Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1888, p. 1

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---............ · tsman. TBRMS :-11.GO Pu UKUJI, OUR TQWN AND COUNTY PIRST: TBE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M . A . JAMES EDITOR AND PMPBJE'.IOR, VOLUME .... 1aw SBBIEB, NUMBER 536. " BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1888 . ' XXXIV. NUllBER 45. PREPARE -~-=P 0 R =- AND BUY INT ER Tie Downs, Flt'tnnels, Flannel S heeting, R R Blankets, -~=A N ·D=-- LAD I ES & GENTS' S UN OE RWE AR A T- ~ ro ID (g ill JJ (J.Hil ID ~ ti ru Ill G F & CRYDERMAN'S, One Door West of P ost Office, Bowmanville. ~I MILLINERY, I-·-- ---1 MANTLES & DRESS GOODS - IWITH CLOTHING. f- These are the articles that are undoubtedly interesting the lo.dies and gentlemen just now. Buying time has come for all the above lines and the people are asking the question : Where shall I go to get my Hat, Mantle, or Dress, or Clothing ? Who has the best assortment ? Which of all the merchants can give me t he be.s t value for my money ? These are questions t hat almost all are tuming over and over in their minds this till.le of the year. Well, all I ask is a faithful and careful inspection by an unbiased public, and I have no fear of the r e-r,llt. Every one in the store is anxious to please and snit you, so that ~~_here need be no hesitancy in giving us a call. Come yourself; also tell your friends to come and take a good look through, and I feel confident you will save time a.nd money by buying at our store. GENTS,- MR. JOH N HINDS ON, so well and favorably known in town, will take charge of the TAI LORING DEl>.A.n.TMF.NT up stairs, over the store, where he will be pleased to meet his old friends. He also intends-'to do work for any who m!l.y favor him with the same from outside parties. Yours v ery l'espectfully, G E O. LAING. in the West End. On account of illnees Rev. A. MacJ.aren ltas Apple packlnglsover. A. E . Henryehipped been unable to btlrn hiR work for the past two As we have only 20 days m ore to do a car lo;i.i on Monday. The alterations and extensions in the business in Bowmanville, we i n tend sellMr. and Mrs. F. Glaapell visited friends at Sabbaths. lll.s pulpi t was filled last Sabbath by Hov. Mr. Nichols, Knox College, Toronto. ing t h e bal ance of our stock of boo!s and Newto.nvillc on Thursday. Mr. J. Vir t.ue is making extensive r epairs W est Ead House call for a more extended eh oea at coat prices !'Note tho date"W:llham Welch l'.laims to have taken up 800 an<l improvem en ts in h is machine and black· n otice than has yet been given . Mr. · . . . bushels r tnrnlps m two days. smith shop. He is pu tting in steam power a nd· J olm McMurtry has made cha1l " 8 t h·t by the 1st December we pos1t1vely mteud Mr. Silvanus Trflvait whlle !attending 1118 covering the bnilnint:! with iron roof, etc. Mr d 'd dl ,,e .A moving to Whitby. G. BucK. horses got badly kicked. hreaking several ribs Peter Barclay i" making such changes t.hnt by are eci e Y advantageous to the buyrng and othorwiso injuring him. the t ime he is through h~ will almost have a public and r eflect g reat cred it on hia enA U CTION SALES. Sxn-. new house, a very great improvement a t any terprise and judgment. The act.uating HAMPTON. rat~.ll wbo were present at the entertainment i?ea b as evidently _been t o c ombine . the TO"ESDAY, Nov. 27.-- Mr . Jnmes N. People flnd It a great convenlenco to be able piven by t11e :Methodist Sab bath School on hoes m oat needed m t h e h ouse hold mto Fair bairn, havi ng sold his farm, lot 4, to buy dress goods. cottons. me n's underwear 'l'hank;eglving nay o f last yc~r w ill no doubt on e great establishment-clot hinl! gent s' con. 1, Darlington, will sell, without and almost everytliing In wearing apparel a t be dehgbted to t1Llend and cn,J"Y a progxam o 1 f · h' d d . · -· · similar character t hat is now in preparation urm s 11\~B, ry goo _11, g r oceries, p r o v111reserve, the wh ole of his valuabfo farm F · .A.; Cole's c heap store. by the same school and will be given on t he ions, fresh m eats, fl ou r and feed, gra in It looks like olct ti mes to see the women folk ~.vening et 'I'lrnnks11iving Day of tl1is year. b · stock 11.nd implements, some holl sehold o-l w I 1 ' g to F. A. Cole's to inspect t.hose nice 'l'he scholars are m a.king ~every effort t o fur- C. ma ware, o ass. are, cro? rnr J1 '. am p.3, furniture, 25 cords woocl, etc. Sale at ftockin· dre$s goods. "Vhen ihey ull buy, it proves nish a t rnat to all wbo ma.y h a ve t he nrlvilege 01ls, e tc., all easily acces~1ble, ID plam 1 p . m . See large p osterd, L.A. ToLE, that t l11 se goods l!rc not only pretty but t o attend. In additi.on to th~ pr ogram by the view and displayed to the best a d vautaoe cheap, too. scholars speeches will be dehvoired by Rev. L . f · · Th I · '? Auctioneer. e a ter&b ons m ade in The young man who wants to look as If the Phelp or Coluoobus and resident ministers. o r 10spect10n. clothes he wears were made for hi~ 195 lb 'I:h e sc.rvicea will beg in !'-t 7 p. m . Jn co,nnec· the premistis allo wed this idea to be fully The consciousness of having a remedy pater familias mnst n. o t order them at l i', A. t1on with ~he earn ~ services a Sabba t h School carried out and t he establishme nt 1a cJn. . , · at hand for croup, pneumonia, sore throat Cole's popular clothing house. Suits made sermon will b e dehvcred 011 Sabbat h evenmg The t wo l eadmg by him make every man look like a gentleman 11 t h inst., by Rev. It· Sanderson, of South Dar· vemence t y pified. and sudden colds, is very consoling to a and the ties, collars cuff~. etc., ho sells add to lington. branches,dry goods and ~ro ceries, occupy parent. Wit h a bottle of .Ayer's Cher ry the effect. A very 1 nu.ndsome lot of patterns KENDALL. the m ain front, the same posit ions as Pectoral in the house, one feels, in such in worsteds, tweeds. etc., t o choose from. Prices right, too. formerly. The flour and p rovis ion del:lcarlet fever b11.~ apr<lad no further. cases, a sense of Seouri ty n othing else bear partment s and Mr. S. H . R eynolds' meat Some sports have fruitlessly pursued a ~~~ t NEW HAVEN. st&ll are· in the rear of t he grocer y branch. east of here. Mr. Wm, Worden has been laid up with a l\1r· .A.lex. Cow11.n has had a se vere Inflam- Back of the dry goods hranch i n t he east AMS FOR SALE - I h ave three (3) felon, mation of the t ongue. l'!hop a re the business office , t he c ash very fine Shropshire Ram J,v mbs for Miss Adt< Oaborne is visiting friends in NewRev, A . Leslie pre,,.ched an i mpressive eer· 1 sale. J,Evr SKINNER, Tyrone. !3tf 1 fl.ice and accountant '::r . d e, k, and tho tonvolle. mon here on Sabbath. I n the tixtreme Mr. Thos. Kirkpatrick has heon a ttending Miss Robinson, the popular teacher in S. 8, cr11ckery depar t meut . EMOVAL. - M l SS M c PHERSON. the con ventlon at Port Hooe. n or t h e od is 1.1o room freshly fitti-d for a No. 21., has been re-enga.ged for 1889, dress and m·ntle·maker . bas removed On Hallow e'en the w ife of 'lfr, .A.. vVorry, of Mrs. N . H enry. er. , w ae abl e to attend chntch China H all and desig u ..t e<l, ver y a p proto rooms over John England's store. Reed's a da.ught.e.r. Congrntulations. !A st Sa bbath. Mrs. Wm.Llt;le ls also r ecover · prrnt e ly, The Red I'i<r lor . ·Jr . i~ painted Block. 43::lw Mr. Wm. Gdffin is moving to Oshawa to inll. a deep vermill ion and t h o t a ,.leli and Once more tbe youn g ma.n has an opportunity '1..i -iARM STOCK- Farmer· having stock w?;k in Ibo Malleable Iron Works. sJi,~lves are covered w1 1h c h th of , cor_£1 of any kind to cli~pose or shoul<l advertl>e . Hlhe trustees of 8. S.,No. 4, have en)C~·ged Mr. of asking- his best girl if he may escort her to it in 'frrm s 1,A 1' SMAN. a. pa.per I.hut almost J ubert Smule as te».cber tor Lhe conung year. the Army, which has again established a re sponding col or . Th<> b eaut iful hangh ere. branch i1.({ lamps, d inne r sets and o r.her porcelain ~3tf A couple of out· citizens had a pugilistic euover y fv.~mer in West. Durham reads. Mr. E. Reavie and wife. formerly of Clar ke, - - - - - - - - - -- -- -· . counter ovc1 some alleged Hallow e'en per· now of Bruc4' county, visited f riends here last WLLres nicely arranged g:ve the placa a UU~E _ TU LET. - That VPry de~irable t ormaoce, S\1ame men, . In the r ti!'-1' of week. Mr. R. Is one of our not>le Clarke boys ve1·y inviting aspect. house JUSt west or Mrs. John Brown's CLT:.IAX. wl10 by honest in dustry and perseverance tho stores are the gr1 1i n storeh ou ses where resid ence. Conceesion street. .Apply to CoucH have J1 ewn out comfortable homes in the Wear. JOHNSTON & CnYDERMAN, 4!- tt Ile is a jovial good fellow ,.nd a warm suppo1 ·ter hrmers' wau,o ns ar<> fonn d almost from KIBBY. of the liberal cause. daylig ht t o dar k u nloading all kinds of TORE TO LET.-The s tore now oc· R ev. J, Thom prenched in the Methodist The local sports are enthnsia.stio over a grai n. cupied by Mr. W . If, Ives, on K ing Street, church on Sundaf, Oat· 28th to a very appre· bruin th&t c hased Bob Magahey from a turnip Ever y b ranch of t h ia exteusive and two doors easi ot the P . 0. Posse·~ion May cia.1ive sudieuce. Kirby people esteem him field. Mr. Bruin has so far eluded pursuit, but highly. 10th · .Apply to A. BUCKLER, Jeweller,15-tt w ill undoubtedly be brought to bay. Then comprehensive mercantile esb bl!shment .A.cc!>r ding to latest a cconnts, Mrs, Lang. you may expect to hear a b'a.r story that wou!.cl tho wife or our young arid reapected postm'l.s· m a ke Munchauscn blush to the end of the is fil led w ith the c hoices t of s eason able HEEP STRA YED.- On the p r emises ter is nor. improving in health a· might be ex· hairs, were that worthy all ve. goods which a r e being sold , so peop!e of the undersigned, Lot 11, Con. 5 on or pected, We hopo to g ive better accot1uts next Messrs. Jackson & Robi nson have their new say, a t very m odera: e p rices. about Oct. 121 .h, two sheep. Owner ia request- time. house just nbout fi nished. About all t hey The gr ocery i s looked af te r by n imble ed to prove P· ope·1 .y. pay expenses, and take Mrs. Henderson returned to Coldwater on want now iB some furnit ure and a blushing them away. JOHN H OSKIN . l· 3 - 3w* Mooday Out. 2!lG h , and brought with her. her damsel to keep the chairs titly and wield the and a ccomm ·dating clerks a t t he h ead of dan.i;hter Nellla, who has been a way r or neat.. brooni~tick. Mr. Warren h'1s certainly given which ia M r . J amea L 1wrie, an d including ~TORE TO RENT OR SELL. - Store, !y lwo months. Mi·s Nellie comes back much us ·nfflcient evidence of his abilit y a.a a painter ...:JDwelJin~ and Drivi··g· houee in Ennlskillen. improved in hea(tb, and your scribe unhesitatingly pr onounces h im Mr. Fred , beal, Mr . H a r ry B d111ac ·m be A !'[ood eland for busil1es·. on reasonable aud Mast or J .,hn McM nr t r y ; t he pr othe best painter he ever m~t. We hav1,1 to r.ell th is week of t ho r omoi,a l by te · ms , A.pplv J,<J 't.bo owr1<·· r, R. HuTmusoN, prie.tor rend e r ' ~ ~ sisbmee ds:> w h en the On the 6tb lin e, Mr. "V. P1·ingla has sold bi" deuth vf soother ol·i " ud respected citlzon of Listowel, or WJ.J, t,L\M RINGHAM Eo niakil l· , n. Kirby. .Mr. Alex M«rr. Sr.. < lied on Wedned· fa r m to Mr Hobert, Cooper. Mr. A . Stark t he · ush l s g r eate r thau u· n b& ~xpe ::l i tit>q aly tatf d..y 31st ult .. >1.1l(l wns intt>rred in tho Orono former tenant, has · rented a farm near ~ er v ed by t he r egu.hr 8t eff Mr. ReyBet.hany. J. und D. Cathcart havo rent ed AR M TO !{ENT OR S~JLL - 145 cemetery on Friuo>y, Nov. 2.id. Mrs. Hugh Scott's 1ann. On the 7th line l\.·r. n olds g ives his pt11 s :prn.l tJ.ttention t o the r.c r·t~. P ·LT" o r lots 30 in th" 71.h and 8th ltobt. Lowry has purchasM Mr.Robt. White·~ 111e«t stall. M1 UuU.H.'l'lUE. ·. T . H . ~t c :VC urtrv is the cor·ceo;iirme. of t,h·' '1'<.»vnship of Whit.by. I mfarm. Mr. J onn McLean,. has again qiven up mrdiat.epos~t'ssi"n . Appl· to J, . B. BICK If.LL. i n the e ,.at d1 ·pat·t m en t ; gi ving farmin11: and rented his farm t o l\fr. Jn.,, manag~r . Hallow 'en pasedd over very quietly· 65 Front·st., East, Toronto, ur RICH. HAt,L, "pecial a t t tintion . t o clothing , gents' Esq., Broukliu, 35-3w There is said to be a ghost n eLLr Carmel Lowry, Newtonvill e. Tl1e quietness ot our naturally stirring little furnishings , t he c hina hall and crockery church. village was broken somewh .. t by t he recen t OOD HOUSE FOR SA.LE. -A two Farmers regret they didn't sell their barley excursion to Midland and Br acA bridge, Quite branch. Mtss M.innie D owns, well aud storev f'rame h .. use situated on O'Dell St.· before the drop, a number of our citizen~ took advantaffe or the favorably k .:owu aa a. fashionable dreascontaining seven rooms and snnomer kitchen, Ebenezer Y. P . C. A. will discn's Canada's cheap fare and had their outing. 'Ihe boye maker in the t own, presi des o ver t he closete. p..ntries, &c. Httrd and soft" water ; destiny, on tne 13Lh. say they were well treat ed, w hlc b. I will n . t full ! tt.cre of ground with good selection of Cheese Factory clo3ed for the eeast n on deny as they looked dawny enough ; t he l" d ies' d epartment ; Mi~s B each , a y oun g choice fruit 1 .rees. Apply to !II. A . JAMES or to Wedne~day. probabillty Is that they were too well treated lady of very pleasing m anner, l ook s a f ter 'l'RIM. D, B. FOGG, P roprietor, Bowmanville. ~1-tf Amonit those who went to Bracebridge w11.· the cash and the books ; 1md Master Mt. Carswell school repert, October.-Sr. · 1 th J . D. Fallis, who is so taken up wit h Muskoka Class- Laul'a Cawker, H Cawker. L Rundle. t.hat he has expressed his desire to resiie th ere. Finle y L ockhart is a very activ.. j 11nior AB.M 'fO LET. --20(1 acr~a of land, Jr 4r.h - McK Penfound, L. Balson, L Nichols, consisting of the nort h three-quarters of B GtJ.y, E Cochrane l:lr, 3rd- A Salter, F .Mor clerk. Seveml men are employed 11a.ndJot 15. and 50 acres or lot 16. in the 5th con. or row, W Salter, M Tooley. Jr 3rd-S Bal·on L MR. TAYLOR, of Tor onto, ia n ow in ling grain a nd doing oth e r work as rePlckering, between B 1·outl'ham and Green- Lyle, G Tooley H Hancock. Sr. 2nd- N Arm· cha r ge of our T a iloring departme n t . q uired, so that th e Weat End Hou se is wood. Well adapted for grain or r<tising of our. R Trngle, E Cornlsb.. E Rundle, C Nichols stock. Usual p1ivilege of plowing, Plent y of J Coch rane. Jr 2nd-M Walters, S Balson B L eave your 1ueasurn, a p e rfect fit guaran· o ne of lead ing businesa concerns .,f the living war.er . As pre·ent lease expir"8 Oot. 17 Rioh<>rdA, E Courtlcc, E Ge.y, E McDon;ld. teed. M c CLUNG Enos. to wn a nd Mr. ,John McMurtry is one of imm·diate possession oan be given ·ro a good A v ..rage att· nd ..nce for the month, 32. J H reli11.ble tenaut very favorable term~ v.ill be ALLIN. Te.. cher. the busieat cit izens i n B owmanville, TYRONE. given Apply to HENRY HOWELL, Whitby, or to J. K . GORDON. Barrister, Whitby. Mr. Curtis is repairing his residence. Jr.LtiPLE GROVE. 42-4w* Th e sick of this section are improving. Mr. S. Pollard has a turnip 3 ft. () in. AHM l N PICKERil'-G Ft >R 8ALE. Mr. S. Rundle started for the West last round. - One of the best farms In Pickering tor Wednesday. sale oont~ning 125 acres, all or which are On t he 2 od ins t. , Mr s. G. H. Jar dine -cleared and in high state of cultivation. On The quarterly eervico of thie circuit will be of n eon. ~ IMl'l'ATED DV ·MANY. -BQU.ALLED DY NONE, the premises are t· good dwelling house a nd held at 1'~bene7er on Saturday and Sunday out buildings a nd 1 ;wo wells. This property is next. Our boys had big fun but did little h a r m situated on lot 1~., b, r., one mile and a halt '.l'herc was a large husking bee a t Mr. s. on Hallow'een We call special a ttention of re11,d er s of from Pickering v!He.ge,half a ml!e from Grand Snowden's on 'l'hursday evening when about Rev. L . Philp, Oolumbus, preaches the S TATESMA.N wan th1g stoves to a few of Trunk Station. three m11 es !rom Pickering 100 bu·. corn was peeled, "Vhere next, boys 1 Harbor, and six miles from Whit,by. For the leadin g points of merit of " Th 6 Art On vVedneeday evening about 60 people here next Sunday. further partloulare apply t<1 JAMBS PICKARD young and old assem bled atMr.Wm· .A.xford'e The S. of T. are preparing a big treai Garland, " the lelldiog Base Burner o f the on the premises, or Pickering, P . 0 . 29- tt with w ell·filled baskete and s urprised Lhem for Christmaa Day. world, and claim for it in geuer al all of much, The meeting was called to oraer ARM FOR SALE.-130 acres, com· very and .Wm. Foley, Esq., appointed chairm ..o . Mr. Jos. Moore has b ough t the Gibbard the ad vantages that 11re gen erolly claimeC-: posed of south part of Lot No. 19, Broken Ht< · \de a nice sho1·t speech and then Ci>lled for s t o ves of thiB cfaM . Front, a~d Is three miles from the Town ot on Mr, 1'.Kirkpa.trick who read a ·well·worded property for $1000. lst. The bottom flues give g reate r Bowmanville. 'l'his i. s one of the best farms in &ddress to Mies N ellie Axford and on behalf the county or Durham. It Is in a hiKh etate of of the friends pre;-ented her with a beautiful Mr. W. Moore was too sick t o d rive radiating surface from the b o tJ.orn of the cultivation and Is well fenced On the pre· silver cake basket worth about $12 as a token s tage one day last week. stove than haa ever yet b11en attempted. mises there is a stone dwelling, two· large of reepcc~ and for hflc gre~t help tu Sabbath barns aI>d otber out· bulldillg-s, w ith stone school work. M!ea Axrord ma.de a sui table Mr. S. Bingham gave hia men an oys· 2nd. One of the distinctive f~!'.tures of stabllng for cattle and horses, ·.hree wells and replyi Speeches were then made by the chair- t e r sapper Friday night. utility is the o riginal patented system of four cisterns, a lso wind·mill for pumping man, Mr. '.l'ookm, Mr. U . Stevens and water, For further particulars apply on the i;;~l~~e. The table was spread and all did Mr. a.nd Mrs. Cass, Toronto, have been heat ing and ventilation, the 0·1 id air is premises or.if by le tter to HENRY MANN, Bow· spending a few d ays here. admitted t o the s tove through open ing manville. 31- tf DEXTER, Mr· T. H oop er, of t ,, wn, will move i n · under ash d oor - the supply ·bain~ r egu · to Mt'. R . B rown's h ouse. ·ated by t h e indicator eho wu u p,.i1 tho OSHAWA. fro nt d oor. By this means pel'fect ven(From tl1e Ontari o R eformer.) Lieut. Hag u e <G & !ucted the services t ilation in secured, and t h e air s o u~ed ia All taxes remaining unpaid at this date, The natural gas well t<t Whitby is full to the in the barracks Thu. eday night. made t o pass throu~h the fir o, tht> ear.no must to save costs be paid by 17th or this pres· top with water. ent month, ROBERT V1RT1 .m. Fred Penfound was run over by a t ur- as nir which is ueually introduced t hrough Mr. A. Mackie has eclipsed anything in the Collector , nip wagon last week; injuries slight. t he draft slide -in the fron L door ; t h i!l way of sign board a. Bowmanvllle, Nov. 7, 1888. Both Methodist churches bave flourishing Miss Broad and Mr. T Brown a t tended improvement alone will r ecom m e nd the Young People's Associations. the t each e rs' convention a t Port Hope. Art Garland tC\ all thinkin g consn m·~r~. Mr. F. J . Drew, of Montana, U.S., le visiting People who want free notices of church 3rd . The e n t ire back of the s tove is friends in this neighbor hood, Messrs. Edmondson handled, during Oct'r teas can get the m where they get their used as a hot air chamber , t he c old a ir 56 car loads of grain and f!Jur. ' printing-En. . entering at the b ase of t he sto ve and The undersigned has received Instruction to Whitby and East Whitby Ploughing Club sell by private sale that seven acres or lot 23 in D eb a t e a t Division to-morr ow ni " h t being discharged in a hig hly h c,atl;lli con· shows a balance of $00 on hand. the 7th Concession of thel'ownehlp of Darling· ton known RB belonging to the L\ttle E~tate Mr. Grierson tined young Kelly, of Harmony, "Love stronger t h a n R eason. " Bros."'J. ditio n t hrou gh openings wh ich arE) on a level wi th t he pipe collar, addin.!{ g reatly and which has for some years past b een rent· for assaulting a man named Brown, $1 and Bingham nnd T. Cr eepe r, leaders . t o the h eati ng capacity of eachl size . cd and occupied by James P ye, being compos· coats. ed of the seven acres lying immediately to the The fire -pot ia extra large a n d is so R eport of S. S. N o. 13, Darling ton for F. A. Clany. ot Toronto. well known In this South or the Northerll nine acres ot. the South district, has been fined f20 for gettinit up a October. - 5th Class- F Virtu11, 4th a rranged that i t can be taken ou t t hrough half of the I£aat half o said lot, lottery, Class-C Campbell, E Farrell, Sr 3rd 'the front door without taking t he sto ve Title indl.sputable, possession can be given Dr, A. M. Rosebrugh, Oculist, &c., of To· Immediately after harv.est, ronto, will v lsU Oenawa professionally, on Class- A Campbell, ]~Hamley, W BerJ'y . apart, 1111 can the g rate, aud 1 i n fact, the F or further pa.rticu lars apply to Friday, Nov. 9Lh. Jr 3rd- M Hooper, S Woodley, M ; entire i nsido of the sto ve . D, BUUKE SIMPSON nJ- tf Solicitor tor Vendor. Mr. I saac French. north of the U nron Ceme· Deane. Sr 2nd - M H ooper, B Virtue, The grate is an impro vemen t over what tery, h1>11 been making cider every fall during N Woodley. Jr 2nd- E S t rutt , M haa been used h e r etofore . T ho dust the past forty years. Pt. 2nd Sr. - M damper, check·d !\mper, and ·direct draft American apple dealers are now loading a Hooey, R Hodgson. Pt. dampe r nre ·all upon t he s!une aide of the large schooner at Oshawa harbor, for the Colwell, J Burgeae, W Edgerton. cider market over there. 2nd Jr- E Strutt, 0 Staples, W Hamley. stove. Mr. E. S . Edmondson Is gathering facts Pt 1st Sr- R Berry,L B erry,E Woodley. Above the mica section are three rer rHE CREDITORS OF WILLIAM about electrio r1<ihvaya, with the object ol S r Tablet Class-D Virtue, J Burgess. flect ora which cast a blaze of ll>tht from . ARG ALI,. late ot the Township or Clarke building one from the Oshawa station to the Jr Table t Class-W Woodley, M. V i r- the entire t o p of t he sto'?'e. There are in th e County of Durho.m, y6'lman, d.eceased, town. who died on or about the 10t h day or Se pt., A. Whilst Mr. Milton French was fixing some tue.- ETTIE 0Al'tll'JIEU, 'l'eacher. no joints in the magazine t h a t oan ponaibly l.l., 1888, are hereby notified, under Seotlon 36 machinery in R. ' 'Voon & Co.'s machin~ shop or Chapter 110. ot the Revised Ste.tntcl!I of the platform gave way, and he was thrown to A. Hun -·,v~~,;::_~:=-;-;-T h e h a ppiest leak .from 1>ut.t y fallin g out·. it hei ng all Ontario, 1887, t o send by poet. prepaid, on or the ground. breaking both arme and hb nose, women like the happiest natio ns have no ca.st in o n e ptcce. The ewm rr cove r ia be fore t ho Joe S ' rlckland, recently tried for an attempt double as i n all .A.rt Garla~de, and Indecent assault upon the youn11; woman, history, " says that wonderful writer , very p erfectl fitted.. 17th Day of November, 1888, at 1 Cook, employed as a waiter In the Q11een's Geor((e Eliot, but no woman can be happy d to McGmr. 8G Jom;:!!, Oahawa. Ont., Solicitors Hotel. Oshawa, was eentencecl by Jndge who is suffering from the irregularitie s An a equate descrip t ion of t h is wond erfor the under mentioned Executrix or tho said Durnham, to 23 months In the Central P rluon. deceased, FULT, PAR'l'ICULARS or their nsmes, and "weaknesses" so common to the sex. ful stove ia practically i m possible . it addrosses and claims and or the securities, if Recently, Miss llall, daughter of Mr. L. D p· , F · p . . p ossesaea all the time-tried feat ure~ of any, held by them. C. Hall, broke one of her lega while vieiting r. ierce 8 avorit e resoriptton will m e rit to be fo und in other stoves and fa And notice le l1ereby irlven that Immediately with her Rr1<ndmother at Harmony, She was soothe nervou1 troubles nud restore health after tho last mentioned clate, t he said Ex· standing upon a 111.dder ploklnA: auples, the and vigor once more. The r oses will eo strikingly beautiful and so r eplete wit h ecutrlx will proceed to distribute the a BSet3 ot l ladder turned over a nd she tell to the groitnd. tho s11.id dece11.sed among tho persona entitled Wednesday night w as enjoyed by t.he youthrl b loom a gain on thos e faded choeks. It fa new l~tnres throt it ie sure to ou~rank any baae burner that hu ever b een made . t.hereto. having regard only to claims or 'I' hlch or Oshaw a In celebrating Hallowe'en, when Oall she ehall then have notioo and will not be 1 wilful damage was done to tho property ot a positiYe cure for the most complicated It muet be seen t.o be ·I>preoi.tlted. liable tor the said aaseta to any per son ot citizen&-wlridowa broken, fen ces damaged, and obstinate cases of prolapeus, weak a t .L. Geo. Quick'" etol'EI, on.a door eaet of whoso claim she Bhall not have been notitled and an enaless number of crosslnga and side· back, "female weakness," anteverslon, the STATESMAN 01ice, to see the differe n t at the time or euch distribution . walks.were torn up: Wo /all to see where the retrover11ion, "bearing down" seoeationn, styles and eizes. Dated at Oehawa this 27th day or Octgber, 1flln comes in by destroying proporty, l~. chronic congestion, inflamma tion l.\nd ulM..!.RY ELT.JS PHILLIPS. 8 1ai. HE..t.o .u ;in ; C8118ed by eXCUi ofblle P.llNFIJI..BlTBlil, brat.ee, 1ca1d1 aa.1hnb Cedar Dale, Oi.. or a d lrmrdettcl stomaeh Is J.lfO :11pUy rellt\'· cerat ion, i nflammation, pain and tender· ne3s1 and kindred ailments. :;: a'-e ··lek)7114un1tell &J.111 Jl.ealtd by Ttet.C1rla C*f!', Exec1llfl'\:ll ed by n·lorr; Nnthnat ruts, · U.r!Hllle SaJTe. . Special Notice. I · TAUNTON. ENNTSKILLEN. The Great Mercantile Emporium l , H S I F F The Art Garland. F Taxes-Last Notice. Sale of Seven Acres of Land near E nniskillen. Executor's Notice t o Cred itors. I ---·· ·M·-·---

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