Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1888, p. 4

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- - ·- - - · --- -- - ·The new municipid bonus act, which ca.me into force on the 1st. inst .. provides that "no bonus shall b" granted by a municipality to secure the rem11val ther eto ohm ind ustry al · eacly establiehed elsewhere in the Province. A mysterious t.hiog happened in Hamilton last week. Bro. H. F . Gardiner, editor of the Evening Time~, was r obbed of $135., a diamond brooch and set -0f ear dro-pa. The mystery is how an edit.or became posseesed of so much wealth. Hon. Ed ward Blake ha.11 intimated to a reporter for a British Columbia journ. al t ha.t he has no thon ght of resigning his seat in Par liament. H" has promised to visit British Colurnhia n ext summer in order to learn m11r1< of the resources and characteristics of the Pacific Provmce . . Hon. 0. M. vw ..t has been engaged by the Manitoba Government to dofend its case before the Hu p>eme Court in th·e ar· gument over the question of the right. of the . R. R. V_ R. 1 .0 cross the line of the C. P. It. Thu11 the Premier of Ontario will again be called on to defend Provincial Rights. On Friday morQing fast, Nov 9, the body of another woman cut into pieces "as discovered in a house 011 Dorset St., Spita.lfielda. The police are endeavoring to track the mu rdertir with the aid of bloodhounds. 'l'he remains Wt!re mutilated in the same horrible manner as were those of the wom.m murdered in Whitechapel. The Hamilton Spectator prefers the ~anadia~ py 11te1~ to the .American for electmg a ch10!f ma. 1tl8tNte. (1) Bec..use the election of a President (or GoTernor-General) oosts a great deal of llll)Uey-in the United Statea about $20,000,000;' (2) because for eix m 1 1nt1s every four years it upsets buaineas a·1d t·ansform1 the people into bowling mohs; (3) because an elect· ed Goveroor-Gener1u must of necessity oe a partisan, for wh ..m nearly half his people have no reapect. MONEYLOST y purchasing S unday School Libraries and Prize Bookm from Book Ooncern·, or 11n y other cit.y P R' al)iish· meut. PER~ONS WHO HAVE HA~ TiiiiilGiiTS @ RADIE~ H~~ -----·O--Happy Thoughts make Radiant Homes. How to possess b :Jth rn a quest.ion that should in\erest the heads of every household. The former is the pcipular HappyThought R ·mge, so familiar and much appreciated in over 20,000 Canadiaa Kitch... ns, and can be obta.·ned in thi· town only from S. S. EDSALL. 'fhese ranges are .titted with the o011Uine DupltX Grate, which separates ' he a ' h.:11 from thti tire without d11st. ··r "'1tsce, givinq a clear bright fin; without poking or scrapiug. They ~re strong, ha.ndaome and d11rabl e, and ar., fi · ted for rhe most powe1ful heating. They are ad- pted for wood or coal, anti ar<> p "sitively guara.uteed to the purchaRer to give ~at1afacti1111. --------------------------~·-----~ PICTURE FRAl\IES Plush Ca~ ---o-:BUY AT HOME ,,here you can make yr.ur choice, without the p ·yrutnt of a rail way fare, and wi·h(\ut the l«Bll nf 1im -.. You can vet. as ~ooo a sorr.rn ent, &11tl the VERY SAME DISC H ·i · t~T, and in Ill · rt)· coses CREAFl!:R BO~KS Fancy Goods, Toys and, Games, -- a.-.~ es ' Cups ·and Saucers, Silver Ware,__. Sleighs and Dolls, Sunday School Library Books,, and hosts of novelties just arrived. Bemember the place for Bargain~ · is have received the first shipment of a lar!l'e and well aasnrfod l"t from Nela&n & ':::lone, R lif.!ious Track Suciety, S.S. union, Society for th" P romotion of Christian K u o w.1.,dg·'t Partridge & Ci·· and gu~rantee satisfaction, and a saving of mo11ey. Schools contemplating buying e. · Library will do well to see my st<>ck. " -· ALL TRE S. S. PERIODICALS AND LESSON BEL S AT LOWEST RATES.· Ml' W 1<, Allen " J K Allen " J oho Allin 11 Geo H Allin_ A P. TREBJL!fJ'OiCK. S., ~anadian Jmtomaa. -· ·,· ._ , .... , ..... ,......,, ..... . . . -BOwvANVILLE, .....\;I~ Nov 14, 1888. c >lltie:e ha.11 been opened at · · Ma~ Cla ke is iikt·ly to have a aeoond term in T"row ... . Tor· ·Dto h ·~ tiad a prolific crop of church squabblas lat..ly. H.-.n. Mr. P"' dcu is hopele681V ill with di.seaae of the kidneys. Eut Nor< humoorland election for the Com111on11 Mi on Nov. %1. The Oot&rio Legislature will meet to1'11l'd the enrl of Janue.ry. Harriaon will be the fir11t .Presbyterian Preei.d"'1t of the Untted States. . Montl'eal had 149 deaths IMt month, typhoid olaimiog 15, diphtheria 31. The recount !l;ives 'Dr Willoughby a. majority of .eight ;n E. Northumberland. Let Q· be th11;nkful we d~' not have to ·· elect a .G<>vernor G A ,;eritl every 4o years. Major ffo..,den., M illbrook, h as been ·tJpointed lnl"nd H.iwenue Officer at Port Rome, Jt.-ly. ,. A ~dilUl Personal. Dr. Willo\lghby ii recovering. Miss Annie Step_hen11 is visiting at W oodst0-0k. . · The ~on. 0Iive\o Mowat has joined the Yark PionP.era. . Jno. Thickson's hand that w1111 cru11hed is healiog nicely. Hon. Oliver Mowat has resumed the practice of law. Mr. Sam. Darch, Orangeville, visited relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Bell, Toronto,were in town Jaat Thured11>y. Mr. and Mrs. Jon Bray, Enfield, visit· ed Bowmanvil!e la,,t wpek. We congratulate Mr. Chas. Keith on his election to the Presidency. · Dr. Tilley's paper on Fractions at the C.mvention is hLhly spoU;}l( of. Mr. W. McKay's hands ha\·e h ealed eulficiently to pe' mit him to work. Prof. Brown, la.ta of Guelph Agric.i· ] tu· ral College, has iu·rh·ed in Australia. Capt. T l·m Howell, of Peterboro. a.t· tended the S . A.. bauquet here last week. Rev. Chas. Pedley h~s accepted a. ca¥! to a Congregational church in Englanm!. Miss Macdon·1 ld, Sir John's sister, ie seriously ill at Ku'lgsfon of heart disease. Messrs. Tilley, Keith and Gilfillan took active part at the Teachers' Coriventiom Mr. W. R. Meredith, Q. C., leader off the On tario Oµpositi1>n will live in 'l'oront0 ' Hope. Mr. Glad~· on c t'lny he does not intend to quit ~·Ub ic !Ao tm tH the Irish question i11 settli;d :Mr. W.O' P n.rn., Darlington, visited his sister, M 1 11. J. 0 McN1rnf,(hton, jr., Port Hope, l,....t W'OO'k. The Pi.,kering Newa has entered on vol. 8. Th" News is ono of the best village paper· in O ·nada. Owiog l;o the increased attendance at Whitby LiLdies' Coll··ge, it is proposed to enla~il it still fortht:l r. · Thti 111.aniage of Mr. 'and Mroi. Dosch was an .. ulled. in Montreal t'ecently . o!l the p:r1.und that th"' bride w~~s a minor.· Mr. L&udel', of Whitby, is engaged in in a pra1Seworthy att.-.mµt to p~omote the ·Oper,in:.i o f a mti· k,,t for Canadian barley ·in En11land . · &·m~ r apfirs ~tt.:.ck Mr. Blake for acting as cnnnRd for the C. P. R. Mr. Blo.ko w.!l ,,..,ver ploase some peovle until he isl d. ad. The Rnral Nµw-Yo rker for Nov. 3 is a speoial P ota ·o Nu m ~er worth dollars to ·farmers Sond 5c fur it to 34 Park Row, .New York Oitw-. The p resrnt high p rice of hay is respi:m·slble f.\r t ' ·G low '7a!u ~tion of horses. Horses arc ·retching f ·om 20 to 40 per cent lestt t han 1 rnual. · · Canan ia1. s tonk veiy little interest in the Pre&d1mtill.l election on H.Ccount of Mr. CleveJ,. nd's I'· \aliation message and his treatment· of L ord Sack ville. Th"' Pr<sby t cr ia.n Roview last week had n very !'eus1 bl" >.< rticle on funers..ls. It says the ch..a peet fnneral atHong respectable people m "y be st-t down a.t $~. Toronto World has done good eervice in cal.li11g ,., tention to the la tene~s of the G. T. R. m ail 1ra.111 f-3St and the consequent 1m1toyance to business meu. .. Mr.John S. Williaon, the new news Ed· itor of the G obe, ha.a ass~ined cha.rge. Mr. A. Pardoe remr·ins on tlie staff, his engagement having three month~ to run . W. W. Hall, of Guelph, has fallen heir t o a fortune which yields him $40,000 a year and thA interest on $1,000,000. Such luck mlVt.C toome<i to thrci poor, t oiling editor. The Dominion Illustrated, which by tha way ie improving week by week, both in point of illustration and letter press, is now a p ~.per that reflects honor and. c1'edit upon Can&da. · Wmm a pe~on makes $3 a. week and 1pend11 $2. 95, he is on tho road to wealth; when he ,,r she makes $20 a week and ~pend11 $20.06, he or she is going in the opposite dire<ition. Food for thought her.e. Up t o t he 30th of June, '87, the a.mount o f cu.~hm~ or-Het:ted by Canada wa11 $22, 467, 705 $3. Qml by the United States $192,906,023. The 011.o.adian tariff is 21i pet'.· (l('d ~.ll f ·-m1d tlut of tho U, S. 45" per. cent. H on. E.. Bfa !ri:: will argue the case of the Canadian Pacific Rail way Oomµa.ny al; Ottawa, and will be opposed by Hon. O. Mowat on behalf of t.he Red River -Valley H.ailway. When Greek ~eeta (l. . eto. Ask a farmer to furnish the church with wood fretl of "1m1 ·ge, the pa.inter to paint it without pay, the carpenter to shingle the roof without pay! "Absurd!" say "th.q will ~er do it!" Of course they won't. But these same people ~ _ pect. the music te&oher to p~ the ~u lor nothing, and the pu bhsher to !JVe free notiooa of their church teas. Dr ,J C Mitchell Mr James Morris 11 J B Mitchel Dr.C Bird 11 CL Mquson Dr A Beith 11 John Martin Mr F Bleakley H " Robt Barrett Dr Hillier '·' John Mllrdoch 11 J H Bellwood G Haines, Eeq, PM " J a.mes M uns<>n Mr Gilbert btevena 11 '.T01!eph BrittJin Mr .T Higgtnboth&m " James Millar 11 TH Spry " Samuel Biugham 11T E Higitinbutham " J ohu Matthews "Wm Sh~w 11 Samuel Mason " Geo H Bickell " Thos Hoar " Thos Short 11 W H Banbury 11 Euoch Holme1 " George Mo~tJ!I " Frttd Stilwell 11 J a.mes Stn.nley 11 Sam Hoskin ·· Richard M.011"s " Ed Bellmn.11 " Edw1~rd Moses 11 Marvin Burk " John Hare " Bonj Smith · 11 Dwid Morrison " \Vm Sampson Mrs Brimaaombe " S F Hill 11 Osc~r Scott " Alfred Mann 11 Geo E l\.foynard J 11 Chaa· Mannin« T. c .;1 F Cubitt Mr JM Joness Miss M·1orcr1<ft " Mr Chas Tod Mr S Cot·on " MA Jamea Meth. P1m1onage, 11 C W Thompson 11 R 1bt Clarke " Jo~eph J,..Jfdry Church-st. 11 Levi A ·Tole · 11 Wm Colville . " John Joll Meth, Parsonage, " Wm J CJle " Wesley Joll <.),ueen-st. .V " John Cole, tailor " Thos Jewell Mr S Vansmne " M Cryderm311 11 Jas .Johnson 11 .J C V anAtnne N " W Cryderman Mr Jacob N "'ads 1 1 John Congdon K " George Varco~ Mr JameR Knjght " Wil111m Neads Mrs. Nichols "WC King D Mr Abram Dean. w . Mr John Wesley 0 L "Geo Detman ,,, .Jesse. William& Mr Robt. Q;1horne 1\'Ir .J W Lovt1kim 1 1 1 .· James O:iborue · EL Welsh " Thos Lyle, se.i:t 1 " Thoe Lyle, jr ' John Wight F p Mr RP Feild " Cha.a Lunny " John Walker Mr J ne p ,,, tinson 11 H C Wtieks 11 John Flemin~ "John Laaby 11 .E G Powers 11 Frank Wright 11 Tl1oa Fitz~era:ld 11 R Winna.cott Mc " Tlins P < )Wers " John Foster ··· John W"yllie Or McLau~hlln, M pp " A P·mu ingtuu Mrs Furze And many others. B G RevMGunn Mr James Gale 11 Henry Gale 11 Rich Gilbert "NM Gage 11 Samuel Gatel!I " F J Groat .As a convincing evidence of the great popularity of the Happy 'l'hought Range, we take great pleasure in ri,,ferring to the following persons who have them in use and can speak uf their merits : Mr John McClellau Mr George Pearaon " R G McLaughlin " W R Piggott John Mcintyre M R Mr Fred Rogers " W Rowe, (wharf) "Wm Rowe 11 Chas Rose " J a.mes Roland J·. ·H. KENN.ER'S VARIETY HALL SPECIAL VALUE. Dress Goods, Mantle Cloths, Flannels, Cottons, Men's Underwear. s c rI?ORDERED CLOTHING A SPECIAL FEATURE.c:OJ G.o od Fits guaranteed. ---:--- CHIN· A BALL. Just opened up a splendid lot of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets and Toilet Sets. Call and look through our China Hall. Everything marked in plain figures and away down. JOHN McMURTRY, WEST END HOUSE. . We call special attention to the number of persons in the foregoz~g list, rnembern of the same family who have bought Happy Ttiough.t Ranaes, showing that the first to buy must ha.ve been weil satibfied ,., ~ and recomrri~nded it to others. , RADIENT HOME BASE BURNER. B~DWING UP TH~ f~UNDA!!~ -OF- 7ou, ·, F h , or oatmg pnrl}?l!es 1 1 ent · the ceJ.,brated Rad· 'j' Horne Base Bn·n>ers, · Mr. John Grant attended his sister-in- sold also by law's funeral ..t Dunbarton on Wednel!day. !S. S. EDSALL, Mrs. Joh n Hellya.rig visitingherd&ugh· : ' d ·a dl th '- - t t er, M rs. ( n .. ) ·r B a.r tie tt, a t D awn, ..' are f th em . k e d y e .,,.,s Mills. ·, 0 eir 111 · · H ,,d <illow, · B . A.., h as re· : , The:y are m:isRev. R tJbert. ! · b , h,.·avy t. 1 1 ' u·ur· · ed · U K h h ,aive, BU s,an 1a, They comb~rrn ce1v a uuttUJmous ~a to nox c urc ,. :ab le. Milton, _ ' good working qu;;lities, Rev. C. S. Lord, B. ~.,was mduc~ed· i1tuperiorhea.t10gca.pooity to Grafton and Vernonv11le Presbytenan ]econui:11y and durability churches, Nov. 8. an eminent .degree·. Mr. T. D . Craig, M. P. P.~ for East .<In t1uahty and smo0th· Durham has been elected to the Senate ] JiHJ l!S uf cashngs, thoror 1flittin!I'. and moum~ng, of Toronto University. Rev. R. Vavev is an earnest, thought· l they 11>re unsurpassed·. ful spea;ker, and.his words are singularly :' The Radi;u1t Eiome impressive.-Acton F ree Presa. ' Diu:plex Grate, ·1.<ith Rev. J . Carmichael, of Columbus, has whichthey .are furnished· r eceived a unanimous call from K .no:r.. takes precedence over church, Portage la Prairie, Man. 1111! ot hers. The.J:i a1 e DRESSMAK ING .- A first-cla.8s dressmaker.· elea.nly, [h;ret bemg hn() wants work by the day. Apply to MISS· . es;~~pe lo . us t~r as ts I~o:BrnsoN at Mrs. McCready's. 2-w , wThu ec ean!ng b etg".attel· · ey req u1re. u 11 e Mr. Rube .Fax, Ju.ta of Woodstock" haa. · attention, rnaint'lt)nin~ graduate,d with hono~s at Tthe Madts011> for hours imeven,:i.teady Square School ef Actmg, New York. a od continuous hoot Mr. H. O'Hara, Mr. Ed. Bassett, ans n r .. th e ·O ~ 1.1owmg · l' · t h' ·'" ·· J p tir· k T t ud M H \ViMne su b m1t is t o f pureh asers o f the R .A.DI>}N'Jl' H OME m 1s uistrict, · k · of whom we ahalltbe pleaqed to have intending buyers make inquiry respecting the _as. e oron °· ~ e \ iams( n, 0 ourg, :were er 1as wee ' merits uf .thi!!re:rol.lllent warminit stove. '.ll'his is by no mean!). a. completelill{l of per· Mrs. W . Winters who has ·Jived nea.r son.s using '.tin t:mis town and vicinity, bllt .will show that it is a very popular stove: the G. T . R . st~tion for ahout 20 yeaim Mrs Pearce was up town l!!st week for the fir11t time. A F K Mrs Parker She is an invalid. · I Mr RB Andre1w Mr ·J no Fleming Mr W Keely 11 The friends ot l\tis11 Alma Cryderm.m ; " Wm Allin John Foster J H K eely R 11 will be glMl to know that she arrived snfe Mrs Arms~rong 'r Fitzgerald L Rev P Robbins at Port To wnsend on the 3rd inst., after Mrs Archibold " S Foster . Miss Loscombe Mr Jos Ruebottom "J PRiee 11 pleasant journey. B G Mr Lewis Lyle "Jas Reid 11 Geo Rlckard Profel!aorMontgomery, of Grand F orks, Mr H W Burk Councillor Gs.le M Dak., formerly of this county, has been Drs Beith & Mr W G Glover made a Feilow of the Society of Science , McI~1:1ghlin 11 N M Gage Dr McCullough SS No. l Darlington 13 and Letters, of London, Eng. Mr 'Ihos Brud1e Mr W McCullough 11 D J Galbrait~ Unio" n School J B db 11 J as McClellan Mrs. M . C. Galbraith returned from " as r~ urn 11 J Gray ., And McFeeters Mr W Sa.ndercock " F St.illwell Scranton, Pa., and Malcolm has moved 11 Si\m Bmgham 11 R Gilbert 11 T J McMurtry " ,,V Scott 11 W B into the Sheppard Cvttage on Concessionunny " ¥t Gi11t 11 " Jas Stanley 1 ·1 Thos Ba.rrett st., which he recently boug . ht. 11 Jacob Ga.uili ,Tao Mcintyre Mrs McC ready G B ll T 11 Mt\ny town readers well remember " eo a John Gaud Mr() L Munson Rev. Branch Howie, the blind 'Syrirln 0 Mre Jacob Gale Mr P Trebilcock · 11 SW Moore · S p I' h h I t " 'l'hos Trewin who lectured m t. au s c urc as 001 Cubitt 11 Geo Maynard " Joa Trewin year. · He was married on Nov. 1 to Miss Mr Lewis Cornish " Henry Mann ;; Du~r~J':O~'fln H 8a.ra h F ranoes S purr, of E ng1and · 11 Wm Cann "· Alfred ?tbnn "Arch 'l'a.it We are happy to ru!l!Ure Mr. Blake.'s " .Tohu Cole Couoillor liorne " W H May " 'l'bos Tod ·Mr E.zra. B.all 'l'od Bros 11 ,J B Mitchel Mr A Todgham friencls throught the country, from whom 11 W Creeper 11 S tephen Honey 1 ; .TL Marga.ch we are receivi,;I{ constant inqniries as to u A E Clemens ',', f~l~~~t~':::e 1 1 Jas Millar his health, th,.t; he is looking e~eedingly II w Cryderman :: ~~:)io'b~s Veale 11 R Moses weli and seems in fina sprite.- ulobe " J H Cryderman .ng B A preached " w Chartran II. M Hern " Thos Moyse Mr· M · P · Talli ' S 11 . · d ·· k · C b F Humber · J M · Rev JeBSe Whitlock 11 twice in St. Paul's ia11t un ay wee g1v· " oa Y " C Hooper as orns Mr John Wesley ing splendid 1mtiefaction to his large " Joo Walker . h d · D 0 " J<: L 'Velsh audiences, R ev. A · L esl 1e preac e m Prof T L Doyle Mrs J Otten " 1"ranklin Wright· the same chu< ulJ. last Sunday delivering Mr M Dwies J Capt Wi11ht two practical diRcourses. Cl)u"ncillor. Jeite"". ·p Mr Jno Wyllie Mrs J Downs ..,, Mrs Walbridge To THB . Dll.u'.~A Peraoa cured of ,, A Draper Mr J A Jerome Councillor Pattinson" 'Vestcott Deafne~s and noises in the head of 23 Mr Gtlo .Piggott y 11 w Jennings years' standing by a simple remedy, wiil El " W Jackson· " Jno Pinch lfayor Younie aend a description of it J.IREE to any per; Mr J no ;IJ:lford ,, Geo H J oll ·· S Pollard 1 oung &. Co 30 St . N son wh 0 appI188 to ICROLSON, · ii:::;, ~ ~A..... a· John St. Montreal. 44--- lyr. , e::::::::IJ· ~. .a;;::.,a .&.I >::::I' ..-.. ........ ,. HIGH PRICES. ......v. ;in Carrying the Earthworks by· Storm ! . King Winter Capitulates and well He may. l_Iis icy fetters are broken, knocked to smithereens and his power de. tied by my mammoth stock of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Slippers, all of which are marked down to prices .yithin the reach of all. GO OD GOODS and LOW PRICES have long since gained for us the adlhirati.on of elose buyers, and this Fall and Winter our prices will com· ,Pletely demoralize the high price dealers. This is no buncombe. We never h11d a more extensive, better assorted, or better made stock of men's, women's and chilaren's foot-wear-fine and coarse- and our prices were never lower. Call a.n<!. inspect our goods and be c~nvinced. J\· WOrdered work and Repairing receive prompt attention. 45. part . 19, M.TRELEVEN, ~- Sign of "Big Boot drawn by two horses, BOWMANVILLE. . St. · s II U. II Bowms11ville. ·'l'his la one of the b<lst ta.rma in the county or Durham. It Is In a high ~tate or cultivation and le well renced on. the pre, mtses there is a stone dwelling, two large barns arid other out.buildings, with atone stabling for cattle and horses, 'hree wells and four clsterne, also wlnd·mlll for pDmplng water, For further particulare &Jlply on the premises or lf bv letter to HENRY MANN. Bow31-tf manville. OOD HOUSE FOR SALE.-A two ARM FOR SALE.-130 acres, com· G storev rrame house situated on O'Dell F posed of south et Lot No. Broken containing seven rooms and smnmor kitchen. Front. and thrco miles from tho Town of la closets. pantriee, &o. Hind and soft water ~ full i acre di ground with good selection o! choice fruit trees. Apply to M.A. JAMEEi or io D, B. Fooa, Proprietor, Bowman. ville. 41-t! Executor's Notice to Creditors. AH.M IN PICKERING FOR SALE. -Oae of the beat farms ·in Pickering for sole cont&lning 125 acres, all of which o.r~ cleared and in high state ot cultiva.tion· · On the premises are a good dwelling house and out building.a and two wells. '!'his property i!J Bituated on lot 15, b. f., one mile ttnd a bait from Pickering village, half a mile from Grand Trunk Station. three miiee from Pickering Harbor, and six miles trom Whltby. For further particulars apply to JAMES PICKARD on the premi.8e1, or Pickering, P.O. 29-tt F "Thoe rrH.E CREDITORS OF WILLI.AM . AHGALL, late of the Township or Clarke in the County or Durhe.m. yegruao, dece11.sed, who died on or about the 19th d11.y ·ot Sept., A. D., Chapter 1888, are hereby notified, under Section 36 All ·-, · 1ng unpaid 8 t this · ilate. ot no. of the ReviAed Statutes ot ....,,,ee:remain Ontario. 1887; to send by post. prepaid, on or lllust to save costs bo paid by 17th qt this P~ before tho . Mt monU.. ROBERT Vm· 1·uE, Collector. 7 17th Da.y pf Novem~, 1888, ·-Bowmanville, Nov. · 1888~---·- . Taxes-Last Notice. w to McGEE&:; JONES. Oshawa. Ont., Solicltors for the under mentioned Executrix of the said deceased, l ' OLL PAR'rICVLARll of their Df\tnes, addresses and clAIIDll aud ot tbe &eourlt.!es, l! any, held by them. And notice is hereby 11iven th. a t !mmedi&te!y after the IBBt mentioned date, the said Ex· eoutrlx will proceed to distrib.ute the 1188ets ot the said dece&ood among the pereon!I entitled thereto. haviJJ.g reg_&rd only to alallll.8 ot v hich) she shall then hlfVe notiae and will not be liable for tbe Raid assets to e.ny person of whose claim .iie shall not have been uot.ided at the time ot euch d1stribntlon. · Dated at Oah11.wa Ul!12'lU1 day ot October, 1888. I Sale . of Seven Acres of · · Land near Enn1sk1llan " · --=--- .......... .. ..... OWMANVILLE.,· 1- 3w. MARY ELLts P.mr.Lll'B, Cedar Dale, Ont.. Executrix. The.undersigned bas received Instruction to sell by prlva.te sale tha.t seven acres ot lot 23 in the 7th Conceeeion ofthe'l'owoship of Darling· ton known n.s belonging to the Little Etitate and which has for aqme yea.re past been reni-: ed and occupied by James Pye. being compos· erl ot the seven n.ores lying immedfotely to the South ot the Nru:therl[ nine acres ot the sJ;)nth half ot the E&11t ha.If o said lot, . Tltleindleput11.b1e, poaeession can be given !mrnedlatel:r after harvest; !!'or further psrticulars aup!y to D,B.l JlUt E SIMPSON 35- tf . Solicitor for Vendor.

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