Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1888, p. 4

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I I ST PB ETTIB -THE- VALUABLE RELICS SALBILf, Clarke Council. All desire my beautiful patterns of .WALL PAPER. It ·s acknowledged I t h ave th b t ·t d tt· men an Pre 10$t Patterns ·n town · D On't ial t 0 g1ve Rev. Mr. Gunn will reach here next 'l'own Hall, Orono, June 5th, '88. Sunday at 2:30 and R "· I. Cou~h at 7 p. The Co:incil met thie day. The Reeve 0 4 0 m. Tea on Monday F m clock to in the chair. Other members present 7:30 p. m. Several a .tresses after from Mes;rs. Thornton, Underwood and Jack· A. few days since we happened to be in speakP.rs from town and elsewhere. eon. The mi1ulles of I.1st meeting were l the shop of Mr. John Maynard, jeweller, Tickets 25c. read and confirm&d. of this town, whtln Rev. Dr. Macnab - -The following petitions were received . entered bringing a watch to be repaired. PROVIDE NCE. From Sam\1el AIPXtmd1Jr, Robert H9dge On his 1ta.ting that there were b~t few The anniversary wa~ a splendid succes11. and others, for aid in making a piece of men into whoa~ hands he would r1~k. so Excellent sermons weru preaceed on Sun· new graded road in road beat ~ o. GZ. valuable an arh~le we had the cur11J~1ty dot. b Mre. W. Kennt'r and Rev. Isaac Referred to J. Jackson, Com. to know 11omethmg mor~ a~out the ob1ect Co~c?. The eingmg by the School was From Edward Cullis, Meesrs. Robins ohf sdo mfuchh pertsohnalkmkreat. t. Ind 'tthte very L!Ood. Collections !iheral. On Mon· and others, for aid in bnildiu!{ sidewalkll an B 0 t e wa c ma er we no lee l 0 d ft th h b Rev R vm~ge of Le8kard. $12 !!ranted. be a magnificent 1-(0ld watch, 1he mo~t ao DayFa ernoMon Ae spR~cc esM Y('u ' nnd. ·~ . !I cl · · rHser, ., "v. . "' n 11 ~ From D. F. W a.lsh, Sy h'eeter Holloll f h d f o. any we a ever seen, u J_ewe e Rev. t . Couch were far above the Rverag~ well, and 35 others, for closil1g road run. with the large~t and most costly dmmonds f l tf dd Mr T Smale ning across centre lots 11 and 12, con. < !. and haviug on its face, besides the usual ~ Pa }Im " rease~. irma~ The te~ G d --_A_ hands, one ·1 th"t the day ~pu1. y usuit, eevle,fiwats a 1"n e'very sense rFantt f was, th indicated 't If· t of the as re ·cle ass rom 'samuel Jones, ,James Thompson l d di be part0 ol{ thereof and others for aid in b 1 1·1d· ·d lk 8 month , wh le e case l 8<> 1e no on1Y 0 61 1 the finest gold but of unusual Pize ahd a~ a go? Y num. rk h k. · ' mg ewa 'Iha Providence ladies now ow to coo in Newtonville. $25 Granted. e es aSSOf - \hickness. Th 0 watch was prob " blr , aud to serve. The day was R]easaut, the The Ueeve was i11structed to grant his manufi1ctured about a hundred ye.. rs a.go, I 1 h f l d th rumblers absent order on the Treasurer in favor of G. M. as its original owuer was Capt: Alexandt>r I pe:( ha~.. be:i1u:a~ch b:fween Tyrone and Long for the sum of $65, witness fees in Macnab, of the 30.h Regiment, Dr. IR , b · fi · h d b f eui "t Barr tt C t' f Cl k · Macnab's uncle, who fell at Waterloo 011 o~e s c1 n was noo ms e ecause o .. ~ vs. or.p ora ion o ar e. l · 1the 18th day of J unc 1815 just seven ly· a dispute. The boys ~er~ good 11~ t~· ed Messrs. Long and Underwood were in· three ' years ago last Mo~day. On th.., tl~ou.ih a.ndkstood on prm01ple. Opmions struoted to procure shelter for Thos. --o--field, the dymg ofilcer placed this watch differ, you now. -;i~~vil~n~t present taking refuge in the in the hands of an. Order!~ servant, t o be LUNG SA ULT. Councillor Thornton was appointed to .{.> ' } conveyed to his niece, l\:l1s9 Macnab, of inspect north boundary opposite lot 20 Scotland,-and the commission having Mrs. Jas. Sproule's residence is about andletjot>onthesameifdeemednecess· ary. Carried. . 1 been faithfully executed, that lady pre· completed. sented it to Rev Dr. Macnab when in Mrs. Geo. Earle and Mr. E. Keast of Com. Long ancl Pnderwood were inEnglaod twenty years a.go, he being the Illinois, have been visiting friends h ere. structed to inspect McCormack's hill, and heir and proper representative of the Miss Edith Hill and Mias Annie Shaw have same repaired if deemed necesury. gallant Captain. We understand th11.~ were the 11:ucsts of Miss Sta.pies last \VedCorns. Underwood and ·Jackson were Capt. Macnab did duty with his Regiment neaday. · instructed to examine roads in the follow· throughout the Peninsular War, ancJ at M nT F 11 t t 't ino" places and get Bame repaired if necess, r, n m. arrc seems o en qm ea Waterloo was on the Staff being A. D. C. to General Sir Thomas Picton who also swell with his new carl'iage. The ladies ary: bridge E. M. road con 5. lots 4 aud was iilain in that famous battle. say, he is a nice young man. 6 con. 4; lots 2 and 3 con, 4; also exam· ..a; ... road complained of by Mr. Coulson, 9M ~.-.uAa~u . CV ""'.jl~..,. . Since eeoing the grand old watch so full he picmc h e m r. ·Ad ams, wood s ine lots 16 and 17 b. f; also examine guards <l ff 1 1 h J 9 ~~~~~~~~~ - of intereating associations to the family · une t ' passe o qmte P eaaant y. lots 10 and 11 b. f. at Kim balls, and re· BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 20, 1888, concerned, we have learned upon the best Fout-ball and dancing were indulged in 1>ort at next meeting of Council. - -- -::_____ _____._ authority that on the s ·me occasion of Your lltnvsy correspondent, of ryrone, At the special meeting held May 10th Dr. Macnab's visit t < > EnJ,?la.nd m 1868 is breakmg out in fresh places, L~et it was ordored that $ 13 be paid to John Hts Royal Highness The Duke of Cam week he was ba bbling about "Love Jackson,ticketforaendingJohnStephens, · bridge, Commander-in-Chief, presented PnihreH." Doubtless, after getting left an indigent, to his frionds in U. S·a.·es. to him the \Vaterloo Medal that would until it wae an old song, he had recourae Ou motion nf Mr. Underwood, second. . , have belonged to his uncle, Capt. Alex. to thie pr>tent svell, as he tells us the od by Mr. Jachon . 'rha~. 11omplying The ratepayera and citizens· of How· Macnab, lrnd that officer surnved the "ffiec ioos of anv youn~ · l1 a Iargel y s1gr1 · "' lady, ni..y be won wit d p~ti tim1 of the rate· manvillt! are requi·st.e,d to meet in the battle. '!'his military decoration was in this wiLy, u11d. the Fatl!B it woilld seem payers of Clark ", praying for no appPa.l t b d · t \'r FI th c . . /originally lntonded for su.rvivvra only, were propi.tious in one instance. Town Rall this Wednesday mght, June but Sir John Pakinoton, Minister of War l\'loo I. Moo I, o e ma e agn1 s . '" m . . tnry e ,o. "' defendant in 1hc Barrett vs. Clarke Col'· 20th at 8 o"clock sharp to discuss the lat tho time, and His R oyal Highneu Tha poration case, this council is of tho opin· '. '. ' . . De1.e of Cambridge having decided to TY.RONE. ion that it w .u!d be unfair to saddle tho ijUes110n of new School BmldiJgs and tho order a \\T aterloo Medal to be re-struck We beg to announce thn.t we have p~uchased from the J OSEPH H ALL ' Mr l Waller Orono was the guest of verdict on Mr. Henry, even if proved possible at law ,· we as a Council believing MACHINE WORKS ESTATE all the Patterns, Templet!, Drawings, Flasks, &c., oftlcial conduct of the School Hoard. at the Horse Guards, with tha name of M .; .. W l·t ' . S bb' th Capt . Aleunder Macnab, 30th Regiment, ·· r. "'as. a er on a a · and neceasary machinery to carry on a fh·st class Machirrn Shop. We have secured · R ev. uT · · h" M r. Tl10 mas B urd en, ac t . , 18 it was preae.nted by thb Commander-in· · ln g Md ··Y 0 r· n. K enner was visiting on . 1s he used care and i>recaution in the matter that portion of the Jo~epl1 H R.11 Ma chine- W0rka known as the Joseph Hall Ma.llea.ble · · M 1 1 k and also thtl Corporation running some renuesled to take the chair. All mem- Chief to Rev. Dr. Macnab as a conipli- old crrcu1t, yrt e, ast wee · . succeeding in a Court of ap· Iron Shop, a large commodious brick building immediately in the rear 0£ the main ,, c1 1ances m ment to his family many ·of whom His Mr. C. L. Bingham and Mrs. S. Bing· peal, and the legal counsel for tlie corpor- Joseph Hall Machine Works, where we shaH keep on hand for prompt delivery a, ti b ers of t h e B o:ncl are very urgen . y re· R oya1 H"ig h ness aai 'd h e k new b a d d'is- 1lam a1'e vu11 · d s a t B umt R"iver. · ·t· mg f rt!Jn ation giving his opinion there is no chance larl{e 11tock of Repairs for all machines made at the JOSEPH HALL MACHINE q uested to bo present. Capt. Harper leaves this week to attencl to succeed agaiuet B~rrett, we think it WORKS. tinguisbed themselves by their prowes3 We have bought parts for a large numbe-:r of Mowers from the Joseph Hall in various parts of the world : and the the S. A. Camp Meeting at Little York. wise to drop the case here. Ca.r. Bv RrnQuEST OF QITIZENs. Machine \Vorks Estate, and are completing a limited nnmber for the season. I t be presentation was, no doubt, intended as a Mrs. Phi!lips, Toronto. was h ere visitcompliment alao to Canada, as Captain constructed in the same manner as the Clmmi:>iou Mo·~er, almost entirely o.f Steel Macnab had not only been a Toronto boy, ing her d ~ughter Mrs. S. M. Clemens A BURNING SHAME. and Malleable Iron, only enlarged and impl'oved, 32 inch Drive Wheels, 4i feet last week all is seen in Dr. SCt\dding's work, " To· Cutter Bar, Steel Frame, Steel Axles, Steel Guards. '.!.'he strongest and the beet Mrs. G;;o. Wl·lsh is visiting friends at ronto of Old, " hut likewise the only Mower in the market. After discussing &ehool buildings for Upper C:madian known to have been Little f<rit,,in. How do you ·like batch · We bouglat 11lc par·~ at n rate on tile dollar and ;are nine woo th~, r~aolvin~ and re11cinding,en· engaged or to have folien in that crowning ing, Geo rge ? otrering at Lo1v Price. gagrng and dismissing, abusiug one 11n· battle. It fa known at the Horse Guards Mi·s Nellie Bingham conducted the Tln·ee " 'ell known citizens that t.here ia no other instance on rec·!rd meedng on Friday night in the absence of this town have taken the other a.nd the 11rchitects, reaigning and in which the M()d·l has been given to an of our pn.st»r, sto1·e lately occ111tied by W. recanting, the S..,hool Board met again on heir of one who rnet a soldier's fate on In stock for all Machines and Machinery made by the J oseph Hall Works. Tommy is making great improvements Monday nignt and adjourned at 10:30 the field of W11terloo. Vi Er~ L!ii, l\lhicla tlaey have joDntNo and R El'AIRINO. of all kinds promptly attended to at modorate rates, to the east end by moving the building having oom"' to a eo111plete dead-lock. So idocked \\'itlt a t·u11 li11e of" on the corner <·f King and Agness Sts. CO-~. disgustecl have the citizens become that · Mr. Ed. Channon and mother are visit21.fieow OSHAWA, O..NT. Death of Dr. Gla.spel. they have called an indignation meeting ing at M1Hiposa. Mr. Wm. Pollard and wife were a lso visiting there last week. for thiii Wcdneod··Y night to consider the The 11ad news of the death of Dr. F. A foot ball team composed of boys from. situation. 'rhe.t thllre will be a hot time Glaspel was received \vith a shock of this school 1md the school south of here. We cot·dially invite a sltare goea without s ..ying. sadntiss Sunday evening, who breathed P.Xpects to go to H~ydon on the First to oC the public patronage. The difficulty all along has been a fac- his last on this eart h ,a little after seven play tl1e s,::hool of th11t place. High~st pt·ice Cor Buttel", tious fight between the High and Public o'clock, at tbe ea.rly age of 31 years. . A junior team of base ball was organized Egg·s and nll llinds or Sunday m orniug h e was considered much School mew bers on the Board, and to end beU er, but a. r elapse occurred a.nd wi1 h it with B. Gardi ·er as Capt on Wednesday Fa1·1n P1·oduce. night. The style in which the boye play the strife we sug~es o au immeoiato separ· hemorrhage of the bowels. Mr. Glaspel e1;ables them to be called " Sure Pops." JJ;_ 1fr' Goods Deliver"'d promptly ation. Tho School r~!lW provides for this was born at Bowmanville, Ontario. His The paiater's br11sh has considerably to all parts of the town. paronts are etill living a.nd he was th11 and 111 they have been at sixes together, first to depart from a:· family of seven, improved the appearance C\f Mr. Tho11. they cannot do worse at sixes apart. P:t· four brothers and three sister!!. Dr. G Creeper's man·hn. You hlld better put W. ALLIN, tience has c~a-ed tc> be a virtul}, geutl<t- Glaspel; a brother, located at Hillsboro, up the shingl<~, Tom, aa firet-claes painter. tnen, and the cit;zens very properly de· wa!! with him the last four days of his Visitors ·his week art1 : Mrs. Williams mand th1<t eumeth1ng be done quickly. illness. On Monday, Rev. Mr. Parker, and child, British Columbia, Mr. Thorn· dyke, Mariposa, Mr11. Robinson and .Requires more room for his Grocery, Flour and F eed and Grain trade If yoli caunot agree on a plan, adopt "A pastor of the Mtith. church delivered a few daughter, Toronto, and Mrs. Lennox, brief remarks and p1·ayer, singularly , and bas determined to Citizen'a" plan for getting out of the di· fitting and appropriate. The remains Preston. lemma and "reoign in o. body." were taken to Oshawa for interment, by his brother and Mr. Gus. Foogman, a H.AYDON. 'l'HEil.ll. se~ms t.o be a lot of aurpl.:is partner 0f the late Doctor. and extend his Grocery into the premises uow occupied with Every citizen will miss another familiar Mr. Thoe. Gilders ha.s reco\·ered from sympathy wasted on Rev. W. F. Wilson face 1 Another warm heart hns been his recent illness. DRY GOODS. by hiB brerheru of the cloth in Toronto chilled by the touch of the reaper, Mr. Wm. Siemon i11 visiting relatives in Come along with your Wool and you will because he was arrested and convicted for and he who by his skill often stayed 1he Michigan and Wisconsin. To make a clear sweep, everything in the Dry Goods department fi nd Mr. E . Vanst.one of Enfield, spent not " moving on " on Yonge Street the grim monster in liis relentless 11w11y, has is now being sold AT AN}) UNDER COST. The goods are allfirst other evening when ordered by P oliceman obeyed the snmmous, "come home" and rSunday here. He lo~ks well. class, ca.refullJ selected for the regular trade and no old culled bankhis earth Lorn soul lrns gone to its bl Jarvi~ so to do, What a grand thing it rupt stock, the public can understand the immense advantages ofw t" G d' fi t h d h" Mr. SamuAl Soper lost a va1ua e cow ion! . t oH~ ngelr l"ofu~ e t1lm last week-supposed to be milk fever. would be for their hearers if more minis- cordonha fered to purchasers of this stock. Evel'ytbing usually k ept in a an e s ep . 111 n:.an y 1 tl is wor iy . in exchange. ters wonld " move un " in the w·a y of of emulation and to suoh a one death is Onr young batchelor back north IS Roll Carding and all kinds of Custom first class D1·y Goods establishment, and rnquired in the Clothing an au,,.el of p~ace. He wh~ wa11 eo thinki.og of commiting ma.trimony. So and House Furnishing line, offored at AWAY-DOWN PRICES. preaching more lively sermons and in " b W ork done promptly. ter:der to others, so kind to all, so untir- mote 1t e. Highest Cash Price paid for Wool. Call and get Bargains. Clearing Sales for Cash only. Positively keeping u p with thti ti.m<s, instead of ing in his professiooal zeal, so industrious Mrs. Watts, of Bobcaygeon and Mrs. everlastingly r esurrecti[!g old CJUi·S . No in snwing the se·cd of kindness here Hiat D . Salter, of St. Marya, have been visit· JOHN SIMPSON, no Reserve. Everything must go. Call and satisfy yourselves tha.t; Proprietor. 20---2m class «f public men are slower iu mo~ing others mi11;ht. be h nppy, now revels in the ing r elatives in this vicinity. the WEST END HO USE is giving greater value for a little money on than ministers, and they deserve to jo?' of that harve11t wl10se sheaves are :Mr. Mrs. Jas. Mountjoy spent Sunday than any other house in the district. It will pay you t o lay in a. be arrested by the public and convicted bhsa. and Monday with friends in Cartwright. year's supply, as such goods cannot be .repeated at my prices. lor not kee1)iog llll with the iirogreasive [t ha.B be11n the fortune of few men to How do the 'lunge bite, Jimmy 1 win and hold as 1 '1my friends to mourn I . 11piPit of thia go·a·headatil·e age. l\'love his Jess as did he His kindness waa not l Mr. and Mrs. R ich es, of Bethesda, Mr. 3 on, gentleman I Of course, thi1' does reoerved for thos~ alone nearest his heart, and Mr~. Tho · Curtis, and Mr. and M_rs. . C11rtis, of Tyrone, spent Sunday with ·-0- - , -; , · . but like th e rnn,· &hone warmly upon all. P not apply to mrnisters iu this district. f d h f In many a Urnfton home will the inmates n en s ere. The very highe3t Cash Price loui.i " For the touch of n vanished hand . Some evil disposed person or persona Silver We d d~ng a.t Brooklin. and the sound of a voice that is still." entered Mr. \Vm. Stacey's cellar recently will be pa.id for a ny quantity_ Time's auftening touch alone, will help and stole about 70 tbs of pork. Keep a The event of hst week in Brooklin was them to yield their loved physician to the good w&tch dog, Billy. of WOOL a.t tho ce1 ebr.~ tion of 1hll silver wedding of te:ider care of the great Healer, whore Our foot ball club are having some Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Holliday, on Monday touch is Jifo evel'lasting. R 0w short tho good practice preparing for the first. evening. The tables were set iu front distance betweeu health and the grave ! They expected t o play Lesli ard, but they of the hot·ae, and over two ), undred in· How slendH and weak the cord that have flunked fur some reason. Probably vited guests parto'.>k of a supper that had binds those bodies to our souls ! Row f r Th Grocery and Provision Store, ey been prepared with great taste and care. itr.[)Ortant that we are ready to lie down they ar e afraid o our c ippere. a friendly match on Monday evening For some time after supper tho g nests a;:·<l die, as h<'. God grant that when had BOWMAN VILLE. with the Long Sault R angers and captured enjoyed a pleasant time in social conver · our puls1:: s recede t owards the deep 1 aatiou and amusements befo:e repairing chambers of our hearts, wh en the dea.t.h two goll s. to the he>use to 'vitness the presentation drops gather on our brows, we may each The anniversal'Y services in connection of an 11ddrcs·J >rnd silvertea tt>rvice to :Mr. be able to say, "All is well. "- Grafton with the Methodist Sabbath School will and Mrs. Holliday by the committee of Weekly Hl!rald. be h eld as follows: On Sunday, Julv ht, manag" ment- Mr. Richard Moore, Mr. an address will be given to t he echolara John 'rhumpson and Mr. Alex. Ketchen. at 2:30· p. m., by lte7. J. E. Sanderson, S everal gentlemen delivered compliment· · --· · M. A. ; and 6 :30 p. m , Rev. R. D. ar_y addre!ses in honor of. their esl?em~d Foa THE RELIEl' and cure of the intfa .· Fraser., M. A., of Bowmanville, will frien ds. M~. T ..r. lloll1day reph~d m mmation and congestion called a ','cold in preach t o the parents. Collection at the ~ehalf of himself and Mrs.. H_olhday. the head," there ia 1;iore potency m ~ly'.s close of each service. On Monday, July The_ 1 ;resent cons~sted_ of a s1x·r1ece t ea Cream Balm t hau m apything else it 1a 2nd services will commence at 2 p. service and a bea~t.1ful tray, and an! possible to pre.scribe. This pr eparation wh; n a program will be given by t~e 11legant cold water pitcher, and altogether\ has .for yon.rs past been making a brilliant scholars consisting of recitations, cha· ~iley are very handsome. success as a remedy for cold in the head, loguea and sinlo'(ing. ~ddresse11 will be catarrh and hay fever. Used in tho in· delivered by Rev. ,). E. Sand(1rson, FoR MEN.- '.l'he conoot pince tu buy itial ahgea of t hesa complaints Cr11am circuit ministerd and others. Tea served Tickets, 25c ; Children , 1 atylir1h hat is at M. l\'layer's where you B altn prevents any serious development from 4 p. m. rill tinil a grancl assortment from which of the symptoms, while almost numberless not members of the acl1ool, 15c, As no o choose. His gents' furnishings, sh irt!' cases are on record of radical cures of pains are being spared .to . m~ke . the~e particle ls applied .Into each nostrll and µffs, collars, t ies, gloves, oto., are of the chronic catarrh and hay fever after all services 1.1ttractive, a cordial mvitation 1s tsAagreeable. Price 50 cents at Dr111rglstst:bf 1teat styles and as cheap as they can be other modes of treatment have proved of extended t o all to come and enjoy them· mall reaistered. 60 cents. ELY BROTHEnS. 2il5 Greenwich St.. New York selves. >ld. n o avail. :j: IN THE l'OS8ESSION OF REV. ALEXANDER l-tAC?i.Ul, D. D,, RECTOR 01' DARLINOTON. Croquet Sets, -o-- ' Base Balls, Express Wagons, Window Shades, Wall Paper, & Picture Frames, T- Are being sold very cheap this week I J. H. KENNER'S Variety Hall, BOWMANVILLE, THE OSHAWA MOW"ER. me a call. I P. TREBILOOOK: Sta+.,...._,.°"' ..... H.:,.,.. ... T · Id · M INDl·CNATION MEETING 1 --------·---------. NEW FIRM. ·Ft. E:: :E> ..A. I :Fl. S FIRST-CLASS GROCERIES. R. -W-OON"' & ABSOLUTELY QUITTING 'l'he Dry Goods Business 1 C YOUNG; F. HADDY. JOHN lUclUUBTlf VVOOL T Leskard .Mill. Close Out His DRY GOOD8 BU8/NE88 6 · Blankets, Tweeds, Yarns, Flannels, &c., WOOL I WOOL! l ,70 "EtN Xo?J.l'l1R'l'R"2' ----o---- JOHN LYLE'S, Pore Paris Green - ..A.N"" D - Puro Whito Hollobore - ..A. T - I m., J. HIGGINBOTDAM &SON'S DRUG STORE. - .A..L S 0t~'filt ~ ~ - - -· I ~ i JE~IDJ ~£~~'1~~~ Some new shades.

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