TBRllrlB :-tl.fiO Pu .AxXUK. NBW 8BBIK8~ NUMBED OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIREI': THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A . JAMES VOLUME EDITOR .um P ROl'RIE:COR, 530. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, WE)NESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1888. LINES. SAXONY. W e congraiul11t0 Mr. Cameron Trull on the idven t or a dau ghter. Mr. and Mr s. Wm. Adair, from Gorrie, are ·initing at Mrs. C, W. Osborne's. Mr. Tr avail w h ile threehinll at M r. n., ·sborne'· had the misfor tune to br eak his en· Jine a nd i t had to be removed to Oshawa ·hlcl1 is now u ndergoing r epa irs. Mr . Casey Trull and h is eon, ]'red, a rrived ti Darlington st11.ti on Wed nesday evening nte and aound a.fter being on a visit t o Buffalo. Jlngnra, T or onto and other places too numerllls to mention. XXXIV. NUMBER 39. NEW CARPETS ! ----o ---- BU (IQ EST ED JN L OVIN(; BYMPA1'TIT DY 1'HE SAD DROWN ING ofr 'T'H I£ LAMEN'l'l£D ], J L LIE HOLLAN D· A NEW PLAN! CO.UCB, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN Have just received, per Steamship "Aurania," FIVE BALES OF NE-W..A..N"" D Gohe, gone < orever , Oh ye tren.cl1erous deep, Why didst thou cla im our all, why lea ve us thus t o weep 'rh e bitter. bitt er tear11 or hopeless woe 1 W hy b lhrht our home1 In one s hort hour, lo ! In the darkening night t h ou gr aeved Th e bri ghte~t. g< m that e'er our hearts had clasped, Our present, p ast, our future. ail F.~ST B OY. '!'h ou didst veil with thy funeral p all. Our fu ture! .Ah that h.o me of love so bright, ENN I SKJL[,EN . S o full of h app y visions j ust in eigh t, It too le m erged beneath the darkening w a ve. Mr. R. H utchison a n d family lett tor their Th ou llaHt our a ll. Oh why could'Ht t hou n ot iew home, L1 etowel. on Friday. Qave? We a re 'Oleased to see Mrs, A., McLeod and Ah . could we save 1 Go ask the Fat.he r why :amily. or Brandon, Man, i n ou r midst again H e lets h is loved !ones sink e'en when H e's naking a visit among their numerous fr iends' n igh J Mr. D. G. .Austin, our c lever vet., has been In t ender love H e says, thy Eorrows all f b ear, >n a visit to Detroit a nd his old h ome Essex And all thy grief most lovingly I share. Jeotre. Mr. J , C, Callander took charge of his B ut, Oh frail mortal. could'st thou under stand tiractice in his absence. No deaths. · The return base ball m atch between the Th e h eights and depths in the Almight y's hand? Hamvton j uniors a n d our l a.ds wa s played here Ah, n o,the Infinite alone must wield, on Saturday for enoon las t w hich resulted in His a rm i . alone m ust be our str ength e.n <l. anot her v ictory f or E nnisklllen. Scor e 36-2·1 s11 e1ct. . with an innmgs to spare. 'l'he Dragoons playA.nd thouirh our way be dark without one 1 ed at Solina the afternoon ot ea.me day. 'l'he glimmering r ar,, . I game was well contested the tee.ms being very The Father's love will lighten a ll. an d ever be , evenly matched. Scoro t 5-U in fovol' of Errn.A d ~rir stay, t t b ' lsk!lleu. A l!ame is expecterl with Haydon 1 d8 d1 0 H~lp 1:s ~~:i~:1v~1~\~~~v. 0ur Go3' fti1ow rext Saturday. a nd ever love. ~-::3 'U L -lN..d , MONEY CIVEN ·AWAY! ---oPROFITS DIVIDED W ITH SUBSCRIBERS. ---o--It is well k nown that it costs as much t o set the type of a newspaper wit h on ly one s ubscriber a s it d oes for one with a h undred t housand. lt is the aim of the publisher of TnE STATESMAN to i ncrease his list to ten thousand, when the c ost of s upply i ng the pap er to each individual will be largely r educed. In order to do this a graduated system of apportioning the increased profit whi ch would result from s u ch a l arge addit ion to the list has betn devised. It is i n a lmost every par· t icu far mod elled after t h e life i nsurauce com pani es' system of r eturning each yea.r a p or t ion of their pr ofits to thei r policy-holders, except t hat t he a mounts b eing small i n the case of a newspap er subscription, we r e turn t he percentage of profit, should we have a lar ge in crease of circulation, to every 1 0th person , and otherwis e as n oted b elow, instead of to each indiv idual. Hy car efully rea d ing ,t he foll<>wing cnvenant which we m ake wi t h each person sending u s a r egister ed letter containing $2 for a y ear's subscription t o THE: STATESMAN and any other dollar paper such as the Weekly Globe, Mail, News, Empire , Wit ness, Family Herald, Stock J ournal, e tc., you will easi ly comprehend ou r plan of distributing the gifts Two d <illars for one o ld a n d one n <1w s ubncription or for two new subscr ip t ions to THE STATESMAN will c ount the same . Subscriptions m u s t b e for 1880. T he $@"names of the successful subscribers will b e published monthly in this paper. ---o - K. N E WCA S TLE. All the t · lk now is N ewcMtle fair and t h e band golnl{ t o pla y. W on't i t be j ust lovely i Everybody come and bring h is girl and have a good time. W . T. Bon ath an, our stov6 kmg, has got in a fine assor tmen t o! stoves co&l an d wood. hall. parlor and cook. A ll th <J latest improvem ents and the prices a r e a way dow n. Mr. A . W. Bunner, of Bowmanville, preac h ed a v ery interesting sermon on Sunda y, Sevt. 16. Alth ough it rainerl he came like "'faithful servant to Newca stle Methodist church. BRUSSELS TAPESTRY CA:E<.PETS, S HA W'S SCH OOL H UUSE. Mr. Samuel R ickard is fitti ng up his y ou ng Rltleman tor the fair . She's a dandy, vVe a re glad t o be able to ea.y t hat the h ealth o1 our t eacher Miss M· .A.. Walsh ls greatly im · proved it does u s good t o see her em ilina: face with us again. The m onthly meetmg or the Band or Hope wne held on Friday nigb.t. 14th inet. Lar ge number of member· present, proJ;lram was good. Th e rea dings by Mies Nellie Joness a.nd Miss V iolet Osborne were first class. 'r he young men who came there drunk ha d better be car eful it they w ant to 11ovoid the la w . Our '}Y.fillineryRooms are now open and no orders are refused, being under the charge of a competent person. (ll'?·om the Ontario Reformer.) CANADA, PROVINCE OF ONTANIO, To JOHN lV~c,OLUNG, Mr. Alex. Dow, leaves Osh awa in a few days for Calirary. N. W . T .. w h ere he has secured a 'UNITED COU NTIES OF · l11Cr1i tive Eltuation. Merchant, of the Town of .Bowmanv illo. Tlie fixtur es. a lone, in Mr. R. A. Scarlett's N ORT.IJU 'lll!Jl:RLAND AND DURllAl\f,J TO WIT : , le Drug Store, Oah itwa. cost $1500. Bob is drlv· Ing a r11ehing hueln·ss. WHEREAS information ha~ this day been laid befor.:i the undersigned 150 M1·. Geo. A. Ross, merch ant, of Whitby, w as $7,000. unlt1~ d In marriage, a .few da·re ago, t o Miss P olice Magistrate in and for t he Town of Bowmanville, in tlie County lh~le ;Jv1repllfue French. ot .llrock ville. Mr. S. Gl ovor , has leeged for five years, the of Durham, one of the said United Countief<, for that you on Friday, Mr. Tavlor ls teachin11; in the Cadmus School fa.rm of Mr. Lewis Luke. being lot 8. con. 5, the fourteenth day of September, in t he year of ou r Lo1d One Thousunt il l\'llse C. Scenes is able to r11turn. She is East Whitby. Mr. Luke Is retiring Crom farm· "> ing. and Eight Hundred and Eighty -eight., <l i.I p i11ce or cause to b e placed improving r a pidly , The many friends of ~\fr, M. J . Mcsweeny, on the public street in t he Town of Bownw.r1"ii le, opposite the premises Some miscreants tJl aced a dead deer near tb.e road in Mr. R o wan's swarnp to breed disease ot this office, will be pleased to learn that he is r ecovering from h is s evere illneas, and is occu pied by y ou, a large quantity of Tc~a, t l:ie said Tea being an incumIn the neighborhood. They should bc fined. Visitors: Mt.as Smith,Lietowel ; Mr. and Miss able to leave his be d, Mr. Jas. '.l'ren'Jlum, frui t dealer, Osha.wa, brance thereon, said street being a communication for public u se, and M. 'l.'aylor, ParHhlll ; Miss M. Taylor. Peterboro; Mie~ Hyl><nd. P r ince Edward; Mr. l eft at t.ho R eformer office. t.his week. a bMlrnt did l1eglect and refuse to r emove satd incumbrance after having bee'l full or immense tomatoes, one ot wh lch welgl1· Rowan an d Miss Fordtr. notified to do so by t he Chi.et Constable of the Town of Bowmanville, MiRS E. SpiJ.,ks. one of Cartwright's fairest ed 26 onnces , e.nd another 27 ounce· . The Councll held a meeting last week t lll thereby acting contrary to the prov1- iomi of a certain by-1aw and and best da ugh ters. was married at h er father's residence. (R >'pmks, Esq .. ex.R eeve) on Tues. m idnight discussing water works. a nd th e day. 18th to .Mr. R. Pye, of Toronto. Miss :Mayor is to call a public meeting of the citi· amendment thereto, i n su ch case made and provided. These are Emma Spinks, and Mr. J, Pye acted as brides· zens at an early date to cone id er the subject . maid and groomsman: '.l'he presen ts were 'The R eformed Church of England contro· therefore to command you, in Her Majesty's name, t o be and appear n umerous and valuable. v ersy is dragging its weary lengt h along. on Saturday, the fifteenth day uf September instant, at tbe h~ur of 10 Surely the Osha-w a 11eonle mus t be heartily ·s ick of it long ago. We p ity the publishers of o'clock in the forenoon, at t he Police Court, in the Town of BowmanLUNG SAULT. the local papers who require t he space at this Mr. Jos. Colwell has rented Mrs. Pinch's season to accommodate the increaeing demand ville, before me, to an swer to the said informatio» , and to be further or advertisers, We suggest that the v ohunln· place recenU.v worked by Mr. James Sulley. ( \: ' ous s crib blers be cb a.rged ten c en ts a li ae for dealt with according to law. . Miss Bertie Virtue has r eturned fro'.II Toron· theil· eft'osiona·-En· STATESMAN. I Given under my h rua.d an d seal t.l1is 14th day of September, in the 1 '. to where sh e h as beon visi ting h er bro ~her, James. year of our L ord 1888, in the Town of Bowmanville, in the Counties Mr. David Hyers Is verv low and seems to ORUNO . aforesaid. GEORGE HA.INES, P. :M:. [L. s,] be nearly done with earthly tb.ings at time of writing. (Frurn t he News . ) The above is the result of information laid by some small minded Mr. l~lsher who has b een visiting in t h is lo· Miss Etta Ki rk is home from Chicaf?O. cality has returned home to Carleton taking grasping competitor, who feard honest competition. Miss Emma Wood is visiting her sister in with him 65 barrels of a ppl es. · Mr. Frederick Farrell was slightly hurt IBBt Hope. Having r e ceived ou1· F ull and Winte1· S toel.: or DRY week by the front wheels belonging to the Mr. li arry A rmstrong spont Sunday in Ot·ono. threshing manhino passing over his l egs. GOODS w e are it a 1>ositi on to o 1Ier th e b e st value in Mr. Samuel Channon has lost five sheep re· Mis~ Ine, Travelle, of P arry Sound, 13 home and Mr. Colin Staples two. On e on a visit. We do not intend to retaliate, but will get even with them by minding the tt·ade, 'b ecause w e confine ourselves exclusively to cent.ly would suppose the dogs had a pick at the Mr. Pethick, of P ct6rboro, is visiting a t Mr. our own business, looking out for bargains and taking them when Sault sh eep c onsidering t he nnmher that have Wm. Batten 's, t he D1·y Goods, ' v h i ch i ncludes lllllline r y a nd lll a ntles, been killed h ere lately. We also int end t o retmn Mr. ,'\", 'l', Pepper, of Lindsay, is v isiting offered, giving·our customers the benefit. On Saturday afte rnoon last a verr excitable Mr. l<'. L , .Andrns. Lace Goods and Nove lti es. Our sto.t-k is very c omplct.e practice c oon FOR EvIJ, bv giving the public the BEST and OHEAPES1' TEA game of foot ball was played in Mr, Mr. Ira A. '.i'ravelle, of Darlington, was in Ada.ms' Jleld b etween the Maple Lea.vPs of ever sold in this Town or County. We can only sell by the confidenc e Loskai·d a nd being sel ect e d With g 1·eat Ca1·e WC and the Excelsiors of the Sault, towa Sun day week. Mr. Robt. Knott is e recting a h andsom e two· We believe the Maple Leaves came off victor· i n a ·iuick d.esce rning pubiic tha t t h ey can ap1n·eci:ite ions, · a fter which a eumptuoue repast wae storey brick residence. by the ladies, Mrs. John Groves and daughter of Graven· a w ell bought a rticle. E ach d e1,a1·tn1cn t b e ars evid e n ce served The following have be(m tai;:IT.11? in the Ex· hmst ; are v isit ing frienrts h er e. hibition iu 'l'oront.o: M iss E llzabeth Virtue Miss Elliott, of Woodbridge, spent a few oC tb.e e are and thoug ht expende d o n its sclcc lion a nd I accompanied by h er lirotber William, Mr. d ays here the guest o r t he Mi.sses Hallet t. and Mrs. Edward Virtue Mrs Rich ~rd Davey , J1ave no doubt but Otll" cus tomers w i ll a ppreciat e out· Mrs Wm Snroule, Mr Richatd Hill. Mr Wm Mr, John H. A llin, oC Courtic~, a n d Mr, Get one and divide with your neighbor. Therefore in H er Maj esty's Hill. Mr Stanley Staples. Mr Wm Hooey, j r, Art hur A llin. or Colborne, spent Sunday week name we e ndeavors to secure t lte il· p a tronage. and Mr ' Vm Farrell, jr. Mr Robt Byer~ Mr at home. James Dyers and Mr David Byers. Meesrs. Thoma3 and .Tames Court ioe. or Mariposa., are visiting t h ei r uncle , Mr. ·John Buckley. 1.'YRONE. Mra. J,yons. of Winnipeg. a n d sister. an d you t o appear at our place of business, when most convenient t o do so, Mr, Kelly, sr.. is on the sick; list, Miss Viola Hall, or Darlington, are visiting at Mr. '.l'. M. Bingham, of. Burnt River, ia visit· Mr, f ,. A . Gamsby's. to get your supply of this Choice and Cheap TEA, and to incipect the ing friends here. M r. 'l'hos . Q.·odwin , of Pitsburg,Pa.,ar.d Mr. most c..>mplete stock ot D ry ·Goods, Dress Goods, Millinery, Clot hing, Stuff~ Mr. ,John Wight., Mariposa.. Is the guest of a.no. Mrs. Sangster, Bru.dford, Pa.., Hre v isit ing n t Mr. Armstrong's. Mr. Robt, Hodgson, and Carpets in 'J.'own. You will :fin<i n ot only t h e Large~ t Stock hut Mr. C, L. Bingham, of Town, was home for a. The .Anniversary Services of St. Saviour·11 the Latest Novelties an rl Lowe0;t Prices. church , Orono. will be held on S unclay arid few days lii·t week, ( Rev, vV. Kenn er is expected home this week Monday, Oct. 7th and 8th. An immense stock of GERMAN MANTLES just 1eceivEd . llir. Thos. Vickers' showed his h11ncls ome I Crom th"' far North·we~t. I Mr, John Patter·on and wife, Howick, ha.ve three year olcl Rifte ma.n S tallion a t the In· dustrial Exhibition, Toronto. I been ,.,"11.ing friends here, The choir of the Methodist church were 1 Il<-v . Austin Potter, of Goderich, was here photographed in a i::roup in front ot the ' vb·il 1llf!: his mothe1· on Friday, church last week by Mr. Robt, Best. al't ist. Whore ie om· Shamrock F'oot Ball team, Mr. Jae. Keat and wife, of Chat.ham. arfl 'l'imu you were orga,nizing, boys. visi ting his brotner, Mr. 'l 'laos. Keat, P r ovi· Rumors arc afloat that there is to be a t ea dence ; also thefr numerous friends around b ore on Thanksgiving Day, Tho Ladies' Aid, Orono. no doullt, Mr, II. J. Gilmore , or Canton, Ohio, visited A large number or young people assembled our village with Mr. Harry Armstrong. His at Mrs, Harris' on Monday evenioi:; last to agreeabl~ ancl affable rua nners made h i m celebrate the 21st birthday of her son Thomas, many friends. A very cnjoyaole time was spen t, Rev. Mr.' 'r ocque, of Toronto, who has been Our enterprising 'farmers are purchasing visiting through this sootiou during the p ast with you, m y dear boy, t han you im· mare land. Mr. John Hodgson has bought month, is now spending a few days with Iiev. MAPLE GROVE. Mr. Vv. 'Vight's farm opposite Brookside and ()anon Ilren t . Newcastlo. agine . G u ess again. Mr. P. Werry has bought Mr. S. McI,a.ughlln's 'rhe sick in tl1is vicinity &re improvin g . l\lrs. Dunsford and family left on 'l'h uraday ThPrn is goir g t o b e a deba t e at the farm south of ~nniskillen. tor Salem, Oregon; and Mrs. Knott a.ad Our prayer-meetings are well a t t ended. Divibiu u o n Wednesday evening , S ept. Mr. John Barton, Enniskillen has not found family for Walla 'Walla, Wv.sh. ~'er. Both his four yearling heifers yet. Three of them !smilies a.re highly respected. 26th : R esolved- " Tha.t t he m o de rat e 'rhe picnic passe d off very favorably , w ere mostly r ed. The largest had white hlod Mr. R . Webber of New York, graced our drinker d oes m oril harm t o co mmun i ty legs nearly to gam brel. One is a. red and only one y oung lady getting wet. white wtth some white hairs in red spots. In- town wit.h his presence one day l ast week. Mr. than the confirmed drnnk ard.-" formation leading to recovery will be t b.ank· Wobher is said to carr y on one of the largest Farmers are p lowing. Several from D EXT:IJ:lt. retail bu tcher business in tb.e worl d, e mplOY· fully received. ing 190 hands, Ile was the guest of Messrs. arou n d h ere attended ihe Ind ust r ia l. Mr, E', A. Weeks and family. who for some John Mille1. sr., and Wm, Armstrong, during "I/V e h ear that one o f our t emp era.nee For S crofula, Impoverished Blood time have been residents of this village, leave his stay h ere. this wetk for Bowmanville, On Saturday ladies is gettin g to like a litt le Porter. a nd General Debility. evening Mr. Weeks' Sabbath School class took him by surpriRe in bis home, .after a fe w P ROMPT H.Es U.L l'S .- ·" l was very sick Mr. J. 'IV. Harnden lrns sold one of Soott 'e Emulsion of C od L ive t·, with minutes chl t·chnt, Miss Florence Kenner read I h is valuable mares for a handsome figure. H y p op h osphit es, has no equal in t h e whole an appropriate address anrt Miss J,illie Pe n· with bowel complaint !::1st su mmer. found presented him with a handsome Cabinet tried other m edi cines b ut all was no use Our spinster s are bein g weeded. o u t . realm of Medicine. React the followin g : Album. unt il . I t ri ed Dr. Fowler's Wild Straw- I We h ave now Jess old maids . than a n y " I gave Scott's Emulsion t o my o wn A. !!l_ l'li_ G_J._lil_,-SC_l _?_A.·T-(;ir lJUtY c1111se a f ester· berry. The n ext d ay I was like a d iffer · s urroundin g section. child for Scrofn la, and t h e e ffect wa s m arlug sore. Vlct or t ·t <;nrbolic Sal ve r np l 1Uy e nt m a n ." Geo. H . Peacock, Strottd, 1 '1. D., Wh i te Hall, Trim ia " out at sea " sadly a bout vulo u s. "- 0. F. Gmy, 1 ~ C:~:. 1;11ts, wo11n11~, b1·n ises, b urns nncl all Ont. . D ext er, I am much b e tter acq mtin. t e d Ind. P u t u p in 50c. and $1 ei ze . direct from the Manufacturers, JOHN CROSSEL Y & SONS, of Halifax , England. CJESAREA. Miss L. Hohinson ls a ttendl11g School at For Elegant Designs, Permanent Linds ay, Mr . Philp, our ex-teach er. tea ch1 n li: at Canton since vr..ca tion. (~olors and Durability the Goods .Mr. Holmes ha.s sold h is acre fa.rm to Mr. T . A . Wright for are unequall ~d. Mr. J . Forder has t a ken possession o! his farm,'Llre1:Ty1atid u!tRte. George h as been selling groceries chea per :.hsn ever. Mr. D. Montgomery lost o. va.luiible mare r e· can tly by h ai,gtnp,. Capt. ' Verry assisted in the ser vices a.t El· dii.d on Sunday evening. ' l.'he bailiff visited our <1uiet village th ~ other day a nd made things lively. .Mr. W . J,. J,a.w , of this p lace was a pr ize ' 9inner at t he lndnetrfol on graln . Visitors t his WPek: Miss Da vidson. of Little F.lritam, Mr; Herm an. a nd Miss Lill» Pascoe, Enneld , and Capt. H. L. 'Verry, or Montrea.I. Rev. J,, Phelpa, of Golumhns, will preach a t Hldnd on Sunda y, SOth inst.. at 2.SO p . m .. when a s pecial collection will be taken to meet some obligation s on t he Trust F u nd. 'l'h e Ennlskillen Dra!<'Oi)ns played our ooys a frle 11dly match of base ball her e on Saturday l a~t. M r, R. J . ~ iddery. of Ham pton, flcted aa umpire a nd gave good satisfaction. At the end of the 6lghth innings t imo was called on aooount or do.rknesq and the score st.ood even. ~ome very good playing was don~ on both s1de11, $1 $2 $5 $10 IS GIVEN TO 'l'HE SENDER OF EVE RY IS GiVJjjN TO THE SRNDER OF EVERY IS GIVEN TO TH!i~ SENDJ!.:R OF EVERY GIVEN'fOTHE SENDEROFEVERY 10th 25th 105th 205th LET T E R. LETTER. LETTER. LET'.l'ER. A strict recor d will be kept of the letters in a b ook for the purpose. Address. M. A. JAMES, Publisher, BOWMANVILLE, ONT. N . B, --:F'uller particularR will be given next week. JACK, OSHAWA. SUMMONS I I ' · .NO BETTER VALUE ANYWHERE. --- Couch, Johnston &Crydorman One Door West of Post Office. Bowmanville. SEPT., 1888. ~ ew .SEPT., 1888. Fall ·Goods A T -- s. LAI N G ' --- -o---have R ETALIATION. Half Che st. The different departments are : D R ESS G O ODS, Fancy and P lain in Wincey, Cashmere and Henriettas. Black and Colored. F ANCY GOODS, BL AN KETS, F LANN E L S , Grey and all Fashionable Colors. in all sizes and weights. McCLUNG B RO S., Sign of Golden Sheep, BOWM A NVILLE. T"W"EEDS, Canadian, Scotch, English and French. P lain and Fancy. OVERCOAT IN GS, GENTS' F U RNI SHINGS, Hats and Caps. M ILLI N ERY & MAN TLES, with Mantle Cloth and Fine Sealettes. GE 0 · LA I N J · G I