!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~~!!!!!~ -~~~!~-~ ~~~~~~,-~--~-~-~-~_Rl!~~~~!!!!~!!!!~~~~!!!~~~!!!!!!~~~t~..!o~!!~.:SS~-~~-~~'EY~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!~!!! two tablespoons offiour,yolkP of four eggs, a.nd fata.l outbre11.ks ofdisea.ses." "Ailing -..!! one pmt of milk. B:i.ke "ith a. botto1n mothers make moaning children," so every crust; spread over the top tha whites of the mother, or, indeed, every girl or woman The Home. eggs bea.ten to a froth a~d swe.itened; brown The Domestic Doctor. who may one day become a mother ought 9ATARRH.-A new treatment has been dis· in the oven F h ld t 'd th f h h I h ' " iornred whereby a permanent cure of thie WBDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1888 How often we may notice that on the , · h ·ore~ ren.who are subiec~ to .croup, oconsi er. ~c~re o. er eat asacreL< iltbartomcurablediaeasc,isabsolutelyall ect· __ __ _ _ _ death of the hea.d of the family the remain· Cur CAKe.-One, cup of sug·.r, ~ ree qua.r make a httle bib out of chamois akm, cut duty. As it IS 1mposs1ble for a woman to id In from one to three applications, no mMte:i: ing members of thll.t household sell or let , tera of a cup of wa.rer, one qut1.rt~r of a cup the neck and sew on tapes to tie it on, thsn fulfil the obligations of marriago without '."hetJ:cr. standmg one year or forty years. l'hie . I of butter, two and one·hali cups of flour, melt to~ether aome tallow and pine tar rub health it follows thll.t ovcrv girl who is a emeay is only appiled '?nee m. twelve dayg, " t h e I10nse t h a.t h a.s so l on!! 1 ren t h eir 1 iome, ti "' t , t d o ' · d"d' . 'net does not mterfere w1th busmoss. Desurip· 0 f b a k' ., · away, 1 B1ree eg.,,a, sent free on 10001pt 0 r st"""' .. ~ 1 , b,,. m>pose of ch c f urm.ure 1,r pack i' t b tt vio d easpoon.a ,.. t tl . mg dd pow lk er. f so·11e ' of this m the chamois a.nd Jet the child can l ate for matrimony shou1d take ca.i·e of· ·l~e ' pamphlr.t ~ ' , ll - f . I1 , th 0 Id , 0 f th 1 ea u er a.n su;;ar oge ier, a :yo s 0 I wear i~ all the time, Renew with the tnr her health, and for the sake of others neg- A.H. Dixon&; Son, 305 King street, West an.i sa Y or t niuo wo~ . · ouu e eggs and beat well · add wa.ter flour and 11 lect nothing that will make her rihya1Cally r:>ronto, Canada. ..., sll.feg 't·rd of their long a1:ndmg place, to baking nowder la8 t' th b t 'h t f ti I occaswna Y· strong d t" , S · J WHA'I' rs CA'l'ARRHl 11; tune or t' " .' e eaen\~ ieso 10 1 Nea.rlvonehalfthepopula.tionaremore an.aoi1e. omenmrne ... d women C·tarrhiQodangerousdis"aBewhi"o'n tho··~. seekt!· .en f or neir p'esures ' a . ' crto· , ' egg~, Blke lll a moderate oven ·m . . . ff bl b h a o" = ·,ha.nge the m en s and vary the old monot I ~ · ~ ! or less ~ tC!'?d :1th neuralgic pam~ In· su er tern Y ecauae, w en marne , they 1'>ndo a.re consc,ously or nnconsciouslysuffermp: ony, as if for the firi!t time they no;v hfid a , Li-INGER SNAPS.-One cup of brown sugar, 1 sle~d of senamg1orthe doctor, v. ho ;Hll pro- were ignorant of natur"'l Ia.we whioh they lrom. It rn a muco"purnlent cltscharge caused cha.nee to gratif'-' hesrt'a wfohes long for 1 one half cup of butter, one half cup of laid, bably prescribe a plaster and a dose of me- should have learned to obev. ]f the hoube- by .the p1esence of a yegeLable parasite in the 1 ' trnad ihc0 filmrs and opon ' one .cup 0 f mo1:-·sea, one t u. bles~o~nf u. i· · · t1 Ir · worrie · d Ing llmng membrane of tne nose. '£1:!.e 1 e suuer~r orangers each < Iome, we a d vrne to h e.i.t a fl a.t- mo th . er, as the , u·ermans 0~ 1"1 h er, 18 causes are a morbid state of the predispos· blood, the b1dt'eu ! S " and shut tbe door s ai.d 0 ,(ler the house . the of crnnamonf gmge1, cloves rnd oaKmg pow- 1iron, put a double fold ot flA.nnel on the and 1rr1table, the children becomo dull, de- blighted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poison old pictures have been turned face the I der, one ha.~ cup of water; fl.our enougl~ to 1' pa.iufol part, then move the iron to v.nd fro p1essed, and aleo irritable; the husband 'lf syph1hs, mercury, toxomce, from the retenwall in some attic, or they ornament the make a std'f dough ; ro.11 them out mto o.n the _flannel. 'J'he pam will cease nlmo.st grows discontented and either adds to the tion o! the effete matter of the skin, suppresijed db k kl d t I W h h 1 ' k l· f perspirat.ons, badly ventilated sleepmg apart· d k dwellings of other people who have become roun c~ es an a e quic. Y· · unmc ia e Y· e. ave ~een t .e most pam- gener~ worry or see 6 ns P1~asures out o ments and the germmat10n of other poisons in their purchasers; the thouuand little things JELL> ROLL -One cup of sugar, three ful 1·a.~es of neuralgia relieved m less than doors; aud the servants, gettmg ouly cross the blood. Iir1tated by these, the lining mem· that go to make up the ensemble of a home eggs, one cup of flour, one quai;ter of a. cur ten mmute~. . . looks 1>nd words, become insubordinate. A brane of the nose> is ever ready tor the recep are put awv.y, and the pfaccs that knew them of wat.er, one teaspoon _of bakmg powded. Dr. Harris, of S1.mla, calla attention to b11.d temper in tne mrntress of a house is a tlon of the parasite, wh10h rapidly spreadslup f f E · 0 f ~en &he &he tluoat, nostrilscausm:;: and down the tauces, orthroat; back up ot B a k e m a. long, square t iln; 1!l.Y upon a t ow- t h e Y!I.I ue 0 f t h e .rmt o the inbelia r_i0e8 curse t 0 a11 around h er,; b ut it once know them no more. ulceration nf the There is much that is su.d in all this look el and roll for tapeworm '!'he dose of the pnlvenzed proceeds from wrong habits of life, wh10h >he eustach1an tubes oausmg deafness· bu,:. at it in whatever hght there is. the .l!:GGS A LA CREME - Six eggs boi' ed ha:d fruit is from 1 to.'! drachma, g~ven in milk. would be altered if proper attention were rowmg in the vocal c~rds, causmg hoars~neas; house be empty, what strikes tho eye and and chopped fine, and stale brea.d. Put Ill I~ has an aromatw t!l.ste, and is. a.bout the paid to health Many women look llsurpmg the proper structure of the ,bronchia.l the heart of the passer-by wHh a quicker or a dish alternate layers of ch.opp~d eggs and size of a I?epp<'r seed. Accordmg to D_r. upon devotion to thei.: household, constii.nt ~~!~~-ending in pulmonary consumption and keener sense of dcsol11.tion than the sight of gra.ted bread. W'hen the dish is full, pour Drymock, rt has recently been exported rn self sacrifice in little things, and neglect of Many Ingenious speiflca for tor the curo of it? And this the more especially if that on ,one pint of boiling milk seasoned with large quantities to. Ge~many~ and 1.s sa1d to themselves, as heroic, and glory in sufferings catarrh have been mvented, but without sue· "sser by once knew i't when f·ccs ·iid li"ghts sah, pepper and one tablespoonful butter. be used a.a the chief m"redrnnt or several endured a.a they thmk ' for of ere cessd, the until a physician or long standmg discov· w w " h . h 'b d . . the benefit . exact nature of th disease and the P~ were in the wmdows and all the insignia of Bako a light brown. p11.tent tapew_orm_ "specifics.'.' · t cir us an s and families; but lf they only appltance which will permanently destroy occupancy about it. What more melanBuNs.-One cup of sugar, one q11arter cup T.he follow!ng Ba. goo~ dnnk for a rever inJure their health by such self-imposed in- ino Parasite, no matter how aggravated the choly to those that have loved it once to of butter, one tablespoonful of cinnamon, p11.trent who 1a couv.aleecmg: Sc"i.k a t><hle- iurios the loss to their families is very ser· ease. Sufferers should send stamp at once PUREST,STRONCEST9 B~ST, CONTAINS NO thhk, after the firsb novelty of change has one half cup of milk, one cup of flower, two t spoou~alful of gelatme m a cup of water; iousd. Itkis thdo <luty of a wife to retam her ~~sf;;::'E:!~~if:r~,P!~efi. 0i) i~~ar&h·s~~. ~i~ rnlibei off a little, of the place as silent, teaspoons of baking powder. af~e: it has stood f?r au h~m1,_POut a. cup of goo 1oo s an ~sefu1ness as long ab she can, King street, west, Toronto, Canada. __ ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, or any rn1ur1ous materia ls. cold, and empty: And if one conjectures TEA RUSKS - In one pint of new milk b,ilmg water on It; as it .dissolves add a tor her husbands sake, and this can only be What the Rev. E. B. Ste'Venson, B.A., a Clergy the possibility of the spirit of the departed dissolve oue ye<ist oake; add three eggs, tablespoonful of cu~rant. ielly, the same done by obeying the laws of health. The m!l-n of the London Conference of the Meth<> 'lOIH.'1' J.U 1 0'.'1".l . E.W. GILLETT, CHICAUO, !LL, returning to the lonely scene, what weirder one cup of sugar and two ounoes of butter, quant1!y of sugar, .t tmv_ p~nch of sal~ a?d a best a.nd cheapest physicians are Dr. QL1iet, iis~Oj;roh of Oanad<f, has to say in 1 egard l!an'rr of\ho C!LEB:.?A'l'Ell !l07AL YEAS'l' CAltES. or ~adder thought could be than that forlorn with enough fl.om to roll out ; let rise; httle cmn~mon. After it Is cool stll' i~ a Dr. Diet, and Dr. Merryman, but they are a~ta~rh,Di::con r£; Sr>n 11 New Treatment for soul iu the fo1saken spot? when very light mold into small cakes and cup of thm cream and a. v~ry small wine not consulted by some women as much as OakJans, Ont., Canada, Maruh 17, 1883 to $8 a day. Samples and duty FltEE But all this, of course, is the purely sen- set to rise ; bake m . a f!Uick ov!ln , wh~n gla:ss of sherry. In ~ases of IJowel ~roubles they ought to be. Often a woman will gc on Messrs. A, H. Dixon & Son: Lines not under the horse'sfeet. Write t" t 'd d t f th . done cover the top with sugar dissolved m a lit tle brandy substituted for the wme. labormg at whatever she may have in hand, DEAR Sms.-Yours of the 13th inst. to hand. ,., BREwsrEn's SAFETY REIN HOLDER 1men a 1 s1 e an aspec o e ca.se, IS "lk ' Five wa t t Id when aching h ad d r b d t· d yes rt seemed almost too good to be true that I am - ~ _£0 .. Holl_:_M _ i_ c_ h_ . - --- rhought and f~?CY j~stifi~b;~ as the lov~ of m1P~RSLEY Or.rnLEr-Mix with the eggs a 1. Tiath~~h~ fe~Fi~ l~ot~~er, and drink have long ago indi~:tedl~a~ ~~st~~~, n~ed- ~~~db~fd°n~~~~~~~H11~1a~:ea;~,a~;d al~~ve~ 1 C.,HA.M'H {~! :~ a ;'3l'tn Imena' da~ 1 ~ ie t£.premi i'f tablespoonful of fineiy.chopped parsley and a pint of bot lemonade. Tl.en sponge with ful. She says that 5he doea not ce,re what tblt betLerin my llfe, I have tned so many 0 1 8 0 0 MEA ~ .J ...._ - "t a te vu· utels an ·ae.igt f ?tme la cook as directed It is sometimes vari~d by sail; water .>nd remain in a wll.rm room. ane eats, and that anythmg will do for l·er. th!ngA for Catarrh, en1fer ed so mm·h and for o a sen imt en! a coubsi hera itond ob It,h an as the addi tion of a iittle finely mmccd shallots j 2. Bathe the face in very hot water every She hurries through her meals, and either ~o many yea1·s, that it ia hard t o_ realize that liome mus a ways e aun e y e mem. . . . · fi . f h b t I · k d" tl ft [ am r eally better. ory, if not by the actual forms, of those that or button onions, also by nuxmg with the ve mmutes or an ou.r.. , runs a OU or )egms to wor irec Y a el' I consider t11a1, mine was a -very bad case; h d "t r d th f . p!1rsley some thyme or sweet marjoram a 3 Snuff up the nos,r11s no J salt water eatmg. "This is not the way," says Dr ;vas aggiavated and chromc,'mvclvmg the If y aro langmd ;;;;d-;;,;:-k, and your appe· , 0 1 a ivmg P1 nave nu ace, an noi; e out t bl f l" 11 ' every three bours Diet, "to keep a good digestion." Dr. hroat as well 1 as the nasal passages. and I lte poor fact u ma · · · . or menthol. 't wouId ··eqture · t' 'tieat ment s, o· ' ' a tomb · · But as . ,a plain · h ' and a 0 espocn S f . 4. lnnale ammoma Merryman prescribes exercise in the open ,hou"ht .., 1 ne three. My Beef, Iron and Wine is Lhe tome, be sure. walls 1 .A.a an invJgorating tome it JS recognisod by not as a sent1mei:ta1 cons1<.er,at10u, t ere a.re . ,~AN GJ!'. Now.-0 ne . o_unce o !amg ass i 5. Take four hours' active exercise in the air, and as much change of scone and amn2e ~1:i~J f~:~/~f t~~tc1 !~st~~e\~"i~~~~~J1~o s~~~ ment aa is compatible with honest work. 10 you. the Med10al p1 ofesR!On as the best stren"t hen vary much more important views t-0 be t aken chssolvecl Ill a pmt of boiling water; when ing merllmno thus far p10duced I t is mvalua of the desolated and abandoned. homestca.d. ~tis dissllved strain it, a:nd let hti:d u~til ops~:::;~r colds are the wor~t of all colds Women ought to be the preservers of the You a Te at liberty to use this letter stating ble as a blo')d and muscle maker, espemally 1 eary of ?lose confinement m . the home it. i~ near y co ct; then mix 1t wit ti ~ J mce ofr;~ntimes 118 j, is then very diffioult to health of ot her s, but this they cannot be ii 1hat I have been cured a t tw o treatments and in those cases where wcakuees is the resalt of of W A t . they neglect their own health. " Get health," I shall gladly recommend your remedy to som'. long standmg; w eary ot restrnmt at the ot six or auges !!ond one le mon, the whites of t t ' , If imperfect or msufllcient food, or wastlng ec f on~ s. se .Proper1Y· ekn gra~n ~f,my f:rienda who are sutferera. fevers or excesses of any sort. It contarns the hanil th~ t now holds the reins no more·, three eggs, and sugar to taste; whisk the pdro ose o qumme w111 usu~ 11 y 1 Jrea up a writes Emerson; "no labor, poins, tempdr· Youre, with many thanks, nutr iment of Beef, the stimulant propert10s of weary of possible penury which withheld a l whole together until it is wl.he andd loo Id m . the begmnmg · · A" th' tha.t w1 ~ . . . k . . Id co ny mg ance, poverty, nor exercise that c.in gain it HEv. JJ:, B. S'l'EVENSON 11 "Vme and tho tome pc VI ers of Iron, and is ad thousand l.onged-for grat1ficah ons, or of .1 e a sponge; ~ut 1t mto a ~o an turn set th<i blood actively iu cir culation will do muat be grudged. l!'or sbkness is !L cannibal And hundieds of ethers mirably calculated tu builcl up thA em~c1ated i>s possible ex travagance that threaten it out -,;he fol.lowing day. P1ace the mold on ·· h th 't b , th f b k wb.wil eats 11 th p d th it ca system. Sold m Bowmanville by H1ggmbllth· Just ed to waste all the family possessions ,· ice or in some very cold place. · i., w e er i e arugs or e use 0 a uc up a ie he an you n am Bros, sa.w Jay hold of, and 11.bsor bs its own sous a11d weary pos~ib!y of the cares. and labor~ of CET,ERY SALAD.-One head of cabbage, P~ofessor Crudeli baa devoted yeD.rs to the daughters. I figure it as a pale, wa.ilmg, hous~ keepin~, or weary wtth heart·M~k three bunches of cdlerv chopped very fine ; scientific stu<ly of malaria, and is without distracted phantom, absolutely scllish, heed wearmes~ of the w11.lls tl'a~ have bean Wit· t ake one tet1.cup of vinegar, Jump ot bu~ter doubt the highest livinl( authority on the less of what is good an<l great, a t tentive to Gentlemen'sClothes Made to Order. n:ss~s with them of th? sights and scenes the size of an cg!!', yolks of two eggs, one eubject. His conclusions are therefore en its sensations, losing its soul, and afil,cting o·. swkucss and suffer!ng and death-the teaspoonful each of must11.rd and salt, a titled to great weight. He r1lpudiates utter other souls with meannesH and mopisgn, and wife, the daughters, ie.a,ve that home of pinch of cayenne pepper, two teaspoonfuls! ly the paludal theory cf ma.laria-thut is, with ministration to its voracity." years, and ?eprut on their trnvel~, or to try of sugar; mix well, then pQt on the fire and that malaria. is exclusively produtJed by tohe t}ie scduct1v? charms of hote~ life, or the hell.t until it thickena, stirrmg all the_tni:e ; ·putrid emanations of swamps and marshes hfe of the private b oarder, "'.h10h every one wheu cold, add two teaspoonfl!ls ot th1~k On the contr!J.ry, he finds that it is produced Abnormal Sleep. but the private boarder fancies to ~e such a ;irea.m, pour over the safad, rmdif not mornt I in soils of the most; varied composition with· Familiar as is normal sleep, no one can happy one. Aml the old house is left to enough add a little cold vinegar. i out the presence of any putrefaotion 'what itself or to the s.trr.ngers, and ~he famil~ CHOOOL!l.Tll Pm -Two cupfuls o~ sugar, ! ever, and is due to the presence of a specific fully explain (it. It is, nevertheless, a blesst~at had a Jmme ui h11meless. ~ ron· th~ " two and a half euptuls of sweet milk, one I living veuetable germ. This germ mav ex ed fact. Though it seems to tal-e one third hme he~cerorth those women live not m cupful of water, one ca.ke of sweet _ starch, i ist in soils wit;hout poisoning the atmosphere, from our hfe, it really prolongs it by the rooms with cheats of draweui ana cu.pboar~s five eggs. Take one cupf?-1 of the milk, the remaining inert for years, even for centuries, daily renewing vigor. Some of the abnox ma! forms of sleep o .and olosetw and wardrobes, bnt m their water and chocoli.te, boil and cool, then ! reiaining its vitality however and becom t1-unks, lifting out tray aft~r tray for the stir: m the other ingredients saving the Ing active only whe~ certain n~ceasary con hibit strange pllenomen~.. We need not U napproached fo~ sake .of a pin or a. handkerchaef. Iusb ead of whites of the eggs fo~ frosting. Bo.ke iu ditions s,re present. These conditions, the dwell on sleep mduced by opiates; the leth· Tone and Quality. ~he hberty of a nouse, _ they are cramped sh.olls, and when the pies are done sp;ead a 1concurrence of which is indispemablc for the argy of apoplexy and, wha.t is doubtless a.kin mto a room, usually P smgle one, or .a t most. meringue on -.;op, made of tho whites cf· production of malaria, are three iu number, to it, the sleep of the drunka.rd ; the coma CATALOGUES FREE.t but two roo.ms.,, InsteP,d of the exercise of as eggs beaten up with three qu~rters of a I viz.: A temperature which does not fall of Blight's disease and diabetes, and the al.nuch hosp1tah"y as ~hey ch?os.e, they have cup of_ sugar. Return to the oven and below 67.5 degrees Fahrenheit, a. very mod- most irresistible sleep ca.used by freezmg to ask a landlady 8 penmsswn for the brown hghtly. erate degree of permanent humidity of the cold. The sleep of somnambulism is a very infavor of a cup of tea to a guest ; soil1 and the direct action of the oxygen of and t}1~y find. all the . other bol'r ders For Breakfast. the air upon the strata of earth oontaining teresting form. The person will get up a.ud go abroad m the darknesa and into the most entertammg their guest as if ~he.guest were the malarial ferment. FREE.1iA.Nis dange10us situation wholly without fear. common property. In"bead ot J?HYacy, there DELICATE PoPOVERS.-Ono cup of unlk, The power of sight is often grea.tly exa.lted, is publicity ; the manifestation of theii· one egg, one cup of flour, 11. pinch or i;alt. WORl\'ll: POWDERS~ every Moders,te Drinking and Health. 11.nd seems sometimes wholly independent of emotion is sc..nned by cnrious and Bake m heated cupa or gem pans in a very neai Ly indifferent eyes, commented on, eon· hot oven. The disastrous effects of habitual intoxica ordinary vision. Are plea.sDJ'.lt to take. Contain thei:r mm clusionu dr...wu, and gossip c1ea.ted. And FRil!D HASI'Y PTJPDING.-Make a plain tion on the hea.lth are u~ivers~J!y t1L1mitted Another form is that of catalepsy. In this Your attent10n is d11 ected to the immense ln2'gn.t1Yo. ls c. anf), suro, au<l oflcat wi l when sickness comes, and when death comes, hasty pudding of Indian meal ; pour it into j-:not only the . 1mmed1ate mJury to t~e there is m entire loss of sen$1bili ty and orstock of dtistro:re.r o! w<J::ms lll Child.en or Adell ;i, cion the thought of dreariness and desolate· a low, broad dieh, and let it cool. The next dmuk~rd, but th~ 1er11oter effects on hrn dmary consciousness. The limbs may be ness go farther than the scope afforded eiiher morning cut in thin slices a.nd fry in butter p_osterity. A1coho. has thus been p ro,,ed a pla.ced in any position, the most grote<que for the victim or the survivors, and that iu till brown. Eat with butter or syrup. ~1ver. o_f death, deeper, broader and more and uncomfortable, and they 1ema1n so, as spite of the kindest intentions and best ef. , 1rre~ist1ble than flows from any other source if they'.were made of wax. of every description at forts on the part of tho2e who conduct the GRAHAM GEMS -;-Two cup 3 of graham But all good men, in a not very remote Still another form is that of hypnotism, VETERINARY SURGEON. inn, or what a.nswera for the inn, or any of flour, one large tab e spoonful of sugar, one- pas t, and not a few in our day, have ac~ept or meamerism, induced on susceptible sub ifs departments? half teaspoonful of sale, one cup of water, ed and do accept moderate 1liinking as in iects by skilled manipu'atore. The person If all this is the way iu which the loss of one cup_ of milk, two eg!{s, beat the yolks 1its~lf safo and helpful. The argument used bscomes insensible to pain, and \ hia will is a home affects those of ample means to 11llow and whites separate~y.. H.we the gem pans is that we are born into conditions which entirely subiect t J that of the experimenter. She has juat opened out one of the largest a.nd most stylish stocks ever brought them the best in travd tmd at pnblichouses, well buttere~ und 11s3 mg hot. B3.ke from everywhere impose the necessity of modcr- Tho baraat suggestion through any sense is to town, consisting of :I in what; way ia it that people of small mea1's, twenty to thirty mmutes. ated indulgence in all our gra.tifications and sufli0ient to putl the person under r.he domiof scanty and pinched incomes, or even of CrtRAMED E aas -'l' his is a "ar med over all our aspirations ; that God is trainiou us nance of the idea suggested. illillincry, DretHi §ilia no iucome at all but th.lt of earnin{{s, are af dish. If cold boiled eggs ate left from <J.ny to self control as one of the ends of our pro 11-kin to artificial hypnotism is a morbid Vdve1s, &c., focted by t he loss of t hi!i central spo\ t his meal , pat them into boilmg wat er and boil bational life. condition into which pcraon~ of a nervous shelter, this roof over the head 1 Sell every until ha1d. P repar a sauce by bo:li og one But in the first place, moderl\te drinking organiza.tfon sometimes fall. :!.' he celebrat- with a very fine stock of Feathers ant' thing, suffer everyt hing in the way of depri cup of milk, stirring in a tablespoonful of teuds so strongly and, m most cases, so irre ed " Soho Sleeper" would, for many yearn, ] 'lowers. vatiou, was a dying parent's advice t o clnl flour wet with cold milk, a nd add a. t able sist1bly to excess that it never could h11.ve fall a.sleep for a fortnight or more at a time, dreu, but keep the house to be t ogether in, spoonful of butter. Season with pepper and entered into the providential arrangements meanwhile exhibiting more er less of the e!all and inspect this fine display, which cll.nnot fail to give satiafaction. whatever befall. Io was sound advice. So salt. Cut tho h1u·d-boiled eggs in slices 0,ud of a wise and benevolent being. peculiar characteristrns of hypnotism. Many l ong as those children , young or old, had a arrange on a small platter; pour over the t' In the second place,-a.nd tnis is what we simil<>r cases might be cited, for ha.idly a a roof, t hey could suffer and be 3t rong t o hot sauce. wish mainl y t o insist on now,-mcderate mont h passes w hen the newspapers do not "ether. Their wm:1ts, their deprivations, H oT CAKES -To each p int of sifte6 1 fl our ! drinking, in i tself and wholly apa.rt from its tell the wonderful story of eome " sleeping ~ere their own au(l nou public p10pe1 t y. add one heaped tea.spoonful of bakmg pow- 1dangerous. t ,ndencies, iniures ~he health, girl, ' who has been living unconscious for Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Collep:e I: needs mu~t that thoy starve, t hey der a nd one salt spoonful of salt ; sift these , s?ortens life, and uansm1~s t o oluldran phy weeks; but some of the cases are not only Registered member of the Ontario Veterinary coulct s tarve In silence and dignity, w~th together three times and with sweet milk s1cal and moral degeneratwn. interesting scientifically, but pathetic. Medical Assoc111tion. none but themselvfs tlle wiser or the mix into a dough thick enough to roll out on This is n,ot n:ere iheory: It is aaserted ~a In 1745 the wife of an E 11glfoh colonel ap d"Ofiloe and Residence, Newton-ville, Ont. worse. All their h ttle shifts were not sub f,h e p11.st.ry boar d. Flou.- the board and roll a f.ac.t by t ne highest med10al ex~ert$, ~Sa.id p!Lrently died. T ne husband persistently A DICTIONARY, Will vlBit Orono every 'l'uesday andlSaturclay j ccts of general discussion; their work W ll.S unt il three quarters of an inch thick ; cut Wllha~ B. .Carpenter, :M:. _:E. R :s., of r efosed to have her buried, and watched 118,000 Wor ds, 3000 J-:1'grnvinf';<, n O.fflc\) hou~s fr m 10 a. ru., to 4 p m., ;i.1 not on inspect ion ; strnnaers were not able ou u iu rounds with a cc ·oky cutter place t he 1 the Un1vcraity of L1ndon, rn his celabrated over her cold and motionlcas body for eight GAZETTEER OF THE WORLD, Gloulters' Hotel. Calls by Telegraph recei ve to interfere among them, or to sow dis·en gn ddle iron over the fire, butter ib lightly, I prize ~s~ay, "The h?bitua~, use of s_mallcr -;.i o f 25,000 'l iLleB, and a 1 dii.ys. Suddenly, on the bells Qf a church im:E echate attentrnn. In1 Uu.nblo ~ In CHiry sion thereby, or to Q lienate affec tion. Close and put a layer of these rounds on it when quant1t1ea of these liquor s, tha.t is, the BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY, ringing, she started up, saying, "It ia the CHAJ! GES MODIDRA'.rE. Sclteol :md " ot ne,u ly 10,000 Noted Pei sou-, toget her in the h11.bitu~l (·ontact of daily well heated ; when lightly browned turn m?dera~e nae,- " if sufficie~tly pr<·longed, last prayer-bell ; it is time t o go." at c'er,r ll'lr()»ldc. ALL IN ONE BOOK. hfe, they could only be bound the wore and brown the npp~r aide. V ary this~iscuit I w1ll .ult1mately be i:ttended, m a large .Pr~ ..,...,..,....... ... A lady pat ient was rcqucating to have a (Jon tam s 3000 more Wo1ds nnd i.c ar ly 2000 more closely in habits of thought, in love, n.nd in ocoaaionally by usmg one ha.If Indian or portum of oases, with consequences preiud1- hot water oottle put to her fr et, saying, "I l\i ush atrons than an)' olher Arncu can D10t 1oua1 >mutual concern. Gra ham meal. cial to the system." His position was sup feel"-when she passed into a cataleptic Should l.:e in e'e1y '"'Chool in tho Dom1n10n--. And the roof tree was responsible for it CoDFfSH BALTB.- Buy the whole fish !f port~d by over two th~usand of his profea. state, and remained in it three hours. On Canctd{i E mcatwnat Jrfori thl11, 1'01 onto. all. The roof-tree was t he bond aud the pos~ib!e. S trip a piece of this into shreds But ~a.rdly any testunony could be more opening her eyes, she ended her sentence,Hcst D1ct10n.uy of t he Ja,1guage - London T ·i«es. 1 protector ; h t ook the place of p!l.rcnt ; it and drop into col.d wate~. .Pare the potatoes 1 cLonclusivc. than t~e foots develope~ _by a " a great cold over my whole body." G. & C, l\'.lERR IAM & CO., P ubhs h c1 ti, was a shield and bulwark against the world. and cut into one-inch cubes. Take the fish 1 oi;idc::n Life 4ssuian~e Compauy. 'Ih1s as Spr rngfiel<l, niass., U .S. A., N o ; t he 'experience of scu.ttored 1md s hip at once from the water , and to one pmt of , sociat1on,_ having ortgmc;lly msured only toAnima.l Intelli.gence. wrecked families has everywhere proved fish use one quart of potatoes. Boil together ta~ abstamers, 1n 186() accept~d m?de~a.te tha.t much discomfort, much misery, might u ut!l the pota.toee are done then dram and drmkers, who never drank to mtox1cat1on, A New York paper speaks of a couple of have been spared them had t hey clnng mo,sh together. Add butter half ae large j ?nt ke pt the accounts of each class distinct orioles tha. t h!l.ve built a nest in 11. t ree at togei her in one home ; t ho.t those who as an egg and one-half salt spoonful of m sep~rate book~. Central l'ark. In order th11t no animal have a home should keep 1t; it is their safe pepper. When cool enough add one well ! Durmg.the penod _1866 1881, of ever¥ one a.ble to climb a tree might r each their nest, ty in worldly and material comfort. Part beaten egg, or two if you can afford ib. I hu_ndred m. the section of ~otal abstamers, they built their habitation at the extreme wit h land, pa.rt with Jewels, part with heir Make int o fla.t cakes, fl.om them, and fry in ~?ltty surv;ive~,bey?nd the hne of cal~ulat~d end of a light branch, and whe!!. the work WILL. CURE OR RELIEVE looms, keepsakes, treasures, but keep the good pork fat turning when brown on one exp.,cts,t10n, while only one survived m was ha.If done they saw that the little house house so long as the sticks and timbers hold side,, ' the other section. DIZZINE88, Bll/OU8NE88, was bending the branch so far towards the together. It is a stronghold ; it is a castle, · _ __ Colonel _ J . L Greene, P resident of the earth that when the house was full of young DROPSY., lJY8P£P8fA, --o-however poor and old, W :>rwick Castle it, , . . . Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance ComfLUTTfR!Nl'J 1 ones it would b e so near t he ground that d ogs JND/GES:rfON, no better for its p11rposes. It is not . To keep kmv.e s and forks Ill good condI, pany, whose duty it is to ·make enquiry and cats might reach it . And with its advent .JAUND/OE. OF TH ~ HEAR'f, self merely t hau " be it ever so humble t here's non whe~ not m use, (hist the. bla~es and 1into the last illness and death of many Here is where the rea.soning power showed AG:fJITY OF ERYSIP£LA8, no place like home," but that'it is home, t he prongs with finely p~wdered quwkhme and I thousands of all classes, says . itself. '.l'he birds sat on the branch studying SALT RHEUM, THF BTOMAIJH, sing le s11ot where one re;gn8, where one is keep them wrapped m fl.i.nnel. " The degree t o which many disea.ses com. their house for a time, and then flew off in HEARTBURN, DRYNESS unfetter ed and fully one's self, where one I Oil cloths w;U fast longer if one or two monly referred t o as malaria, overwork and search of a string. They found some twine {)f THE. 8KIN, llEADAOHE, has ones tools a nd ec1ui pments loosely and I h yers of watlded ca.rpet linmg are laid undeI oth-ar vagu e ca.1, se~, are actually grounded in in the Park, 11.n d wit h i t they united t he two A rid eve ry spec:ie n of rJ:iseasa arislng fro n"'i at "ase ab ou t one, wh ere one is at large li.b· 1t hem. what would almost invariably be called a elastic bou{!ha t o a sturdy branch overhead, has opened out a fine new stock cli~ordered LIVE<?, c, n:;·~EVS, STOMACH, er ty, where one exists satiofi eil with t he A solution of equal parts of gt m arabic temperat e 1rne of drink by p ersons of repnt- resuming their nest-building aft ':lr the s tring BOWELS oa BL OC"l, na.tural l ove of kin if other love is denied and plaster of par is cements china and ed t emperate h abits, would be incredible to had been firmly woven. T he branch can - ofone, a -placv to r etire and withilraw in, to ca~thenware. the mass of people." T he diseases special · sag only to t he limits of this cleverly con · f~el safety i;-n~ p rotecLfon in, to live iu, and To make tins shine wash in hot soap suds, ly mentioned by hi m are congest ed brains, trived stay, and will not bend fa.r enough ~-------...-~ a" fast to die m. - - - ---dip B dampemd clot h in fi ne sifted co~ l insanity, paralysis, d iseases of the k idneys, towar ds t he earth to expose t heir young to liver and stomach, pneumonia and rheuma danger from cat s or other pr edatory animals. ashes, t hl'm polish with dry ashes. The Grizzly as a Speeder. T here a.re brains in tha t engiuecring oper· 1 once chased a l ean grizzly for sever al Some Testea Receipts. A half cupful of ammonia t o a pail of tism. and a lovely stock of ation. miles, .m d it was all I could do t o keep up MACCARONI A~D CHEESE .-Boil t he mac wat er will cleanse har d finished walls nice· with him on a fleet horse. A man couki caroni m plenty of water , well saltul, till ly. Change the water when it becomes Ilealthv Mothers. An Evening Out, not have run half as fast 1.<s he did. Indeed, t t-nder, drain and put in a pudding dish; foul. " No point in ~he w ar fare !Lgainst disease," Robinson (who has had a n evening out)J doubt if the fleetest pedestria l hunter ~Hh a.ltern~te la~erg of gr;,1t e9 chee~e, pour Paiii~ ou windows can , it ia said, bo re· writes Dr. R 1clm1dson, " is so import e.nt as could make his escape if pursued by an ex· in enough rich milk to cover it, }et it stand moved by melting some sod~ in ver;\' h ot that of get ting the women of the household ' ' Well, goo' night, boyah. Had (hie) splen' aarerat.ed grizzly bear in any condit ion , un- for an hour or m<"!re, put ao~e b.1ta of butter wt1ter and wa~hing t hem with it, using a to wo1 ·k heart t1nd soul after good health in time. Goo' n ight." Brown- " D o you think you'll be able to Ladies in want of a choice of fine les~ reached a t ree or used hie firearms on top, set t he dmh m a dnppmg pan h alf soft flannel the household, W e ahvays look to women ~ffec~ua;lly.-Erig. Gen. R. B. M<1.rcy in Out- full of boiling water, and hake in a moder· find t he k eyhole when you get home, R obin· for the cleanliness and tidiness of home. Fancy Dry Goods, please give me iug. at e oven for h<1.lf an hour. __..__$_ We say a home is miserable if a good wifo son?" 5- - Robinson (thoughtfully)" Fin' k eyhole ? - - - -- VEAL SALAD.- Boil a knuckle of veal in Graoe :Before Meat. a call. I have them in endless a.nd moth er be not at the head of it t o dir ect six quarts of water; when tender r e;n;>ve r.rhe old gentleman w as trying to find a. the internal arrangements. A sl ovenly wo- I shay (hie), Brown, I'll be lucky 'f I fin' Unworthy of Trust, variety: at store, opposite S. A. Wife- "John, the new maid told me t hat t he. bones, cho? the meat and add the Jmce, north-west passage from t he leg to t he sec· man is a mark foi· discredit ; but there can housh !" y ou t ried to kiss her this morning. " which should ha mos tly aJ;isorbed, and two d . 01 . b f the duck v.nd was muttering be no doubt tha t the excellences of tidy Barracks. b e th ' H usband-" W hat I Aud I pa.id her a cups of cracker crumbs, cmnamon, pepper ond J hX: o Mammu-" J ohnnie, did yon throw that women in r espect to order and cleanliness · · · · '· '· p uo ,_ m . <t n10 11 S· · 11 nner ra ered . dollar t o say nothmg t o you about it. '1n d l:la l " l · crve co l . " M rs " whisp Bobby "is pa. saying have, without any distinot system or mode cat into th e well? '" Johnnie-" I ndeed I ch arge her at once. Such a per~on is '31Jt LQ r l!'m·.: 1'1 · - Tnice and r" rat ed rind of grace~~· ' of scientific education, sa.ved us from seveie didn't. I W<'<B just holding it over by tho Bowm~nville, Marell. 13, l 8S8, be trusted. " t i"" ' ~v~nnll, )'.I.le ··ur· ·1 o-hnl cups of sugar, , · tall, and it waggled loose and fell in, " ~-" M'\tU\t ..tl· \ftt' pU -"" OfJ' -" ~i'J"-"-" -!!;(-t-,;t-~-1.'l!-m'i'U+ HOUSEHOLD. 1 j l HEALTH. I CATARRH. ==============:..------ I I l ,. I I I- 0 t; If I I l I PD 1 I I $tl BEEF' IRON AND WINE. I I I !t · I I l R. PEAT E, TailoP I l BELL &CO., Gnelph, Ont. I LADI s MILLINERY 1 MIS. DONNELV'S ! EBSTER~S Unabr!Q[Bd Dictionary. p., I I I 1 ~ -SPRING- I I I MR .IVE - Laces, Embroideries, Plush es l LADIES' f I N~ U N DfRWf A R ; D rn-l I l MRS. I VES. 'ahildren crj fol ~itcttef1~~Jtll~ttrlfti