Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1888, p. 2

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'W-H: ECANADIAN STATESMA N IS PUBLISHED HEALTH. Diagnosis bv Position. There is much in the p osition assumed by -BYthe sick'\\' hi ch, when carefully observed, will There was published recently a J:.rief notice The Little (:i irl of Ten. htolp t o determine the nature of the m alady. of a despatch from U nited States Consul I met her at the depot in th" ticket-buyers' rovr ; A writer on the subject says : AT THE OFEIO:U: Eissinger at B£irut, announcing t he discovThe position on the back, which fat people She was tmvellini;- unatten·led to the t.own where ery b y G erman explorers at Morash of inmm~t go, Pod emee Block, lil·ll: Street , Bowmn.·· adopt,; for convenien ce, is ohar act eristic of And I saw her buy a tioket !or au adult with sur- ter esting Hittite re1 -ville, Ontario. i1a.ins, consistinR of black inflt1.mmatfon of the nowele, since those who p ~ise, · FA.RlllUR~' E.lUPORIUJl.I · basalt blocks, in siter, covered wi th figures suffer from this affection are not able to en- When a" half" ca' d would Mve ar·swered for a maid- of men and animals. T his a.nnounceinen . TER~S: en of her size. ) · I J 1 l l · . Gl $ 1 i f paid in. ad'VDJlCe. dure the least fric ~ion of the abdomen, and has t\ttracted cousidera.ble a.tteutiou a.mou , · r , r,t strictly In adTo.nce required Cr om it is observed also in diseases of acute a nd I heard the agent ask her i i she wanted one " full Oriental scholars and arch ooologists, a nd led rate." grave character, such as t etanus, articular Jmn:iben outside of the county. Orders to 'And she sa.id, "I want a tiuhct" (very curtly did she to a. renewa.l of inquiry in regard to the Jf CVlltllln· the paper muat be accompanied by rheumatism, et c. This is aEsumed p t1.ssi vesay it) ; Hittites and the m eaning of these la.test d iseamonntdue,ortbepape wil noibestopped. ly when t he"pa.t.ient, having lost his strength, So I did not at the moment Interfere in her affairs, :b·o~lberB ar e r esponsible unti full payment iB ocoupies t he lowest pa.rt of the couch, the Though I wondered what ..h o meant by such very coveries. The stones a.t M emsh unC!ou bted· ly are a part of the lower story of a Hittite aged airs. head falls from the pillow of its own weight, -~· palace or temple, t hese edifices oeing gener- Highest price paid for all kinds of produce. All kill,ds of grain bought JU.TES OF A.D'VEJtTISJlNG; i;~· the arm, a.a indeed the whole organis m, Then at length I said movt; kindly to ·the girl so ally built of sculptured stones in their lower M':h1>!eColumn one·year ···.··. ·.·.·. $60 oO :;:; ~!; obeys t he action of gr avity, as occur s in slightly grown, " " Halfyear ··..···. .· .. B6o~· ;:., infect ious d iseases and intense infhmma.tory 0 Do vou travel very often 011 the railway all alone? ' storiEs and of cedar above. One quarter ...... ... 20 &0 :?! ~' prQcesse11. T his position is usually accom- " Not· so very often," said sh o ; "but I had a wish toIt iR an inter esting faot that while the 'llatt Column one year ..... .......... S6 00 - da·y Hittite~ were one of the most powerful .Having heard so manY: exp~e ssi~ns of regret at my intention of p m ied b y disordered movaments of the To leave ii. " Half year ............. . 20 OO the noisy city and go very !ar away." nations of ancient times, their empire ex- gou~g out of the Dry Goods busmess--:--1t bemg so convenient for those tradin g with , " One quarter-· ..·.....· 12 60 hands , as if th e patient would reach up t o Quarter Colurr.n one yes.r ......... .. 20 00 something au ap ended before the face. It Then I told her of her error, which had prompted me tending from the frontier of Egypt to the me m my Gr~cery D epartment- I have been induced to continue the saru<-1 feelin to speak .tEgea.n Sea., had great cities a.nd were for " " Half year ·..·.··.. ·- 12 1!0 " " One quarter ...... .. 8 00 - · 6 always ind icates a gra.ve condition. (Here a blush o! modest crimson ran its cour~e upon advanced in civiliza.tion, a.nd w hile they are that by ca~rymg a. l<'ll\ST CLASS stock of 8'l'APT,F. D R Y Goons-~goods that ov'e~ybod~ Lying over on the stomach is observed in needs an d m fact mnst h a ve--and sellling the m at ver y CLOSE PRICES, I can give my Ten lines and under, llret lnaertlon · $0 50 her chefk), f abdominal diseases accomp an ied by strong And to do her simple j ustice I would go with her and requently mentioned in the Old Testament, m a?y ol~ customers, and any n e w on es that m11y fa vor m e with their trade every 'Jl:aoh snbeequen \insertion.. .. .. 0 2i wo.ke almost nothing ha.a been k nown about them "Tam six t o ten linea, fir~tinsertlon 0 75 ·nti1·vous pains, gastralgias, flatulent, ner' Jllach subsequent Insertion. .. ... 0 SS- 10 vous and nephrit ic colics, etc., and some· The agent fix the matter as it should be, for her sake. until within the last twenty y ears. It shows s at1sfact10n. how a great na tion, skilled in the arts of JOve. r t.en lines,1!r11t insertion, per line 0. Being in a position to buy where I please, I am enabled to buy in times in case of anterior pulmonary cavities, To my prcf1er :. ~he assented, and not vainlv was it Jllaoh 11ubsequentln sertion .. 0 oa peace and formidable in war, t he p eriod of the very best markets and at the lowest possible prices, and l feel confident t hat t he . tried, In the former affectirms t he p atiehts find reThe n11mber o! !Inell to be reckoned bY For she 11:ot the cheaper ticket, with a dollar at its whosepower was greater than that of Greece lief by compressing the a.ffecllbd regioIJ ; and purc~1ases I l~ave made for this Fall a nd Winter trade cannot be excelled either i n :\he11pace c coupied,imea.Bnred by a soa.leof side. in the l atter they hinder by this p osition And she thanked me. Then I asked her to go with or Rome, may entirely disap p ear, the sites quahty or price. J>lld Nonttarell, of its great cities be forgotten and it very exme t o a seat , the escap e of the secr etions from the cavi~------ ------------:=:~ I find Dry Goods cbe~per than ever this fall, and intend giving my ties t hrough t he corresponding bronchial Which she did' not hedtatet o do, and went on nimple is tence almost pass ou t of the k now ledge of DJr!!, JlcJ,AlJGftl.llf .t BlllTB, feet. mankind. custo1ner s the en tire ben e fit . · tubes, consequently c1tl ming th e cough. In 1812 Burckhardt discovered at H anak I 1011'1!·~CE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVlLL.11· . Children who suffer from hydrocephalus But I fancied as we rode' along, and p!ISsed from place to place, some stones covered w ith Hittit e hierogly-:Br.J.W.llllcL AUl'lHLIN. Dr. A. BmxrH, Gradu have e. tendency to place the h ead lower That sh· had a world of knowledge for so very voung phics, but more than a century p asaed before :U.celltiate of th e ~!lyal ate of the 'L'oronto than t he body , a nd there.fore wben h eld in a.. to.cc ; That she seemed a trifle oldcr than her modest height enough of their' remains w er e accumulated Coll~ge of Pbys101on11 38. "lnd member of the UDIT6 rs1ty, l:'h;ys!o!an the !lrms i;hey allow the h ead to fall. by arcb reologists to enable th~m to for m any WEST E ND HOUSE:.. show ; Lying upon the side, a nd especially the Then, would l!o;ral Colle111e of Sur- Surgeon, ,_o. with manners quite 11vuncubr, I thought It righ t, is the most physiological position definite conception of t he char acteristics of ~=====================================~ ,l!Elllll, Edinburi:b. beat to know. - -- - -- that the sick can adopt, a.nd i t alway s indi- Our talk and trip were ending. but I soon adventur .d the H it t ites as a. people or t o constr uct even the bare st outline of t heir history. Since Dlt · .J. (). JUT()R Jl:LL, t b-e n, cates a satisfactory degree of muscular ~ "My little girl, you are n ot, a re y ou, very far frcm 1870 very gr ea.t p rogr ess ha.s been m ad e in '111.ff!l!JMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICI AN S strength. , ~ . .. ~ ten 1" accumulation of knowledge of the Hittites. J."til.,nd Snxgeons, Ont ario, Coroner, etc. ~ In pn eum onia child ren generally r est on J3ub · she said, with farther blushing-with a twin\< le Oftloo and R esidence, E nniskillen. U. N umcirou s discoveries hav e been ma.de by · net unseenthe left side, but not so adults, who, if very childllko, but m y age is iust Burton, Wright, Conder and by American they do uot adSpt the supine p osition, lie "I amsidot1btles.s xteen. W. S. CJBJIJS'leN, L, L , B. missiona.ries and scho la.rs, ..ud severa l book s ordinarily on the sound side. This double Eaniater , Solicitor, Co11-veya11cer. &c, Money position in the same d isease may be ex- Thon I looked and Salv my blunder, but the vexing h ave b een p ublished, besides n umerous wa) S of Fate to hrnn. Otr1ce, in lle1cve1 · Bloek u:p!taira in shorter articles in arch reological a.nd religiou s I C<l1'r.S formerly eccupied by Dr. Harnden, plain ed by the fact t ha t in children pneu- Left my heart to solve a problem and to wildly .pal journals. Dr. Williams Hayes V\'ard, of th e pitato : m onias a.re more diffused and ailect nearly llo'\'I man-ville. 311 For I had p ut my a rm ttround her , nnd was toyin g N ew York lndepe nd6nt, was one of tho earlithe whole o f a lung , and t herefore they in· with her h1ir, D:&. E. (). neDtWELL. stinct ively a.void compression of the s ound And she seemed to hink· it kindness-or she didn't est of H itt ite scholars. The H ittites w ere of C1mc!l.sia.n or igin , seem to care ICEN T IATE OF R OYAL COLLEGE lung in order to allow it to p erform its of Physicians. London. Kng.;Member of function with great er freedom ; in adults, I n ~ moment, if th e a nswer had uot come so pn.t as Mming from t he North n early 4000 year s before Chris t. I n one r espect t hey r etfl.in ed 'Colle~e 01· Phy1lciena ana Surgeons. Ontario. on the contrary, th e disea se is ordinarily ·thls, · S tJRG.l!RY ..u m R 1tSID!!N CE:-Rear of Messrs. a peculiarity of the costume of their ancestors limited, and there is· no inconvenience in I should h!'ve proffered her directions on anival with - - - - o- --------l:lil!l!inbotbam'~ Dru1it Store, Bowmanvllle, during t he 3000 yea.~a of their dwelling in a kiss. adopting a. lateral i;osition on the sound · a-l:yr.· alwa}s huppens much too early or But my wisdom more Southern clime·. T hey .i-r e r epresents ide; at the same time they a.void in this too late. way increasing the contagion of the affected For th·~girl wa~ very pretty and- confound the course ed as wearing shoea the toe~ of which were D. JUT.IUO.E SIMPSON, turned up in an exaggerate d way , t he survivof Fa~s I · A.RRIBTillR, SOLICIT OR, &;c. MOP1US pa.rt, and t hereby diminish the p i.in and al of tho snowshoe in their ancestral momi:BLOCK, up stairs, K i·g Street. Bowma~ · cough. up wi·h my satchel (barely looking as I tains. They wer e a hairless people, with lie. Solioitorlor the Onte.ri o Ba.nk In p ~infol dry pleurisies the patient keep s So I jumped went.) ·~Prh'ate lllentrfl! loa.ned a.t the lowest ra.tes, ~~~- o ---t he affected put still a s much a s possible, From a tu·k begun ii! pity, endlrg sharp in discon- long, thin mustaches, like those of the Chinese, light complexion, the hea.d partly tent. a.nd at first rests on the sound side, to dishaven , lea ving a clear and unmistakable But she bowed and smiled most sweetly, while I ;Jelul lleitll Galbra ith, minish t he congestion of the affected aide, by · thought bow very mean · D .ARR I BT ER, SOLICITOR, NOT.ARY the elev...tion of which the cough and p ain Th~t_I could not stoop to kiss her just because she pig-~ail.. The eyes seeID: to have ha d a sligh t mclma.tlon, and the facial angle was oblique. '") PUBLIC, &c. Oftlce-Bouns&ll'li Bloo,k are mitigated ; hu t when fluid beginsh> a c- ' said " sh:teen 1· A high, p eak ed cap w11s t he most common :'lnx S treet, Bowma.nTille · .a/Ionev to !_~~ d, cumulate iu 1he cheat cavity, later in thfa disstyle of Hitti te head -dr ess, ahhough £qua.re ea,se, the {Jfl.tien t wi ll constantly adopt a posiFashion Notes. WILLIAM WJGJIT. or round head-dresses a.re r epresented on tion on the diseased sid e so as t o avoid com· T he m ajority of dress sk irts are ma.de some H itt ite monumen ts, b ut are n ot as ICENSED AUCTIONEE R ~or the pressing t he opposite lu ng, and to allow it eith er with fiat plea.ts do wn the front and characteristic. Connty of Durlls m. Ordeu left at the ·~!fo> '.rE.!i:M .AN cf!ice or forwarded to Tyrone P .O. to perform its function with entire freedom. aid es t hat reach from belt t o h em, or with The H ittites were literar y people u.nd p os· A continual change of position· indicates long Greek overdr esses that are so lightly ·IW reoeiTe prompt attent ion. 28:6m intenBe excitation of the nervous ~ystem , the draped as to cove!' nearly the whole of the sersed 1.1 culture, an art a.nd a script peculiar t~ t hemselves and plainly of indigenous ori· head of the patient turns cont inuously from underskir t front a.nd back. I!!. C. IIU.NJU l'IG, grn.· T hey were well advanced in the 1.1rt s ri1. Y ht to left, the trunk is not quiet, and the ·L , HJEN S ED AUCT IONEE R FOR whole individu al is attacked with a general · T oo lat e to be of much u se t his year, but and _ had silv er. Their bargain with the · the County of Durham. Sales att ended patriarch Abraham at H ebron was the ear li-to en shorten notice and lowest rates. A ddress irritability, so t hat he makes continuons in t ime to be adopt ed extensively next snm · est money transaction on record. i'hey effort s t o lrnve the bed. 'l'his phenomenon mer, say s The N"w Y ork Sun, t he girls h ave JUR TIC1' P. 0. 36:tf is usua lly observed at the acme of acute lear ned the beauty of the flannel ~bir b idea u sed silver as a stai;idard of value, h ad infections fevers and bra.in inflammat ions. a nd many of them have put it into oper a- balances for weighing it, and regular forms Pianos Tulled an~ :Kepaired. OO:R~ The u:{lright position, characterized by a tioa. A flannel shirt exactly like those of sale and conveyancing. T hey gave st andgenera1 d lst reBs, the forward inclination of made for the men, boy's s~ze, worn inside a rd ~eigh~s t o neigh boring nations w hich . p A:rtTIES WI SHI NG! '.J:Hl!IIR P IA.NOS t he trunk, t he fixation and elevation of the of a dress body and belted in at the waist, is remamed m u ee long after the break-up of · Tune<l or rep11.1roa can h av e t hem a ttcnded arms, a s if· to give the thorax a point of ve;y ch!\rming aud comfortable beyond im- the Hittit e emp ire. ·to by leaving worll .n.t the DOMINIO N ORGAN Well advan ced in the arts of pea.ce, they 'C o's 0.B'll'IOB, BowmanTill0 A first-olas man support and t o bring intG ex~rci[I! th.9 aglning. P. S.- We can supply you with anything in the Drug line. aux iliary muscles of r espirat!on, is observed T he duchess is a. st.ately redingote design· were also fo rmidable as warriors. Their !l!!.t" ~iPK in t heir e!ll plo; troops, both foot a nd horse, are represented alway s Wh n an obstacle. hinders almost e d for late a utumn wear, made of dove-grey in th e Egyptia.n hieroglyphics as marcbin" completely . ,th e cont ac-t of ~ir with the rE~pira - s old ier's cloth and tri~1med with .a sin~le in b attle array with well-dr illed precision~ t ory surfaces, whether this obstacle be m the r ow of fine gold and silver passement er1e. lnry nx, the tro.ch ea (na foreign bod ies , false The re is a full drapery of the cloth_a.t the Bub the chariot s were their pride, each of which c.~rr ied three war riors and were very membranes, cicatrices, or t umors, which act b a ck, ga thered closely ..nd applied to tile either by st opping up the p a.silages or by cmtre forms of the bodice por tion. ~he formidable. · The H ittites were a great p eople -for compressior>), or in the bronchia or pulmon sleeves are half open, ·. and li.aed with grey thousands of yrnrs, built great cities, excellary vessels ( exudo.t"'s in capillary bronchitis, a nd gold shot sura h · .. - -M.A N UF.ACTURER O F - pneu..nonia, tubercul.?sis, emphy& ema, or A l ady who has given the matter much ed in the arts, fought great wars, and then leaving almost no t race. Little pulm_?i_iary oompr<:ss1on by cxuda.tes an d attention is authority for the declaration disappeared, by little some knowledge of them is gained pleur1t1C tr1msudat1ons, pneumothorax, fl.a- t hat m kissing all men kiss with too much from inscriptions a.nd hieroglyphics, but it is tule~t dyspepafo, ascites, etc.), in a.sthma. force, A kiss t o be apprecia ted by a girl, ha.rd to comprehend that when their overKING S T REET, BOWMANVILL 11.nd ~ cardi~c affect!o:qs, especially in th~se she ea.vs, must be ventle and not rough, and throw occurred at such a comparatively liias now on hand a number ot -vehiolee (and la ma.nutactnring a great many more) of the ne the right ~Ide, whic.h then depend prm- under n o circumstances should have any modern time they ehould have been so nearly pattern a and boat finish, which I am offering for sale st the !owes\ prices oonsisten' ciJ?ally on extravasations in the pulmonary suggestions of tobacco or John Barleycorn. with due regard to workmanship and quality. The following ie a list of ~ARNDEN, L. D. 8 v eins. . Aa the resuit of comparing notes with many forgotten. the prlnoipa.l vehioles manufactured by me The more obtuse the angle formed by the ladies married and engaged, she ueserts that :Gradno.te otthe Ro7al Collegeof Dental Pa.rrot Chorus. Double Covered Carriages . ................................. .... ..............$150 Upwarda ~runk ai;id the surface of the bed, the more the .Kisses d three-fourths ot mankind, husBurgeons, Ontario. Single Phretons ................ . ................................................ 100 11 The traditional " fish etory " has many ·0 J'ICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCK ' IYJtense 1a the orthopne.a.. Consumptives are b~nds lovers and brothers, are "smoky." ~. Opl\ n Buggy............. .. . . · ·· · . . · . ·. ··· ··· .. ···· · ··· ·· . · . . . · . .. .. . . . · · ·· ·· ·· · 70 a a.ccustom~d to rem~rn seate~ foX: many V ery long ·ca.rfs ofi;bla.ck lace in various varieties, to which it seems only fair to add 'SOLD ll'ILLING A SPECIALTY hours, Top Buggy............................................. .. ·· ·· ··· ·· · ·. . ··· ··· .. · .. · 90 11 w1~h ~he object hmdermg the fine delicate patterns a.re impot'ted and a.re the following,· even though the fish in this ARTIFICUL TEETH INSERTED WI:rHOUT escape of b9UJ1ds fro~ qav1tioa through the to be as fashionable as they were a few years case was a. pa.rr!lt. Doubtless its narrator Democrat Wagon................................................................ 65 11 PLATJllS. oorr eapondmg bronoh1a. · ago. These come in lengths which vary an Americ..n artist, designed it to be "take~ Lumber Wagons.... . ....... . ...... ............ .................................. 55 11 ilreat Reductlone in price on all Dental from two and one -half to four yards, and for what it i~ worth." Light Wagon. .. ............. . ..................... ............................... 40 11 He wa s very fond of knocking about in Work. V il &llzel. Air, conetantly in use pro· Sim le Method for Re-Animation. some are nearly a ya.rd in width. They are Express Wagon......... .. ....................... .. .............................. 75 11 :t.ncillg Palnlet11 Operations. Partioulo.r attn out.of-the -way quarters of the world and lion paid to the i eguiation of Children's Teet· At a. meeting of the last congress of Ger- t o be worn either in the pioture<que fashion once left ship with a party of comra.d~s; in Skeleton .......... ...................... . ............... . .... ;.... . ................ 50 11 ,,..A.LL WORK W ARR..dNTJW.-. man scientists this subject was discussed, of Spani~h women, or fastened closely at order to.explore a Central American wilderSulky...... .... . ................ . . ........ ... .................................. .. ... 40 " and Dr. H. Frank mentioned that t here a.re the throat with a gold or silver lace-pin or ness. During the cruise of several months, Poseeeaing superior facilities for manufacturing carrla.gee, I Intend to sell very cheap tor 0 ,. Branch office. Dr. Rutherford's Orono. but two ways to stimulat e the heart-elec- clasp set w ith gems. The ends ot some of the entire ship's company h ad d evoted t heir or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to gr11atly Increase my number of sales WoulG· tricity and meoh amcal concussion of the t he longest rea ch quiti; to the edge of t he leisure hours to singing to a parrot. The sell the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies ironed. · h T fi sk irt hem. eart. he rst ia considered d angerous by L ar ge Directoire ha.ts with low crowns sailors had also lost no opportunit y of t eachh im, as lit may easily d estroy the la.st p ower ing t he b ird all the n autical phra ses they of contn ction remaining in t he organ. Hnt and proj ectin g brims are imported both in knew. .At the S h ortest N ot lce, P aint ed a nd T ri mmed if Desired. what is termed " pectoral concussion " is velvet and felt. T hese are st ylish and picWhen the art·is t and his comr ades h ad decidedly preferable. Dr. F.'s method is as t uresque ·for visiting and carriage wear, bidden the b!rd a nd the sa ilors g ood -by , At the F actory I also d o P laning. Ma tch ing, Turn ing a na. Sa.wing with Circle, Band ··r SOf follows : but for genera.I uses the toque and t he Eng· Saws, and prepare all kinds of lumber for carpenter s nd others for building purpoaea. they plunged mto the heart of th e t ropical Orn amental an d Plain Pickets for fences in every st yle required, made t o order. He flexes t he handa on t h e wrist t o an lish turban will be h ighly favoured. T he forest, a n d after great exertion in accompobtuse angle, places them both near ea.ch "Aureole " ha.t is another r ather striking lishing twenty· eight miles, they reach ed . - ---=·=------------"'"-·---. other in the ileo-crecal region, and mak es model for dressy wear . 'f he crown is wrea.th- t heir ca mping-place for t he n ight . Just as vigo:rous strokes in the direction of t he ed with large, full ostrich plu mes ; an d at the sun was going down, they were star tled hea.1fu ;i.nd of the diaphragm. 'l'hese strokes the edge of the brim is a band of the same to h ear, in t he primeval silence, a familiar a.rf) repeated from fifteen to twent y times, plumage, sh ort and fluffy , which sunounds voice from the bop of a ta.11 palm : and n.re bucceerled by 11 pause, dnrin<> which the face like a halo. "Avast t here ! Yo, heave, ho I" he str ikes the ohest over th<' hear~ "'repeatMany of the new ba Eques and bodices a.re It was t he ship's parrot . Defore.they could l"ltAVTllJAlL il>EN'I'lllS'i', . edly with the palm of h is hand. I n favor- l·ongthened to cover the hips more deeply. quite believe in its p resence, the faithful bird able cases this method is early succes~ful, The vest ·buttoned on ea.ch side to the cor- fluttere d down to a dead stump near by OVER T WENTY YJICARl!i ll:X:PlllltIENOlili, trov.110x tdeG11 MA.<bnini stcr ed f or l'a i n.le B and sometimes a t witching ..of the lids or sa.ge, t he plastron, the separate waistcoat, and, w. th a shrill cry, sum moned the littl~ the angles of t he mouth ap peal's with sur- tho pleate~ shoulder-pieces, t~edemure uun's green pa.roqueta of the country. About ten Operauon 11. prising rapid it y as the firsD sivn of return- corsage with soft folds la_ppmg ea.ch ot~er t housand of t hem circled r ound the great OS'F I Cll Jl()VLIJ'NG 'S B L9t!JI. Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the ing 'life. As soon as these symptoms are I over ~he cbest, the surplice fro?t cr?ss~g gray African oracle on the stump, and noted, the simple manipulations above from r!ght to left, thi; round w mo.t wit h i ts finally took th eir pl aces, in good order, on LIVER, STOMA.UD, li:IDNEYS AND BOWEJ,iS. described mu st be earnestly continued and cha.rm1!1g b elt adorn1ngs, the pomted_ c or- the ground. T he explorers looked on in persevered in from a h alf to one hour, sage with revers of all shap es and k mds, dumb a mazem ent. They i nvigorate and restore to healt h Debilitated Constitutions, an for, wit h their cessation, the phenomena. eac~ an_d all, are among the ~ew or rep~at ~hen the f~athered assemblage became .re l.nvalua.ble in all Clomplalntl!I lnoldenta.l t <> Females of all .Ages. For indicating beginning return of life also cease. ed !l'nc1es of t he sea.son. ~t 1s almo~t Im· quiet, the ship 's parrot broke into the Children and tho a ged the y a.re pricele11. Generally, the face assumes a slight reddish possible. t o go far a.sti;a.y m the des~~n of familiar words of " N ancy Lee ;" and to tint, and at the same time a faint pulsation the .bo~1ce; a s the va.rtety- of models 1s now the inext immisb a.ble amu sement of the t;a.v· may be felt in t he carotids. By this method ~o hm1tless that a?1y gracefu l st~~e beoom- ellera, t he surp rise of t he t ropical worId, and Dr. F . h as seen life return in fonrteen c11.ses, 1111( t o the we~rer 1~ good form: '.!:he broad the delight of the feathereil condu ctor,'. those .ls an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breast s, Old Wou nds Sor among whom were such as h ad hung them- and showy Directoire rever~ give t h e efl'.ect t en thousand paroquets, with one mighty ! ~nd Ulcers. It ls famou~ for Gou t and Rheumatism, For disorders of th o selves, drowned, and asphyxiated by oar- of breadth, an~ a.r e seen a.like on t.h e s11!1- burst of sonv, executed " Nancy Lee." -Chest lt has no equal.b(lnic oxide and in one case by croup pleat and t he r ichest gowns. T he high mil· ' ' itary collars and t he deep t urn-over models The late t errible accident at Ottawa with For So re T h 1·oa t s, B r onchitis, Uoughll', Colds' are equally por-ular . · Tired :Eyes, the balloon ought t o lead to some s truigent GI d 1 S ff a d 11 sk· n · ·t h · 1 1 People speak about their eyes beinll There are t wenty -live miles of shelves in r egulations being made in reference t o vha.t . flll U ar we ings, n a Ill iseases a s no r1va ; a n d somewhat dangerous amusement. Indeed contract ed and· stiff joi n t s 1t a cts llke a ch a rm . Uter spenalng much time and money, I a rn fatigued, meaning th!l.t the retina, ot nerv~ the British Museu m reading room. 1ow pr..pared to fill all orderil promptly_ I ion of the bra.in that does the seeing is F t he fact of its b~iug da.ngerous is one chief '9.ve a fine assortment of W .AVES BANGS port . d b t h · h Col. L . ont aine of Canton, Miss., h as M anufactured only a l; THOMAS HoLLOWAY's E stablish m e nt, is not t e case, an the par t of its attraction and therefore the more S WITCHES. COMBS and PINS v.{ry cheap. ' f a t 1gue , u sue . mh · · m · t h e trained 11 pair of pet retin a rare1y t ires. "'- e f a~1gue 1s b bears so that he dl'ives need why the whole thing should.be placed B ANGS FRO:JM: $2 U P78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (lat e 633, OXlWRD STREET), I.ONDON .>ld Switches colored and made to look like inner and outer mu scles attached to the them double t o a uggy. He occasionally under t he most careful restrictions. A man new. Higltest price paid for lont: cut hair. eyeball, and the muscle of accommodation appears on the streets with them, scaring has no r ight to put h is own life, however A n d r.r e sold at le. l!d., 2s. 9d., 4 a. 6d., lls. , 22s. , a n d 3311. e ach Box OI' Pot, · h surrou n d s th e 1ens of t h e eye. the may be had from all Medicine Vendorsthro'ugh ou t t he Wor ld. DA.IR TON IC w h1c . horses half out b of their w its, a Tnd amusb worthless it be, into jeopar dy in or der to · W hen a near object is to be looked at mg t he sma11 oys greatly. he ears give his fellows sport, or to thrill their ,illll"Purch.a8era houltl look at the Label on the Pots and Boxe1. 'Warranted to prev!'lnt th!! hair from fnlllng t his muscle relaxes and allows the lens t~ amble along at a llrottv fa.ir sort of a pace. nervous system with a strong sensation. Of t 11 1138. Oxford Street, London, ti,.ey are apurlous · outalso anda will make it i:row. th IC · k en, · · its · ref ract1ve · power . :I'he . S I have tlne lot or new Stam . · mcreasmg John Kaufman of "Brazil, Ind., who died course it may be urged tha.t if the owner of ..Patterns. Al.I orders promptly attended t~.me::, mner and outer m:nsoles are used in covori?!! suddenly the other day, had a most curious the life is paid for t he r isk, he can do as he ·"" ~ "1\ 1 , .._ the eye on_ the ob1e.ct to be looked at, the Ill· mania for stealing women's shoes. He never pleasea. N ot exactly. T hings are.not come . . . · ..,LY _; l "' · · , ~ ~er ~ne bemg espec1a.lly used w~en a near ob- stole anything else. A rew yea.rs ago he to that pass in Canada yet, though no one A Juyemle fman mer. The oemus of those territories t aken in a1 Neads Block, Bowmanville. 3ect IS to be l_ooked at. It is Ill .these. 1.hree was arrested, and forty or fifty pairs ~f sho.es can say apparently h ow ~oon they may. It Harry (who had some money given him to 1885 shows that out of a white population of muscle~ m~nt1oned that the f~t1gue 1s f~lt, and slippers were recovered. Re was 1mpr1s- i~ the d anger w~ich give.st.he chief piquancy spend at tne fa.~r) : !'apa, things were so nearly 50,000. less th~n 2,000 we~e foreign F' S G" " ._ !fst weet u-1- ~hat?. Did tha~ and r elief IS se~ured teml?orar1ly by closmg oned for a short time for the offence. After to the whole thing, and it 1s on that account cheap at the fair that thirty cents of my born. In Manitoba, w ith a population of over · creature S!l.Y 1 looked hke a simpleton?' the ey!le ~r g~zmg at fa.~ d1~tant objects. The his d eath over sixty pairs of women's "Shoes also that it should either be put down or money was wasted. 100,000, Iese than twelve per cent. a.re -.~fi.c:~~e~~~~h~~f!-" No, she sai~ you acted I u~ual md10at1on ~f stram IS .a redness of the were found in the hut where he lived alone. very carefully regulated. Pa.pa. : Wasted ? foreigners and nearly 70 per cent. of the peo! rim of the eyehd, betokenmg a oongosted 1 _ Har ry : Yes ; I didn't spend it, pie were born either in Ontario or Mani toba .El'EJtY WEDNESDAY llORNING TH.E LAST :BIBLICAL PUZZL.E. state of the inner snr,ac~, whi;h may be accompanied with some . am. Vi hen the eye tires easily, rest is no· the pr_oper remedy, The lfittites, Who They Were, 1Vhere They but the use of glasses : sufficient. ~ower to Uved and What Bas Belln DJsco-vered aid in accommodating .1 e eye to vmon. About Them. 888. Fall and Winter Announcement. 888~ WEST·· END · HOUSE Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour and Feed. 11 111 ·- = I I . JOHN McMUiiTRY, .· . . .... Q : ..: : ·· : . ·: . : . . KARMA~'! ' . . -. . TRJr. P . J. HIGGINBO~fHA & SON, Chemists an<l Druggists. PROPRIETORS OF L B A full assortment of Drugs and Medicines always on hand, also Toilet Soaps, Sponges Perfumery Cosmetiques, &c. ' ,. 1 L Binge's Syrup of Horehound, for Coughs, Colds, &co Nasal Cream, for Cold in the Head. Dr Woulff's Remedy, for Cholera, Diarrhrea, &c., OU-RE_ I Our Corn-Cure·is the .most popular preparation in. the market. Try it. j I HA INES ' CARRIAGE "W.ORKS: GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, OARRlAC ES, SLEIGHS, GUTTERS, WAGONS, &OQ · ~~~~.-~~~- o! . . D ENTISTR Y Al 1 Kinds of Vehicles Repaired :E-IE A LTH 'F OR A !LL! J. M. JJ RIIOCACOMBE, T H E PILLS . Fine Hair Goods. LADIES, THE OINTMENT a Patronize Heme TRADE. .A. DAVIS l I i I I I O·h,Jlld·ren On for Pitcher's . Castorhi~ . ~ ·

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