Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1888, p. 7

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,, - .- . . . . . ., -----------------~----~---.-----WHITHER BOUND 7 gained in the 1esult of the la.st elec tion, but :M.ISGELLANEOUS. Ounosity Fu~lv Satisfi~d. . . j it is no secret that t hat result ,vas maialy There is an idol in a Chine. B e temple th at S mall n:a.n. (on railway tram, wntrn~ due to LAVISH EXPEJSDITUll"' weeps tears-idol tea.rs j letter t' his wife) -It would afford you some G and promise of expenditure r Dominion Th . It d ~ d f th B h amusemen t , my dear, if you could see the entlemen'sClothes Made to Order. BY J. E. WELLS. WED NESDAY. NOV. 7, l8i8 . . t" e agncu ure an . . ra e o e ,. a.ma. freckle-faced long, lean, gamble-ahanked, f und 8 f or l ocal 0 bJects-a growing prat ice I slands are both dcchnmg. knock.kneed, sneaking, 1"mperti "nent, 1"11-bred We Canadians are just now in a most pe· which is in itse!f, not less inimical to culiar position. Perhaps all history mig ot t he stability of the Confeder,.tion than Young Doctor-~hey don't bleed people half. h_aked ~peoimen of a. backwoods gawky be ransacked in vain for an instance of a to political morality. In New Brunswick nowadays as the.y did 20_years ago, do they, tb~t is lookrng over my shoulder as I write country, possessed of anything like the popu- and P 1 ince Edward Island, the manifesta- Professor? Professor-Not with the lanoet. th1s Mr. Edison intends to utilise the pond of . . L'l.rge 1:1.!lu on seo.t behind (fiercely ) ·-·Y ou lation, resources, and intelligence of t he tions of dissatisfaction have been less posiCanada of to-day, standing hesitatingly at tive and emphatic, bu t it is clear to a.II water which now separates his la.boratory h e ; you little soou~ the cross-roads, with so many diverging observers thai; the inha.bitants of these from his new phonograph· factory. He will . Small man ( turn.mg round) -B eg pardon, To buy Foot Gear for M en ; Women, highways opening out before it, and with provinces, as a whole have no real love build a sma.ll ferry -boat to be run by elec- sir; ar e you spe,,kmg to me? such perfect freedom of choice, so far as any for the Union, no enthusial!m for i t s sue- brici ty a.nd it will be run back and forth Luge man (confusedly ) - Y-no ! No I I · Boys and Maidens, at external pressure is concerned. The Globe cess. They scarcely recognize themselves from the laboratory to t he factory every half didn't say anything. I wasn't speaking. has thrown open its columns and invited a.s Canadians, and not infrequently are al. bonr. I-I- . . .. discussion of four different propositions, most ready to repudiate the designation, Au Englishman has invented an electric Snull mau resu~es his writ~ng. Large ea.ch involving to a very greab degree the Turning to t he other extremity of the gun. There is a sm all s1 onge battery fixed man i goes bauk to phe last pl_atrorm. of ~he future history and well· being oftbe country, Dominion, the situation is scarcely more in the stock, from which a. current strong last car _ on the tram and rcl~evcs his mmd and ea.ch having its quota of earnest advo- hopeful. Every observant visitor of Mani· , enough to explode the cartridge is com· by swarmg volubly a.t the fiyrng landscape. ca.tea. But, as a. matter of fa.ct, it is evident tob!I. and the North West must have beeL municated. It is sa.id tha.t one charging _,.,,,., tbat the currents of popular opinion are ju~t struck with t he feebleness of the attach· of the cell will explode five thousa.nd cl.rt· now flowing not into four, but at lea.st SIX ment to Canada shown by very many, at ridges. j dis~inct ch~nnels. .Considered from a leas~ of the citi-i:ens. Though a. large pr o· A lad who was one of a a.rt of tourists national pomb of view some of these portion of them a.re from the olfler provin· making ;he ascent of Pike's last week may, !t .. is true, h~ regarded but Ices, the bond of nationality ~lready seems was struck b ii htnin while ~ta.ndin a.t as aubd1v1s10ns or co·ordrnate brn~?he~, of to have become ~ttenuat11d to a 1;11ere thread. the door of th: si~al 1 e:vice stat ion ongthe the large.r " st re~Yr!~ .of ten~enc~. I he The e.ffect of distance and d1ve~gence of very top of th?. mountain. This is the first f~u~ leadmg po~sib1hties which JUSt now local mtere?t has .been gre~tl.l'.' rncr9a.~ed instmce known in the State of an electrical M~y do for a stupid boy's excuse; lmt d1v1de a.no:! cla.es1fy by the galling cham of the ,a.nff, of which disturbance occurring above the clouds CA.NA.DIAN l'UnLIC SENTIMENT more anon, and by the persistent at· · · · what can be said for the pa~ent · who Our New Stock h a.a arrived, and comare in relation to the United States, 1st, tempt of the Ottuwa. authorities to keep In France a ve~·y pract1cll.! use of photosees his child languishing d aily O:nd fails pris es something nea t and pret ty fol!' political Union; or Annexation, and .2nd, the settlers under the fetJt of the great gra.phy ha~ rece.atly been made. ~eve~al per· t o recognize the want of a tonic and Political Indepe:'.ldence w ith lJnrestr1c~ed railway monopoly. Wfob the filling up eons were nnpnsoned by the cavrng ID ~f a Ladies, Good and Serviceable for Men blood-purifier? Formerly, a course of Reciprocily or Commercial Uoion; with of the prairie~. the cen tre of population wall. ~ hole W&s bored, a~d do~n this a and Boys, and B oots that R B oots for bitt ers, or sulphur and molasses, was the relation to Great Britain, 1st Indepen~ence, an~ so of political power"'ill gradually move, tube with a camera. was slid. Tne pbot!>· every member of the household . rule in well-regulated families ; but now and 12ad, continued connection, either 1n the westward, and the probability is that a.t no groph showed the taces of some of the dead all inte lligent households keep Ayer' s present colonial relation, or in som? form dishnt day it may be located west of Ls.kc men, and demonstrated the uselessness of of closer alliance now vaguely designated Superior. But present indications a.re that efforts at rescue. . . Sarsa parilla, which is at once pleasant TRIJNH.S, Y ALISES, d\,SATCH EJ,S. IN STO(,'U, Imperial Federation. Or ycm may, the unless some very p'.lwer ful influences can be A n?w bull&t proposed for th~ English to t he taste, and the most searching and This powder never varies, .A marvel ot sake of clearness, tabulate the cond1t1ons broaght to bear to foster community of ~rmy lB of .an unusually small :ahbre, ~nd _..Ordered Work and Repairing a effective blood me~icine ever discovered. purity, strength and wholesomeness. Moril somewhat differently but with the same in terest and sentiment, it will be very diffi- !6 encased .m an outer '1heet of mc.kel, whw_h Specialty, a.s usual. economical than the ordinary l<:inds, and oan genera.I result. Nathan S. Cleveland, 27 E . Canton st., cult when that day comes or even before, mcrea.s~s its . power of pene~rat1on. It 1s not be sold in competition with the multitndc Boston, writes: " My daugl1t er , now 21 D. DAVIS. A. As RELATED TO THE UNITED STATES. to hold the N orthwest in tts present used. with~ nfle of gr~ater thrnkness of barot low test, short weight, alum or.phosphate years old, was in perfect health until a powders; Sold only in oans. ROYAL BA:K· I. - Annexa.tion. relations to old Canada.. Other causesof the rel, m which a heavier charge t han u~ual year ago wl1en she began to complain of NG POWDER C0.. 106 Wall St.. N. Y . II. -Independence with (a) Commercial prevailing unrest must be deferred to a.noth11r can be fired. Severa.I hu~dreds of the rifles fatigue, headache, debility, dizziness, Union, (b) Unrestricted Reciprocity. ar ~icle. have been made for experimental use. in digest ion, and loss of a ppeti te. I concludNI.that all her complaints or iginated B. As RELATED TO GREAT BRITAIN. A 8"'.:iss inv:e!l~or has perfec~ed a met~od S avin~s in imr,ure blood, anti induced her t o take . . . I AL d'8 D of makmg art1fic1al boards a nd is advocatmg A yer s Sarsaparilla. This medicine soon J.-The Present Coloma.I relation Contm· n eoo11.r en. their use in building. They are ma.de of a Manufacturers of Patel up ()apita I. $1 100.000 r est ored her blood-making 01·gans to Bes&, ued. _ · " Cigar" was a .tfottenfot, a nd a mighty mixture of plaster of paris and reeds pressed $ 70,000. healt.hy a ct ion, and in du0 time reel!tabII.-Imperial Federati.on. , . hunter of both large and small game, His into shape · by h)'dra.ulic presses. The lished h er former health. I fiud Ayer 's l III.-Iudep~ndent National Ex_i~tence: skill in the use of fire-arms was so great material has the advantage of incomhustio Sar~apnrilla a most valuable remedy fo1 · I hegto not ify the public that am receiving ~ut, as will be seen on mspection, th'l>t report cr'ldited him with h11.ving shot bility and lightness and will r esist the the lassitude and d ebilit y inciden t to A.r1UiciaJ deposits for this company, and allowing a this sex.angular arra.ng~~e?l~ does not several white men. Circumstanoe.i ma.de warping action of atmospheric charges. SJ'ring time." higher rate o '. interest than the banks· Limbs, exhaust all t he p088lbJbtJeS of the c· th "d d · · <:! t'· I · J. Castright, Brooklyn, , P ower C:O·· No No:rrcE OF W ITHDRAWAL REQUIRED. .t u&t1'on since, a.s many t hink, we may still iga.r e gm e an compamon, ID ..,ou u In C. ar!ule .· . ' Eng., tall factor.y ch1mne .ys Sl Africa, of Parker Gilmore, who won his b t 1 d t I to h Brooklyn, N. Y., says: A.s a Spring And .Appliances for all De· retain our colonial relation to the mother heart by treating him with kindness. O.ae are emg u I iee a~ se~er ven i a.. rs .wit I a m also prepared t o grant Medicine, I find a splendid substit ute formitie~ofthcllumanBod;r try and at the same time enter into . 1 good res~lts, twentr·_nme _now berng used . -Spinal Diseases, Hip Joint coun !or the old-t ime compou nds in Ayer's Loans on REAL E§TATE Disease, Diseases of the an agreement for U nrestricted Reciprocity, mg it, as they sa.t together on the wagon- T he vcloc1ty of t he na~ng air ~as .been meas· Sarsaparilla, with a few doses oi Ayer's on favorable terms. Knee and .Ankle. Knock or even Commercial Union with the United box, Cigar told his master the story of a n ured by Surveyo~ Mek~e, an~ 1t IS found to Pills. After their use, I feel fresher and Knee, Bow Legs, Club Feet, States. Hence if one were anxious to adventure witn a leopard, which we con- be 1,202 feet a mmute ID .ordma.ry weat~er. OF~'ICE: stronger to go through the summer." Etc. At MoMurtry's Dry Goods Si;ore, multiply sub·divisions by way of illustrating ~~h: i~:;~~:a.uthor's "D~ys and Nights Tbe owne~e of the fa.c~oriee. make no obJec· .ALSO CR UTCHE8. l;he peculiarities of the case, the following One day, while looking out for bok , Cigar ion ~ thB use of their ~h1mneys, and the W. F.ALLEN. Bowmanville, Oct. 11, 1888. 42-Sm classification might be substituted: ca.me across the spoor of a. leopard, a beast practice seems to meet with genera.I appro· PRE;P.A.RED BY I . -The Colonial R elation as at present. far more cunning and dangerous than a. lion. Aa.l , · · · . Or. J . C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. II.-Tbe Colonial Relation w ith (a) Un· The Hottentot's gun was an old fl int- ' An endless raih~ay tram, cons1 at111g of Price $1; six bottles, $5. Worth $5 n boltle. restricted Reciprocity; (b) Commercial lock musket, which did not always go off. 400 P.latform cars, 1~ to ~e _~ne of the .a.tUnion. But he was nearly out of ammunition, and t r?ctions a.t the Pane Exh1b1tion. ~he hue III.-Independenoe, with present tariff the leopard's skin would buy him a. trade- I w ill be sunk so that the phtforms will be on ~-====--------------VETERIBARY BURGEON. arra.ngement. bag of powder ; so he followed the leopard's a level with the surface, a!1d the t rain will <& TO O O S OF CANADA . IV.-Independence w ith (a) Unrestricted spoor from stone to brush and from stump · run slowly enough l;o permit most people to ~<:if!> rj R NT TEAM LAUNDRY. ,, _ R eciprocity; (b) Commercit1.l Union, to tree ' 1 s tep on and off while it is in motion; but ~ l.lir~ 106 York St., Toronto. OapUal paid up, 1111,000,000. K~n ·, 8'lt&e.oo V .-Imperia.l Federation. The .chase was a long one a.nd led the for the accommodation of eld~rly people a. $HIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS Thia B an k le p repared to do Legltl~ VI.-Annexation. hunter to a rocky ravine, where the t racking s top of fifteen sec.onds every r;imute will b.e .f'A IF.I a specla1ty. Out Of town work Here we have in reality not six, but eight would have been difficult al.'d dangerous !Dade. .rhe motive power will be electr1- UJ IU promptly att ended to and returned nat e Bank ing ln all its branches. distinct issues presented for our Jhoice, a.nd had not ~ pack of baboons unexpectedly ity. per Instructions. Farmers n otes discounted ; Deposits The fitting up of coast defense guns with G. P. SHARPE, Proprietor. one of the eight we must definitelv choose come to his airl, . Wben the baboons ecei ved and I nterest pa.id on amount s of befre very I ong. discovered their enemy stealthily creeping , d<ivices for :finding positions is now being ,~xt door to Palmer house. Hnudy to Union 16 upwa.rde l n Sa.viugfl Bank . D··r»rt.me.ni;;.." One peculi11>r and m ost gratifying among the ro.:;ks, they followed at a ! agitated in E ngland. The cost is estimated ll!i._~£-:=e~_P!:'i?t~t.=·~=~=-===~======= D RA .r 1'!S charactniotic of t his singJlar st.i,te of safe distanue, l:owliug out their rage and) ~o be a.bout $250 a gun, By means of this ""' [11eue d and Collections mi.di> In Europe ~ffairs is, as before said, that so far as hatred. mvent ion, an otfi~er located in any prominUnit ed Stat.es and Canada. appeam, the people of Canada are Cigar heard .the cries a.nd made for a.n ent position is· able by electrical wires to perfectly free to look all possibilities and elevated rook, whence he saw t he leopard strike a. ship whioh may be invisible from W. J · ·TONES, contingencies fairly in the face, and rn!!.ke ascend the opposite side of the ravine and the battery itself. Major Watkin's "posi· It never.was In tended, so far as I caD learn 1heir selec tion, untrammel!,d by any consider - enter a. oleft in the rocks, K nowing that tion finder" ha.a been adopted by the British That either men or women were int ended° to be bald. · tions, but those of self-interest, sentiment, the leopard had gone into her den, Cigar Government, a.nil he has received an a.war d you will believe me, Indeed I'm eure and social and political affirmity. There is selected a. hiding -place within easy range of of ~H~5,000 for the invention, and is also to I think ;rou will, not, ·probably, t he slightest reason to ).ear the ledge on which the cave opened, and be paid a royalty of $5,000 a year for the IC at the"Par is Hair Worka" youhave called Gnduate Gt-the Ontario VeterlnBry Copege, nex t ten years. Registered inember of the Ontario Veten n&rJ any attempt at coercion, on the part of waited· for the animal to come out. is one thing Nature thinks of-let us clntinues to do a General Ba.nking Bnsinese Medical AS'Soclatlon. either of the two great powers who are · As soon as the baboons began to howl the The first session of the fiftieth Congress of There Bo wmanvilltl Branch. . thank her for all we can. - . :Ofll.oe and ftel!idence, Newtonville, Ont. Sl'ECIALLY C:>NCERNED leopard cELme for th from her den, followed t he Un ited Shtes closed last Saturday. The She takes particular trouble with our race · DEPOSITS wruvisit Orono every Tuesday andlSaturda:r in the matter. The situation is really unique by two cubs, about I t welve weeks old. Pession, thanks ma.inly to t he fisheries, ta.r iff She knows a scanty growt h of hair the gray and whiteuing locks, ' >eoelved In Sa vings l:la.ni.· Department a1u1· Oftloe hours rr m JO a. m., to 4 'P· m., . at in this r espect. Ivis more than doubtful if in Thereupon the baboons forsook the Hotten- a.lid reta.liation discussions was the lonuest Will detract from the beauty of the face. Ooulters' Hotel Calle by Telegra ph receive all history a parallel case could be found; t ot, and directed their attention to the on record, having lasted 'no less than 32 1 all and inter est allowed a t current rates. No imr. ediate attention. 1 0tlce of withdrawa l necessary. All depo11lt3 that is to say, 11 case in whioh, on the one leop!ird, who had extended herself upon t he days, or within six weeks of a whole year But Nature has her laws so strict that you 1 a.ya.ble on demand. CHAI GE:!! MODERA'fJi:. must never err, · hand, 11 people could exist in perfect security, ledge, and lay on her side, in order that t he Sundays being included in t he enumeratio~ For you'd surely pay the penalty a t last .EX()DA.NGE beside a great nation of t en i;imes its strength cub~ might ~ore easilv ~ake their food. . of days. No wonder tha t Congreosmen have su~tain it. that bounteous head of hn.ir · Dr. Dorenwend's Hair Magic's unsurpassed, and earnestly desirous of annexing thrn1 and Cigar ha.vmg ta.ken time for a. steady aim to he p~id. If such sessions ar e maintained loughtand sold and Drafts issued upon Euro11e t heir country ; and a. case in which, on the at her heart, fired, ann the beast rolled over they will want good substantial incomes to Just try it you atriicted, you nover wm regret Jnited States and Canada, also Gold, Silver a11> T nlted Sta~es Greenbacks boullht and sold· L · 'l.'he Mae:ic we.a nevec yet known to fail ; other hand, a people constituting a valuable on her back dead. The cubs ran into the idemnify them not only for their services to the good that It will do you will make colony of a great empire, could choose he· c~ve and the baboons scu~tled up the rocks. the country but for injury to their busi· And you soon forget UOLl.i EU'i'!Oi\1~ tween continual subordination, national in- C~uar ran to the le?ge, skmne<l: the leopELrd, nesses. E ither that, or the standing of r e. The expenditure a bottle will entail. dependence, annexation t o another state, kicked the carcass mto t he ravme, a.nd then presentativea and sen~tors will seriously fall .>rompt ly made at current rates upon all ar Thia now famoua preparation for invig- "Great Brit tain, the Uni ted States andJ>Do with ·a moral certainty that their deliberate considered how he thould secure t he nubs oil: · choice, whatever it might be, would not be alive. . . "" There is an old custom still widely prev- orating ond sti mula t ing the g r owth of the nl11lon of Canada. forcibly interfered with. T~e m ter1or of the cave W&!l dark, and a.l~nt in Brittany that immediately after the hair is unive rsally acce p ted as the moat Tcleg1·apJ1 Traaurers . CURES But, it may be asked at the outset , is it low ; m the rol?f, but amoot~ on t he fi?<Jr , priest has wedded a couple the bridegroom valua.ble specific on the market. All oiade !or larp:e or small sums on all parts rea.1ly true that we ELre at the cross·ro11.ds? which was th1o~Iy cover ed with sand. Cigar slaps the bi:ide in the face saying, "Thfa is diaea~es of the scalp a re either relieved or J anada.. 'fhie is especially adv& ntageoua of fa there a rea.l necessity for making any of crawled on his stoma.ch to the end of how you will fare if you make me a ngry ·" per manently curtid , · A r ich and r apid ~e~sona living in Mauitoba or t he Nor th·wes the changes indicated ·1 Ia not the Dominion the cave, wh~r~ he groped. a~out aud s~on and t~~n kissing her say, " And this is ho~ gr owth of h air will follow after j udicious ,s it makes the funds available at once a' the ~lace or payment. going on very well as it is ? DJ not the peo· touched a sp1ttm g and , h 1ss1ng cab. yY1th you wul far e if you treat me well. " Not and r egular treatment. OLIC,...a~o It remains wit h pie of Saxon and Celtic descent who inhabit much ·ronble and many scratches and bites, long ago a young Breton married a German J!'or further particulars .call a't the Bankin it manage to live, in the main, in tolerable he s~cured it and hroug~t it . out into the g~rl, and after the ceremony gave her the the user alone to secure t he desired flouee. results, D r. Dorenwend's "Hair Maaic" comfort and independ ence? Have not the daylight· where he left It lymg on the ledge t ime-honored slap. She didn't understand RODIE, GEO, McGJI,L, . Accountant, Mana.get·.· older provinces all the indications of moder · with its four .feet tied toge.ther. . it at all, and returned t he stroke with inter- ia s~ld by a ll d ruggists at $1 per bottle, ·lv a.te wealth and prosperity in their comfort- . On. re-entermg the cave,. C1~ar took with est, sELying. "Look here, I don't app rove or s1:x: b ottles for $5. If n ot obtainable able homes, their fine churohes, their numer· him hJS loaded musket, t~mkmg .that. !he of such behavior." Thereupon the husbELnd in your loc~lity send direct to lhe sole ous and well·equipped schools and universi- f~ther might return and discover him nfimg preceeded wit h the second part of the cer e- manufact urer , enclosing price. A. DoR.Nties, their costly and in some cELsea m11gnifi his home, . . mony wi~h such fervor t hat the a.n. l{rV bride wEND, Paris Hair Works, 103 and 105 ,cent public buildings, their pr<'spercus mer· The second cub had . squef zed itself mto was entirely satisfied. Y~ng.e St., To. onto. For sale by . J. cantile and manufacturing establishments, such a deep crack tha.t it took the ~ottenpot To indulge i n kissing without due war mnt H 1 ggmbotham & Son, an d all druggist AND ALL.. SUMMER COMPLAINTS their well-to·do official and bu11iness classes, ~a.If an hour ~o dr~w it ~ut. While tymg from the k isser m ay b~ innocent enough as. ~o f"LUX£S OF THE. BOWE:L.S with here and there a sprinkling of Knights it~ fe.et, th~ little light faded, all was dar k an amusement , Dr it may not; but some CAN ADA'S LEADING PAPER.. lT IS SAFE. AND RELIABLE. FOR w1thm. There could be but oue cause for London (England) magistrates are bent upon and millionaires, ttc? In a.newer to such questions, which will the darkness, and t he Hott~ntot prepared making it an expensive one. A lawyer's CHILDREN OR ADULTS. suggest themselves to many minds, it might for the fight th!\t must end m t he death of clerk wa. s recently fined £5 for kissing a. be sufficient to point to patent facts. It is a hunter or leopard~ or of both. . waitress against her will. He was perhaps patent fact that the feeling of unrest, bord<r· He knew, even m the darknes.~, where his one of those young men who labour under ing on discontent, is in t he air. The impres- foe was, for the leopard's eyes glowed like the delusion t hat tilmost every young wosion is widespread, al most universal, that ba.lls of fit·e, The roof waa so low that t he man, and cspecia.Hy every young woman who things cannot r emain as they are, t hat im· ani~al could uot spring upon the ~unter, es.rns wages, needs only to be asked and she porta.ntif not ra.dical, ohange is inevitable; in ~nd It had ~o advance slowly, stretchmg out wi_ll btstow t he honey of her lips upon any . t~mg man·shaped if so he that it is not posi· a word , that federa tion has gone nearly as fa its body to its full lenqtb. all it can go a.long the present lines, and that Anxiously Cigar took aim; the report t 1 vely groteique. We have t hem in Toronto we a.re on the eve of a ne w departure. Else answered the snapping of the lock ; the here :- Mashers, lady-killers, w h o ogle the what meaus all this leopard was struggling in front of the man. gi~ls in the reata.urante, and eviden t ly con· DISCUSSION AND AGITATION The Hottentot reloaded his gun-a slow ceive of themselves as perfectly irreaistible, which ar., c ons timtly going on on the plat- process on account of the constrained posi- I t is a pity some of those fine buck could Hter spending much time and money, J ani DO°"ll'flAi\iVILI,E, Ont. form, in the pre>~, and even in Parliament? tion- and i;hen, knowing that the wvunded not be _ fined on the accus;i,tion of some of ·ow prepared to fill i;ill orders promptly, I a floe asf!or1.meut of WAYJ~s. BANGS ·ave W hy i3 it that one can hardly take up even beast was struggling toward him, shoved these girls, for annoy ing behaviour. ESTABLISHED, 1857, SWITCHES, COMBS and PINS very cheap.' The recent meeting of t ire world's confer · a country newspaper in which he wi,l not forward the musket. It1:1 muzz;le touched B.A.NGS FROM: $ 2 U:Pfind articles or letters !\dvocating one or the the leopard's body. Cigar pushed the gu n, ence of Y oung Men's Christ ian Associations .lld Switches colored and made to look like ALL KINDS O.F other of the changes above enumerated ? and preased the trigger. There wa.s a stun. in Stockholm had the largest number of deleg . new. Highest price pa.id for long cut hair. Going a step farther a.nd inquiring into ning zepprt and then all was still. He hELd ates ever presen t at any confer,.nce of the HAIR TONIC the cau1es ot this genera.I political unresv, won. . . kind. The progress of t he Y . M . C. A. some of them at least, it will be seen, are It took him a long time ~o crawl ov~r the movement is one of the most remarkable Warranted t o prevent the hair from falling out and will make It grow. 1not far to seek, though various and dead beast, so closely ~as it wedged ID the characteristics of the present age. Thous· ,arI have a.lso a flne lot of new Stamping - , somewhat complex. In the first place, it passage, and_a longer time to draw out the ands of Associations are being formed every Patterns. A.LI orders promptly a t tended to. has become obvious to many of t he more ca~ua.ss,' H ie ~rat shot bad smashed the year, The incre~se in Europe alone during done int.he latest sty les and materials. thoughtful, even of those who wer e its a.rd- ammal slower 3a.w, and the aecond had ~n· the la.at four yea.r s has been 40 per cent. 1 ent promoter s, that Oonfedera.tion has not tered the chest and .passed along the spine and in o ther quarters the prog ress has been ~7 Neada' Block, Bowmanvllle. been a. success. It baa failed, to a. large eY- t o the r1,ot of t he tad, where It lodged. not lees remarkable. M r. George Willi!loms, SCOTC H , ENGLISH, GERMAN AND 1tent, in accomplishing the first great end for :rhe brave h~nter ~old. the cubs and the of London, who is regarded ag the father of which it waa brought about, the crrntion of skma to a party of. En2hsh gentlemen, for Young .Men's C hristian Associa tion work NEW BRUNSWICK united sentiment. The Maritime provinces, nearly fifty dollars m trade and cash. was presen~ ELt the meeting in Stockholm Nova Scotia in pa.rticular, entered and delivered an a.ddress. It must have ll the union with reluctance in the first His fmt Night Out. been a.n occasion of spacia.l grrtific1it.ion and Bl . 11 place: In tact the lMt r.amed Pr~vince, as Bride (of a month) - My husba.ud seem~ to t hankfulness to him that he had been spired th'l discontented never fail to remind us on . be out very late to .night. to eee t he enterprise Msume such large and IN S TOCK. oc.iasion, was legislated into the coufeder · I Maid-Yes'm · it's after 11 o'clock. iufluentfal dimensions, I t is to be hoped (Height,'ll inches.) Call and see our designs and get our a.tio.n, not onl.y without the sanction, but j "Mercy on m;! Do you suppose he could that the wo rk will go on with ever in· agamst the will of the great body of her , have met some former sweethear t, and--" creasing efficiency a.nd it will he a.s well t o THE Eltll'U:.E since its establishment has estimates before purchasin!! people. At no time during i;he twenty.one "No indeed mum. the butler tells me remember t hat the young women need met with unprecedented ~iu·cesa, and already ·~ea:rs of confederat10?, · ' standsinthoproudpositionofOana.cla'sLcading proh a bl .Y· h ave a ma- your h usband ia' at the' club having a good almost as muoh a.tt,en.tion as the young men, Journal ; but. in order to place tbe \VEEKLY Jonty ~£ Nova Scot1ans cordially accepted 1 time with his bachelor friends, aud I think, a.nd that little effort has been put forth " . ' ·. EDIT13N in the hands of c1'ery Farmer in the the Umon, and there can scarcely be a doubt I ma'am you ought to do something a.bout it." for their comfort and improv.,meu o. No ~ Dominion this fa.ll, tho Pnhlishers ha.ve had · · d I · prepared a Handsome and Life-like Bust-ot t b a t were a. peacef u l wa.y out of 1t pomte I "Why of oourse. How thoughtless I body would aav that too much had been -.BVout, and.a plebiscite taken to-:iorrow UJ?On am! Get me that box of phosphorus from done for the one sex, ·but surely in tb.a.t case LEV~ SIR JOHN MACDONALD, the question, freed from all pa.rtrnan and ot ner 1t he cabinet" too little ha.a been done for the other. There I · To be given toevcrysubscribertothe \V£EKL1l complications, a . large .maj nity . 'f"Ou!il J ·· Dearie me I You ain't· going to commit are, it may ~e conceded, peculiar difiiculties w I e.mtully prepared t o attend Fu!1era.ls on i 1'MPurn FA.YING ONE Yllil.R JN A.DYAN<;E. vote for separat10n. This is su~c1~ntly suicide?" co11nected·w1th the organiz:i.tion and work- tha shortest noti!le, a t t he lowest poas1blera~~s I ONLy $i PER .A.:NN"U1\.IJ:_ clear from the fact that a local a.dm1mstra· 1 "Suicide 1 You must be crazy. I'm ing of young women's GuiJd3 but not of aask:eta andBur1a.lCasesready on sh~rttotice --. ~ion hostile to Confederati.on is ~aintaiued 1going down to t he front door t o rub phosphor - l au.ch a. kind that 2.eal, en ergy a~d Christ ian ; ~':,t~~:~!~~~ffl~s~n!:~tl~~!e~!nt e~1:i!: \ NOW IS THB TJME TO BUESOBIBB. m power. True, .a quasi sanction of the !us 011 the keyhole," wisdom could not successfully overcome. I eral cardssuvplledatonce. Ifurni~ure Shop Ill A..ld rQO... . ~, present order of things seemed to have been . . _;_ .. 13llow Roomq-BoWlsall'sNewBlock. : ~-1.! v:ess 1ou .. Wt ft aundiau J tatt~mau. I A C:ompllcated «lana·llan Problem. lR. PEATE, Tailo~~ I P~pular No. 1, 'P.ia? " Did n't Know 'twas loaded " Boot and Shoe EMPORIUM! Absolutely Pure. to:. AU?H:D,RS & COX, TRUSSES T he Ontario Loan and Co. --o-- 117 CHURCH ST., TORONTO, ONT. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, W\~ W~ ~l~~~Y, STANDARD BANK n __ I ANOTHE RW ONDER. THE ONTARIO BANK DR.FOWLERS - ~EX . T:O~ · · ,<·WILD ,, . TRAWBERRY ...... RA.MPS holera. MQ.fbtl; HOliER~ · fi1IARRHCEA l!JYSENTERY WEEKLY EMPIRE BO UNSALL'S Granite Works, Fine Hair Goods. LADIES, MartHe and Patronize Home TRADE CEMETERY ORK W I Mrs . A. DA VIS, GhANIT M0 UM£iiTS I uNDERTAK I c MQRR1S 0 THE EM .PIRC' . T.. Children Crtfo(Pitcher!~" Q~~rlaJ ..

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