Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1888, p. 4

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-THE- A G~·EAT FIRE. TrinitY church, the Alma. Hotel <i'hd two dwelhngs burned. I' .:>' ' PATRIOTIC SEF.MON. SyR<>P·i" of a sermon prenel·~tl b.v ll11v. 11. s UnUhc>'l'S. In tltc C'h1tr1··· "t. Methodld PRETTIEST I All desire my beaut)ful patterns of J ~ cl·n1·cll oa suuctuy evenlnl! . ·J111y tst 18!!8. · --o-- c"untry people were there. 'l'he sou.n d of thu great whole that we now form. of the fire bell broughr. the crowd away For many years anterio1· to bringing the from the "city of the dead" in quick or- Provinces together, the danger was fored1:1r. seen of the isoh\ted pcsition of the several 6 The steamer was early at work, b·1t Provinces ; tlw aatagonism commercially the fire made. such rapid progress that the that prevailed; and the possibility of being , three horses m the st!lbles could nut be absorbed by our powerful South.;rn neiglJ1'esc1;1ed and wert1 burned. One a trotting bor. As early as the year 1800 the Hon. · stallion owued by Mr. 0. R. Hall was Mr. Uniacke, a leading politician of Nova valued at $3,000. No insurance. The Scotia, submitted an elaborate scheme t,f OWll~ tire spread i11 an directions and soon the colonial union to the 1mperiat authorities; hotel stabh·s and shtds, the dwelling oc· in 1815 Chief Justice Sewell, of Lower cupied by Mr.·Jas. Alexander, Trinity C;mada, prepared a plan for the union of --o--church schoolroom and Mrs. Thos. Shaw's the different provinces ; in 1822 residence, all framt1 buildings, were one Sir John H. Robinson, at the refi Q massoffiames. Thehea~became so in· questoftheHomeauthoritiesprepareda "ttinse that the defense of the hotel and scheme in the same direction; and m 18· C8 tli Cwgregational _church ha? to be ab· 39 LorJ Durham was instrumeutal in get.. · · andoned.fr· ·m the side on which the fire ting an act passed, forming a legi&hitive raged aul.l"I~l'IOD..{111 hope of saving these union between Upper and L ·wer Uanad ... valuable building w.as . lost., and they In all this we see that leading minds in . were soon enveluped in flame. The stable political life, were airl< ctiug atteniio. n to - - - · Qnd driving sl1ell adJ'oi111"ng Mr. Dav1"d the buildin~ up of a gre11.t country, if not: Fisher's residence were also burned. laying the founcla.t.ion of a mii<hty empire .,_,,. M. ... Ai.., , During the afternoon the wind blew a iu the future. He than directed atten· ~au~· gale from the north-west and carried the tion: ~~~~··~~·~~ .... · --- · burning shingles, cinders, etc. , eastward J. To a short sketch of the means that BOWMANVILLE, JULY 11, 1888. and southward so thu.t fires were started ·led to the blending of the Provinces toin a score uf oth11r places; but as every- gether, forming the Dominion. While bndy was watching their propert.y in the other countries waged war to brinJ about TRAPE NOTES. CPtuse of these flyingembers, every build· consolidation: while Spain shook a.A with ing ha\"ing one or more persons on top of an earthquake from the power' of contendA.uwrRALIAN products are bound to be- it with pails of water, no serious damage ing forces; in Germany the weeds of come important factors in th e English was done. A small stable and ice honse mourniug were seen on every side; and market, and in time will no doubt be belongmg to Mr. Johu England, just while Russia. at the preseut time is lo0k· south of the old Primitive Methodist lnl>!: with longing eyes on Turk<"y, ~nd formid~ble competit.or11 with Canadian church, were all ablaze and it was thought ready to expend mou1.t tains of t,reaaure and American goods. that a greater confla~ration than the one and spill seas of blood, that ConstantiCANADIAN apples are likely to meet raging was imminent, but Chief Coleman nople mav be in her possession; the conwith competition in England from Aus- w1th the assistance of a few by-standers solidation of the Dominion was effoct,ed tore down t.he buildings and so saved the peaceably. But under thti over-ruling protralia. during the coming sea.son, 14,000 Salvation Army she dB 1md barracks, Mc- vidimceofGod, thei·eweretwofactors mainboxes of which were received in Lon- Clellan & Co's wood and lumber yard and ly instrumental in bringin~ it about. The bnildings, and possibly half a dozen resi- first was in the line of literature. In 18· don, England, about two weeks ago. dences in that vicinity. Indeed it is im- 53 Mr. P. s. Hamilton, afterwards gold S.EVERAT , cars of now apples have arpossible to say how far the fire would have commissioner for the province of Nova rived in Canada from the Southwestern extended had it got well started from that Scotia, published·a number of open letters States, and have been disposed of in job- quarter. to the Duke of Newcastle on the subject The Mayor nf Oshawa was telegraphed of Colonial union. In 1858 l\fr. A. Morbing lots at ~5 to $5.50 per bbl. A large and asked to send their fire brigade to ris, afterwards Governor of Manitoba, pnbtrade is expected in American apples this our assietanc~, which he did and about, lished a work ~nlitled "Nova Ilrittania" year. two ho11rs afterwards they reached here which had an immense circulation aud A..'\ long as Canada possesses her rich and rendered good service. Before 1heir was favorably mentioned by the daily return home they were fed at the l"tue- Press. In it he says "The dealing with pasmres and immense dairy herds, we bottom House. Several private citizens the destinies of a future Brittanie emwill not relinq uish tb.e thought of her r e- of uur neighbor town came down to see pire, the shaping its course, the laying its gaining the po~ition she once occupied 11s the fire. foundations broad and deep, and the The close proximitv of the fire ti) the · erecting thereon a noble and enduring a contributor to tho wants of the butter Dominion Organ & Piano Factory and s tructure, are indeed duties that may c0nsumers of :l<Jngland. adjoining lumber yard, made them special wEill evoke the energies of our people, and IN 1880, the value of the exporti. of objects of interest., and gan15s of men w,. re nerve the arms and give power and cnbuttHr from Canada amounted to $2,810-, stationed on the piles of lumber and thusiasm to all true patriots." The second factor -was the deadlock in 145, whilst la~ year they oulyaggregated buildings with pails of water to protect the c"mpany's immense property. Sev- the Government. The political parl.ies $641,795, o. decrease of $2, 1G8,360, in era! fires wel'e started but were quickly in f'ld Caaada were so evenly divided t.!1at eight years. What has caused this heavy extinguished. Several of the men got no Jess than five different governments, shrinkage in our exports ? We tbink the more or loss scorched and burned in de- had charge of the affairs of the country, correct sequel will alone be found in the fending the piles of lumber, The little between the 21st of May 18()2 and the fire engine belonging to the factory ren- end of Jone 1864. fact that Canadian butter makers refused dered good service. The literature had prepared the public to conform to the changed condition of Moch of the furniture from all the mind for action, and the deadlock in the the Engliah market, which required fresh buildirn!:s was saved, including the fittings Government caused negotiations to be of tho churcl1, pulpit, seats, organ, opened up between the Hon. ,John A. goods or none at all. etc. Mr. Alexander had no in· Macdonald and the late lamented H<>n. TliF: demand for Canadian cheese i n surance. Mrs. Shaw had only $3,000 in- George Brown, and which resulted in the England has run ahead of the supply, surance a ltogP.ther. Her loss will not be Quebec Convention of 18G4, which c·ioand W~dnesd~y week, when there · was a less tlmu ~6,000 to $7,000. Mrs. Min · v"nt.ion formulated the British North geaud's policy had expired a few day~ be· America Act, under which we are. The riuick call for white in Montreal at !Jc, and fvre and had not bPen renewed. Her great North-west .wa<i pnrchasPd from t.he colored at 9~ c, there was not sufficient loss will be considerable. 'l'J1e church Hudson Bay Company for $1,200 000, goods to meet tho demand . The country and buildings belougiug thereto were in- British Columbia afterwards fell into line markets have also refl.ected the strength sured for $4,200 aud $800 on the furn- and now we have a:Domiuion, rich in soil, of the situation by a further sudden ad- ishings, which amount will pretty well rich in gold and silver, copper and iron and cover the damage. The church walls are wi~h· the most eT.tensive coal beds in the vance in prices to 9c and 9g -, and E.nglaud but little damaged and \\ill do to build world-aDaminion extending from ocean has commenced to follow with a degree on again. The hotel walls were left in to ocean and from the great lakes, almost of earnestness which seems to indicate euch a d~ngerous sta.~ by the fire that to the North Pole-the largest country that she cannot help herself, for 011 Wed· they had to be pulled down almost en- and the grandest heritagee'Ter given to a tirely. people. nesday last the price of finest cheese in ~OTES . IL Her Progress.-ln directing attenLiverpool was up to 46s 6d, notwithstandtion to the fact that this is the 21st year The fire brignde worked like Trojans. of our Dominion, that to-day she attains ing that the public cable only quoted Thl& powder never varies. A marvel of \Vm. McCracken, of Cartwright, lost a her majority, and see what has been ac· 4tis Gd. purity, strength and wholesomeness, More horse in tho fire. complished, during the 21 years it would ooonomioal than the ordinary kinda, and oan Several thoughtful ladies provided almost seem as if some magic wand had not be sold in competition with the multltnde low test, short weight, alum or phOl!phate sandwiches and coffee for tha firemen. been waved over this highly favored land. or powders; Sold only in oans. ROYAL BAK· CATARRH. 1. Her Progress in Sliipping.-Canada NG POWDER CU .. 106 Wall St.. N. Y. What a splendid site for a Methodist __ _ A .Sew Hom~ 'J'reRtmeut rar th" ( :m"<J of ·.rabernacle the A Ima site would make. though the youngest country has no need (Jufnl'l'll. Cntarrl11tf Dl':thic·ss Mr. R. l'eate thinks the Alma site to be ashamed of her shipping interests. nn·l Hny 1·c.,1·r. . would r'1ake a ~rand site for ii. new town Tweuty. one yenrs ngo Canad" had 2,133000 tons vf shipping, and the Mnitime . . Il I hall. Provinces 2,808,000 tons or nearly 5 mil- Tlu·ee 1vell knolvn citizens T hA nncroscope l"s provec ~mt these diseases are C·>ntagions, aod that they A: hook a:u<l l11dder company . ~ell lions of tons. Last year she had nearly ot"this to1vn have taken the are duo to the presence of living parasites equtpped might. have . saved Trrn1ty 14 millions of tons, or an increase of 280 in the lininrr membrane of the upper air church. .A chei;iucal engine would have per cent, and which giveR us the proud store lately occu1·ied by passages a~d .,llHt achian t.u bes. The done grand service. . position of having the third largest com- WE L r. . s, wlticll thcv have eminem scientist", 'l'ynd .. ll, Huxley and , Several kl'gs o_f beer "'.ertJ carrt~d out mercial marine in the world. stocked n -itlt a ti.Iii line of"11 2. Railways~-At the time of confederEeale endorse thie, and these authorities of the Alma dunng the ftre, ~·nd drnpenscannot be disputed. The 1·egular method ed freely by the Senator to the firemen . ·ation there were nearly 1,500 miles of of treatir.g tl1est1 dineasl's has been to There wel'(l many new firemen. railway in operation, now n early 11,000 apply an irritant remedy weekly, and Miss Armour'R dress caught fire froru a miles, and with upwards of 1000 miles even d~i!y, thu~ keepini: the delicate st.ray cind\'r, arid bnt fort.he timely pres- under cunstructiou. 3. Population.-At the commencement We c01·1Iiallyinl'it:e a slm1·c membrane in a constant state of irritation ence of Mk. E e l. Coleman with a pail of oC the 1mbllc pat1·011age, allowiPg it· no chance to heal, and as a water, sly\ might have been badly burned. the Dominion was nearly 3~ millions, now nearly 5~ millions. natural consequence of such treatment 'l'he origin of the fire is shrouded in Highest p1·ice 101· Botte1·, 4. Financially .-At confederation the not one permanent cure has e ver been b t · · T · · Egg·s and :·II kinds oC recordl'd. It is nn Rbeolute face tha t mystery, u it is a preva1 mg opm1on revenue wa s $12,000,000, now $39,000,· that it was ca relessness with matches or Farin Pt·oduce. 000. The imports and exports were these diseases canr.ot be cµred by any incendiarism. Official inquiry should be $12G,OOO,OOO, now nearly $190,000,000. application made oftuer than once in two instituted. ~~ Goods Delivered promptly In all this we see the great and marked to all parts of the town. weeks, for the membrane mnst get a ·- ___ -- --· chaaco to heal before an applicatron is The Third pago of the Toronto Daily progress made by the Dominion. Let C. repeated. It is no\\· seven years since Mail is noted for "Want" advertisements, every loyal heart say God bless the DomMr. Dixon discovered the parasite in If you want to buy or sell anything. If inion and continue the prosperit~'" UL The Government-The true ground, ' catarrh and formulated his new treat- you want a situation, a mechanic, a busiment, and since then his remedy has ness, machinery, lodgings, if you have the fundamental principles of all righte · become a household word in every country lost or found anything, or if you want to ous governn:; ent lies in this- the largest where the English ~anguitge is spoken. find out where anyone is, advertise in the amount of liberty to the subject, compat· Cures affec.ted by h1rn ~even years ILgo 'roronto Daily Mail and read the adver· ible with the largest amount of safety to ure c1ires slill~ there havmg been no re· tisements on the third page of that pa- the individual and the State. Union in turn of ~he dtsease. . per. The charge is two cents a word society of necessity diminishes natural So. highly a!o. these remedies valued each insertion. Address, The Mail, To- liberty. But every law abiding citizen finds that he gains vastly more by dimin· tbat ignorant 1m1ta~ors have started up ronto Canadil.. 42-tf ishing the liberty of law breakers, than everywhere pretendmg to d~stroy a para· _ he loses by diminishing his own. And Come along with your Wool an<l you will site, of which they lmow nothing by . · W , R M J 1,, find remedies, the results of the appltcation of _..,A~'l OR'I~ EMEMBERING.-h. r. . as. the Govermuent of this Dominion and of which they are equally ignorant. Mr. I Emme, of Toronto, states that 1s little the 1mveral provinces, is a government Dixon's remedy i~ applied only once in) b~by when three mo~ths ol.d was so .b ad from the people, by the people and for two ,~eeke, and from ona to three ap- 1w1t,h summer compl~mt that und.er docf· the peoJ>lt1. No government can be more plicatrnus effect a permanent cure in the tors treatment her life was despaired o . stable for it is directly from the people, in exchange. most aggravated cases. Po.ur ~o:ies of Dr. Fowler's Extr~ct of and no government can be more generalRoll Carding and all kinds of Custom .M.r. Dixon sends a pamphlet describing \V1ld Strawberry cured her. She 1s now ly sustained for it rests upon the intelliWork done promptly. his new treatment on the receipt of stamp fat and hearty. gence of the people. H ighest Ca.sh Price paid for Wool. to pay posta11e. The address is A.H. -----------IV. Her Morality and Religion. --In K" t t t NATIONAL PILLS are sngnr con led, mlhl . & S " 305 JOHN SIMPSON, morality and religion our Dominion ocD ixon on, . in.g. s ree . wes · '. bnt t11orouich. ancl urc the best Sto)Uncll 25- 2m Proprietor. Toronto, Canada. --Bcuntt{tc A 1i1.encan. · 1tml Liver rm~ In me. cupies an exalted position and shines . 1 have the best assortment and prett·.est , · t patterns Ill D0 't f . t al 1 It (R ~~~: :~~ ~e~er:a~ :1u6:~::~£f :!:iz~:: ~~~ ~:~(~1;'!~a;1e~~s~~~~~ag~~~ta~~ ~~~vi~~~: i f P P A L w AL k } d E · 'd I IS l Bowman ville has been pretty free from ilarge fires for eome years, but on Satur· / day about 4 o'clock in the afternoon a fire .f bloke out in the stable of the Alma hotel that did about $20,000 worth of dnm>Jge. j The Oddfellows' ceremony of decora.f . ting _the graves of their deceased brethren was lll progress :>t the cemetery at the t / '" - Tho text choeen was Numbers Chap. 34 and the latter part of th·· 12th verse: "This shall bfl your land with the coasts round about thereof." After a beautiful description of the country with its mountains and valleys, woods, and lakes and the way in which it was given, he said, we stand upon the l)edest.al of the pr~sent time, and while we look upon our fair and ~reat Domin- ac now e ge ffie a P. e· -----· -C_K_ REBILCO T Iii···----- gIVe'·.. l} p . ' ciVW'"'iPman. forth among the nations of the earth. l. Morality-In Austria there is one convict for every 950 of ttie population; in France one for every 1100; inEndand one for every 1400; in the United Sta.tea one for every 1,800 and in tr.e Duminion one for every 2,500. 2. Religion.-Uanada is a reli~ious country, all churches stand ou the same footing, and probably there is no land in which there is a largflr proportion of church goers to tht> population. lt is a cheering fact that e..-ery branch of the church of Christ is ma.king progress, and to tl1e Methodist it wust be especially gratifying t o kn ·> w that C·ll" t.hird of the pop ulatitm of Ontario aud u11'J fifth of the p ·pulatiou of tho D"minion ure attached to the Mt>thodist church. l. Let us love our Domiuion. Her laws are founded upon t he truth of God, and are desi~ned equally for all. Her hist<>ry haa been one of coutinuecl success. May we not say "Breathes there a man with soul so de11d, who never to himself hath said, this is lllJ own my r11.1tiveJand. If such there be go mark him well, for him no minstrel raptures swell. " 2. Let us be prepared to defend it . As Canadians while we sing " The Canadian Boat Song" we can also sing "Tramp tramp, tramp, t he boys are Marchinit" and march to victory- shall the Munroe doctrine prevail? Shall we be absorbed? Shall any. 1 ude hand rend asunder our Dommion '! The answer has already beon given when in 1812, our American friends went at double quick over Niagara's heights; in 1861 during 1 .he Mason and Slidell fiasco, when the Canadian trum· pet called to arms, and tens of thousands placed tht>mselves at the disposal of the !(overnment; and 111 1866 when t.he Fenians invaded our land bnt hurriedly left. for home leitving upwards of 100 prisoners in onr hands. 3. Let us look with confide11ce to her future.--Let u~ continue to build up our great Dominion, in the feor and favor of God, endt1&\' 0r to uplift the rnassea of the people to a higher st.ate, 1md aim at. their m oral and religions illlpro,·emcnt, by the inculcation of the h1" IJ,,~ r. lll"r'd precepts and the grandest n~ ·, g i· ms tru ttis . Then the future gre:\t1 1 ,;s~. ~r!lndeur and glory of this Do win i" 11 ea,11not btt f 1>t'e.seeu by any human minJ l'hen the ·.hiuing car of freedom will rull on in the acc .. ruplishment of its great work. Then the tree of liberty will aho·Jt to w ards the sun, while its boul(hs hang ovei- the world gtving an asylum to tbe distressed and per· secuted'.and forming a shade fot· t.ho wearied populati011 of oldt1r natio ns. The great temple wiil rise m~Jes~ic11lly, fonnded upon the RMk it will rem'lin unshaken by the force of tyrants, while streams of light will e11111nate froro its portals to chP.se away the gloom of nations. 1\fay her turret~ swell to the heavens and the Divimi glory rest upon her in all its ful · nees as she exerts her influence and power to hasten the day when the glory of the Lord shali cover t.he earth au th" waters the detip. And while we sing "God s ...ve The (,lueen," may we notpray long, long, live the Dominiou of Canada. VARIETY HALL is the spot for bargains in Fans,, Base Balls, Croquet Sets, Picture Frames and Window Blinds. ----o---- Co1ne .in and see the 5c. Automatic Indelible Pencil. J. H. KENNER. THE OLD RELIABLE FOUNDRY & IACHINE WORKS Still Booming (leads the Van). ----o--Having recently aaded more machinery and eularged our st,aff of skilled workmen, we are prepare.d to do all kinds of Engine, Mill and Agricultural work and repairs. We have also made arrangements with the leading firms to handle and keep in stock rnpairs for their machinery. 'l'he following are a few of these firms: PATTERSON BROS., Woodstock; FLEURY, Aurora; WOON & CO., Oshawa; L. D. SAWYER, Hamilton ; W ATEROUS, Brantford. We are also making arrangements with severs.I other firms . to handle their repairs. · Exclusive agent s for PROVAN's PATEN'!' HAY CA1rn11m AND FORK-the very best and cheape8t in the market. A full stock of our Hard-to-Beat Plow&, and Famous Two-Funow Gang Plows. Farmers, be rnre and ask for Porter & Noden's Diamond Steel Points. Highest price paid for all kinds of old iron in c11sh or trade. · Best brands of Machine Oil always on hand. Quality and price-best in the market. Plows given on trial. 26-3m PORTER & NODEN, East End Foundry. - - - -o-- -- Pure Paris Green -..A..~D- .... POWDER J.HIGGINBOTBAM&SOl'S Absolutely Pure. DRUG STORE. -.A..L S 0- -4Kl~G NE-W FIRM. Puro Whito Holloboro - A..T- - ~···· I ~~~l~ ~lt~~~ Some new shades. ~A~~~~ 9 w. ABSOLUTELY I FIRST-CLASS GROCERIES. .Q UITTING The Dry Goods :Business 1 JOHN lllcllllJBTll Req.uires more room for his Grocery, Flour and Feed and Grain trade and has determined to YOUNG, W. ALLIN, F. HADDY. Close Out His DRY .GOODS BU8/NE88 and extend his Grocery into the premises now occupied with DRY GOODS, To make a clear sweep, everything in the Dry Goods department is now being sold AT AND UNDER COST. The goods are all £.rstclass, carefully selected for the regular trade and no old culled bttnkrupt stock, the public can understand the immense advantages offered to purchasers of this stock. Everything usually kept in a :first class Dry Goods establishment, and required in the Clothing and House Furnishing line, offered at AWAY-DOWN PRICES. Call and get Bargains. Clearing Sales for Cash only. Positively no Reserve. Everything must go. Call and satisfy yourselves that the WEST END HOUSE is giving greater value for a little money than any other h9use in the district. n will pay you to Jay in a year's supply, as such goods cannot be repeated at my prices . .... ··- · ·····-···-···~ -·- ···---------·--·· ·-----·-··--·-------- -WOOL! Leskard Mill. I I I I Blankets, Tweeds, Yarns, Flannels, &c., j l'OKN KcKtrBTlt Y

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