LIKE AND UNLIKE. WEDNESDAY, J ULY 4, 1888 By M. E. BRADDON, · Auni:)R oF "LADY AuDLEY's SECRET," "WYLLAim's 'VErnn," ETc., E Tc. ~)le" Ti·ied in vaut t o Ge1 R e JieC a nd l1a1l quite G i v e n up a ll Hope. Ccistivcr.ess ancl all Com1 1laints ------------------~ mig ear. e t ey a n te agamst the balustrade. It waR 3ust possible : 1 >::!:q.::- from a di!'o nlf'rr <l stato of the L iver , M:&. E . MORRIS, Toronto, a bdy of the period. The concert wa.s over somehow from gaietv to seriousness, from for him to avoid shaking hands with Mr. Sttwiad.1 und Bowuls , suc11 ~is: · R t T h th · · d airiest talk of their neighbours to tenderest B Hi Id · h DEAR Srn : -I feel it my duty to give m ;gen errace w en "e sisters arrive . tal k of themselvcs-o.nd from seriousness e e wit out appearing consirained or ·· ,, u my testimony for the good I had Patti had sung and depar.·cd, and a stream they had lapsed into silence, particular in his conduct. It would s<iem al- ·0 . D d' r L" d K 'd of smart -people were fiowmg out of the lofty Sh 1 d h most that he held himself o.loof from delioi>te ,,,..,..,m your an. e ion :ver an i ney hall on their way to dances; but the please 1 ler c in upon her hand gazing feeling, loth to interrupt the meeting be· ttera. My liver was ma bad sta.te a.~d antest features of La.dy Glandore's parties at the distant Abbey, with eyes dimmed by tween husband and wife. - -o-I waa a great sufferer. I had tried Ill was t he lamplit terrace where her ladyship's toars ; but it was n ot the associations of that Mrs. Baddeley came sweepinis a.long with Nc:--vou.s Debility, l~ausea, or V~mi~ing, &c_:_ vain to get relief and had quite given up guests s·nntered up ar:d down, or sat about solemn pile which mov~d her. It was no her satin train trailing on the gravel, and all hope, till a friend told me of your in friendly groups among groves of palms thought of. t~e dead lymg there, or of all Mr. Beeching, Colonel Cotterell, and M r. Cnrr.nm_;N 1,IJ( l'i JTt i\foTnv.· r:s J .TKB n ! B ('c~n~o Bitters · . I got a bottle at once and I am and pyramids of flowers, and listened to a that the hvmg had lost by the0 death of Mountnessing in attendance. it \:; :1crt!ca.itln t o t !H~ 1:,f'!. ·, do s n ot occa~; i o11 happy to say the Bitters made a new wo· band si;ationed at the end of the terrace. greatness.h 1 !hwas ~tf herdsclffanhd f her owhn "Do you.,know t~a.t we are outstaying X ·11n ;1·:;, :wt::.; wli"\irn 1t ~r; : :;; -, i s C"rt::dn in itli 1 0 0 0 man of me I can heartily recommend Wha.tever band WM best and most fashion· so t rrodwbs she " . 1 ug 'dan h t . e ohvedrbw everybody? she cxclrumed, "and I have no Pfi\.·0 1 ~ , ~t11 <l ji; c 1foct.ivo i1l ~ 111 ·· tl doses. . hver . ,., Gland ores; ' a oo d' y t erhsic e, an w ose 1 ips a h een . d yrng . to get rid of them to any. one troubled with com- ·bl ~ ew . as t o b a h eard a t L auy t 1 1. d d oubt L a.d y Gl an d ore is I'~ LIQU:O FORM. 1 0 l · 'y l and the chan<>e from the brillin.ntrooms and Pea mg er as never mor a ips a. us all and go to the Duchess's ball. W'hat J Silver 00 r eet, BJwmanville, 1...:irge Bot tles, 25 c e11t s (;°aeh. P amt. ours tru Y operatic music, the crowd, and the dazzle pl~aded . betore, wit~ a silvery eloquence Valentine, is that you? I am glad you ar~ CA'RRIE STEPHENfl. of the house, to this cool reigion of palms I t hat thrilled and aubJugated her senses and back again. Helen, do you feel fit for going I s the cheapest place to buy a. ~~~ - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - a.nd flowers and lampions clustEring among I her soul. on to GroHvenor Gardens?" Steam Threshing Machine ; or a A. POOR MAN'S FRIEND. Good News at Home. the greenery, and Je.panese umbrellacanop· \' What wa? that rough power, the mere "No; I st.all go nowhere else to-night. N o. 1 Steel Binder~somethmg Ona thn..t will ~nvo dn~~s of sickness :in cl irmnr ies, ~nd little tables provided with straw-. fo;ce of a. ".1gor~us n~ture and a dominant I a.m tired to death." :::1. Dol la,r in ti JIJC a 11d JJoctv1·'t:1] J in~, one ::.l \\':\:;s E. M ORRIS, E sQ.,-DEAR Srn.,-1 hav J · bcrrrns tmd cream, and talk n.nd flirtation will, by which v u.lentme had conquered her Not a word of.aa.tisfa.ction at having her new but thoroughlv tested, 800 ncitr nt hnnd, tc1 at, u 1uume11Vs cn.ll. 'l' lii s reason to speak well of your Dandelion and iced drinks; and st irring national melo'. a.llegiance and won her to himself, com- husband agam; no reference to him in friend is l'lmttY l>AV!S' working Jast year ; a new Double Liver and Kidney Bitters. I have been dies, was a. change that delighted everybody. pared w~th ~his tender and spiritual char~, her reply. Adrian marked t he omisson, and Speed Mower-the best in the troubled for imme time with my Kidney And there, across the shadowy Park in the fa.scmation of a man who seemed a.ll m- wondered at it. \Vas love dead !:ietween market ; a Horse Rake that a 5. and a. friend of mine recommended them sombre solemn· grandeur, showed the d~nse tellect and ~motion, a erea.ture compounded those two ? The fire t hat had burned rn d bulk of Abbey and Senate House; the place of fire and hght, ·rather than of gross earthy strongly that night bv the river-, the fl·nie t o . . d 'L \ KEN INTERNALLY ,il cnrcsn)·scnt.ery , year-cld boy can dump ; 4 k inds to me and I tne ~1 mm m . my case, an ~-ere h h_st 1 " ~ the dead, who seem so e:reat, are ly· s ubst a.noes. She h . a d nev_er k no;vn w. ove yvhioh_ he ha~ sacrificed his own rights-was. CLul c r:1. DiH1Th oo·~ . Cramp n ncl ]';'ill h1 t laJ ~:u. nu1 cii , J1<Jwel Colllr>la.iutR , lJ ninl ~ r·~ Colle . of Set.t :::'~)111 . cheap ; Sulky found them to work like a oho.rm ; there- rng ; and t he place where the Jiving , who ~ieant before this m~g1~al voice whispered 1t qmte extmct ? He looked at H elen l 1y:.:pepsi:1 < ·r J ~: digcstion 1 S udden Co!<ls, Sor~ fore I have much pleasure in recommend- seem so sma.11, t rying to talk themselves rn her ear, Ldore this hght hand touched thoughtfully. She wa.s no leas lovely than Plows, Twin anci Singji:: Plows ; a '.l'l:roa. t , Cou;..:·li~ , ..\:c. Ing them to all persons who are troubled into fame and immortality. her own, and conquered at a touch. in that old time when he had loved her · b 11t USRD ~X'J'J~ lt·N ALl iY, H ru rcs Tiruit~es. new kind of Dian..ond Harrows ; l}n rn ~ ;S\.:-:1 l(1s 1111 l! H_pr:1 in ~ . Sv;,ell i n µ~ 0f in any way with their Kidnev. 'l'here were me.ny people in London who "~lrnre ~re tears in yo~r eyes, Helen," he. saw the beautiful face with a. cle~rer, Cut.sf t ho . OU l\ f', l o,1 th :'.d 11; l-'<\>l ll 'll l lic l!::."c ,}. cuHoney Fanning Mills ; Spring Yours truly, preferred La.dy Glandore's terrace to the he Bl.\ld, . trymg g~~tly to d_rnw her face to- ca.tmereye now, and he saw weakness of char· r algi n. n.n<l l U 1cu 11 1;1t i:-m . $;(.'J-f:old hy J' cnl ers J. J. JONES. smartest dance of the season, a.nd who Jin. wards hia own. I know it, though I .can- ~cter in every line- a sweet, loveable, yield'I' Cultivators and Ha1T0ws ; in Fumity ]lc Ll ici:1e~ the \\' ori,J ..AruL Hai. New~)'lville, ·May 3, 1887. gered and loitered there between lamplight not see them, Lov~, why you c_rymg? mg n!l.ture, perhaps, but not a woman for 25 CENTS PEA· BOTT LE. Farmer~ ~kal es ; H orse Fork s ; 13 and shadow, strolling up a.nd down, or lean- ~ tell you agiun th~ gulf not auy man to build his hopes upon, not a r.ewa:·c of Cmmtcrt';:Hs mul lmitntlons. 8heaf Slings ; Machine Oil and ing on the balustrade, drea.mily contempla· inpasa~ble. All g?od- thmgs are ~n the woman for whom to venture o.ll things. tive of that dark bulk of towers roofs, ovher side. If y~ur life were happy-if your · · . Binder Twine. E~.l""it~M&lilii.W!&fiftllil!ll!i (Jonsmnption surely Uured. touched here and there with points of vivid fate were what it ought to be-I would not (TO BE co~T1i:,; UED. } THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. light. ask you- wha.t I aske? to.night·, But - - ·· Farm s1 s call and inspect before To THE EDITOR : Mrs. Ba?del!lY was neitl~er dreamy nor I have seen how you. ~gnore_?, and n~g-Pleue inform your readers that I have contemp !a.tive, and the only ideas the Abbey lec~ed-I kMw how ~ittle ohere .1s to losepl tci:i:g your orders. Time and Longitude. a positive remedy for the a.hove named or the Senate House awa.kened in her mind, while for me th?re IS all to pam-and for It is known that in sailing around the disease. By its timely use thousands of was that death in any form, even when glo- you-at least this. much- to be loved and world, or e\ren in sailing more than ha.If way C o mvcun1l ExtracterPnre lleil Jnrnmca ROGERS~ hopeless cases have been permanently rilied in marble, was an inevitable nuisance, hn~;ired and cherished as you deserve to ~round, the calendar is chang ed upon cross· cured. I shall be glad to aend t wo. bottles and that politics were perhaps a still great;er be. . mg the one hundred eightieth degree of my remedy FREE to any of vonr readers bore. She was of _ the earth, earthy, and ·· H~noured.l 01~, how can you use that of longitude. To understand the reason for who have coneumption if they will send me alwa.ys made the moat of the present mo- word? she Sl\ld with a sob. this change and how it is done, one will find Pot the cu re o[ Sc:1·of11l:-i, SaJt R.hcum, C1111cor, their Express and 'P. 0. address. ment. She speedily took possession of one " Why shou!C I not use it? Do you think it helpful ~o imagine a particular voya~e ?-1.l Ski a Diseas e~, Tnmon:, J~ n l :uµ-~rncu t of th u Respectfully, Dr. T. A. SLOC{J M, 37 of the strawberry-and-cream tables, and had dearest, if you were to make this eacrifice such as will call for t he mo.king of the 0 11s, <li5easC'B I,1V('l' a11cl Spkt:J1, lthl'nmatic A ffrd 1 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. of t he ~(id 11 C'~: s, 111:~d<1t' l' nnd U 1 ·in:i r y ·org:rnfl 1 -a clusj: e r of arlmil::ers about her, wbom she for me I should not honor you so much the change. opprc:5s1011s o f the Clcc:st or J,11 1q:~, Lcuf'orrhr:n, sent oi/1 errands to tho supper-room. mm·e for that sacrifice than for all else that Suppose, for instance, we are at London Cr.t:ir:-1>1 :rnd r.It diseases n:snlting from a d!::"I am going to frighten you all by eating is lovely in your nature." . a.bout the 20th of March. At six o'clock in 1n·:1vcd and i mri11r c cond ition of t.h c l)I9o~l . ADVICE TO MOTHERS.-Are you <lis· a most prodigious suppar," she ctied. " Re.And then he went on with a rgi:eutsm the evening it is sunset. The half of the CL1 1.i.'1'1"<>-'V. -~:lsk fc>1' a D>-. Cha1Mt.iH9.t. .,. turbed at night and broken of -your rest member, I have been acting comedy and , that ha".e. ~een worn th~ea.dbare m the globe west of the meridian line, is lighted --oSa1·.~f'1.J" "i.lla 1·· tnT1·(! ·11.ootlur ln U8 J'J ll'tcc. by a sick child suffering and crying with tra.gedy, laughing and crying, and loving , ca~s.e of ilhc1t love but which alway~ se_em by the sun, the half to the east of t he line of pain of Cut ting Teeth 1 If so send at and ~uffering, for three .hours, and have had or1gma.l. a.nd una.nswera?le to th_ e y1eld1og in shadow. On the opposite half of the me DaviG & Lav1rrence Co., Limited, once and get a. bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's nothmg but one poor h t tl e s:plit and a. tea.- ~ar of the woman wh? listen~. He _ went on ridia.n circle, that is, on the mAridian of one SOL E AGENTS, Soothing Syrup." :For c_!iildren tee thing, spoonful of brandy. I am on the verge of m tha1i low melodwus vo1~e which had hundred and eighty degrees, it is sunrise of its value is incalculable. It will relieve exhaustion, so now feed me, good people. cll!l.·rr;ied honour. and conscienc~ to fatal what is to be the next di~y at London. Now suppose that at this hour of sunset the poor little sufferer immediately. De· What, is that you, B eeching?" she cried, as 1ob'.1v1on many a t1m~ before to mght; the ~~~~ pend upon it, mothflrs ; there is n .. r. dark figure and au expanse of shirt.front 1-yoice of the accomplrnhe~ se~ucer'. who ~as on<:i ship sets sail from London to go a.round D!GES1W E OR AF~EI: ' DINNER _PILLS, by ~ _ -t.c' r rn , ;· ~ ·»Cd chr1·::1t i 1 111, ].·l'Omistake about it. It cures Dysentery rose up in the shadow of a neighbouring ! ~ust heart enough to fancy himself eterna.l_Y the world easbward, and another sets out for TPtLLf l S C!1 :c · i l froi1t w n1;t <i f ] , rQJ)O' pa.lm, like the ghost in the "Cornican Bro· j m. love or;ice a ymir, and who pleads to Jue t he same voya((e sailing westward. Let snd Diarrhooa, regulates the Stomach a nd thers." "I did not think I should see yon 1 nus:_ress m .all the glow and fervou~ of a. them make fQUal speed aud they 'l'lill meet on ~~ i::rc;_·nion ot'1110n :1~tr i c.Tu : ..::' . Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the here to -night. How did you ljke my Peg ?" j p!>SolOD wluc~ see!11s a8 true as a boy a first t·he one hundred. 11nd eightieth degree 0 £ 'l'he~· 3·ive i 1rnn<Hlb1 t~ ~ · n :lif> f ia })_'.\' S p<'Jhi ra. a :~t l j :;d ![.!.' ('S!il.',;: , Gums, reduces Inflammat ion, and give · She was lifting a champagne tumbler to love, and w~10h is for~d~omed to change longitude. They carry tlach a chronomster tone and energy to the whole · ay~tem. her iosy lips as ~he spoke, and Baeching and forgetfu,ness even m its golden dawn. ~hich keeps London time. p,,~::;,~~}:::: ;~:~!;~~~;I ~£:/I'~:1'.i~I l;.~~::; r.:~: : ,,!:.~:. :,·: 2::,'.1'. C:'.~~~~.(:~!~; : :' : r'.; " Mr9. Winslow's Soothing Syrup ,. r1·or thought ehe was a.lludinj?' to some particula.r talked as a man who had never loved . But the ships sail by local time, and this ~:111 1pl1·s <:M~t f:-N>· . \.Jiln··'i - -o- oerore, and could never cease to love. He is corrected every day when the sun is to be children tei:thing is pleaaa.ut to the taste order of drink Davis &. Lawrc nrc C' a .. < Um i~ed:) L1ontreaf. .. 1: L .· " How did you like the play-and-my believed i?himself, ~nd t he realit:i; of . his s~en crossing the meridian at noon. The and is the prescription of one of the oldown emo~1ons hi~ theforce ii~ smc?r1ty. difference between local time an<il Loudon est and best female physicians and nurse~ gowns!" ~he said, impatiently. "I suppose it wa.s all ~·ery fine, but I He. was s_mcere, only 1t was the smcerity of is easily re&d in longitude east or weat in the United States, and is for sale by eason, and w~ul.:I be gone and for· ot L'>ndon according as tho local time ia all druggists through the woild. P 1ice much of a judge of anything bu.t 11 burlesque," a smgle R "Oh, but I h.ope I made you cry," said gotten before n?xt years roses bloomed on or. slow 1 of. the chronometer, allowing 25 cents a bottle. Be ·sure and ask for four mmutes difference of time f..,r one deMrs. B<!.ddeley, attacking a pfatefnl of deli- L!ldy Glandore s terrace. "MRs, WnrnLow's SooTHING SYRUP." ca.cies, which a practical admirer had colHelen heard a.nd seemed on the point of gree of longitude. and take no~other kind. leoted for lrer; foiegr as, chicken, lobster yielding. He had been imploring her to We will now suppose the speed of the vessalad, a.11 on the same plate, leave a h11sband who neglected her , who was sels is such that they will reach the one --o-"It saves so much time," he s:tid : "and obviously unwor thy of her fidelity, and to hundred and eightieth meridian,, and meet : ... you don't seem to be eatin.17 so much " to trust her lot to him. They would leave each other in just sixty d ays, and at the IN CANADA. which Leo laughingly agreed. ' England together; for ever, if ; he chose. hour when it ie sunset at London. Then · "When I finished my supper I meo.n She should not be made unhappy by the again i t is sunrise a.t the point where t he When :Baby was sick, we i.:ave her Castor\a, OVER 10 0 STYLES OF to wallow in strawberries and cream for the vi~inityofpeople she knew, or who knew any· vessels meet, When she was a Child, she cried for Uastoria, HAY SCA L ES , rest of the evening," she said, with frank thmg about her. He cared not where his '.l'he ship sailing, that is, in the same '\\Then sho became Miae, she clung to Castoria, vulgarity ; "and you will all have to amuse lo ~ was cast so long a.a he was by her side. dire~tion in which the earth t urns, has gain. When she had Children, she g ave them Ca.storia, me. I am much too exhausted to do a.ny He had been told that if he wanted to escape ed JUst twelve hours by going half wa.y GRAIN SCA LES, talking myself." ea.rly death he ought to winter in the East- round the woi-ld, and this is the sunrise F'AR M "Then I'm afraid you must be at death's Egypt, Algiers, or Ceylon. Would she not cf its sixty.first recorded day. The ship SCA LE S, door," retorted Beeching. go with !iim? They could spend the early sailing west has lost just half a da.y a.nd TEA SCALES, "Cood gracious!· cried L&o, starting up autumn m Northern Italy, and tl:>en in this is the sunrise of its sixtieth rec~rded IMPRO VED S HOW I . suddenly and looking about her. October they start for Ceylon-a lan d day, though the time has. necessa.rily been CASES " Have you dropped anythiua ?" cried a. whera all things w ould be new, where life the same. chorus of admirers. " Your"' fan-your would be as fresh and full of wondel' as if Now if they were each to complete the HE SCIENCE OF LIFE. handkerchief ?" they were children again. They would live circui t of ~he globe, tlre ship sa.iling· the great medical work "No, it's my sister. I'm her for each other, &pa.rt from society. under a.n ward will keep on gaining, and will mako un WERS 'f o buy Foot Gear for Men, Women, of the age on Manhood, don't you know, poor young thing and I assumed name. No one need ever know another twelve hours in going over the rest f Boys and Maidens, at Kervous and Physical Dehaven't seen her since we left th~ cloak- their histor y. " We would have no history of the way, so that it would come to Lon· ea Oppers room." except the story of our love," he don at sun.set of the onehrwdred and twentyAND BUTCHER.S' SUPPLIES bility, Premature Decline, Errors of Youth, and tho "Oh, she's quite safe," said Beeching in She listened with dropping eyelids, listen· first day if no change wore in its his slow sullen voice. "I s:i.w her a.t ' the eel with one h>\Dd locked in his, listened al - calendar. By the chronometer it would be ADDRESS IN F ULL, Write for terms. untold miseries coneequent obher end of the terrace- the dark end- most in silence. Yes, she could imagine ihat sunsetofthe one hundred and twentieth day. C. W ILSON &. SON, t hereon , 300 pages, 8 vo., 125 J)reacriptions for all diseasos. Cloth, full gilt, J.:iokiug at .th: view- with St. Austell. " life which he clescr~bed, a life in the liberty On the other hand the ship sailing west· ESPLANADE STREET EAST only $1, by mail, sealed. Illustrative sample "I'm air"1d I ought to go aud look them of stran ge lands, m perpetual sunshine a- ward will go on losing a~ before. Ou t he ldle aged men. Send up presently," said Mra. Ba.ddeley, pushing mong picturesque people; a life forever first half of t he its local t ime had fal free to all young and mic TORONTO, ONT. now. Tho Gold and Jewelled Modal awarded to the auther by the Natio1u1l Medical .Aaiooi- ~way her pla.te with a siuh of sa.tisfaction ; c~anging, forever i;iew, and brimming over len ~ack from sunset of the sixtieth day to Mention this paper every time you write. ation. A.ddre8s P. 0. Box 1895, Boston, Mass ' and now, you dea.r good Colonel, you may Vl'.1th !ove, such a life as she had fancied pos. sunrine of the same. In completing its voy· or DR. W. II. PARKER. grad uate of Harvard go and getme. some crea.m,and things, wh .t. s1ble m .that long honeymoon among Swiss age ~twill fall behind j ust the same, and 3 Medical College, 25 years' practice in Boston, w,ho may be consulted confidentially. Specialty ever looks n icest. You are such a oood mountama and lakes, when she had waited eorrnng to London at the time the cat'lrer. St. Austell is a donr fellow, but it 's as a upou her Sultan, made happy by other ship arrives, its reokonine will show Diseases of Man. Office. No. ~ Btll.finch St. OF CANADA. unlucky he has made himself such a bad re - a. smile or a careless caress. She had fancied t hat it is sunset of t he one hu "'ndred and putaliion. " · herself happy in those da.vs, and had been a nineteenth day. The difference between Ca11ilnl paid up, $1,0116,0ilO, ltest, $23@, llO " I don't think he took much trouble willing'.slave; but1he who now pleaded to her the calendars of the two ships will be two .Tuia.., Ba.~1k ts- ;: pared to do Leg it !. a.bout it," answered Beeching. , " I fancy it was to be_ her slave, and she was to be Sul- day~·, if no change is; and neither cal · !=>ur New 8t?ck has arrived, and comrnE>to Banking in all its branches. Nervous Debility. Seminal 1:.osees and prema· m\me naturally. tana. Hts 1ove "'as devoted, reverential, endar will be correct. t ure Decaypromptly a11d permanently cured by F~rmera n ot es dil!counted ; Deposit~ pr;s~s somet hmg neat and p r etty for "Such a pity," sighed Leo. "He is so even; she felt for the ~st time, what it was To make the tally with London ece1 ved and Interest paid on :i.mounts of Ladies, Good and Serviceable for Men handsome- and distinguiehed- and clever- to be youn1t and beautiful. and adored, dates it is necessary tha.t t he ship s<>iling 1 so altogether nice"-as if the last word exSt. Austell looked his best in that dim have its calendar set back one day while S5 upwards in SavingB Bank Department . and Boys, and B oots that R Boots for . every member of t he household. p~esse~ supreme_ :o:nerit-:". and yet people light. The delicate foatuns, the pale com- that of the othe1· ship must be set f;rward D.RAl<'T~ will ta,k a.bout hlm, a?d its almost danger· plexion, somewha.t wim and haggard, after just as !nuch. The place fol' this Does no~ intol'f~e with Diet or usual occupa· ous !or.~ young marned woman to be civil many sea.sons of reckless dissipation; the change IS at the one hundred a.nd eightieth [ssuod and Collections made In Europe tion and fully restores lost vigor and insures lJnlted States and Canada. · TJHJNKS, \ ' AUSJ;S, .t.i.SATCHRLS, JN STO()R.1 dreamy blue-grey eyes, the 1:2fined mouth meridian. perfect manhood. Sent to a.ny address, post· to him. paid on receipt of price One Dollar per box. "You are not afraid, tho'," said Mr. and chin, and the hi~h intellectual brow on The ship sailing east is half a day a.head W. J . ,TONES, ~Ordered Work nnd Repairing I.\ Sole agency, SCHOFIELD'S DRUG STORE, Mountnessing, a mo.n about t'own, who was which the hair gre.w thinly, were all cha:ac. of London time. By calling its sixty.first K ing str )et, Toronto. very d evoted to Mrs. Ba'i deley, butwhoha.d terfotic of a type that women call "inter· sunrise the sixtieth, j ust what the sunrise ·-=-----------...:A"'~" Specialty, aa usual. D . DAVIS. never i?'1perilled his peace of :n!nd or _ de· estin!!." Helen felt the charm of tha.t pale, ~he morning before had been ca.lled, we pu t ~-~----~-~pleted h1s purse for any woman hvmg. "You emot1ona.l countenance as deeply as she felt its tlme twe:ve hours slow, and this it will are uneommoi;ly civil to him." t he magic of that musical voico. She stood gain, and come to port at the one hundred " Oh, I count. I am a Bohemia.u of by his side in silence, letting him plead and twentieth sunset. · 'B the Bohemians, I make no disticntions. I letting him clasp her hand, letting him as'. On the other hand t he vessel sailing west ·. ! ; know so t~~roll:ghly well how .to take care sure himself of victory. reaches t he one hundred and eightieth merof myself, said Leo, devourmg as iced The ba.nd was at the other end of the terat its sunrise. It is half a day Your attention i s direct ed to the immense soufile. race, and it was nea.r that end that L'.ldy behind London t ime. Ca.11 this sunrise the - -o- stock of "Upon my word I believe you do," said Glandore and her friends were olustcrin2 in aixty-first,a.ndtha.twillmakeitstimetwelve And to t he chorus agreed. little groups, whioh thinned momently. The hours ahead of London time. This twelve with its advent Buu my s!ster is younger than I am, and sound of a waltz came softly, broken by hours, however, will be lost on t he rest of ·k nows very little of the world, and ought from the unce, t o those two in their soli voyage, and the ship will come to por t of every descript ion at ! . t<? be looked after," a.Aid Leo, attacking a. tude. They heard nothing but that fitful ebb with the other one at the one hundred and a,a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pme-apple cream. "Not nearly so good as and flow of melody, no sound of voices· till a. twentieth sunset. · · ll!l&fi _ lf t r-' . ·1 li\11 .· '0 thesouflle,Colonel;youshouldhavebrought voice close to them startled t hem iike a Bythischangeofthec;;!eudaraa practis- h d e . . me more of the souffie." clap of thunder. eel, the local time ci>n never differ from L on. a$ opene OU t a fine new stock She has just opened out one of the laroel!lt "And Mr8. B elfield has not the adYa.ntage "I been looking for you ever . don by more the.n half a day, and a.s no less - ofand moat s tylish stocks ever b r ought Ori!lltl!e Liquo1· Ilabit. Poeitinly Cured I o_ f a huaband in India," said Colonel Cotter- where, Helen," said Mr. Belfield, " a.ndyl cha.dug~ thha.~ th l a.t of one entire day ca.i;i be to town, consist ina of ·J "Y Adminfstct·ing D r. Ha.incis' . ell. to think A drian na.d made a fool of ma e Ill t e ca endar, the method described 191f · 1 "' . , Golden . "No, indeed, poor t hing !" agreed Leo me when. he told me you were to be here the closest correspondence between ' l U:I l Ji J.B. e 1· i· e s s Silks It c: q'glvrninacupofcol1 ce ortca.withon1 "A negl ectfu l h usb fill d a.t home IS . not ' '"h . ' 1 locahtimeand tha.tofL VJ Ii~ ... e two brothers were standmg side by. . ' . on d on, accor d" rng_ t 0 c uvC., l:iar.orless, nnd will efJ:'ect a. permanent an<l speedy nearly so great a p rotection for a wife as a aide in the uncertain light of the little gold-1 which we r eckon longltude. · euro whetl1cr the patient Is v,modc;rate drino:er or d k" d f ll . I d' .. d l l \\Tith a very fine stock of Feathei'B d . 1 1ampsdottedamongthepa.lms and 1 anacoholicwrcck.Ithasl>cen given!nthousnuds ear m e cw m 111a, to1mgfor one cooure -·· · an a ovey Rtock: of Fl 1 chf caf>e .s, andd every o. perfect cure under a tropical sun." twinkling among the flower beds They The Met hodi ' st C h h t St J h b 'owers. 1 as o O\'l"C · , , nei«r fa-ils. 'l'ho ayotem once j " S t h" ,, "d h d . . · I urc a . o DB ury C II d · 1 1 llllJ. H e;;naLed witll tho f,lpeciilc, it !lecomcs an ntter o ouc ID!! ! sa1 t , e Colonel. stoo side by sule, cla.d exactly in their j Vt. had a debt'of $708 and the pastor a t' a an rnspe?t t h" fine d isplay, which For . . . even"ingdress l"k d t l"k v 1 d! w n cqnr.otfa1!to ' f . c1rcu1'!'r an , partlcuhus · · · * * * * . > . 1 e an , ye }Ill 1 e, a,, en- 1 e it repwved. So a few Sundays a.go when __ . - ·g1v _ e_s a t lS __ _ 1 __ _ __.... .shoulderea, v1g~rous-lookmg, I the congregation went to church they saw ~6.Pl!:C1Fl co.· 18:i Rnco St,, Cmc"""att,O., There were fewer lamps and less people tn~e, broad, · - . at tha~ end of the t errace where Helen lean· ta.Iler than his by. an mch. or two; J bel~ind the pulpit a big·board, on . ' as are. still show edaga1nst.the stone balustrade, looking across slent;r· fragile, pale, mtell?ct- whloh.":as dr.awn a. mountain. The mountain I Ladies in want of a choice of fine str!ped .fine lines and broad low. level Pa:rk, with its rows of lamps, ua ace, a:i delicate to attenuati?n. was divided m to apparent geologica.l strata, · 0 · str1p6".I bemg ahk!'l fashionably worn, and hke strmgs of Jewels hanging a.cross the if spmt and flesh were embodied and each stratum was marked a.ccording to Fancy Dry Goods, please give me II DREAD made of this 1 2 soft , he;ht summer 'cheviots, with a dull sur· darkness, and its distant boundary of gothic m two forms. size with "$l," "$2," " $5 " and so on up a all I h th · dl took 3 First Priz<s at Ont:tri·: face in beige, gobelin blue, terracotta, many pin!la.cles and dark walls, pierced with spots h Heled she her 1 to $50. The pastor said he wanted to ' ave em Ill en ess have writtex , sh.ade~ of gray, ~olden brown and reseda., of light. · ut a little agitation wh~ch wasonly, see th~ m.ountain of debt wiped out and as vanety at store, opposite S. A, to say that it sur passes any yea~· with lines or stripes of some different but St Austell was by her side ['he h d at so. unexpdcted a meebmg, \subscriptions were announced from the conB ever 11scd by them. harmonizing color, spot for nnn.rly nnyhouar Y,oul' come back, Val?" she . esponding figures and arracks. It makes the lightest, whites\ 1. are rused by ladies' tail been' in the s·me .,. ~ no ask e Wdhe,n, t ISD t lk to } k t I gregation the corr sw eetest bread~ rolJs, buns a .ait 00 ors an.d d r1111111I1a.-11;er8 1 for Wl\lkii1g &nd The . y had of many things beginning e you me up a j sections were w.iped from the boa.rd; a.nd in M buckwheat pancakes. : traveling gowns. the lightest, .Heen illtendina that ! a · 't. 't l"k ,, h twent1-five mmntes the whole mountain Bakers in nearly every townil " . course 1 isn I e me, e answered, had disappeared and there was $50 to spare, Bowmanvme, March 13, 1888. 12 cp~~~Ec 'F~v~t. CENTif 9 1887 ·a m p b ellford > J one · · ' to transform herself from Peg \Voffington to wor C l I tere:J. with a carelessness which reassured that guilty heart. " I should not be here if it wa.s not for Adri an. I went to look him up at h is hotel before going to my club, and he made me come here with him instead of going to t he club with me, as I wanted him to do. How white you are looking, Helen." " ft is the light of the lamps," she fal"Then they must be dooced unbecoming Gents' Clothing Cleaned, Died, Pressed and Rape.ired by THOS. PE AT C:: r~o tJHAPTER XXIH.-ON THE TimnACE. there should be only the lip-htest talk be- lamps. How d 'ye do, St. Austell?" . The two men nodded to each other, but St. h It took ,Mrs. J~·ddeley · cons1"derable t 1"me tween ae d a.ll · the b ack grour;id ' 1ea.mug · ~ ~ !d t . em ht that h night, y tsuch h talk h d "fthe d A.u~i;e11 k ept m c r : 1ronic onstl!Jation, Dyer and Clothes Cleaner, Goods warranted to be as no one will know them from new when done. Corner of Kmg and Ontario Streets Bowman ville. ' ' T o Farmers and Thrashers I I I 1 C. ROGERS ' 1 Dr. CHANNING'S C. I I sr,RSAPARI LLA TO BE HUNG! 3000 rolls of fine just received A fine line of I I '\;VALL PAPERS fie, Hy. C. Tait. to choose from f:.1p ~.1,: . : : I~. BABY CARRIAGES THE LARGEST SCALE \VORKS PHDTOBRA: PHI got up in as good style as can be supplied in this section .E XHAUSTE D VITALITY T c~uld chaperonin~ MONEY MA M Ch 91 Popular No. 1, STANDARD BANK Boot and Shoe EMPORIUM . ! ERRORS OF YOUTH, DUNN . B A KI N C POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND )Vs ~on·t I I c Sp R I N G idia~ sixtie~h BJ ~ \\,J .~ as-~ ~ !: N : '. & ~ ~ LADIES M~; Beechin~, ~hich MILL IN E RY .· LY "~- lWUn:a~ '~ ~ vet~. t~e MRS IVES thok1...,W>-odge ofthep~rsontakiug it;i$nhsolutely i , . . D RUNKENNESS I Specl:!~~· I be~an "!secure~ L a c e s E rob ro1'd er1es' . PlUs h es I y, D I~, in~t.ance lmpossll>lll~for.Lllehquorappet1Leto exist. I ~011 '!lldre~s (~OJ,n.EN ~uitwgs, t~ey te~med, e~ects, ha~r !lt+i~e It~e t~lked na~:ira Id1~ I~ t ., ~ith e_a~ures ~twas d~ ,iffer~nt ~voice.faltere~ a~ ~eeted ~~rOyf A~~ian Il A01 [SI fINt uNafRWfAR l ~ ·~ acti~n· I -. _ _ _ I ~ F'~v~!:~~:~"1~~~ I an~ BREAD MAKER'S Y EA~T th~~ Yea~ RS. IVES,