Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1888, p. 6

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""'-- · 1111111111_._;.lllli! 111111111i..., -1·1 T l~SMlll'U _llHll I!! 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~"""~~·~·!·~1~11~r~......... ~~~~~~~a~:aa~!!!!!~!!!!!~~"""~*~~LLZ~~·~~ililllllfti"'~~!ill~--·~~~~~"""~.._.~~..,..:~~,...~~mm~~v=n~~F!~r:m~~,~nn~111~m~~c~r~1112~·~!5-"!'1 .. ~·~1~~--~~·~~~~~EB~~s~=r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mll ~Rf.U"-" '"' ~ ~ "' ~/O.'qf.HH-"· l! LJ I~ - ,-~['K . r E1 -=======- --'=-======== SIR:&.e e . WEDNESDAY, SEP T . 19, 1888. ~-\ttt"l;f ~tl· Wt~ ~t\i't~~m\f111! ~ll.e'lt~(~ 1~ "'~lUM _ _ ! [Now .Fms'.IC l'UBLISHED.] J / l ~~ 'ND u NJI Ilr j LALL RIGJJ'l'" RESERVED.] .J.L!.J · I i1\14. 11 !;~::~~e~1t and down rn an agony of he· odaughitfer-and tried to win her-and ~ail- ! y · . e · my m so trymg was great my ' I ·: What am I to do?" groaned the Colonel, fact that I was madly m love with Stn our I By M. E. BRADDON :1!>.uthor of " LADY AUDLEY's SECRET, ' "WYLLARD s w:nm," ETc, ETC --~ I · THE {:(jQ~fS BEST f'R~ Er~D · . m ust Jieadach e, et c. Iu a few days y ou m ay tmer!ien t. " · · " , e w.ien you b P. W<' ll, or on the other h and, y o1t may 1 , H , I itwas,so far a siuouldplau·butitell b0 d 1 0 IVCD. Ill) au .ui.Olle, v a l:iPTE R XXXV !Il-" W HAT IT THAT IS Frank would be no lon oer a dear follow m I · ov1 c i.n I ai,ver ti<ie so 1 rH.t she will be y ou she thre w me over She wo.; t h own wit Pneumo ma or "gallopmg -Y ou FEAR" India, u~elul t o b, rnterr0d t o o n all 0 0 ',\· I th~· 'O:ily o ne to underti·and " ' ' meu me at E xeter, but ~he didn't I wa;~:~ Con~umption." Ilun no n sks but begm G Campbellford, June 9, 1887. 1 1ory was m !ugh h ealth and spirits his s10ns, but by no mea.ns n oubiesome or rn 1 ' W P. hm ,' !lt mvent a Ct)de 'Ve 1for three trams, and then 1o rnnnediat ely t o take Ayer's Cherry _.,.¥ , , , ' t H Id l h 1 ieca11 bomut lb" m t he po.s·-lmown to u 6 1' d d · Pectoral MR. E. J\lloRRIS, Toronto, trwruug.1brea bauk suorn with modish se quis1 ive. e wou <Ome ior.1e, ana is 1 onl Y-some pet"' , D on ," ' n "t completely rage-ma ,fooled." espaurng. l had been · · ,.,, ty and fns tufts arranged .after the arrival would be t ne s1 gn1>l for ciamour ous I name. t yo a remernb"" moB Se1 eral y ears ago, James Birchard, of 1 1 D~R SIR : -I feel it my duty to g i ve very teat fushion His Indian bangl<>s tndespeople to pu"h meir d t rrto>nds H is I kou upd to call hei Pan~y. S he w ould 1 " Dnt she meant t o run away with you~" D ari en , Conn , was s everely ill . T he 111 yoii my testmiony for the good I had JlL·gl.id ., he walked a t hw mistress's si de, welcome w the nest m South Keosmgton now t at ansv wa s me>nt fot· her " " 80 I thought on the previolils aftemo·m> doctor s sand he "'as Consumpti-0n, 8 from your Dandelion Liver and Kidney ""nct hia neck ribbon was of the n ow colour. would be a shower of bills, lawyers' letters, M~~o ~~o~d out !ler pencil, an,~ 'note upon ' She m 11.de her planij dehbeia.t ely ; her 8 Bitters. My liver was ma bad state and ·rhere is always a new colour known and county court summonses. \ r ""' eley envc, Iope. Pmsys sor. 'trunks were all packed." aml th.at they could do notlung for him, I wad a. great sufferer. I had tned m only to · the elite. No soon"r does it "I'm atuml poor .l!'rank will hu.ve to 150 eutre..ts h er to write to hnn. j "Indeed. Tnat looks buo1ness-like. Antl but advisecl 8 lnm, as a last r esort, t o try 8 vam to get relief and had quite given up become kn own to the external world, than through the B:::nkruptcy Court," mused Mro. S Ar h e>l.rt fhorgive ev e{ryth;rng yet she threw me over, you see, and c11.rried A y er Ch erry P ectoral After t:ili:mg 1 8 1 all hope till a friend told me of y o ur it i a d eposed trom the workrooms of the best Baddeley, with a compa.ss1ona.te sigh. "I Shnc o.sdath ome "h dwit mm. ilrlllsh. her s somewhere else." th,s m edicine, two or three mont h s, h e ' 11 d f h l f h hope i w 't h d A d ~ "She e rea is roug raft to her father " N li was d 11 H Bitters. I got a bot tle at once and I am m1 mers, an rem t e to1 et o fas .10nable ' ie on n'.uc rn::'. . could not fa.ti to und ct:ata.nd that ,, o er lug11age was all left in her :pronounce a w e man is h ealth haopy to say the Bitters made a. new wo beauty. peorle do it now"' days quite people' she said ·· Tbos t ' own rooms at the Abbey. Wherever she remams good to the present d ay. ma'."n ef me I can heartily recommend l'o1y's mistre>s was not looking her beat and society seems to t hmk ve1y little the K1lrush. in u t e ~o names, .Pansy and went, ahe muat have gone m such a ata.te of J S Brndley , Malden, Mass· writes: them to any. one troubled with liver com- She h ..d lost her l:lnlhant ?arnatlon, .. nd worst· of their;. :::lfmt of bemp- mord~na.tely takable ',, J x apos ion womcl be unm1s mmd that she took no trouble to secure her "Tluee wmters ago I took ase~ ere cold, 1 1 l t Y t l the splendour of her Jnsh eyes was rich, money uoesn t count iu so01ety. "y I h k ,, own property. N ot e"en her comf t f ll d Pam . ours ru y dim. Sile looked five years older than Reasonrng thus, the fMr Leonora told her- phed understa,nd, re her JOUrney. Her travelling J w rapH y evelopcd mto BHn1e1utis CARltIE STEPRI!lHS, when her father had seeu her a.t the begm· self she had no c ..nse for bemg down-heart people who could 't f nft myany I weadmg gift-was left. It in an inner and Consumption T RO WAflk that - -- - mng of the laat L ondon season. ed ; yet in the of a.re ri b ,wri e rom 1 rus l on p?cket of that ba,g that I founi om letter" I c©uld not sit up, was much emaciated, 11 Good News at Home. "My dear L eo, you look ill and worrie<l," Myrtle Cottage h er spurns san!r, and the to th g }, L eo. bI :tnd t he adveroisei_nent ·· And she has uot claimed belon in·" an<l eonghed mcessantly I c011sulted said the Co1one1, as tncy drove away from of luturn drtlicult1e6 grew dally ch( qn: Y th1 \ nexbk . a. since then," asked St. Austdl, with a several doctors, lmt they w ere pow er18 -DEAR S rR,-1 hav J the station, 'Jory Sittmg on tne seat opposite darker. S he had h i therto ltved the kmd , lflpo~A 'd" A rn ° thrng brow · less, and all a £?reed that I was rn Conh h · f 1f · h l h . one muso pay or m a vance ' ~ 1 ESQ rea;son E MORRIS' to speak well of your Dandelion t em, s ivenng m hie little cloth ove1ooat o I e m w .IC l t ere is no e1sure tor 'l'he d t .d ' "No." sumptwu At last, a fr1encl hr-0nght me ' Liver ,md Kidney Bitters. I have been trimmed with As trachan, and look1ug about thong ht ; and now a.ll at once she found 1he seca. ~e· 0temen.\1appeare a" trle head of "And you have hea:rd nothin of her a bottle of Ayer 's Cherry P ector al him with hi s eyes as if he did not ad hersdf wi d1 to do but read novels Colonefn un;in: ree d hays later , a:nd the sinct T;ha· t1me-aosolutely nothrn!,, troubled for s ome t ime with my K1dne:i; mire the couutty. and tlun k of her own attairs The novels H con emptace« 1tw1t tears rn his eyf s. " Not one word I thl)uaht sh "th ll'rom the first dose, I found r elief. and a friend of mme recommended tliem "How ca.n I help i> Of course I have were tor the most part less interesting coutd fancy di"'ughter r eadm11 i t m you. You were of a 'I'" o llottlcs cur eu me, a nd my h ealtlt 9 to me and I tried them in my case , and been worried," answered L eo discontented her own e'llharrnssmcnts, and they uuled i;o ·· sec or h eso a.twn. 1 8rnce he had llns s mce been perfect." 1 lady." found them to work hke a charm ; there ly. "Do y ou suppose I ha.v; not felt the distract ber. The quwt beauty of her sur- ~~s~~:~enot ha;; te St. hAust~l · " A pa.ssmg acquaintance - and a Pans 0 wast 1 noo ~ t\0 c u~e er fore I have much pleasure in recommend- d1sgrnce of Helen's conduct." ronndmgs, the broalt river, the wooded hills whether de e , d imse ; ienne." PliEPARED IlY 0 ing them to all persons who are tr oubled " Is it gene,·ally k nown, do you thmk ?" m <he fo1egrouud, and the dark ndge of the who had d~a.r,;: baan k pemte~;' ~r "You were heard of m Vemce-a"'am 1 .a.~awoman Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. in any way with the ir Kidney. "People k now t here is something wrong moor beyond, had no charm for her. · d h d c upon e m of the with a lady," Sold by all Druggists P rice $1 ; s1>< bottles, $ 5. Yours trnly, Valentine ordered cverythrng to be sold off ",It ia a eut thro~t place," she exclaimed, :r11c~~~c~: a~s fo~ h!;~a~~r::enhe~ ~emple·. "An old friencl-a Florentine Uountess, J. J. JONES. a.bout a mont h ago-all these pretty Japan wita a shiver. that letter from M a B dd 1 a.s by who w aa good enough to f!O a.bout with me , Newton ville May , 1887. eae t hmgs, w hich I took an mfimtnde of The Colonel and!hia daughter dined at the he had w pt JOrh a f 0 ey, xa.ther, little m my solitude-we dmed together and trouble to get for ~hem. They w··nt for a Abbey on Christmas. D~y , It was a green but as a m:n of~~; woe:id 1t Yh dn er ;m, lunched t ogether al fresco, ha,lf a dozen 3 mere 3ong. I nrna,e Bc.,chmg buy a good Chrrntmas, rmld, ~isty, uepress1ng Leo him a 10 d thm that she a seem,e to time~. That was all. And you have heard m~ny thmgs for me-screens and vases, and wore one of her loveliest gowns-an arrange La.dy S~ AuatelY He f' 'tsh~nld ~ecome nothmg about your daughocr- from August p ort1eres-a.nything I could find room for. ment of dar k red velvet l'ilth glittering ruby ~nmety pomt of ·VIew h ~· t at rom a. to March-you had no letter from her-no Consumption Surely ()ured. Of course people have t alked-and I h~ve beads, which ma~e a gfowmg atmosphere gone for ever and that h c reput~bion was information directly or indirectly." been pumped perpetually about her But arouud her, ana suggested cheerfulness; to d er on Y c an ue was ".l'I ot one word " {);o THE EDITOR it is an odd th.mg that I have met bnt nobody was honestly and uneflectedly m ne: As a "Then, Colonei D.averell I can only say 8 l'lease mform your readers th11.t I have with anybody who positively knows that cheerful au that sumll Chdstma.s dinner, the ce'ntre of a the business fooks. very ala;miog," said St. a. positive remedy for the above named ohe is with S t. Austell. It 1s strange that Mr. Rockstone made the bravest etlort at tment. on t e con Austell, .turnmg his face to the man~elp.ece, disease. By its timely use thousands of one should have met th.:im abroad." m1rthmln~ss, and fitled up e-very gap In the and rostmg his head upon lus arm. hopeless cases have been permanently no"I ;;uppose they ~ave been very oareiul." i'onvHBll.t~on, but t~ere was a gloom upon The advertisement o.ppca.rcd time after The Colonel saw that he was dee ' mov cnred. I shall be glad to send two bottles "Yea , they certamly must have avoided Valentme facewh1ch would have spread a week after week, t untild the PY · s1 t · 1 d time, mscrtion h·~ th twentieth Cl l' ed· There ~ a ai'lenceof some moments of my 1emedy FREE to any of your readers t h e beaten _tracks. I have watched. for d u Iness mt 1e. mos convivm Circle, an ~" run ou ' an e o one s and tbt>n the older man asked in a who have comumption if they will send me pa.ragia.ph~ When I saJ Cu n F I do not mean merely to m Galignani or the Society Colonel Devenll wa.s cbv10usly depressed ch~que was exhausted. Ther had been no tering voice~top theP1 !.or a trn e, aud t hen haveth ·m retheir Express and P. 0. address. 1:',opers, aud I have cut out half a dozen His dreams had been troubled on the prev- reply. The year was two months old and the " What is itthat yo f ,, ~-urn a>:u,m I :mcAN A .RADICAL CUnI~ Respectfully, Dr. T. A. SLOCU :V:I, 37 little allusions to St. Austell, but not one ious night. Strange, sha.peless visio.ns had spring flowers were bloommg m the shrub I h ave made the disease of "I d 't k ul ear·. , Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. h111t about her." disturbed his slumbers, and filled his mmd bery borders at Myrtle Cottage, and the on now. -I-cant tell you. ·~it:T~9 EPILEPSY "She must be with him " aaid the Colon with gloom. He was weighed down by little lawn wa.s gay with the golden crocus My fears are vagne and shapeless; but it is 8 el. "I showed you his letter-the Jetter I formless apprehensions. He could not define cups, and there had been no sign or token ~ ~~c~ tokm~ to ind you are so completely FALLING SICKNESS, ADVICE TO M.o'IRERS.-Are you drn found in her dreaswg b::.g-when we were to himself what it was tluu he dre"ded Ht: from Helen. in e a.r a. out .er I loved her devoted 1oni; st1dy. I 1V.l\.RRANT1nyremedyto turbed at mght and brnken of your rest /, l l (' on boa1d the Clotho. That seems decisive" only knew that his mind was full of fear. Mrs. Ba.ddeley stayed on with her father, If. she had trusted 8 0 T J i<E the wo1 0L ca~e~. Because othe-s nave by a s1Ck child auffermg and crymg with "Yea, she must be with him " replied "I thmk I must give up going to the though the London season was beginning. h erse me as. e promised, I would have ( f~ 1 le'li " "no rea ,on foruot now rece1v1n; ~ cure pam of Cutting Teeth ~ If so send at Leo, but not with conv1ct10n fl"'nd at once f or a treativeand aFltE F'11~...,, "'L-r! ' Abbey," he told his daughter as they drove was not that she loved Devonshire more, but Ia.de my that I am a. free ma.n o~ Inl_ INW\TJLIBI..E RF.MEDY. G1v"'e E x 1r')33 once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Wmslow's She remembered St. Austell's preternat home " L:i.dy Belfield is charming-and tho.t she feared South Kensington moat. The won ave one a tho.t 03 ma.n can dt. to !tel .Pos t Office It cost-s you not lnnrr ;.o_· (), Soothmg Syrup." For childreu teethmg, ural f1oid when ehe accused him of Sir Adrian is as good as gold-but I cannot tradespeople were pushing for their accounts her sbn? -': · 8 6 ~ '~ l._and it will cure yon. Addre, s "' lta value is incalculable. It vnll relieve running away with her sister. She remem get on with Valentine. Im afraid I'm be and lawyers' letters were growing frequent' h e.ieve eAmuf.t i_n hidmg some J?:..:'.· Pr, IWOT. 37 Yonge St,, Toronto, O:r.t.. ginning to hate him." It was ea,sier to face these things at a distance w i;re ; m s?me ng lean sisterhood, some the poor little sutlerer immediately. De bered how he had left Charing Cross. E~~~!-J~ "I will ohowyou the parapraphs when I can "That is rather hard upon him," answer than on the spot, where every vibration of semi monastic retreat, where she is not !'l pend upon it, mothers , there is n ,, get at my despatch box," she said. "And ed Leo, "for he certainly is mne sinned the electric bell Jarred her nerves, and set ~owed to see the. newspapers, or to ,;wn~e mistake about it. It cures Dysentery her hcut _beatin~ vehemently, in a.pprehen etters to anyone m the outer world, S.lld and Diarrb rea, regtilates the Stomach ar11l now tell me all o.bout yourself Why did a.gamst than smning." m this dull neighbor "He was a neglec,ful husband." s1011 of immediate evil Here at least the after a Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softm1s the you plan G 1100<1. w t th its wret ched associatwns." "True ; but he was very good natured though she receind the letters, she did not " /es, it may bo so, 'answered St. Aue tell, Gums, rednce s In:fiamu1at10:i, and gn e "Bccdu·e I had a goon de11.l to say to my Helen could go where she liked, and enjoy near the bell; and she was out of reach of mov~ng ~way from the ma.ntelpiec~, a.nd to::ie and ener~y tu the whole sy~wm so (l In l ll. ' · No n tbi.t S t Austcll rn ,. fr,c herself as nJUch as she chose, If she hacl had a.ny importunate creditor, who might bs ·o sea.ting humelf opposite Colonel Devenll at " Mrs Winslow's Suo~hwg Syr11,) "~'"' nan, tl1e."<J ought ·o b~ no time time lost ID only comm" n prudence she could have got audac10ui as to demand an mterview So the writing table "It may be w. It children t e.,thmg is pleas,int to i he t~st~ 5ett1ng a divorce, don't y<lu know." on very well mdeed" she put her arms round the Colonels neck woul~ be hke her to. go and bury he1self and is the prnscr1ptwn of one of the old " I n or,le1 th3.t he m11ht marry Helen " In m· retirement at Myrtle Cottage one morning at breakfast, and told him she ,,Jive m a fit of religious enthusiasm. She est a nd besL femal e pby,.1ctans and nors<-. cried L "o, as if she had b~en stun~. ' Cclonel Devcnll wt11ted for the post whicl; would ro, desert him. She VI ould stay till was 11 a crea.ture of rapid ch~nges of mood "Or course; It is the onl:y tlmfg that ~ bi:,ought him ~1is ett~s aud..h1s ncwspap~rs Franks return. \V e1! I thought I was most s,curc of he~ In the l.Jmted f·ltates, nod is for s3 l11 by with keener impg.tieLce than he had ever "GO<lb'less you, my love," faltered her knowmg ve1y w·ll that she loved me sh· a 1-a rugg1sts through the woild. Puce set her right, "And do you think he would marry her felt before for those luxunea of moJern father, " I thought you would stand by me spread her wings as suddenly FLS a fly, f1'I£. 25 cents a bottle Bo sure and ask for 1£ fihe wer e fret' M morrow · ' Leo asked hfe. On board a fnenu'~ yacht, or at any m my ionelines&, Indeed, Leo, I am ha.If and was gone. I was hardly surplisP.d when ls Canada's Favol'it:e Rread-mak()r. "MRs WINSLOW'S Soo:r.BING SYRUP.' contemptuously. "Do you " 1 d d d I r,1a1nt of any kuul. Tho only yeast ··now Lord St sleepy little Swisa or German water cure orokeu hearted about your sister. lier precheated !!le, but I was very angry. My 10 years in the market without awhicla com· and take no other k.nd, Austell so little as to suopose t hat he would settlement, he had been content to let his aent Axistcnc~ is a mystery to me, and I pn e Wll.S woun e · had grovelled befo1e ·a8 Mloo1l Llle t"st of time and never mad· burden mmself with a 'wife when he ha days shp by and to know no more of the can sca1celv oear my hfe under the burden her, and I told myself! would grovel no more sour, unwholesome b read. secured n, mistre;a whose attrac" outer world th1m v,as revealed to him by of. m:'ietery. If she was auywhere So I went .off to the Contmeut m a sulleu All Giocer· sell it t1ons must have grown scale by this time- an Morning News "or" G11 the reach of this paper." strikmg state of mrnd, and I went to Ceylon in the tl. 'W. ClLLETr, M'f'r. Toronto, Ont. & Cb!cago, Ill. & mistresd who, no doubt, hll>s made the one 1gnam ; content to forget the days ol the Ina fist upon the T'1me8, that lay open on same tempe~, aud .ny life was loatheome to -=---When Baby was sick, we g;we her Castona, 51and mista ke t hat u.ll women make under week, and to be surprised by the church the table, ' ~he m.nst ha.v<i understood my me all the time I stayed there " ~ h TORONTO STEAM LAUNDRY 106 York St. T such circumstances, and has bored him with bells on a. Sunday . morning , content al a.ppcal. Whe re m Hu.ven's name is she pou I am sorry for you," said o@Q ' yv When Bhe was a Child, aho cned for Oastorta., tears and contrition. A d ivorce will on! most to forget which was m and h1d10g 1 Some one must know.' the UoloneJ, I suppose I ought to Q orouto. When she bec:.me Miss, she clnnn- to Castor1a advertise her disgrace. It will not briny was out, whether h1s conn try was "Yea, some one must know," ans,vEired be the last man In the to say so. It ·1 \ SHIRTS, cou::ARS- AND CUF'FS When chohadChildren, ahcgavc~her:n Castor:.., her 0ne iotu neai:er marnage with St Ausg dr1ftmgto or be Leonora. ' I will tell vou of one tlung a most unhappy husmess, unhappy from trjl a spec111ity. Out of to"n woik tell." · mggmdedto glory by Conservatives. L etters tho.t you c11n do, father. you cannot go first to last. She might have married an ex llJI ~~~mptV at{ended to acd returned "Le· me cnce see her free to marr , and he had told himself, were ahvays more like!; Ueylon. The Journey is too long, and you uellent young who could have given G p SH ms rue ions. · 8t. Austell shull mf.\ke hei lns wife, ac to brmg hun worry and un are too old. But you can telegraph a. ques her a fine pos1t10.n. She chose to Jilt him · · ARPE, Proprietor. count to me foi her dishonor" &aid the leas he wa~ expectmg a cneque from his tion to Sr Austell. Ask him if be knows for the sake of hrn worthless brother, who ~ext door to Palmer house. Handy to Union Colonel 11uH -;ly. ' Irish agent, he was apt to be md1fferent to where Helen is to be found. Ask him to neglected her, Her whole life has been a 1 "He won 't rdllse to meet you. He is a the going e.nd coming of the post. answer you on his honour He cannot mi.~take." · . 1· urnok sbot ltke )OUioelf- perhaps in much But now he was intently expectant of refuse to answer such an appeal." \Vhw~ 1 she is tryrng to atone for, HE SCIENCE OF LU,E, better puct1ce He wilt give you satisfac every mail, and had a blank and Cllspiuted "I'll telegrnph to bm. You are right, perhaps,. .n th~ dull round of conventual the great medical work LIOu, ~. du.resti.y--Lut he won't murry my feelmg when the hour was over. He was Leo. I must find out where my poor girl ~oik, rmmstermg to .the uck, .feodmg the It never was in tended, so far as I can learn, or the age on Manhood, That either m en or womeu wore mtcnded to ~1ster expecting some kind of cor>lmunwation from H. I must leave no stone unturned " ungry? praymg, fastrng, wca.r1ng out her be bald Nervous and Physical De"You a re dtabolieally dtter against that his ;unll.way d"'nghter-a letter of penitence H11 did not hke to send nis ocean message }o~ng hfe and her beauty w1thm four walls I think yon will belleve me, mdeed I m sure 18 bility, P· emature Declme, you will, poor girl, L eonora, and I must say I th;nk -of intercession-a Jetter of film.I love from Chadford Post office, where it woulcJ maddening to contemplate," said St. Er10rn of Youth, and the If at the "PanaHa1rWorks"yon have called, it very UHwo,uauly on your pu.it." tellrng htm that he was not utterly forcrot' mev1ta.bly excite curiosity and give occa · unLOIU uuoenes cOnt'equ ~nt '.'All 1 lJll t y ou See women lock at these ton, that even in her sinful life she was ~till s10n for gossip ; so he went to Exeter next He had fe~red that Helen might hav e 'l'here IS one thiug Natme tlnnka of- let us thereon 300 pages. 8 "'o . 1~5 thank her for all we canthrng· frow a di:J:Iarent standpomt. 'l\"Hh his d<l.ughtt·r. Ho had been expectmg such day, mtending to send the message from f1ade a.way with hersel!. That she ha.d felt She takes partwnla1 trouble with out race· prescr1ptwns for all d1seaH PS. Cloth, full gilt, Y' t · n ien, a woman has only to go wrong In a letter for months, and his heart stckened there ; but after he had allghted at the ~erself too weak to w1d1Bta.nd temptation, t:ihe knows a scanty growth of halr, the gr~y only $1, l>y mu1l. ~ealed 1J1'lsnat1ve sample and wh1te.1mg locko, free to all young a nd middle a r.t··d men Sand or der to b euome rnterestmg Yvu open as the new year began without brm·»ng him Exe te r Scation, it suddenly occurred to him ud had. preferred death to d1shunour now 'lhe Gold aud Je;v ellerl Medal awa,cleo y our r rnrn to her, are ready to shelter her one line of greeting fiom the lost o~e. tha.t he was JUSt m time for the London Ther7 m~ght be a woman left, perhaps even Will d e tract from tho beauty of the face 1 to the uuther by 1he Nat1oniil Mecl1cnl "'""001· ,ma fight iot hu. For a woman to be very "I suppose she is a.fraid to address me , express, and on the apur of the moment he 0 t_his mneteenth century capable uf such a But Natme has her laws so strict that yon 11l10n. Aclll r ess J> 0 Rox 1895 Bost·m, ;.\1ass, must never err, ?,ice. or DR \'V II PAHKEH gi adnate of B1uvard pret·y, '>n d t o go astray m the first bloom lie thought, "And yet she ought not to be decider! on going to Londo'l.. He telegr~ph· For you'd surely pay the penalty at last, Med1cul College, 2~ J earR' praotwe m JloHton d he1 p1eotU..Lf,so, is to command your atfec a.fr ..1d. I wa~ never severe to my ohtldren,, ed ti) Mrs. Baddeley, promising to return f h'.Vill you let me help you to search Sul!tain it thao bounteous he1td of haa who m ay be co.1s11J1P.rl confidential!> i'\n~ota!t/ twn and ) Our chivalrous service Women He had a pe1manent address in London next day, and hetoolt his twket for 'Va.ter o_r er," he asked, "not directly, but m Dr. Do1enwend'sllau Magte's unsurpassed. Dise>tses of Man OJTice No 4 Bulfinch St h d d b l h d ' lo0 d nently ?" · a L ee B crue liO eac other or vice un er cover to a solicitor's firm in the City Just try it vcu atfllcted, yon nover will regret would b~ r.t too high a premium " where ~ll lettern were taken charge of and It wa.s six o'clock when he arrived, and " ow can you help me.'" 'lho :Wa12:1c Wati neve1 yet known tofa1l · The Colonel was distressed at his d,\ugh· re addressed to him, and this addreu was dark, so he ptio lumsdf in a. hansom, a.nd St. Austell took out his oard case, and And I he good that It v11ll do you will make you soon forget ter s tone, but he was very glad to have her known to Helen. She would have had no ?rove straight to the Badmmton, and went ';rote a name and address on the ha.ck uf a The expendnurn a bottle will entail all the same. Her presence bright difficulty in writing to him had she been mto the coffee room to order his dinner. Cleaned, Died, Pressed and R epaired by "n~d the cottage, and put fl11rht for the tune disposed to write \Vhen he h1.>d given the order for half-past _._hat man co.n help you to solve any '.l'h1s now famous preparat10n for invigbeing to those morbid fancies whwh were be '.l'he new year began sadly under ahese seven, he went to the rea.ding room and seat· m/stery ·" he said, " He is a gentleman 1u oratmg ~nd strniulatu}g the growth of the gmnmg t o weigh very heavily on the Colo- circumsta.nces, and even Tory's blandish ~d himself at the table near the fi;e, to com· e. ucation and manners You may trust hair is universally accepted as the moat Dyer and Clothes Cleaner, nd, the fancy that his dirnghter was di and ments could not maintain cheerfulness pose his message. him, and thoroughly. When it comes to valuable specific on the market. All Goods warranted to be as no one will know dymg ma fat off land, that St. Austell might Mrs Baddeley yawned over her novel. There were telegraph forms on the table, the ,,ma.tter of recompesne refer him to diseases of the scalp a.re either reheved or them from new "hen done. 1ll·u1~a.t. or de8ert het .Even Tory was au b0side the wood fire, ""hich was the only but he began a. rougn draft on a sheet of pap· me, permanently cured. A nch and rapid (TO BE CONTINUED.) Corner of Kmg n,nd Ontario Streets acqutsition, a nd the Slllht of th»t mteJl,ctual cheerful tiling in the house er. growth of hair will follow after J ndicious Bowmanville. ' anunal, sittm~ bolt upright on the hearth E1J.rly in the year there' oame a budget "To Lord St. Austell, Ceylon. and regular treatment lt rema~ns with rug, with his mouth open, and his yellow fr?m Frank Baddeley, which his wife read "I entreat you mform me of my daughter's the user alone to secure th e.. desired ey" bulls gl1>.nng,at the lire, Jielped to raise wlth good humoured indifference till she present whereabouts. Answer frankly, on An Intelh.,.ent Harse. 1esults Dr. Dorenwtmd'a "Hair Magic" Colonel Devenll_ s droopmg spirits '.l'he came to a passage at which her cheek you_r ~~nour, to a heart broken tather. De "' Ner:vons Debility, Sennnal Losses and prema G lll.dstoman pm rormance with a ln·up 0 ( suddenly paled, and her whole aspect verill. Bona.pa.rte is thename of a very intelligent 1s sold hy iill druggists at $1 per bottle, tmeDecay promptly and permanently cured by sugar, might p all, 1f repeated more than changed. He read . the words thne t imes over : horse that is owned by Ool. H. James, ot the or six bottles for $5. If not obtamable twenty times a d~y-no1 was 1t all iai.;tuie "\Vhat is ,hat?' asked 1he Colonel ex wondermg if they were strong enough. He town of Urbana, in the State of Onio One m your loc,i,hty send direct to the sole to near Tory pJ,,y "Gud save the Queen" citedly, "anything about her ? ' paused aft~r the third reading, wiped his of Donny'a peculiantiPs 1s that he will not manufacturer, e11closmg price. A. DoRNupon a. damp cott,ige pmno-but then· was " No; ~ut it 1s some thing about him. , torehead with a .wea.ry. air, and looking up liear "?be h1tchAd Whenever anyone ties W END, Paris Hair Works, 103 and 105 usefulness .,, a dog. triat rushed at every op en " Read it-read it, please," gasped her ahse?~Jy, w1t.h h~e pen Ill his hand, saw St Ins bridle strap to a post he quietly aud de · Yonge St., Toronto. For sale by , J. P,g~sa~'J j~} erfe~etwith Diet or n.sual occuJ?.B· ~,oor', and shut it with a cheerful bang. E, .,n father, stretchmg lus ha ad acros& the bre:.k Ausvell standrng m front of the fireplace look· l~bera.tely brei1k.s the strap, but at the samP. H1ggmbotham & Son, and all druggist pe1fect manifo~ds os~~tlf~ta~\~otd~ncl lDSll ~s lory a dmner made a little d1vera1on m the fast table, a s if to clutch the flimsy foreigu mg down at him, time does not thmk of running off. He wilt paid on receipt of p ce One D.;\Jai~~s!; Pb~x- long , winter evenmg, and afforded subJect sheet. "My God !" he cries, starting to his feet. I stand by the post until wanted. Bonny has 11 ELD'S DRUG STORE' for conversation. Sole agency, SCHOFI "Yes. Don't agitate yourself father "This is a most extraordinary thmg I a. different gait for each person who drives Xmg str ·et, Toronto. ' Mrs. Baddeley did her best to chee~ her There is not much m it. Frank sa;s "St. thought you were in Ceylon.' him I lf he sees the young son of Col. James father, bu t she was ev1den~ly out of spir·ts, Austell is in Ceylon. He has bee~ ther~ "I ~as until a few weeks a.go. I ca.me get into the buggy, he starts out at the top a nd the eJhrt to appear lively was almost more than a monch, hvmg very qmetly, and home tue week before la.st-too, soon my j of. his speed. l f the httle girls r:et in he l beyond her strength. Her own affairs were a lone. I have that fact from the besli au· doctor tells me, but I was heartily sick of :will JOg along as gently as he can fearing no l n on free from rntanglement; fo1 m apite of thorit1V, so you must bo wrong m your idea the place. You don't look over well rdoubt, that fiome harm might' befall his the clevoted Beeohiug's aid-given on many that Helen went t o Ceylon with him, They Devenll. ' ' Ip assengers. He knows when Sun d11.y comes, occasions, as rn the d1easmaker difficulty_ may h ave been .ogether in Italy as you The Colonel was i:rhastly. He had dropped and if hitched to a narnagA will trot soberly she waa considerably m debt. She had not aay, but he arrived at Ceylon alou'e, Tom back mt o his seat, and was arrangmg the 1nnd religiously to the meeting house, with 1 . i fo1gotten that sh e had a husband in Indra, MucDon11.ld, of the PunJ11>Ub Re,nment, w .i.s p !1pera before him wi,h tremulous fingers. 1 out bemg d1rected hy the bit. One d.ty re i a na while he there he ha,d been there whep he came. P erhaps your sister H e hr.nded S_t Austell the rough draft of cently hie feet became sore because his shoes Unlocks all the cltn!ge<l avenues of the eminen tly ueeft.t to her, as a shield against went off with some one else 1'fter all and t he message without a. word, were worn. Pat, the stable hoy, w ho baa ! t~e sha 1 ts of slander, and an invisible cour t you a.re on a false ~cent. ' ' " What docs it mean?' St. Austell asked long believed tha,t B onny knows more than Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying ol appeal. When asked by he1 admtrers t o "Great God !" cu ed C?lonel Deverill, °'!ter had read the blurred words in the many took shoes, tied them to ' off gradually "'tthout weake.nrng the system · JOlll m a ny risky adve~1ture-a little dmner sor.rti.ng up from the breakfast ta ble, and Co.1,on~l s big P?nm~nahip: · 1gether, wi th 11 strmg, shook them beforn a il the 1mpurttles and foul humors of th~ ~----------------- 11 that verged on the disreputable- a water· walkm g abou t the rocm with a distracted Tne quest10n is plam enough, I thmk, Bonny s face and hung them across Bonny's ·cc1etwns , a t the same time CorrectiD..,. picmc m d oubtful societ y-she had a l ways air . " 'What docs it all mean? If she is Until very lately I thought my daughter neck, Bonny understood. Without a.word Acidity of the Stomach, cunng Bili~ ' ~ been .. ble to declme gracefu!ly on t he plea not in Ceylon, where is she ? We k n ow was with you in Ceylon, I he!U' she w as from Pat h e trott ed out of the gate and ousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Diz, I!\. V that she had a husband in India. ~ha~ she ran away wi th St. Austell. There n ot there ; but all the same you are hkelv wenu directly to t h e bla cksmith shop, a zmess, Heartburn, Oonst1pat10n, 1 Cr &!ie Li11.nor Ilal·!r :P J.tf to know l1er present address. For pity's long way off, where he had been shod for Dryness of the Skrn, Dropsy, Di:m C , d 1 I thmk you k now I am not a ptude" she rn l.ia letter to prove it." ness ofVision,Jaund10e, Salt Rh 0 '.1.:lll, 1 /1~ 8 lly Aclmmisten)?i.r 1~:. iI:1Je would say, "an~ I admire that love!; Mrs. "She ma.y have changed her mind at the so.ke. tell m~ where she 1s-at once. I am twenty yea.rs. Erysipelas, Scrofula, Flutt· m g of It can buive~r~~e~u~~fa~~l/r~~ or tea. with , Roc,heiaq.ieh~ Green beyond measure, but I la~t," said Leo, looking straight before h er longmg to nnd her-to protect and ~her!sh j - -- - - - -- -the Heart, Nervousness aIJ i '-.leneraI 1 ~hakno.wledge ofLhe~erson takrng it; ls absolut~f: I don t thrnk L<rank would quite hke me to with a troubled brow, for even to her ca.re· her. I am r?,ady to forgive all- to forgive i A minister onoet ld W d 11 PhTl th her en petit cormte. One cannot avoid leas temperament the matter began.to assume her and you, I if his business in !s at Debillty ; all taese anGl. many :ill · i s11r.iaicobol!cwreok. It has been given In tbousafji friendly.afterwards, you see. I should a mysterious aspect. "Her conscience may The room was empty, but the Colonel he ought to go Sonth h th egroed la1 Cmnpl<nnts yield to the happy rnHueHce 1 wbch cards her parties, and ha'"e been awakened, and she _may fled spoke m suppressed with the consci· do it. "That's worth r-n d of BURDOCK :BLOOD BITTERS. Impregnated with the Spec!flc, u becomes an lltter 1 t e angry. away from him, and not with hnn. She ousneas that he was m a publio pla.oe Phili a. " and what is b · ' ' ·rep Sample Bottles lOc ; Regular size $1. to regime!'t was to return may have into a convent-or joined "My dear Colonel, I wish I could. help "To men from 1t.l"EiClll'IVVO.,J.8GBacoSs.,c1 c11uaat1,0,, ng an m t e following March, and tell 2 Anglican sisterhood, "Who can I youI. can't. As Then goMr. there ha.ve but nothwg to pardon inforgiveness, me except you the ister. business," ea.id Phillips. attend to Y I '\', MILB1JH~ Fer sale by all dealers. 11 1 " ' t:O., J>ropr,:ators, Toronto Vh:J!Dli 3( qUhC to .?et I , lll:l lll"f l l l ! ~o=~e!i~~e 1~;~Ye~<:~~~a.~;eis~eth:o~rT~~:::· ~~~:tpl~~rni~u~n~y-everyt~,ing ! , ou mig!;" advcr ~tse-put an advertise punishment was greater. I never loved an ment m the Ttmes, so wor ded t hat she woman as I loved Helen Belfield d 8 hy 1 I a lone wou 'd underetn.nd . .Let it be repeated threw me over at the la.at mom e I twenty ·l lllilS, a.c C(\ltarn 1'1tervals, so that 1 "But I have your letter of ~~trncti .. Th e F ·rst sym pto ms I !l- 't ~.n h~~= Of all T.trngd1seases arA much the 'lam e; f cvenshoess , loss of appet it e sore throat, pams m the chest aud back, mus~ wento~\ Lon~on l l 'i.. o n he ~w;, ~~fathe~ ~ go~ man~ n.c~ 1,-~~n 'I trnn~ I p1cture~que ~ecluawn ~~e ~o\~ne~he ~~~d ereJ~r~ ~~~s bag-~~/o::~ wa.~ he~ prn~peet p~st-fwith tro~bl~d I uc~ w~~ top~z nothm~ th~n he~ ·~ ~s~: 0 ~1s ~ h~ard 1~ Par~s_'.'.'~~~ ~ f Ayer'S Cherry Pectoral, ~ ~l A:~ ~d nev~r t . Peei~:= ~~~ea.Yb ~ c~a.ract<>r. b~~1¥1fr: 0 c~~~~t yet:eoom~ ~as tai or ~ang ~· q~l~nel Dev~ill. f~th ~ife, n~i"' re~?r~el~e her~or Colo~el, ~ ~ ourself p~ustl. Bh~ butt~. novAL YEAST mrntr~ss-a. oc.ca.,~ioual" th!~t ~1th1Il 1vh1c~ rurnunderaRa.dicalC~b1n11t pu~y "'f! ~r ~han pl~asure, '° I~ m~,soul t~ongh ~or1d .~1m, [iJ . $ ~ EXHAUSTED VITALITY I ,·~~D-~c~p~o:i~~=============~ T ANOTHER WONDER. i ~stell. h H · Gents' Clothing ~oe1ety, I ca~~· THOS. PEAT, ERRORS QF YOUTH, +1 + I I I DU E rem~med I I I I I I c:f:11~il~t~~J;~~~ti~~\~ m~et 8P£'i:o~~~~tea~~~~~o~ I, ~emg ~ DRUNKENNE1 I fts h~ me~, t~o I ~g,Of:~b~~ta' f~f1 t~:Jii~?!r:1'.P3J~:0~ijlnl~ I hasc~~'if;,:~d~ '11 ~fr }~~t~nc~b! fiif:;; g~: / pc~teret ra~ ~mg BEt ~owd ~ra.n~s ~or som~, ~one ~ave I I ~ones, fo~ ~ife w::t: sav~ ~a~e ~,, ! hJJ~r r:;~~dst~nel~~-. ~nd ;~r ~hr:~in:~r~re, I ·

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