11 l oss of an umbrella. I Circulation this we ' I 2,5-25. SHOPPER'S GUIDE. MMrdoch Bros. are buying barley. A craze? For Cres· ·ant Heel Pbtes is C-r!!scent Heel PJat~s ! are controlled by going on at Hellyar's. ,Hellyar. New customers are ,..ctracted by our low ' See thfl all-wool socks at 20 cts a pair prices . Ellison & Co. .a·t Tod Bros. · Read the article by lfon. W. E . Glad· stone on an inside pafl·l. :Blankets in all weights· a~ Tod Bros. Latest designs this week in Tea and1 ,from $2 a pair up. Dinner sets at Murdoch Broe. Onr Cheap Sale Prices bring us crowds Crescent Heel Plf\tea !· Hellyar has< of customcrA. Ellison & Co. For a good choice of feathers, wings sole control for Bowmanville. St. John's chlll'ch are prE>paring a grand' . and ribbons go to Mrs. Donnelly's'. _mueic11.l servica for Christtn11.s. Str&w and felt h l\ts rl'l·shaped in aU Everybody likes the Featherbone Cot· the la.test st.yles at Mra. Donnelly's. get, for sale at John J·. Mason's. . 'rhe most complete and choice stock of ~·· ·~ millinery is tound at Mrs. Donnelly's. Bargains ! Bargains in Millinery -·~ fancy goods at Mrs. Morrison's. Crescent Heel Plate Machine fa a won. Our Cheap Sale Is n. special effort :i.nd derful wonder ! At work at Hellyar'a. must be a Success. Elli11on & Co. 1"AR::1rnns.- Best power . Straw Cutter Overshoes to for ever aud Her ! with reverse gear sold by CHAS. RoGEE&. Orescent Heel Piia.tee at Hellyar's. · We are clearly proving that we can unThe Weekly Mail, Farm and Fire~ido clersell all competitors. Ellison & Cb. and the STATESMAN to the end of 1889, Crescent Heel Plates ! are the g10at for $2. savers of overshoes! See Hellyar's advt. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insure.nee. STATESMAY is printed Tuesday afternoon. Advitrtisements received up to RoBT, VI~TUE, Aµ:ent, Bowmanville. tf. Goode f'roin , overcrowded department one p. m. Few can meet and none can beat Tod must be forced ont at any sacrifice. E·l : Bros. remarkable low prices in Winter lieon & Co.. The West End House gnaranteee. to Dry Goods. Mrs. W. Gorrill, Taunton, fell in give as good value .for yoQr money in Oshawa and broke an arm. Her other Teas as any house in the ceuntry, Try them. arm was broken last year. BucK WBEAT. -Want~d 3,000 bushels ORDERED CLOTHING.-!£ you want a Highest price paid. well-made Suit or Over Coat leave vour of Buckwheat. Apply to JNo. MACKA.Y, Caledoni1 m measure with McCluni;i Bros. 45- lm Mills. B "unsall's Marble Works has placed L><dies you should visit McClung Bros'. stiveral "ery handsome monuments in Millinery show room to .see latest the 0 Pmetery the past season. nt·vel ·.ies, Those German Mantles are 'We cJa;m that Tmll STATESMAN contains very fine. twice 'ls much Weat D\l"ham news as any Ladies' Short Jackets and Clsters made other paper. Compare and see. in Germany. The cut of tn Coats is BARLF.Y.-The highest prico paid for . simply perfection. will· find them a~ any quantity of 'Barley at Bowrrianville Couch, Johnston & Uryderrnan's. or Newcnstle harbours. Murdoch Broe. J 11st received at the West Encl Hoi1se Mr. J. English, Cutwright, has bou(!ht Ladies' and Gents' Lined Kid- Gloves, Mr. T. David's butchor busmess, ·md Mr. Astra.chan backs also Ladies· and Genh' Ale~. Taylor, Cartwright, Mr. L. MunLined Kid Mitts which will b~ sold very son s. choap. Bowma.nville Salvation Army BRnd attended a Big Go in Oshawa l>lst Tuesday _ Toronto mails are later then foi·merly, and delighted the citizens with their Bowman ville males secure a snit of underwear and a good heavy pair of ~ocks at music. Mr. A. Morris, southwest of Enfleld, at Tod Bro1. to keep warm while waiting has lost two sons aged 17 and 7 years and for. them. Couch, .J .,hnston & Cryderman now his _. ife and another child are ill of ty· showing a tine r ange of Mantle Plushes, phoid fever. Big sale of Furniture at the Mart on Silk Se·.1lette5 and Ulster Cloths. Every Satnrday at 1 p. m. ·rerme ca.~h. Tw9 Indy should see their stock of these good6 lwdroom suite~, parlor suite, tables, bed- before buying S, BURDEN & Co., Auction ~ The populai·ity of our T ..iloring D epartding, etc men t ia manifested by the great rush. for eers. We ask a ttentiori to Messrs. Youn11; & stylish-made suits and overcoats. A very Co's new. advt.. in this issue. They have largo assortmc:!lt of cloths to choose from. a well furnished groc ery store and are Couch, Johnston & Oryderman. working up a splendid trade. Call and Fine fur caps at low prices. \Ve were see them. fortunate eaough to secure a lot of No. 1 Oshawa Reforme1· says there seems to fur caps at; the lowest price we ever have be l~ ss d irt to contend with in B owman- heard of 11nd we are sP-lling them at lower ville than there. Quite dght, we never prices than can be repeated See them saw worse roads than Oshawa had two at once at J ohn J Mason's Dry Goods & Jewelry llouso. weeks ago. R. C. Tait sells beat speetacles. , : RUBBERS ~ O VERSHOES I TE:EIR ·Heels to Last Forever .A..N"D We narc the Only Machine 1 Ill THIS PLACE. TiuvYouR Run- ~ H Us and have Plates put on them. BERS OF z t;:J · -1 t:c.1 · ' You H 00 l'Jatcs on Rubbers double their wear. ~ I lteel l' Ma.chine. This, the most wonderful invention of modern times, is destined · to revolutionize the wear) tea1· and slip never qualities of the Rubber Shoe in BUWMANVILLE. It can be procured ONLY at J OHN HELLYAR'S, Bowmanville's roost enterprising Shoeman, Come one, and come ye all and see this wonderful machine attach thi~ wonderful contrivance in one half minute to youl' Sh oes. ONLY! ONLY! ONLY! to be seen at JOHN HELLYAR'S. Local and Otherwise. D eer hunting sP-ason ended ·Nov. 20, Ootober was the coldest experienced 'llince 1876. Rev. H. S. Mattliew~ preached on -Jesuitism on Sunday night. Great Sl\le of millinery for the r·ex t three weeka at Mrs. Morrison'~. Crescent Heel l>lates ! Everyone in West Durham should wear them! Crescent Beel Plates will make th e _young walk cheaply ! J. Hellyar. A social without ten parts of fted to f . fi f . one part o program is a at a11 Peterboro at the present time seems to 'l ie struck with a tidal wave of crime. All the new shapes and styles in Fall a;nd Winter millinery at l\'lrs. Donnelly' s. On Dec. 15 each municipality must publia!1h a atatement of the year's expenditure. The ·weekly Globe, Rural Canadian and the STATESMAN to the end of 1889, for $2.25. A lot of new Watches, Clocks and Jew· .tilry at John J. Ma~on's. Prices lower (than ever. Parties who cnil ought t' oome in the « forenoon to a.void the rnsh in the after111oon. Ellison & Co. 'The rrnmen>u~ wedding~ paat and pro· 13p~ctive isio Uf:I a. eufl-ici<ml answet to the ,q uestion "ls marria<Ye a failur1;~" ~t.,..... 'b i ·~ . t th 1 d dfed in : .. , 600 k son o e 'S n. out . J.,. a crow d , · a1ht vahon {arr~\e s Nm ny ~ ternoon au t h G B 00th'8 n ii ~lg~ o ear en: . an.· l\irs. Donnell y mv1tes the ladies to call -t.~tl .ins~)E Ct h er new an~ large stock of m1lhnery before pmchasmg else where. Mr. W. Hyla;;id, Oshawa, has gone to California. for his health. M1;e. Hyll\nd will Jive with her parents, Mr. and Mre. R. Snow, Whitby. Mr. D. J. Goggin, of Winnipeg Norma.I School has had his salary reduced from $ 2 to $1 800 by thO' Governiroent. ' ' A bear was kil' ed on 3 street in Parry :Sound last we ·,i k, eaye an exchange. \Vhy ·:that's nri great ne ws A be&r WAS killed in the city of Toronto, also a bull last I ! ',. 1 SPECIAL lN v~1:.1.<rro:s-. -As we are obhged to;vacate premI., r the l~~ of Dec~mber, we would mvite all par ties w.autmg Boots and Shoes at wholesi~le prices to · B oot an d ca11 a t G eo. B uck's popmar Shoe Store wher sold . e the utock is beincr ~ a t Toronto prices for tn.e nex t ten days only. As money 1s easier moved we will continue the sale for the above mentioned time only. The tea under the n11r.pices of the Y. P. A. of Church-st M ethodist church on Wednesday evening was well patronized. Aii partook heartily of the tempting viands P,rovided. I~stru mental music by Mr. McEwen 1rnd Miss Yo unf!, v0c1l solos by:Miss S . Bennett and H. Brittain, readings by Mr. Hamer, Misses Dobson and C. Young , recitation hy Mr. W. Gibson and an interegtii10· address bv Mr. A. o · Dvbson, made up a very enjoyable ~ro· gram. Altoge~her a ple~sant evemng wfu spent with the young fol kB. Rev. Mr. week. Matthews ably presided. P roceeds . $ 11. Rev. R . Had dow, B. A., a graduate of On Friday evening last, after Band red d Knox College, who has been in uctti. to hearaal, the members wer e entertained the Preehyteri~n church at Milton, is a by Mr. and Mrs. J. Roe nigk at their resi11on of Mr. Geor ge Haddow, l)X · 'M. P. tor deuce on Scugog-st. A beautifully spread Restigouche, N. B. Mr. Haddow was table with all the delicacies suitable tor the guest of R ,;v. R D.. Fraser, on Thanks- the occasion j.?r eeted the bandsmen on i:civing Day· their entradce to the dining, to A privat e r.oncert ~i,·e n by Bowmau- which by every m1Jmber ample.J ustice was ville Royal Arcanum in the Sons of Eng- done. Mr. M eath proposed the hoalth of ' land Hall on Monday night was a very th e h ost and h ostess, referring t o Mr. pleasant affair Dr. l:Soyle presided. Bro. Roenigk being t he oldest member of tho E nglish, of Toronto, delivered a carefnlly Band (except himself.) Mr. Roenigk p repared address on the benefits of t he joined t he organization in Sept. 1877. - :Order. Suoh excellent talent as Miesee The toast was drank in a hearty manner. -Olimie, B., (2) and Messrs. Knight, After which "H e's a :jolly good fellow" Windsor(2)Morrison, H.attenbnry, Mitch- was snng. Mr. Roenig k replied in a fitel, McCullough, J. Climie and Wallis as- 1in1< manner, referrin~ to the plearnre of belonginl( to the band &c. After supper . sisted on the program. PJUt:lll'T POTENT A.ND l'ERHUiEST rfl- sonrrs, piano duets, ga~es, c~ c,, were t he llw.lts alway~ POllUl fr<llll the llSC or Mlllmrn'H ,., .&.renmtlc Q1tlntue Wlue, or der of the occaeion, Tho ma.ny friends of Rev. R. B Rowe, now st!ttinned at 3 t. Catha,ri nes ~ will be pleased to hear that h ·· and h is family Bre well and that he is get.ting along nicely in his pastoral work. Mr. Snm Clarke, nuyor of Cobourg, Mr. Buckler's new advt. appears in told a World reporter week th11t lie this paper. He has, so travellers say, thinks Victoria. College will not move t.he best. and mo&t extensi ve stock of from Cobourg, and th,.t $300,000 will be Clocks, ·watches, Je1Volry and S ilverware raised t o keep h er th ere. to be fonnd in any town in Canada. The new officers of Manvers ComervaTo Tue DEAF . - A Person cured nf tive Associ:i tion are : Preaidant, Thos. D eafness and noises in the head of 23 O'Brien; Ist vice, Jae. J,ittle; 2nd vice, )llOars' standing by a simple remedy, w1il GaUachar; Treas., Chae. Reynolds; &end a description of it FREll to any per· Sec'y, G eo. McCartney. si:>n who applies to NICHOLSON, 30 St. Mr. J. D. Cole, of Cambray is an old 44- l yr . .John f:olt . Montreal. Darlington hoy, and has for a wife a GIPSY BAND COMING.-The D. 0. & P. daughter of Mr. I-I. Wood formerly of Co. BaJ?d h~~e engaged the . celebrated Tyrone. It is pleas,m t to meet old friends Hu~ganan u 1psy Band to gwe one of after many years eeparation, says the their grand concerts on New Year's Eve, \Varder D 31 t All · I · ec. s . musw ovm g people should 'we. d 1rec ' t b d , i· t th n ot fail to attend and this rare treat. . everdv o t~ s dn,.,b1ce Mo Je · . . new invention a ver 1se y r. . John J. ~1:ason, Dry Goods ~~ Jewelry Hellyar in this paper. We believe it :t'ferchant, mfo~~e us th~t he IS now do- · will, worn on a pair of rubbera. make m g a larger r~pamng buem~s~ than ever them wear twice as long as without it. before aud with the very efhcient help he Call and see it. No char~e. h as ill bound to give p erfect satisfaction At t i 0 G d M · S · t St (E in repairing of Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, T 'L , 1 rl~nh) h ushica1 Xervice a . . · d · .. 0°1n s ng IS c urc on ~88 mornmg e tc. A trial so11C1te · the efficient choir of 27 voices will be aR~n Ottawa dispat?h says: In convsr· sisted by the full ban~ of the D o.· & P. rntion Mr. Blake said he felt thoro11ghly Co.. 33 performers. Prof. Waldron is wel.l and was n ot !-roubled b}'. any com· preparing the Band for this oociuion. plamt. H e certamly looked I!l splendid B B tf d tl t M ehape and cracked many jokeA with old Ya r~n or paper we see _la . r. friends. This is ihe first time Mr. Blake N on~an Tilley, son of Dr. W. E Tilley, has b een in Ottawa since breaking do n of this ~own, had a mc!st s.nccessful school . d . h . f " w enter tami::::ent at Oamsv1lle. Nerman urmg t e se3 si"n lo8 7. . ne\' er did d o thin!:(S by halves. Glad tv BOWMANVILLE MARKETS . Corrected by ..r. UcUurta:y, every Tue~dny. 8LOWIN~~THE DUNDATIONS - - OF-- f I FLOUR, ~ 100 lbs.·..····· $2 60 to $3 00 WHEAT, :Fall, 'lJl' bush..... 95 11 1 00 11 Spring, " 95 11 1 00 BARLEY, 'IP' bush, No. 1. .. . 0 60 11 0 oo II II II 2, . ., 0 57 11 0 00 II II II 3 .. ·, 0 55 11 0 00 RYE, II . . . . . . . . . . 0 60 ' 0 65 OATS, II · · · · · · · · · 0 00 0 33 Pus, Illackeye, lfl' busli. . . 0 65 0 70 11 Small, . 11 0 60 0 00 11 Blue, 0 70 0 75 BUTTER, best table, 'W' lb. . . 0 18 0 00 EGGS, ijt- doz . ..... .·.. ..· 0 18 0 19 POTATOES, W' bush ..· . . ... 0 25 ' 0 00 Pom-., 'lJl' cwt . . .. .. ..···· 6 50 " 7 00 HAY, 'Ill' ton ..· . . _...·.. .. 14 00 11 15 00 CHICKENS . · .. · .. .. .. .. .. . 0 07 11 0 08 D crcKR.·....·.······...· 0 10 11 0 11 GEESE . . . . . . · · · · . . . . · . · · 0 07 II 0 08 TURKEYS .. ... .. ... . ....· 0 10 11 0 12 PORT HOPE MARKETS. FALL WHl!:A.T .... . .. · ·... $0 Sr RING " . .·· , · .· : . · · 1 BA1tLEY . ' . . · . . · . . . . . . . . · 0 OATS.... -· ......... . . . .. 0 RYE .. . .. .. . . .......... () PEAS, small, '!,&' bnsh ... .·· 0 " black eye " 0 HAY, 'Ii>' ton... . ..... . .... 15 TURKEYS .... . , ....· - . . . · 0 PORK .. . . .. .. .. . . . . .... .. 6 GEESE ..... . . . ' . . . . . . . . . 0 BUTrER ..........··..···. 0 Ecos . . . . .... .. ...·. . .. · . 0 95 00 55 35 00 75 68 00 90 00 50 00 OC " " " II II 11 HIGH PRICES. 1 00 0 95 H is icy fetters are broken, knocked to smithereens and his power de0 65 0 38 fied by my mammoth stock of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Slippers, all 0" 70 of which are marked down to prices within the reach of all. GOOD Carrying the Earthworks by Storm ! 8 King Winter Capitulates and well He may. 0 78 GOODS and LOW PRICES have long since gained for ns the adm3r- 11 11 ° 400 hear of your eucceis, mv broy. If we ha.a space we would pnblish the Telegram's report. . E"dward Cochrane consl'rvative w11s ' eJ.ected m East Northumberland on 'Wed ··t y 53 ··dI h d n esd Ry, maJ· on · . Th' _ 1s 11 m~ 1&11 a aevilral contests since 1880. In that year Darius Crowter a local preach er and n Liberal,'defeated William K ennedy (Con.) in a contest for the sel\t made vacant by t he death of the la.ta Joseph Keeler; his majority was ab out 200. In 1884 Edward Cochrane, the now member-elect, left Mr. Crowter at h ome. At the gen eral electi"'n in 18~7 Dr. Mallory (Lib.) fought the constituencv and beat Mr. Cochrane by 8 votes. H ti was unseated, and at the l'l ext election in December. 1887, Mr. Cochrane was snccessfnl by 24 votes, only in his turn to be unseated. .. Since the 17tl1 of May last nearly e very item, excepting a. few personala, that has sppearecl in the local columns of th e Sun were written by Mr. DavH MorriRon, t he ' barber ; an d hecause we r ef erred to h Im two or three times as the ' 'editor" of that sheet he got; oh, so mad and called us dreadful names, threw a h11ap of old mouldered "chestnuts " at us, threatened to give ns a closer clip and marched off on his ear to the tune of Tra la. N ow D avia, my boy, k eep cool ; we wo_ nt hurt your tender feelmgs that way agam. We certainly paid yon a com pli~ent, fo~ the Sun has been ever so much brighter smce your brill.iant genius illuminated it~ sp~rklinp; musical aurface. That electric lig ht is removed no w, so we wont quarrel. We forgive you ; shake end be friends, for TICE_ S·r;1.rESHAN .still hss t he. confidence of .adverhse rs,r a.s I~ ~hewn by its columns this week. "e did nt to beg for them, "beca, us.e they appeared in the 1 th I o er paper mt ier . 17 00 pletely demoralize t he high price dealers. 11 1 75 This is no buncombe. We never lH d a more extensive, better assorted, or bet ter " 7 00 II 0 75 made stock of men' s, women's and children's foot· weiAr'---fine a nd coarse- and our " 0 24 prices were never lower. Call and inspect our goods and be convinced. e-Ordered work and Repairing receive prompt attention. 11 0 17 0 JO ation of close buyers, and this Fall and Winter our prices will com - BIRTHS. S !'APLEs.- In Clarke. Nov, UiJ1, the wlfo ot Mr. Wm. Sta.pies. of. a son, G.u rsnY.- ln 0l'ono, Nov. lGth, the w ife ot W. S. G.. msby, or a eon. GRARl<T'l'- At Lindsay. Nov. 22n<l. the .wlte of H ..T. Grnsett. Ont.ario Bank. of "' soo. DRUMMOND- At 100 Wilcox etreet, Toronto, the wife of A. A. Drummond, of a dttnghter. GALE-In Bowmanv1 lle, Nov. 18, Mrs· Henry Gttlc, o! a son. · ·rnEwrn- ln Cla.rko on Nov. J.Slh the witci of Mr. Joseph ,J. Trew la, or a son. 0 M. TRELEVEN, 45. Sign of Big Boot drawn by t wo horses, B OWMA NVILLE. Canada -Our Rome. TO OUR RESPECTED FRIENDS gre~t reason for thankfulness and hopes for future prosperity. Our stock is allowed, at the present time, to be one of the finest in the Dominion, and the same will be sold at prices to suit you. All of it is worthy of your attention. From now and during ·the holidays we shall not be undersold by either Jew or Gentile. o ----- MARRIED. PASCOE-RUTTAN.- At the residenoe or the bride's pa.renta, Oshawa, Nov. ll. by Rev. J. W. ·rotten. Mr. Oliver E. Pascoe and Miss Nettie, youngest da ughter or Mr. A, Ruttan. BOWLES-GUY.- On the 201.h inet., by Rev. N. A. McDiarmill, Mr. John Bowles and Miss Mary Guy, allot Oshawa. BR.\Y- 'l'R!<:MEBR- At Zion, West Durham, on Nov. 21. by the H.ev.'A. U. Collt·tioe, M. A ., B. D.. at the residence of the bride's paren ts, Dr. James Bi-u.y, or 3~i Parli,,ment sti-~et, 'fo· ro_ nto, and Miss M11ry S .. )' Oungeet daughter of John '1'.romeor, Esq.. '.l'a.unton. HAMLIN- CusaCl{- At Hamilton, on \"led· nesday, Nov. 2 1 ~i;,. b.V tile llov, Dr. Mook:ridge, or Christ Church vat.hedra.l, R. S. Hamlin, of Oshawa. Vice·preBident Western Bank, to Lizzio, fourth da.ughter of the late W'illia.m Cusack. 1 'l'AYLOR-BROAn~·ooT-a.t the home ot the bride, 280 Berkeley street, Toronto, on Nov. 21, by :he Rev. J.-t. J. Beattie, of Guelph. Stephen o. Taylor, of Marland Place, Hope 'l'ownehip, to J enn!e M. Broadroot. We have WE HAVE IN STOCK : DIED. BKER.- In Orono, on Saturday, Nov. 10th, lWMbeth A, Heer, aged 21 yea.r8> MUR'l'ON.--In Oshawa, Nov: 15th. Edith Gwendolyn, eldest child or L, K . Murton, B. a .. Solicitor, aged 9 year~. HISI,OP - In 'Whitby, Nov. 9th, Mary Oke, wife of W. Hislop, aged 38 yeara. 0 Gold and Silver Walking Canes, Wedding Rings - the genuine, Stirling Silver Spoons, and all other goods tha't is hard to be surpassed. We mean business, a.nd many returns to you for many' p ast favors. 48. . IT IS 8 AFF. TO tJSJ. : Jl:reenaan's Worm 1·ow1le r8. nM U1cy ucl only 011 the · w orms and tlu nol: l11Jnre. the child. AARON BUCKLER, THE PEOPLE'S JEWELLER ·