Call on H. C~ TAIT for Photographs, School Books, Fancy Goods, Pictul'e Frames, &c., Bowmanvillea ·yn u 1A .· :t,,1 Hay EI U . U ·M ~'W - ·f"~ · Th~ next issue of Tm: S_TATESMAN ·wa.tch for it. wm J eurpnse you. Royal T emplars m eet F 1lday. J\U~ef;;($31;5ndependentai l TnESTATES· SHOPPER'S GUIDE. Murdoch Bros. are buying barley . .. A.BIG Our fir·.· t ·nowatorm Suu·lay evening--See t'he all-wool eocks at 20 cts a pair ~ at T od Bros. slush on Monday. P et erboro h~. · raised $200 for the ParA lovely lot ..,f Ribbons for Millinery at n 6ll Defence F .und. Mrs. Morrison's · Ladies call at Mrs. Donnel1y s and see ., '""~"-.'·-',{/,-.:_'; those new styles of Fall and Winter hats. On Saturday $1470 taxes were paid to Blankets in all weights at Tod Bros. ~ :Ji·~ Mrs. Morrison h as all the latest stvles Mr. Virtue, Collector. from $2 a pair up . in shapes and ma.teri&ls for Winter MilNew customers are attracted by our low Our Cheap S&le Prices bring us.crowds r-"--._ _ __ ;. ~ 1 v.~' linery. prices . Ellison & Co. of customers. Ellison & Co. 1 VI : ' The Happy Thought cooking ranf.!e Good tea and prozram at Church-st. Ladies, get your Hats re-shaped in sold. by S. S. Edeall is the b011t stove in Meth. church to-night for 15c. latest styles at Mrs. Morrison's. the market. A court of th«> Order of Chosen Friends For a good choice of feathers, wings ltev. W. H. '\'arriner preached' on S11n- has been organiziid at Peterboro. and ribbons go to Mrs. Donnelly's. day evening on "The Church and the Mr. J. D. Treleven, Hampton, adverStraw and felt hats re-sliaped in all Land Question." tises a l ot of farm stock for sale. the latest styles at Mrs. Donnelly's. Peopfo come 20 miles to see our cheap Our Cheap Sale Is a gpecial effort and A very special 11ne of Black Cashmere Fl11nnels, Dress Goods, cloakings rrnd. must be a Success. Ellison & Oo. Hose. All sizes aL John J. Mason's clothing, Ellison & Co. Mrs. Morrison's stock of Fall Millinery The most complete and choice etock of Thomas Matthias, a former resident of is now complete.· Call and inspect. millinery is tound at Mrs. Donnelly'~· Brooklin, was one of the victims in the Ibis estimated t.h!l.t fift:.een thousand We are clearly proving that we can un· Rochester lire on Sunday last. barrels of apples will be shipped from dersell all competitors. Ellison & Co. A sad shooting accident occurred at Oshawa this sea.sen. FIRE, LIFE, AOCIDENT Insnrance. Cobourg on Thanksgivinf.l Day, whereby Inspect our stock RoBT. VIRTUE, Agent, Bowman ville. tf. THE BEST :FOR BEEF TEA. Edward Pope, l'\'as seriously injured. Compare our price~ Goode from overcrowded department THE ONLY EXTRACT OF BEEF I'm as pleased as I can be Then buy at Tod Bros. must be forced out at any sacrifice. Eleuitable for makin'1: JULIEN and other .Since I bou~ht that half chest of t ea BARLRY.-The highest price paid for Heon & Co. CLEAR SOUPS. From M0Cl1.&ng's at Golden Sheep-ea. any quantity of Barley at Bowman ville Ladies, look! Mrs. Morrison's is the A FINE RlCH FLAVORED SOUP DRESSMAKING.- Afirst-cl1usdressmaker or Newcastle harbours. Murdoch Bros. place for bargain~ in Millinery, }j'ancy can be made IN A MOMENT by adding wants work by the day. Apply to Miss Miss Cole.nan's ha.ndsome dipfoma maJ Goods and Wools. boiling water . ROBINSON at Mrs. McCready's, 2-w be eeen in Variety Hall window. May The W est End House guarantees to Cotton Combine is broken and prices she soon favor our cit.iz~ns with an even· give as good value for your money in are lo wt1r. See the 7c F .. ctory at Tod ing's recital. Teas ,lls any house in the c<mntry, Try Bros. Special prices by the web. By a telegram received on Monday them. SOLE AGENTS FOR CANADA. Thanksgiving Day was very generally mnrning, Mr. J. McKay, of Caledoniim Ladies you should visit McClung Bros' observed in Ontario. Our· people us a Mills, was informed of the death of his Millinery show room to see la.test rule have good cause for thankfulness. mother-in-law. m ..vehies. Those German Mantles are Mr. S. A. McMurtry, man~ger of the Overcoats and 11uits in boys' and men's very fine. Ready-made or made to order. J · d t th 0 W t E d H Ontar1·0 Bank, Lindsay, has reaigned his sizes. Best "'Oods at lowest prices at John J. nst recewA 8 es n ouse .tion to accept a. morn lucrative one in "' L d" a' d Genta' }{1"d Glove· Posl .., Mason's. See advertisement., a 1e~ an · u L1· ' ie~ " "· Monae.a1. Cash will make more money for you at Aetr&ehan backs abo Ladies' and Gents' The STATE!IMAN IJ.taff thank Mr. I. L. Mayer's fur store than you think for. Lined Mitts which will bfl sold very Brown for a basket of luscious Famouse Call and see what reductions he is making cheap. apples. They were not good keepers- as per liis new advt. on last page. Toronto mails later thsn formerly, they soon went. Bowman ville males eecure a s11ib of underMr. Chta. Bnrden wns presented by his E . W. Johnston, of Lindsay, and John F h wear and a good .heavy pair of Rocks at shop:nates in the Organ 'actory on t e at Tod Bros. to keep warm while waiting 0 S, M c Phereeon, th esh ot -pu t ter, h ~ve ·been eve of his marriai,:e with an easy chair for them. 30 matched for I\ standing hop, step and jump and an address. Charlie is popular with for $300 a side. the boys. Couch, .fohnston& Cryderman are now · 90 Gold money, Paper money, Silver St; Paul's church pulpit was filled last · showin!{ a fine range of Mantle Plushes, t · 12 money, Copper money wanted at Tod Sabhath by Mr. Conning in the morning. Silk Sealettes and Ulster CliJths. Every Uf alll et, Bros. for the Bame we will give good value He is a young man of more than average lR.dy should see their stock of these goods 50 in sea!IOnable Dry Goode. ability . Both he and Mr. Talling are before buying j The MONTREAL WIT /11ESS, A Svlendid tea and entertninment at very able young men from Knox College Several dozen of Christies of London, WEEKLY S1'AR, the Ch1uch·et. Methoilist churoh . this and a credit to the c':turch. Eng., samples for next season's trade in MAIL, Wednesday evening Tickets 15c., childOn Saturday morning No v, 10-.,h, ~o- stiff Hi>ts bought by J. J. Mason, from GLOBE, or chester, N . Y. suffered the worst fire ever the agent. See the new styles for spring, EMPIRE. ···.· $1 00 ren lOc. Go and enjoy yourself. Oa Friday evanin~ last a n~mber of kuown there. Twenty-one lives were 89, if you w1mt a Hat, The MEDICAL ADVISER.. ..... 25 , 7 Packages of Choi.c c Ga.rden Seeds, friendsmetat theresidenccof Mr. and lost aud otherlosaveryl1eavy. People 'rhepopu)arityofourTailoringDepart35 Mrs. Thoe. Jury as a surprise party. A jumped from oecond and third storey win- ment is manifested by the great rush for . Un S 0 . . from best seedemen in America .· very enjoyable evening was spent. dow~. many killing themselves in the fall. stylish-made suits Rnd overcoats. A very $1 60 A Carleton Place girl carried a broken Dr. H C. Phillips was ot1e of the most large assor tment of cloths to choose from. f 0 U 8 0 US We will send the above to any address needle and thread in her foot ninet.een . active in r elieving the sufferers. Couch. Johnston & Cryderman. fro111nowtillJan.,1890,fot yeal'S. It was removed the other day On Thanksgiving Day St. Paul's ABmDEAT,.- SeeJ.J. Mason's new 0 with the threaa still in the needle. church was comfortably filled by repre- advertisement. Ile has bought from ·the · McOlung Broa. announoa a great at- santatives of the Vl\rious churches. Re\'B. trust ees nf a large bankrupt wholesale md er aon a nd "Varriner delivered ad - house a large quantity of seasonable dry traction and r enovation sale of Dry Go 'ds Sr · · Cloth ing, Carpets, etc.- A g1·and P eople's dresses suited to t he occa.sion. A liberal goods at panic prices for spot cash. Address, MEDICAL "ADVISER, I . ~ ~ · f . .., _ . BoK ·51, H arvest. Goods are being marked down. collection was taken for t11e poor of the church~ s participating. Rev. Mr. Fraser, Pe1·1:mna.l. BowMANVILLE. The Hamilton Spectator says Cleveland t.he pastor, preatcl<lll. R~1V:J. Matthews, H9P . J o!-rn Bright iJJ seri<rnaly ill. Or leave your order with any newsdealer l1ad b etter quit retaliating against Cannda Gunn and Haddow assisted in the devo BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. TEER ASTRAY.- Came on lot 1:3, and try his hand on the S tates T hey tional services. I in tO)VD. Mr. .Tas. B~ith h:is gone to Winnipeg, Miss Armour presided coo. 2. Clarke. a two·year-old steer. 'r he have used him worse lhan Canada ever owner is requested t.o prove property, pay exCorrected by J. McUnrtry, every Tuesday. l\fan. a t the organ. did. · peoses and take him aw&y. GEO. GRAY· Mr . .Jeo. B eer, of Chicago, was in tnwn F .ARMERS ATTENTION! Auction sales are Clarke P.O. 46-3w F LOUR, lP' 100 tbs....····· $3 00 to $3 30 No lady can r ead th:i.t best of all pub- abont at an end for this season. On Tu'ls- this week. Good HousekPep1mq, for a year licatious, Mrs. A. Gully has been visiting at W HEAT, Fall, W bush .···· 1 12 11 1 15 C ATTLE ASTRAY.Come unto lot BowM.A.NVILLE, Nov. 21, 1888. · fi day next, 27th inst., Mr. Jas, N. Fair" Spring, 11 1 12 11 1 15 18, con. 3, Dar lington, 011e two yea.r old with ont receiving benefit eqnul to ' ve bairn will sell his v.;luable farm stock. ma.- Hampton. y ~b h N 1 O 68 11 O 00 heifer. and yeuling bull. Owner is requested B times the price, Addre' s Clark W. BryMr. Wm. Yule, of G uelph, was in town ARLE ' us · 0 · · · · · to prove property. pay exvenses, and ta:k:~ e ' · fi Id M chine ry, implem ents, furniture , about 25 11 11 11 2 .. · · 0 62 11 0 00 them a way. '£: H . CLAYTON, Bowmanville. an & o., ::>pring e ' .ass. · · cords of wo ' d, etc. The stock and i m · over S und"Y· 11 11 3· · · · Elder J. R. Ga.ff, of Toronto, will b e- p lemen ts ar.e very goo<l and as the farm Mr. Archie Tait lrns bee11 laid u p by ~g 11 i~ _4,7~·3w:_ " 1 1 0 11 Only 15c. for tea and program at·Chur,ch gin a series of Evan gelistic Services, is sold imd Mr. F. is retiring from farm- sickness latel y. R YE, · · '· · ' · · · · TEACHER W ANTED.- A male teach11 St. Meth. church to night. · 0ATS, · · · · · · · · · 0 00 11 0 33 er for School Section No. U, Clarll'l!I, Wedu~ sday Oct.21st in the meeting h ouse ing every thing must be sold. · is the Miss A. Adams h as returned· from· a PEAS, Black eye, W' bush .·· 0 65 11 0 70 K irby . .Avplications stating salary and ex· Whitby curling rink was burned Thanks· of the Disciples of Christ. Services at most importanb sale that, has .b een h eld visit to Tor·'nto. Small · 11 O 60 11 O OO P"rienc:e, accompanied with te~timonlals will 11 giving Day morning. L < >ss $1,500. 7:30. All are cordially invited, in 1h11.t section, so d ont fail to be there . he rece1ve<l up to Satu1·day, December 1st. ' 11 0 70 11 0 75 R1cHA Bl ue, 'Ym. Holmes and. family have gone t o 11 1w BRowN, Rirby. 47- 2w* R ev. Dr, Shaw's sermons on Sunday in See large posters for furth er par ticulars. Raymond's Dramatic Co, played "Enoch Duluth to resid e. BUTTER, best table,~ lb._. 0 18 11 0 00 R ev. Mr. Matthews' church were very Sale «t 1 o'clock, sharp . Arden" in the Tow!) Hall Eriday night. . Rev. D. c. McDowell vi~ited hi~ child- Eoos, ~doz ...·. . ··.··· _ O 18 11 O 00 Q OOD HOUSE FOR S ALE.-A t'>:fiJ The ne w music rooms b aing fitted in b h 0 2- 11 0 00 st.grey frame h 11use situated on O'Dr.;ll ~.· All the n ew shapes and styles in Fall able and practical and were heard by large P OTA.TOES, .., v us · · · · · · · · a conta\l'llng seveJ>. rooms and summer ' ~!h The sing- the third storey of McClung's block by ten h er e l week. and Wint~r. millinery at Mrs. Donnelly's. and att.entive congregations. ·11 R B A d h b Pom·," C"l t . · , ·· ,., ·· ·· 6 50 11 7 00 closete, pantrir.;s: &;c. Hard an"~Oft."~tP.r~ Couno1 or . . Mr. Charles Ruse will be very conven. n rew as een HAY, 'IP' ton.. .. . .. ...... 14 00. ! I 15 00 tull_;t acr!!,O~ ground ~iOl,;-" ~OOtr selection~f Few can and n one can b eat Tod ing by the choir was unuaually good. ch01ce frw trees Ap~ ~ The rrnowned B and of the "House- ient and pleasant when compli:ted. He , home for a. few days. Bros. r em arkable low prices in "Vinter CHICI\ENS ..·.··· .., . . . . . . . 0 07 0 08 D . :a. FO>' G, l'rop> 6 -u;f~to ~ . .A, J hold Troops," 27 instrumentalists from will be ready for business in a few days Mr. Brook, Toronto, was vi8iting at D ucKs ..... .. ......... . .. o 10 11 0 11 - . -,~ , ' . ·~ . · owmlillYill~,~ ....- - "" Dry Goods. GEESE · · .. , ...·· , ...··.· 0 07 1 1 0 08 Q'.l,<? CIC FOR 8ALE. ~l have loi' 19 ~ A s pecial drive in fl annels, hosiery and London, England, in charge of Staff-Capt. no w. His iotention is to give, . not sim- Mr. J , B. Fairbairn's. n th~ org~n and p1..i;i.o, ~ ub Pleased t o see J ohn Irwin (>!l duty T i.rn.l\:EVS ., · · , · .· , ,',, · · n n 1 il · t:.)...t:i,Hood ewes. Leicei'lter. Rarn,. Shronshii:e undenvear at J. J. Mason's. dry goods · Appleby, late 'of f'fer Maj esty's service, ply l?ssons o_ . . f h" 'Un v - Ram."' g60d F11.1·m Horses, ·on'f"' extra good will visit Bowmanville on Saturday and . . als0 H!structwns m vo :c.e culture., and Ill· aga\p a ier 1~ 1 es~. and j ewellery house. · ~'·= · byood, one driving horse, gentle. 8 st.eera Sunday, Nov. 24 and 25. . deed: full courses of instruction s uch as Mrs. Cookburn has returned to town BIRTHS. ris!ng 4 years. some good young J1elfeTS -&· Parties who can ought t l come i n the VALUABLE TO K Now.- Consumption 1 are imparted in ~usical cblleges. His and resumed dr essmakiu!!. brood sows, a number of spring pigs and ill forenoon to avoid thti rush in the after,, .A.xr,ORD.At Glenboro; Manitoba, on Sun· suckhg pigs. J. D. TRELEVEN, Hampton. , maybe more easily prevented than cured. 1 new prosp~ct.u1 will, ah<;>rtly ~ppear. We noon. Ellison & Co. Mr. and Mrs. F. H . .Unitt have been day Nov. Jlth, the wife of Mr. lfred 'J'. Ax· 1G--Sw· The irritating aud harassing cough will our c1t:zens will give him a chanc_e A pretty little leaflet "f~·ems from Can- be t?reatly relie ved by the use of Hag- to improve and _devel~p the latent mus1· viaitini: Mrs. N. S . Young. tord, merchant, ot a daughter. F ARM ]~OR SALE.- One hundr-" HATCHOn Wednesday, 7th inst.. at Whitby· .,.., adian Authors," comes t o i1s from Wm. yard's.Pectoral Balsam tliat cur1::s coughs, cal talen t of t l11a musical town. Mr. !vL P. Talling, B. A., prMched the wife ot Mr. l!'red Hatch, of a son. . and Ji.fty acres being pe.rta orlots 23 and 2 Bryce, p ublieher, Toronto. NIDDERY- In E nniskillen. on the Hth inst,, 4 m the mh coo. of the t ownship ot Do.rling· colds, bronchitis and all pulmonary The anniversary tea of the Church-et. i n St. P a tti's, l·st Sunday. th ·t 0 tM L "N.dd r d t_ on. About seventy.three acres plougtM)tt. Mrs. D onnelly invites the ladies to call troubles. Messrs. Sando, H oar, Chartran and e w· e r. evi 1 ery, 0 a au11:1iter. lmmedic.te po88esslon given, good build.ings~ Mi;thodist church on Monday evening I n Darlington, on the 18th Inst .. the iror further particulars, ttrms and conditiona ANNISand inspect her new and lu.rge stock of wire of Mr. Ed win Annis, of a son. apply to Tno~iAs BURDEN, Bowman..,ille or To T HE D E.u', - A Persoa cured of was a fine success as usual. The la.dies J e ffery h !We r eturne d f rom h anting. millinery b efore purchasing elsewhere. provided and served an excellent tea, th~ Miss Oout houi, elocn tionist; of Chica"'O J, K. GAullRA ll'H, Solicitor. Bowmaoville. ' D eafness. and noises in the head of 23 Rev. Dr. D ewart, in an open letter to years' standing by a aimple remedy, wtil tables being handsomely eet with b'oi'lquets appears in the Town H all N ov. 27th. 0 MARRIED. · 4.G-4w t he citizens of Toronto, nmkes a stroog send a description of it !!' REE to any p\),r- and silverware. The speeche3 by R evs. Miss Etta Scott, .of To.ron to, haa b ee" . BoNii-R 1NsMAN.At the Methodist Parson· uM IN PICKERING ·FOR SALE. .. sge, Canton. ou the 7th inst., by Rev. E · .A.. .t~i.· appeal in behalf of the fed eration move- llPH who applies to NICHOLSON, 30 St. S. 'l'. Bartlett, of Dawn Mill~; J. W. visiti ng h or aister; Mrs. Robt. V irtue. Tonltio. Mr· .N. H . Done. to Bessie, daughter - One of the best farms lo Pickering 't or ·rotten, of Oehawa aud J. E. Sandersou m ent. of l\'Cr John Kinsman all of the 10 wnship or sale containing 125 a.ores, nll of which are John St. Montre:\1. 44- lyr. · · ' cleared and in high state ot cultivation. Ot>. wer3 remarkably !lOod. R ev. M. P. :;Mrs. J. Keacliie· has gone on a visit to Hope.' BucKWHEAT.~WantP.d 3,000 bush els friends i n ToL·outo a nd W e' s tern Ontario. BuRDU:N -1'A P80N,- At t.he reaidenCA of the the premises arc a good dwelling house and ' The London Ev<oJn!ng Times i:s dead. l'alling lead in t he devotions. Tbe pas· of Buckwheat. Higlwat price paid . 'd · · th l' th · t b l' w· situated out buildings and two wells. Thid propGrty is . Mr. ~V'm . !dcClell an, St. Thoma.a, was b ri e 8 pareu,s, on e * ms·· Y . ev on lot 15, b. r., one mile 11.ud a hair Apply iu- JNo. MA CKAY, Caledonian The owners lost $4,000 a nd the cotn· tor, Rev, S. H. Matthews, presided , . }. f h , M J as, M cClei- H. Warriner, 8. D.,Lllfr. W . C. Burden to f p· k . 'II h It . f G positors are out $800. E'ome t ime within 'l'he singing by the ohoir wae richly en·Vtsitrng at us at er e, r. Mary S,, second daughter or Mr, Wm . 'l'apaon, T rruoronk 1Sctetr!0 nn g vt thage, 8: a m f 11 e ro~'!1 k r~ntt Mills. 45- lm all or Bowman ville. a 1 ~ re."' m1 1ea rom. 1 10 ermg , a few centuries some people . will le am joved. A second te:i. and entertainmen t l an. , . . . Harbor, and six miles from Wlntby. F\:ir M1t. TAYLOR, of 'Toronto, i~ now in that running up against well-established will be given .this Wednesday eyer1in~ M ' S· h M . · l b ' t ~ll BO'l'TE,RALI.- ~f! i(!llT,-At the Methodu t turtll1;1r particulars apply to JAM~:s PrcK,a.RD <;harge of our T ailoring department ·. , . 1ss .<re. . .o rris ia~. eo n qui o -· ' P4\l'fl9lllHl'e1 on tfrn Hlh lnet.. by Rev. H. s . on the 1.>remisee, or Pickering, P.· o. 2!>-tf and first· class papers is not a paying bu1Ji· · under the auspice! of the YoUP;i! P eople's Leave your rueasu re, a pe rfect fi t guaranSmee retur.nmg from l\.ingat on, but is Mi>ttrieWti, :Mr". John James RotteTeJl or B~w~"'"'-·-----ness. ' Society. Only 15c. .Begins at 7. !11'.)und agam. manv11le, to Miss .A.nnii> Wright, (If D!l.rling· ) F1 'I · .. teed. M cCLuNa BRos. . ton, · -~ T.jiAR M v :t SALE. - 130 acrea, com· The appearanc 3 of th e gifted McGibeny There is in Bo'l'lin u vilfo a very large 1 Brookville '.rimes tells of a funeral Rev. Mr, Bartlet t was m town over· _ _,,,,,_ po~d of south part of Lot No, 19 Bro.ken a mount of undeveid!'>'ed musical t11leot, Sabbath and preached in Q ueen St DIED. l!'ront, 11.nci is three miles from the ~ro.,.Ji'o! which occurred in that county a short time Family i n Bowman ville will be long rP.· _ memb ered, their vocal &nd instr u me ntal Passing by enc of tho' school r oolDS the M th d' th h · tl · · ' !lowmanv!lle. 'l'hisis oneofthebeetfarmDin a.go at which two young ladies and a sim0 ·1! C urc 16 evenmg. c In EDMONSON.ln Almonte Nov nth John the count.y or Durham. I t a high sta.tent abilities are of a high order. Every piece other day we were dolighted with the ilar number of young gentlemen acted as Mrs. M.-Ma.yer and Miss Pridham wer e Blair. son of Rev. J.B. Ed~onson'. aged 3 yrs. t .tiulti-Vation. a.n ·..d . ~ well fe!lced. On_ the . ilfe· i n the program was good and every one singing of the pupils mnd we thought pall bearers. ·wooo·- At Whitby, Nov. lltll Rebecca m~·IW there is a stone ~w.ell1t11r, l!wo bi;ge present was sufficiently satisfied to ex- ,vh at grand singing we mighli· have i n all spendi ng a few days in T oronto. Miss Graham wife of w w. Wood aged r,2 yrs be.rtM 41-Tid . other out-bmldtng5, w1o b atone With the holid:i.y sea.son close at hand press praise without stin t. · · ' · ' · stabH~ f6r.(lattte and hnrsea. "hree wells and our homes and churches, ii1 t11bse young ·N eads returned from a vie it t o the City. SrALDING.At i;"ort Hope, 1i'.ov. H , aged 71 tour l~Afne · all!O wio:i-mill for vuwping ihe wide-awake m(lrchaut adopts the Mrs. R J. Singstor, of Cayuga, was · Margaret Cleghorn, rehct oUate John water, J!'ct ·ilurttr;ir particulars apply on tne Last W ednesday ni zht Constable Ed. voices were only traimid an w culti vated . q uickest and most effective mode of securpremises at il llYle"tte? to HE::<RY MANN. Bow· Cole man ('aptured W. H. Godfrey, a horse Singing is one of tho · best aGilotnplish - the g uest of Miss Thomas for a short time dpaldmg. · ing patronage, by stating what l1a has to last week. · S he wa 3 enroute to Otta wa . Honns.-In Port Perry, on tho 10th inst., manville. . · 31- tf thief who had stolen a h orse and b11ggy men is and when the . singer pos~"'sl!es r es· Mr. Lewis Hobbs, aged 36 years and 21 days. :-~c..-· .-~.-----11ell in a well-writ ten, attractiv':lly·set a.dfrom Mr . .J. Dorsey, of D esoronto, as he pectability and a fair educa.tion ae' we ll, . BouNDY.- At Port Hope, Nov. 12th, John H · h S CllV1t:I -1-·A.~l E nt THANKSGIVING DAY VISITO RS. vertisemf-nt in the columns of THE STATES1g . Boundy. sen., aged 70 years. was driving through t own with thG stoled it is on e of th e best introductions· 5) so· MAN. RoDDroK.At Looh B1lnd, Cobour11; Road, ·.!I" property . . Godfrey was kept in the lock- ciety known to us Musical persons are Mr:. Archie Bingham, o f Tren ton. No\', 10th, a11;ed 80 years, J essie Hoddick, relict Cumm B Y B. B . B. W HEN .H r, ELSE up here till Thursday night when he was al ways popular i n society. We look upon Mr. Will Percy, j eweller. of Toronto at of the late Geo l:toddick. FAILED. - M r . Samuel Allan, of Lisle, taken to Desoronto for t ria l. It was a the preseoce of Mr. Chas . Ruse in our' Prnm,-In Toronto, Nov . 15th. Isabell:i. his parents'. HE NEXT ENTRANCE E:XAMf· Ont.· st ates that he tried all the doctors cl ever capture. White, beloved wire ot Mr. Wm. PiriP, aged t own ltS affording .a ll Op!)Ol"tUnity thll.C' N A.TIONS w ill be held in the High Miss Feild was borne from Ontario La36 years. Inttirred in Bowme.n ville Cometary. i:lchool, in;,is loct1lity while suffering for yeara Bowwanville, on SPECIAL INVITATIO~.-As we are obliged many families should not fail on any ac- dies' College. NUNN- In Bowmanville. Nov. 17, Robert VI ~· Li ver and Kidney tro uble; n othing t o vacate premiiies by the lat of D ecem - count to let pass unim proved . He coooe~ N unri, in his 70th yea.r. · W ednesday, T h ursday & Friday, beriefitted him until h e took Burdock ber, we \'iould invite all parties wanting fresh from one of the best and most Mr. and Mrs . .John Smale, 03hawa, at Blood Bitter·, four bottle s of which cured B oots and Shoes at wholesale prices t o t horoui{h univershies of music on t his Mr . .W. Mar tyn's. 19th, 2 0th and 21st of Dec. · him. OUSE TO LET.- That very desirable Commen!Jing the first day at 1.30 p. m. o.nd Mr. and Mrs. J . S. Bond of the Oity at call at Geo. Buck's popuiar Boot and continent, and in addition to natural ' bouse j ust west or Mrs. John Brown's the tollowmg days at .9 a. m. Miss Evans left Oshawa station on S hoe Store where the st ock is b eing sold talent of a very high order has completed Mrs. W. Williams'. residence, Concession street. Apply to Coucu Intending caadid&tea should send in their Saturday mornin~ on tile express to visit at Toronto prices for tne next. t at· days an extensive and very thorough collra<:l of JOHNSTON & CRYDERl\ U N. !IJtf Messars. H arry Mc1\1illa n and Rhys names at once to the undersigned. Mrs Cryderman, Bowmanville. By mis- only. As money is easier moved we will music that qualifies him t o impart as J!'air bairn of Tor onto. M, M . FENWICK. take she left tho train at Darlingt on. contmue the sale for the above mentioned complete a musical e ducation as is taught OUS E TO ·RENT. - Amost desirable . H ea.d Master. Mr. P 1rnl Trebilcock and two daugh ters Bowmaov1lle, Nov, 16th , 1888. House on George-at ., seven rooms After waiti ng some time a special train time only. in our colleges. We d o hope our citizens nicely finished. folding doors, etc., goOd 4i-3w who can afford it will give their girls and spent Thanksgiving Da.y,ut Cobourg. was board ed and it ran past our station to cellar; Posaeseion on lat lJecember: Apply llir. Wilbur Hutchison, formerly of En- boys a chance to acquire professi onal Capt, Keith, of Chl\tha.m, and Mr. D. to F, MASON. J( ing St. East! Newcastle, r Miss Evans returned to this < !6- tf niskillen, who for the past six years has tuition in this divine art. Keith, Oshawa, at Mr. Chas. K eith's. town by th e . :15 p. m. m ixed. managed the Winnipeg business of D. TORE TO RENT OR SELL.- S tore, Boils, carbuncles, nnd other skin erup- Maxwell & Co., implement de~.Jers, has A QUARTER OH A CENTURY. - F or moro · M e~srs. Fraok and B art Wesley of Dwelling and Driving·honse in Enniskillen. Upper Can· 1 da. College, are at Codar .A r;ood ete.nd for business. on reasonable OAR F OR SERVICE.- A Thoro'- ' tions indicate thl\t the ~ystem is endeavor - severed his connection with that firm . . tbao twen ty -five years has Ha~yard's Yel· terms, Apply to the owner. R . HUTCIUSON, bred Berkshire Boar ls kept for service (.)tiff. ing to reject po·son ous acid8, and that. On the 10th inst., ·Mr. F. A. Lewis, pro- low Oil been sold by druggi& ts, a nd it has Listowel, or WILLIAM BINGHAM, Enniskillen. <!D lot 2S, con. 2, Darlington. Terms. $1.00. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is impera'tively need- vincial manager, on behali of the agents n ever ;;et failed to g ive satisfaction as a Miss C. Byewater and Miss T. Peter4.0tf Some ten weeks old suclters for sale w· COURTICE, 4.7- lw" · ed. It is the most r eliable of all blood along the line, presented Mr. Hutchison household r iimedy for pain, lameness and kin , of Tor onto, visited at Mr. Hugh ARM TO RENT OR SELL. - 145 medicine11. Ask your druggist for it, a nd with an a ddress, !f.ecompanied by a hand· sore ness of the flesh, for externa.l and in· Mollon 's, aeree, part or lots 30 in the 7th and 8th OARS FOR SERVI°CE.A Thoro'~ coDcessions of the Township of Whitby. Im~h~ o~~ t some gold watch and chain, worth $175. ternal use in all painful complaints. Mr. T. W . Underwood, Fir~t D eputy me<l.. bred, Berkshire Boar and a thoro'-br& tl l atevossesslon. Apply to J. B. BICl\:ELL, SWK llEADAClll] Cl\ U SC·I by excess ofbile Mr. Hutchison will in future manage the IT I S S AFE T U tTSE l'reen1a1t's 'Vorm ~eeve of Clarke, spent Thimksgiving Day 55 Front·st., East, Toronto, or Rieu. HALL, Pola.nd Chm~ Boar are kept tor service on lot or n ·llsor1fored s t.onrncb h promptly rcllc\··b · J'owder~. us they net only on the worn1s und 6, con. 4, Darlington, J . L , . PA!ISONa, ProprioEsq., Broolrlin. 35- 3w m Port H ope . city usmeee of F. A. Jl'airchild & Co. do not 111.inre the e ll.lid, cd by u~Jui; Na&lonsl l'llls . . 47-!w· tor, - --<: , !A. Del·cioue Nourit-hing Soup in a moment by using ' · IJ .-:-::":;: · /.' · : I ..,,,,n-· l\fr. FlairTbairid1'a faNrni 8t2o7ck and implement Ila e ues ay ov. . The public admit that ou~ prices are remarkably low. Ellison & Co. 0 DEAL '· ----'-v-' · VVe have received a very large consignment of FLUID BEEF! Tweeds, Dress Goods, Underwear, ~siery, · Gloves, etc. LYMAN, SONS &Co., Bought from t,he Trustees of a large WHOLESALE BANKRUPT HOUSE. · These Goods were bought . for cash at panic prices. As 1011.g as they last Look! YOU CAN CET . BARGAINS. M antl e Cl th from 60 cts. up. from cts. up. Tweeds, all wool, Overcoating, heavy. from cts. up. C N from cts. up. Top Shirts, from cts. up. TopShirts,navy all wool,from 60 cts. up. Under Shirts, from 35 cts. up. Cashmere Gloves, from 12 cts. up. Silk Plush, all shades, from 50 cts. up. Read! The Goods are all new and were bought for this season's business. Accept! H $1_25_ . Jn 0 J 0N . MA s f d re d f BARGAINS all th h th H g . e· C 11 d . d bl. a an examine an ige S Local and Otherwise. g i I . II .\M lt'if\t. I ... -_ ," F ·. j ·- 1.J::i I ranee E Xam1na1.11' · <'.>nS. T H H . 8 Breeder's Directory. B F B