Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1888, p. 7

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~H~~ Ki_n_g_M_i-~a.: -·: :::.:·.~::~:·, :b:;:::! '. .;.;:!~~::::: :,:,~;::.:1,,:y.E~~ I -. Hea.lth is weal th indeed, a.nd people are beginnio~ to -realise t lia.t fact more than ever they did. Give n t hE> sanum corpus, t he sound body , and the sana m ens is prett y sure . to follow. And when one h11a a thoroughly sound II\ind in a. perfeccly hea.lthy body his purse ma.y be light, but his rea.l we11lth is not excb11ngea.ble at pa.r with the dollars of a millionaire who finds both day and night, it. may be, one l.ong ma.rtyrdom due to illhealth. Money is. good, health is good. F ort nna.te indeed is the ma.n who h1u both, only the fools would choose w11alth In pre· ferenoe to he11lth. . b h h 1h Thie ha.v:nft een granted then, b at ea. t is a moat denrable poeseaeion, and that great c11re should ha ta.ken t o r et ain 11nd perfect i:;, or regain it if it ha.s been lost orimp~lred, this also requites·t o be a.t tended to, that we do not ffo~ ourselves too muc h 11bout our ' health, Some peop le, w ho are in tolerablv good healt h kE:ep tbemst.lveg 11nd other people miserable by . t he anxious sol· icitude about it which i 9 their normal &C<' t·e. T his, of course, is folly, Absol'ucely perfect hea.lth is not t o be lo<>ked for in t his Imper fect wor ld. W hen all is said and done, and we get right down to bed rook on this subi'eot , J'nst a.bout all tha.t has been F.aid !l.n\'l written on the preservation of the health, resolves itself into enlargemeuts of t hose three fir~t principles, viz., oleanlinese, ~xcercise, f'and suitable food. Aim at these, use common sense, your own experience and the experience of other j udi· Thls powder never varies. A marvel 01 cioua people to guide you, a.nd your health purity, strength and wholesomeness. More will ha j ust 11bout all r ight, -..nless you a.re cconomloal t han the ordln1>r:y kinda, an d can conatitut iona.lly '\'er} fa.r astr11y. A nd first not be sold in competition with t he multltnde ot low teat , shor t weight., alnm or phosphate of all, cleanline8s. So much lmporta.nco powders: Sold only in can~. ROYAL BAK· do we a ttach t o this t h11.t we a.re almost tempted to say t h11t t he fi rst rule for pre· NG P OW DE,R C0 .· 106 Wall St,', N. Y. serving he11lth is cleanliness, a.nd the secJnd is cleanliness, and the third is cleanliness. Why, just ·think for a moment, w hat.an amount of ground this rule covers. Not Mauuf& cturer& of physical olea.nliuess .o nly, but mental clean· f lines~, moral cleanliness and spiritual cle11n· ." linesa. Since the whole nature of a. man or woman is perfectly clean, body, mind 11nd 4.rtifici:ll ~oul free from stain, pure, sweet, cleanly in every sense, wba.t more, think you , could Li111bs, be wanted for health? That would b e And Appliances for all De- health itself, ideal health, ·or wholeness. i formities of the HumanBod1 Aud therefore to p ersons who 11re In e11rn-Spina.I Diseasea, HlpJoi11i Disease, Diseases of the est about their health we sa.y, Be cleanly in Kue0 and .Ankle, Knock all your works r..nd ways. Cle11nline. as is Knee, Bow Legs, Club Feet, indeed a very near neighbor to godliness. Etc. KEEP YOUR PERSONS CLllAN,-Your bodfoa, .ALSO CR U'.rUHE::l, not·only what is seen but wha t is kept concealed. from the public eye. B ;i,the frequen t ly. K eep yourself sweet. Your face 11nd ha.nde u.nd feet, your hair, your teeth, your lloee, you r Mrs. Keep oleu.n, keep clean, hlep clean. Y ou can hardly be too particular. · VETEKIRARY STJRGEON. KEXP·YOUR SURROUNDINGS CLEAN.-Y our houses, your outhouses, your yards, your fanes. ·n~n't let rubbish accumulate, and disseminate poison germs. Make constant war on dirt with fire and water. t _c;wp:_ '.~~!!!!!~~~~-~-:::!!~~~~~~~~~~:i;. ~ !C~Jlb!A~ i &~.... ~......,...~ ·!~tz ~~ ~-~DL~!!i!!!!~~~~!!~~~!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~!!~~!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!li! F? !!! . !!( -======-============I W E DNESDAY , NOV . 21, 1 8~8 --=~=="" l · l Care of the Health. I I ::.~ : ' I Absolutely Pure. some sort of a. divorce from his I ' d . · · N atalie. The ordina.ry lega.I P" >cee . mgs · having been foutid either t ·lO slow or uno_ er.. · ta.in as regarda the result, t h'-. Serv1a.n metr opolit>1.n ,Ar chbiah()p TheoodHtus of t~e orthodox Greek chur ch, " by vir t · .e of hie ecclesiaatioa.l lluthority" has V' onoun·J~d K ing Milan's ma.rria.ge dissolved, _ Tn_e Queen ha.a declared that this a.ct of ~he pr1nc1pBl dignihry of the Servian sta.te chui:oh is ·rDE .J~W E L LER illegal 11nd void- a.a it proba.bly is. But ' the question fort.he present _ill ~>ne of p ower 1' rather than of rig ht. Servia. 1 s the least i t t f E t t tli t b th tC mpor an . 0 llropea.n 8 a es a. e11or e Ill OWll. title of kmgdorn, and has emer~ed from i b b · 1 · th t t sem . a.r iu;is~ on y m. I! presen. ce_n ury. We carry a full line of Gold, S ill'er and The ~overeij.'!n 111uthonty 1~ const1t~t1ona.lly Nickle, Buntin~ !Ind Open -face Wat ches restr1oted. The moral prest1g<:l a.nd mfluence which we are at:l ting very ch eap so cheap of the crown have been nearly destroyed . d b ' h . by t he king's wee.knees Bnd folly and t he m fact ~hat n.o one n ee e w it ()Ut a domestic eoa.nda.l t ha.t bas divided t he , good r~hable t1meKeeper. Y'f e can s u pply people Int o a p11orty ol th~ king and a. pllor ty yon with t hem at all prices, from th e of the q ueen. The O:>r enovitoh dy n.-si;y chea pest " Wate rbury," 11t $2. 75, t o the 1 rose from obsourity in r ecent times and its ! m 0s t expe_osive 'Gold ones. m ade, W e rights of sovereignt y a.re still disputed by a · h ave also m 11tock a. full lme of those pretender family. The king is only t hirty- ·c el ebrattid " Rock for d" W at ches, for four yea.rs old ; but, if his wife wer e dead, which we ere the sole agents fo r t h e he could not expect to marry a prinoese of d istrict. We have als o c :)mplete lines of one of ~he ulJ roy~l ho~sos. wh!c h do. n·Jt Elgin, W ulthiim, Columbus, Illinois and reco_gmze t-he family .reignmg. m Servia._as s..; m 1;1kes, of wh ich we g uarantee 1111 l Th ~ bt d f II "'111 their equa. · e Ct u n,ry 0 u.me u · ID· to gi ve good satisfaction. dependence only ten yMrs ago. T he ~on· arch assumed t he title of k ing in 188!2 11nd oota.ined from it prompi recogni tion by the grellt European powei a. Millln'a pro·p3ots ANO of a long reign are by no means good. R evolutions have frequently occurred in In our Silverware and .Tewelry DepartServia. a:id an unpopula.r r uler hu ever y reason to fear attempts a.ga.inst his life. The ment it i~ c ur aim and pride to keep king hM one child. Crown P rince Alex· always t h e nicest and newes t ~ood s to be a.nder, twelvo yea.rs d age, whose education h ad and we c,m fornish you (our var iet y is ea.id to have been 11eglucted in conse- is unlimited) w1t.h anyt hing in these lines · a.t the lowest poaai ble prices . quence of the estL ·angement between his pareLts. M AV N A R D ' I has the finest stock of W a h es · T WA.TC HES I for Infants and Chlldren. I lrocommenu:: aaauperiorto&QT prescri~ou. Jmowa &o sne." :EL A. AllcHE!t, U . D., ' .,Outeriaf!l 9G~adapt.ed&o~a tha' I .1: W~· ~vea aleep, pro · .. CMtnta cUl'l!ll Ootte, ~011, J[llJa lour Stomach, Dtarrbcea, ~-Uo ,:0- cUoi JllSo.Oafol'llSt..~ N. Y. wstC: Uljurloua medlcatAllD. 'l'BD Cl:lrr.1.UR CoMPA.NY, 77 NurTay Street, N~ T ...,._ . FOR BALE BY J. HIGGCN BOTH.AM & SON, BOWMANVILLE1 JtWH~Y SILVEhWARf. HARDWARE ! HARDWARE ! ! Stoves and Tinware, Paints and Oils~ AUTlHllRS I COX, Occupation in Heaven. The enterprising "interviewer" of the "New Y urk Herald " has been improving his time by ex tracting information from eminent divines on wha.t may be the way in which people will be employed in H eaven. Instead of honestly telling t ho young man that they d id not know, and that idle cor j octures on the subject were both profitless and perplex. ing, the reverend gentlemen visited talked over the whole subject with all the readiness and all the confic lence to be expec~ed i n ·a diwussion of the rooms and r 'olvenuea, the du ties 11nd delights of the old homestead in which they had l ived for six ty years. Dr. Tu.lma.ge was specially copious in his romarks and cofident in his descrintions. He evi. dently carries a ground plan of the entire .place in his vest pocket, and there waa not an incident in the home life of a.ll these upper regions with which he wan not entir e· ly fa.milillr. Who t old. Ta.Image tha.t the scholar" would know mor e in a second after getting to H eaven t han F araday or Newton ever learned during a.11 their earthly lives?" Who told Dr. Paxton that t here would be "no ' 6terna.l loafing r ound the throne ?" The fact of the matter is that all such oro.cular talk is idle trifling. The Bible ha.a a. better plan, What it aays of Heaven is more by nel{Btives than in any other way, and both rep()rters and divines might be better e mployed than in moonin~, dreaming .and spacula.ting about thl.t of which, b eyond the few hints given in t.h? Soriptur~s, they know a.nd can know positively nothmg·. Consumption of Wood, L OCKS. We a l ways h ave on h an d a n ice variety of new designs in Walnut, one and eight day, weight iind spdng C locks, together with a large assortm e nt of Nickel times and alarms. BEO.£.MANNINC Begs to inform ths inhabitants o f Bowma.n ville and surrounding Townships that he has opened out bu5iness in the old stand, formerly occupied ly Mr. W. M. Horsey, one do0r east of Stan~ard Bank, and will"a1 all times keep in stock all goods usua.lly kept rn a first-class Hardware Store, collbisting o f · T . RUSSES, Iron, Steel, Nails, · Builders' H ardwar e, Shell Goods, Glass, P utty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, lt is a mistaken idea that many people I have that they sh.m id put off wear ing Ba rbed W ire, For~s, Hoes, . Spades, St>ectacles as long as possi ble because by Shovels, &c. so doing t hey often do permanent injury to th ~ir ey~ sight. Good Spectacles, correctly fitted, can n ever inJtire y our eyes, bu t on t he contrary are always ben eficial. If your glasses d o not s uit you or if you have never worn t he m and fine your eyesight failing we can supply you with a auiuable p air at any price . you wish from 25 cts. to $12. SP .EC TA C LE S. J shall also keeo a well assorted stock of the best mac;.ufacturers' 117 CHUR CH S T., TORONTO , ONT. We We ~Jr~JI:mYi Stove Pipes, Micas, &c. Tile 1nanu tac lnt·e a nd 1m tting up 01· Ea1'e T t·o u g h s will r ecei ve sp eci a l a ttention. CODK, HALL & PARLOR STOVES·.. · REPAIRING. We are always prepared t o do a ny kind of Watch or J ewelry r epa.ir ing neatly at moderate cost. " - -~( Grc ' ate or the Ontario Vetert~al"7 College, Ref, . 'ered member of the Ontario T'eterlnary l·L. M.edlcal Assoc.i&tion. W Office and Residence, NewtonTille, Ont. Will visit Orono every Tneeda,y andJSaturday .u., . at Otnce hours rr m 10 a. m.. to 4. 11. r C()ultera' Hotel Ca.Us by Tele'!;raph reoe1v0 .imi: ediace attention. CHAE GES MODERATJI:. ·o R. FOWLERS TRAV{BERRY holera Mo.ih~ 0 Lt I C,...e.\\9,..... RAMPS .~EXT: 0 Fjif 1 ·WILD' CURES HOLERA K };EP YOUR ANIMALS CLEAN.- Ifyou have any, es.Pecially such an v ,nima.l as the cow, whose milk you a.nd ot hers h11ve to drink. The cleaner you keep them the better they will thrive, KEEP YOUR MINllS CLEAN.- The mind ha.a a. wonderful effect on t he body, as the body has on the mind. They act and re-aot on one another. Keep a.way from unclean minded people. '.l'b.ey poison your 11. t n10sph ere. '.l'hey are walking pestilences. They will injuriously affect your health if you have anything to do with then. Give them a. wide berth. Do the same with unclean books, 11.nd literature of all sorts tha.· t .is dirtv. Thero is p lenty of it. Don't touch it. It will be harmful to your hei~lth. Y on can't touch pitch witllout being defiled. Aud whatever d t ba.aes the mind and soul eo far debases the body. We might enlarge still further on this subject, but what would be the use. Jn. tellig<int readers can do their own.enlarging. W e have indicated the directions; they can follow out the roa.d. Be cleanly in all things, and this can he done, too, without undue fussiness. Som.a houseieeper a keep everybody in hot water about a. spot on t he ta.ble-cloth, or a mud mark on the floor. That io cleanlinees gone to seed. We sh11ll spet\k on exercise and food hereefter. H aving pur chased cheap .for cash, I am prepared to s ell goods at small profits and prices w ill be cut close t o suit the t imes. @g~~@g lm~lllfltOO@~ :me Bowma.nville, April 2nd, 1888. 38. MAYNARD, ·-·-- ··- ----. --·-·-··----· ~- ··-~- . ·-· - :::S· T h e J ew eller. .r-.1, IARRHCEA AND ALL S UMM ER C OMPLAINTS AND f"LUXE.S OF THE. B OWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR l!JYSERTERY CfULDR EN OR ADULTS. The London "Times" furnishes some interesting statistics a.s to the frightful co~ aumption of wood used 11s sleepers for r ailway tracks, and p oints to its figures a.s a strong argument in favour of the. employment of mst11l sleepers. It appeara that the aix prinoip:\l rail w11.y companiee of Fra.nce use more than 100,00() sleepers pe.r du.y, or 3,650,000 per anriuin, As a tree of the usual dimension~ will give only ten Eleepers, t he railways in q l!estion require 1,000 tr eea per d~y for sleepers alone; In the United Sta.tu t ~e consumption is mllch greatar, 11.monnting to a.bout 15.000,000 sleeper s a year, which is equivalent to :he des truction of a!:Jou t 170,000 11cres of forest. The annual consumption of sleepers by the milwa.ys of the world is esti ma.ted at 40,000,000, and tliis is prob11.bly less th·\n the actual n umber. The "Tiu es" remark s : " From thfSe fi. gnres the rapid p1·ogresa o.t d·isforestiz ~tiou will be understood, l\nd it is ce r b ain that the A Few Dont's. n11.tura.l growth c11onuot keep pttce with it. H ence we ha.ve had d uriog the last qu art~ r · Don't worry. · of a centu ry the frequenn inundations and Don't ea.t too much . changes in a.tmosp heric condit ion." It would Don't wear thin shoe~ in WG t wel\ther. · b a interesting t o calculate how much wood is annually wasted in Canada on sidewalks, Don't coddle yo)lrself. Don't think you 11re going to d ie eve,ry block pa.vemEnts, telegraph and telephone poles, a.nd general railway works. 'f ile time you have some little ailment. figures we fancy would startle those who Don't be a clam. Your brains were given have been advocating gre11oter oouservo.tism you to use. lJae them. in the ' u tiliz<totion of our timber resources. It is of course to b ~ noted tha.D for all t he D on'.t sit or aleep in a dra.uglit. Don't run out doore in oold wea.ther from purposes mentioned wood is .needlessly and unprofitably used. · a warm room without a hat. POND MDOdllGALL & METCALF, B O WJY-1:.A..N""-VILL E~ L IL Y Stove and Chestnut, .................. .A are ottering Coal as follows : ~6.25 delightful Toilet Article. Not a face paint or powder"'u · does not cover over. but cures. sed in conu ctioii with Pond Lilly Silver P ellets and Pond Lilly Skin 13oap. Moat Effectual and Positively Hemoves all Pim.pies, Frecklea,,i Tan, Black Specks, Blotches a <1d all Honghneas from the face, ha.nda, neck and arros, lea.ving them beautifully white and velvety, B°i!OLD B Y DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE.~ 0 C REAM. G rat e .an d E~· gg, ... ;.......................... over one month. 600 . Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts ruu. LU M BER , S HIN GLES, LAT H S , POST & CORD W OOD . Always on hand a low est prices. P ONO LlL Y CREAM, · · 25 CENTS, POND LILY SILVEit P ELLETS, 25 CENTS. POND !tILY SKI N SOAP, 25 CENTS. s . P .EUBJN. Chem is t, Lln1lsay, ·McDOUGALL & MET CALF. Don't t11ke liberties with your ears 11nd nose. A Pdnoe's .Philanthropy. Don't neglect your keth . I t ld A good deal of comment is ma.de in the ' D on t neg ec a co · . G erman press on tho singular bequest- and Don't t11ke liberties with yourself because the still more singular way in which the you have a fi11e constitution. same was c11rri<id out- of t he r ecently deceased Austrian Prince Schwarzenberg, who . l eaves a fortune of upward of 120,000,000 hina. on H er Dignity. · lgnlden (250,000,0'. 0f. ) at the lowest estimate. n The above-men tioned bequest t o t he poor 'rho" Chinese Ti~es" c~nta.ins a. l e.tter, of Vienna., the city in which he was b:irn, eh!:ned by the P ekm offi Jial an~ . written I and where he had reaided durin<: most of just 11h_er the news h11d reached Uhm11o. t hat his lifetime, wi:.s- 1,000 gulden I This the Un~ted St.a tes had p~£sed_ the Chmese munificent (?) bequst was announced t o t he BO WMA !~VILL E, Ont. E.xclus10n .Bill. Followmg 1s a n extract . municipal council of the Austrian capitc>l by E STA BLiBH E D, 1Sli7. taken from the_ !.etter : . . !t he sou and univeree.l lega.tee of t he deceasf'd Jf the obr.o:x rnus Amencan bill should be 1in 9 let ter in which he says that " promptoarried into £ .ffec: _there w~ll be n'? other ! ed by the 'desire of expres~ing al~Cl hie perALL KINDS 0 F course open for O:u na. consistent with her j sona.I sentiment s and his attachment to his .·· _ _ . dignity as a nati.o;1 ~~an to a.dop~reta.llatory ln11otive c_ it y, he given orders ~ his m(l~sures ,by prolnbitrng_ the c1t1z~ns of t~e : treasurer to pay over the amount w1tho . ut i Umted s.ates from commg to_Chma. This . any fnrther delay." Noblesse oblige. The will be by no, ~e(J,ns .proportio~a.te to ~he ' suocession t.u.x alone amount s to upwards of harm to the Chrneae inter ests m America., 6 000 000 Jo!uldeu, The immense eet11tee of but it will h~ve to be done in order to show , the deceae.ed- acattered through Bohemia, done in thela.te!tltyles and materials~ t ht _ the _ Chinese can do the _ sa.me _ thi!1g, u.nd i Austria. proper, Styria, Salzburg, l!"ranconia, if this wlll have no effect m brmgmg .the eto. - cover an area 111rger than that of the United St11tes Congress and tho l_Jmted princip11lities of L ippe and Waldeck com · SCOTCH ENGLISH, G ERMAN .AND State~ Go.vern.meut ~ reason a.~d fairness, bined, and h11ve fn q uently been de?ign11ted then 1t will be a question for Chma. to con- as the "Prince Schwarzenb;;rg Empire." NEW BRUNSWICK aider whether it is not time fur her to c11on· · eel her tre11.ties made with t hat' country, to .. - · -b f h t l n United S t ates £ l eotions. In each State there is a set of electors {and to ce11se all ·relation! and m tercourse, nominated. by each p11rty, t he number of IN STOCK. · . d iplomat ic a.nd commerc1 a.l, with that ooun- electors nomin11ted v11rying according to o ur try. ea.ch State's representation in Congress. 11 d Call and 11ee our d eei gn s n get The people vote for lihe whole set of R e~stimates before purchasing p . A li11hm p ublican, Democratic or prohibit ion elt:ctors The nm.a ccomp ant . as the c~se m11y be. · T hese elector s from all ~~_'.°~:~:~~·~· ~~ ~· ~ B A. A ·M Murdoch Brothers' . N E W C H IN .A.. H A LL where are to be seen BlJlfNS ALL'S Ma r ble and G ranite Works, I 21 Dinner Sets ' lovely patterns, . 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty, 15 P rinted Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed' Room Sets, 20 Wliite Bed Room Sets. l L F C Q l·TSUMPTION, .COUGHS, COLDS, Large variety Hanging and Tab e amps~ ancy 11 Ill · & A S T HM A , C ROUP, Ware, Boh.e mian and China Cups and Sa.ueArs, c .. THE R E MEDY F OR (T his !lng .aving represents tho L u ngs in a h ealthy state.) CEMETERY . ORK W I h as CURING SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR CLASSWAREJUSTARRIVED. Insp~('tion Solicit~d . ALL D ISEAS ES OF THE THROAT, LUNGS AND PULMONARY O RGANS. ns FAITnroL u s n CONSUMP TION HAS BEEN CURED BY Victoria B nildlD&lil· MlJRDOCH BROS·. ' I failed t o effect n. cr!re. Reco mmended by PHYSI(!! .A :-.:'.!::i, :,t:;:N 1STER S , AND W h en other Remedies n.nd Pbys ioia.ns h ave UM ENTS l !h~ag~i~~dsi!:~ci~l=n~ ;::~ t;ise:!:nt~, CRA. 111TE M0N U Nuns&s. In f a <.lt by cv~rybolly «rh ::i h aa given it a. good tl'ia.1. i t net'(r fa il d to b.·ia i·d fr/. EX P EC';- :; R A N T IT H A S ' AS A rt · E QUAL~ THRESHERS AND FARIER. S USE ONLY M cCOLL 'S Il ia 11.ar Mics" to the ltiost D P.lic(lte C'hi ·!. f It contabs !10 OPIUM in <>::y form. At-:o $LOO PE" 1;.---·-·r.E. 'S DU N N . ' K I N c BA . I ' l l I TH ECQ Q K"S BEST FRIEND · P OwDER l .. · . " Yes," saidthe youhng demurely to ora. meeta.nind wc!1sa. ttitshc ea. 1 ·rlledba.tllhoe t sE lfeocr · 1j THE l Billy Bliven, " pa.pa. as given me every o ege ~ ' ' educational a.dva.nta.ge. I can sing in Ital· President and Vice-President. As the ele?· A · I ian,.ycu know, quite readily." tors are pledged beforehand t he result .1s WANTED. Permanent positions " Yes," said Billy, "l know." al ways known before the college meets, its 1 guaranteed with SAJ,.lRY AND 1 " Then I can converse i_ n Fre.nch and action h:iviilg become a m e~e forll!. The · EXPE'llSE~ PUD. Auy_determincd man oan 1 Sp11nish and compose verses m La.t in." people will cast no ballot for Harrison or succeed with us, Peculiar o.dvo.nto.ges to be- ·· Yes " said Billy . but tell me one t hing Cleveland directly, . : i:lt?ck.complete. in . eluding many " ' ' ' sellmg spec10.lties. Outfit free. more. . I' . . . -" . .A.ddress at once, · (Name this paper.) \ "What is that ?" . A ha.nd-o~ga.n trust is. th~ la.test reporteJ, BROWNBl'tOTHERS. " Can vou b11ke bread in English?" Another evidence of grmdmg,monopoly. I NuRBERYMEN. RooHESTEB, N. Y. I la~y theS l taO~elsl s DAVIS & LAWREN CE CO . ._,,.,mited.), General Aucnts, JJCON T lfBAL. P&rcB 2.ic. 50c A R .D I: N E L lJBRICATOR IN THE DARKE'I. · ·1 k a · 1 ~ t h N Oil 'Vhen buying Coal 01 a s j our ea er ior e ew s, . . BEST T A LE· SM ENI fast-1 gin~ers. ! ' FAMILY AF ETY UNLIG HT . A . Try it once and you will use no other. . , · . - . S . MACHINE OIL. &S CO L QI L · l.ftcUO L l .i B R OS. & (JO'Y, Toronto.

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