Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1888, p. 3

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~!f§! .~.~-~!!~~~!!~L~l~la~·~~~!!~~~~~~~~!J.l!~!!~~aaa:::;~~~::~!!!Jl!!!!!!!!~!Hfi~~·~!!!!!!~~~~i!!l!!!!~~Ldt~~-!M~ilu~~,~"'""'"""~~!!!!!!!!!!'i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~E&i~'!;!~~;a,! · ~.W~~~LZ~lll:~~~~!!~L~d~~~!!~!!~!!!J!!!!!!!:!!!~~lllllJ'lllllll..illlill. . Lord Walsingham's Guns: 1' 4 system <'S a whole that it ia kept in good Lord Walaingham, who brol!.e all previous j Roepita.1 Nurses, working order by prnper ~xercise. If one rec?rds ~a a shootn uf erouse in Eogl1rnd or 1 Mimy persons Wolluer at the 'irnd w 1 · C th 1 d l"tt' elsewh re h k"Jr 1 070 f th A OI all Lung diSP.ases are much the s amo . · 1 A great dea.J has bun said about the com ~' · ese P agues . 0 appear, a ~'ery 1 e tog ' ~ · Ctn on U· 1 , a.ud weary feeling that oporesaes ihein' wl't·h'll . · . Y. WEDNESDAY, NOV 28, 1888. fort. arid SECUrity felt by tha presence of a. iodoform put on Will often oheok tts growt.h gllrlt 3~ of thlS Y· ar, has .wi,itten to tho frm. feverishness, loss of appetite, sore or eh1y apparent cause. . It may be povf>~·ty 1 trained JlUrse in nn anxious nnd griefstricken 1 ar;d preve?t furt~er trouble. Should this) <lon Field to tell what k100 of guns he used. t.11roat, pains in tlie chest and back, o. 1 e blood 1 or a <llA"rdr·red sto1mwh ; - in . and to those who hove been for· [ fail ther-e 1s nothmg h~tter than the usual He had fou_ r breechloa.ders: one was nn olil j ' J J l t I f either case .he sto~aC'h, bloodfunctions. and live1 ·n1 are ~ d . d" h ·t d 1866 b t f h d wa< :w ie, e ,c. n a ·ew d:iys you may n~t pel'formmg their rei(u)ar d household"u tuuatein their experiences with 'hesewomen 1 omcstic nme ies which every ousewi 'l one ma e in ' u urma e wibh new lie well, or, on tho ot;her l1aud, y ou may with many persone, there will fellow a d 11 n' t.hey c·nnot be overr·te d. Th'e ki"ndnese, : ought to be acquainted ba.rrels.. Two · be.,av:r headache. nausa and many ot '-' ··e! 1 p neumonia or" galloping w u b t fi h f with- a. bread,poultioe h h d othersbwerel m·~de lin 1870 and I 1 .Je .1 uown wit· S"InPtoms 'b t d , gentlt.>nese, and constant ca.re which a con. a o . g,. ot wa~r oment~tionsetc, the use ave _since a new O\rre s, am all th;ee " · '.a prece o a well developed ease scientious andskiful nurse gives to the pati~nt of ~hie~ 1s . to bring the boll to. a head, a~d mentton,ed so far ~~d D 1 _me.scus barrel·, hhe Consumption. " Run no risks , but begiu ~~s·~~~f~h:·clo~~!~~r~~~t~~~~%Yc~e;l~g se :.he under her care often lays the foundation for has · .en 1ta ?eparture. If there 1~ m_uch .p1un Enos, J.mes & C~ s guns. Ihe fom·th, at iminediatoly to f.ake Ayer's Cheny MEAOHA --o -a stron~ friendshiI? be~wePn the two, and 11 and, th~ b r >1l do~s llot bre11ok i-ead1ly 1t w· JI be new gun, had Whitworth compressed ca;St· 1 Pectoral. M'S MAN DR.A KB mutua.l mtereet which ia fdt long af:er health bet er ,o lance it. ~te~l barrels. Thj were all 12 bo·es, with Several year s ago, James Birchara, of MIXTURE, Q !"°d strength ar<' · e>tored, 11.nd converaa.tion .~.O mch bar~els, an. not choked. ~he cart- Darien, Conn., was s everely ill. The prep .re.d by J , n.·'Meaeham. 133 Young stree~. n !lot CQ11filwi '.Q "F-ymp~om~." I 911oe knew H . d ridges fo~ birds flyn g Jown the wmd were doctors said h e was in Consumption, a chemist or.nineteen years' PXVerience. Sold 1 0 3 0 1 wishes to notify the Po blic that she i111 ,I qu!te ~~ll c.ne of the~e liUi'se~·· She WM a , . eatmg an Health. . . ~ra,!t'!n:1t, 1! dr&ch°'.a black P :Vder and b and that they could do nothing for h im, ~ Bo.'." man ville bv Hlirginbotham & Son. Stock at the I quiet ht.tie woman, with th., quickest obser· Tne h eat rng of the apartment. in . whaoh th b" d fl , 5. Efoft sh ,t. 1 Up w~nd, where b·lt advised h im , as a last r<',".' . ci1·t, ~o try g oing to sell her Immense · · d · h · d · th · t .· f l" · e ir e ew o course ess sw1ftlv but 3 ·· ' ·" very lowest rates that bas ever been vation, an most sympat et1c an persuasive we pass e grea er por,1on o our ive 1s a d h f ' d · d ·· Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After taking oft'ered in this town Look out for ba.r· ways with her patients. I asked her once if subjeotwhich 11o~thia time of the yea.ris seoorid thrnc m,st~ pohw c,r were t i~e · He says h' 18 11 1 · · ·· . . the sight of continual suffering and de!\th in' to nore others in importanct>, and it is, e no:. lffi{l e W: use on Yono ounoe of t medicine, two or tlll'f.\f\ mont.lis, he game the remamder of tlus season. the hoPpi·al ever bad a tendency t-0 harden strav~e that noti withstanding the advance& s~ot, ~ecause he thd not .get goo~ penetra· was pronounced a well man. His h ealth 81 Stiaw and Felt Hats 'Dyed and Reshaped or create in< J:fferl'r.ce in the nur·es. She re- which scitnce has ma.de in this rf8pect there :!on wi~h the~-o~d ~le~, ?0? he nred tnree remains good to the present day. in all the Latest Styles. plied that with her it was exactly then ver2e, sbou!d bt> tu gentral so utter a. distegnrd e~mes8~ 0 t°nb ir · k tt nk~ It 11!- the body ~t J. S. Bradley, Malden, Mass., wiites : and told many interesting and some very on the part of householders of the principles ch . ' ut .!1°t ·. noc mg it down until "Three winters ago I took a se ve re cold, touching stories of her experience in the hos- by which they should be governed. t.he thrrd. This wlil sound queer to Amer~ whi ch rapidly d eveloped into Bronchitis AGENT FOR THE TOROJ'>T:> DYE WORKS. pita.l. She woulc never wear her cap. "It The open fireplace, is on s~vera.l accounts can Pportsmen, :~ho use shot a~ em11oll as 80 Mrs, giv.es such a hospital air to a sick-room," sbe to be preferred to an~ other means of heating ~o. 7 an? N · 8 o.r g~ouse, especially e11orly an cl Cons umption. I was weak that - - - -- · said, "and mnkl's thfl patient think, ·Oh an apartment. It rnsu·res, when well con- m th" ~e"son. 1tis likely that smi.ller shot I could not sit up, was mu ch emaciated, THIS I' EAR'S mercy, am I so badly< ffae that?' ' A bigh- structed, 1he removal of those products of .~ould have been more deadl_y ?ecause of .the alHl coughed incessantly. I consulted erownednurse'scapcertainlydoesgive a hush- combustion which tend to vitiate the at- grrnter number ?f pellets hitting the bird. several doctors, bnt they were power~When I sa.y CURE I do not mean merely to stop tliern tor a tlmo. e.ud then have them r&> ed and solemn app~arance to a house. '"We moephere, a.i:d at the same time causes a ~~also seems a.little o~rious t.h.a t eo nia11y less, and all :igrecd that I w as in Centurn airntn. I MIU..N A RADie.AL CURE. a.re going to have auch nice timEs together stronv current of air to paes from the room !r~s were ki~led w~th c7hnder ~arrels, eumpti on. A t last, afriend brought me .I ha.ve made the disease of a.nd be such good friends," she said coaxingly t hrough the chimney, by which i.lone smce a true oylmder gun, with N?. b 8.hot, a bot.tic of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. FITS, EPILEPSY ~r to a feverish little t>oy who opened his eyes tolerably effective ventilatioB is prr.tduced. ?Ives ~ pattern of about 115 s~ot ma. thirty· a.nd looked doubtfully at the strange face But it has certain obJrntiona.ble features mah ?lrcle Rot Lrty yard~, whtle a full c_hoke From the first dose, I fonn<l relief. F~LifiG SICKNESS,'ClJT and Pf..lJG bending over h.im. "I never e~w such a which preclude its employment when a puts JUSt 100 more eh<;t in the sa.me circle. Two bottles cured me, and my health A.llre long ~tudy. I w ADDA~ my remedy to good boy!" she said to the doctor continually ateedy and uniform bent is rr <quired and It looks as If the nob!~ lord must have fired has since been p erfect." · OtmF. the worst cases. Deen.use others Jlav<J in her little patient's hearing. wh.en it is especially deeiraplR to avoid short ra.nge-~ay, e!ghteen yai-ds. on t~e fa.!ledlG no reason tor not 11ow receiving ac~re. Praise does so much more good at such irregular current of air. It is therefore verage-at which distance a. cylinder 1s 6~;:1(~ a.t on~e !or a. _ t reatise and a.FRE tcBOT'l'L111 o. my Ilf:E.ALLIBLH REMEDY. Give Exme~s times ~ban" reasoning." There Is nothing not adRpted for use in dark iooms, web as duoh bett.er_.th:i.n A. c~oke. The noble l?rd PREPARED DY :1 .ml rost omce. It cost3 you nothing .i'or a, that will close the teeth a.nd turn the back hospltal w11rds, were many e1ck persons are oea not like his Wh1~worth ba.rre~s, ea.y1ng Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. tL'!a.I, and lt will ~nre you. Address i;>f. v. pv.~ient. quiQker t·hr.n thfl m1rd11 "Iti' . present. I · that they h~ve an unpleasant ring lfhen Sold by all Druggiot.e. Price $1 ; ·ix boJ.Ueo, $5. Dr. H. G. ROOT, 37 Yong& Bt.1 Toronto, Ont.· b tt f " rr:- t .: . - . fi · . ~ . . . fired, and they heat 11ooner than Da.mascus ~ _er or ~~':· ..:;tl1h~te h.hgb wkel:it pa.ads1og, On .the other hanhd, a!lain, b th eh o~eerfnl. barrels ueei! ;n·all Greener guns mixmg me wu~~s wi e. uc urne · to ness 1mpa.rted to t e mrnd y t e tight of ' '· - -·- - - -- - - - - - -- - --------------- -·- --~-the bed ; &11ythmg that has a mysterious an open fire should not be overlooked, and !.!!l!.'!.~~!_ '!!!"l ._ '!!!"l'!!!"l!llll~'!!!"l'!!!"l'!!!'!'!!!"l'!!!"ll!!!l!!!!!!l!!!!I!!!!!!!! air i1 aggravating to 11 l>erson lying help· the ir.fluesce of the light emitted is u.bo an OUSE TO LET.-That very desirable le11n I 1.bed. \Ve sometimes real'ze how in· important element in t· he consideration of house just west ot Mrs. John Brown's vs.lids must ponder and worry over some ~he subject. residence, Conceesiou street. Apply to Couca rr1HE SCIENCE OF LIFE, in bro11ze on JouNsToN & (,,'RYnEnMAN, H- tr the great medical work little thing that has happmtd, or some rid· A serious objection to stoves is that as the the aire on Manllood. lcukus idea that has come into thefr heads, air surrounding them becomes hea.ted and To buy Foot Gear for Men, Women, Eaclt PLUG & . PA(}KA.GE. a.nd stays there for d11ye. I once knew a specifically lighter it 11.scends to the ceiling, STORE TO LET.-The l!t!ore now OC· of Nenou1 aud Physical De· 41- ly little ~irl of ten or eleven years old who WEB nncl th·refore ~he lower strata of ai·r con· ·cupled by Mr, \V. H. Ives, on King Street, Boye and Maidens, at · f f d d · th 1 ~ ' two doors easo or the P. O. Possession May bil ity, Premature Decline, Errors of Youth, and the recovertng rom a ever, an urmg e ong ta.ined in a room heated by a, stove a.re never 10th. App!:y to A. BUCKLER, Jeweller, hours when she lay quiet, "gaining strength, so hot &s the upper. 15-tf llntold miseries conPequent used to wonder whether if she were stretch-----·---'-----------~~-=ed rut she would be longer than a window· The chief disadvantage of steam as a HOUSE TO RENT.-Amoet desirable , thereon, 30(1 pages, 8 vo., 125 Cor all disea.ses. Cloth, full gilt, sill tpposite her bed, until one day when heating agent consists in the fa.::'· that it is Hou.se ou Ge_orge·st., seven r· ooms, prescriptions $1, by mail. sea.led. Illustrative sample ns left61one for. moment, slie slipped difficult to regulate the temperature. The nic fipmshed! Coldmg doors, etc., good ouly 11ely Cree to nil young and middle a11ed men Send She W · ~ " I · b k . 212 d· cc ar. oesess1on on 1st December; Apply Goods are down to the lowest now. The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded out of bed and crawled feebly along to the P pea must e ep~ at egrees Fahren· to J<', MASON, King St. Ea.st1 W- tf to the auther by the National Medical A.siooipoint except given awav. window, where she stretched herself out on heit or condensation ~f the vapor at once ~TORE TO RENT OR EiELL.-Stnre, ation. Address P. O. Box 1895, Boston, Ma11s., the floor and found th'lt she went far beyond takes place and w11oter ts formed, Jn ;pas_e· . o r Dn. W, H. PARKl):Il. iiradnate of Ha1"rard --o-0Pwellin11: and Driving· house in J<~nn!ekillen. Medical College, 25 ye.ars' practice in· Bodon, the. window·sill. She reached the bed again Ing from a state ~f vapor t-0 that of a hq111d A good stand ror bueinesi!, on reasoni.ble who may be consul1ed oontldenti1ilJy. Specialty with the holp ot some chairs and went. steam parts with it;s latent heu a.n4 beccmes terms, Apply to tho owner. R. Hu· rc1usoN, f>ise11.ses of Man, Office. No. i Bulfinch i::lt. ealmly to sleep. ' . s~nsib'.e, a.~d thca the tem~teture of the Listowel. or WILLI.AM BINGHAM. Enuiskillen. ,!;Ott in endless variety-we make a . With the nurses as with anything else I pipes IS raised. an unsatisfactory one is in the way and a Of all means of heatiog, that by hot ARM TO RENT OR SELL, - 145 specialty in these goods. general nuiso.nce ; but the other kind is a. water ~s to1 be pref~red. The air eannot be acres. part of lots 30 in the 7t.h and 8th conceselons of the ·.rownship of Whitby. ImCLOTHS & TWEEDS- A LA MODE treasure, and a gru.teful family has a poou· baked by it, for the temperature oa.n never mediate possession. Apply to J, B. BICKELL, liar admiration and affeoticn for her after· be raised above 212 degrees Fahrenheit. It 5" l<'ront·st., East, Tor.onto, or R1c11, HALL. Our New Stock has arrived, and oomOur CLOTHING DEPARTMENT wards. Nurses seem to have lived through pa.rte with its he·t less rapidly than does Esq., Brooklin. 35-3w PE:STROYS AND REMOVES WORMS prisee something neat and pretty for so muoh, a.nd have often a quiet.ly impor· steam. These facts render it far more OF" ALL. KINDS IN CHIL.CREN OR has still a.t its head tbe only firstLadies, Good and Serviceable for Mon way !lbout them that comes from hav- pleasant to bear than the beat from steam. OOD HOUSE :FOR SALE.-A two ADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP AND class cutter in town. Most of the tant and Boys, and Boots that R Boots fol! CANNOT·HARM THE MOST ing bad anxious peo11le hanging upon their In general it may be ea.id that either stea.m storcv frame house situated on O'Dell St., ~·DELICATE: CHILD< containing seven rooms and e11mmer kitchen, every member of the household. other houses that blow of first-class words and looks. When they say, "I once or hot water ,should be adorted for the closets. pantries, &c. Hard and soft water; cutters have thdr work made up had a case," it has the same i11terest for us beating uf our houses in winter. By either full l ncre or ground with good selection or that ' 'Once upo_n a time" need to have. of these a uniform temperature can he ob- choice rruit trees. .Apply to M . .A.. JAMES or to THE CULTl VATOR by sueaters and call it ftrst-class, Even a nurse's watch has something of an tailled, and th:it is a highly desirable m&t· D, B. FOGG, Prnp.riet,r, Bowmll.nville. 41-tf l'HIJNKS, VA.USE!!, & .SA.TCDE1S. JN S'.IOCH:, AND . individualitv. It has marked < ,ff so many ter to accomplish. It is almost invariably to gull the public. ,.._Ordered Work and Repairing a TOCK FOR SALE.-1 have for sale COUNTRY ·· ohangea," and ha& ticked solen nly through the case that rooms are overheated and Every customer that has an eye to anxious 25 good ewes, Leicester Ram, Shrovshire nights instea.d of drowsing a.way ha.Us and pa2sagee left cold. P ersona there- Ram, Specialty, as usual. 4 good Farm Horses, one extra good beauty in clothes calls upo'l under healthypillows. fore pa.ss ·from an atmosphere of 80 or 90 br~od mare, one driving horse, gentle. 8 steer· D. DAVIS. ,At all events, a nurse is a pleasant and degrees to one ne>t far from the freezing riemg 4 years. some good young heifers, 4 -~~. brood sows, a number of spring pigs and 21 reliable friend to have, and there are few point. In this way colds are rapidly con. people who do not feel an interest in this tracted. The temperature of lhe house in sucki· g pl gs. J. D. 'l'RELEVEN, Hampton. 46~aw· The Beat of lhe kindly, gentle sisterhood.-[Good Houee· winter aho!lld never exceed 65 degteee, aud - ----'------------ · AGRICULT.URAL WEEKLIES. k 'e}!ing, · this should exist throughout its whole ex"OB PRlNTl.NG of all kinds done l ) EV0I.l1RD '1~0tent, so tho.t there will be no D6cesity for clos1 1eat.Jv a-mt-promptly at 'l'HE STA'rEBMAN Paid. up Capl1nl, $:~00.000 ing doors, and hence the air will be allowed pri~ting c.1Iiee. Conn.try orders ll.D<l ·irders by J·a rUt (!rop"' :tn·l Procc·sse ~, Rest, $ 7t9,UOO. to design them for him. mall recervo onr ~ pe c1al attent,ion. 'fry us for l. lorlit~ u 1·:111·nl ..\~ 1"1·n U, Gro l-vtng, The Ba.bv's rood. to oircula~e irtely throughout the whole your next ptiniill >! i:wd H n will be thoroughly J,IV·'··"toc l< u1ul D:ilrylng, Too much care cannot be . bestowed upon building. Certainly many cases of pneu- sati>,fied. W l~DDl:l\ G l~AHDS, all the h1te8t While it; alsn iocludes all minor dr·pa.rtme nts styles, pr in·ed. t:«,ttt.Jy und tuetily at Tim r beg to notify the puhlic that. a m "ccciv ing to as,y nothing of s evere colda and monia, tbo d eanHi11g of the utensils in which a cif Rum! intt· f'e8t. such as a Ponlt.ry .Yard. for this .company, and ·..J.lowiu g ii, baby's food is prepa.red and servecl to him. rheumatism, are caused by the houses that S·r.aTASM.\N Ofricl'. No dmtb work. -- - ·-- - --- E tomology. 11ee·Reepinv. Greenbonse and depo.sits bu~her rate o. interest than the hanks· G ,.,, pcry, \Tetcrinn ry H eplie·, J<'arm Questions To oecure this end it is well to ha.ve two wo inhabit being heated to too hi11:h a de ARM FOR SALE.-One hundred and Answer~. : F '.re"id.e, H..P:a dlr1g:, IJomeatio No No'.rICE 01" WITHDRAWAL REQUIRE?!. . and fifty acres being parts of Jots 23 and F.cunc sets of vessels,' th~t the one may hi:..ve e, gree. People pa.es from their interiors to ·my. and B 8U!DH>al")' or the Ne ··s of the I am also prepared t.o grunt chance to be thoroughly cleanBed while the the street without thinking th11ot by so do· 21 m the 9 ~h con. ot' the township o( Darling· 'l'Vef J c Its M1nket I-!Pporta are nsuslly com· .A bout seventy-t,bree acres ploughed. plef'e, und rnnch attent on is pain t' the Prns· other is in use. The tin in which the food ine they suddenly cballge the temperature ion. I~mrnedlate posse~sion given, . good building". pee l e or the Crops, as rhrowing light upon one Loans on RIEAL E~'.J.'A.T E is cooked should be scou'(ed immediately of the air in wbich they live sixty d~grees For further par11culara. tums and c1;nditiODtt ,,f t.trn most impnrtunt of all questions .-When on favorable ter ms. after it has been emptied, and. then carefully or more even in comparatively mild weather apply to THOJl!AS BURDEN. Bowruan"7ille or to Iluy and When 10 Pell. Ji. iR liber0<lly illus· OFfl'ICE: Painted 1':1 fir~t;.class st.y!e at GALDRAITH, Solicitor. Bowmanvil!e. ' J . K, and in '·ery cold weather as much 11.11 80 or dried. Seamless cups or faucepa11s should tr· ted . and by RECJ~ '\i'l' ENh~ RGli~MENT. .At l\lcMurtry'~ Dry Goods i:'l torc, 46-4w contain· more re" diLI< n111.t.ter ·hen ov~r be· be used, jf possible, that tbre mny te no 100 <l1>greeu. Such sudden cha.nl(eB of tern fore. 'l'hB Snh>cription Price is ~p.no per year. W. F. A.la.. rKN. ri~k of the milk drying in the cracks or penture ll.re cn.lcull\tecl to break down the AH.M lN PICKERING FOR SALE. but: we .. re o1fol'ing a ~PE CIAL HE UUCTION Parties ha'vin~ anything in the above line that seams llnd soaping obaervation. Agate iron- strongest syateme, and especially to kill off Bowmanvillu, Oct. 11, l~es. 42-:lm -One,o~ the host farms in Pickering for in our requires paintmg will save money by having contamrng 12.5 acres. all of which are ware is preferable t o tin, as being more eas· old persons ai1d young childien. The re- sale the work done u.t my shop, tJUm 1tA~!;S nu~ 1s&11? eleard and in high st.>tte of cultivation. On gulation of the heat of our houses and the tho pre mi ms are a good dwelling house and · Bring your Sleighs and Cntters in early in the i!y kept clean, eea.son. It wont cost any more and better wol'k Tile bottle ehould 'be rinsed out as soon as avoidance of too high a temperature in o_ut buildings and t.wo wells. Thi· proporty i~ 2 Subscriptions, in one r ~ mit ta1 c e ... $ 4 d o. clo. d o. . ·· 10 . can be done by having plenty of time, ltUated 011 lot 15, b, r., one ·mile 11nd s, l11tlf 6 the ha.by has finished his meal, and left Winter would certainly lessen the nnmber B f,.om Pickering village, hair a. mile from Grand 12 d·i. do. ' o. . . . 18 Orders fm· filled with clean cald water until it is agair. of preventable diseases. OF CANADA. ·rrunk Station. threi> rui'es from Pickering .'tlf'l'o all New Snbscrlbe rs for JM8!1, r>O~' ' uir needed. Once a day, at least, they should Harbor, an~ six miles from Whitby. k'or· DR, WIT.LIAM A. HAMMOND. further particulars "pply t'> J Al\IES PICK.aiw i n ad VOlJ C0 now, W E WIT,I. swr-.~ .n 'I'H & PAJ' ·: n ~)apUal paid up, Sl.000,000. be washed out with . scalding wat~r and _,,,,_ Rest, 1~2GO.oo ' w~-:: ".' KLY. from OUR Jlitcl<rP 'l' of the renn L <· will receive prompt attention. en the premises,_ or Pickerinir., P. O 29- tf borax, and if possible have a good sunning Some Simple Remedies. ltl·C e . to J ~nuitry ls t, l889, WITJ!OUT CUARGID. Thb Ban k ls prepared to do Leg HlShop over McMUR'fRY'S LIVERY S'l'ABLE, a.s well., A bottle brush is indispensable. ARM FOR SALE.-130 acres . com: .t'ff:lPECillIE~ Coprns J<'m;ni:. Address BOWMANVlLLE, ..,atc Banking in all. its branches. ·wh en. r,tung by a bee or a wasp, make The lonp rubber nipplfs should be select.ad, posed of south part of .Lot No. 19, Broken LUTHER TUCKER & SUN, P ublishers FarlJlers notes discounte d ; Deposits 'ront, and ia three miles from the 'fown of aB these un be turned inside out and well a paste CJf common farth and w ater. put k Bowmanville. This is one or the best farm~ in · eoeived and Ii:i.terest paid on amouut.u gf ..1!'.!!1..L :El A..;JXl "Y' :N'. ~"Ycleansed., Black rubber should always be on t he pl ace at once <'Ud cover with a 1 he. count.y or Durham. It is in a high gtatc of 44- 3w 39- 3m cloth. J5 u pward3 in Savings Bank Depa.rtmeDt;; used in preferellce to white. and is well fenced On the preF or a cold nu the chest, a flannel rag cultivation No words can be too stronu i.n condemmlses there is a stone dwelling, t.wo 1 ..rg<1 .DR Al"'I'~ nation of lhe long 'r ubber tubes one oftcu wrung out in boiling water and sprinkled barns and other out-buildings, with stone lseued and Oollectlous made In Europe cattle and horses, hree wells and stabling for with turpentine, laid 011 the chest gives the sees attached to bottles. It is almost im· four cisterns, also wln::l·mlll for pumping O'nlted States and Canada. possfhle to keep the inside , of these tubes gre11.test relief. «· ater. For further particul&re apply on tile For a cough, boil one ounce of flaxseed Pren1isee or It bv letter to HENRY M.aNN Bowcleari. The sight of a baby in a public conW. J .·TONES, 3l-tf veyance pulling at one end of a. Bna.ke-like in a pint of water, strain and add a little man ville. Agei. honey, one ounce of rock C\\ndy, and the tube while the 6ther is connected with a jufoe oi three lemons ; mix and boil well. bottle of stone-cold milk is enough to ma.kt one's heart ache for the little victim to its Drink as hot as possible. CONVE~SE A SURE CURE Often after cooking a. mea.l a person wil mothers cuelessness or lack of knowledge, o.>ntinue11 to do a Ge~eral Banking Bus!m:rn A., W. JlOIUtlS .& BJtO. F'Oll BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, Bo wmanvill1> Branch. One must remember that while milk may feel tired and have no appetite; for this INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, SJpl( PROPRIETORS. MON'.rRE.AL, satisfy the baby'3 appetite it does not beat a. rl\W egg until light, stir in a little DEPOSITS. HEADACH.E, ANO DISEASES OF ' THE MANUFAC'rURERS OF quench his thirst. He should often have milk ai:d sugaT, and season with nutmeg. IN THE WORLD. STOMACH, L:IVER AND BOWELS. teoelved In Savings Bank Departmenta1ul1 a. few teaspoonfuls of cool wa.ter give hini. Drink ha.If an hour before eating. For Partleulllrs and Deserlptlve Clrc11lur oa.ll ai.nd in~erest allowed at ou~rent rates, ! r THEY ARE MILD, THOROUGH AND P'ftOMt-T Many a poor.litt1e child who could not put For a burn or scald, make a paste .of 1otice of withdraw&! neoesear:r. All' de.11ct !\i~ ncldress tlie IN ACTIOM, AND FORM A VALUABLE AID his woes into words has undervone intense common baking soda and water, apply at ~ayahle on demand, BARTON LAND and WATER 00 ., TO BURDOCK B~OOD B~;r"TERS IN THE su:ffering because it never occurred to his at- onoe and oonr with a linen cloth.· When .EXCHANGE -.TREATMENT AND CURE, OF' CHRONIC LOS ANGELES, CA.I.. tendant that the milk he drank served only the skin is broken, apply the white of an AND OBSTINATE DlSEASES. to illcrease his thirst. In summer he al- ould egg wHh u. feather; this give~ instant relief Joughtand sold and Drafts Issued upon Europe Jnited States and Canada, also Gol<1,Si1Ter aa hllve cnly boiled w..ter, and the precaution is as it keeps the air from the flesh. Jnlted Sta:.Os Greenbacks bouu:ht and sold, a wise oue at all times. At the first signs of ring round, take a WiU offer for Spring 'frude the J.,\RGF.ST, UOLLEfJ".1'10.1'¥!llJ cnpful of woociashes, put in a pan with a CllEAPES'r and 11108'1' T ARH;D ran11:e of Prints ever shown, The Uare of the Teeth. quart .of cold water, put the pan on the Promptly made at o.nrreut ratee upon all par including Jt Great Brittain, the Un!ted States and Do Surely no one needs to be tcld that the stove, put your finger in the pan, keep it 4 881-Wftrm'E HHW MR'""!' SPRING NOVELTIES a:m" there until the Witer begins to boil, or v.s minion of Canada. pi·oper care of the teeth is 11- subject of the as it can be l>orne. Repeat onoe or -OF'l'elegraplt 'l'rans. r er'1 Pronounced, by practical consum- greatest importance, Quite apart from the long twice if necelll!ary. una:ghtly appearance of unclean teeth, the Made tor large or email sums on all pn.ris of ers, superior to anything in evil effects on the breath which they are Canada. This _is especially advantageous t.o Merchan~s will do well to see their samples the Canadian Ma1ket. apt to produoe, and the agonies of tooth· A New Niae,itra. 1 persons living tn Manitoba or the North·wes buvmg elsewhere. Early ad vice will be' before 1 as lt makea the funds available at once the ache which the neglect may issue in, there / Glenwood Springs, Col., Nov. 2.-A given when travellers will call. pla~e ot payment. other troubles which have been tmced 93 St. Peter's l!t,, .lllcmtreal, ' Write :for Jnt'o1·matton. are hunting party returned from the mounhins directly to this source, such for instance, NI l!'ortlll'ther partloulare call at the Bankin north of the Grand r iver yesterday, and re, Rouse. neuralgia and deafne~s. Jlanufad11ren A.lso ol The'.Celebrnted ported the discovery of a wonderful waterRODIE, GEO. McGILL, In addition to the tooth-brush and the A.coountan\, Manager tooth-pick judiciously used, there is nothinpi fall hitherto unknown. Though not equal . ·Iv to Niagara in volume, it was thought to exso good for keeping clean, halthy teeth and gums as to rinse the mouth out well after ceed it in beauty, The place is on Bille OFevery meal with luke warm water, or cold Creek, 25 miles from hen, and is aupposcd to have never·been visited. by white men be. wa.ter for tha.t m11otter of it. '.' ~" ; fore. The stream spreads out t o a width of 3-00 feet at the brink, and the water glides Gum-Boils. Toronto 011100 and Warehouse: 20 FRONT over the rock edge, spreading out into a thin STREET EAIH'. , sheet as it falls, a. dist ance of 150 feet to the 38-0m W, C, BONNELJ,, MANAGER. bottom of the c~non directly underneath. The party dismounted, and carefully creeping along the base of the perpendicular wall p&ssed behind the aqua.tic ta.pestry Into nook& and Cl\Verns beneath the ovcrhll.nging ledges. The walls and archea were thickly studded with stafaotite and stalagmite formations of rare beauty. , ~.nuadiau JtattSUUUl~ SPECIAL TO· HEALTH. ':~~:~t!;e~~~a1k~;~1t~~;;,!~~1,~ntge~oo'~~= The f'Ir s fS ymp f0 ms jCAUSE AND ; = O -·T -"--- I LADIES ! . } M rs, D nn e ]y I 4 I I 1 '*ICURE Donnelly, FITS! MYRTLE SMOKING TOBACCO :t Ayer's ·Cherry Pectoral,. H EXHAUSTED VITALITY I Jt Pays ECLIPSE· HOUSE j . TIES, COLLARS, CUFFS, CLOVES, Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe EMPORIUM.! F G 1831 1889 S ..,------· J The Ontario Loan · and Savings Co. --o- W. H. IVES. Surreys, Buggies,Market Wagons, Sleighs, Cutters, &c., F LOWES11PRIOESHN TOWN. F STANDARD BAN I\.. SIGN PAINTING W.MORRISO N. F --o- -AT THETHE J. A. MF'C CO. Fall I Fall I 1 Fall ! I I Q~4Jlr~:m · . ~,4\J((~ BEST AND CHEAPEST · · THE ONTARIO BANK ~wrE & COTTON BACS "RED CAP." BRAND THE MACOC TEXTILE &PRINT CO. PO.ND Latest .Paris Designs. LIL I Y ·* 1ANILLA . . ~I N DER TWIUC , Paterfamilias- " Why, Ethel ! Yon don't mean to t ell me y ou want to m arry that bald-headed Prof. Wiseman I" Ethel-"lt is true he is ba.ld, but think how m any young men of to-day are bald on t he inside of their heads."

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