Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jun 1888, p. 1

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TBRMS :-11.60 Pu AnUM:. N:sw S:e:RI:irs. NuMBEB 517 . M. A. JAMES EDITOR AND PROPRIE'.IOR, OUR TOWN A.ND OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. =====:======~1!======================~~~;::.==== =-~ --- ====~t================================================================= VOLUME XXXIV. NUMBER 26. BOWMJ...;N;VILLE~ ONT.A.RIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1888 . FRA~,1' -- \10UCH, JOHOSTON & CRYDERMAN'S ' week about . JU. FIELD I B. A. ' &c. ~. COUP.TICE. Mra. Tzemeer, of Mariposa, ia visiting her sister, Mrs. Short, Sr. Mrs. John Pickel has returned home from visiting her sons in Manitoba. Mr. end :Mrs. Wm. Mutton, former nsidents of our village spent Sunday here. Mrs. A. E. Clemens and children, 0 Tyrone, are spending a few days at th old home. At the sale of the Keast property, on Thursday last, Mr. Eli Earle, of Cart· .wright, bought the farm for $2,850. 1'he Ebenezer Y. P: A. has closed Hs meeting& for the summer. H has been decided to hold an ASl!ociation pk-nic during July. The Lieutenant and several soldiers attended the Salvation Army camp meet· ing at MalV>ern, on S11.turday a,ll(l Sunday last. During the absence of the Lieut. private H~tty Phair successfuUy led the TYRONE. Mr. T. W?rth, of Souris City, M1m. , COWA NVILLE. Mr. 'rhos. and Miss Nellie McNeil aro Solicitor, Notary, BART.&I~'l:ER, COBOtlRG. Office r~~~n1our Block, l\:ing Street. ,--....;:...:._~· ·-----~---- · rlARMS WANTED. ',«ef'ZUAIG & MAINWARING, Estate a.~ is visiting friends hers. visiting friends in Hope. Mrs. Brisbin, of New Park, was here I ¥!ss Adina Smith, of 1;i'ewtonvillc, is visiting ht1r daughters last week. I vis1tmg at Mr. W. Andrew e Our Base Ball team, "Gladstones" · ~Ir. G. M . Da.-idson and mother are will pla. aJ,Enniskillen Friday afternoon. taking a trip through the w~st. . Layton Br?s. are improving their build· mgs by erectwg stone ~tables und. e r. Mr. Wm. Cowan broke his finger, on the 16th, while putting his horses away. Messrs. Samuel nnd \Villium Seymour, Mrs. Seymour, and Maste1 Cobbledick wore visitin~ friends in Pontypool last week · ' d 1 Mr. J a.mes Waddell ha somo s 1eep killed by lightning during the heavll' storm on Sunday evening, 17th inst. Mi·. Moses Uowan'a were worried by dogs on8. night recently, and a. nnmber killed. - - -- - -- - · · the past } l . H ave opened out d ur1ng .CAR PE TS Bought direct from the celebnirte~; 'M manufactur:ers, John Crossle~y .c8q ···nE ~ELLER, Sons, of Halifax, England. '. I a.~pointed ~ r. Joseph Colwell has rented Mrs. Pinch's farm, now occupied by Mr . Jas. 11~ VICTOR[A. STREET, ·1·0RoNTo. Sully. · . . · Harry Brent, of Uxbridge, was '~1 exchange a'!lum ber of well rented houses in "I'oronto. payi'!)lg 8 good rate or i!i'.l'terest, for visiting his father at the home.stead last itmt·clasa farmn free of mortga1te; week. . . Why let m'tliney on deposit at ~ per cent. Mr. vV. Trewm and wifo1 of Haydon, ' When jndici'1!la investment in Toronto pro· ·perty will rOOlize ten times that e:mount1 were the guests of Mr. Jos. Hawkey, 011 MONEY ~WANED on Farm tt>roperty at Sabbath. ' lowest rates. . . Mr. Rtclurd Davey and wife. and Mrs. We candf.'er several investments In rented housea- ool!.tral loealities. T<l'Mtiti:>, paying ten Rvbt. '!_)aver have been spendmg a few per cent. e'll amount invested.. days au Whitby. By notllt!ring us direct or b? 'leaving notice "Windsor Castle" is a~out complete at STA'OO:SMAN OFFICE, 'Bowmanville, or with P. 'l'R EBILCOCK, Bodll:Bllller. Bowman· and Tom has a place which would be a ville, interviews may be u_rranged with our credit to a city. repre~~e.tive, Mr, R. C. $NdLAIR. H 3in, The "Gladstones " go to Hampton on Monday. Be sure and give a good a.o· meetings here. cmmt of yourself, boys. 1tJ.AP1£f.J GR<YVK The Sona intend holding their ammal Ji"aTmers are vt1.n:y busy m~rdering the , ·pic-nio to Lake Scugog, on Saturday. A EXACTING wee<ds. ; good time is anticipated. 11nr11qualled SERVICE Misa:J\'1. ~. Joffury ;js 'h~me spending' ]\fr. F. A.Weeks wa5 to town la~t week tlt,e long 'holidays. improving some of their line houses by M-r.. 'Ed. 'Co~e, of ·Ohll'!)h Town, wi:.s giving them a coat of paint . liere·an Mondny Bl)eing :friends. ]\fr. Jos. Moore aent some new pot.a.toes 'The wonng folks are hallking of gett~ng to tow11 last week. The tirdt for the ~od hy Wfil a ~pic·nic to ~o to 'Lake Scugog soon. season. No :flies on you, J'oseph. !$'i,. u. s. Qt,a.,<;t SurBES'.J'. s.. i._ '0ur anniversary .w as 111"11 attended, \!tut Mr. T. Pollard and wife, -0f Glendive, ~l'; in u. -. $. N11val Ob,. ~ ··~.~-' c~tiJ'.&~~:i,;; I t~1e Sun 'llilln ·wa-s wrong when he clmims Montana, are visiting friends here. Tom ..., rvatoey;b:J ~ ;-Jl A~ntaeft~~;~\~L that it we-a because it,w..s advertised in is tbe same old two·aud-six-pence. f.~~~~~~~~~on~ ~· ~i~e:.:ia:,~:··· l!ihat pa.per. Mr. 'l'. GarJiner & S·ons are over hanl· ~\'..:.'ii~r~~~ri',th1'h1'3 ['he funeral se:rnnon·frf the late Ed.ward ing M.·. W. H. liick1>' liorise on the [~elll!t was preached on Sabbath las~, but corner of King and S;padi~'a. Aveuue. ·owing ·to,the we-t weather the congrega· Our " Sure Pops" wtrnld a.wfnl well don was i3mall. like to have a ga.m~ of base ball with the What ·mig'ht have 'been a very ser.i.ous Haydon " Shiners" on some near date. accideut·0ccurred on Wednesday eveniog Tommy's bee oo Friday afternoon was liaat, when Lola J.\fay ·Snowden, daughter well attended ; thti boys worked well a· d Has been sole agent for pf Mr. 'J:rhos Snowden, who is just able the lem::made W1ta dished up in good the celebrated 1R0c1rnoRD WATCRES, to pat ai~mnd, went a :Little too near an ebape. ·open ce~lM' door and fell down, .fractrn'ing they are thie lfuest American Watch the bone ,of the right-leg above the knee. l\fr. ,J. T. Wel~h and Mr.W. H. Hicks MdL~ughlin set the limb and -ll'be is went to Toront(), on Wednesday, to manufactured 1and are guaranteed Dr. doing nioely. attend the funeral of their sister.Jaw, Mrs. H. Welsh. from the faet0ry-as being fin t-class, . CARTWJ:l:IGH'l'. '£his circuit retains its senior pastor. Call a.ntl ·el!Camine them. Mrs. 'ViiUiam Henry }j"~rg.uson., L1t1u, Rev. A. E. Sandersm1 goes to colle"e. Rev. J. D. Dyer, <·f Oshaw~, who S~<' We have ale© 'the finest stock of ·i15 improving favorably· ceeds him, is very highly rncomrnemled. all kinds 0;f Watches, Gold and ' 1j!~~ £:J:n~!r;~ !~~~w, !Lotus, visited i M!lo"" T '."'O urtia has been unwell and was Silver, in the :te-:w.n of Bowmanville. Mrs. Rd~ert J.obb, Cartwright, liad · n~ble to work on account of the inten~ heat last week. The thermometer In Jewellry, ;w;e !have an endless tak~n a chan,ge for the better. Some 0ne eut th'.l hair oft' \V. Taylor' d seore<l.' 94-f-fo the shade and 112° in the Still. variety-Cloekfil .of all kinds very 11oadster's bii a few nights ago. Bachelor David has taken tmt·l h'mself di.eap. _ Mr'. Howucl Renders, Cadmua, was on a wife to live through his "Noblf:l" life. & business visi.t to the n0rth la!ely. In Silverware we -have the e"'.:.Tho happy couple went on horse back to Miss_Minnie Handers, of Yelverton, ia the parson · to get the knot tied . Con· elnsive right to se-'ll .for the largest visiting her unele Mr. Howard Renders. gratulations. Hrs. James Strong, Manver11, was taken firm in the U.S. The quality and Rev. .A. E. Sandereon'a Friday night suddenly and seriously ill a few days ago . class <tssembled at Mr. W. R. C!emens', prices are th<J best .aud lowest in The Cartwright creamery, owned by on Saturday night last, and pres~nted this part of t.l1.e eott(i\My, We ask Mr. Robt. Philp, ia domg a good busi- him 1Vith $10.00 a~companied with a suit· able address. you to call and ex{l.mme our goods ness. Mr. and Mrs. W111. Philp, of the Wil· before buying. lows, are 'l'isitiag friends in Weatern On· ORONO. Specs and Eye Glasses, Cases, &c., t~J· ....,._ T (From the News.) . . ,, ,._ - mr. horn as Bruce, Cartwright, has Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pollard have been ----o we Carty the lea.dmg stock, an<f lost 6 or 7 good shf:lt'[J frolll some to him visiting friend11 in Lindsay. 1guarantee every pair for 6 months;-, unknown disease. Mrs. W. H . May, of St. Thomas, is · _ · ·j if well used. If they 9 .reak we Mrs._ Brown, wife of Mr. Dai;iielBrown, visiting hel' home, Mr. Lewis Clark's. O_ u r censtaDt ann IS to Jteneflt tb.e peO})Je by COUdantly . ·n , . th f· f h . Cartwright, has left for a v1s}t among Mr. Sherwood, of Sanilac Co., Mich· l W I · ..,. l"' I at ,.,.e ad'\'e1·t1·ze ,..,. w~ repair em iee o c aige. Manilla. and Omemee frieuds. igau, is visiting at Mr. John ·Jackson's. 0 fle1·1ng · )argains. e ~ 10... .,, 1 · Call and get fitted nroperly. Mr. Wm. Nelson and wife, of Fa1 ·rv1"ew · , ' "e · t' We were pleased to see our former mean 11dtat 'vbat we say. We never 1bink it ·wo1·th farm, Lotus, are on a. vishing tour among townsman Mr. John Lyness, of Whitby, OUR REPAIRING DEPART:MENT.-- We friends in l"enelon and Harvey. here last week. while t.o quote pt·ices, fol· 't'llat ean any one knoiv can only go over the same old sayMrs. Thomas Lawson and Mrs. Elizabeth "Dummy" Duncan while prowling about m.·,ticJes nierely by tlte price in a neWS}laper? · b t ·uy C McKee, Cartwright, have left for a visH around D. A. Gamsby's back yard the mg, t a we repair natches, locks among Oro and Medonte friends. other day ran foul of the clog h0use and Tl1e .C.·u· ibe1ter '1'ftY is to ~all and exa1nine the111 Cot· and ,Jewe1Jry in the most skilful Mrs. Mary Jane Taylor, of Bowman· found t he dog to-home. Since then you1·sel£ ·S uffice it to say, iCtlte1·c JS 1101101· Ill n1an, or manner. We aie hoked upon as ville, was visitin~ at the home of her Dummy carrie5 his hand in a Gling. · d GOODS t I · b mother, Mrs. C. B. Power, Cartwright. _Mr. George Hill, of Hope, is visiting Til·tue Ill ;goo a . OW Jlriees, We mean to e the only reliable Watchmaker in Chief of the Cartwright detective force his brother, Mr. Richard Hill. Mr. Hill ma~te1· ot the situation. Co1ne and see 0111· DRESS this part of the country. Mere don't you think the old adege, "it is a conducted a prosperous boot and shoe 11 GOODS. tile best -vaJue. in f0'1'D, (or can be offe1·etl) talking can't do the work, but tools., no tum" was re\'ersed Financial .A.gents, · 2000 NEWCA13TLE. Prof. Dadswell's singing clas.:i iutandif !lhortly giving a concert. Mr. Chas. \Vilmr,t has returned from his trip to the upper J,.kt's. e MagiBtrate Robinson fined J 03. Colsoue· $3 :rnd costs, in all $10.45, 'l'hursday, for· insuhiug Miss Ryan. Hev. H. Walhr pruached his faniwell sermon ia ~he Methodist church here last Sabbath everimg. The family left for their 1101v home in Clifford Wednesday. Mies Annie 1\'loore ha~ returned from the Toronto Normal 8chool, where she has succeeded io pasaing the final second claea teachers' ex~1uination. taking e.n extra hii.:h standing of over 90 per cent. ()n Thursday evening, 14th inst., about fifty members of the .Ladies' Aid llllclt at the residence of Mrs. '\Vr1ght, where thev were joined by the Methodist choir, and all proceeded to the Methodist parso1111ge, where they presented the Rev. R. Walker with an addres·, a beautiful hand paint· ing and a unique porridge set ; also Mrs. Walker with a silver cike basket and butter cooler.-News cor. Annual Werry Picnic. On Wednesday of last weuk the annual Family grounds of Mr. Wesley J. Philp, a short distance south-west of the 'rown of Whitbv. The weather was very hot, but otherwise pleasant and upwards of a hundred of tho '\Verry cJ1mecti?n iueluding a few person· al fnende were m attendance from Mariposa, C.trtwri~ht, _Da,rlington, Whitby. Toronto, Bowmanv1l!ti, Port Perry ancl el· ewhere. The spacious lawn and gr.nmds afforded ample facilities for~arnes which were freely indul.~ed in by the young people and some who wern roung people long ago. Base ball, swinging, croquet, etc., formed the leadinrr game3. There was an abundance of voe;{! and instrumental mnsic. · Several "'ent to !;he lake duriog the afternoon and ea · joyed the refreshing bree;i;es wafted from its waters. Dinner and tea were bvth served on tables erected under the shade ~he tree3 on the lawn, and the hungry Editor was not forgotten when the chick. en pie was served. As noted on a former occasion, there seemed to be a 11triki1w affinity between some Darliogtvnions and Pickeriogites of opposite sexes, and the resuh may yet ba chronicled in the mar· riage notices in THE S:rA'.l'R8MAN. lt has seldom been our privi!f:lge to attend a a more pleasant sochl assembly and we believe all present fnlly enjoyed the occasion, Among those present wore :- Mrs. James l\fonis, Miss Mon·is, Master Eddie Morris, Mrs. Thos. Symons, Mr11. Thos. -Hoar, Mrs. A. l\fitchel, Mr. and Mra. J. Osborne, Miss Winona Osborno, Miss Hutchison, and Mr. and Mrs. M.A. James and Mis3 Mary Mosetta James, Bowman. ville. Mrs. P"ter Wany, sen ., Mr. William Werry, and Master 0h?.,do3 Werry, Misses DeHaand Mtnuia Werry, M:ra. J. Clarlle Marter Willie Clarke, Master George Cowie and l\Ir. ]<']etcher Werry, Solina. Mr. and Mrs. 'l'. A. Wright, Miss Wright, Mr. and Mrs. John Wright Misses Kate and Nora Weny, Mr. Frank Wright and Mr. Le ·~· is Werry, Cartwri"'ht. Mr. and llfrs. Benj. Werry, Mr. ~nd Mrs. P. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Werry and family, !\fl', and Mrs. Arthur Wtrry, Mr. W. E. and Miss Pollard, Mra. T, .Jardine, Sr., ( Tyrone) Mr. and l\fre, G. Pearce, Mr. Jas. Cole, Misses Gtiorgie and Odie Cole, Iv~essl's. W. S. Wight, H . C. Hoar, and Sila· Hoar, Miss Ponrn. and Mis8 Hutchison, Darliogton. Miss Philp, Mr. and Mrs. A. Welcl1, Nfos Welch, and Mr. Philip lhmdle, T oronto. Mrs, S . Hatch, Misses Rich,udson Miss Mamie Hichardson, Mrs. Peardon : Meserg, Albart and Lewis Richardson Whitby. ' Messrs. Edward and John DeHa.rt Mies Sara DeHart, Mr. W. and Miss McGregor, Mr. '\V; Brown , Miss Graham, Mr. and Mrs. John Davey, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Osborne, Mias M ackey, Mr. N elson and Miss Bertie Davey, Mr. and J\frs. R. T. Philp, the Misses Philr 1 Pickering. Mies Mable Wrigh;., Prince Albert· Miss Agar, Chatham; Miss L . Cornish' Little Britain; and some others whos~ names we did not obtain. The company dispers~d between 8 and 9 o'clock, after singing Auld Lang Syne and God S i VC the Queen. The next meeting is expected to be at Lake View the pleasantly situated residence of Mr. John Osborne, B owmanvil!e. a:,th~ring, known as the Werry 1 icmc, wr.~ held 011 tho splendid _.Y ards of new Brussels and. Tapestry 1htitk·Train ROCK ;FORD ITCHES A YI AR0, Newest designs andl colorings and no better value. anywhere. Couch, Johnstoro &Crydorma O:ne Door West of Post,_Office. Bowmanville. 30 0 GEORGE LA/NB, The Farmer's Friend. o! M'ith all sorts o:f Tl'innning-s to suit U1e a1·ticles. Tbe ability and experience combined f h' h iP' _ .ene1·al stoc·~ oC !§TAPLE DRY GOODS-ve1·y coincau, 0 w ic we hav .e plenty. "' ~ MAYNARD tdete. '1'\llEEDS 'vith lU!i are SOOU 1nade ll}J-ill a · , · 1 p b ) "II l d v.e~tl·v, Coterif:: .ant anta·y, y ve1·y s i i C( an note- 44. The Jeweller. ~ able '"·ork1nen. --·------------------..- --·-- --- ~~~gol~~~ ~~~t 7has ~~~~n~:shf~er:rstorvi~t nh~~~efn °:01ir~~: ~ ----o---- --------! M NEW GOODS TO HAND "'tXT Sl,,....0Wl·ng v v e are.' now . .l CANADIAN _l_L_L.. 1-N-ERY· PRINTS a·11 the -·-·-·-----·.---· -- -------~--------. . L eading and most Fashionable Fonth · 11 Nurser1·es ' l Shapes and Styles New Hats . . . New Bonnets, New Ornaments, LARGEST IN CANADA. . - rs ' F eathe rs ' a11.d nnrsery We want reliable. energetic men to seJj, onr Rl. bbons , -Fl owe stock; previous experience not neces. sary; any man t~ct and energ~ can Terms hberal, e1tl1er salnry F rl. nges · · oul!lt free. , Dangers stand thick through all the d groun ' For the unlicensed pedlar in Cartwright f d onn · iVlcaslos caused tho death of a child of M r. R o bert B aggs, s ou th M · a.nvers. UT ne understand that !lie mother is suff.,ring from the same disease. · In a match game of quoits that came off in Eldon, between Mr. Thomas Cairns, of that place, and Mr. Howard Henders, of <Ja<lmus, ihe latter defeated tho form· · er in three straight gam as. Score several 'l'ho lh.:1';11r. 'l':BADE should be careful to ob· for Cadmus. ser.ve th ~ t ev' ry piece of print l\"' the stamp o! purcl1aaed bear~s ir. J a.mes D enny, a f onner reapec t·e d teacher in Ihe Lotus academic iu&titutiou, . The M 0,0' . og Tex ti le & Print Co'y 0 and who hasdbeen for some time prosecutthe genuine lus · stu I in nr<l l l' to ba sure of getting . ing !es at the Ottawa Normal · . article. S - --o - chool, 1iasbaenviaitingat PoplarCottWAltmHO lJSE, 93 St. Peter Street. MON'.l'RE. !L. age, ~~~.-ct reaiclence of Mr. R . Me· / Boom in births so far as Cartwright is concerned. Mrs. James Stewart presented her partner for life with a male pledge oadfdaelfdecttoiot~nle. l)~prusl.at1'wonlllo.f oMuorunlltojboyle hdaos · minion. Twios were added to the house· hold of Mr. Joseph .Archer, Son th Cart· . wi1h ' wright . Mrs. John Port~ous, followillg su.cc~ed. or ~com· the noble examp' t h b ht t 0 h mt~ion ,e se ' as roug er Oiir agents have advantages, such as selli~g home a degree of joy by presen~iug to hous~grown, liardy Canadian .3tock. 1l'ry1s John a bouncinu boy ~ · season we have a nnmber of choice speclal't'l(ls which are of value 1md which can only b "'ll'~ 'rbe weekly rnliaious services held in secured from ua, rnch as a complete list of ·trlffi 0 · ~h . "'t l C t · 1 ar wr1g it, New Russian apples, the Hitson pear. saund· : ., I .iam ,o~ s ~, ;io 1ouse, · . .,. ' -- I Qu~i · . . . . WE EXCEL IN FASHION ABLE MILLINERY ' · I r'iJ \ "] E Q · LA I N G. I · d neig · 1 ten. years. SI10 was a lun i b or, e. loymg wife an~ mother, n.nd will be sadly m the field of Cbnstian evangehzat1011, m1ased by all with whom she was acquaint. the noblest fl.old in which can be engaged j ed. Mr. Hunter haa tho docpoet eympaLCHV'S SUJ,l"RUR so,lr i. an elegant aruOCCASIONAJ, U \ISES or n gcio<l dathartlc I h umau eneroies and human s~'mpathies thy (if all his friends like Hur<locli Pills a··c ncr,cs~ary tokccp tile ! "' J · I · and neiahbors "' ' in hir> · el e, au it cl ~an~r.s amlpurrnes the ~liln m<Jst bloocl pure ;ul«l ttu~ body bcnltbJ. - 'Varde1·. i sad bereavement. cffcet1m1Jy. ~1s wife are earnest .an.d devoted \'l'.ork.er;i northern sections ofto Canada. T!'or terms apply Stone & W e llington, 2!--:lm Toronto, Ont. ~!l~~l~~;:f~~:.:~;.~;~~~~; . ~~.~~l~~ :rg::;;;~i~~::K[i~~i~ i~!:Ef~~1~I~~g~~W~:l~~~ M _ r . J _ames l\:fa d'll 1 . Tlus · gen, '1 ema.n an d 1 years. Mr. Thoe. Und erwood, first Dep. Reeve of ciarke, cut his foot severely by stepping on a broken lamp chimney after retiring to his room on Tuesday night. .A doctor was called and found i't iiecess. ary to pnt in a few stitches. Clarke lailies will be interePted i ' u ie~d. ~ ,ing the advertisement of McClung Bros. Bowmanville, in another column. Note their announcement of a sw~eping sale of millinery, dress goods, &c., during the month of June and July at wonderful d t' re Wilson might eit up night and day for the bafo.nce of his life ' an d s t u d Y " J' ' th.e t 1me, an d t Jlen never b e h aIf as m uc1 t Ik d b h as b een 3 i t ·e T a out as b1 ie · l1i s arres smce Ill oronto y constable Jar".ia. Ifhegctsintotroubltioncemore he will become al most as popular a~ c. g. armetrong's new dress goods, suiting~, boots and ehoes, flour, coal and nlllchine oils, &c. 1'ry him. !tis our sad duty to chron.i cle the death of ~rls.·Tames Hunter, which took place at ' nglewood " on Monday, 18th inst. Deceased had been ailing for about ten de.ya and was apparently convalescing when Oil Monday 11he was taken wi " th a fainting spell from which she never rallied . Mrn. Hunter was well and favourably l mown throughout the :rownshif), both as a teach er and as a wife an1 mother. H · 11v111g a good ed ucation, and more than 0 T:::onp:~acher M'.

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