Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1888, p. 4

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Mr. R ich . Gilbert, Kingsbn , was here DY D . D , T. l\H\ORE. Winter's approach, with its keen yet last week. kindly frosts, is close upon us. Hi3 ady purchasing Sunday School L ibraries vent lrns been heralded; tokens uf his Mr. L ouis Munson left on Monday for Now tlrn t Nove111ber ia here, with its and Prize Ilooks from Book . coming are plentiful as nuts in autumn. chilling winds, hail, sle~t tJ.nd suow, t h_e Winuipeg. Concerns, or any other Oue unfoiliog s ign is to be observ ed at first duty of the fap11er is to secur e his Miss Minnie S inclair Is visiti ng here city es1.ablishthe Fur Store of M. Mayer, the eminent home agnitist the r h!:ors of winter. Make frnm Brantford. ment. furrier, who has hosts of visitors. He is everythiny tight-windows, donro, cellars Methodists' letter is ag d n crowded out - o -ernpbatically just now a man with many -poinL t.he under-pinning with mortar and several Inell m1'tters. friend11. The past week his store was where it is lo"se, and bauk up with earth ' a.re doubtlul, so as to guard Miss Benson, of Michigan, is visiting thron0aed with customers chosin" their if the wallB · " "' had every avenue at which fros_t ruig_ h t ma k e at Mrs. Mc:Jr eady's, S ilver-st . · winter attire. And wh"t a choice where you can make ynur choice, without they-the riche9t furs from both home an elltra.nce. Make everything 1·ight, esMr a nd Mrs. Geo, Piggott, sen., are the payment of a rail way fare. and and foreign markets. Here are rich pecillllV the wood-pi!·), and those little now living with Mr. H.J. Weeke·. without the loss of time. You garbs for ladies, fashionable and costly matters, sty!tcl "conver.iences," t.hat the Mrs. S. Scrrpture, Clrnrl'nH2, ;N. Y., can izet as izood a·sortment, attire for the sterner Rex, and an em- ·'last, best gift" may not be compelled to was here at M.nt, W. Pin.,'s f uneral. and the VERY SAME barrassin~ richness of choice in seal face storms wh1cb tlw rudtir P.ex would Mr ..J, T. Nunn, ColborM, attonded DJSCOUNT, and mantles, long bo~s, shoulder capes, I shun. .After providin~ for th11ir p hysical his father's funeral here on Nov. 17th. in many cases trimmings, ca pa, cut ter robes, alld other comfort, lay in snwething that will serve Mr. and Mre. J , !A. Charlto», Toronto, Ol!'.RAP1"R winter goods. The store is well worth a to brighteu and im prove the meo.tality of have beeu visiting JDarlinJ,'(t 11n friends. DOOKS. viBit hy those who have not yet procured the various members of your famtly when .M.rs. A. J, Cltmi e, Montreali, and Mrs. have received the first shipment of a their furs. He is selling very low for the Iona cold eve 1Jin~~ come on, bO that, 0,1.~h. seated a cheerful fire, they can bid de- A. Sand1,rson, Col:lllorne, visiting iin town. large and well nssorted l ot from fiance to the clieerleesness without-for Mr. Robt. B eith: Willi a j udge oo ClyNelson & Sons, Religious Track The Zenith of Bargains. happiness and a "world of lo\·e at homes' desd 9les at the grea-t Chica;,:o horse fair. Sc*ety, S.S. union, Society for th!' Promotion of will be theirs . Mr. And Mrs. C'hot.s·. McGill,. Pete-rboro, It is with a great deal of pleasure that The four-footed t~n·mts of your harr·a, spent Tha.nksgivi111g D ay at h~s i'~ther's . Christian Kuo wwe refer readers of THE 8'r.&TE~MAN to the eheep-yards pig-stvs, etc_., roquire clilii,:ent here. ledge, Partridge & Co., and guarantee satisfaction, great alteration and reno vat.ion ea.le now attention at the pr·sent Juncture. Stnay Mrs. Morrison l\:n11 heen ill Toronto and a savin~ of money. Schoals in progress at McC!ung Bros.' Bowmall- the best mo<le8 of feeding and fattemng 1 t.h is week purchasing her Xrnas lf'ancv & ville. Tht.y have a tremendous stock of alliwnls and you will find that warmth is ; a;oods. contemplatin~ buyin[( e. · seasonable goods, lovely mantleR for very essential to secure profitable result&. M S A MlcM t · d d Library clo well . on from cold, wet storms alld I "~ JeseMrs.M,. t. 'I' ·ur vy, sat;'l'rSan to see my stock. women, sty1ish overcoats for gents, fine Protectl to Lm snen nn · 'd · · kCr lines of reacly-made clothing for men aud BoreaII blasts ie quite a~ iinportant as- 1 h ur ryr oroll · ,. ,t\LL THE S. S. PERIODTCALS AND b oys, the latest styles and materials in pm1ctuality in feeding- Do not attempt I ay wee · ere . LESSON BEL · S. AT LOWEST , millinery, and a city cutter who will fit to wiriter more stock tball you can protect, ! Mr. Robt. B ei-th· wa~ elected first m emR ATES. a suit on you "as 1.1ca.t ce a II!.1 ove." T here feed and Care for properly. Young ani lbe'r of the American· NC lydesdale A<11soeiaare the goods such 811 every lea.din~ dry- mals need esp1>cial attention in these re· . ; tion at Chic11.go on· ·ov. 13~ goods store contl\ins and they roust be i speots. When young stocli;: arl'l. kept upon Our n.dvertieel'ao do not r equire to use 1 sold and to make them ·go off lively Mr. , ecanty fare arid exposed to tncle,ment : other mediums as almost eve·y household McClung tells us he has reduced the 1weather1 t.hey n ev1>r makeasgoodammals iu West Durham· gats TJJE.STAT·ESM! AIN. prices even to 11acrifictJ figures in many : as tho they_ had. been we,11 trel\ted. Cows : Mrs J. E~sery·, Jr., and children who ~ cases ancl the people who deal with him ! sh~ul~ be given r o·:ts, meal_slops, etc., to i·have liflen vi·itiog her p:mmta, . Mr .. and are gomirto bask in the zanit.h of bargains , assist m t.he sec~etlm· of unlk. · . . 11rR. 'l'hos. Hal'ris, Ebene?..er, returned BoWM:ANVILU , Nov 28, 1888. 1 aud enjoy such a h :1 rveKt of rich thinga ! _ . The const1 uct10n of manure shed~ and to Exeter ·his week. rJ) at a email ou tlay as they never expec ted, · eel!ars is now in order. f ~uea~io~ o-f Glad to learn tli~t-Rev; .&. Drummoo.d Oaution to Country Subscribers . ~r. McClung is _a. J:irm believer in t_he th~ succti~B or decline 0 armrng .18~0:~ N..,wc1 u 1le, was 1vell enoui;:h to exch11ttg~ CJ;J virtues of advert1smg and he h as barv,am- aohdate~ m this one wofcl, m~nu~e ~ht. pulpit,s with R e'll Mr·. Fraser on Sunday. .,_. 0 Mr. Fr·ser has aho irn1fic·ently recovererl f'V" · Several of our conntry snbsctibers hM·e ed with the STATESMAN for a n extra the subJeCt ~nn"t t.oo_ ten e roul informed us tbat 11 tin. p1tn, mush kettle a.mount, because it is the people's family before the - a~ricultu~llitf Mlauur~ h oa~s to resume duty. He wua <HI<~ of the .lead- ~ S ince he came here the the same re)atwo to t 10 ~r:me~ an g h ~ ing speakers at Rev . .R. Baddow's indUXlt- tJ;:I agent, y i·s, an agent, a man who when a. new@pap er. eller that &team 0 ~ w~te:r T:es t.P t~ '0 Ion ut Milton last ,~eel~-; farmer dPnounced agents BB unworthy of businesFJ has been constantly increasing d· does n ot mean to be undersold by ·any house in the d is· . . _, · p utting foot on his sacred premises, and and to-day the ir trade is fully double m.nnu fact ur~r or m~c :J:fllC . e mo ~"e "t was. Th" · 'd f th e PO'"ar Mr. S. Ormiston, trict, and they sell not.bi11g: but G001 Il>1 HONEST GOODS. who j!ave them the 11.gl-i,,~t of looks when wha t 1 13 t f! an ev1 enoe o ~-· of 01tmer h e· · m their respMtive . d W. M" h 1 1. L. L. 13., ·11 ha:t · re . ' "t f ti h t f a.gencies M!i~ke all the man ure possible. move to 1tc " l w to;re ne w1 pu1111ue· 'they dar"d to intrnde, has waited u~on pbopu!_an NO SHODDY. Y'. o d le nused a11 al tcl~n re tor llowing·. no fertilizing material to ~ the p·a.ctiee of }11s.proiossion. Mr,· Or· IV' t hem and tried to induce them to give ahrga.ms mt rt}'. gdoo 8 · c of ung,d e c. ~asted Gather Jc~va· or a.nv absorbent mistnn i· a young man ,,f verv superi011 \lp 'fID! STATESMAN for an alleged newe- .T every at rac 1ve 111p1 ay o goo a 1n ~ :. · . : . 1 .I k I d d J . P' i-. · d · ] t f t] ~hat wih take· up hqmd dveppllll(B, and eg.\ n w e ge an very poou aL"t all· a · \.ii pape'!" that does uot contain, tho year th e wm owst 18 ot~ y "dan !)aCrn le l s do i_ef use them a~ litter or mix: tliem with tl:ie ci izen. He will b1 · wiry much mi~aocl in ~ . round, ono-ten·.h as muoh West Durham larg l _ er assolrdmhen l f tihns1 te. th a an . see 1 . "'eap th . us adrlin" to the general ca pi""} the church and Sahba th. School of whieh ~ news a~ thi~ paper, and tho l ittle it _ does we 1ave to a e ru . " · " · · h . t' · . 1 · th and furnishin!{ to the plan,IJ;,.a· baa1s that e 'l'ia!i an a.c :ve mun:i oer, a so Ill· · ,e 1 . contain is usually copied or rewritten '-·- - - - - - - - - Dress Goods, wou Id otherwise be lost. Young_ Peo1;1le s Assoe~s.t10!1. 0?1"' cit:~ ! from our locals and correspondence. Bowmanviiie High School Those who are np to time with their J!a. zens wish him success-m bus new, field. · i '({fl Fla~ls. Take onr a.d vice : Dont give up tlie sub h ors will nowi· have opportunity to ga.th ~r Before lenin g for Montreal, Mr~ 8. A . I ~ stance for the shaclow, order all your Mr. J . E. Hodgson,- fospector of H igh stones u pon their meadows or ext:acL the !VJcMurtry .w as the rec!pient of honor anill : H papers at Ta& STATESMAN office and you can depend on getting what you pay for Schools, visited Bowrnaoville school Oll i stumps thereon. Pile th~ &tones rn heaps r~~1embrances from . lus L indsay. ilellc:i-w·: the whole of next year. We employ no Friday and expresserl himself well pleased · alld after a fall of snow lutch to a stone- Clttzens. F~rst t he curlers presented hun : with the work being done and the gener~ boat and reiuove ·them. A: clean sw~1ep with a handsomely 1Jluwinated ll!ddresa,, . mush kett.le agents. al stat<l of efficiency. H e expressed pleas- for the mower or scythe ......111 thus be ,l'lb - rea<i by Mr.! oho McLennan, the 4711crge'hc , r l"I ure on learning t hat the Board inteude<i tainecl and, if tha former is u·ed t.ltere secrebl.ry. Then tha,Oddfellows b11n "!!1>~t- l....,J Wheat and Barley Drop f'. having the High 8 chool separate from thi;i will n'at 8 ..,. often exist a necessity for ed Mr. McMurtry,pr~seotinl? him. with ntij, . Public Schools. lu this ri· ·nnection we change of knive·. Speaking of irn~le- add ress a»d P ast Nloble Grand'&. j ewel. )I.,,,_,. , Wheat is going clown wiLh a. run. In may say that the High School is now ments, let U· add that no farmer should Next thf' ~i ti:r:ei;is. at large und eDtook t©· 1 ~ Chicago on Saturday it dropped from more comfortably situated then when in fail to h;,ve- all bis tools and machmos put present brim with :a $400 o.hronomilller ,_.... $1.07 for N oveml:ier t u $1.05; from $1.07i the old (foion Building. The rooms ave under cov.er when done with for t oo 11ea· ancl chain. Mr. Mr ; Mul'try lelt oa.Satur- i f""\ LAMPS~ for DccPmher t1' $1.05; from $1.07 for well lighted a.ad ventilated and seated son- and Jbe ought to ses that, .so f~1r as day last but will rnvi~it Lindsa~ <l~ri!lg ~ .January to $1 . 04~; from $1.10! for May throughout with r;ew desks of the latest necessan· t.h ey are re~ired and ~&11nted the winter. Mrs. M cMurtry and family CALL AND INSPECT. to $1 . 08~. I n Toronto the fall was even make. The attendance is very large th,is during tiii~ leisure of w~llter. re.naiu for a time. Th e ab0ve pvactically ' <rreato>r and the indications are that the t erm, considering the very nnsatisfact@ry Orcha:rd and gardeIL work m:t~ yet be proves Mr. McMmrtry's great popularity 4ecline will not atop until it iB away b e- condition of the acccmmodatwn at the clone in. most stctions -the firs t be~ng ~o in town.- Vvarde.r. low a doll11r . One d ealer Oll Saturday commencement. The members of Uhe secure fruits ancl vegcil;ables that an· still ]IAIJ>f,E Glt01i~;-Mr. Sa1111 uel Randle hM was satibfied that tho bottom will not be teaching staff a.re all very popular with unhar vest ed. Tr11.nsplanti ng lLarcliy trees re· .urneu from tlti" Pacific Coll.st arter four ~. · f week·' aantent to live io Ont.aria. He :reached until whC111t is 80 cents. The ba.t'- the students and a very sabs actory con- ehrnbi and plants m:ily be cootinue<l as s·ayed absence a. few ds.yR with ].~. c . L, Yan Camp, ley ma:ket is follow;ng wheat in a r11.p1d dition of things prevails. 'rhe .l>oa:;rd is long as the weather J <i mild. Hardy bul- Omaha. who no~ue his vjsit ver y pleasant. ·drop. The ma.lsters will 1~ot bur, the exerting etforta to provide the latest and boa·· r<;· uts- such as hv_ac'mbhs, tulips. w 7ite o. t hrillin!'f narative of your travels for farmers continue to rush rn thens and best chemical and physica,l app ·~ rat11~ and croeus, etc.- m"y yet be ph:nted and wiil 'l'filJo' 8'J'ATES-'1.<).N, ._ _ tlam.uek _. - - --· __ _ prices must suffer. . At p resent tlrn m>\r- an extensive library of the most r ecent bloom linely next spring. AH half-hardy PRES~NT GIVING MADE . ket is sick, very s10k; offc:rs h am been ar:d valuable work~ of reference by the or t ender shrubs, roses, e tc., should re· EASY. .m ade at 11lmost a.ny figure, but i10 one opening after the h olidays. rh~ teach- ceive timo!y protection. Clim bill~ shrubs wants it. When No. 1 is at G5J buyers, ing includes all kinds of work in connect - and roses should b a taken down from tl-rn .A 11 k inds of U S{)iu l and fa.llcy i;i:oo<ls 'it is said, m oy b a fot1nd; but _ unleis the ion with the Departmental aud profes- arbor or trellis, the tops tied togeth er euita.ble for Christmas Presents GIVEN farmers Btop the eupplie2 n_c thrng can save sional examinations. With the present a.nd covered with leaves or straw. - - - -o;·_- - the prices. In th e meauhme the· barley ex:cel!ent staff and the iinproved equipRuralisls need hardly be r eminded of AWAY with McOlung & B ell'sPrizeTea. G1vEN AWAY! Cou ld th.-re be an m01 are daily losing money that they ex · ment and accommodation wa doubt if the b~nefits derivable during fall or winpect to rogaia when t'!C market reco ve s m or e thorough and satisfactory work will ter from diacuoaums of farmers, cluba, easier w ay for you to obtain your Holiday be done in any lI igh School in this dis- institu tes, ate., rut it i~ hoped they will Guods'I You certa :n ly conld n ot procnre itself. trict . :!!'armers and others who rave eons attend and p& rtici pa.te in tlie proceedings them anywhere for less th11n NOTHING! Now do uo t fail to call and inspect this ancl daughters 1il igiblo for attending, of all m eetings design1<d to furth er t h e ..ConrNning Aga.int:.t Farmers, stock of elegant h oliday goods at McClung should plan to have them attend Bow- ptoi.,"ress and improvement of those en& B ell's, nnd at the sam,, t ime ·h ey will gaged in the m:ist useful of all occupa.- 8how yo:.i some att racthns and bargains -~l'here se ·ms to bes ~eneral comb ina- man.ville High 8cbool. ------· ---·tiona. -~griculture . in Dry Goods that will somewhat surprise - tion among\ uyHs of all form prod u~ts, Ruse's Scho9lofMusio. yo u. M CCLUNG &DELL, P ost Office, every part.icu!a. ~ class of buyers ha~wg · ~11Soc1at10n · · for mutual · protection . , I Rain iJ reported . t o hav~ fallen for New~as:le. ti1e1r · h · '\\'h d 0 t h , {.rmera umte m t e1r N ew Valencia Raisins, Such is tl: e name of the 11ewest m· fifty-se ven consecut ive d~ys m one county Y. no 1 6 · · Every other man's stitution established here and the Studio of South Carvli na. lVOUl'ID. -At Bowmanville Station, a own mttorests, too) . · d , 11gam~t theirs an } d ..I.' am ail black pig 0 wn or cn,n recover the is in t he third storey of McClnng'a Bleck. N ew Sultana Raisins, lan appears t 0 bfJ · ' ' '" eame by p~rin¥ cli'penses. Apply t<> P. l\1AnA, 1 n but n othin they g1owl a-nd com1:1. g The proprietor is Mr. CharleK l:luse, of 48 ,,.. · an d com b" me C.\ 'l'ARllD. New Layer Raisins, cmore. Wake up, farrne<t, ost assuredly Baxter University of Mu ~ic. :Friendship, TEER ASTRAY.-Came on l ot 13, .for )'.our own m tercsts or ar.. 1 combines New York. To readers of THE STATES· MAN ill Bowman ville and surrounding New Henne Treatment for tl1e Cure of con. 2, Clarke. a two year-old steer. The t~e iron heel of monopoly an, a.re the owner is r cqt\ested to prove property, pay exC'atarrll, <latarrhal Dentncu, nud New Currants, will crnsh yo.u to earth. '.fher;. ol com- country within a radius of ten wiles who penses and tako him away. GEO. GnAY, have children t o whom they can afford to Jra:r Fevr,r. Clarke P. O. '16- 3w harley ce n1bme, egg combme, 'In and ,, .. The microacJpe has proved that. thooe 'bine, the manufacturer11's combiut', "ion give a musical education more or less ex- diseaae· Figs, are contagious. a nd that they are A'I'TLE AS TRAY.-Come unto lot several olhers. Th" last associl!\ k t ensive, the location of a School of Musio du.i ta the presence· of livin<( pn,ra~ites in the 18, con. 3 , Darlington, one two year old here will be a benefit grea ter than many Jinlnii mew~rano of th~ upper .a1r pa.s"!"gfls heirer. &nd yearling bull. Owner is requested formed for m11t ual protection is the po\ _ N ew P ee1s1 '11 t" t · and eu·· ao\\l11n tubes. 'l'ne eminent sment· buyers of Ontario. Their rules, iu put :w1 es -1ma e on Ii rs t th oug ht . Sen d mg ists Trndall, Huxley ~md Beale endo rse this, to prove property. pay expenses, and take f them & way .. T: H. CLAYTON, Bawmanville. "1ildron to muaipal Colleges or Conserva- ~nd these authorities cannot be dLsput.ed. t Me : On a!l dreseed hogs a deduction of !7- 3\\", 2 lbs per h·o~; on all shoulder stnck hvgs c. 'es of Music as they are termed is \"ery The rei;:u!R.r met,hod or .treating the il.laoos01 New Flavoiliig' Extracts r _ nd when as oood tuition can is to apply an irritar.t remed:r !"eekly and aive, 8 6 ·to 10 lbs accord ing to damage; A tor. EACHER W ANTED.- A male teach "' even daily. thus keeping the oehcate momexpe. . _ _ :aed in our middt frJm a thor oughbrane in a constant state of lmtat1?n· er for School Section No. U, Clarke, dres~ed hog not open at the breast and New ~--ruits. ) obb.. l and skilled professional gradu- accomp ..ni<d by vio!ent anee~1qr, nllowmg Kirby. Applications stating eal\\ry &nd ex· will pay you. with. th'e gullet left in 3 lbs ; boars are lbe t it no ch~ nee to heal, end as a natural conse- perience, accompanied with testimonials will >f the leadiog uuiversiti1Je of quence of A llCh treatment not one pormiment ho received up to Saturday, D:icembcr 1st. unmerchantable ; s tags, if accepted by · Y ratne cou t iuent at one tenth the cure has ever been recor<'!ed. It ls an ltlm!ARD BIWWN, Kirby. <l7 -2w· the buyer,on c llillf shall be deducted ; on ate of one ·l on thib -vho can ~hould avail th em- absolute foot that. these diseases oa.nno t bO aged or flabby sows one-third shall be music · cured by nny appl ication made oftener tha.n t OU.SE AND LOTS FOR SAL"E. - I 'lrtunity. There ire no once in two· weeks, for tho membrane must deducted ; on mu til ated ha:ns an ailow- cos ,,everyone \ will sell the brick: dwelling I now occllpy ~elves of the O p'(> that would give Mr. ;i:ct a chance tt> heal bef~ro a.ny _aJ;Jpllca. J;ion ance of 5 to 1.0 lbs according to d am age. Oonce~sian 'l'hero are eilil'ht rooms. on 1 doubt many town11 ·lucem<>nt to l·.lcate is repeated. lt is now 7. yra. sinoe Mr. n xon pantry, closete.St. kitchen. ox cellent collar and dia ~ovcred tho p!ll'asit.e in Catarrh and torm· I luse considerable in, a.nd if he does ulatod his new treatment, and since then hie bard and ·soft water. It is "· two storey brick. his institution in them, he re t o make remedy ha-. become a hansebold word in cottage roor, nearly new Good gard"n large Ooun try Boys vs City Boys. l t every count.r y whnro the 'En~lish lanitnago ennni;ih for two Jots. Will sell one or both. t t no ge enoug 1 pa ronal!& will b e moat ia spoken, Cures elfected bY him seven years Price very reasonable, uood rca.son !or ·elling. I 48 - tr. ·e ·e ncoura" - ago are cures still, 1hero h,;ving been no J on" G9AN1', Bowmanvilhoi . The New York Voice hae been giving i t a paying investment he Competent judges say \ ely to seek a larger and mo, , that l~e r eturn of the dl~e:1,·e. considerable !!p ace to answers to lik · 1 M So highly are these remcdiea val llod. 11.n d - AND· that our '}Uestions submitted to its read ers on mg pace. r. R use i nforms tl. .. lividnal so great is the d11mand for them, tbll.t ignorbe prepared to r t>ceive irl'·lture ant imitators have s1arted up ever ywhere, will the above subj ect. Among many others students in a ny branch of musical C\.. ·i "ty pretending ta destroy a Pll.rasite, of which who have answered them is Phineas 'l'. they know nothin ~, by remedies the results f of the lliPPlklltion of which they are rqualty =...,, Barnum, the great Bhowman whose an- on and after Nov. 28 th. A U nh:ei., Class fo r full ~ dnoationul course ~ ignorant Mr. Dixon's remedy is e:pplieci :N ohce is hei·eby glvt;i.i ih~t tt,1! Ulljlt'llil. .'fc.:K.e g · -A.ND swer we give afte r each question : 0 · In your opinion, does the average stl)dies w ~ll be started after the holiday1:1. 1 "~~~e :~~li~~ti~':~ eff~~F; ;~.~ .!~~~t g~',?0 f~ must be settled by t he 1st oc December, i a or· · are unexcelled for T erms and other par tic11l·ra may be h ad · , ·~t aggra.v11.te . d cases. N. B.- ,l<'or ca..tarrh11.l derta save costs. as after thM date 1>11 bilfa ti.C1t ,.country b oy do wisely in leaving the by u · paid, will be hauded 01' er to C. C. ·Merill,: 1ot ' quality and price. calling on 1\-Ir. Ruse at the Studio o r m\. . '>Jes pecnlrnr to female~ (1vhltes) thts rerne- collection. country h omestead and going to the city dd . h" ' tz'I)~ a ressmg 1m by 1etter. d:r. i o . a specific. ' 'xon sends 8 pamphlet describing Lis Bills may be oatd to ei ther R. ' Vindatt, Tp. . '. to try bis fortune 7 No. Try our Green and "' cl". L.. . ~ent on the receipt. or tnn (>Dnt· i ' n Clerk, Bawtnanvitle; .John Elltott. Ht:\mptnn, D Whnt proportion, is your experitince, "" 11.a.t v ' · Fred Rogers, l£nn iakillen; 8. M . Clemens, Ty- AN Teas ~ , 25c. Black new tt\ · i.,, ' add~O<le is A.H. Dixon & Son. rane. S. J. w . l LLIAJlfS, ,of coun try boys who go to the city to A wealth of illustrations of ~he high ~t · :Bta.ml(·· -" 1 ·.t west, '.l'oronto, Cana.do..c o11ec t.or. h ~ ~·rb 1 ruake th eir way in the world, find success'? qu11lity adorns the pages of the American and 50c. ]:ien~~~~1..~(;,."ilo,. .,., J)arlington, J:~\Jv'; l!t~t. 1888. H- 2w Less thall one in ten. . ' Agriculturist for November, making it -~ -rha.1 trouble~ ~h<>ul<;! I H . . -h S h 1 E t Highest Prices paid for As · generral rule, which make the one of the finest and most useful issues SulfeMrs fro. ~~ a~:~ .. lg C QQ n Farm Produce. best business meu, boys bred in th e coun· of this sterling msgaz!ne e ver publiehed. carfilully read th. - ·- -·- - - - ~-, · · t ry or those bred in the city 1 Boys bred Send lOc _ to the American Agriculturist, · - - - - -- -- \ LE 150 . ' n·e "t lot ARl\f FO,R S. ........ s "· ~, in the country if they attend business 751 Broadway, New York, for a copy. 31· can, 9 · Dar!J. '\gton ; soil cl&1 Iaa. ~. colleges, and learn t hat honesty is indis· A MILLION B usHELR.- P eople tal k log dwell!ng, large fra.1 "le barn, orchard, t hree .H1<1 NEXT ENTIUNCE EXAMIW ellingt on Buildiugs, pensibl6 to success a.ad self-rtJapect. nJibly a.bout a million bushels of wheat, wells, conven!ent ta c, ~rch, echo_ot, P. 0., !' A 't'lONS will be held ill tho High "" stores and bli<cksmitb. eho, "· 11 ve nules from Are college graduates better fitted, as a but few of them realize what a vast Burketan station. ·he be~t barley ma,rke~ In tlcb,<7~'!. Jlowman ville, o·n · rule, for practical business life than amount t hat is. If a millior. bushels were Ontario· F a1 m in highest et.'~ ol c11!t1vat10n, W eduL '8daiy 1 Thursday & Friday, PROVISIONS ~ 80 acrea in first cl11,ss order f L ". · com!nir crop, young men who have not enjoyed a busi- loaded 500 bushels to the c ·r, it would the balance under new and old ~Biia. . 'l'o ~n 20tb. and 21st of Deo. ness educ11tion 1 Yes, Education is in- fill a train over 15 miles lonii:. lf on Jndustriou· mau with small ca.pi . 'al U.re:te will . · ihe first day at 1.30 p. m., a.nd valuable alwayR ; but boys should think wagons 14 bushels on a wagon, it would be ample time given ta pay !or it. · "'r'71'fients C o:n111enc1nl\ at !J a m be arran~ed so as not to exce. \, an- ,or- the rouo wlng a of a.nd st udy business principles while ma.ke a line of t eams 142 miles in length. ca.n '1dafies ·ah~uld 1t0nd tn their ilinarYlt'ent. l!'or particulars address: - .Ill~:..~·»· Intending 01'Bc \he titidorsil(DOd. getting a college education. If made into bread, reckoning a bushel to M c D uisNELL, Enfield P. O. " - ti' names at on c~ to ·, M, M. FENWI CK. every six ty pounds of flour, it would give _ Hee.i Me.stet. SICK JIEADU!Hll caa·t--d by excess orblle PA.INFIJL RllRNS, l·r11bc·, Heald~ an, t cut~ 4lr a dlsol"fler«d 11tomaeh h 1·romptly reliev- each man woman 1md child in the UnitBowman ville, No?.- JOU!. iSBS. '1T .:.,:tiv' ' t d I f f b d ,, nre qulcli:ly 8t1oll1ed nud h enl e 1l by VJo,!orla ed by 10ln11: NnUollnl l'UIN, e d S tat es a wo po un oa o rea . , tJarbolle Salve. MONEV LOST BUY AT HOME Fur Goods Ad vancing. 'NOVEMBER ON THEl FARM. Personal. by Newspapers Magazines. will No trouble to. shoi w goods. P. TREii LllDCK. J. H. KENNER'S VARIETY HALL. ._ 'WEST END HOUSE. ......... .......................................... fhe Inspection and Co mparison Invited .. U Q THE WEST END HOUSE 'i ,.... c(j .---WWW-:B,lannel Sheeting, (SPECIAL,VALUE~ Cott©ns, Q Q · Teas, Coffees, S]pices, Sugars, Raisins, Currants, Candied Peels, Figs, &c. DINNER~ TEA AND TOILE· T :I:-IANGING LAMPS, HALL LAMPS, I--1.A.ND ! Blankets, -~~~~~~-,.~--,,,.. _e SETS. 'WEST - _ E ND ~ous~. 1v.l'c1v.l'U-Fl.T:B.. 0 To all whom it may concern. I YOUNG & CO'S stock of Groceries and. Provis ions is now complete and in good order. y For the Holiday Season: S YOUNG&CO. ____ ___ _____ ~ - ·- C buy for Cash and sell as cheap as the cheapest, I 0 New YOUNG-&CO. T invite you to call and examine their stock-it U - ,- H YOUNG & Co. Crockery Oarl'1nglon Townsh'1p Glassware, R M ·· 11 B 00 S BRUSHES OOFFEES Sp ICES G TEAS 0 & F T ranee Laundry and Toilet Soaps, Exam1nat1ons. Canned Goods Co. CENTRE STORE, rnth, . All KINDS. King Stre~t, Bowmanvill~. v-· ------ I CHAS. YOUNG, 'W. W". ALLIN F., A~ HADDY. Children Cry for

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