Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1888, p. 6

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· with himself thus, Mr. Melnotte ·opposed h of your mot her I have been thiokmg, Adri that he would have very little d1 fliculty ID an, since I heard of th IS diacoverl. How puttmg his hand upon th('I missing man. He will it i>ffect her 1' "How can it affect her' I cannot see--" went straight from the G re1.1t Western to Scotland Yo.rd, secured an ass1stimt offi. ul, Adrum began helplessly. "If I t IS found that ther e h a.a been foul engaged a. hansom by the hour, and started play" upon his quest. 1 "Why foul pla.v? Should thn body b 9 iden"London Is a big pla.ce, Redway," he AUTHOR o:r "LADY AUDLEY1S SECRET," "WYLLARD S "VEIRD," E:ro' ETC. s r.1d, "but the big Lonclon is only an a.ggre tified as that of Mrs Belfield, the mference gate of httle Londons Ei ch ma!l his his will bs that she drowned herself." "The people m Cla.dford ar e talking of I as window cleaners. To night you ca.n take own p eculiar metropolis, which is generally CHAPTER XLUI - " L~,r M~ BE YouR a holiday, but on future evenings we can no bigger tha.n a. m od!:ra.te mzed oountry somethmg more terrible thaD that. There is SERV~T give you some penmanship 00 do for us, let town N ·w I take it that ~fr Belfield's a rumour that circumstances p :>mt to t he idea. Do you feel dull langmd, low-spn lted, lifeValentine Belfield did not go to the Great ters to oha.r1table plople who help us London Is boundt n on the West by Ta tter of murder. Aduan, I mus n speak. p lamly," less, a.nd indescribably miserable, both phy· Western Hotel after he l eft the holse What must we call you, by tl:J.e bye? Y ou sail's, and on the E ~st by the Cr1 ter10n, on sa.1d the V 1car, \\1th und1sgmsed grief "Sus cally and mentally , experieaoo a seneo of ullness or bloat;mg afton eating, 01 or. gouein L1sson Grove. He was too deeply a.g1ta.t have a second Chr1st1an name, I thmk l" the South by Pa.11 Mll>ll, and by O.x:tord - p1cion points to your broth~r a.s t hl' murde1 f nes11, · or emptiness of stomach in the morned to go qu.etly back te his hotel, and eat a "Yes I was chnsteucd John Yalentme street on the North If we don t find him er It ts of your m other I thmk What can ing tongue coated bitter 01 bad taste m good supper and drmk a bottle of wme and but I wi·s aha.ya called by thn second name, w1tiiin thoHe hm1ts we must look for him at you or I do to help her to bear the blow? mouth n regular appetite, dizzmess, freQuent . "Nothmg, I fear She adores V al entme. hentlaches, blun ed eyesight, " floating speeke" Ltverpool, Southampton, or Plymouth," go to be<i and rest. He knew that sleep because my mother preferi edit" befor o the eyes nen ous p10strat1-011 or eiIf any evil befoll lnm, 1t will kill her.' was impossible, unless he could brmg it " Then here we will call you John." This was on the way to the Ba.dminton, haustlon, i11!tH.b1ht y o! temper hot fln!li.es. "You will do all you C8.D to keep idle ru alternating a.bout by sheer fatigue, as he had done when She began to prep~re the tea, as she had where Mr. Melnotte alighted and interview with chilly s~ nsati ons, sharp, he walked from the Abbey to B1deford and done on the prehous evemng, and two of ed the porter. Mr. Belfield ha.a not been mours from her, and yet to prepare her for biting, transient pa ins here and there oold feet, drowsmess after meals wakefulness, or anything that may happen to morrow W here ha.d slept the sleep of exhaustion in the the sisters came in to fetch the trays for seem the1e for hJX months. disturbed and uurof1 oshmg sJgep constant, "Not ~m ce Lord St. Austell's 'oss P ost is your brother?" mdescuba.ble feehug of dread, or or impendbottom of the httle ea.Ilmg boat His only their patients 0 ne was an eld erIy woman, "In London, I believe." mg calarmty ? cha.nee to mght was to walk down the devil the other a. girl of two and twenty, a pale card, lost the brea.t Ebor,' said the porter, "You do not even kn<>w bis where8.bonts?' If you have all, or any conlilderable number of restlessness that was m him ; so he turn gentle lookrng creatme, with a wistful ex CHAPTER XLlV.-Is T H BRE NO BALM IN who dated most event 3 by the R~cmg Calen "No. H e left here with the 1deo. of gomg of these symptoms you me suffe11ng fiom 1 of American rnaladieathat most commo1 ed his face northward and walked to H~mp pression in her lo,rire blue eyes. GILEAD, dar. stead, and then struck off toward£\ Fmchley Madge mtroduced V alentme to them as From the Badmmton, Melnotte drove t o abroad-perho.ps to Africa., or South Americ~ J3 d10us Dyspcpsrn, or Torpid J, n e1, assoc1atc>d It was nnt hie own fancy My mot her and 1 vlth D \ s popsiu, ot" I ml1 geslw11 'rhe m ore and Hendon, and roamed a.bout among fields Mr. J obn, a person who in t he outside world The Coroner was a portly gentleman of the Argus, hard by. 'omphcnted your d!B(lase has become, the and lanes all night, and at seven o'clock, had been a gentleman, but who offered him s1xtv five, who had fulfilled all the duties of Here aga.m Mr. Belfield ha d not been I were anxious about his health and spirits, gie 1ter 1 he number and dn eislty of sympand Uiged him to travel. H e has not written toms No m 11tter what stage It baa 'fc11obed, breakfasted at a little public house by the , self to them as a servant. a general pract1t10ner in Chadfo.rd and the seen for months. Dr. Plereo·s Goldeu lltedical Discovery side of a oanal, somewhere between Fmchley· " If all t he Atsters approve, I thmk we surroundmg villages for upwards of thirty Melnctte drove westward, and contrived to me s1Dce ht> left " "That 1s unlucky. He ought to be here, will s ubdue it, 1f t aken accordmg to dlre~ road and Ch!ld's Hill. It was a house may keep h11n here and fiad him very use years, and who had retired on a comfortable t o see one of the men at Tatteraall's, though t1ons f ot a r easonable length or tlmo I1 not to face any d iffi ulty that may arise to mor cm ed compl1cat1ons multiply and Consump.. chiefly affected by bargemen, and nobody ful," she sa.1d "In the meantime he will fortunP made partly by his profession, and the yard was shut row,, t"'n of the J,111112s Qkin D sense. H e111 t D1se1UJ0, took a.ny particular notice of him, the ba.r stay here for to rnght, and he can help you part ly .JY fortur ~te mvestments m modest .No t1dmgs of M r. B elfield ~h eum tltwm Kidne y D1 se1tSc, 01 olhe1 gtllVG Adrian was silent. To him, who knew all, maid merely rema.rJdng that mall proba.billty both in carrying round the coal scuttles Ot1e bra.uches u:d l oops of the great railway "Tha.t'll do for to mght, Redway," ' id o nnlaclll' S ar< quite J1 11ble to set m and, soonec he was a swell who had been on the drmk after tea.' system, which I ad d eveloped into important Melnotte, cons1dera.ble disconcerted. I II the one hope Wd.B tha.b his brother might have 01 1at e1 11Hluce a ra tnl t cn n 111 1L1011 ID1. Picrcc·s Gohlon :.Ue elu·a l Dis.. la.st ni~ht, and had been walking about to Sister Agnes, the fair girl, sat down to Imes He ha.d b>ught for himself an estate drive you back to the Y 11.rd, andthen I'll go left the c ountry for ever. Well, my dear Adnan," sa.1d the V1~ar eover} acts power ful ly u pon t he I Iver nnd sober himself He was sober enough this tea with Madge and Yalentme. She had of forty odd acre! o i excellent pasture la.nd and dme and turn m for the mght. lf Mr that g ie1 it blood-1n nlf, mg 0 1g>:<n, through mormng evidently, and was proof agams~ a. slightly ne·vous manner, and spoke rarely betwean the Chad 1md the shoulder of the Belfield had been knockmg about town m quietly, "we must watt a.nd see what to clm m.qes tho system of a ll blood-tamts and itnn tlc.s, from whate' er cause nus tng. I t ie all the barmaid's blandishments, though. she but Ya.lentme wa.s interes ted m her appear moor, and he had bmlt for himself one of an open, easy gorng manner, I behevve I morrow ma.y brmg fort h I th1Dk you know 1-n L unlly ef'flcaclous m actmg u pon t h2 K idhad iaken thti trouble to take her ba.ir out of ance, and 1Dqu1red her history by and bye those ossE'noially Ph1hatme houses, of the shoi ld have hea.rd of him at one of those that you may count upon me to do anything eq neys n.nd othc1 excretor y organs! clcnnSm!I'. papers before she carried him hIS breakfast when she had gone bll.ck to her duhes on streaky bacon order of architecture, whwh pla.ces So I am di9poaed to thmk he has that hes w1t1un the comp ass of my will or 1 t1 engtlienmg >mn hen.Jing t lrnu d sensea AJJ the upper floor. are the delight of men who make the1r f< ,r ca.ken the alarm and is trymg to get out of my streng th Would to God I could see my in aµ petlz111g, 1cstorntn e tom e, it promotes of eggs and bacon ar.d strong tea. the country, I hardly thmk he can have WILY to bemg useful to you and your dear \igC8t1on and nut11t1on, thereby lmllding 11p He ha d ea.ten nothmg y esterday except I " Eier's is a sad story. She belongs to t unes m 00 u ntry t o W n S · Altogeth er, M r pot clea.r off yet, but I shall set the wires at mother I shrmk from a.sk mgyou questions, bot h t\e~h urnl ~tre.il! th Ju maln.rlnl dlstr1c*I, OrthV person , and medicme 111\B gained grea.t the damty little plate of brea.d and butter very n ch people, and three years a.go her Ma.ples 0n was a very w because I feel I am on delioa.te ground; bu t tins wonderful "' roner bee t work a.ga.m before I eat my chon 1t y m curing Fe\ et and Ague Clulls and supplied by Madge, and he wa.s fa.mt and hie was a round of gaiety. She fell m love w h en the Office 1 0 a.me vacan Mr. Meluotte d id set the wi;es at work If- If you knew anythmg that could assure celebt ~1 evet , ]) 1 nib A gue, and ldnd1 ed d1 senaes sick from the unaccustomed fast. w1tb. an army doctor, and her family were his name a.ppeart d head of the to a oons1dera.ble extent, Just before the me of the falsehood of those rumours-if, for Do·. Prnree's Golden Medical DlllJ.. ·o at ·8 the stud M a.pl 60 CO'Uel Y He fell asleep by the fire m the public all opposed to the match, and made her 1'0 ll · Mr· ·re n Y was a tment fur h d .t.... closmg of t he chief telegraph cflice He mstance, you had hea.rd of your sister m law 11 Bqu~ house parlour, slept throu,7h t he entrances break off her enga.gement He \ went to a sma ms e WI " telegraphed to all the ports from wh10h a since her supposed elopement--" d moro co h apa.r d boo'- · of ref 0 CURES ALL HUMOrtS, and exits of several relays of bargfmen, slep t Egypt and wa.s killed m the b oudan She re c oun " erence, a m1Ln seekmg to escape from 1ust1ce was .. I have heard nothmg of her n IS bet a common Dlotob ot E1np t10n, to tlwl air.idst the odcur of beer and the Jmgle of he1>rd of his death unexp ectedly from her W h 1p raok ' and a i orm1d a ble row of bu oo t s, likely tJ a.t~empt a start, and took measures ter that I should answer no q uest10ns t ill to 110111 worst Sc 1o r ut 1 Salt-rheum," F ever-soree/' h 10h impa.rted an dour Of D .i.y .i.nd J.u ar ewter pots, dozed on till the afternoon, partner at a dance, and fer six months w Scnly or Hough Slun, m short, n.11 dise&1191 morrow I suppose I shall be c8.lled at the · t the t1·1o ph 1 Into tl1 h t to s~cure attention for the fugitive. P c;rnscd b' b!ld blood ate 0011que1ed by t.hll and tben pa.id his score a.nd went away. He afterwu.rds ehe was out of her m1Dd, \Vhtm t 10 0 · h 11. 'b ~ M er ott a th IS somew "..- k He was up and about by times nex t morn inquest?' p u!lfi ing, nnd m vigorutlng- medlpower ful, ma.de his way a.cross the fieldff to the Eder e n e, erw1se " I conclude so-if there 1s sufficient urnc 0 1eat lht1ng Ulcers ra.pldly heal under '"' she recovered, nothmg would mduce her to prosa.ic h t'-c dam te er, t· h o db ·1 J.ua.r mg, saw Mr. Belfield's tailor, took u. stroll ware road, and thence to Lisson Grove, resume her old life of fi ne clothes and par am, ., e e -c7 1ve, W'l.S us ere Y · Hl man 1 ta lien11:pi mll uencc Especlnlly lrns It mani· ground for identify mg tne body wit h your NB bu tler th f and an early cigar in the neighbourhood of testPcl I ts pot ency m c uring 'l'ettt>.r E ollCma, where be went into a slopseller's shop and ties, nothmg would mduce her to bear of 0f a11- Work · ""'i~ +h "bb· 00 · 0 mornmg o Hyde P.i.rk Corner, huna about .rattersall's sister ID law." d h th d b:1 J~t pelas Uo1 ls, C> trbunclea, Sore EJes. Scrof. bought a complete suit of such clothes as another lover She devotes her hfo to e 1scovery ID · e .o ey river: a.n dIll "Then I will keep my own counsel t ill I ulous Sores and Swel!ings, Hip.joint D I Ee!UiO, Jorry ne t'ld wh th ht e for an hour, looked in at..,a famous spurrier'd Phr·se are worn by the lower order of working charitable work, a.nd all the money her briefe Bt·nd ~ c ., a a ap 'White Swellings" Goitre, OI Tlnck Neck, am before the Coroner " his own conclusions th f m P10caddly and a fash1ona.ble maker of and ],nlnrged Gla.nds Send t en cents 1111 men-an Oxford shirt, corduroy trousers, father gives her is ., <>JVeo to the poor He is Pened Mr. ltockstone left Sir Adrta.n soon after sta " y · w th" k 1 ·t t d ere " rom d hunting boots m BJnd street, and before 0 mps fut a huge Trea tise, with colored fustian 1a.oket, and hob nailed boots He very liberal to her, althoul!h ua.se d mur M Mou 1 ID b tIS IL th - he d1sa.pnroveq " f h er, sa1 eleven o'clock had s!l.t1afied himself the.t Mr. this, somewhat mystified by his c almness. platt'S1.on Siem Diseases, or the same amcullt re of her way of life. She spends only one r" It ap eson, o 18·pen cha.nged his clothes on the premises, "nd for a ·.uer1t1se on Scrofulous .A.1l'c ct1ons ~ b6 I thm g l e en Th Belfield had not been seen at the West (TO BE CONTINUED ) appeared in L1sson Grove ID corduroy and d ay of every week m this house, but she can n o \ng e se. ·nd f ere st ls a d car th End of L:mdon smce the previous summer " F'OFI THIE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." fustian, leavrng his own thmgs to be kept works for us out of doors, gomg about the pet r Oiled round the body · u a ene w1 ·n 11 d f Th h d d th t t t ht d t lk" t t l a silk handkerchief. Nothmg has been The questwn tn be eolved was what had 1'hornugh11_0Ieanse it by using D r. Pierce'· t i ca e or. es opm~n won ere not ea ree a a. mg ' an a mg o wre cl touched since the remains were l!fted out of become of Mr. Belfield after he arrived at Golden Jl.aedical Discovery, aud go<Xl OVERBOARD IN TH.E RAPIDS. a little at this transformation ed women whom few girls of her a.ge would Paddmgton. digestion a fan skm, buoyant spirits vibi.I "It's a. lark," answered Mr. Belfield, as ha.ve the courage to a.ppro:i.ch. Th at fragile the water, tne colours in the carpet are dis strength ,u1d bodily health will be cstabllshed. he wp.Jked out of the shop lookmg woman has penetrated the darkest tLDgmshable, and the string of silk round it Clllllles A.. Percy Goes Through Tlie NJa· "Well, I musb say that I never la.td eyes alleys about Clare Market, the most danger IS evidently a large neck handker chief I n such a town as Chadford, the finding ga.ra 'l'l1lrl11 eol, on a less larky lookm~ gent to be up to such' ous streets m R!l.tchff R1gnwa.y, where even There oau be very l lttle doubt that the body of a body ID the .Abbey n ver and the notice Uharles A. Percy cfl.me very near m akmg which is Scrofula of the I,uu~ Is arrested a.nd cUied by t b.Js remedy, if taken in th~ a move as that," so.id the young Isu.elite, the p ol·ce go a t the risk of their h ves. She wa.s tb.rown lllto the water after death " of an impendrng IDquest at the Rm~ of Bells a failure the othP.r aftern0on of Dill t up from earlier stages of the disease Frnm its marto his fellow shopman, a.u he put Mr B el ha.a never suffered any ha.rm, has hardly The rema.im are not in a. condition to ta.vernmLittle George street, were nothkely the 1fa1d of the M1~t Ja.ndmg t o Toronto velous power over this ten1b!y fntal d!.sease ever been msulted by a coarse word. She be identified, I conclude." to remam unknown to themhab1tants. Be b y way of the wh1rlpool and the Niagara. when first oftermg this now world famed rom.'. field's clothes a.way. edy to t he pubhc, Dr P ierce tbouirht seiiou8ly "There's a lady at tbe bottom of it, I has done more good than any other member "No. Time and the river ha.ve done fore Mr. Melnotte had gone far upon his rapids. Percy i:tot only as far Lewiston, of oalhng i t hls .. CONSUllPTION CUltlil," but make no doubt, B enJa.mm," r ephed the of our sfoter ·1ood, e.lthough all ha.ve worked heir work of des truction only too well iouiney to L)ndon, everybody Ill Chadford and had an unex pected expeuence whic h abandoned that name as t oo rcstrlotivo for There ma.y be only means of 1Jent1ficatlon, lm cw that u. body was lymg m the dead nea.rly cost btm his life At 4 15 G eorge a medlclDe which, from Its wonderful comot her, d1am1ssmg the aubJ ect which remark well " was more accurate than specula tive obser " She 1,;an ta.lie your T'l~ce when you rmgs and trmkets of some krnd. The r e house, and that an mques t w as to be held Cheshire, H G. R1cha1dson, and William bination of tome or strengthening , alterat lYo blood olea.nsmg, antl-billous, pec toral, ana Vll.t1ons are wont to be have gone to the other t ide of the world, marns have not been touched more than was upon the following afternoon L lhey shoved the boat out mt o t he nver 01 nutr1t1Ve p roperties, is unequaled, n ot onl:v I t was dusk when Mr. Belfield ran2 t he M> 1dge." absolutely necessary in carrymg: them from Melnotte had imposed silence upon the It cont ained 800 pounds of ba.llast , and a. as a iemedy f or Consumption, but fot al) bell at the Folorne Hope Madge opened Madge shook her head with a sweet, the river to the de8.d house, where t hey are men who dragged the river, and yet 1t was 70 pound non weight was used a.s a drag Chi on1c Du1eases of the t he door and did not recogmse him, as he serious look, full of tenderness. wa.1trnv for the rned101\l exa mination ' known someho" that there were appear Percy rowed to the cen tre of the st ream, and atood facing her silently; with his back to "I sha.11 ne'i er loa.v · my "ork, Mr. B el "And you are ma pos1t iou to affirm t hat ~nces about the body that pomted to foul at 4 20 fastened his oars and crawled m t o a the light field . I ha.ve given myself to it as much as this is t h e body of Mrs Belfield ' ' play r ataer than ac01dental drownrng, while hammock m the rear comp1 u tment of the For Wenk Lung-s, Spitting of Blood Short. "What do you want, my good man ' ' if I had taken a. vow I am very sorry for "I am m a position t) affirm as much there were t hose who dechred that the boat At 4 26 the era.ft passed under t he ness of Bt ea t h, Chromo l'i usal Catarrh, Bron. chitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred "I want to be your servant, as I told you you, I would do much t o befneo<l you or to and I h ope to be able to prove by c1rcum murdered corp JC w"s that of the miasmg cantilever a.ud railw.i.y suspens10n bridges atroct1ons, it is an efllc1 ent 1emedy be of use to you, but I have put my hand ata.ntial eVldence that her husband murdered Mrs B > lfieJ.i going very tapidly ~nd turnmg around m th~ la.st mght." Sold by Druggists, at ~n.oo, or Six Bottles Mr. Belfield, why are y.:iu still hanging to the plough, and I shall never take it her, and threw her dead body mto the river Mr R Q ckstone was one of the first ,to hear edd ies m a dizzy way. A few seconds later for ~5.00. ~Send t en cents m stamps for Dr Pier ce's about here ? ' cried Madge, man agomzed away." between m1dmght and mornmg on the 19 ~h of the event w hich everybody m Chn.dford 1t struck the lin t gre· t wave of the rapids beok an Consumption. Address, tone " This ie sheer madness. Yale.1tine got up and began to pace the of August. Bnt I will not trouble you with was t alkmg about. He came :mt of the A cry of horror went up from t he spec tators "I believe 1t IS nex t door to ma.dness," r oom fumu;g. u.ny further d etails. The mqu est, whwh nouse of a s10k pa.rrnh1on.er, whue all wo.s on the lower bank when t he craft sp un answered Valentine following her into the " It is madness," he e xcla1me d; "a. you a.re to hold to morrow, will, I hope, be quiet and shadow, mt? the bnght WIDter a.round t he waves and cnutm ued submei ged 66:1 ltlaln St.· BUFFALO. N, )"' parlour, "but it 1s madness thai; only you woma.n s craze Only a woman would ever a dJourned so as to give t ime for invest1ga mnl1ght, to find a group of townspeople When i t came to t he surface i · floated keel c.an cure. Thrre s no use ID my going :i.broad think of such s. tlung. ~re there not bos t1on ;\ ~ I have done hither to has been standmg m front of the sa.dler's shop m uppermost for quite a d istance Aft er a ..,.; Madge, without you I should only carry pttals for a!Ck women?' done m the d>'rk Many more detuls will earnest c onvers.i.hon. From them he heard terrible tossmg, which bsted fo ur m1Du tes, my guilty conscience and my m1smy with "There are hoepitala for drnea.·e, but doub·less come to light when the fact of the what had been fou nd m the Abbey river rhe boat wa.s tossed mto the big maelstrom me, go where I m1ght- Afnca, Aa1a, the there are no hospitals for , h e weak and murder has been made public." Hts heart t urned to leo.d as he listened and floated easily around '.l'he water "as Nouh Pole-it would be 111! the all.me to me 1ulmg, there are very few refuges for faint "l:'oo1 L'lidy Belfield, · mghed the Coroner ll1s mind ha.d not been free from anxiety sevforo.l feet lower than usuttl, and t he boat U'here is no phoe so sbrange, no l fe so wild m g smners There are plenty of orp hanages "Do you knoVI that I had the honour of ·bout Valentine's wife He h "'d been too grazed the rocks dangeroui;ly near, threa.t and full of danger, exmtemeut, occupat10n, I or Ghe spotless children, but there a re few a.t tendmg th~ family 11.t the Abbey for thirty delicate to question Lady Belfield or her sons, ening every second t o dash 1t to pieces, and that would make me forgeb, so long as I ' a.v , ns for the girls lost Ill the dawn of years l remember the present Lidy Bel hu ~ he had wondered i>t the preva.urng 1gnor enrl Percy'e ca.reer. were alone Y ou have the power to comfort girlhood. Christ loved the innocent children field when her husb _ m d broug ht her home as .nee about the runa.way wife's fate. When Tne c raft E>dd1ed m the whirlpool until me. You have the power to lay the ghost and called them to his knees; but he had a bride She was a lovely woman t hen Sae <1. woman elopes w1tb. a lover, there are 6.30, a.nd then Da.n Elaheimer and Wilham that haunts me You alone can tell me 1Dexhaustible pity for the fallen women" 1s a lovely woman now, lovely in mmd as generally those who know where she has Ad ..ma got It m oomp1m~t1vely still water, ·· So be it You have set the ba.ll rolling. well as m person. This business will brea.k gone, and w)lo report and crit101se her move a nd towed 1t around the pomt m t o a current tha.t I have repented and have expiated my ain. You have the faith that moves moun You have begun the work. O ~hers can qer heart." ments; b·1t in this case no one ha.d heard of t hat would oa.rry it to the D evil's R "'p1ds tams, and by your faith I may be saved carry 1t on." "I fear it wili go bard with her." the fug1t1ve, no one knew where she was They narrowly escopeel gomg along P ercy's Leave me to myself and I sha.ll pertah mv1t "I will not leave 1t to others. "She adores her younger son. I have hidmg her dishonoured exlStence. And now boat grszed rook a f rer rock, and was cap :iobly. There is no help, no cure, but " Yon can continue your ~ood work in seen her a.gony when he has been laid up thu findmg of the corpse In the river pomted stzed repea.tedly He ha.d i;:one but a. htt le through you " the Ant ipodes. You Will find s111 in the with some ch1ld1sh aliment All her world !Lt fearful issues -at the best, sm cide, at the distance when t he m!>.nhole cover was dasn "You are mad," she 111ud. "Yes., i t is new world as well as in the old There is was in that swk bed. And to see htm ac worst, murder He thought of L~dy Bal ed to ptecee by coming in con tact w1tb a all madness. I have a good work to do here no colony so recently founded that Satan cuaed of murder I Mr. Markham, if vou ar e fidd s agony when the talk of the town rook, and the air oha.mber fii lled wit h a.nd I cannot le1we it ' has n ot helped to people it. Come, Madge, deluded, 1 f you ha.ve not ample J ustificatwn should r each her ; and it must rea.ch her water P ercy crawled ou t and clung to the " L~t me stay here then, and work for be r easonable Three years ago you spurn for the course you ar e takmg you will be very soon. In twenty four hours Gvery fact craft tor d ear hfe When near ~he Devil's you. Tha.t is wha.t I have come for , to be ed me because I dared to approach you as a much to blame." ' connected with the disfigured remains yonder Hole he became partly ex na.usted, and your drudge, your slave; to be what Cahb:i.u seducer You did well, a.nd I deserved "My iust1 fication wdl be shown at the mus t be }lrought to hght, published to. the could no longer hold on, as the waves throw was to Prospero I a.m dressed for the your contempt Now I come to you mall in quest. There must be a.n mquest " world, d1acus~ed an~ oommented upon m a the boat about Then he let go of the bao.t, "VETERINARY SURGEON, part, you see. You will find how handy I honour; I offer you all I ha\'e to g ive- my "Yes, that 1s inevitable. 1 wlBh, with tavern parlour. Friendship a.nd love would a.nd swam three miles fur tlm r down stream, can make myself, cleanmg wmdows a nd na.me, my life, my fortune, such as it 1 s. I a.11 my heart, Mr Markham, yo 11 had never be powerless to keep tha.t horror from her, where at 7 30 that mght F isherman John 0 R 0 NO. ON'l'. ~crubbing flag stones, domg worK ~hat you am to inherit all my mother's property, and had that river dra!.'2 ed." p awerless even to blunt the edge of that Gillett picked him u p more dead than alive. and the sisters cannot do, with all your I shall not be a poor ma.n. I come to you "Then you would ha.ve had an undetect- angurnh He was rowed rapidly to Waggoner's Hotel There was a fly crawling down the High at Lewiston, and was with difficulty re willingness to toil. And m bad cases, when with a blemished life, sta.ined with one hour ed murd.,rer ID your midst. " a p;i.tient wants watchmg at mght, I can do of darkest S l'l. But I am not altogether "Bet ter that perhaps, than that a good street on its return from the station. The vived. When able to speak he t old the ' my part as a watch dog. You don't know vile. I ha.ve repented that fatal honr in woman a hec1irt should be broken" Vicar Jumped mto 1t and told t he man to story of h1S battle for hfe In the upp er what I can be u nder your tra.nsformiug ~he long agony of months. I shall repent It waa a uah t f L d B lfi id' h drive to the Abbey at his .sharpest pace rapids he was terribly tossed a.bout, but the 1-ower. Madge, I have no friend in the it all my life. Only you can make that hfe ter to evoii"e str!o~ sy~~ath~ f~n../: ~lla~~o tHhei "ngwawnts e dkto findtSh1r AdAr iadn beforehanyd lower ones, he said, were still more terrible world but you." tolerable; only you can he8.l my wounds b ht· f nown ere. n rew us ere Most of t he trip was made in the dark. . h h a 1iar con ·act wit "f u d k h 11 were r oug m ami er. h"1m 1n·o the librn1 y, where Adrian w ~ sit " I seemed to b e m · a g rave of foam," "You have your mother, a nearer and B e my w1 e, ·.._a ge, ta e me wit a my M M 1 tt h d ft f h " ~ dearer friend." ams.' r e n? e a a Y wau mg or. Im at ting at his desk surrounded with books and said Percy, " and I can' t tell how I escaped are prepared to pay the highest price " No. To my mother my life ha.a b een a She held out her hand to him as he stop the Coroners door, and drove straight to papers. He looked ill and care\11 orn, the with my life It would h ave been bad · d. hl t d f d th the. neare~t magistrate, from whom, after Vwar thought but had t 1 i to h f b th d t b k d. a.11 kmde of Gram delivered at the ey re an mterv1ew of some length, he .obtamed hove he·rd the ' evil ne oo ca m an a r. enoug 1 my oa. a no een wrec e Ill 1ie. S he only is my friend who knows my pe m s pacmg o an ro, an sm and my repentance. Let me stay here, ma.med for some moments silent , with a warrant for the arrest of Valent me Bel ~ ~ we. the breakers, but that awm1 1n the dark Wharf or their Store House m t own. Madge and when I leave the country go clasped hands, he lookmg down at her, bis field 00 a suspicion of murder. With the "My ea.r Rockstone, this is good of was terrible." with ,;.e as my guardian angel and 'my eyes kindling a.a he looked; she was very eount.y magistrate, as with the coroner, Mel you, " exclaimed Adrian, starting up and Soon afterward Percy said to a. corres wife. Test the truth of my repentance 1f pal e a.nd he1 lips slightly tremulous notte found that sympa.thy with Lady Bel wheeling a oomfor h ble a.rm chMr towar ds pondent you will, before you trust me See h~w " You love me, Madge," he said breath field w as stronger than the a bs tr:i.ot love ot the hea.rth, for his friend, and then sea.tmg "I made this trip for t he purpose of lllhanged a creature I have become. How all lessly; "you can forget a.11 for my sa.ke." Justice. He only JUSt succeeded Ill gettm g himself opposite him. "It is an age since advertmng my boa.t I thoui.i:ht it would tba.t is vilest m my nature has been purged "I am very sorry for you," she a.nswered the warrant signed in time for him to catch you have dropped m upon me so e e_rly carry me throug h safely. I didn't expect \ V c " Ii I st.:nll hv rn u 1a n ap out of it by the horrer of my secret sin softly, "but I have done with mdiv1dual the next tram for E xeter. T ell me all your pa.rish news, and your It to show tnat the rapid s were not · dangerp ropn Llt gilt t o each m aid en , w i fe mother or cook-one to Test me to the uttermost as your servant, love .I have g1v~~ my heart and l!fe to my H e was at Pll>ddingt.onat dusk, and went parish wants. if vou have any." ous, beca.use I knew they were, but I had l fam ili - who will t ry t he sorrowmg sisters at once to the Great W estern Hotel, where "I cannot talk about the parish to day no not10n t hat they were so bad as they are before you accept me as your husband." BREADMAKER S BAKIHC POWDER Madge began to waver. He who wa.s " I t 1s a. craze, Madge ; I say agn.m it is he enq uired for Mr. ll. lfiel { I have come to tell you of something tern T he waves JUSt knock you around until Cut tie r ed c11 ck f t om the pleadm!.' t o her knew not bow urg ently her a craze." Nothmg had been seen of that gentleman ble which has come to pass, and whrnh may they almost pound t he breath out of you, l abel n nd s end it rn ;i Jetter stat rng hone st o p 1111 0 11 af ter own heart was plead1Dg for him, h o,w fond ly "You have not seen the good done- you except his luggage. That oad been brought concllrn you and yours very nearly." and then drop you into a watery well filled f a ir t 1rn.I E 1t ncr a 5 , 10 or 2 5 she loved him even m his d egradation have not seen the altered faces. There are by a Great W escern porter two evenmgs Adrian's face blanched to a ghastly pallor, with a auffocatmg spra.y. 1 thanked God Ce lit S l ZC W ill S t:Clll e the g i f t ijtained with tbe shedding of blood, ' women now in happy honEst homes whom before, with an intimat10n that Mr. Belfield and the hand clasping the arm of bis cha.Ir when I got to fairly clear water and the A ny g-roce1 o r store keeper "I believe it woul l be for your own safe we have picked up out of the gutter If was coming on to the hotel soon after; but trembled perceptibly fi.herman reached me when I wa.s ha.rdly k nows \Vhen.: t o g-ct l llfaskcd for by y ou -Addr,.ssty to leave Eng land instantly," she siiid you werl' to see one young wife I know of, nothmg more had been heard of him. Three "My God l" he gasped, "what is it 1 ,, able to swim another stroke. The water CHURCHILL & CO TORO NTO "~here is .no knowmg when danger may wit h her. husband and her baby, you wou!d large portmanteaux, a gun case, a r oll of "A body ha.a been found in the Abbey was low, and its a wonder I d idn't get dash arise, but if you a.re bent upon sta.ying in not believe there had ever been a sta.m rugs a.nd coats, and a hat box, marked V nver- a.n hour ago." ed to death on the rocks. I can't tell you this house and helpmg us in our work I on her hfe. He took her, knowmg what her .B t k d th h ll d th "H f d ? Wh f d1 ·t ·" the trip in d etail, for I was so busy t rymg ' will talk to the sisters ·nd see whnt co·n'be past had been, and he has cherished her as arrival ' were ao owner. e ID e a ' pen mg e ow oun was dragged oun to help myself that I couldn't thmk of w ~ ~ ofs the "The river this mornmg, I much else." done. Our fortnightly committee meeting a pearl of price These a.re rare cases l but "Does Mr. Belfield usually s t ay here believe, at the 1nstigat1on of Colond D ever Has received her new stock of Will be held to morrow a.fternoon, and most they a.re bright spots which cheer us when he comes to town ?' asked the detec Ill's friend, Mr. :Melnotte, who dropped hIS No bones are broken, but P ercy's body is of the sister s will be here. If they consent and help us onward through many a dark tive. watch out of a boat a day or t wo ago, and badly r ack ed. His boat -was lost, and wil1 _ "gh~ " hardly be recovered · to Your b emg emp1oyed h ere- as a l!ervan t ni "· " Yes, for a mght or two at a time He \rnnted to have it found A corpse has been - I have no obJection. There is a. little "Well, you a.re resolute, I suppose. You is one of our old customers," r eplied the found m t he deep pool, near the cypress j room on this floor at the end of the passage, Will go on helping strangers, and you will manager. walk, and there 18 to be an mquest toAn important eng meering enterprise now which you might have as a bedroom. It is abandon me to my fate" Mr. Melnotte was at fault. Th~t Valen morrow.' in progress is a. railroad m the .Artie circle d h small"a.nd r<lther dark, but it IS dry and well "I do not abandoII you. I will do any t ine Belfield should have brought all tha.t It was some momenta before Adrian spoke, T he Swedish and ,Norweg10n railroad now l"ent ilated." thmg in my power tc help you, short of luggage to London and theu left England and then he asked quietlybmldmg from Lulea., on t he Gulf of Bot hnia, c " Give me any den, any cell," said Va.len sacrincing duty for your sake I th1Dk you without 1t, seemed unlikely. No purpose "Ha.a the body been identified ?" t oLoffoden, on the N orth Sea., 1 s pa.l t lys1t uat g J "No, 1t is past all recognition, except by ed. w1t hm t he Artie Circle, and is some 1,200 and assortment oi t ine. "Do you thmk I car e how I am lod are very unwise to loiter here when you could ha ve been served by brmgmg the lug ged. I want to be near you, Madge. I ought to be gettmg far a.way from Engla.nd, gage unless for his me. To brmg 1t to circumstantial evidence ; bnt t her e 1s a rum miles further nor th than any other ra.1lroad ca.l wantto feel the support of your presence lotmg your indentity in a stranire world. London Bnd abandon it at a n hotel, could ID our m (Jhadford, h ow arrsing I know not , m Cana da. An m ter est1ng meteor olog1 (I'ha.t is a.11 I ask.' Your wife's relations Will not be satisfied no manner asBist him in bis B.igh t, or tend t hat it is the body of your sister in la w. " fact s tated in relation to t his work is t hat " You must not call me Macge here. I for ever without c ertain knowledge of he1 t o the myat1ficat10n of his pursuers 'Ihe a gam Adrian was silent. He would have t he snowfall is found t o be actually leas am Sister Mar ga.rat." fate. An mvestigation ma.y be set on foot o~ly expl<1.n ation seemed th:>~ he had lef t given worlds to be ll.ble t o speak freely, to than m some more southern la titudes, STORIE :- SecondDoor Wcst ef William " Y ou shall be Sister Margaret, untd y ou a t any moment, and the truth may be his property at the hotel while he r emained confess all t he hideous truth to this one while t he da rkness of the long wmter mgh ta So.telter Stall" are wife M argaret. And now order me brought t o hght You shonl:l be out of the in a state of uncer t a.inty as t o his future stau nch friend, bu t loyalty to bis brother r e has been po.1t ly compensated by t he ligh t of ----:---::--;~:;;----::~"7..,..----about, let me begm my slavery. Give me wo.y before that ca.n happen.' course He might be knock ing about Lontlon, stra.med him A Difference of Optmon 1the auror a The obiect m view in construct I any work there is to be done." "I te ll you I do not value my lFe unless hesitating a.s to whither he should bend his " My sister in law's fate is wrapped in ing this lme 1s t o tap the enormous deposit s Brow n- I so.w Dumley thm--morning and "I d?n't think there is anythmg you can y ou will she.re it. I would rather stay here steps. darkness, " he said, a.fter o. very long pa.use ; of iron ore m t he Gellivara. Mountains, the I didn't think he was look1Dg Yery well do to mght, but Y.ou shall c1ean a.11 t~e win and clc~r wmdows, than riot in luxury ~t That be was in h1dmg anywhere was un "I do not under st nd why anyone should approx imate exhaust10n of the ore m t he I Robinson (gnmly)-I 88.W him t oo and dows to morrow, if you hke.. Our wmdo';'.s the Antipodes." . likely, since he could as yeb have no more connect her with t his drowned corpse." \ B ilbao distr1et rendering very desirable a I th ought he was looking extre~ely 'well. Madge answered nothmg. She felt tl1e en.use for fear than he had had at any time "The reasons for such a suspwion will new field of non phosphoric ore suit able for I He owes me $5 and he sa.w me t hree blocks have always been an 11flliot1on to me. ~ e 1 have done our best, but women are not good hopelessness of bhe situation. He had since the commiss10n of his crime. Arguing coma to light at the inquest, I suppose. It steel rail making. off· LIKE AND . UNLIKE. By lVI. E. BRADDON, ! chosen to come thcro, and she had not demed him shelter. i:lhe ha.d taken upon herself in some wise t!1 e responsibility of his existence, smce she 111·d spoken of him to the t>mtere; and now phe felt that his p~es ence there would be fl constant source of anxiety and mental d1"turba.nce. She would have to be perpetually on her guard, forever denying a love whwli was the strongest passion of I er hfe It had been in her despair at res1,~mng him, that she had gone upon her misaif n to her mother. All tha.t she h ad dom: for others had been the off shoot of hu despuriug love for him And now he offer 0 d h1mseli to her m honour, and she r efused h' m. "If I give WB.) to hi fancy he will forget all the past, and his rep"ntimce will become a mockery," she said to herself. "!cannot stand Ill the place of his dead w ·f< I cannot profit by h1P nime. How could i ever be u.t pea"l remembering tha.t iv was murder that .iet him free to be my husband r HAT AILS vou1 I I I 1 ° " 0 0 ° I CONSUMPTION, liver, Blood, and lungs. World's Dispensary Medical Am1 clation, -~~~~~-~~~~~~~-~ JOHN SPENCER, GRAIN 0 I Jno. McMurtry & CO. - ' · · ° I IS s II C TAVJSH GQ Q D S an see er attern nd invites the Ladies of Bow.. Iman ville and vicinity to call p Q N N ET S H AtS TRIMMIN G S I ·

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