--1and he is so good to his poor swk mother," To Nattte's great relief, Mr. Dutton offersaid Alwyn. "See, se·" sister I" turning ed to go with the father to assist in the the prow of his small ·nSsel towards her, search, and the coachman, far too anxious IS PUBLISHED and showino- a word on it in pencil which and excited to let his master go without him EVERY WEDNESDAY ltlORNING he rEomred her to spell 011t. It was Ursula m a cab, contl'lved to bring up bhe carriage. DY CIIAULOTTll M. YOUNG, -BY"Oh Wynnie!" she au.id, duly flattered, Some of the oorva.nts were ordered off to uhe "did Mr Dntton do that?' various police offices Poor nurse, who was J}f. CHAPrER XXXII.-(CoNTINUED ) "He held my hand, and I did !" cried nearly .distracted, started in a hansom on .A.T THE OFEIC!ll She longed to talk to Mr Dutton about Alwyn triumphantly, "and he will paint it her own account, persuaded tha. she should l"ost Oll~cc llloek, King St1 eet, Bowman· them, but she found hrself doomed to:a. day on Sa.turday. Then 1t will dry all Sunday, see a.ud rcugmze traces of her darlmg Tille, Ontutlo. that perlmps Aunaple would hD.ve thought 11.nd not come off, so it ~ill be the l!i aiila at the scene of hi~ loss, and she almnst meed the carnage, which was bJund for the aame more trying than her haxrowed hfo. She for ever and ~!ways " TER~LCS· Here nurse claimed her cha1ge, and when spot. 1.iro i·t.l' Annmn, or $1 l f 1mlll in advante was a little later tha.n she had intended, and Sluggish natures Ji ke M.t ]~Jremon t's Payment strictly in adv&nca requ!recl from her father had been w aiting impatxently to the good nights wete over, and a murmur can sometimes be ro1rne i t > ,<·eat v·olenoe, becnbe>'50l'ts1de of the county. Oiders to \ave a note read to him, so he growled at recommenced, Nuttie suggested tho.t if Mr. soontlnue the paper mu~t be acooiupani ed by her unpatience to run sfter "that Scotch Dutt.on vrn.s at home perhaps he would come aud then ]JOUI" forth the lo JI-( pent up famouut d ue ortbe papa w1l n< Gbe stopped. girl" And the note happened to be of an m and make up the game, but she enconn· accumulations kept back hy ind< leuce and ,psorlbera aroresponu1b eunt1 !ullpa:vmentis uritatmg nature· moreover the cutlets at tered the old humour. "I'll tell you wh!l.t, mdifference. His only occupation durmg llde. luncheon were s~id to be 'akin to India-! U,aula, I 'll not have that umbrella fellow the rapid drive Wll.s to vituperate his valet, RATES OF A.D"VEKTllJ.i!lll'i~: ,i::.~ rubber ancl theie was the wrong flavor in encouraged about the house, and if t11at the curse of his life, he said. To hear him Whole Column one yearu·····f)·····$63 oO $~~ the sadce Ursula let that cook do what child is to be made the medium of communi talk, it would have seemed as if Gregorio " " Half year ........... 36 oo ffio she pleased without rnmonstrance. cation, I'll put a st!lp to it . had been the tyrant who had kept hun in " " One qua1ter .. · · · · 20 oO ,.... ~ Even Alwyn did not afford as much satia· The words were spoken JUSt as Gregorio bondage all these yeri.rs, fully aware of his Balf Colllllln one year ............... 36 oo - faction ag usual, for the boy was in high had .entered ~he rocm \\ ith a hap.dkerehief falsehood, speculation, and other rascahty, " Ha.U year .. .......... 20 spirits and wanted to blow a. little trumpet, of his masters. N uttie, colourmg deeply but as unable to break the yoke as if he had One quarter ... ....... i2 50] Qaarter Colurr.n ono ye11<r ·...·.···· 20 00 1 which was more than hia father could stand a.t the mault., met his trmn1 phc1.n1' eyes, bit been in truth the slave of anything but his " " Raif year. ....... i2 501own evil habit and helpless acquiescence. 5 He was very good when this was silenced, her lips, and deigned no word of reply. " ·· One quarter. · ·· .. 8 ('1:0 RF. CONTJNUED ) but he then bega.n to rush round the room An undefin~d but very slight odour, that !'on lines a.nduuuer,first insertion. 30 56darmg his sister to catch the wild colt as he told her of oprnm smoke, pervaded the stams Bl&oh subsequen tinsert10n ...... 0 25 · _e . . . . . From n·x to ten Imes, first rnaertion 0 75 ... went by. This had likewise to be stopped, that mght It was the only refuge from Eaoh subsequent msertion. · ·· 0 351 HIS with the murmur that Ursula spoilt the fretfulness; but her heart ached for her MA1r8 FRIEND AND ALSO 0ver tenhnes,firotrnsert1on,porlUJe 0 io,-10 child. father, herself, and most of all for her little .ENEMY. Each subsequent rnsertion " 0 03 She tried to compose matters by turning brother. And was she to be cut off from The number otl!nes to be reckoned by-:: out the old toys m the ottoman, but Alwyn her only counsellor? An Acconnt of the Mllre I1n1)ortant Jllo(lern the apace occupied"measured bys so&leofj had outgrown most of them, and did not olld Nonpareil, lllglt J~xplo~lves. .::_ earn for any except!?. certain wooden donkey, l.,HAPTER XXXIII.-THE LOST HEIR Few would imagme, as they watch the minus one ear and a leg, which went by the 'Seemed to the lioy Gome ccrnrnde gay coal quietly glow and consume away 111 the DRS, llcLA.UGllLIN di BEITH, name of Sambo, and had absorbed a good Led lum forth to the woods to play.'-Scorr grate, that there al.'e present all the materials OFl!'IOE -:MORRIS' Br.oaK, BOWMANVILLE. <leal of his affe tion. He ha.d with d;fficnlty Though it was the Derby day, :Mr. Egre n~cessihy for producing an explosion; yet Dr.J.W.MaLAUGHT,IN,, Dr. A BEirn, Gradu been consoled for Sambo being l<lft behmd, licentiate of the Hoyal ate of the 'l'oronto and now turned over everythmg m search mont's raaing days were over, o.nd he only such is the case, and it has been found that took his daughter wit h him in quest of the the ignition of coal dust laden air is s not College of Physicians 1md member of the Umvers1ty, l:'hys1cui.n of him, Alas ! Sambo could be found no spectacles he wanLed, When they came mfreqnent source of disastrous explosions m where in the room, and Alwyn dashed off to Royal College of Sur- Surgeon, &o. inquire of aU the household after him. His back, Nuttie mounted to the nursery, but coal mine~. geona, Edinburgh. vVhat hae occurred with coal may oocur father meanwht!e growled at the child's no httle br·othor met her on the stairs, and DR. J, C. Ml'IVJIELL, noise, and went on trying the glasses Nuttie she t ound nurse m deep displeasure v.it11 her with any comtlustible solid which is finely pulverized a nd auapended in air, and m this EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PJ:lYSICIANS had brought, o.nd pronouncini:: each pair in suboidinate. ann Burgeo..11s, Ontario, Coroner, eto. "I sent nim ot,t with Ellen t o play m the manner the exploswns of flour which destroy turn uselesH, vow~ng t hat it was no use to Ofiloe and Reeidence, Enniskillen U garden ab Springfielcl, and swim his ship, ed several flour mills in Mmnoapolia in 1878 send her imywhere. --~ - -----'-----where he oouldn t come to any harm," said are accounted for The explosions of saw Upon thi~, back came Alwyn, terribly "\V. S, OIUUISTON, I, L, U. nuroe; "being chat my foot ia that bacl I dust in the l:'ullmaa oar shops :i.nd a t Gol indignant, for he had extracted from the Bnn1ster, Sollmtor, Conveyancer, &c, Money cant walk t he le~gth of the street; and dowsky's furniture facto·y, the explosions of housemaid left in charge, who was ii,s cross to Joan. OffiCll, In Beaver Block upstairs m what does the git'! do but lets that there str.rchin a New York oandy factory, of nee r ooms formerly occupied by Dr. Harnden, as she was trus~woxthy, "What ! that old Gregorio take the dear child and go-good in r ice mills, and of dust m breweries and :Bowmanville. 3ll broken thiug, Master Egremont? I threw neas knows where-without her." spice miJls, are among the many examples of it on the fire I I'd never have thonght a "Im aure, ma'am," sa:d -i;he girl crying, the aation of a Bimilar cause; but perhaps Dlt. E CJ. l'llcl}OWELL. young gentleman of your age would have "I would never have done it, but Mr. Gm the most nansual co.se of this olt\ss of cxplo IOENTIA'fE OF ROYAL COLLEGE cared for such rubbish as that." gory aa.id aa l10w 'twas his papa's wmh." s10ns was that of finely powdered zmc, which of Phy~icians. Lonuon, Eng , Member of "You are a wicked, cruel woman," re "Wha.t was'" said Nuttie. occurr~a m 1854 at the Bethlehem z mcwo1ka College of Physicians ancl Surgeons Ontario turned Alwyn, with flo.dh!Dg eyes ; "I shall SURG»iY AND RESIDENCE: -Rear of Messrs "That he shouldn't never go and play at Two British men of war, the Dotercl and tell prt.pa an<:! sister of you." B'.iggmbotham s Drug Store, Bowmanville, Mr. Dt1tton's again," eaid J<~llen the 'Irmmph, have been blown up, owmg to 6-lyr.* And in he fl.cw, aobbtng with grief and "I told her she was to take her orders off the p1esence on board of a dryer for paints wrath for the dear Sambo, feeling as if it nad me, and no one else, ' returned nurze, " ex oi which benz· ne formed a part; ll.Dd the ser D. lnTRKE SllMPSON, been a hve donkey burnt to death, and hid cept, of course, you, Miss Egremoilt, i>S has ions explosion 111 Pav;tuckct and the more ARRISTJHt, SOJ~ICITOR, tzc. MOVIUS mg h1sface on hrn sister's lap for consola the right." disastrous one in l~ochbster, arose from n a,ph BLOCK, up stairs, Kmg Street Bowm11.n· tiou " Q nte so ; you should have t old Mr. tha. havmg been pernmted to escape rnto the Ile, Sohoitor tor tho Ontario Bank " Come, come, Wyn," srud hia father, whc Gregorio so, Ellen." s 3Wera. l'rlvate JloneTS loaned at the lowest rates, did not brook mterruptron , " here's half a " I rlicl, mo.'am, but be said those was 111r The mudern high exploshes are bodies sc~ere1gn to go and buy a new donkey." .lohn Keith Galbraith, Egremont's orders, and he said," cried the which oontam withm their molecules the ele " It won'li be Sambo," sa.id Alwyn rue gnl, nnahle to wrthst.,,nd the pleasure cf ment.s necessary for ordmary cambushon, D ARRlSTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY D PUBLIC, &o. Ofiloe-Bounsall'il Bloc,k fully. repeatmg somethi,1;; diso.greeable, · t hil>t while a.t the sa,me time they are mote or lesB "But you should thank papa," said Nuttie Mr E~remont wouldn't have no mea< King Street, Bo~ man ville. -~onoy ~~!end, engers tndo'hermous; and the best example, and 11 'thank you, papa," he s1t1d, with qmver between ) ou and a low tradesman fellow, as perhaps the most important, of tl ese is the ROBEBT A.Rlil®Ull, ing hp, " but I don't want o. new one, Oh, made umbrellas, and wanted to msmuate mercury fnlmmate '.I hrn sub~tauce was dis ~l!iGISTRA.R, WEST DURHAM ISSUTr.ll S>imbo, Sa.mbo l burnt !" and he climbed on covered by Howard in 1800, and was made !\.of Marrrn.ge Licenses, BarrlGter and A.ttor Nu ttie s lap, hid his face against her himself m her e." e:v at Lsw and Solicitor In Chancery Money "Thats ci.uibe enough, Ellen; I don't b,yd1ssolvmg mercury in n1tr10 acid and pour 111inod on Real Estate, Oflloo on B.lng street, and crierl ; but her comfortmgs '\\ ere rvant to hear any impertinences. Perhaps ing the solution into alcohol. Its tlrscovery broken oft by, " How can you en you aid not understand his foreign accent. aroused the liveliest mterest, and it wo.s 1111 lpwmanvme. <'r>nraga the ch1lrl rn being so foolish ? Did he say where he was going ~' mediately tested by firing in a musket, but, WUI.IAltl WIGUT. Ifove done, Wyn; don't be Huch a baby ' "I think he said he'd take him to the though it imparted very little velocity to the ICENSED AUCTIONEER for t:pe Go out with 1 urae f1nd bay what yon hke, Serpentrne to aa1l his ship," said Ellen, ms proiectile, and produced only a slight recoil County of Durham. Orders left at the but I can't have crying here." posed to carry on asseverations of the and :report, it burst the barrel of the piece S!r.\TESMAN oflice or forwarded to Tyrone P .o. He tried to stop in °heer amazement, bnt ~oe1vo prompt attention. 28 6m~ the grouud swell of sob could not be con correctness of her report, but nurse ordered completely open ; and hence it was relegated her off tho sceno, a.nd proceeded, as a con to the position of a che:ru~o.l curiosity u1!til trolled, Nuttie was gomg to lead him away, fidential servant, " Tne girl had no call to J1ecalled for use as .t pnmmg for percussion S. (), HUNKING, a.11d co11sole him with more imaginativt> repeat it ; but there's not a doubt of , it he !laps. . . ICENSED AUCTIONEER F0:2 syrnpathy than could be expected from the Its adaptation to modern uses began m t)le County of Durham. Salee attended maids, but her father sharply called her did s!J..y eomethmg of t he sort. Theres not one of us bnt knows he is dead agamst Mr. 1863, when Nobel discovered that by the ex lo on Shortest notice and lowest rates . .A.ddress back. He wanted her himself, and indeed Dutton, because he tried to get master to plosion of a few grains of this substance m ilJOURl~O E P Q, 36.tf there was no question whiuh was the wors" get to sleep without that nasty opmm smoke. tro glycerine might be detonated, and was spoilt child. He might idolise Alwyn, but Pianos Tnned and Itepaired.' There wa,s a"bitter foucl between nurse and extended 1868, when Mr. E. 0, Brown dis not so as to clash with his own comforts. The valet, and Nuttie could have exchanged covered that not only could dry gun cotton glasses being unsuccessful, Nuttie proposed with her many a lament, but she contented be detonated by this means, but that if a ARTIES WISHING THEIR PI ANO~ Tuned or repairen can ho.ve thom attend.~ (o drive buck to Ludgate Hill fur him to herself with saymg " I w1ah he would let I small initial mass cf dry gun aotton was de to by leaving word at the DOMINION 0.RGAr< choose for himself, but he would not hear of Master Alwyn alone. It is high time they tonated in con tact with a mass of wet cotton, Gu'a OFIJ'ICJll, Bowmanville A tlrst-olas mar, gomg into the heat of the City, and growled should come in." the latter would l:e aloo detonated, even now bolng in their emvlo' at her for thinking of such a thing "T.he child will be tired to death and all though it were completely saturated with They took an aimless drive instead dirt ! Hrn nioe new sailor suit too ! Going water. in the park, and Nutt1e was nearly grubbing ab~ut at the Serpentme with no .Baron von Lenk of Austria took up the baked while ~he carriage was stop one knows who, a.s isn't fit for a young gen study of this m?.telial in 1853, and his efforts ped fer her father to have a long tMk tleman," moaned nurae. to perfect the methods of manufacture and over the pro·pec ts cf the Derby day with one '.I his, ho :vever, w:i.s tho worst fear aha en to moderate the v10lence ot the g·m ohargea of his most unpleasant associates, who stood tortamed, and it wa.a with a certain ma.h were il>ttended with such apparent success leanrng over the door on the sharly side of oious satisfaction that she heard her mas that a special battery of 12 pounders was con the c>J.rriage, no one recking how little pro ter's bell for Gregorio. structed for use with it, and the position of tect10n she derived from her small fringed Nuttie descended to explain, and whereas the explosive seemed assured, until IS65, pansol the need was not very nrgcnt, and she look when his magaz 1nes blew up spontaneously, She came home tired out and thankful that cd distreesed and i>ngered at the valet, her! and the article was iutArdioted by the llov her father went to rest in his own room father recrived the complam~ with, " Well, , ernmenli. ' Shu climbed to the nursery, thmkmg to tho b y ia gottmg too big to be tied forever to' While tho Austrian experiments were go share Alwyn's tea. and comfo1t him, but she a nursery maid. It will do lum good to go ing on, Abel, the chemist to tho War Depart HARNDEN, L. D. 8. found only nurse there. Nurse had a bad about with a man." 1 ment of Great Britain, was alao engagod m foot, and dreaded hot pavement, so she had Graduate of the R():Vnl Colle11:eot Dent&l But as dressmg time came on, and still I the study of the properties of thfa substance, sent Master Alwyn out with her subordin:1.te, nmther Gregorio nor Alwyn a-opcared, Mr. and the same year in which Austria proscrib Surgeons, Onto rio. a country girl, to play Ill Mr. Dutton's gar E"remont became impatient, 'and declared ed t he article he announced the 111vent1on of 0 J;'IOE OPPOSITE F.X'PRJ<JBS OFFCE. l~en tul it should be cool enough to go and th"'at tho valo· had no business to keep the the procesa by whwh its manufacture has GOLD InLI,ING A SPECIALTY make his pmchase, and. a message had since child out so long; mdeed, he v; ould sooner since been successfully carried on. -"rrived that he was going to drfok tea there, have taken alarm but for Nuttie's mo,nifcst Ai&TIFICUL '.l'EF,TH INSERTED WITHO'UT Gun cotton constitutes the boat military and Mr. Dutton would take hun out PLATES. agony of anxiety, startmg and rushmg to explosive known, for, whlle Its explosive H1a sister envied him the green sho.des, listen at every rmg at the bell or sound of force vastly exceeds thil>t of gunpowder and Groot Reductions m price on all Dontal Work. Vitalize<!. Air, constantly m use pro· and hacl JUSt done her best to cool the back wheels near at h 1 md. At fast, at eight approaches that of llltrn glycenne, it 1s the ducmg Pamless Operations. Partioula.r atien drawmg room and rest herself with a book, o'clock, there was 11. peal at the eervanta' j safest an:l most stable explo sive v;e possess, tion paid to the reguiat1on cf Clnldren's 'l'eet~ v1 hen M·· ] 'ane \I ilS announced. He talked belt, and me footman who answered it linrn smce it can be stored and trausportea wet; tJ6rALL"WORK WA.RR.ANTED . .._ pleasantly enough, and Hngered and lmger ed round to the anxious crowd "Mr. and, when in thrn sta.tc, though it may oe Branch oft1ce. Dr. Rutherford's Orono. ed, n o doubt mtendmg to be asked to din Gregory! He JUSt asked if the child was 1 dewnated as described abo~e. it cannot be ner, but she was equl\lly determined to do come home, and went off like lightning." exploded many other vrny. Aa m uch as 2,no such thing. She had heard enough of " The villam ! He's lost h im r" shrieked 000 pounds of wet compressed gun cotton races for one day, she thought, and at nurse, with a wild scream. " Run after have been pbcarl in a fierce bonfire, where last he took his leave, only JU~t before she him, James ! Catch him up !" suggested it has gradually clued, fayer by layer, and dressed for dinner. the butler nt the same moment. "Make been consumed without exploding. Besides, "I thuught Fane was here," said Mr. hrm t ell where he saw him last'" gun cotton 1s the only m1lita1y explosive Egremont as he came in ; no doubt t old by J 1>mes was not a genrns, bnt the hall boy, wh10h can be deton11.tod with certainty when 1 Gregor10. an alert young fellow, h~d already dashed frozen. In ca.llmg 1t ti. military explosive 1 "He has been, but he is gone." down the steps m pursuit, il>nd came up with mean, of course, for use in to1pedoes and for "You di<ln't a~k him to st'1y and dine ?" the valet so as to delay him till the other military mimng, and not as a substitute for "I did not know you wrnhed 1t.' servants stood round, and G regorio tlm1ed gunpowder in guns; but it mo.y be, a11d has "You might have known thlt I should back with them, pale, breathless, evidently been, successfully used as a charge for shells have liked t o see him. I suppose you think terribly dismayed and unwilling to face his fired from gun-powder guns both m this ooun WITH TEll:Tll, yom sweet self society enough for any master, who stood at the top of the s teps, try and abroad, Shells containing as much man~', Vlhite wi th alarm and wrath. as 110 pounds of gun cobton have been re "I am aor1y-" " Sir," cned G-regono, w1rh a stammermg peatedly fired m Germany. l'RACTI«:.A.J. DEN'l'IIST, " I'm sick of hearing you are sorry ! I of mixed languages, " I have searched every The most promment rival ot gun cotton OVER '.l:WENTY YEARS EXPERU::NOlil, believe there's nothing you like so well as where I I wa.s gomg to give notice t-0 t he !or 1mll.tary uses and. the .best ex plo.s1ve for mdustnal purposes, is mtro glycerme and tl:'Olll10xiueGns A.llmt:n.istercdCor l"atnJ.et1 domg an ungracious thing to a friend of police. Jeferai tout I Je le trouverui.' mine.,, " \Vhere did you lose him ? ' demanded the n ixtures of whwh 1t forms a part '.!'his Operations. Nuttie had learnt to hold her tongue on Mr. E"remont in a hoarse voice, such as substance was discovered by Sobre10 in 1847, MCQJLITMG'S BJ;@()ll. 0 such occasions. Nutt1e had never hear-d. while carr ymg out a series of experiments Dmner wa.a nearly over, a nd her father "In the P "rk, near the bridge over t he u nder P elouze, Its liqmd form makes rt dif had been grumbling again at having no one S crnentme. I was speakmg for a few mo fioult tc; store a.nd transpor b, and permits it to take a hand at oaras with him, when the meuta to a friend. Ilah ! Il etait P-"rl1 to find its WILY mto unexpected pla.cea, where door opened a little way, and Alwyn's pretty Mais ;e le trouverai. Parker , he seeks too it constitutes a source of dangeI Consid glowing face looked in. He was come tc. Fear not sir I shall find him." orations such as these led Nobe!, about 1867, Bil>Y good night rnther lu.ter thm ueual, and "Find hn~, you sooimdrel, er uever dare to mvent dynv.m1te. The name is now ap he ran up to liis sister VI ith o. little bouquet to see me again! Ive borne with your in plied to a. great ~ariety of nitroglycerine of yellow banksia and forget me nots. solences Iona and nnw you va brouetht them m1 x tures, but ~hev 1111 oonsASt of a porous " M1thter Button"-so Alwyncallcd him to a height:" Go, I say, find my b~y l 'ex solid ahso1bent wluch sucks up o he liqu!d - " sent you this. He said you would hke clai.r:ed Mr. E"remont, ;nth a fioroe oath n1t10 glycerme by cap1llanty a.nd holds it m 0 it, 'cause it came from one that grew at Mit and passionate gesture, and Gr egorio van its pores or mterstices tletwait. And oh, look, look !" ished again '.Ihe mo8t important mtro glycerine mixHe was hugging a little ship, which he " Bnncr the carrfage-no, call a cab; " ture is explosive gelatine, also inv"nted by proudly exhibited, whlle his father's brow command~d Mr l·:remont, snatching up his Nobel. This IS mi1de by heating nitro gly had darkened at the message. "Did you ha~. "Who is tlus Parker?" cerine on a we.ter bat h and adding to 1t fro n buy that?" asked his sister The servants hesitated, but the hutle1 7 to 10 per cent. of soluble guu cotton ~fter ependmg much time and money, I ani "Yes, Mr. Button went with me, and \\e said he believed the ma.n to be a friend of lOW prepared to fill all orders vromptlir. I The largest smg le cbarg<os ever fired were ~ave a fine assortment of WA VI~s. DAN"GS sa.iled it. We sailed it by the founto.m in Grenoiio's, employed at one of the clubs. employed In the blowing up of Hallett's Reef SWITC'Hl~S, COMBS and PINS very ohcal;>.' Mr. Button's gaulcn, And we made a Nuttie meanwhile begging her fathar not and ]'lood Rock. In the latter, which cc· storm!" B.A.NGS FROJY.I: $2 UP. i;o go without her, ilew upstairs to put on curred Oct. 10, 1885, the charge consisted of .!lid Switches colored and ma.de to look like He danced about w 1 th glee, and Mr· new. Highest puce paid for long cut ha.ll', Egremont observed, "A OP.ar purchase for her hat, and coming down at full speed found 240,399 pounds ?f rack l1 rock, ai:d 48,537 that Mr. Datton, passing by and seeing the po;incls of dynamite No. I, yet so nwoly was ten shilliuga, Did it cost all that, Wyn?" open door and the terrified set vri.uts on the this enormous cho.rge c~.lculated for the~ ork DAIR TOMIC "1'hey g1ved me a big silver half-crown, steps had turned in to ask what was the it was to do, that beyond breaking down the Waria,nted to prevent the hair from falling and I gived that to a little boy what came matt~r, and was hearing in no mearnr.ed rock, t?ssing u~ an enormous body of _water out and will make it grow, itarI have also a. fine lot o! new Bto.nwlng to speak to Mr. Button, and had his toes terms from Mr. Egremont how the child to a height (eatuna.ted f?r the tallest Jet) of through his boots, and he was so l'(lad," Pli.tte~ ns. .A.II orders PDO!llptly attended to. had been taken away from his nurse and IGO feet, and generatmg an earth wave " Your money ia not for beggars, Wyn." lost in the pflrk while that scamp Gregorio which waa observed llJ! far ea,st as O:u11br1dge, " ['he little boy was not a beggar , papa. was chatting to some good for·nothing friend. Mti.ss., it produced no visiblu effoct , '17 Nead~' Block, Bowmanville. He C!l.me Ytith a newspaper to Mr, Button, __. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN A. J A].1:ES, 1 NUTTIE'S FATHER, YOUNG FOLKS. .ENLARGING OU.& OR:ESTS. BY WU,LIA.M BLAIIHB. Sile T1·ied in 1·ain ··~ Get ReHeC and had «J·1itc Given up all Hope, Cam pbellford, June :J, l 887, MR. E. l\:'Io1m1s, Toronto, D EAR Sm - I feel it Ply duty bo give you my testimony for the good I had from your Dandtl!otl L,ver and Kidney Bittera My liver was m a bad state and I wad a great sufferer. I liad trred m \ 11111 to get relief a nd h ad (]mte given up ·/'all hope, 1111 a friend told me of your Bitters I got a bottle at once and I at.,,·"" happy to say the Bitters made a new woman of me. I can heartily recommend them to any one troubled with liver eomplamt Yours truly CARRIE S:rEPHENf!. 00 - 001- j I ~ __ __ ____ 0 I M L B L L 1 P DENTl&TRY. Nobody te11ches Canadian boys how to breathe. City boys, and many from the country t oo, have finer chests before they go to school "han they £ver do afterward. Sittmg rn a school room, or sho~, or factory, or any other room five or six hours a clay, and then s1ttmg most of the rest of tne day beaidea does much to weakeu the chest , for when you sit still, you do not breathe your lungs h:i.lf full. Take one large full breath now, and see how your chest rrnes a.ud ex pandec, and how differently frnm a minute ago, when b1eathmg only as you generally do. Many bo:ys actually do not breathe their lungs full once m a, whole week Is it any wonder they have weak chests, and tha.t they easily c~tch cold? How are you to have strong lungs if you do not use them' Which h a.s the strong arms-the mvalid leaving the sick bed, or the blacksmith i he who uses his arms, or he who does not? When walking at the rate of four miles a.n hour, you breathe nearly five times as much air as when you are aittmg still. Now the fuller breaths you take, and the more of them in a day, the stronger and fuller chest you are going to have. If every boy 111 the Domm10n would take a thousa.nd slow, very <ieep breaths avery day from now on throughout his life, 1t would almost double our vigor and &tfectiveness as a nation. For deep breathmg not only enlarges the cheat itself, t1nd makes it; shapely and strong, but it gives power and vigor to the lungs and heart, and makes them do their work far better. Auel 1t does the Eiame to the stomach and bowda, the liver ll.nd kidneys , indeed, to all the vital organs. It makes the blood nchcr. lt adds directly to the vigor of the bram as well, and so en!l.bles H to do more work. In ahort, it is about the best known way of gettmg and k eepng health. And who would care to hire a swk man to work for him i Or who can do much ha>d work when' he is sick? Not thf.l.t we can alwavs av01d s1cknest, but lt is leas likely to c01ne, a nd has ha1der work to enter., when we are robust and m good tramrng tha.n when we are weak and run do\\ll, And how shall we get a. good chest 1 In two ways by bmlding both ms1de and out aide. The deop, thorough breathing does the rnmde work, inflates the chest as you do a. foot bo.ll when you blow it np ; and using certain of the muscles vigorously bmlds up the outside. And first for the breath·ug. Do three thin(ls. Always hold your neck well back ; t h·s straightens ycur backbone, and so stra1ght»ns almost the whole of you. Next, breathe net through your mouih, but your nose. " God breathed mto n·an's nostrils the bicath of hfe," nob into hfa mouth. Indians tl1rnl, a man who goes around with his mot.th open a coward. fhhdly. get e"er y mch of air mto your lungs that you c!lin, and as many times each day as you can At your age you can train your cheat and lungs in t his way to an extent that will smprrne and dehgnt yuu 1n your l.\ter years Basy running and plenty of it, breathing JUSt ns slowly and deeply as you can all the way, will gtve your lungs grand wotk, and right out m the pnre, invigorating out door air. Damel Boone would never nde when he could walk. Gladstone and Lowell have for many years followeu I.he BH,me rule, and see how fresh they keep in a green and use ful old age ! Do plenty of walking, and always when walking do the deepest, Blow est of breathing yon can Try every now and then and see how many breaths you take m blowmg up a. foot ball. It may not be many months bll one breath will fill it, and there will be nothing very small or weak about your lungs then. Stand ten feet from a lighted c11ndle and see if you can blow it out. Practise whispenng as loudly as you can, and do as much singrng as your neigh bors can tolerate, and when singing, as a famous t enor once said, "breathe from a.way down." Swim as far as you can in one breath each d1.1y during the hot season. Run a hundred yards m one breath, as the swiftest sprinters do. l. ou a re educatintr your throat and lungs in a most valuo.ble way now ; yet how aimple r For the outside of the chest, arm work does fa'( morn th::.n foot work. A man may have large legs and no greg,t chest But large armed men generally have fine chests, and always h;i,vo large muscles on their chests, both front and brck. Sl·p the backs of your hands t ogether high up over your head a hundred times without stopping Have you not found a gootl chest exercise now ? How li;,rge and high your chest ~ml denly feela ! Of course breathe it as full as you can whlle at this or any other exer c1se. Good News at Home E MORRIS, EsQ ,-DEAR Sm,- I havJ reason to speak well of your D indehon L1vel" and Kidney Bittern. I have been troubled for some time with my Kidney and a. friend of mme recommended them to me and I tried them m my case, and found them to work hke a charrn , there· fore I have much pleasure Ill recommendmg them to all persons who are troubled m any way with their K1dnev. Yours truly, J. J. JoJSES. Nevrtonv1lle, l\fay 3, 1887. Consumption SurelyiOured. To THE Em roR Please mform your r eaders th nt I have a 9os1tive remedy for tho above named disease. By its trnrnly use thou·ands of hopeless eases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to auy of your read era who hin e consurnpL10n 1f they will send me th01r Express and P. 0. address. Resp< ctfolly, DR. 'l'. A SLOCUM:, "<>7 Yonge street, _'l'oronio, Ont AnVJCJil TO l'tlOIHEltS -Are y ou dis. tut bed at n·ght and broken of your r est by a swk child euffermg and c1ymg with pam of Cuttmg 'reeth 1 If ao send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Wmslow's Soothing Syrup" For children teethmg, ii;;i value IR n,calculable. 1t w1!1 relieve the poor little sufferer imme diately. De· pend upon it, mothers ; the re is n o nustake about it It cures Dysentery and D an hcea, regulates the Stomach and Bo wels, curee 1-Vmd Cohc, softens the Gums, reduces Infiamma.t10n, and gives bo:10 and energy to the whole syi<tem. " Mt~ . 'Vmslow's Soothmg Syrup "f\for children teethmg 11! pleasant to I he t aste and is the prescr1pt10n of one of t he oldest and best female phys10ians and nurses in the Umted States, and is for sale by all drugg1Bts through the wotl(l. Puce 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for " l\fRS WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP " and take no other kmd, When Be.by was sick, wo gAve her Caiirorll!.,' When eho Wt\S a Child, ebo cned for Caatar1a, Wlrnll she became Miss sho clung to Castona, When shl) had Child:ten, she gave them Castona, THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND PO DUNN)JS INC DR CENTRAL BOOT & SH Of STORt, -oThe above store is now ia a position to supply the pub!Jc with a first class a1 t1cle of Spnng m.d Su,nme1 stock I have purchased from one or the best ma.nu facturm>! establishments m 'l'oronto a large assortment of fine Boots and Shoes, also a fine art10lo m Woman's Slippers m all s1zea to fit purchaser "h1ch you will find to your aclvant n,ge to examme. 'fhey are marked In pnce ta smt the t1me2. T ha-ve m stock Men" SummAr Shot1R from $1 up, also Woman's, Mens and Miss' R ubbers. So come along friends and brmg your cash and you vnll decided!~ get a bargmu, Ordered work aud repaurng promptly attended to Thanks for the past fa'Vora and sohcitmg a contmuance of the same, -VV. J:-I. HIC.H::~, Su;n of the Big Boot. 15 3m ---~ -.....,,,, I I DENTISTR~f. f.11. BR IMA.COMBE, Fine Hair Goods. LADIES, Patronize Ho m B TRADE. W ith straight knees and elbows, and ohin up, hold yom hands out in front of you, pa.Im to palm. Now throw yonr l ands sharply back en a horizonal line, never bend ing your elbows hll they are as far back far as you can get th.,m. Do fifty of tl1eae movements, Ot' even twenty five, at a time, and see how full your cl-iest has suddenly be come. Thia is grand work for round shoul ders, and round ~houlders are a defornuty, for which you are the one chiefly to blame. For now you know how to straighten them out. With your neck back, your back fia.t, shoulders low, and knees stra1ghu, you could not be crocked if you tried to. Push your dumb bells high above your head a.nd hold them there ; now lean your head far back, and hold it there ; then lower the dumb bells till they are far out at your sides, as 1f your hands were on a cross, your elbows never once bending. Raise the bells agam, and do this six t imes morning and evening this week, ten timed next week, and increase atter that as you find you 011.n. You are now stretching and enlarging the muscles across the front of your chest and shoulders, end expanding the whole chest as well. Do not forget to breathe in great breaths all the time. Curling dumb bells will also build up these muscles on the front of your ohesc; so will t he d1ppmg between chairs. " Drpp1:ig," or lowermg and then raising yourself on the parallel b.irs, 19 great work for these I musales, and r.o w all bent arm wo1·k on the parallels. Ly mg on your back on the floor, with a dumb bell in each hand, and your arms straight out at your sides, and then raising them till high up a.b.,ve your che i;, and th.en lowenng them, rn also good. And you can hardly de enough of these exera1ses 1f you try te. ICURE When I s~iy Cumn I do not mean merely to stop them for at me, aud tllen l! "e them return auo. 1 I M lfA-' A RADICAL CURE. ! l:lave made the disease of FITSI !'!~Es~ lf~W<r£LEPSY o:t' i"ALLIZ.lG· S!CKNESS9 0 n 11 ~'te 1\0I"t crnc' Jlecan'e otil"LS have f, ·led snore iscmfornot 11owre ce1vm,R 1cur'21. 89110.at 011ce or~ tteat1~oandaFRE .l3o't~-T"I o" ny INF'Ll.:i"UL:i!J RFMEDY. G1v0 EXT- _3 ' ~d .Post ()!lice It costs you not111n,,, :r ;:<, .l\ 1 fo Jonir. ~t··dy. I >·ARRANT mvremettyta 'Ia.I, &1 d lt will Cllre you~ .Add1esa L 1·, H. l!. ROOT. :C,7 'lorrga St 1 Toronto, Ont, 1WifP~m!(~~~~~~ A Terrible Disease. STANDARD BANK 0 F CA N A DA. Mrs. A. DA VIS, I 0 Toole-" Vi! ell, well, Mrs McCanhy tapital paid up, $I,ooo,ooo, nest, $Z<lO, OO An' how have boon since before the long _,,,, _ Winter we had, I dunnc ?" Thls Bank Is prepared to do Legit!· Mrs. McCa,rthy-" Oh, it poorly, sure I mate Bankmg in all its branchea. OChe docther said I had ii.n ulster on me tonFarmen notes discounted ; Deposltl! auls and not to go out in the cold, so he did. reoeived and Internst paid on amounts oi . k What Made It Hot. 85 upwards In Savmgs Ban ,Department: · " · D Bl A .FT S lie (s!iortly after ~.arrrnge)- It is fear· Issued and Collections made in El'll'OPG ful hot in this room. lJ it6 d S~ates and Canada " She- " I have 3ust been burning a lot of n ' · letters I got before I was married. Perhaps W · J. eTONES, thv.t'o wh1.1t m1.1kes it so warm. " Agon I