Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1888, p. 1

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.... , ----- t , T111RMS :-11.50 Pn ANNJTH. NEW SERIES, NUMBER 51!:1 OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES VOLUME EDITOR AND PRl>PRIETOR , BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1888. XXXIV. NUMBER 28. SUMMER SALE OF To Save· Life Frequently Tel)nircs 1irorupt action. A n 11our's delay waiting :for the doctor may lJe attcncleil with s erious consequences, especially in cases of Croup, Pnemnoni::\, aml other throat arnl lung trnnbles. H ence, no family shoul cl lie without a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which has provctl itself, in thousands of cases, tlic best Emergency l\ledicirrn ever tliscoverCLl. It gives prompt relief amt prepares tl1c way for a thorough e.urc, wl1ieh is certain to be cffectell 1.Jy it.'l continnctl usc. S. H. J,alimcr, i\I. D., Mt. Vernon, Ca., says: "I have found Ayer's Cherr.v Pectoral a perfect cnrc for Croup in all cnses. I have known the worst case,~ reUcvell hi a very short time by its use; aml I advise nil families to use it in sudden cmcTgencics, for coughs, croup, &c." A.. J. Eic lsou, M. D., Middletown, Tenn., says : "I have trnell Ayer's Cherry P ectoral with tl Hl best r.ffect in niy practir,n. This "'.ondcrfnl 1n·nparat ion once saved n·y bfe. I ·lat<.! a cons tant; cough, night sweats, n·as great!~· reducnd in ftcslt, am! given up 1>.v m y P-hys-icimi. One bottle anll a half of t lm Pectoral enred me. " "I cannot sav eno11gl1 in prnisc of A yor's Cherry · P ectoral," writes . :E. Bragclou, of Pall'sti11 c, ?-'cx as, ·· hclie,·, ing as I llo t11 at, hilt for :its 11se. I should l ong since haYe died. " HAMPTON . repaired. " Onr Dorn " gave a.n open a.ir concert on the morning or July :Jrd. on tlle street corner. The boys were in higb glee. .As stated last week, the anniversary services on July Jet and 2nd were a eplendid success. On Sunday Rev. J. Harris preached excellent sermons. 'l'he con1negat1ons were large, and choice music was discoursed under tbe direc· tion of Mr. H. Elliott, Jr. On Monday a. good JJrogram was rendered by the scholars, con· sisting of recitations and dialogne~, and speeches by Rove. J. Whitlock and J. Harris with an abmidance of mu~ic by the school, under the leadership of Mr. I. L . Brown. 'l'he pastor officiated as chairman. At 4. o'clock a capita.I tea was served by the ladies to about 998 persons, who can test.ify tu its excellence. Proceeds, about $180, During the afternoon a very interestfog game of base ball was plaved between the "Gladstones," or Tyrone. and the "Beavers." or Hampton. The Blackstock bmss band escorted the teams to the grounds, followed 'by about 8W persona who watched the ll:llme with much interest. 'rhe "Ghd· stones n ~layed a good game, but were de· feated by the·· Beavers." Mr. J.C. Yanstone, of Bowmsnvllle. a cted as umpire. elicitmg much praise for hls unbiased decisions. Mr. R.H. Bunt kept tbe spectators at a respectable distance during t.he game, for which be re· ceived proper acknowled~·.uont. At G:30 p. m., a game of foot ball was played between J,esKard e.nd Hampton teams, resulting in a victory te.: t-lw home team. In the evening a. concert waa dven by I-be base ball clnb and the S , uf 'l'. A gooil programme was rend red, comiJtiog o.f music by t.he Hl11ckstock hand. also st1l:i1t band, l'ecitations by .J. O'dell, Tyrrme; SV>1'~S by l\iesars. C. N . C&lla.nrler, 1. L. Brown. 'iV. ~'l\Y l"r, w. Mart in, .A. Stott and Mr. Williamson. :ifisses A. Bai-mes. M. J. l<J!liotr., G. l1L Brown a;;;.-:l A. Hru·ri· acted as accomp11.niats Mr. Jas . ."vic{.ean ably ftlliug I.he posit.inn of directol'. Tlie nrol(rt.tm WM varied and gave geoiera.l satisfaction, all who took purt acquitting t hem~elves in· a most creditable manner. Sr.ow BOY. )fr. 'l'hoe. Elliott will soon buni his mill dam E.NFIELD. Mr. Ben,i. Winnacott is on the sick list. Hayinll: has commenced, bt1t the crop la a v11ry lill:h tone. Three puuila from this school wrote at the Entrance Examination at Oshawa· Mr. Wm. Ormiston and Miss Mary 'l'app have been viaitlnll: !riende In Mariposa.. Mrs. A. Bowerma.n, or Columbus, was visit. ing her sister's, Mrs. R, Pascoe, la11t week. l~ditor and Mrs. M. A. James spent Sunday week at Brroelde. Maater Jesse A. Jame~ is visiting there now. Mr. n. Lane spent a few days here last week, He came within four marks or winning tho :¥>Id medal a.t Chatham B usinoss College. The picnlc that our younll' peopie bad a.t J,ake Scugog was a. magnificent affair. Some ot our young men think the Maple Grove ladies are very handsome. NEWC.ASTLE. Mr. J ol> Cobbledick drives a. apanking fine tea .m now. · Mr. Andrew Thomas has sold his black team for a large sum. New Dry Goods. ----o---During the next two months Mr. and Mrs. J. Rickard have gone to Williamsville, N. Y., to visit her aister Mrs. Bell. We are sorrY t-o hear· tl1·t the Sal"at1 ~ · ' on Army has left here. Where will the young folks go now? Miss Fannie Heard, of P1ckcriog, was visiting her friends here recently. f'leased to see her emilio!! face. ·· UNDENIAllLY TROE.--" I have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberrv and found it a sure cure for summer· complaint. I was very sick and it cured me entirely." Alexander W. Grant, l\fooae Creek, Ont. SOUN.A.. ·when are we to have our annual village pic·nicl School has cloeed again for vacation and the scholars re.ioice. Mrij. John Fletcher, of Salford, is visiting her many friends here. Mr. Edward Piiecoe ·hae been Heriouely lll with quinsy, but is recovering. Mr. Jas. Roes has returne1l from the Ontnrio Business College, a t Bolleville. 'l'here will be an open air prayer meeting in the vlll!lge, on Thursday evening, Prof. A. B. C. Kent gave a very good enter· tainment"n.t the hall the other evening. Tha Advent church has been t.horoughly renovate<l. has a new foundation, a fresh. coat of paint and now present3 a nice appearnnce. Miss Bertie Welch. Mr. A. "\'Vetch, of Park· dale. &nd Miss Mosetta. J ames, Howman ville, and Mrs. J. Bray, Entlolft, have been recent visitor· at Roselar.dvale. COUCH, JOHOSTON r & CRYDERMAN TY.RONJf;. will clear out their surplus stock of SUMMER ----o- - - - CIHIDt Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I'HEP.UtED BY A lot of DRESS GOODS will be sold at about Dr. J. c. Ayer & Ca., Lowell, Mass. Sold by nit Drtoggi~ts. l'rioe ~l; six boUICB, $5. HALF PRICE. ----o- --- FH.ANK lll. FIELD, B. A. Omce,-A.rmour Block, Kinll: Street. Solicitor, Notary, B ARRISTER, COBOURG. &c. 22. will be PARASOLS sold ----o---- :? OCK ih!ick·Trai ·7 fnequalfed FORD WATCHES EXACT/NC at and belovv cost. in SERViCE These are new, fresh, fashionable goods but m ·u st be sold to make r~pom for our New Fall .Importations. ARD, Couch, Johnston &Cryderman MAYN. One Door West of Post Office. Bowmanville. 'J.'DE JEWELl.. ER, GEORGE LAING, The Farmer's Friend. ----o---Our constant ailu is to benefit the peo1>Je by coni..tantly offering bargains. We sholV 1vltat we advertize, ue n1ean what what we say. We neve1· 1binll it w01·tb while to quote p1·ices, 101· what can any one l.:1101v about aJ.·ticles n1ereJy_ by the price in a ne1vs1>aper 1 Tiu~ : fa1· bette1· 'vay is· to call an'l examine tlte1n Cot· you1·sclt: !'Suffice it to say, if"tlte1·c IS honol' 111 man, 01· -vi.-tue in good GOODS at lo\V 1,riees, 've 1nea11 to be niaster of 111e situation. Co1ne and see 0111· DRESS GOODS. tile best value in to1Vn, (01· c.a n be oflc1·ed) witll all sorts of T1·immi11gs to suit the a1·ticles. The genc1·al stock oC STA.Pl"E DRY GOODS-vea·y cornplete. TWEEDS 1vitb us a1·e soon 1nade u1>-i11 a Vestey, Coterie :nut Pantl·y, by very skilled and no1eable ·w ork11nen. Has been appojnted sole agen! for the celebrated RoCKl!'ORD wATCRES, they are the best American Watch manufactured and are guaranteed from the factory as being fin t-class, Call and examine them. We have also the finest stock of all kinds of Watches, Gold and Silver,in the townofBowmanville. In J ewellry, we have an endless variety-Clocks of all kinds ver:y cheap. In Silverware we have the e-::clusive right to sell for the largest firm in the U. S. The quality and pnces are the best aHd lowest in this part of t.he country, We ask you to call and examine our goods before bnyjng-. SpecR and Eye GlasseK, Cases, &c., we c~rry the lea.d ing stock, and guarantee every pair for 6 m1 nths, if well used. lt they l).reak we will repair them free of charge. Cali and get fitted properly. OuR Hm>AIRING DEPARTMENT.--We ----o,---- MililNE~ NEW GOODS TO M!Ll!~!!!! HAND! We are now .showing all the Leading arid most Fashionable Shapes and Styles, New flats, MAYNARD, New Bonnets, New Ornaments, 44. The J eweller. Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, and Fringes. The Magog Tex tile & Print Co. -WE EXCEL IN Having learned that inferior Prints have only go over the same old saying, t,h ·-1, we repair '\Vatcbes, ClnckR and ,Jc wdlry in the most, skilful rn >1.11n° :· . Vve a 1H l0oked upon aB I t.li1: only rel iab le Watchmaker in tl..i:; part of the country. Mere talking can't do tbH work, but tools, ability and cxperi1-mce eombined can, of which we ha,v e plenty. can FASHIONABLE MILLINERY. GEO. LAING. i been sold as M.AGOG PRINTS, will hereafter stamp the name of the Company on each piece. It E T A I L :M:EltCHANTS supplied direct. 93 St. Peter St., wor1u~. - -o- NIASY 'J'llEllil .AlttJ I hem I IL eYu-y .: n~·! sucees.·full~· . lJut nr. J,on's ·norm Syr1111 me Cf$ , DiI>IVA'J'IOSS - - -------·- Montreal. of Farmers are busy haying anol report a light crop. Dr. Phillips is visit ing his sister, Mrs. S. M. Clemens . Mr. Jas. M ..)orey, Rochester, is home for a. 8hort d si t. Mr. A. K Manning, H amilto n, is h ome spending his holidays. ·Mr. I'tob. Moor, Mariposa, l'l:as 011t for R . 1\II. KIRKPATRICK IN LIQU11'A1'ION. a few d :~ys fast w~ck. -The Liquidator will keep the ei<le of Mr. S. Woodley has bought M.L". A. stock at retail open for ll ehort timti McNl\il's farm ~·Brxside." longer, but the business wall positively Mr.Robert Collucutt arrived home from be closed np shortly. The stock must be BETHESDA. Engl:md on Saturday week. The strawberry social announced to hA held sold for what it will bring wi1hontreserve. School closed here un Friday for aix on the grouurls. of Mr. Roger Cole, on F riday No p·t·o.fits ani expected on general stock. evening last. came off very pleaeantly and suc· The a~~c.rtment is kept up bv adding weeks. 'rhe scholare all rejoice. cessfully. The weather was :tine, the berries Messr11. H. Knight and J. H. Kenner p!entirul and luscion~. the people well waited fresh supplit·s of all necessal'y goods. on adl served bounteoudy, everybody joyous Everybody should go in for liberal sup- were g uests at the Parsonage Oil s ~ bbath. and soclahle, and a prettier assembly or young plies, as unusual bargains are offered and Large crowds from here attended the ladies could not be fonnd, They were i>resent from Esee:x IJentre, Exeter, Toronto, Orono, very liberal te rms g ive\n to sound bnyers. anniversary s~!vic~11 at Haydon la.st week. Newcastle, 'faunton, Bowmanvllle and else· Farmer's produce taken Jj.t cash prices. where. A very jelly crowd. about. fiO all told, Mr. S. M. Clemens got his best dt·iver came from town and they did enjoy them· burned in the fire at tho Alma o r 1 Satur· LUNG SA UL'T. selves. The total proceeds will r each nearly $50. All interested have great cause tor satis· Monday June 25th a fishina n.~rty con- day. fa.ction with t he r esu lt. A very pleasino: " Barley is ripening very fast, some of feature in connection wlth the gathering was ais·ing of Messrs. Duncan and 6 umes the presentation to Rev. Isaac Conch. by the McNeil and Wm. and Ed. Fanell sp1'<:t tho farm ers expect to start c nttin~ this people of Tyrone Circuit, of a purse ot $5Z.eo a successful day at lake Scn!!O". The weollk. and an address of sympathy and fCOOd wishes. ~ " Rov.W. Kenµer, superintendent or the circuit, fonner trolling tho latter rowing. They M}, H. R. H. Kenner, of Fergus, arin a short sneeol1 spoke ot the ohristian excel· cau... ·ht ten fine lnn. !!e. Rumo1· says, Will rived hoine on Saturchy. \Yelcoma back Jenoies of the young man and then called on ,.., ., Mr. Wlndattto re11d rhe rollowlrig addres2 and hM other angling on hand, the latest Hany. ,, Mies E. llusli:iR to present the puree: omen is the new top buggy . Mr. W. T:k_ imllcombe, M~riposa, has To Bro. J.9cwc Cnw·h : 0 l' f h been ependiuu a f~w day· at his father -in, DEAR SIR AN'D Bno1·1u;n,-Yonr nnmercus o 111 one or his jewel a.s, friends on tho 'l'yroneCircuit cannot iillow you And Da1·e for his best girl. law's Mr. H.. Bodg.:ion. to pass awa.v from us wiLhont an expreSlllon ot Rob for his dearie at the ' '.Brae, " Recent visitors- NIrs. W. Trewin, of our sense or your moral worth as a brother ancl a christian; and we also wish to express our And 'Villie fo'r his pearl. Towu, Miss f::lmart, P ci:terboro; Mra. Da· aympa. t by, with you in your late family be· Three J ohne one for their angels have, vison, Leskard; ·A rtlrn:l' Bell, 'l'oronto. reavemem, and Pray that yonr heavenly Wh t ? ' ' d 1 th' :Father !TIRY sastaln you by his grace, and that a ' Col :;on say BUC l ings Mr. T. Pdlard and wife,, accompanied you may rtalize the faithfulness of lllm As these we have down here below, by l\1r:1. ;) WMhington, 'lvcrc visiting who hatn promised grace accor<linll: to our Yes, but they want the wings. clay. As you have consecrated all your pow~ra their si~r.,:r , Mrs. Geo. Lane iu: .Mari pCJsa, · to the service ot the Master. we 0 ,.rnos ly pray Then there's th e lady on the hill, Ja, t week. th&t he may endow yon with all the necessary Togethet· with her son, N ad, wiedfl m to enable you to win souls fo~ Him, The two Bills the compl ement will fill, In the abse nce of the organist on .Sabfor "he that winnctl:. souls is wise," Our bath week Mre. T. Creeper officiated i,'1 prayers shall follow you to your fi eld or lu.bor, But these latter all are wed? and we hope to hear uf your abull11"n t success. ·what? m~ rried you sa.y? yes and I know the morning, and l\'ha. T. Pollard, MonAs a proof of our dncerity we have subscribed tana, .int.he e ve ning. to a small purse of money wllich we hope you 'Ne usually hear such talk, will 11ccept in the same spult in which it iH Ju;:i,t-.J~.bide'WWee'·' ·:md then twill be, Tha young Canadians from thit> neigh· offered. May thel'e he many stars in your "l-"" lk borhood foot ball club, played Haydon crown , of rejoicing wll~n the JMu.ster shall y. n woman, you can wa .· JI" ... WOODEN WEDDING. - On Wednesday school Monday forenoon and resulted m reckon with his faithful servants. Signed on behalf ot an you1 friends. J .:vening, ,June 27th, a.bout fifty friends a draw, 110 goal either side. W:-.1. WINDA'l.'T, _ J.? Recording Ste)Yln<l. and 11e ighbors of :M:r. 3'nd Mrs. Wm. Miss May Clemens had a narrow escapa Mr; Couch suitably thanked the dolllf a and Paton assembled at their pleasant resi- from being seriously hurt last week by boped he shonld ever prove worthy oT their dance to unite in celebrating their wood- 0ne of the horned species of tho male sex respect and e8~eem. 'l'.he presentati~t was a complete sarpr1se to him, Mr. Couc.IJl left on en wedding. The respected couple were which g razed her b1ck with its h orm Saturday to take his appointment Oil' his first taken completely by surprise, not having while m the barnyard. Immediate assiscircuit, Scar~-~0 _ ·___ __ ~ had the least intimation of the invasion. tance h o wever, prevented any serious HAYDON. After everything had been arranged in damage. Dici you Jose a horse William ? Serve apple~_pj_e .~4a , and the hoat and h ostess The Gladstones went to Hampion eud right. ~"'!~~b!.,.... - · ><f?'ITT Uleir nerves under control, they played the return match with the tee.m Miss E. Washington is visiting friends at were invited into the spacio us dining ball, of that place, and got done up t o the tune Dethany. h M W J H f d Yanlrne is tlte horse that gets there every w en r. · · aycra t; rea an appro· of 16 20 1vith an innings to spa.re in fa10r time, you bet. priate address and Miss Edith Hill and of Hampton. The Glanstones and Hamp· Some or our young men are gcttin({ very Miss Martha Farrell presented the happy ton now stand til:l9. Mr. J. C. Vanstone, Br&ad minded. couf>le with a pair of beautiful rocking .Bowmanville, acted as umpire and gave Mr. and Mrs W. Hooey were vlsitlng friends chairs as a slight token of esteem and in Alnwick 1 ast week, good satisfaction. Take adv ice and try Mr. J, McLaugblln, J r,, h on the sick list. high appreciation of th-ir many good again lwys. also Mr. C. Mountjoy. qualities as neighbors and true friends. Mr. l<' red. and Miss Mountjoy, or Whitby, Mr. Paton made a 3uitable reply 011 be· Boye whan troubles crowd a.bout you , You'll find plenty in this lire; spent Sunday at Mrs, R. Mouotj ov's. half of himself and wife, thanking the Several from this vicinity attended the social donors for their kindness, he said that he And when fortune seems to flout you at Mr. ll; Cole's and report a good time, And y ou're weary with the strife, Mr. H. c. Bowen, of Washburn !siand, was was not aware they had done anything to Then's the time to show yoar mettlo; calling on friends m this vicinity last week. merit such acts of generosity on the part Keep your head np don't give iu Mr. llobt. Pollaril, Hamilv n, who was here of their many friends, and tha!. h.i conld to see his little daughter who has been sick, nut find words to expr<1~s his feeling of Jt'aca the trou ble, grasp tho nettle returned . home ou tlaturday, she having re· H And d e termine you will win. covered so as to be able to sit up. Mav she grat itude for tho3e b eautiful chairs. e "\Ve have a poet and didn't know i t . soon be well again. wanted all t o enjoy themslllves, for they Among the visitors 11ere on Dominion Day were welcome. Tea was served by the On Wednesday evening of last week we 11ol1ced l\1r. W, 'rrewfo and familv, Mr. l adies about midnight which was first-clas::i after hall practice Mi· John Moyse, of and M.rs. W · .EI. Rtinbury. Mrs. Abbott, Mr. N. Yellowlees and Mr. S.Yanstone, Sen.. Bow. and would have tempted the most faatid- the Cooor Honse, invited the boys to his manvillo; Mr. and i\lrs. R. Blight and tf1mi!v, ious epicurea n 01· au hungry edi tor. The pla.ce where he had in store a quantity of and Mr. W. Blight, Myrtle: Mr~. 'r. ·G. 1 d. · t · · · ' t N 1 k d ice cream in h:mor of his son Harry Col well. Picl;:ering; Mr. E. 'l'. Siemon. co. a 1es m his v1c1m y are o. coo a an bourg ; Mr, and Mrs, H. Samella, Cartwright; wo would ad vise all young men in quest who was married that day. The boys Mr. and Mrs. J . Bawl;ey. 'l'yrone. of a spouse to come this way. Games of ate their good health and wished the hapOur tea on Dominion Day was a. gra.tirying 1 success. -Revs. Sanderson and l!'raser, of various kinds were iodu ged m ttll the py co uple a long and happy life. Go(><:'! .l:!owma.nville. delivered two oloc1uent dis- wee ama h:>u1·s, when all ret urn ed home enough for you, John. course~ on Sunday to crowded houses. On wishing Willie and his guid wife many Following are the officers of Tyrone Monday H(ws. Sanderson, Couch, Dyer and Kenner g1.ve excellent addresses· .r.eciratlons happy i·etnrua of their wedding day. 1'ho Division thu current quarter:- W. P. aud reaalnga were ~iven by the scholars and following were pre;ient or contri buted: Bro. S. Washington; W . A., Sister E. others in a very creditable manner, The sing. M J o M d "·· W in1,; by the school was pronounced :first-class rs. · .oeacom, r. an m.rs. m. Reeves; R. S., Bro. M. Werry: A. R. S. and reflect.a great credit on their teacher. J\'lr. Farrell, Mr. and Mrs. W . Hambly, Mr. Bro. A. Brent; F. S., Bro. S. ,T. Henry ; 'W. H. Croeper, who is a skilled vocalist. 'l'he and Mrs. J. T ap e, Mr. a nd Mrs. C. Hoo· Treas. Bro. J. ·r. Welch: Chap., Bro. G. ton served by the ladies wa· without a doubt H M d the best ever given in this pie.ca, which is ·per, Mr. and Mrs. \V, ooey, l". an .Bingham; C., Bro. J. W. O'dell; A. C., se.ying much !or the culinary a.coomplisbmente Mrs. J as Mountjoy, Mr. and Mrs W. J. Sister B. Bingham; I. S, Bro. J. fl. of our ladies. Proceeds, about 390. 'l'he foot H ft 1\1 d M D O J M bull match in the rorenoon between our school aycra ' r · an l rs. · ,-ra iam, r · Hicks; 0. S., Bro. T. Creeper; P . W. P. and Bethesda wan a. tie, neither securing n and Mrs. Ed. Virtue, Mr. and l'llrB . W. S . Pollard. All officers are recincatcd t o goal after :JO minutes playing. Both team~ did Vir t ue, Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. James be present on Thursday night for i nsta.lsome excellent playing. In the afternoon a Vi'rt.ue , Toronto , · Mr. Robert and Miss closin~ contest game of baso ball between · ation. Haydon and Etmiskillen which resulted in a E. Virtue, Misses Minnie e.nd Laura ...--~·-----' victory for the home team by 4- runs. '!'ho foot Hambly, Mr. W. Hooey, J ' r., and Miss bu.JI match wit.h tho Sault boys was a tie, "After Swinburne." darkness ending the go.me o.fter 40 ruinutes' Susie H ooey, Mr. 'N. Hill and Miss E. play. vVe hope to see them have another Hill, Miss A. Shaw, Mr. Jae. and Duncan "Mine eyes to my eyelids cling thickly, i:-ame soon, 'l 'hus ended on A of the moat s ue. McNei'l, 1111 · e Minnie and Lizi1ie McNeil My tongue feels a mouthful and more, cesstul teas ever held in this place, ~' 88 8 Mr. W. Farrell j r. and Miss M. Farrell, :M:y senses are sluggish and si ckly, F'or Rickets, Marasmus. and all Mr. Ed. and M1ssesMary and Ettie Far· To hve and to breathe is a bore. Wasting Disorders of Childre u rall, Mr. J. J.and Wm. and Miss F. Bea· My head weighs"!.\ ton and a quarter, By pains and by pangs ever split, oom, Mr. and Miss Coulter, Mr. C. and Sco_tt's Rm1·lsion of Pi.we Cod Li'cer Oil, Miss Maggie Staples, Miss U nde rwood, Which manifold washings with wuter with Hypophosph·ites, is unequalleb. The Cobourg; Messra. W. and S, Staples and Relieve not a bit," rapidity with which children gain :fiesh Brown, Mr. and Mrs 'rhomas. Smith After Swinburne these lines may be, £~ and strength upon it is very wonderful. Mr. Fred. Mnrks, Misses Susie a.ncl Sele- long way after for that matter, but what " l hM·e used Scott'd Emulsion in case's na Hooper, Messrs. E. Ral!gith, James a description of tho 1na.11 whose bowels ?f Rickets and Marasw:is of long stand- Lawrio and w. P. Prower, Bowmanville. are costive, liver disordered, blood out of mg. In every case the improvement was sorts. Sud1 m1 individual needs Dr. ma.r'ked. " J ..M:. ]\fain, ~I.. D., New I 'ir.AKE c ,~RE of your health. Use pure Pierce'sPle.a aant Purga.tivePellets. They York. P nt up m tiOc. a nd $1 size. articles in preparing your food. Imperial aro pleasant to take and powe rful t o cure. i Cream Tartar Baking Powder cootains no Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures D~i\'l'llOY l'HE WOitltlS 01· they may tie~ · troy the d1iltlrc11 . :t'reeurnn's 'Vorru Pon· impurities or adulterant s. .All grocers all t hose peculiat· weaknesses incid tiut to sell it . t females. 1h·1·~ tleslroy ;nul ex11el all kll11h of worm ~ . for w. i +

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