.your husb~nd's death. A·; a. ma.a, l liked summer morning, creeping up from the dark t heMa.j orverywell .. H ewasmvverygood coldoast,and gradua.lly, almost impercepfriend, and I was bis, I h··pe. Bnt he was ti!Jly filling the world with warmth and ·your husband, and.he ·c11.n"' between m e and brightnes9. · the woman I love. c,,m .,, Leo, there's no · They had been married a little more than need t<> beat about the hush. You have a ye.ar, o.nd this happy unio,n was the con· ···-----~-·--·..:.· -----···---·---. held me at t1orm'a leng~h f ..~ yeitrR, because eol&t1on of Coustan 1e Belfield s h_eart. you were a wife. And t ltlJugb I've felt that ' To-day th!!ot heart was to ?e tried by a J.OY I was being fooled- for you've blown hot that was but too closely interwoven with AUTHOR OF" LADY AUi>LEY'S SECRET, 'WYLLARD'S WEIRD, ETo.,ETO, . and coH don'~ you know, led rr.e on and grief. Her eon was to be released fro!Il ~---· --~· · · · . held me ~ff-yer, dooce take ir, I've res. pri~on. He was to ~etu~n to th~ houae 1!1 CHAPTER. XLVBI.-No ALTER~ATJVE. , while her pretty v1ctorm_. with ate neat a.p_ pact.ed vou for keeping me a.ta. dist1mce. " [which he w11.11 born, has crime expiated, hlB] pointmenta, was lock~d m a mouldy. coo.ch " I o.iwsys knew you were generous-mind- penance .fulfilled ; Lu~ h~ wa~ to return . , . . Mrs. B~ddeley staye:i with hllr . .father ill house under e, tyrant a embargo. . . ed ,, said L eo with a stilled sob beginning only to die. For a long 1ame has health had aft.er the trial, and did all in her power to Mr. Beechino; called up:m her, but she siud t feel that h;r debts would bq p~id. Ibeen broken. His strengch had gradually support his t1pirits through that terrible not a word about the victorh.. He had been b th \decayed from the beginning of hia imprison1 9 time between the discovery of 1he body a.nd ·somewhat sullenly disposed since his bargain "You did y~ur uty to.~our it ",, en lment · and he bad spent at least a third of 0 0 the mrnviction of the crimi:a11il. .Lor.d St., with Mrs. Ponsouby and . quarrel with St. band, .and . !1our you f.~ .Pur·~e ·his prlson life in the infirmary. And now An~tell went ba.c.lt to London .immedia.tely Austell. He said that he had found out the ~eechmg, ~d!11Ir~.._ tb~ b~au. i, ul hf·~d wit~ ·his mother knew that he was given b!l.ck to after V t1olentine's oonfdssion. He felt that hollowness of friendship. Leo felt that there 1ta dark shimng ·~ir, t e eavy eye 1 s, ~~ , bu marked for dea.th, there wa.s no more for him to do. His mur· "'ould be no good in mentioning th., victoria, long la.s~.es, the perfect ~g~~~ s~t off by e I She h11id been permitted to see him i.t dered love wa'!,.!l'V:enged. Hie · identit:v.. wit'1 80 she wrapp~d herself up in the dignity of cl?se fitting bladk gown; f ~o !:.:rdr~ a latated times. The hard rulee of prison dis· the dea.d woman'~ lover was never revealed her grief, knowing thatahe 'ooke~ very baud- wido~ now, an you rre ree k .i: h y lcipline had e.ven been relaxed in his favour. by any of the Witnesses-nor had v.~entine S()me in. the black gown for which Jay had devotioH When Wll loullma e me .~P~r.· She bad knelt beside his bed in the big mentioned his name. Yet :S;. Ans tell knew not yet :been pa.id, a.nd which fitted her bet- Leo? ow soon m_ay ca you ml wi e · white airy wa.rd, and bad talked with him that there were v~ry few people, ill England ter than anything of the famous Pon·~>nby'a. "My ~edr Beeci::ng,,,my poor fe low. was hopefully of the days when he was to be free who wonld not cJme to. know thdit he was The' days were drllwing nigh in which she only ?urie /ester! ay. t · t k and restored to her in the home of his fore. the m"'n who had brought about ·chis.evil. · mi ht hourly expect her hu~qand'a · 11-rriva.l, "res, 1 now, am no ,~Olng. 0 a.a you f11otbers. · So far as it WllS in his m.ture to feel sorry an£ she wo.e beginning to think. about the to marry m13 to·morrow., I here 18 the worl~ " I shall go back to you au old man, 1 1 for any ei~ of his life, be was SQrry for the tittle .dinners she would give him and h~w to be thought of, .sup~~i though don t mother," he ea.id, "fit for nothing but to ait sin tha.t had brought Helen B~l_lidld to o.n beet she mighteootl)e him, and reconcil!' hun. ·ca!~ a ha.:;g abou\1\,, 11 you marry me by the fire and yawn over a. newspaper. I untimely' grave. Yet. even . while remorse to Tory's existence and to the .b urden.of her th!~ day ,six mont .8 · h" .d I · shall never hunt fox or stag, ha.re or otter. was still new and keer, he was capable of. debts " . ': Don task me acyt mg to . ay. am 80 II eh"U never call myself a era.ck ehot aga.in. arguinin~!th himseUthat the husba.nd was ·1 "We shall not'enterta.in this sea.eon," ~he ut\erlf :wretched. I ca.nn?t get ,tba.t poor ll'he sprfogs a.re broken." by far the greater sinner : first for neg~eot· tol:l B 3eching "but you mus. t come and drne .fello.w 8 ~ma~e .out of,my Immhd· Cb"n tlo see . Of the contingency or non-.return he had 11 e.le · llls · wife; · o.nd t h en · f or k"ll" · whenever ' · · F ra~ " k ~s · ·so .me agam ca mer never spoken. · · di~ease waa t b all sow 1 · 1ng 1 mg h er. here quietly you can. ,,, . an a. weeK · · · · s ,a. His · fond of you." .· . then. . · f 1 h·· and insidious malady m wbicli the sufferer HA PIER X LIX AL s APP.EAL · "Aud of a. hand a.t ectirU, at which he al. . Mr. Br echmg would an ave per· I hopes till thd l<lst. ·He knew t.ha.t his con· C · .,,., ... . . . .A T · ways beats me," a.nswered B aeching, bluntly. stated, but Mrs. B 1ddeley was firm,. and he stitntion was shattered, but he did not · l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!~~~~~~~~~:::~~::~::::~~~:::::·&~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!~~::~~::,~~-:llllil~~"~W!l · \U E D\aJ1M A !; L)~'lli~I!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' a· .._. I ·-:i_mru :: [NOW FIRST PUBLISlIED, l [ALL R1:rnTB RxsE.&VED, J ---~ ~ T" n~ i~ 1 t~ I 'tfl11J~ H\t'{I~ ~1\ 11 E~· ~--- J~IKE A" ND UNLIKE. By M. E. BRADDON. Rat·and For Store. ----'Yr.----For Cash I am selling my entire stock of Felt Hats at and below cost. For Cash I am selling my Furs at reduced prices. For Cash I am selling my entire stock of Gents' Furnishngs at great reductions. ° '. · 1 ' usd I CASH FOR REP AIRING. Cash I am wanting and for cash I am selling.... #2{rCash paid for Raw Furs. Colonel Deverill started for Ma.rseilles "Yes, I shall like to come.; F,.r~nk and 1 get wesn~. f I f . w hen he was Know that'his life W0.8 a. q11estion of a. year .directly after thetria.l, escorting L~o and the on ·capitally. ' ":. . ~ . . ~ rpse .rom .lier .,soha .. t I or two at most. poodle as far as London, on his way. From It was the dP.V aft~r this. little .talk with go?e, . a.nd bega.n to pace t e rooms range y Ma.dge Dawley W.iLt to see him as often · Marseilles he mea.nt to cross to Ajaccia, and Mr. Beeching, thatl..qo's ma.id brought her a ag!~~.;edh . ts f . ~ house in J'»rk as tihe prison rule allowed, and her presence . spend the next . twol!lr three months in Corsica. foreign telegra.1p. _ The page ho.d ~ecn ,sen_t .....o ave 1o o m<)Dey' .. h b"' cheered him like strong ·wine. It wa.s an .out .of the way Island, where he hom.e to his mother, as an expensive . de~a.1) ~"nti: or. .GLrosvdenort P~aoe, !~ g~~=set Peeope~! He was nevllr .t ired of ta.lkin~ of their might.get a little .sport, and :Where ·~e was th1t must needs be suppressed in. advere1ty, p!lor ies m .on on, o ave . ' future life together not likely to ' meet nta.ny of his English o.c'.Che telegra.nl wee from Aden, sign,ed by a. Twhho ha.Ivie . JUSht~ t.oJeratedl ~:e ' o.tth~tywfoeeutld, . .. . I am a poor feeble creature, Madge," ~ unnown k t o L ~onora Ba.ddcley · be ey. a .t,._ wors Ip money .. .a, ~ ·ecbing h e·aa, · id " b u t a. t .- 1eas · t . I · ea h ll mJt b ea · l h kdb na.m. q ua.inta.naes·' ddl " . . · : . . .. . B . tthentheroiSB . Leonora. B a e ey · was deep Y 8 oc 6 Y " S >rry to inform you M~3or . Biddel7y . ~ome ' :'mg. . u . . · ' h hindrauoe to your good ,work. I won't pro1 , the everitB of the last three months, and even died y" esterday evening on. board . th~ Met1s1 1?-,clu~ethd Bme!~~i~a.~a~~ !ee~i!~!emryy da:yo...'~ .m.ise·t9 clean the window~, but I cau write t h'e knowledge that the kind tellow from ofcer!Jbral llpoplexy. . W1~l be -J:nr.r1edhere 1'ew1b able tJgeend him a.we. -to have your.letters· and keep your acccmnts. You 0 00 Jndia WIM!on.bis homeward wa.y did not euf-. unless you telegrap,h .oth.er 1natruc~1ons_. " e t. : p~~ionywhereverl must not liv.e a.t the Forlorn .Hope after. our . t tf· 11 mg 1 fice to restore her spirits, Evei:ything in her "PHILPO TT, ·R "gtmental ·Surgeon. nm or my ·rave· hc?m . · ·ma,rr . ia.ge · bu.t we·'iJa.n . have a. snug httle life was ~t sixes and seven! ; her creditorl d th ' went Always Beec ID"· no escape no · ' · impatient ; Beeching inclined to be objeoThe shock was ~evere, a~ h ere.dwe~e v riety , That 'would. b; ~errible. Would villa. in the . Kilburn-ro~d, and ·you can , d . t pangs of remorse mmgled with t e wi . ow B Go. · Pl d f . h d d · give· twenty -four hours an every week to tionable ; and the poodie s omestrn comcor grief. S~e r . emembera . d .how recklessly she !cohstve~nodr. st:,~~'foarneva.ery~nfir·rlsnt n~~ht,a.na.n; the good work; as the other ·sisters do." · hardly compa.Gble w;ith a husb,.nd in reeid- b d d h If mdulgent eourse car yw w ~"" ., ' pncie tnil.li\m!Jc.h· a.s he always required the a. pursue . er se · · f th h ' everythin>i . in the world that I ca.re . She opposed him :in nothing, knowine "' most luxurious easy chair in u.uy room be ·ing only for the ii,ie~~ure of he o~r,'6rod' for counterbalance that one draw.back- that this .dream of his could never bg er. · us an. s o ' h". 'I" . reu.H1ed; Sl.ie. saw the traces of gradua.l . h of· )lei' . .beauty, ee ess 0 occupi~ d · ,.and could no t· 8 leep anyw ere ex· welfare ; content to lull ~er. c~nsc1ence with .oeec uig · · · · · decay at' e&cb new visit saw that the shad, cept on the· fur rug by his misuress's bea, the belief that to. be solqie_nng u_np.er an ~n· She wa~ked \!.P and d?w~ 1n s;lence for were dee ~min ·. a~d t '.i e end drawing '. wnere he miwl.e the qniet night m.usica.l with dia.n sky wu.s the best possible tlnngfor him. a quarter of an h . our, thmkmg mtepsely. i' h 'She iia.~ tlii~ and she mourned for ,his snore~. .. Tbere was not room for a divid- Sile remembered with. ·how" little , glo.~n.ess "I don't think I ca.re mu~b ~?r mo~ey, : ~i~n ~sone de~d; bu't iti all her sorrow she eddutyon th.a t small fl11otin Wi1l!:\e :l't:Llnsions; she ~ad anticipat ed his return, how w1lhng or I should sn::r.toh at Beechrng, she told . .d b· 'witl the work which . and L eono.ra.fea.red liha.t when her kind, good sh6 wo'Uld have been t< ·1eave liim in· Indi11o herself, and then in a. sudden .burst of pas· Phflrse vedre b rave1Y·d · 1 h d" 1 . b . . h d ~ 11· · · · t dt heroneofhiefirstacts · · h h d d · d "Oh s e ia egun un con d 11 1e ow waS,{filS ore o till hi3 hea.d was gray and his 1 tm s· were s1on a e c aspe er an s an cne , · , .· Th · F i' er H sue h ·narrow d· of a.utbor'i(y migh. t be to turn her poodle out feeble 'And now a. sterner Captain th11on to spend my life with tJ1e mflin .I love,, the ~~ns. e t~r or~ ope a . P[~sp;_re · 1 of di>ors. ' · · . ·· . · an · t>f the officials a.t the War Office had only mu.n lever loved! That would be Para· .1. ere w rnre, ree , ouses now Jn ° mgy And 'tP,en, \1ttle by ht.tie, her ter_ rible Ill · , orJered him to a further shore tha.n the nt· dise . . There may be a cha.nee even yet. ~tredt dff Ldss~h~ ?rave, ~nff. therh were ~ volvemenf.s w~uld be revealed to him; and termost border · of Afghanistan, or the dis· He was so fond of her : and I am like un fe and t ir y- ~e a ~es w 0 eu.ck the butcher -and the ba.ker, and the.man who 1 ~e4: limits 'of Burma.h. . . tier: and he· ca.red for 'ms . firs t. :if it is gave our ·an wen_uy. ours ID every wee had supp lied h<:1r with la~ps and 01\ to feed puShe'had sighed over the loss of her inde- ever so fa.int a chance, I will not throw it t~ ~he task of recla~~mg fa.lie~ ~reatures ~ .the!n, would demand their due. How. was end_ence-had feared to stand before the llwa.y." . t de1~ obwn sel_;h · e p j_':1d a. answare was she to face t hose gruesome revela.t1ons, ~nly nian who had a right to interrogate her; She sat down a.t her desk and wrote a. tele- a.h mira ~ d .~ .fm~rst. 1 n_~t ~enoll~~e how a.nswer to her husband for ha_v~ng and now be was snatched away and she was gram t o Lord Sc. Austell, P Mk Li.ne. . t. e wo~ an. I s a ec ions, I s . omes IC spent four times as much as her position free free to ma.ke the best of her unfettered "L~t· me b ee you here for h alf an hour on ~~eati! ort_it a haocbi.atl tphleasu~a. · dTbey wort? no · · · t"f d ~ . · b f . I h ll ·t t"ll dis nc a t1 , ey a.uecue Jus 1 1e · . . · life free in the pride of her beauty, e ore pa.rt1cn1ar ustness. B a wa.1 1 . you b d ive \ _. T h . no a.see ·1a.sm 1Y· gave S lte eould almost have wished that the t " · h d t; h" wit hering finger on a single come." eyon as etc eco?o~y. ey on a. k in d fellu.w's regiment had been forg otten by c~~~m a. pu · 18 . . It was la.t·e iu the afternoon when S t. ~ever.th pa.rt of ~heir llve~to~he ta.skot help· M. MAYER, NEADS' BLOCK, Bowmanville. - THE h cACTICAL FuimrnR. 1 READY FIRST WEEK IN DECEMBER, ' d G~AT H8LI8AY PAPI New- Type , New- Press, Fine P a per, Five Hands ome Lithographed Plates, First-Class Illustrations, Origin al M a tter owe and Superior· iNork1nanship . THE CEST XMAS PAPER EVER ISSUED IN CANADA. THE LITERARY MATTER in the C mnsn.o..s GLo.Bg will be entirely oricrinal and will include stories from the ablest :pens in Ca nad a. · The subjects tr~ated. being w holly Canadian. ' FIVE HANDSOME LITHOGRAPHED PLATES a ccompany the pa per, tlie prin cipal one being a scene from V a ncouver Park, B.C., from a painting b y Mr. r,. E . O'Brien, the celebrated Canadia n a r t i st. MECHANICALLY the XMAS GLOBE will be in every way first-class and no expense will be spal!ed in h a ving it s urpass any t h i ng of t h e kind heretofore p ublished in this country . AS THE DEMAND will be very grea t, we would adv ise intending purchasei:s to leave their orders at their newsdealer's or sen d d ir ect to t his office, n ot later than the end of the present month, a s the s upply will necessarily be limited. anrl we cannot undertake to print a second eclit i on. . The p rice has been placed at ONLY 25 CENTS PER COPY. It is intended to have the ed ition ready the ':fir s t w eek in :Oecember in. · :n·der to allow pl enty of time for mailing co11ies long distances s o as to r ea ch. lestination b efore Christmas. · .the 1rnttloritie~ at the war office, and left in With that telegram still in her hi!ond she Austell wa.s nnonnced. Th., day wa.s cold md thd "!7re tchec ;dbu\i!118 muct. ~hey t8:v~ I ndia for the next ten years. looked at herself in the glass and told her- and dull, and in that gray light he looked ungru gmg1y, t~ ·';1 ~~egu ar.iG y ~ " They would h~ve liked it," she told her- self t h at her armoury was in good order. ·m a.n«lworn, aged by nea.rl:y a decade since gav.et.way 1iAo no ~ntg ess h a.nhsenodushan 18 £· 1 Id h · b e such a relief to · . · H · · · · d h" po81 ion. ny ·sis er w o s owe T seIf· an d 1 wou .ve e n She bad lost no weapon by wh10b such wo· la.st season. o was ID mourmng, an . 1s [· 1 t . d d d1 · 1 r d t 0 1 f terse d 1 me~" ' . . · be have ower over men. .closely buttoned frock coa t h ail.· a. severe tg · m~n e a n ! c me _Pay. M an She rnrted with her father atPaddmgton men as 8 P d' f ,, h ' d t0 " "ddl d i Iooae with her duties, was politely 1Dformed THE GLOBE PRINTING CO., Toronto. "lf he only care or me, 3 e sat mi .e ·age a. r. ,, that she had no v:ocauion for t he work and . d . h.t · .L ' he bavrng refused to spen a. mg Ill. on- herself and then she stamped her foot ··You summoned me, aud I have come, ~ t d t t" "" . l"t ' · b the night mo.ii to · i h "d ldl t h" L · · ff d h d was e..,,,rea. e o re ire. .1.·nvo 1 y was THE WEEKLY GLOBE, the bes t family new-spaper in Canada, . , . d on. H e was gorng. y p.\ssiona.tely and crushed the telegra.m n e sa1 , co y ouc mg eo so ~re an · th r · t d t th t t. a lt!J h P aris, and to Marseilles by the next morn- her hand ' ··I oan't conceive why .you shoul:l want to us e n;1'~h e . at e ou sc · ~n a oug and THE R U RAL CANADI AN, the best agricultural paper in Cana?a , ing's express. She h~d no one to help her Colonel see me, an:l I think you ought- tJ know bow ma.ny. to ~ · 81~?rs werk younf;' a11 were Both from n o w- to end of 1889 only $1.25. " I hate London, and l!:ngland, and every D Jver ill was in Corsica . and she had no it distresses me to see vou." e:'mhes d' un inc mg wor ers. b omehwttehre I t h t n remind me of my poor girl " · ' Id h · h b . n c a n some were poor ; some roug e ·p ace. a. co. . ' other near r elation. Shou s e . ave . er "I a.m sorry for tha.t. I have had st art- comforts i>nd gra.oes or life-flowers, and : he ·said: . d h . d f II poor fellow brought home, to be carried ling news, and I c ould not rest till I t>ld hot. house fruit and books a.nd niusic and He kissed his aug terh" Ill a sad arewe d · mto · c1 · rsl nra, · "d lll · the buria" ' from their Iux nrious · ' h" .ouces»e and Iat · you. .s t·.· A. . us t ell , I am a f ree woman. M Y rare old wines homes a nd Tory stood up on IS ID 1egs a.;i place of the B·ddeleys. No, the B addeleys poor husband is d ead. It is no longer a aiu to chee~ the sick and brol!:en-hearved . som~ 10 iif)k tld t heC?lonel's fache, deheply sympatthetb · had never done auytning for him since his for me to talk of the past. \Vhy cannot we contrib~ted largely to the expenses 'of the 1 and perfectly · · · · " time · · · aware t et t ere was ron e f ather ·s death. H e h o.d b r others·. some rich · lJoth forget th e misery ofl aa t year · ·1 '..' ou mst1tution; other11 gave only their and 1n the family. d . 11 "d L some poor. The poor brothers bad sponged were cruel to me-more cruel to that poor labour. but there waa a.n equality of zeal ArE. showing a lar1!e arid varied asso1·tmeLt of Dry Goods for the 1 . ".lie's such a cleverd. a.r mgbl sj1 tt eo, upon him when he waa in England, the. rich girl you tempted. But you may forget and lov'e which levelled all diff·reilces F .ALL and WINTER TRA.DE. "I'm sure he· knohws _diaahgreeta . e bel era- brothers had held themselves aloof. all-" · To day Madge had " One ·to D.i.~tmoor · bills and lawyers orra b t rea s l'l ue en· . . ld b d df 11 " N I h b t rllfl t 0 0 ther with . S1r . Admm. · · 0 m ----o- - th t0 . " To bring htm home wou e rea. u v ever, . a.ve een un to assist the release of vi:lopes-f~r .hfeba1yvays rmfgs em whme expensive "mnsen Leonora, "and l am a.i . women. I shall be faithful to her until my the prisoner. They had postt.d there and ~C>C>I>S with the air o eing sorry or me. en ·'. b b · d d · d " · · in father'" moat penniless. No, he must e une at ymg ,a y. . were t<J post back ; five and thirty miles by sh~'11 1 · se~ you ae;a ' · Aden, po>or dear. Tnere ·is n.o help for it. 11 ."You th.ink that n ow, perha.-p~; You moor and roo.d, with a rest and a cha.nge of A large stock in newest t hades and fabrics. We are showing a special ~don t know. ~ feel utterly beaten: Sne telegraphed to the regimental d~ot.or, tell. a d~erent story next yeo.r. horses mid wa.y. Thy were ~o have left Jine in Dress Meltons at 12~ cents, that can't be beat. My hf? ha.a been a fa.durem moetways, Leo,, o.ud to the colonel, whom she lr,new, g1vmg . I will wait for n~xt year, and the hero- the prison at one o'clock, o.nd it was now bvt th1~ la.at blow has crushed m?· I don t them full a.uthority to act. And ~hen she me of the new story. five. They might be expected momentarily. f?el a.a '! I should ever take a.ny interest wrote ~nd sent off an advertisement for the "And yet yon once pretended to oare for J 11st as the mother had so.t listening for the l!fe o.gam. I used to reg~et the passage 0 · ."Times." "Sudde?ly, at Aden-&J.: &c., me," said T...eo trembling with indigDation. sound of hoofs upon the gravel, expec.hnt of time ; hated phe idea. of beine; an old deeply regretted," an a thoroughly busmeas"It w'as no pretence. I did care for ypu her younger son's return from hunting, so Housekeepers requmng Table Linens, Table Napkins, rowels, b~t now I wish I "'e ·e twenty yea.rs 0 .er, Iilte m11.nner ;· and the!1 she sat down a.nd -very much a.t tha.t tims Only you cared she listened and waited DOW. Towelings, &c., &c., would do well to inspect our stock before buying. with ~y memory g.me, and my sens~, dim, cried. She wept for hunhonestly, after her so very well for yourself, you see! You Hark, the stea.dy trot of four horses I tottering upon the edge of the grave. b · fashion, telling herself how good he had a.l· cared so much more for yourseli and for your The carriaqe was in the avenue. Constance " It ha.a a.ll been very sad for u~: ut it W'1.ys been to her, how easy, how indulgent; own reputa.tion than yo11 cared for me. n..,Jfield 'I.Vent out to the hall, motionw as uot. half s~ drea.df!1,1 fo~ · her, e.rfu~d trying to persuade he!self !h11ot she ha.~ been · Orplieus trod the . burning paths of hell. in ing to Lucy to at~y with her ha.by. · A large conl'ignment just received which have been marked at very · _ L eo, ph1losoph1cally. Thmk ~ow i~t desperately in !ova with him at the time of qnest of his love. You would not have put "l wa.nt to see him a.lone first, " she sa.1d low prices. she si:ffered. A _few moments 0 eta.rte her ma.rria.ve, which she ba.d never been at your finger in the fire for my sake; and so, falteringly. 8}tr~r1se-one swift, strong blow that ended a.ny ti'lle: telling herself that.she would feel finding what you were, a woma.n of the To bl' alone with him was impossible. Jtfe m. a ~udden fl1!'8h, and she wa.s gone. hi3 loss immensely. She t!ied to aw:a.ken world, worldly to the core, I fell · out of love The old butler and Andrew and Marrable Fing1;;ring Yarns in both Scotch and · .She died m the z~nith of her beauty, adored within herself all those aent1m . en ts which a with you, somehow, just as· e11.Sily. a.s I had were there, ready to weloome the wrongdoer Saxony Yarns in all colors. by her lover. It was ever eo tl}uch better a. loving wife ought to feel -and then her fallen in love. And then your sister ca.me 1almost a.a if it had been his return from a. Canadian makes: In this line we make a specialty of Baldwin's Beehive· . fate t han. to h'l.ve gone a.way yith St 1u~t~ll thoughts wandered off to the a.ll engrossing upon the scene, younger, fairer, fresher, and : honeymoon, Ile walkec'I a little in advance Fingering. Canadian Factory Yarns in a large number of colors. a.;id for him to have grown t·djd of . :;, an question of wa.ys and means. Those ha.rpy with a. heart-which you had not." of his comp~nions, ca.rrying hims~lf erect a.s 1 s :x months, as he most assure Y. won · tradeemen would be more tha.n ever. fero"If it pleases you to think thus of me-so of old, makmg a. great effort a.gamet weak· " Don·t talk. abo.ut it," said ~he Colonel cious now that she wa~ a lonely w1do"".· let it be," said Leo, haugptily. , , We can i ness. He sho?k ha.nd.s hastily witli the. old sternly. " There 1s no consofotion a.nyw~y. They would ~h11orpen their. claws .to assail be friends I aupposa to the eud of the s ervants, lookmg a.this .mother all the time, at prices that are bound to sell them. She perished in her youth a.o.d beo.uty with her. They would listen to no more excus?s, chapter " ' ! and then held out his arms and clasped her her mind intent upon sin, . She had no.t a wo.it no longer for remittances from I_ndia. She l~oked at him -piteously, ple!lodingly, his breast. . T~EE:::OS. moment for .repentance. be merodul They wouM sweep off her pretty furmt_ure, even while her lip affected scorn. yes, he , . "At home at fast, mother," he said,_ khs· to the poo~ hght soul, and .et ha.If the burd- her biimboo and bea.da, her Japanese iar.s, was the only ma.n whose accents bad tver . mg the pale forehe~d, and the soft sllver.y In this department v e have a large stock in 8cutch, English and Irish . en of her stn rest on me, because I brought fans, and feathers, a.ud embroidered satm haunted her She would have filing herself hair, which had wh1tP.ned in the days of his Suit ings, Pamings and Canadian TweE>de. -her up so carelessly, and never took pains to portieres; all that bright hµed plumage ou her kne~! ' a.t his feet and kissed tbe captivitv, " no more prison bars, no more gui?e h~r steps . i nto th?, ri~ht way." .. . which had .m a de ~er nest so gay and pleasant wasted hand which hung listlessly at hie galling restrictlons. ,,1 bd,,ng to you o.nd ~pecial attention ~iveu to llae ORDERt;n Cl~O'.l'HI~G : · It 1s all too. sad, sighed Leo ; she to the eye of admmng man. side She could have died· as Helen had . Madge henceforward. department, Call and ins11eet our stock might ha.ve done so well if she ha.d ouly kept ·"They would take you, my dearest trea· , ·died only tc be loved by him for one hour. I "To me and M.a.dge. Yea, dear. I aha.II bet"o1·e JlUl'f',hasing, her bead. " · sure, if they c?uld," she cried, hysterica.lly, But ~he knew that all was over. Of tho.t not dfopute Madge's claim," answered Lady Mrs. Baddeley ha.d. her burden to bear m flinging herself upon the hearth rug and old fire which had blazed so fiercely for a. Belfield,. holding out .her hand to the tall ~he' way ofsyi;npa.thetac speec~es and condo!- anatahing the alarmed Tory to her brea.s~. sea.son, not a spark remained. · pa.le.girl m black, who b11od once been a s_erv.. 'mg letters from all her part1cula.r friends, "But they thall. never ha..ve you-no, not if "Tell me about my poor friend's de..th!" , ant ID that house, but who now entered it as who had read and doubtless gloated over the 1you tire worth eighty gumeas and I am a. he asked civilly and ehe told him as much a daughter. account of the trial. · They ha.d p Jred· o.ver p;i.uper-never while I hu.ve life." ' aa the telegraph had ma.de known to her. I They · dl went into the drawing·roo'Il, the unfinished letter; they knew all poor ! The announcement of her husband's death And then lifter a few trivialities Lord where Luoy had sent a.way her baby, and sat Helen's wea.knes~, and her intended sin; had th? effect she feared. and the la.wyers' St. Austell wishes her. good day, ' Iwa.itiog for them in the glow of o. great log ~~~£~~ ~ ~£ ~~~ t hey who had envied her for her bea.uty and letters ID a d ay or two were more ,peremp· There was no help for it. It was her dea· fire, and where the tea-ta.ole was spread ~~~ the effect she had ma.de i~ ~9ciety, and wh_? tory tha.n before . . There we~e ii.IS? a shower tiny to be burdened with Beeching. i just the same as in the old day~ of the return perhaps were. secretly reJoiced a t her evil of other letters, from condolmg fnends-;-the tr<·m hunting. They eat a.round the hearth by the public is unanim0us that the fate·. Leo h!i.ci ·to endure condolence from very people who had been continually ask· in a family circle while Lucy Belfield poured 's.11 comers, and to say the ea.me set phrases ing, "And where is Major Baddeley?" EPiLOGUE: lout tho tea.: and all tried to be glad because over and over again. "Yes, it was all too "And wlw is Mrs. Ba.ddeley's husband?" · i he·had come ba.ck to them, and a.II were fall dreadful. I believe that wretch.ed man w~s and who no~ wrote as if ~hey had k!1own l'wo years ha.d gone by since that gray i of sadneas because they knew he had ret11rn1 half-n addened. There was always a stram and loved him, and graciously consigned 1 March day in whioh L'lody Belfield saw her ed only to die, of madness about him;" and so on, and so him tc ·?- better world with quotations from 1son led out of the dock a.a o. convicted felon; ' There is no .,one in London society is the cheape~t place in the County for forth, till she se!'med to repeat the same Script u"" _ I and ehe was sitting in he~ accustomed pl~ce better. known than _the · bea.utiful !drs. sent enoes mechamca.lly. \ L aono ... ha.d scarcely finished these ens· I by the hearth in that muermost drawmg Beeclimg. Her portrait has been painted Cooking Ranges, Coal .and Wood Cooks, Parlor and Hall · ~ · I . ~.ippose. t,~ins ~ften tire a little qu~er tomary tributes, when the ma.id brought I room which was the favouriti:-the room oy three of ~he m.?s.t famous aca.demicia.;ie, ui their heads, replied one DOt ever wise her a telegram. I that held her .own pa.rtic11lar piano, o.nd a.II and has been exh1b1ted for three consecutive Stoves- all the most popular makes and styles. lady. "Major Baddeley was buried at seven her chosen books. She was sitting in the sea.sons. Het dog Troy is a celebrity, and 1 . The sea.son .was in fall P!t)gress by this o'clock yester.d ..a.~ morning, i~, the Engliah spring_ twilight, sad o.nd _sil_ent,. but not is sought after_as !loll attraction a:t charity Jewel Range, wi.th the new Duplex Grate; also Grand t ime and fash ionable drswmg.rooma were Cometery. Military honour s. alone rn her sadness. A girlish figure sa.t baz.~a.rs. She 1s one of those la.dies whom brigl;t with tulips a.nd narcis.si, but Mrs. "How nice," ~ighed Leo; "~e could i:iot j on the fender.stool a.t her fe~t,_ and a month pe~ple who o.re struggliag to get up to Duchess, Grand Universal and Diamond Range. B addeley went nowhere. She wore deepest have had them rn Gloucestersbire, Buried I old b11oby was lying in that girlish la.p. society always endeavor to know. Her , · · bfack, which looked wonderfully w1ill aga inst 11.lready I My po.or, ,,good -nat ured lamb. I There were two Lady Belfields now _in the drawi~g· room is the gate of ~ second-rate a l:a.ckgronnd of yellow tu lipB'; an'i she How dreadfn.lly qmc~. ! old Abbey, a. mother and a. da.ughter·m-la.w pa.radise, one of the outer !lircles of the stayed at ~ome, waiting for the good f ellow She wa.s still stu.dymg the telegram-those I wh o never disagreed, for the daughter was smart world. T~e great family of ~a.rvenu from India.. Sheha.dputdownhervic tol'ia. : few ~ords meanmg so _m uch- when t~e !j usttha.t ·onewomanwhomthem?therwould Pu~hers have chmbe~ to a coi;is1dero.ble b een put electric ,bell sounded . agam, and the ma.id . I. ha.v;e c~osen out of all womo.n-kmd for ~er , altitude ~pon the social mo~nta.in b efore I. . .· 9 r i~ may rathe~ be said t.hat it had . down for her, SIT·Ce the h very-sta.ble keei;ier an~onnoed M r. B eechmg. . . son~ wife. . . ! they begm t o drop Mr s. Beechmg. . had refused to supply her any long;r wi~h I se~ y ou _ ha.ve ha? plen ty of letter s Ltt~le by htHe m the s ad slow d?'vs aH~r ! [ THE ENnl . . hor se and man and held her carn age ID al ready, he n1d, gla.ncmg at the scattered , t he trial a new love had grown u p m Adra.rn . . ! . I d T" 'l:U tl h d pawn while be ll~ed · her for his account. She cor.respondence on .her t able. "I ~ouldn't i Belfield'~ heart, and he had learDed to 1 · · · · · · I Granite, r on an . ln n ares cons tan Y on an . speut her days yawning over the works ·of write. I thought it bet ter t o come. I admire a.nil appreciate Lucy Freemantle'a ' Q11een Ctinstme of Sp~m 18 au.id to be one ,. . _ . · Mudie, and playing with '.fury , j ust as she . "'l ou are very good," she falter ed, giv;ing' geu L le ch!Lracter and unpret entious chu.rma. of t be.fiaest swimmers . ID the world. Sh~ , E!.1.ve Troughing, Roofing ~nd Job Work done on sh()rt est notice, and had done in Devonshire; a"d sh" took h er him her hand meekly, with lowered eyelids, 1 It had come upon.him as a r evelation t ha t recently swam a.cross tl:(' Bay of St· .Seba.a- 1 prices considt:1in0' mat erial, as low as the lowest. const itut i.onal on the Bllyswater side of remembering !'h~t. he was the one man 1 she wa11 lovely, and t ha.t strength o.nd tieI!-, followed. for eeeunty by a boat. The 1 · ' l:> · . Kensing t on Garde.us ear .ly eve1·y morning, among all h~rmtu;ia.t~s who could help her I nobility of mind where the ha.sis of t hat t.~aJeCt ~ook _three·qua~tera of an. hour. l! hefore t he smart people were Qut. She out of her d1ffwult1es If he chose. gentle woma.nly character. There was no J) our la.di.es tned to swim along with the · .' would no~ drivll anywhere, ~incc there wa.s "I am not a humbug, Mrs. Baddelev. 1 cloud upon the dawn of this new l?ve~ It Queen, but gave up after a qti~rter of an NEWCASTLE . 45 ~egr<.datiou in the thought ot !> hired vehicle, , l'm nou ,oiLg t >C> ~cretend that I 'm sorry for came to him like the slow soft ligh~ of a hour. J? I I TOD :I:>Fl..ESS .. w1H '£ i:i°' . CC>TTC>:N9S. d "'Y" A.:R.1'1"9. I BLANKETS, COMFORTERS & FLANNEL SHEETINGS fod \to I I TOD BROS. ~- ·~,,~~ w ·~~ · v . . '!Pl~~,~· .. 1· I I Newcastle Stove a D d Ti·.n D . epot I I I with and wit out ovens-.IParlor Stoves · . Art· Garlands, Art Sultanas, etc. Orders taken for the best Hot Air Furnaces. J h w rr BO NATHAN',