HOUSEHOLD. Our Foes In The Air. What For' Until your h air becomes dry, t hm, an<t Toadstools as Fcod. gray before g1vrng th e attent10n n eedect It is a wonderful fact that the air we Does any one quite realize how largely tho WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1888 breathe contams foes as deadly and hvisible The edible v ..rieties numerous. The t o pr escxve its beauty and v1talltY~ teacher holds the life of his pupils m his as the malignant spirits with which ancient writer has eaten enJoyably of over (tne hun- K eep on your toilet-t able a bottle of hand? That for Bix hours out of the twenty opinion peopled it Most epidemics due dred, and confidently expects to add muny Ayer's Hair Vlgor- t he only dressmg: four day he is occupied in putt1nir to these unseen enemies. To be sure, i t is more to the hst. The late Dr. Cu1t·s, of himself into the young humans entrusted to probable that the earth and organic hodies North Carolina, catalogues one hundred and you r cquu e for the hair-and use a litt le, his care? His work is not simply that of on the earth, and not the air, generate them. twelve edible kinds found by him m that dai ly, to preser ve t h e uatural color and conducting recitations, correctmg errors, They are ta.ken up as dust, and, being little State. Every day mycophaglsts are a<ld·ng prernut baldness. and imparting knowler ge of the bran3hes T homas Munday, Sharon Grove, Ky~ heavier than air, long suspended m it. to their cui6 ine species not heretofore teated prescribed by the common school laws; They are known by the l!:eneral name of to the safety pomt m ea.tmg, and even those writes. "Sevexal mont hs ago my hau:: 1t is the work of forming human S"uls : m1crobes-m1croscop1c forms of life Only which have long borne a bad reputation. of mouldmg hves. The true teacher commenced fallmg out, and rn a few Miss CORSON's STRAWBERRY CA.KE.-For a fllw of the many classes of microbes are The mycopha.g1st selects from wood or weeks my h ead was almost 1ml d I. can never rest satisfied wfoh good recita.harmful, 3ust as only a few of the millions field a specimen of toadstool which by its two !medium sized cakes use one pound t1on8 simply ; he feels that unless he can tnecl m any r emedies, but they did, UC>'> implant m his pupils an interest in their which is one qua.rt of flour, half a pound of of. species of larger vegetable growth external appearance extends an invitation to good I finally bought a bottle of A) ei:'!t> poisonous. try it. Hard, dry, leathery, fetid, slimy or good, a.bout one pint of milk, two which shall outlive school hfe, he falls In 1833 an epidemic fever, characterized .decomposing ones left rigidly alone-as Hau Vigor, and, after usmg only a pai:~ greatly short of the mark of his high call spoonfuls oI baking powder, an even teaDo yon fee1 dull. lnngmd, low-spirited, life. mg. Nor does his duty end here; tor, spoonful of ea.It. Sift the flour, salt and by great depression, infia.mmation of the they should be. Carefully removing the of tbe cont ents, my h ead was cover ed less, and Indescribably miserable, both PhYBl.... oally and mentally ; experience a sense of should he fall to msti!J into their young ha.lung powder together twice, then add half bronchial tubes and lungs, and by an inces- fungus from its habitation, and after noting wit h a h ea vy grow th of hau. I rccom_ fullness or bloutmg aft"r eating, or of "gone- souls some knowledge of the subtle laws of the butter choppmg ib into the liour with sant cough, s\\'ept over the world from east i ts botanical cha.racteristics, a small piece ls m end your prepar ation as th e best hair-.. neSi," or emptlneBB of stomach m the morn- and obligations which should control them, a kmfe. Mix with milk, d1v1de rnto two to west. Its advent was eudden, and in tasted raw ; if it is nauseous, it is thrown r estorer in the world " Ii ing, tongue coated, !litter 01 bad taste in unless he teach them to work with a firm, cakes and pub on two pie plates ann bake in most cases the person wa.s well airain in leas a.way branded as non edible; if it'.is hot, mouthh1110gular appetite, dlzzmess, fiequent "My hair was fad ed and dry," writes headac es, blurred eyesight," floating specks" definite purpose for some settled object, of a hot oven a.bout twenty minutes. If the than a fortnight. It was quite fatal, how- acrid, or bitter, a small pieoe is cooked M abel C. Hardy, of Delavan, Ill., "butr before the er,es, nervous prostration or ex· what ava.11 is all the knowledge for which ca.kes are inclined to burn at first, cover ever, to the ased a.nd the weak. This was without seasoning ; if it retains any dis haust1on, lrr1t11billty of temper, bot flushes, after usmg a b ottle of A yer 's Hair V1got:;:. the famous influe~ zi. agreeable qualities over the coals, it is brand alternatmg w1th clully sensations, sharp they delve? RIB influence will be felt. Re them with a buttered p aper until nearly The ma.lady has repeated its ravages ed m like manner ; if 1t loses them a.ll, it became black and glossy." biting. tianslent pams here and thore, cold can not escape it if he would. For good .,r done and then remove it to allow them to feet, drowsmess ufter meals, walrntulness, or ill hrn seal 1B on the lives before him for brown. Partly cool the shortcakes after they -sometimes over extensive tracts of coun- larger pieces are cooked and eaten un <llsturbt>d and uurefreslung slo;iep, constant, ever and ever. His province then is more are done, tear them apart with a fork and try, sometimes only locally-ma.ny times td the kmd either gives signs of noxmdescr1bable feelmg of dread, or of impendextended than pa.rents sometimes think spread on the reserved butter while they are since the Middle Ages. If it is of microbic ious qualioies or ,proves to be harm· mg cnlam1ty ? Seid by Druggists and Perfumers. If you !Jave all, or uny considerable number it. Getting an educ~tion is getting warm enough to melt the butter, apply it so origin,-asis proba.ble,-what inconceivable less If the specimen is mild and pleasant -0f these symptoms, you are sutre1lng from made, consequently the m;i.ster workman lightly that theshortoakeis not made heavy. swarms of microbes must have filled the to the taste (a. sma.ll piece) both raw that most common of Ameucan malad1e8- must be most deeply alive to the import Hnll three pints or two quarts of berries and air J Of course, no precaution could avail, and cooked, the same is observed unt il Bilious Dys1~eps1a, or Torpid L1ve1, nssomat<id with Dyspcpsm., or Indigestion 'l'lie more ance of put'ing into his wonderful struc- place upon the, lay in~ the sections one except the hahitual maintenance of high a full meal is eaten ; and it is very neces sary that it should be ; for in one family of So d1 compile ated your disease Ima become, the ture those true principles, good resolves above another, and coveung each with health and good hygienic conditions. sfigurrng to th e face, for eh ead , and, greater the number and diversity or symp- and lofty ideals, so necessary to the forMalaria ia due to microbes which rea.oh gill bearing toadstools-the Aman1tre -no n eck , may be e ntu ely removed by th~ powdered sugar. K · ep the snortcake in a toms No matter what stage lt bas reached, cool place, and when servmg pour some very their victims either from the air, by in- sign either cooked or raw is given of its u se of Ayer's Sa1.·sa parilla, the best all(t Dr. Pierce'11 Goldeu lUedical D1~covery mation of a. rounded, complete life. will subdue 1t, 1f taken accorrllug to dlrecSo, when we talk a.bout getting made, cold cream over slice, or whip the ha.l~tion, or from drinking water which deadly propertifs, This is the only family t1ons for a ieasonable length o! tnnc Jf not how na.tural and fittmu the querv "for cream which will make it go farther and to has absorbed them. Boil the water, avoid to which deaths have been traced; and the safest A lterat1ve and Blood-Purifier evei:::: cured, compllcat1orn:1 111ult1ply and Consumpthe night air, sleep in the higher rooms of botamcal characteristics of its members must discovered. tion of the Lungs, Skm D1seasei;, Heart Disease, what?" After you have got your pupil many, tastes "better. the house, and gu 11.~d agamst all excesses. be thoroughly mastered. There is no other Dr.· J, C. Ayer & Co., t.owelf, Mass.,. Rbcnmat1 sm, Kmncy Drneasc or other grnvc (if t he grammar may be pardoned), Miss BARNARDs STRAWBERRY CAKE.malaches ate quite lmble to set 111 nnd, sooner what 1s the good of him? "011i Bono" Typhoid fever is caused by microbes from method of testmg tna.t is safe. Charms of Sold by Druggists, $1 , Bl:t bottles for t_5. One-half cup of sugar, one cup of butter, or latc1 , induce a fatnl teumnnt1on Dr. Pleuie·s Gol<leu ru:edical Dh1Q is the creed of an intensely practical age, one pint of milk, one tea.spoonful of soda, the discharges of a previous patient which salt and silver a.s useless as the romances either have found access to drmking water, of the fort une teller, and even worse; for, cov~ry acts powellully upon the Liver, nnd condensed i.u.d reduced to a catechism of throui\,71 · that "teat blood-puutpng 01gun, one question. It is torceful and full <'f one and one halt pints of flour, two teaspoon or have been taken up dried into the air. if believed in, they inspire a confidence t11at cleanws the system of all blood-tmuta and 1m- pith. It restrains from undue and improb fuls of cream-tartar, a. little salt. Bake and Microbes flourish in all kinds of moist filth. leads directly to serious results. pm 1t 1 es, f10m whateve1 Cf\US<' imsmg It ls split, insert berries previously ma.shed and The chief safeguard is general cleanliness, Ivfany persons may experience unplAasant It irritates whtle it ~qually efhcnrnous m nctmg upon tho Kid- able flights of fancy. ne} s, and otl1er excieto1y <n g,ins, cleansing, convmces the good sense of the interrogated. sugared, and put a. few large berries on top the boiling of all suspected water, and ample effects from ea.t!ng. toa~stools, .because of Eat while warm. strengthemng, and healln6 tl·ea diseases As ventilation and sunshine rich cooking or mdigest1on, which are not A sewing ma.chine is constructed to per an appetlzmi.r, iestorntll·e tome 1t promotes STRAWBERRY Sr-rORTCAKE.- One pint of D.phtheria scarlet fe~er whooping cough caused by inherent inJurious properties in d1gest1on and nutrltton, thereb~ buildrng up form certam work ; and faithfully does bot;h tkah and stren1rth In malarrnl d1stuots, it multiply its stitches until appointed flour, one t easpoonful of cream tantar, one and measles ~re due to m'icrobes oiven off the toadstool. " 'Wha t is one ma.n's meat tbis wonderful mefilcmc has gamed great half as much soda, a. pinch of salt, two from the skm or breath of the "'patient. is another man's poiso.u" is a proverb as true -celebrl ty m cnrmg Fever and Ague, Ciulla and tasks are performed ; a boat 1s to carry tablespoonful s of sugar, four tablespoonfuls They either float in the air of the room, or of tcadst~ol~ as anyt~mg else. ~here are burdens, and it is done ; a printing press Fever, Dumb .Agu~ and kmdred diseases. Dr. Pierce'li t.iOldcn Jlledical DIS· fulfils its mission, and conveys to na. of butter and one cup of sweet milk. S1fb become attached to the furnit ure walls and many varieties not friendly to dehca.te stocove1y tions and to individuals tacts and infor· the cream-tartar, soda, sugar and salt with bedding. Avoid mfected rooms a'nd persons. ma.cha. . A wmeglassful of wh1sk~y and ma.t1on concerning other nations and md1v1 the flour, rub in the butter then mix with Attendants should keep their stomachs in an sweet ml, repeated 1£ necessary will help CURES ALL HUMORS, duals. One ca.n justify the making of any the milk. Split the cake and sptead with active condition with digestible food, but them along safely should they .happen to be from a common Dlotcb, 01 Ernption to tho should not overload them. Most microbes eaten. The effect; of t~ese kmds are exWhen I say Cum 1J I <lo not mean m erPJy t o worst Sc1ofula Snlt-1heu1n, u Fever-eores," of theae. But who can ever think mth toler one qua.rt of berries well sweetened Scaly 01 Ilongh Sldn, m short, all dl8-0ases at1on of the construction (Jf an mfernal Wmrrim CREAM FOR BERmE:; -Take are digested and rendered harmless b:y a. per1enced almost 1mmed1atel;i, after eating, sto;) chem for a t mo, a11d tncn have t l1>:>m ~ co.used by bad lsluod iu e conquered by th14 ma.chine? Who be moved with admiration cream which is not too thick as if 1t is too vigorous stomach. aµ:am I ]' !~AN A RADICAL C UP .Ro a.nd yield ~romptly to simpll'._ treatment ; turn J have m the dl~ease of powerful, puufymg, and tm 1 !l'orut!ng modi· The surest prophylactics- as preventives but _the poison of the A~amta does not cine Great Eutmg [Jlccrs r11p1dly heal under at sight of a great hulk of a steamer with no rich it will easily turn to butter. Have it its benign mfluence Especmlly has 1t mam- engme to impa.rt life and mou10n to ice cold and then beat with an egg bea.t~r are high health, cleanliness, manifest. ttse~f for. from eight t~ twelv:e F..t:r_r.s, EPILEPSY festcd ifs potency m curmg 'L'etter, Eczema, its ponderous..wheels? How abhorrent the unless you hav~ a. whtp chu!n which gives abundance of iur a.nd sunshine, the bmhng ho_urs atter mg<:stlon, and by this pecuh Er y81pelas, Boils, Cai bun cles, Sore Eyes, Sornf· FALLING SICKNESS, ulons Sores tmd Swellmg8, Hlp-jomt Drnease, one, how worse than useless the other ' the cream a different cons1~tency. Cream of water and milk and t he avoidance of anty announces itself. In this event send · wha.u ever depresses' the physica.1 s;i,stem- for a physician at once. One eightieth to Al ·c !cn~ stnd:v. I WARRANT myremedy t() "White Swcllmgs, · Go1t10, or Thick Neclr, N 1 )W, when a teacher ts makmg h1s pupil, should t reble in qull.utity by wlnpping. and B·1lmgccl Glands Send t en cents m ' t he worst cases. HecausA others .have loss of alefp p robracted watchma and all one n xt1eth of a gram of atropine a dmmis- Ult ,>· ~ .I, 1e,h.J11o r e ..i.:-,.On for not n o w rece1vrn<" ~ cure.. stamps f or a la1ge 'l'reatise, '~1th colo1 00 why not confront him with t his massive " ter ed at a dose subcutane~usly unt il the l f:untl excesses, and cheerful couraoe at onco for a treatise andaFRE1 'llCTT!.1' plates, on Skm Diseases, or tho same amount question, "What for ? " What rn h e to be 0 poison 1s count eracted 1 s an antidote good for? If we may believe all we read of Oieam and Ices. l :i1 JJW lNFU.LIBLE RitM:EDY. G1va J ·a s fo1 a Treatise on Sc1ofulous Affections. T he obiect of the mycologist shoultl be to ~u "P<r t Office. I t co, ta you nothll!b ,.r;~· a. Socrates, he was wont to buttonhole the Ice crea.m is no longer a luxury for the ··FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." 1 J', a·1 d i t \Ill! (lure ~ ou. Addresz encourage an d toster the study of t his inHealth ef:Farmer's Wives. Tbo1oughly cleanse it by usmg Dr. JPlcr ce·s young Athenians 1.m d ply them with all few, but is extensively made m private P , 'L G. 1WOT, 37 Yonge St., Torc>:to1 Or:t. t er estmg and plen tiful form of plant life ; Golden ID!:e dical Discovery, and good ma.nner of odd questions, ma.king their families a.nd e i-,ten as a. desert m place of for in so doing he p oints the way to many ~"i"i'E.~~~~ It is now d1gest1on, a fan skm, buoyant sp1nts vital answers bases for others still more unex- pu dd mgs and pies. A freezer is not expen , some three years since we first 5trengt h and bodily health will be established pected, until, having gi ven them sufficient siv~· aud ice is easily obtamed. H alf an came to t.1e country. My husband and my pleasures and disseminates t he knowledgt that will in a great mea.sure prevent the food for reflect10n, he would abrnptly leave li our 1s · f ounc · 1 t o be time enough for freezmg, self were ·bot h country d bred, but soon after the m feeling qnite silly !l.nd confueed. But for which du:ections come wi th every ii eezer. our 111arriage remove to the nearest ci ty, accidents occurrmg from ind1scrimiaate which 1s Scrofula of the Lungs, 1s an ested he ha.d m vww a true pnilosophy. .,,et l' toadstool ea t mg. But , be this k nowledge . d a.mount of s ·1t and u e>e sure and use t 'ue r equire h d w1thrn i ts busy precincts many years ever so wide spread, there will be enoug h and cm ed by this remedy, 1f taken m the ' JllSt t h e part s of t h e a.d pa.seed earlier stages of t he disease From 1ts mar- ter for them to know w here they s tood, or, T o f reeze a cream, aO h a wa.y, flecked with bot h shadow foolhardy p eople to afford annual d.Unounce velous power ovor this terubly 1atul disease, 1f on unstable foundations, to have then1 freezer proper1y, p rnu t he mixture into the a.n T suns me POWDERED d b when 1irst o1Iermg thls now world-lamed 1emo us ha een given four merry foced ments of de11oths and wide spread obituary edy to t he puhhc, Dr P1e1ce thought seriously pulled from under and their feet set per can and give the handle a turn or t wo to see notices for which the whole t-0adstool family · h t, be f ore pack mg The children, but when we r eturned to the of ~ailing it bis .. CONSUMPTIOY CURE," but lor ce on ground which t hev could mamta1n t h at 1t work a rig abandoned that name as too reatr1ctivc for Gran ted, teacher, that the boy unclet you r may be broken small by pla.cing ma can - country we b·ought but t wo, and those were must suffer. a medicmo which, fr om its wonde1ful com- care must live, from au inherent, felt, 100 vas bag and p ounding with a wooden mallet. delicate litt le cr eatures which showed very bination of tome, 01 strcnl$:thenmg, alteratlve or blood-clcansmg, 11nti-b1hous, pectoral, and though indescribable necessity- it becomes There should be three times as much ICe as plamly t ha.t t hey wer e JUSt out from under Sea-S1okn6ss , nutritive p1operties is unequaled, not only your dut y to lead him to live for salt . Do nob pour off uhe water which forms t he physician's car e. As for myself,: ! was a.s a i cmedy for Consumption, but for au some special obiect. You will- if you m t he freezing process unless it IS hkely to but JUSt a.ble t o make the Journey, and we The t ime for ocean and lake travel has Chronic Diseases of the PUREST, STRONCEST, B£ST. arrived and many persons w ho ar e aut i11re a true teacher- study carefully his overflow into t he C!l.n. T he rules for creams had moved but twenty miles out. Ready for use in any quantity. For cast of character and the bent of his na are as many and varied as cake r ecipes. It was nothing new for me to be siok, as a c1pa.ting a trip abroa. i are begmniog to m mak m g Soa p, Sotte nmg " 'ate,., D isiu.q 11ire of their family physicians for a remedy fec tiug, and. a. h u n d reil· other u s es-. tural inclinat1ona, weighing alao his peculia.r The plainer kinds, m ade hke cust ards, may great p art of my life had been spent in close A can equals ~O pounds Sal Soda. For Weak Lungs, Sp1ttmg of Blood, Short- m es, ta.ates and ab11it1es. Y ou should help be cooked in quantity sufficient for two acqua.int11.nce with the medicine vial, and it for sea sickness Bromide of potash, ant·ness of nreath, Chronic Nasal Catauh, Bron- to decide for what calling he is best fitted fret zings, one-ha.If bemg k ep t iu the refrig- was not strange that my children wer e deh pyrme, a.nd a hundred other drugs have Sold by all G1ocer s and Druggi st s . chitis, Asthma, Severe Coug hs, and Jdndied ll. W. GILLlil'l':!'. · :!'OllON'l'O ANI> C lllOAG O. &nd proceed to educate htm towards that erator until needed for frefzing. The cate too. The two who had been removed been r ecommended for this very d;stre~ sing atrect10ns, 1t 1s an effic1 ent remedy B oth of the Sold by Druggists, a~ $1.00, or Six Ilottlee point. Doctor, lawyer, editor, mat· <Justards to b e frozen must be made sweeter from pain and sickness lived long enough to mconvemence of ocea n tr ,wel. f or 5.00. so twme the tendrils of the maternal heart drugs na med, a.s well as ot hers, have been Send ten cents m stamps for Dr. Pierce's ters little what, if he only ex cel in hIB than if ea.ten without frernmg. book on Consumption. lme. But- this decided a.nd worked for- is The best ice cream I ever tasted about them as almost to break it asunderwhen grea r,ly extolled by those who claim to haw Address, that all? 'rhe farmer's whMt grows, for by they went away, and for uhe sake of the two derived much bcnefio from their use. I t was r emammg · World's Dispensary Medical Association, the laws of its n,\ture it must grow ; b ut it was Llvt·r Complaint, h made a.t a. farm house. E verythin!! ~ as we11 as f or myself, it was de ought to be known, however, to all who rely d h · fl a t and for ma.king it of the best quality, "d d upon those or other drugs fon ehef from sea 66a m:aln St·· BUFFALO. N. 11'. fee a many mout s. The river ows to the 11.n d there wa.s no scrimping in the materials. cl e t o try the value of country air. Jly spe p·itl, sea-it ca.nnot help it -but it · As was but natural, soon upon arrival at srnknoss, that the relief t hu i obtained is not UUions ness . and mad e · d in 1 itsh course h d The mak er und erat ood f reezmg an unmixed good. rhe drugs named, as well moistens many a field an coo a t e eate hght work of it. She served a. differ ent our new home I began to look about me, ex Sic k llcatl11che,,. air, affords a home for numerous finny :fa.m kmd of cream every day or two, using dif pecting to see only plump, rosy cheeked 11.s all ot hers which are cii.pable of p ioducing Kidney 'I roubles. such a s tate of insensibility m the nervous 1hea ; and withal, pleases ea.r and eye by its ferent flavors and frmts, to give variety. farmers wives, able to walk, dnve, or per 1U·e nmatts1u. musical murmur and graceful curves. form any reasonable amount of labor. What 8ystem as will prevent i;hia disease, are capa Skin Diseases So he must live by the means he cmp oys; VANILLA I CE CREAl\1 - .Put one pint of then, was my dismay to find that with one ble of domg so, only when a.dmmistered in and all bnt for the nourrnhmg, helpmg, plea.sing of milk into a pail set in a kettle of hot water soht a.ry exception every woman of my own doses which are really poisonous, and capa lm p urltles of tile what? Of whom? Is anything, anybody, or use a. double bmler. Beat two eggs, a. age 1n the neighborhood suffered in a. greater ble of domg serious ,nJury. In smaller doses ltlootl Cro111 '"hat. to be better for him i sma.ll half cup of flour, one cup of sugar, or less degree from ill health, and that the than this, they rarely afford any relief. lt ever cause al'lslnir; To help in solving these practical q·1es a.nd when the milk 18 boilmg hot add to the country doctor had more than he could c' o to rei\lly i s a. questi,n, as to which is the great tions, it will be well to remember tha.t the mixture. Bod about fifteen minutes, stirring attend to these half swk ~atients. I could ei evil, the nausea. and distress of sea.·sick weak dependent on the stronger ; that often. Take from the stove ; add one qua.rt not but wonde1 why it was so, Here amid ness or the poisoning of the nervous sys tem Price, 75c. (with P1lls $1 ) each generation is largely bv that of cream, another cup of sugs u, and one and the luxuriance of the country I supposed for several days in succession, before ancl which precedes it ; that the millions of one ha.If tablespoonfuls of vanilla.. Stir well, everyone must be well, How sweet the during the JOUrney. Sea sickness is rarely - TRYfatal, and genera.Uy leaves an individual human creatures on this globe are not like and set a.way to cool ; then freeze. mormng a.1r filled with the fragrance of Dr. HODDER'§ the smooth pebbles on the beach- each se PLAIN Smm:llET -Make a rich lemonade countless wild flowers ' What a. delightful none the worse, if mdeed he is not really pa.rate and self sufficient; but like the ivy with twice the quantity of sugar ordinarily contrast to the smoky !l.tmosphere to which better, for the general clearing out and the growing about the church door yonder, inse- used. Pour a B poonful of bo1lmg water over I had been accustomed l How eagerly I enforced abstinence. parablv intertwmed by t endrils of feeling, a. little of the t hin yellow rind, and when 1t opened my mouth to driLk in the rich nec(very small and easy to t ake ) each branch dependmg on the other for sup is cool add to the lemonade. S train i t into ta.r, satisfied that I had found the right NO GRIPING. NO NAU SEA. port, and all alike helpless if left quite to the freezer. It will take a. little longer to medicine a.t last. Girls and Boys of Royalty. Sold everywhere ; pr ice 25 cents themselves. And, finally, that accordmg to freeze than an ordmary cream, A n d yet peop1e were sic · k even h er e I p nncess · I rene o f Hesse, who has recently all theories worth advancing, t here is a Great CO , l'ROl'IlIETOJtS, Power who placed us here, endowed us with CuocoLATE CREOr. - Beat two eggs very What could be t he ca.use? I spent much been married to Prmce Henry of Prussia, TJ1e llNION lllEDl(;INE Toronto (Jan· certain powers for the development and use light , a.nd add t wo cups of sugar. H eat time thinking about it, and fea.ring lest even is the third daughter of the late Princess VETERINARY SURGEON, of which we responsible. Then r,mt the one pint of milk to the l:Joilmg point and this last chance should be taken from me. Alice of England, the third child of Queen to yourself in this VI a.y : When 1 pour over the eggs a.nd sugar slowly beat But in spite of my depressing thoughts, I V~<Jtoria.. She ~as th~ b.righ~ess and accom- ~ (c) h TORONTO STEAM LAUHDON'l'. question ORONO. have taught mv bov to live for something, ing it a t the same time. Rub five t able - soon began to rally. I surprised myself at phshments which d1stmgmsh the women "\)o@Q~ nu shall I teach him anything mor e? and what ? spoonfuls of chocolate into sufficient milk to t he amount of work I accomplished and be of the family a.nd is said to be a good 11.rtist, ~ ~ 106 York St. , Toronto. Shall somebody be t he better because of dissolve and add to the mixture. B aat it gan to feel encouraged a finished mus1cia.n and a pleasing writer. SHIRTS COLLARS AND CUFFS · him? Will he further the advance of vice thoroughly and set the dish back upon the The children began to show signs of im· It is a. singular fa.ct that the women hava A ' A a specmit y. Out of town work; or virtue? Will he fill brains with potent stove or m the double boiler to cook ttll 1t provement, 11.nd I want t o remar k right always been superior to the men in British lJJ UJ promptly attended to ar.d returned ideas and hea.rts with generous impulses ? or thickens. T hen cool it and add a lible van here, that their improvement has so far be royalty. Queen Eliza.beth, the of the per rnstructions. will he strive- as do so many- on the price illa fia.vormg. When the custard i s cold come an established fact, that no doubt re· Tudors, was one of the strongest rulers E ng G. P. SHARPE, Proprietor. of work whICh may be traced t-0 drinkrng beat m one quart of creg,m and freeze. mains in my mmd r elative to the p1opriet y land ever had. Q11een Anne, t he last sove ~ext door to Palmer house. Handy to Uniolt' saloons and gambling hells foi· the t ools FRozEN P uDDING.- One qug,1t of milk, of bringing u p children 1n the count ry in reign of the ~o.use of Stewart, whose r eign ~=D =:e:!p!::o::t.:::=============~ &re prepared to pay the highest price which fashioned it ? one pint of cream, six whole eggs, the yolks preference to the city. They seldom need was brtllta.nt by the vict ories of Marl "" George Washington lived, and his life of three eggs, one and one-half cups of sugar, medicine of any kind, and never a doct or, borough and Prince Eugene, had some excel all kinds of Gram delivered a.t the meant t o the world a great deal more than two ounces each of preserved gm !(er green- they are out in all kindlil of weather, and lent qualities mere existence. So lived Abra.ham Lin gages and pineapple cut fine. Boil the milk very seldom have a cold, whereas t he former In the Brunswick line of the Guelphs the It never was Intended, so far as I can learn. Wharf or their Store Houee in town. ooln- not, we reluctantly admio- quite per and cream and pour it on the beaten eggs days and night s w er e so characterized by superiority of the females over the males ha.a That either men or women were m tended to bo ba.ld ~----------- .. - - - -- - - feet (so few save you and me and our and sugar ; cook slightly a.ud when cool add coughs and hoarseness as to keep the ma- been strongly marked. T he four Geo15es I thrnk you will believe m o, mdeed I'm I f~ n~. p articular friends!) but a wonderful bene the frun and freeze t he same as ice cream. ternal heart trembling with fear. were eithe r weak almost to imbecility or you \\t!l, 8 ~HJ B°" a ~1 ta.ctortooppressedandburdenedhumanitv; - - · - _. W ouldiwer e a.ble toreportsuchimprove- otherw~se worthless. Willia~lV. wa.s a IC a t the' Paris Hair Works" you have called. a man to thank God for. Guttenberg did ment m myself, bnt on the contrary after Inonentity on the throne. _ V1ctor1& ts a wo~a.n good. So did inventors of steam engines The German .Emperor's .Policy. the first few months, in which, as I said be- of a.bthty and a.ccomphshments, and is a. Ther e is one thing Nature thinks of- let us t hank her for all we oan' ¥ c w i ll "e id hy m u1 an ap and the various machines so universally used The report tha.t p,ftcr a definite settle fore, I accomplished more than I had ever stronger ruler than all her Guelph prede Sbe takes part1oula.r trouble with our race ; p rop1 1 l tc ~ 1 It to c L d 1 rn 11dc;n, She knows a scanty grow th of h air, the g ra.y and prized. So does the maker of a. fine ment of the relations between Russia and dream of, mv health began to decline, cessors wo~ld have m11ode put together·· "' 1fc, m otu ...1 or couk-ou e to and wh1temng l ocks, a fLmtly - wlio will t t y the thought, the singer of a.good song, the Germany Emperor William II. will devobe and soon became worse than before Ma The destmct1on has been contmued in her w ill detract from the beauty or the face. BREADMAKER S BAKlllC POWDER ter of a beautiful picture. So do all who himself to trymg to secure a mutual reduc ladies began to show t h emselves whidh even c?ildren. The Princess ~oya.l, no~ Do"!'ager C ut t he red c ircle from the 11 contribute in any way to the advancement tion of the military est ablishment of Europe the weakness of former years had failed to '! E mpress of ~ermany, is a briS?ht, mtel But Nature has her laws so strict that yo_ label a nd send 1t rn a lctlc r must n ever err. of ma.Bkind, whether in the line of me- 1 is news too good to be believed. It would be develop. My daily duties became a. burden lectual and gifted woman. Alice, the Grand s tltin J.; hon e~t o p 11110 11 .-1£tP. r F or you'd surely pay the penalty at last, f:ur tnnl E 1tnc r t 5 , 10 or 25 chanics or art ; of social enlargement accounted a bit of strategy worthy of a vet· to me, and not knowing what better to do I D~chess ~f Hesse and mother of the new su~tam it. that bounteous head of hair c c r; t s ize w1ll sec u re th e g ift Dr. Dorenwend'sHalr Mag lc's unsurpassed. or religious fredom. Sha.11 any come to eran, a.nd a. victory of peace not less renown- called in the country doctor a.ud became a. bride, P~mcess Irene, w~s remarkable for A n y g rocer or s tmckeepcr say of your p eople that happy men ed than war's, 1f the young monarch pur- member of that vast army of half sick far her aty.~mmen~ as an art.IBt, an au~hor and .Just try lt vou afflicted, you never will regre~ . know s w hct c to g et 1 t tf a sked ~nd wom en walking in liget , stronll posely sounded his military note at the start mer-wives a mus1c1an Princess .Louise, the wife of the for by you - .A ddr e-s'.l'he Ma~1c was never yet known to fa1l ; 1n faith, a.nd full of works because he in order under cover of it to take up the proThere is. no doubt in my mind that all this 1Marquis of Lorne, is wilful, but in every And the good that It will do you will m~a "11111111111~ CHURCHILL & CO , TORONTC you soon forget lives? Th~t ohildren are !?rowing up to Ject now attributed to him, But his known might have been a.voided. It was evident I respect the " , horse " of the team. The expenditure a bottle will entail. ia be compa.mons of" good men and the Just' aptitudes and aspirations as a soldier forbid th1>t country air was j ust what I needed, and , Helene a?d beat rice would _botli be women This now famous preparation for invrgfl II because he lives? Tha.t in young men's any such assumption m advance of facts to that under favorable 01rcumstancee I might of mark if t hey were not Prmcesses.- [New oratmg and stimula.tmg th e g rowth of the Has received hernewstook ot ~earts sprmging J?Ure feehnvs and noble support it. The constant friction on the aea.r ly if not quite regained my health, Y ork W<lrld. is umversally accepted as the m ost 1mpulaes because of him ? Then thank H ea F rench frontier, the fresh passport tr oubles, and that this monster overwork has stolen ------~---.., ven tha.h you have been enabled to accomp- a.nd the omission of references to France in from me my last chance. And another self· Tiny Twins. valua.ble specific on the m arket. All f lish tha.t which shall ever be to you a well a.11 the Emper or's utterances also show that evident fact is this that ma.ny a. poor woman Probably the most diminut ive specimen diseases of t he scalp eit her re h e ved or ~es 0 W" sprini;: of JOY spring mg up in your .inner the peacefu l anticipations expxeesed with re is suffering under like circumstances. of humamty in this vicinity is to be seen permanent ly cured. ·V A rich and rapi d: VlClllity tO consc10usness, even the JOl of knowwg a gard to the great empire on one side of GerThere is no life so pleasan t as country in Lansingburg. T welve weeks a.go t wins g rowt h of hair will follow after judicious d h good wo~k done. Both you and he may many do not include the great republic on life ; thAre is no place so smtab'e for young - a boy and a girl-were born to a family a.nd r eg ular t r eatment. It r w ith say, ".I hve," and calmly rise to meet the the other side. For this addit ional reason the children either from a moral or physical named Blumer. At birth the twins weigh- th e user alon e t o secur e t h e desired sear?hmg "'.ords "what for!" Future gen rumours of a pa.rtia.l disarmament policy standpoint; there is no wor k so healthful as ed a litt le l ess than t hree pounds, and a.n results Dr. D or en wend 's "Hair M agic " ~ ' erat1ons_ will ~~ad 1p t hese words must be discre~1ted for th.e present a.t least. farm work ; no class of women should enJOJ' ordmary finger ring could be slipped over is sold by all d ruggists at $ 1 per b ottle, and assortment oi your epitaph nor his,-;- He hved ; but what In one sense E~peror W illiam may have a be tter he9.lth than the farmer's w if e, and it the hand or foot of eit her child, Some wa.s the use of him ? peace purpose m view, smce the pledge of 1s a state of thmgs to b e deplored that all of weeks sin ce the boy died, and the girl, a.1- or six bottles for $5. If n o t obtainable R ussia aga~st alliance wi~h France. by mak- 1 I these advantages are more than over ruled though now three months old, does not tip m your loMhty send direct to the sole Strawberries and Short uake. mg concessions to her m Bulgima. would by the presence of the dread monster tile scal es at t hree pounds She is a. wee manufacturer , e nclosmg price. A. DoRN· ~oubtless be a severe blow to any war party "overwork." , bit of a. thing, and can be held in the palm wEND, Paris Hair Works, 103 and 105 For sale by J . A SMALL SHORT CAKE - Into one pmt of 1n France. Of course this refers only to the poorer of the hand. The child see ms to have very Yonge St ., Toronto. ITOREa- SeeondDoorWe·1 or Willia· Higginbo tha m & Son , and all druggists. s fted flour rub one t ea.spoonful of baking \ good h 1 however, suieher Stan· HAT AILS powder lldld one tablespoonful of butter Mix with half a pmt of sweet milk, olllrmg as little a.s possible. Thia ;vill ma!;." quite a soft dough, which must be flatted 1111u with the spoon on a. weh-buttered ple tin, and baked twenty minutes in 1.1,11 oven about right fgr biscuit. It is bettu1 to sift the powd,er in the flour before the butter is rubbed in. CtJ.refully split the cake while hot, and fill with strnwberries previously slightly ma.shed and sweetened to taste. Thoroughly chill one half pmt cream at least twenty four hours old. Whip till stiff, add two tabie-spoons powdered sugar and serve with the cake HEALTH. class of farmers who are unable to hire help. Does any one know of a. remedy ? Don't Wait YOU? Ayer's Hair Vigor. Pimples and Blotches. ICURE FITS! or CONSUMPTION, GILL TT'S- LYE 99 PER C ENT Liver, Blood, and lungs. ~ CURES THE cqEAT SPRING MEDIGINE Little Liver Pills, JOHN SPENCER, GR A I N ' Jno. McMurtry & Co. ANOTHER WONDER. 00 n ES!i tMTS I 119 S · C TAVJSH nd in ites th Lad· Bo e . . I manvdle and calJ p tt an see er a ern Go 0 D S no N N ET s HATS I TRIMMINGS Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla: