tsman. TBRMB :-tl.60 Pm:a J..ittroJr, 0 "'4R TOWN ~ OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWA.RDS. M. A. JAMES VOLUME EDITOR .&.ND Pll.OPBIH01, , ·..w S1mnrs. NUMBEB 514. BOWM.A.NVILLE. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE G, 1888. XXXIV. NU:MDER COUCH, Jo HNSTO N , I FRANK lll. FIELD, D. A. 22, l'IQTES. Deserved Official Recognition. 0 Oftfoe,-Armour Bloclt, King Street. BARRIS'.l'E~ 8J3gt~~}. Notary, &c, & CRYDERMAN'S · V FARMS WANTED. McOUAIG & MAINWARING, Estate and Financial .Agents, l~ VJC'l'ORI.A STREET, TORONTO. Ha."'e opened out during the past , in Can exchange a number of well rented houses Toronto, paying a. good rate of interest, for ' first-class farms free of mortgage; week about Why let money on deposit at per cont. investment in Toronto pro· when Jndloiona l 2000 Yards of new Brussels and Tapestry pcirty will realize ten times that amountl . MONEY LOANED on Farm Property at lowest rates. We can offer several investments In rented houses- central localities, Toror:ito, paying ten ver cent. on amount invested. By notifying us direct or by leaving notice at STATESMAN Oh'FICE, Bowmanville, or with P. TREBILCOCK Bookseller. Bowu·an· ville. Interviews n.ay be arranged with our :representative, Mr. It. C. SINCLAIR. U 3m. Dommion Organ and Piano Factory (Continued from la.1t v:eel~. ) CARPETS Bou_ g ht direct from the celebrated manufacturers, John Crossley & Sons, of Halifax," England. The names of some of the stylea of or· ~ans m1rn11factured. nre the Cottage Or1?1\n, the Yilla. G~m-in four styles- the Cab1u0< t, in num erous styles containing from two to uiue sots of t·eeds and som" of five ana others of ~i.' octaveR, the Or· EXACTING chestral P edal Bass and Combination SERVICE styles The latt~r contains the Scribr.er's Patent Qnalifyrn~ tubes, a valuable in· vention, owned and Gontrolled by the "Dowinion ." This inventiou consists in ihe conatructirn1 ··nd application of tubes of woo.! so ph.red as to operate in coonecti ·n whh thll r eeda, each tube having an opening at the end through which t he sound produced by the reed escapee. During the la.at few years the Company h,u brought this invention to a high st<te of perfection, sparing neither time nor expense to arrive at a true a· daptation of the tubes to the reeds, and can challeni.te the world to produce a reed organ equal in p urity, power and pipelike qnality of tone, to onti of the ComTHE JEWELl~ER, bination styles. Another valuable patent rec. ntly pur· Has been appointed sole agent for ch,.sed by the Dominion Organ Company the celebrated ROCKFORD ATCRES, and which they only can use, is the FORD WATCHES w Newest designs and colorings and no better value anywhere. Cauch, Johnston &Crydurman O:ne Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. BEORBE LA/NB, The Farmer's Friend. ----o---Our constant ain1 is to benefit tbe 1>eople by condantly 0Jle1·ing bargains. We 8bow what we advertize, we 1nean '\Vhat what we say. We never tbink it wo1·t11 while to quote 1>rices, Cor wltat can any one know about articles merely by the price in a news11aper? The ti\1· bette1· way is to call and examine the111 Joi· yourseJC. ~uflice it to say, iCthere 1s lto1101· 1n man, 01· -vil·tue in good GOODS at low p1·iees, 've mean to be 1naster oJ tlte situation. £ouie and see our DRESS GOODS. the best -value in town, (or ('.an be off"cred) 'ft'ilh all sorts ot Trim1nings to suit ·ahe a1·ticles. The general stocl.: ot· STAPLE DRY GOODS-we1·y com1.tetc. TWEEDS with us a1·c soon 1nade up - in a Vesh·y, Coterie anti Pantry, by ve1·y i!!ikilietl and noteablc workmen. an attachment being rapidly added to all the et.yles of organs. This improYoment works automatically. By simply opening the Organ the Pedal Cover is opened and folded against the frout of the instruWe have also the .finest stock of ment, when the fall board is lowerel the all kinds of Watches, Gold and Co:ve1· unfolds ita<>lf, and ab~olutely the pedals, thus renderin:i: the orSilver, in the town ofBowmanvilJe. covers ga.r. proof agai nst mice, insects, dust, In Jewellry, we have an endless etc. Oth r-r Organ Companies may advervariety-Clocks of all kinds ve1y tise the.i r organ as being mouse and dtt&t cheap. proof. but the only method thev can em· ploy is the usual one of blocking round In Silverware we have the e::>:- the bellowe. This as experience has ·ed, is emmineutlv unsatisfactory, as elusive right to sell for the laq~est pro1 the ouly sure means i6 the "Automatic firm in the U, S. The quality and Pedal Cover." Tl1e patent wa.·1 pur· md they prices are tho best al.ld lowest in chased direct from the inventor 1 control the sole right for use .throughout this part of 1.11e country, We ask Canada, Europe, and A.ustralis. The purchase and use of these p at ents you to call and examine our goods eminently proves that the Company now before buying. as in the 1i:.at, is determined to produce unequalled in th e world. Specs and Eye Glasses, Cases, &c., iaetruments The management ccnsists of : we carry the leading stock, and :Mr. Geo. Farewell, .. . President, Detroit, Mich, Mr. John We·lev, .... Secretary·Treas. guarantee ev·e ry pair for G mc.nths, Mr. Geo. Piggott, ... .. Manager l\:Ian't'g. Dep·t. Mr. \V. S. Russell, .. .. Supt. 'l'uning Dep't. if well used. If they l}reak we fo llowing gentlemen are at the head will repair them free of charge. of The the other depar tments : Call and get fitted properly. 1\fr. Richard Pield l C D " ))avid T.Morris, f ase.. ...... epartment " N. S. Young ........ Key... ... .. do. OuR REPAIRING DEP.A.RT.MEN'l'.--We " J.B. Mitcholl ...... Organ Action do. " 'l'ho·. Spry ......... !!'Iv Finishing do. do. Wm. Pii;cgott ..... ..Varni~hing can only go over the same old say" JI. Gilbert ........ .. Organ 'l'unlng do. Fred Rogers ...... .,Plano Tuning do. ing, that we repair Watches, Clocks " Sig, Landman ...... Finieh'g Reg. do. and J ewellry in t he most skilful Mr. Piggott , who has been ailing for manner. We are boked upon as some time, went t o California about a year ago, in hopes that that beautiful the only reliable Watchmaker in climate would restore a part, if not all this part of the country. Mere the lost vigor. In his absence Messrs. Russell and Wesley had full control 1md talking can't do tho work, but tools, managewent, and well and efficiently ability and experience combined have tl1ey fulfilhd th eir duties . The people of Bowmanville, during can, of which we have plenty. the pa; t year were always anxious to hear news oi Mr. Piggott and would cliscuHs 1 feelingly the chances of his ultimate reThe Jeweller. · covery and retiorn home. He with the 44. r est of the rnanugement dtand high in --~-·-:--------·· --·- · the ef}timation of the p eople. Being they are the best American Watch ~a.nufa.ctured and are guaranteed from the factory as being fin t-class, Call and examine them. ".l.UTO.llATIC !"&DAL COYE R, " Tl10 work in the factory is nearly all THE COVKl!.NMENT EX:HIIN.A'fIOi'< (Jj! DAKdone by piece and as each workman is INCi l'OWI>KRi:l-RO\'.AL UF.ll'ICULLY thus continually making the same article, REPORTED rum~. absolute perfection is acquired. All purchasers of the Dominion :Piano · The reports of the Go vernment analysts or Organ reccirn a "Certificate and as mad!l public from ti me to time iu the Warranty," in which for a tarm of five official rriJorts of the Commisilioner of years the Com pany warrant their ins~ru· Inland Blvenue, form useful subjects for ments and h old .thems~kes respons1~le.,. study. A great deal of isttentic m is d e. for any defect either m workmanship, voted to the examination of baking p JW· material or performance, under fair ders, and Yery properly so, for they are usage. . articles of general use, and many of them ~o other Organ manufactory m the being so grossly adul temted all possible Umted State~, ca.nada or En~lan? ~an information should be given te eu<tble use the Scribners Patent Quahfymg consumers to distinguish between the Tube. . . good and the bad. . 'l:he Company h11.ve an invention of A large numb er of these articles have their.own-fully _covered by patent- for been analy eod, the s!lmples b eing col!ectopenmg and closmg the stops . Oue of ed from dealers in all sect ions of the D othe most perfec.t and i~port11ont ever in- m101on. The impuritie11 found w~re troduced into the reed mstrument. slum awl lime, both unwholesome. The I am pleased to state that tho mauagcr, alum is used in place of cream of tartu Mr. Geo. Piggott, has returned from becau!e of its low coat . The lime, both California. His health though not fully tartr<lte and sulphate being found, was restor ed, Bems much bett.er. pre-.ent from tho use of impN perly refiued The entire factory oa.n be lit by gas cr~am of t:\rtar. . manufactured on the premises. F1ro rhe analrsts found nnd r opor :ed the .pre ventatives are efficient., ·hero being a Royal_ Dakrng P owd.,r to be_ pur.e, frtle chemical engine, a good supply of fire ex· fro~ 11rne, alu~1 and phosphat10 ao1d, and tinguishen rt-ady for immediate use ; of htgh leavening strength . A complete also, a largo water tan Ii: aitm1ted next the anal;·s:~ would undo ubtedly ha,·e shown roof. uo b ~kmg powder excep' tho Royal eutir· The Company have branch oltices at el~ f~co fro1~1 ·omci o?e of t ;1e3,1 obj~c 1 ionLondon aud Manchester, England ; Ade- ab.e mgredwnts .. 'Ilu·, we ~resume, acII\ laide and Sydney, Anstralii> ; Hamburg, counts tor the laciC ,,f foav~nm~ power _ Germany· ·Auckland New Zealand, the other ~owde.·s, a 15 aometimea ?orupla.111· ' ' ed of by tne cook, and for tha b1ttPr taste OSH.t! WA. found in the biscuits 110 freq11 , ntly c~·n· plained of by ourselves. Po1soN.1m. - Last week Mrs. W. Blain, But aside from ttrn iufariority of the a prominent resident of 0ril1 5a, asked work dune by theua po<Vders, the physiher servant girl to prepare wme gruel. cians assure us that lime and alum taken By mistake the maid used meal which into the eyetem 1<re injurious. Their contained Rough on :Rats, and which phy11iologica.J effects are i11digo3tion, dyshad been placecl on the shelf in the pepsia or worse MilR. pantry. Mrs. Blain died wi~hin au h om· The question nat urally arises, why do after partakiog of the gruel. She leavC's these cheap baking P<Jwder makers use a husband and three children. these thinr;is 1 Alum is three cent3 a The case of Coulthard va. Dickie, in pound, lime still cheaper, while cream of The which the defendant was charged v.ith tartar costs thirty-five or forty. cutting fivti trees standing ou the rtreet r easons fo1· the chemicd purity of the in fron\ of his property, on King Street R oyal Bakinl.( Powder were recently given East, was concludecl on TueedBy, when in the Ne IV Yo1k Times, in an intere11ting defendan~ was fined $5.00 and $G. 50 cost. description of a new method for retinin~ The magistrate, when imposing the fine argols, or c:nde cream CJf tartar. It seems said it would be a proper aot for the Town that i t is only under this proce1u that Council to refund the fine to Mr. Dickie cream of tartar can be freed from the lime as ho had no d oubt the removal of the natural to it and rendered chemically trees was a benefit to tho road and adjoin- pure ; that tho patents and plant for this · c0st the Roya.I Baking Powder Company ing property. The burglars must have a. liking for about half a million dol lars, and tha, i. they Mayor McOee. Recently he had a coat m11.intain exclu Jive coutrnl of the i-ights. Thi~ olliciAl reco1 initio n of thti purity and cap stolen from the hall of his resi· dence, and dudng the winter an attempt and v lu · · f the R oyal B,.king Powder by will add to the already was made by burglars to enter the house. the Gov·:rnm<11t 1 On Monday morning Jas r., the family were wicio J)011·1 arity of that article, and d eagain surprised to fiud that allother bur- s er vedly so. Thfa ha king powder fa now glar had made a midnight visit to the used, !o the excl usion of all 0 1hers, by the premises. Seve ral drawers were ran· Unit.eel S u~to~ Oo"ernmt1nt1 i1s advertisesacked, and onu containing silverware wa~ ments for supplies call m ~ fur it by namo, left on the floor, but the onlv article as the contir.ued test~ of the official chemists show it to be muoh hig her iu strength found missing was a wax candle.· and purer in quality ihan any uthet' A S EVERE TmAL.- Thoac who endure brand . the torturing pangs of Neurl!.li;:ia, Rheumati·m, Sciatic", Lumbil.g o and s imilar FIFTY YEARS Aoo.-Says an old manpainful complaints are severely tried, bnt " Things are changted since I was a boy. there is a speedy relief in Hagyard's Yel· Then .ve had no ru !ed p-.per even, and us low Oil, as thousands who have used it boys u110d t o take a bull!lt and hammer it joyfully teatify. It banishes pain and otit into a plummet to rule our copybook. la.1-r1e11ess q nickly. We had no i.teel pens, anrl the teacher used to m>lke pens for us out of gooao quills, and mend 1hem when they needed A.mong the many attractions t o visitors it. I still like a quill pen and can make one and cut off the nib squarely on my of the Ont:Lrio Capital, is the wonderful, realistic panor'l.mic view of the "Battle of thumb nail. I d oot suppose there j3 one boy in a hundred now who can make a Sedau," exhibited iD an imm ense structure expressl y erected for the purpose, immediately adjoiniug and west Lf the Walker House, at the oorner of Front and York streets. As a work of art it is verily a picture true to life, and presents an illusion so complete as to translate the spectator at once to the veritable scene of the mighty struggl e of two contending forces, which resulte d in the corn11let e d iscomfiture of the Fren ch army, and dJ'o vo Napoleon III. from t.he 1.hrone of France. The cna vas Oil which thi~ thrilling b ,\ttle scene is presented is l'iO feet from top to bottom and over 450 feet, in length. It ie snspended around a circufar area, in the ceutre of which v i ~itors stand on an eleva~ed platform, roofed in ; and so perfec t and true t" l ife has th e ar tist per · formed his work, that the eye is at once carried all a round th.i scene of vision, over miles of landscape in every direction covering valley and mount"iooua scenery, intersected by the meandering river Meuse, studded al ong the banks at intervals wilb antique villages and towns. Within t he rangll pro, euted to view was waged, by two mighty h osts f rom daylight till dark, with sword, mu akot, cannon and the torch, a moet terrific and d etermined struggle, unlil tho blood of 50,000 men baptized the scene of carnag e. The faith fulness with which the artist has trans ferred the thrilling r ealities of this memorable battle to can vass is truly wonderful ; and we have pleasure in commending visito1s to Toronto to visit this panorama.. The attendants are cou rteous and obliging, the lecturer an able one, who interests his auditors with a vi vid descrip tive lecture of the famous battle. By all means go and see the Clylcorama at least once. quill pen. We had n o m "'t ch e::i in those days, and when th.. fire went out my father used to put ·ome powder in the pan of his flint lock: gun with some t ow, and by flashing the powder set fire to the tow. The first matchos had to bo drawn through a piece of sandpaper fol ded, and som 0times they wouldn't. Many of them were imperfect. -----------· ··--- - -· A Famous Battle. MAYNARD, ----o- --- NEW GOO OS TO HAND ! '"\':XTe V V '"\:XTl. ILLINERY- Mar bI e and . Ielaas1~:~z::~~1llER M .te Works Granl ----!r . ' S SA LL N B0U ' ~:~t~Je~1~:'!Ti~;s;r~11s~~:~3 e~~i;~ty~::e~ m eot which has for its objed the good of t he tow?, they cannot but rank as first OF MEN U I PT.OYE D · , . are ilOW s ho vv ng all the , Leading and most Fashiona ble s hape S and Styles New Hats N ew Bonnets, New Ornaments, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, and Fringes . 1 · ' · -WE EXCEL IN . , in the factory varies from 225 t o 250 ; wages Bre paid monthly. It would be difficult to imagine a kind lier feeling than constantly exists be DUWJ.l1Al\1VILl"..E, Out. tween managers and men. Tlie latter area3tinealotofmenandyouthsascan E S'l 'AlJr,rnnED, l 857. be brough t t ogether. There is an ent ire absence of TOttghness and coarne jests .ALL KIND s 0 It' which frequent.ly characterize large manl}factoriea. rh ere ia established in conn ea t.ion uith the factory a B enefit SoEME!~RY _O_R~ ber cieiyfor mutual pr otection, each me mpuying a certain amoun t monthly. Atpresentth(l!'e isquite areserve. The factory boasts of its Baud, a nd done in th e latest styles and materials. justly au. The management neYer do anything by h al ves, and this, like everything else undertaken , is bound to s ucSCOTCH, ENGLISH, GERMAN AND ceed . The Dominion Organ and Piano Co's Band, is to·di>y . well known over NEW BRUNSWICK Canada, having l as t year beaten ~ome of c----- w-- SE!~ ONART.E Aovru.E.-Thou. :;( h freakful sea.son:i Ill't y deser t th e i r uld acc ustomed cha.nn..ls, the ·< isu rut1n takes no hint from them, but h an ~ s on t o his tlaunuls. What though the spring, too previous with dallyings delusive, puts forth a mild am1 balmv brea h that's 1.00 catu·rh cond uciv e? We k now a m::i.n may smile and smile, ancl still b e a v illain; so, too, that fickle jade, the spring , will cheer, the while she' s chillen.' '.I'ho very life-blood io your vei r.s , within your bones the marrow, and piling up rheum atic pa.ins your days <u1d !lights to h arrow. Bethink you, ~pring IS but a She! And though half- way she met you with smile and life and win ning way, or soon or late , sha'll cheat you. vVho trusts her will get "left "- what 's more, ho will be l eft a -frE wzing ; she's bound to leave him in ~he lurch, and sure t o leave him sneezing. Think not Old Wint er 's gone bcctm so S pr ing skips! If yon've got gumption you'll know too rr:uch by h alf to slip on such a slim assumption. S till pin your faith to flannel shir te, umbrelhs and goloshes ; pawn n ot your top coats till July, nor t hou you r macin toshes. Chronic Coughs and Colds And all diseaaes of the throat and lungs can be cured by the use of Scot t's Emulsion, ns it contains the healing virtues of CodLiverOil and Hypophosphites in their fullest form. See what W. S. Muer, M. D., L. R . C. P. etc., Truro, ; N. S ., says: "After three years' experience I considet Scott's Emulsion one of 1.he very best in the ma rket. Ve ry excellen t in throat aff6'Ctiona." Put up in 5Gc. and $1 size. ·-~·~----- FASHIONABLE MILLINERY I I · r-; l T ~ E0 LA I N G · · the coun· try -0aR muster an equal number of exIN STOCK. I cellent riflemen. The more celebrated Call and ace our deDigns and get o ur a;:1011g t hem are W. S. i:-ussell, W. C. 1 bf h · / I~mir, .T. B. M:1tcbel, N. ;:;. Young, D.D. · estimates e ore pure nsmg · · B!!ach, .J. Curtis, J Horeey. Of these, Mr. Mitchell ha~ been t o Wimbledon, O()()ASIONAJ, DOSJ:S ot· n goo1l cathaNlc once Mr. Russell twice and Mr .King like Rnrtlock I'll ls arc ue<le11sa1·y to JH.eJ> Hie , ·l ' . ' · ' bh1od pure mtd t.hc bt>tlJ' hcallllY. ' · uec tunes. GRANITE M0NU MENTS I tllp~;b!~~n~~ !~a~ ~ftc~~:.~'~ . 0 I I I HAVE been a grea~ sufferer from drv catanh for many years, and I tried many remedies which helped me, but I had n one which did m e so muoh b en efit as E ly's Cream Balm. It completely cured me.- M. J. Lally, 3!J Woodward Ave., Boston Highlando, Mass. 1 Bt;FFHUED fr.,m ocu te inflammation in my n ose and head- for a week at a time I could not aee. I med E ly's Cream B&lm and in a few d ays I wa.3 cured. L t is wonderful hoiv qnick it helped mo.Mr~. Georgie S. Jadson, Hartford, Co1l11 . Apply Balm into e :~c h n ostril. l'rice 50 ·. t