Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1888, p. 8

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JNO. J. MASON'S Dry Goods .A.N'"D JEWELRY BOUSE is the busiest store in town . While others are complainihg of hard times and dull business, our sales are continu.a lly on the increase We have been compelled t o repeat our orders for tbe new shades of Dress Goods, although we bought nearly double the usual quantity at the beginning of the season This is the result of the extra care and trouble we went to i n securing the very choicest materials in the very newest shades. and most particularly in our extraordinary choice of trimmings to match. No one should buy a dress until they have seen our dress goods. In Black Cashmeres and all kinds of Mourning Goods we can show you the best value in town. That we lead the trade in all kinds of Staple Dry Goods, such as Grey and White Cottons, Shirtings, Cottonades, Linens, Tickings, &c., &c , is now becoming an acknowledged fact, even by -<YQ.r competitors. W e are selling several of the above lines at lower pricf's thtm some :houses pay for them, because . we buy in so much largc:r quantie!J and always pay CASJf. '.Not one dollat·'s worthl~as come into our store since we started in business on which we have not saved from 3 to 7 per cent discount by paying Cash, and our customers <get the benefit of it, and 'that is the reason we sell much - t!hoapcr than those who do -i1ot pay cash, '\Ve nave a very Jine lot of P arasols at all prices. Our Hat Trade this sea~ so~ has ~ore than pleased us.. We tried the experience of !mportmg our hats froD>_ England, knowing that by so ~mg we could save D~out 25 per cent in price, but the d1fficul~y :was ~e ~Ht<l to order in such large quantities we were afraid of oeing over -stocked but the result of the low price8 is 1"~.Jat-we have had to re-~rdcr twice since our first · stoc.k came in. Sec our H ats, they are wonderful in qu,.__.1ity and price. TonoNTO I NviisTRIAL EXRIBITION.- W e have r eceived 11 copy of the Prize Lisi just issued for the trnth I ndustrial Exhibition , which is to be Ji,,Jd at T oronto from the 10th to the 221111 of September uext. It is very n e11tly gviten up, with lithographed covers and appropriate illustrations. Any of our readers who m ay desire a copy can readily obtain one by dropping a posi card t o Mr. H . J. H ill, the Secrelary , al Toronll·. Tbs prospects for Iba success of lhia year' rl chow ate very promising, and lhe Directors have set apart a m ore than usually larjle amount for special attraotion s . <JOMPLIMENTAllY.-We clip the foll owing from the Mitcb ell Recorder, in reference to Mr. W. E. Tilley, of thiR 1own . II says: "Mr. W . E. 'filloy, M . A., of Bowmanville, sch ool inspector for Weat Durham, was in town during Ibo week milking a shor t visit to his father and frmily here. Dr. T illey was on his r eturn from Bloomington, Ill., where he had gone for examination in the Wesleyan University there in th e Pb. D. course which be hns been readmg d uri ng th e past two years . This conrse is a very heavy one and is not included in the curr1cnlum of any of the Canadian Universities, consequently any one taking it up h ere must go to an American University for examination. W e are pleased .t o know that Dr. Tilley succeeded in paa8ing the diffionlt eita mination and laking his d egree. H e is now am ong the comparatively few Ph.D. graduales in Ont ario. " 'l'IIR&E B usIIEL& F OR Two. - ·About two weeks ago, Mr. 'l'boe. Slattery, Assislant lnA pect or of W eigb b and Moasnres, found Wm. Gibbs , of Columb us , gathering ashes hi a~mpto n , ~l:l~ e~ized from h im the iile~ahweasttte which lie W asusing. Gibbs , l hinking bimBelf over smart, gave a fie tions name , and whel'.1 tbe Ausiatanl In spector wenl into 8 s tore, be t ook lhe seized measure and drove off with it. The Dis trict Inspector, Mr. Wm. J ohnson, of Belleville, was here last week, and with the aid of Chief Constable Coleman and inquirie "a at Hamp\on, ~potted their man, and hnd him before Police Magistrate H aines yest erday. Gibbs it appears was lh e servant of John Joyant, of <Jolnmbus, and in court, Joyan& in jnasiftr ation of bavrng snoh measures .said t hal t he P h ip · pens of Bellevill'O , who were aahmen. toC'lt a barrel of a shes for a busnel, and be only took lbree bushehs for two, and th at he nevar knew that lboere was any Weights and Me·a snrea Law. The Police Magislrate fin ed ·.Jo, an· fi·e d-ollars and costs, in all n ine · dollars and 'Seventy-five cents, and wari/(jd Gibbs against giving false names , ~'ll ll ·making off wi'h Government p ro. iptlrt·y. W. J. D1t.mond, E sq., of Belleville, ;1mppenred for the Crown. - - -·. -<>-·--·-- E aby land for .June is here, br ight a o ever . This little magazine is better t han caDdy for k t!eping your baby in good humor . W hy don't you t ry it once? A. year's subscription (50 cents) i8 a trifle, compared with t he many hours of entertainment pr epared for t he little ones. F ull of pictures aud j ingles. and little stories Publi·hed by D L c1throp Company. A ny newRcienler or bookadler will forward "~our eubscription. D L othr op · Company . noaton U. S . For little folks beginning to r~ad there i s nothing Bo good as Our I .it.tie Men and "lomen .publisbed by D . I.othrop Com pany, Boston, The June number is before us and w e can say tliis from personal examination. It ie made especially for youngest readers an:1 has pl·nty ut short stod~s and pret ty verses-all e"sy for thu lif.t.le oae~ t o read and u nderstand . It coat~ but a dollar a year. f he publishers will send a sample for 5 cen ta·-·Ol' any of their four mag&zines for 15 cents. D. L othrop Company. Ru·ton U. B, P11·r ERHON's MA1azrNE for June is an a dmirable number of th i.s most excellent p<o· rioclical. T he opening st ory, " J ack's L ittle Princess," is a charming t.ale. and the illm· t rations are worthy of it. "Put to the T est," by Frank Lee Benedict . end s"'tisfa.ct orily and has proved one of the most in· t eresting 8erials it~ author h a.a writt en in a long while. Another excel!ent story is "The Lovera at Tuggie's Gap," and " I n H ar vest Time" iii equally striking in its way. Among the poems is a real ~ em, called "Ha by May, " which no mother can read with undimmed eyes . Every page is brigh t and i nteresting. A new volume begins with the July number, and is a good time t o bt!gm a year's subscription or to get up a club T erms: Two D ollars per year, with· great redu ctions t o clubs and tine premiums to t hose who will get u p cl.abs Send for a sample copy. Addre·s Peterson's Magazine, 306 Chestnut S tr11et , Philadelphia , Pa. ExCEEDINGLY attracti ve is the June nu m. her of GoDEY's L AOl 18 Boox: It furnishes for th e ladies a wide vririety of all t hey want. whether for hom" management, men· ta! culture, or personal adornment . I n lit · crary abilit y it occupies a very hi~h rank , with a record dating back to umo. whon t he grandmothers of those wh o now r ead it were its dr.lighted pat.rom . I' e LADY'S .BonK O<Ji"R not, howevn . live or1ly on iL s past re~ord . It is in all res1iectR "up to the t im·s," and should ht! fo[m d on t he reading table of every ·intelligent family '.l' he June number contaiD s v.luable articles on self-helpful wom~n ; tngetu<'r with & number of int ereeting eketch<is. stories and poe~s on every phM~ of life in which t he lacl.1es nncl then· <laughters """k pltlasuro and m struction . A ny lady who wants t " dress t astefully at moderate expe nse ma~ find in t he pages ot this magazim1 ample dir~ctions with copiou· and practical illustr1>t1on·.Only $2.00 a year ; special inducements for clubbing . Addre·s tl1~ publi ~hers of GoDXY'S L ADY'S HOOK, l ll'.U Arch · t reet Phila· ddphia. Sample copies ca.n be purchased of your newsdealer or will be sent by mail· m CD CD ~ ct' t:j 0 c:::: s '::i!: Cb ~ & ...... tzj ., ~ CD ~ ~ C!) ~ ~ I I r 0 ~ 0 ~ M ctCD CD CD ~ ct» ~ ~ =a '- 0 ~ ~ ~ J. J. MASON. c.. ~)I-~ ...__.~~'C"' ·t--, ;, ~~)t~~~f;;;;;~~ -' -;~;M.l i,ii'; c::p :;;~ a.. .,. __ ..,... .-..~ ..,<; · a.z miiiiiil THE S TE AMER ~:;- ~-hr Qjanadi.an ~tat.t~mau. 1 ~~~~~-. ~ ·-~- ~~~~--~-- .. ·-· -· -· -- . N 0 I<. S .E M . .A. N . (A. DUNLOP, Ma ster.) ILL Make her regular t rip s on t his route, leaving Cobourg; every morn_lng at 7:30 and Port Hope at 9:50 o glock, on arriva l ot G. 'l'. H. trains from the E ..at and W.Jst; connecting at Roch ester wirh the. New. - ork Central Northern Central, and Erie Roulways and th.; Lak e Ontario Division of the Rome, Watertown and Odgensburg Ita1lway tor all poinls J,;ast, '\.Vest »nd South. RETURNING-W ill leave Charlotte (port of .Rochester) on Mo11 do.ys, \.Vodnesdaya and Fridays at 12 o'clock p. m .. Tue~do.ys !lot 9 p.m ., Thurado.~s at 11 p. m.. and i:3aturdays for Port Hope, direct, at i p. m. Dealers in stock will find this the cheapes t and most expr.ditious route to Oswego, Boston Al banY. New York. &c. ll'~r lur th er pi;rticulars anply to A. lJU:-ILOl'. or c. F . GJl,DFJRSLEE\' E, Port Hope. Kingston, Newspaper Laws. CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL. { B<)WM:A.NVI~~LE_'. ~UNE 13, ~l~~·~= INDUCTION I AT ORONO, Quite .. numher 'of our townspeople went out t o Orono on 'l'uesday, t o be present at -the induction of R·v. J .. A. McKeen, B. A. as minister of tb<o P resbyterian Church there, and t o assist at the Social reception in -tile evening. It was a perfect ·J unB day, and the whole p rogramme both of the aftern oon and evening meetings was thoroughly enj ovcd by the large gE.therings p1l'llent. '.l'he Presbytery of Whi tby, met in the SChool ·r oom of the church a.t half-pae:t t wo dclock, and after the usual preliminary 15usineos in connection witn the call, proceeded in a lodge to the church. Rev's W. C . \ oung, of 'l'oronto, and T . Dunlop, Methodist Minister, Orono, were invited to ei.t with t he Presbytel'y and to take part in the induction services. '.l'be Sermon wa.s preached by Rev. R D . F raser, M . A. .Bowmanville from the text "Gre;i.t grace was upon them all." Act>1 4-33. The u sual quest ions aa to bis doctrine, life, anil work were put to the roini·ter-elect, by l!t-v. A . H . Kippcn, Claremont, Moderator of Pteshytery, who pl'esided, and the induction to t he pastoral charge of l he congregation was ma.de by solemn prayer, &nd the right hand of fellowship from the Moderat or and members of the Presbytery. Earuest and practical atltlrnsses were then delivered by Rev . S. H. Eastman, B. · A., Oshawa, t o t h e minist er; and J. B. Fairbairn, Esq., of Bowmanville, to the congregation. As th e congregation r etired, t he new ·minister received from them, and a large number of friends present. a. warm welcome. The Agricultural Hr.11, where the tables for tea were spread, is large and roomy . It presented for the next th ree hours. quite an animatad scepe . The tea. was a substantial supper served in the " ery best . st yle. The tables were profusely decorat.,d,with flowers. Them wa· pknty of room, notwit hstanding the large crowds to be ·erved, and the epa~ious hal l afforded opportunity for free and social intercouree. A ll parts of Clarke aud Darlingt on, M well as Bown;.anville and Newcastle , were well represented . Punctually at eight o'clock the chair was taken in the church. when an unusually interest ing meeting followed. R ev . A . A. Drummond, of N ewca.stle, though in feeble hP.alth, mad" a stirriui;: openini; address from the chair, ~eferring lovingly to the previous pastor and to the m ..ny good men and women who bad bean connect ed with th e congregation, bu t hav" rusaed to their r eward. Mr. Drnmmond t hen retired fro m the chair, which was t:iken by Rev A . Leslie,of Newtonville. ..A hearty -,ote of thanks was t endered to Mr. D rummond for bis services as Moderator of Session during thb vacancy. Congratualatory add1·esses were dulivered by J. D. F airbairn, E oq, Rev's. ·w. C. Y oung,R. D- Fraser, A . H. K ip pen, S. H. Eastman, and others. R ev, Mr. McKcen, the new miniatcr,responded in au appropriate speech. The choir of .t he church i·e11dered excellent ser yice. Mr..J. K eacbie, of Bowmanville, sang the "Village Blacksmith," in bis uAual i ng altogether was effective style. '!' he meet. a . m ost happy one, and Mr. M cKeen enters on his work with exeellen t llfO~pectR . W e heartily welcome Mr. :md Mra M cKeen to our n eigh borhootl . The following is a resume of t he l'aW!! in force regarding l he receiving of OOl'l'l!lJRi'fl'J:S·: 1. Subscribers who do nol gi~ ·c:i.:press . no*ice lo lhe contrar y are con sid'3'red wishing lo cont inue l he\r s abs ription . 2 . If subscribers order a dieoontinuaDce of lbeir periodicals , Iha publishers may conlinne to send them until arresrager; are paid. 3. If subscribers ne;ilect to t ake their periodicals from l he office t o which they are direct ed, they are responi;ible till lhey have seUled up their bills and order them discontivued. 4. If s ubscribers move to other plBces without i nforming the publisher , and ·he paper R are ser.t to tboir for mer direction t hey are held responsible. 5. '.!.'he conrla have decided l h al refusing t o take periodicals from the office, or removi ng i1ud lefl.ving them uncalled f or, is " primafacm" evidence of iuieutional fvm d. 6. If subscribers pay in advance, they are bound to give notice at the end of lheir time if Ibey do uol wish lo continue it; otherwise t he p ublisher is obliged t o send ii, and t he subecriber will be responsible until an express notice with pavment of all arrearages , is sent to l he publisher. The laieat poslal laws are such t h at n e wspaper pnblishcra can ar rest anyon e for fraud who takes a paper and r efuses to pay for it. Under Ibis le.w the man who all ows his anbsoriptiou to run aiong for some time unp11id, and then orders it disoonlinued , or orders the post master to mark ii "Refused" aud have a poslal card sent n otifying the publisher. lo!lves him· sell liable lo arrest and fine, t he s ame as for thefl . ----·~ ......----- WrnE AwAKll. - Made for the young, but tor all improving people. L arge and full of th e richest enticement fol' young ar.d o!d within its scope. 'l'he best in t b<J world m . the h igbe_ a t sense of t h!lt much-~b~sed Do NOT nx DECEIVED. - .A.ll B ak in g P ow- . (ihrase. l!'me paper, engravings ar.d prmtmg ; d ers are not eq u a lly good . Im,periar overflowing with brightness; eigh ty pages a -month · $?..40 a year. A samole copy sent Cream T artar Baking Powd er is the pul't'tlt __ for fiv~ cents. Send for aamp'Ie copy t o ll . and best, sold by P.ll gr ocers. t f,othrop &; Co. Boston. M a,qs, LrTTELL's L rnNG Ac:E.- The rrnmbers of The L iving Age for the wet<ks ending May 19th and 2Gtb conl11in Kaspar Hanser, Qaar lerly; Reminiscences of Oarclinal M"zariD, Wes, minstor; Islam and Civiliza tion, Contemporary; Hymns and H ymals, and Among l he I slands of the Soui h Pamfio: Fiji, Blackwood; Marinr Faliero, and Dickens' Cb ar tcters a n d their Protot ypes, T emple Bar ; The Topographical In· stinot in Aoim11ls , and Ruskin's Forge, Leisure Hour; Mallbew Arnold,Rea'lity an d Romance, a od The Cashiering of the Tin Soldier, Spectat or; Old Naval Families, St. Fames'e; Boyish Freaks , Chambers'; Mr. Matthew Arnold's Earliest Publication, Athenaeum; Scientific I'rogr css i n E lement ar y Schools, Nat ure; Death of Matthew A r nold ,and E lemenls and Meta-Elements , Times ; with " '.!.'he Polrnan Ferryboat," ' "fhe Hermit of Le Croisic," end poelry. For fifty-two numbers of sixty.four largo pages eneh (or more than 33,000 pageN a year) the subscription price ($8) is low; while for $10.50 t h e publisher s offer t o rnnd any one of the American $4.00 monthlies or weeklies with The Living Age for a year , both postpaid. Lltlell & Co., Boston, are the publishers. 'l'owN H..1.L L, Cart wright. J une 4th , 1888. Cou a cil m et pu rsuant t o adiournmeut. M embers all present. Mrnutes of l a.st roeetrng read a nd confirmed. The Clerk su bmitted t he }1.11aessmen ~ Roll for t he y ear 1888, aa r eturned by· tho Assessor. ·T h e Council organized as a. Court of Revision, t o e Ret<ve in' the Chair. The C '.:lurt havin g car efu lly exami n ed the Asa~asment R:ill, (no form al a ppeals having been m a:de) i t was moved by Mr. D tivitt, si;con d1:1d by Mr. Spinka, T h at the Assessmen t Roll for the Mun icipality of Cart wr ight 1or t he year 1888, as exam i uell a nd rev ised by t he Cou rt of Revision, be, an d th at i h e s11me 1s h er eby declar ed , a nd to be taken as t h e ~~ yised Assessment Roll for the M umc1pality of t h e Township of Cartwr igh t , for t h e year 1888 ; and t hat the C ler k d o affix t h a l lertificates th ereto a s r e quired by th e S atutes. Carr ied. T lu Council t h en res n rned the general busin ess of the M un ici pality. Charles M. D ean applied for aid as a n indigent. Moved by Mr . McKee, seconded by Mr. Spinks, thM tht> R eeve si~n anor deron Wm. \ Va tson,merchant , in favour of Charles M. D ean, for four "J:>, G-· .AUST:J:N', 'V. s. d :illars, to i nclude o n e hundre d poun ds Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary of flour and t he b a l1>oce in such other Colle11:e. Office and r esidenoe, F.nniskillen. requisite11 as the indigents may deem Prompt attention to calls by telegraph. n ecessary. Carried. 1i'-3m James C 0ates applied for a gr ant of money to be appropriated to t h e r epa;rs of the boundary line between Cart· wr ibht a n d Reach , opposite the 2ud and 3r d Con s. of Car twrigh t. Moved by M r. McKee, seconded by Mr. Devit t , Th<.1t th e sum of $30 be appropriated to t he r epair cf the b o und· ary line between Cartwright and Reach, provided the Cou ncil of Reach g ra.nt a like amount for the sam e p urpose, the amoun t appr opriated by this Cou ncil to be e xpen ded u n der the s u pervisi0n of PALACE STEAMERS. Low RATES Mr. A. Spinks ; and t h at the Clerk forFont' Tripe per Week Between ward a oopy of t h is Resolution to t h e DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Clerk oft he township of Reach. Ca rried st. r'J~~'i..~18~~°l i!~Oh~1~~~~·lu~~~ville. The R eeve r eportod verbally, t h at h e S '- Clair. Oakland Houae. Marine C1tj". had s ettled with Jo h n Jamee McKee, Every Week Day Between as t o th e-r ent of t h e Weigh Scales from - DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Spellial Sunday l'rips d uring J uly and 4 1lj[U81. the 26 t.h -Of 8ept. 1887, to t h e 15t h nf May;-:1888 ; s h ewing t h e amount col· OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS lected in that tim e to be $19, on e h alf Be.tllll and Exoureiou 'l'icketa will be funiiahed by your 1'1cltet Ai:ent, Qr addreu of said amount, $!>.50, ha.vini:r been paid E. e. WHITCOMB, GEN'L P11as. AaeNT. to the 'R eeve. On omotion t h e Reeve signed orders DETROIT, MI CH . on t h e Treasurer a& follows : To R obt. .. ·---- - - -- - -Mar tin, 1tobt. Edger ton, M rs.Lou gh ead James A n n ie, C. M. Dean, i ndigent e.id, ·8~ each ; Eugene Richa rdson , p rinting Road Lists, $ 1. 25 ; W . S ug gitt, Agen t for the Wilkinson Plo ugh Oo. , 1;1ix Road Rcrapers, and Car ta g e for the eam11, $55; James N.l\foL au g hlin, .ainlrin g 8 stone on 6th Con. lin e,$3 G. -'F allis, 2800 feet cedar lumber at 812 per M , $33.60; Inspector of W eights an;i Measures, inspecting acalee '3 ; M ath ew S mith, S h ovellin g snow .on e r avel r oad, $6.30. On motion, Council adjourned till .-first Monday i n J ulv , at 1 p . m. W. L UCAS, Tp. Clerk. W l BUYERS DELIGHTED ! Fine Goods and Low Prices do the work. Send a delegate from every home and let us prove thaL we are away down to Rock B ottom for every price put upon our i111 mense stock of i Boots and ~hoes, Trnolirs, Valise!ii, etc. Everybody will find in our assortment j ust the thi n '.~ they are looking for. Our stock is perfect people.pleaseni ; FASHIONABLE, DURABLE, SEASONAJ3LE, REASONABL ~~. P EUFEC'.1'- F I TTING, WEAR-RESISTING FOOTWEAR, MACKI NAC Summer Tours. TD AND ABOUT P RICES :-We allow no one t u undersell us. Our·1 t greeting to you this season is "Bargains on every Ii mid, and we will give more footwear for a. dollar thf.\n any o t her h ouse." We only ask a. chance t· .1 prove with our goods that it is so. ;::Bowmanville, May 16, 1888. M. TR EJ ~VEN. S ign, Big B oot d ra\\o >- }y two horses ·. Think Carefully, Decide ·W isely, Act Promptly. ------o W e possess t he facility: and inclination to give· satisfaction. Having bough t for prompt cash, saving largest dis counts given, from t he most reliable ma nufact u rer s, a w ell assorted stock of L adies' and . Gents' Detroit &Clevelan dSteam Narlgatlon Co. BOOTS AND SHOES, In Styles- The Latest, Qualities- Excellent, Prices- Low. TRUNKS AND VALISES IN GREAT VARIUiY. W e want you to call a nd investigate goods and prices. --- ---- PERRIN'S PINETAR CORDiAL CO., UNDSAY, ONT., JOHN HELLYAR~ Children Cry for Pitcher'-s Castarla.

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