Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1888, p. 7

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22. U:X&ll'lll Riii llGIBlllM~-....:..--"·...... ~IF<fl!l'!!'l _lrl. _ jl ._lll __ !ill' .m.!1 _Dl~[lllll:al!IDDmlli!!llllllf.Zli'l ·lff!i · -~~~~IR'~~MllllllJi= ~nundiau Jtattsmau. NUTTIE'S FATHER. BY QHARLOTTE M. YONGE. ~·-;.;·~-="' " "-' ' "'"-' "' "' · · :;;: ·:;;: ·..:: ·:;;: :;;:·:;;: ·~·-::.:: ·· = --= -===-::..:=:.:==:::===:.. WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1888. CJHAPI'ER XXXI.-(CONTI~tfED). Nuttie had a beautiful colored photograph of her mother, finished like a miniature, which had Leen taken at Nice, in the time of Alice Egremont's most complete and ma.tured b eauty. Sh e had taught Alwyn to kiss :and gxeet it every evening before his prayers, and such a. kiss was his i 1 h had h re1vard w h en e s own any spec a. act of £lOOdness, for .which, as ~he told him, "mother would have been pleased with her little son." Such another boon was his ons Sunday h h f d h . t B" . evenwg a. · 1a.rr1tz, w en s e onn t at while she was shut up a.t dinnl· with her fa.ther he had · voluntarily gone to churoh with nurse instead of plaving on the bea.ch " with some other English children. "lt was t>ll very long and tiresome," he said, when a.sked if he liked it. " "'h There ... en w h y d'd l you go, oId man · 1 was no need to drag you there," eaid bis father. . "She ddn' t clrag me," said the bay; "I walked." " You need not have walked then, Master Dignity." .. Poor nnrsie couldn't go without me," PUREST, STROh! Q!ES'll', BEST, said Alwyn, "and aister says t here's a. CONTAINS NO bbEs:ng on those tha.t go." ALUM, AMMOMIA_, LIME, PHOSPHATES, "A blessing? eh ! and wba.t idea does or any m1ur1ous materials. that little head entertain of a bloasing?" ""TT TOilONTo, ONT. E ' W · GIL L "1 . CHICA G 0 , ILL. $&id Mr. Egremont. llan'fr of tho CELEBRATED !lOYAI. l'iASTCAJtES. Alwyn lifted his soft brow11eyes reverently and said, "It is something good, " spei.king, to $8 a da,y. Samples and duty FREE as he always did, in a baby lisp inimitable Lines not under the horee'efeet,. Write here. ., BREWS'l'F:R'S 80'.ll:Tll REIN HOLDER Co.· Holl, Mich. "Well? "And it comes from God." "\Vell, what is it? Can you see it?" "No"--he looked in perplexity tow·~ds Nuttie, who was in agony all the time, lest ~here eho.uld be .a scotf that ·might remain I Y !I-re languid and wea.k, and your appe· Ill the child's mmd. \te voor "Never mind s19'ter. Cao you feel i"t ~ ." '.My Beef, Iroa a.nd Wine is the tonic, be sure. .As a.n invigora.ting tonic it is recognised by "Yee ;" a.nd the little face lighted with !he Med!cal profession as the best strem«then· such a reality that the incipient mockery rng med1clne thns far produced. It is invalua,. turned into wonder on the next question. . "And how does it feel ?" imperfect or insufficient food, or wasting "Oh, £0 nice I It makes Wynnie gle.d fevers or excesses of any sort. It contains the here,'· and he spread his :hands over his -nu~rlment or Beef, the stimulant JJroperties or breast, and gave a little caper like a kid for W:me and the tonic po weI"s of Iron, and is ad· d mirably calculated to build up th~ emaciated very g 1a 11.ess. system. Sold in Bowman ville by Higgin both· "'.!.'here I" said Mr. Egremont, lea.ning am Bros. back fairly conquered. "Any one might Wynnie! Good-night, my boy, bless· can't bear a. strong light. But, Anna.ple, "MJre tha.n my share,"said M ark. "The what are the real facts of t he case. The I · - - - · -- - - IC)QNT 1ngandall. I wonder if one felt ltkethat how a.re you? 1poorlittlethingneversleepsex ceptinEome blood imd iron system of suppression may lR ~~~l!~~ T when one was a. little shaver." he pursued, a shadow." · I one's arms, and if awake, is not content for make quiet for a while, but it makes the J . ,, ·· ~~~ . Rou:.;._a " ,s?i·,. ~ off " ~ ·c= . ;,~TI·~""as Alwyn went off to bed. "Oh! I'm qnita well-perfectly. There, I a moment t xcept in her mother's." 1·ubscquent confaaion more certain an d mo~e ··~" ~".a. ,, "~ "I think I did sometimes," said N uttie, I think she is gone off at last. You had ! "And tha.t has 1>een going on four formidable. The danger of such comm~Gentlem e n'sOloth es Ma.de to Order. . 7' WnooPmo Couon but I never was half as good as\\ ynnie I" better walk her about a lit tle, Emily ; she ' months?" tions is only t he greater fr om t he pro&peot. ·1 . CROUP, INFLUF.NZA "What?" exclaimed her fa.ther. "You I will break out again if we try to put her in ) "Tbree. Ever since we brought her back of any amelioration becoming all the fainter ~kJ.. ,!a~H~~T BtE"lf:rnG bred up among the saints." the cradle," . from Redcast le. I h a.ve nearly .:Jetermined a.s the life of the present Empero~ gradu a.lly coi:;1~ii~a. ung "Ah! but".! hadn't the same nature. I And having handed over the child wit h 1to .move into some suburb when I get a rise fades out. \Vith him disappears all the .· Pleae1mt to take ; child- , never was like-her." I only a very low murmur, Annaple left her I is Michaelmas, unless she improvee." dreams which may have been dreamed abou t 1 11 1nsf::;t:: f~fj;g;,{krst "Well-'tis very pretty now, and I don't combined kitchen and nursery. She flew at "Nur se mi? ht suggtes something." 1constitutional r efor rn and amelior ation. The ~-..si~~,,,,.._ ...!:J dose; heal· and cures · know how we could stand a young Turk, the flowers Nutt ie ha,d brought like a t hirs"Or at any rat e tell uo what to think. coming E mper or g et s credit for being des6 but yon musn't make a girl of him. " ty person, crying, she buried h er face in We showed her t o (I, doctor, and all ne could potic in all his idea.a o,nd modes of work 11 · - - '- - !.from the ruro Pine ~·a~ "There's n o fear of that," s!l.id Nnttie. them, "Now for heautv I Now Mark will propose was some kind of feed, which WM and ready to say as ano ther fool said long "He is full of spi1it. '.l'hat old bathing be refreshed I Ah ! here's a. prett y pick le I no more successful than the re11t. Did you ago, " My little finger sha.11 be thicker than woman calls him "un vrai p etit dia.ble ! for a reception room." look at her, Nutt ie ? She is a pretty litt le my fat her 's loin11." W hen p eople Io3 e hope d'.Anglais," he is so venturous:· "Oh, don't put it away I I could help . thing when she is quiet, b ut she dwindles t hey are in danger of becoming deQperace WhichdelightedMr. Egremont as muchas yon; Idosohkethatkind ofwork. It is a way-at least so it seems to me, t hough and d esperate people are apt to resor.t Unapproach?d for the concession that the boy's faitb was"pret- oo like old times." Anoe.pie will not see it, and-and if we ar e desper ate remedies. The great German To11e and Quality. ty"delightedUroula. Indeed,hewentalittle "It must be put away, thank you, for n ot permitted to keep the little one, I dread p eople cannot surely continue for all t ime ' furthe:, for when she ~a.me J;>ack from her Mark will be c?ming i~. And the saying what t~e eff?ct may o.eon h er." , !o be still u nder a Wind ing military deap otc C A T A LOGU ES F R !l!: E,. Nuttu1 said sometbmg about br.i.very and mm. The wonder is tha t t hey have done few mmutes at Alwyn s bedside he proceed- a.bout the pubhc washmg of garments is · ed to tell her of the absol.u te negleot in whioh specially true of one's own husband. Ways goodness, thinking in h er heart tka.t if the t his so long, and when the up break a.t last his mother, a belle of the Almanack days, and means are worrying to the ma.souline blow fell, it would be better for all than the comes h is only natural that it should be 1 bad left her nursery. It was the first time mind. " perpetual suffering of the poor little sickly somewhat for midable. The grea t ma.rvel he bad ever hinted at a shadow of pe1·ception "I thought it was too early for Mark?" being. h owever, is t h11,t so many millions of :FREEMAN~ that anything in his own lifeha.d boon a.roi1111, "He-hMJ..&n-ap.poiutm.ent to keep at Char. "Ah I you don't know what her affections t houghtful, intel lig , nt men should ao l ong and Ursula. could not but feel o. dreamy, ing Croes or therea.bouts, so I mado him ar e," said Mark. "You did not see her have allowed themaelvCll to be led by the POWDl.TRS~ hopeful wonder whether her :;:bweet little promise to come in in time to "put a bit in when she lost her mother, and there oad nose by a few of these fellows whom they · !.re ploe=Ho l~J<o. Contcln tlio!r own Al~n cou~d be the destined me_ans of doing his h 2ad." as our Irish charwoman says." been n~ strain o ~.her powerij then. How- have i;grecd t o call Kings, K aisers, Chan· , j .:)r,;ntive. Is a D'lia, Eu:re, ""'<1 c t;.'c<Jtu:il that ill which her mother ha.d failed. It was "Then I can take him. I have tbe ca r . ever, I V'J no business to croak. Mir.ny a oellors, and wha t n<,i,, l?eBt?c>.l"er oi woni>a b Cl.l.ildr~n o.i:Adul~lJ. at le!Wlt enough to quicken those prayers riage, and I must be at home by half.past child gets over troubles of this kind, a.nd, W h th th D . · · b Yl)ur atten tion is di·eoted t o the immense ----------- - ---- -- - iwhich had been more dutiful than trustful. twelve. I wish you would come too, An- as Annaple says, little J en ny will be ail the la.ted e e . omrnio: is.t o e con grntu stock of 0 'U1; 'U1i> n.,'fi'lrf)m"GJV j And then her hope sa.nk al! a.in when she naple. There's plenty of room. You could more t-0 11s for wha.t we go t hrongh with b or e revedse w ~t ~s ma de known 8 0 W e W ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ realised tha.t her father's day11 were spent show the baby to nurse, and t he boys could her. ' Y . some oomplln sta.ti~tica need not be i i hetween the lull of opia.te, followed by acer · have a good game. I w ould send you back The carriage stopped, a nd Nuttie asked eaid, for much may be said both :rr o and VETERIN A·R Y SURGEON ! ·. . in serenity, then in a period of iuit11.b ility, in the evening. Mark could come on after him if it would delay him t.oo long if she con. I i n any dcase, however! some Ff ~be of ever y de · f t 9 · cacll being more or less prolonged, according his businees is done." execu1led a commission about her father's r: ve a. wns m a. a.re very curious. or 11::.. 1 scrip ion a 11 1 i to health, weather, or enterta.inment, and "Thankyou Nuttie I can't to-d ay- for glasses. Hehad plenty of time, but she , ·an~e,ta~\ ~eorg; J.oh~e:on, ~he Govern · 1 1A:l ; DD I closed again ~y the 6~atives in various a whole heap of domestic rell.l!ons; but, if was delayed long6r tha.n she expt:cted, and moth \ is/~ha.nb as J US issu; A u!l~er the 1l·J Ul De Y\Uln ' ' . · {D 0 · vr.iculture, . Sh h forms. Ii; relieved ber mdeed, but she felt you ca.n get Mark to come, do, it would be on her return was surprised to find that ne a.v. · ori Y ~ e epa.rt!ll~nt · · · i. t a wickedness to be gla.d of the calm, and so good for him." had dropped atleep. an mterestmg vo~ume g1v1ng atatrntlcs of t he ; 41 as ]Ullt o~t;ned out one of the largest ehe was aware that the habit was ma.king "How is ~!ark ?" · "Ah I that's what comes of a moment's tra.d.e .a.nd reven.~e debt of 0(1,na.da.. T he and m ost stylish sto~ks. ever bro ught inroads o~ her father's ~owe.rs. Between 1 "He is well, qnite well," raid Anna le. quiet ( he E .aid, smiling. ot atistioa a_re all ilh~strated. Man;y: of.them · _to t own, consisting of :J that a,nd his defEct of eyesight, he was often "9·1d so good and patien t. Bnt yon ~e~ "Fine quiet in t he roar of Ludgate . Hill I" ~he i~ceedingly cuno?S· pn~ set IDd~~tes I ) I Iner y Dress Silks much confused, especially about money mat- doe take it out of a man when that dol~ful "To a Cook:q.ey 'tis as the mill to the mil· I e iquor ~onsum~tion t e .J?omin_ion. V I ' ·ten, and was me.re and more dependent. little noise won't stop all rught 1 We are ler ! I like the full stir and tide," he added t~ apr.arJ rom t his Or:t~no d r mke e vets, w-C., 96 Would that it had been only up<>n her, both acquiring a. form of ~omnambulism but looking out upon it. "I never knew what rele imes mohre - ~t an sbpinrn ; d QuN ebec with a very fine stock of F eathors an~ · · l"f bef I" near Y as muc spin s as eer an ew . · th b n ore Bruns " k d p .· Ed d 1· Flo were. b n t sh e ~as cons t ant Iy cert~m a "regono . when there's real out.of-door business to be 1 e was was takmg a.dvantage of his master's help· , done it ie not like proper sleep " "I should have thought you n ever k new . . ww an unce '~ar sla nd more I G 11 d · . . . sptr1t s tha.n beer. In 1814 the ~e?ple of , . a an inape~t th1~ fine ~1epl3;Y1 which Jessness, and keeping it up by !lill means m I "Or when there's woman's lndoor bnsi- what hardness and hard work were." his power. Yet wha.t couldjbe done! For. the · neas I am afraid " said N uttie much eou· "Tha t's just it," h e answHed, smiling. ~anddt ~~a.n~ i7~h ga~ons k0 { spihts per cannot fall to gi ve satrnfa.ct10n. 1 Yalet wa.s absolutely necessary to his comfort, j' cern' e d a.t the cx t;eme thinness ~f Annaple 's "The swing of it is exhilara tion-very differ· ell ' u d 0 ey ; an h ess t ad one - - · -- -- -··-·~ ·and yet she sometimes t hought her fat her face and hands and the weary Jook of her ent from being a cumbercr of t he grouni." ga on P:.r e~ '~ t e ot er l;a.n the · half in dread of him, and afraid t o expoatu- large eyes. ' " Ob, Mark, r>ll the priva.t ions and cons~mp Ion eer as gon.e up rom t wo Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, a.bout persoual nel!'lects, which became I "Oh one makes that up at odd t imes ,,, a.nxiety I" · t o tilree g11>llon& p er head: 1878, In .Registered member of the Ontario Veterina,ry more !r~quent. Things, that would have en· she an'awered brightly. "One thing i~ "The privation I t,hiJ.t's not hing. Indeed t he uhe of tobacc? t he British. Columbia.ns . l\ledlca.t .Association. . 'raged him from others, w ere only i:trumbled this work suits Ma.rk, be feels tha.t h~ I am afraid-yes, I am ashamed to sa.y a.r e t e most persistent, and ~nnce E dward and Residen,ce, Newtonville, Ont. and fretted over, when Gregorio caused him can do it . and he gets on well with - it falls more on my dear wife myself, lsla.nders t he" least. use on an ( .. · Will visit Orono every rueede.y a,nd!Sa.turday rea.l inconvenience hr absence or forgetful · the men. They llllked him to juin in their bnt it: we can only wear through a. yea.r or average thre, pounds ot tobacco per head ~ DICT ION~RY, 1Call's · ness, and. made very apology. It club, and was 80 much pleased. He two we shall get a further and my of ns,ooo so. oo Engrnving·, imr. edlate attention J seemed like a. bondage ; Nutt1e thought of Igets up aub1ects for them and I am 80 gla.d poor Annaple may get out of th1a drudgery. ti dh ·ttl · d tg GAZETTEER OF THE WORLD \ 1 0 br 111 CH.Al GES MODERATE ed n ee.. e ad 1?1°n· 'Inn tuabl· 1 ' of zr.,ooo T itles, and 11 1 her mother's efforts. a.nd blamed herself in I he Ima such a pleasure ai:d interest to keep .Please God, she and t he little one can stand . hondanb a.a very .· · ·v1.11n. · I him · from · mlssmg · bhe · society · he was used 1 ·t f t" d r t h" k h h · Ill e Y any so·ca11e sp1r1tua 1 a v1sers · 1· ···.,, Bl9GRAPHICA L DICTI0n ARY' 1 0 . or a 1me, an Ill s e as a spnng · h d · I Sclloo l nad Itwasduringthis3ourncythe.tshe heard to." within her that will;" then, as he saw agamst t e anger~fu~duez~lagams~ the at ...., nearly 10,000 Notc<! Pe1iiou" ' I of.good Miss Headworth's dea.tb. The old "It muat be very good for them too Mr tears in his cousin's eyes, he added," Don't drunkenness and dunkmg habit s of soC1ety. Flml do, ALL IN ON E BOOK. ' , lady's mind had long failed, and the a.ctual Dlltton said he really thought Mark had be unhappy about it , Nuttie; l ba-ve had ·---- - -·- Contains.sooo more Won~-n;;;:iy zooo more ! it Un it ed States .Egg Supply. llJustrat1 ons Amorican lJict iouary. · present d loss1to Nuttie was not great; but it kept them frvm going in for a, strike. " h in fimy mind ever so long to tell you that ·- than any oihor ·---·1seeme to c ose a, long account of gratitude "Besides the glory of the thing" said· t e nd ing you at Micklethwa.yte was the Should 1,0 in every ""hool i " t he Domini·>n.~ ' such as she had not thorou.ghly fe.lt or1,f.nder· Annaple dra.winu of · 1880 Erli:catimiat Montltt,11, To,.onto. y thing t ba.t ever happened to me I" d '.l.'he t· census f t h· placedt t he tota.l p ro- J Ca~acla J:,r,:5tD1Ct10nary ofthclnngli.ago.-Lon<lon'!Ym.e.~ "' herself up, " Mr,' ]) obbs best I stood bf 0 & c .. e ore; and t he l ink with 1ckle- t hought 80 too, and zaised us ten pounds , · es, B? far a~ c_·haracter wen t, Ursula. uc ion o eggs 1~ is coun ry at 456, 960,. I 11E thwayte d h 1 could bel t h t t h d ... __ H 054 dczens, u.nd it may now be safely e·ti·' · · " · fJtRlA.i\I & co., P ublishel's, was severe . w ich made us ab e to import that litt le . 1eve a. 1 a. ..,.,.,n so. e was " S11ri:t;;He lll, 1 uass., lJ. s. ~ , For Mark a.nd Auna~le prevailed on Mra. Bridgefield lassie to hold baby-when- tw1~ t he n;ian he would have been without mated at 460,000,000 d<Jzons, at least. That Egremont to ~stall Miss Nugent as govern· when Miss J enny will let her. Re has aome the 1~cenhve _to work, a.nd t he constant is lass than !light dozens per year for e11och 1ness to Rosalind and Adela. ln that ca· law copying to do beside .a but I don't like · exercIBe of patience and cheerfulness; but ma.n, woman and child in this country, if capacity Nuttie hoped to see a good dea.l of that · it burns the candle at both eude , her hea.rt was heavy with apprehension that all were eaten. The annual r eport of the · her; but of course was again disappointed, n.nd he does get bad head~hes sometimes' I the weight of the trial might be too heavy. bureau of e~at.i.stics, recently issu ed, tells for_ her father would not bear of returning to 11>ud goes on all the same." ' I To her eyes the baby's life seemed extreme- us t hat we imp or ted, last year, 13,939,054 Bndgefield. It was draughty, and dull, and "You must both <.lOme an<l see my ly doub.tfnl, and Annap le looked 80 fragile dozens. Add this to our home p roduction i OP~ ~ WILL CURE OR RELIEVE desolate, a.nd nothing suited him bu t Lon- Wyn." tha.~ the increa~e of her bi:rthens, any sad . nnd it would furnish just about eight · ! ! ! : ·, : : ,: ~ · · · ·· · · ·· · · IJILIOU8NE88, DIZZINE88, ... don. "Ah I I had never asked after him. I demng of the hea.rt , might destroy hel' dozens per capit a annually, or 011eegg every , · · · Dl'8PEP81A, DROPSY, suppose he is as pretty as ever," said An· ela.sticity, and cr ush her out right _;. while four t h day -to each person. This is cer ta.in· .!ND/GE8r/ON, FLUTTERIN(J CHAPTER XX.XII. naple, who secretly thought his bea,uty too e ven M!lr~ seeme~ ~ her t:<> be t oiling so ly a. small ra.tio of one of the most whole- 1 - -o- .JAUND/Of, OF Ti!? HEA!rT. DJ...A.CKS IN THE ASCENDANTS girlish compar ed with her st urdy Billy. close w1~h1n the hm1ts of his powers t hat a some and nutritious foods. It oug h t to be ERYSIPELAS AC' · · · " Prettie.r I think a.s he g et s more ex· straw mig ht break the camel's ha.ck I doubled. If we a te more eggs and leas And with its advent ' ,iJJTY OF "Man's ~ork en~s with set ef ~.un, pression. We ca.n't 'persuade ourselves t o (TO BE CONTINUED. ) meat we .would have better hell.Ith. I SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH. Wom·n a work. 10 never done - P··o11erb. c ub his hair, a.nd it looks 80 lovely on hie ---·--.~---T here IS no duty ·on eggs, and. our CauallEARTBURN, DRl' NE88 ' It was fa! on ill ~a".' when U rsula fonud sailor suit. And he is 80 good. I could He Knew t he Sex. dian friends ship t o our m(l,rkets all along · .A.YA HEADACHE, OF THE 8KIAI, 1herself aga.m the s1ttrng room over the not ha.ve beliewed a child could be so t uiel " \V'f b . the border and in E~stern cHies. O! the , 1 0 "Wh d 0 0 And every species o f dis ease arising fron;, jwarehouse. Somehow it had not t he da.inty and considen t e on a journey. Yon should h -: , a.t . Y U mean ~.coming 13,939,0M dozena imported last year, I dleor. d ered LIVER, K IDNEYS STOMA"H l well-cared·for air of erst The prett y table· l h" .... d ' b f th , k ome at this time of mg ht, George? · 13 682 9 14 c- me from 011 d l · I ' h BOWELS OR BLoci;:i, ...... · ornaments were out of sight. the gla3.B over/ seen.I im s,,..n !ng Y a er s ?ec H usband- " 'S all your fault, my dearfro; all the J as opene d out a :fine new stock ' MJLDflDN !l. Pro r letor the clock was dim t he hand~ ha d s~o ed · 1 ~ . e · rai wa.y car n age, an was amnsmg ' hic's-all your fault. " B~lgium sent us 130,800 dozens, and China j' --of· UV"'~\ ~ I.!.\ ·t P TOR~ some cf Annaple'; foe th bl k hppd t' h!m with all tha.t "'.aa t o be seen, and ~top- 1 \V. (with a d a.rk frown)- " All my fault l 07,275 do?.ens. The ot her 89,879 dozens ........ _ f ,. . d t s,th e_ a.c s,fi a e · . pmg aL the lea.st h int t h at he was chatt er - sir ? All my fault ?" ' ==========~=====:::"! jecuea.11 1ogmen on e l'anan gures ; in~.;poomuch." · " , · , cam~from En~la._nd,Germa.ny, Franceand : Laces ' - the chmt zes allowed wear and wash almost B 'll · d f 11 l1 I f l Ah 1 H . - Yes. F lers "i anted me t o stay Mexico. The l.Jhmese ei:glil, of cou rse, were I J 1,,Y d18 A wen e,r 11 French ,,a-cants have always been noted orime · tbe ca.r pet's pa.ttern was ,;orn . a .e h p tud. longer. Wouldn't d o i t. Said a man with landed at Sa.n :Francisco. We export ed I 1es e) es 1ig e up a.s . . . d :--, ' ' -an nnap ·f ' t · · bl · · h d · eir rngenu1ty an method. Thcv have baaket full of socks wa.s on the sofa· and on t h t th t h d · · ·t t h a WI es pre ty n am1 a e a mme a. no 372,662 dozeu last year, mostly to Canada. l f or th and a lovely stock. of now a theory of the moral influence of cl1 ". lthe '--ble 1.1 drea· once belongi"ng to' Anna· t e. s ep d a Ma kmusw ~n Ncatmt . e tu hp e t o'cuse for staying out any longer. That's Oh' "' mte h"l "f td ·Id . l'""' ~·· · sa.ir·an as ar camem, u ie oug 1 1 r ea.sonwhy I h " io,_·armer. I k 'a. d ~ ic 1, l ~cb~le_p e , Iwo~ re~1eve m11on· !> e s trousseau, was laid cut, converted into him ·~ · rown oldet· his hair thinner hia W ( T-e)r-;, {v~f om~. so soon.t tr" l I m 0 respons1 l lty. t la claimed that its component parts The wails of a baby h 1 d d. d h' fii t'8 h b · anu ing e , y ou I C a grea la A Charmin g Sit u ation. there is a geographical distribution of certain could be heard in the dist ance and the first bs oub tershroun e ' anth· coa. ta ·,·to me, Georre, bu t I suppose I'll have t o vices and virtues: intemperance, for instance, person to appear was Ma.stcr Willillm y' tuh s be s da.w somb e mb. g f 111 lSEooun. en- forg ive you." . It wo1;1ld ~e. divulging secrets .of state to . . I · . . th f th f t · I th ll > a.nee ere u, n ever een e ore. ver since - - - - - - -- - - picture m v1v1d colors the scenes · of oorset- 1 nbr o. e or y-e1g l pa.ra. e1 ; sexual sturdy and happy m spite of wofully da.rned she had know n him he had worn a certain b I f a errat10ns soi:th of the forty. fifth ; knees to his air of depression or perhaps more t ruly Of 0 oncern to Fa.rmers. ,! Lad1 · es i· n want of a ch 01' ce of fine extravagance m ln.r£le seapor t t owns· thrift Mother's st op \ ex1 ·t Y.· w b ~c .- h Jrcpt b efore· 1 K ingston · .,dward Atkinson, a. woman try ing to lace herself into a t inted 'F in pastoral highland reg"on D 'F r · " ,, h ' d commq " d} 1£. baby h willdi ,, cry - off a ilure.and p~rp News : E . D, G d l . Oswa.ld in the Po ul ~ . s. r. e ix m¥: e sa~ · ~n 10 10 er ,cm. e. her conscmus mrnd the D e.sdichrxdo on Ivan· i -vrell·k nown writ er on p olitical economy in corset t wv si~ea too small for h er. The ! ancy 1y 00 S, P ease giv e me 11 point s out that it is )nde:d· MO?~'i1· our g~t~\~ist~i; l .J"!~t sbher na,~n~? hoe's shield, even when he was a gentleman j tne U nited States, and a.lso prominent as a avidity with which the t hreads the soft la call I have them in endless circumstance t ha.t in t h h a rema,r a e ane ~ls .1a.n, sai . . e oy, wit a i<t ease at tho luxurious Rsctory ; but there c statistician, has been enquiring into t he q ues- strings, t.be pre tty eagerness with wh ich she i . · wine ra in Gr ome of the b~st much more distu~ot enunciation t~an A~-:Vzn, was n ow not only the settled tlir of a m1m I iit n offe.rm mort:mge0 in the State of Michi- ad j usts t he refractory clasps, the peculiar 1 : variety at R t ore, opposite S. A. 0 'd run kgenness P 08 · is . f a.r eec e and Spa.in, though a yea.r She but z;omething .;w '"'n' Hi ' s st~· · t of the d am · t y s1 "lken b an d s aroun d h erl ess p southern l t th . d r olaer, Sh bud , yet 1 t acquired. h k who h ad fonlld his vomtion, . ~ te1nent shows thnt ou t of o t w1s a1·1·acks. 1 S tland . R . reva en a n m oes cry so: · e won t e mot er ma e of the self.respect and eagerness of one how I tot al of 90 803 farms in Michigan 43 079 or bare wh ite wris ts aa sh e tigh tens the la.ces, 0 h~a1an P ?land, wh~re my new kmck1es out. of her blue gown !" . was doing h we11, and feeling himself nearly fifty per cent are mortgaged' to ~ell and her constant ly changing a.ttihudes as she Bco h · \ Ill ace us candke:n;pt 16 votaries only with Thoughts of the smts that Alwyn wa.s dis- valued r evolves slowly before her mirr or, are all 1 .]! · :\.i.. · 1 up to half t heir val~e __ picture~qne, j Bowmanville, March 13, 1883. 12 l!auseous vo a. ' carding. cam e across N uttie. Gould t·h ey 1 ' · CREAM $5 MEACI-IA.M'8 BEEF, IRON AND WINE. r~etJ'.:'~:e ~~s~~ ~i:,_~r:1!!~~n~:~:~·hoe~~~~i~l:?f I i '1 1C'il\'lim11Jil.lr~B· ll[Gl[C T ~nvy -·-·-- - -- - -·- - - ·- -- - - -----···~::::::_s=::_____ :::!_~~~~lllQ;t.Qf"~... --~ be offered without offence? ~he asl·cd, how· "Is baby--" he began. "Oh, Nuttie I .MISCELJ.ANEO"S - .--- ·- --- ·-·-·· -- ..·--···· ··--····-···-· ...:..--.~ . e!er,_" Do you remember Alwyn- 111y Wyn· Are you there? Mr. Dutton told melon · u ' m~}'" . . . were ~oming. How fa my uncle ?" nd Wynme gave me my horse," "n ed the the voice was much brisker tha.n in the days Bagley-What did Lawyer Spriggs a.dvise CaT.amm..- A new treatment haa been IH!!· boy, unstabling a. steed which h adoeen ha.rd of lawn.tennis. you abo1;1tyour fift y.dolfar ca.se ? B 11.i leyovr>red whereby a permanent curn of tb.!s ~;{vie~ s!~co the prrnentation. " Wher e's :; \~~h ther,Bf~ther, look I" cried the boy. H e advised me t o settle without a. suit. litborto incUl'able disea.se, is absolutely a!foct· "ynme · " y, illy.boy you are set up 1 Bagley-That's peculiar. By the w·y, id 9 ill from one .to three applica.tions. no ooatter "He i· a.t home You t a ·nd ee d h ' ,· l · h · d 'd l w he . 1.ller.standmg one yes.r 01· fort y vear~. ·1·,,.,1 ·n 8 ,d h' ,, ~d ,.- t t · · h h dmus cbomv w ouavcs a.n c assenrs · see where t hev w .n.u I 1e charge y on for t he ad vice ? ·f!medy 1s onl_Y appli ed (.inc:e in twelv; dayou, un, Sal ·'-' n · ie w 0 a not ecn a11 · owe came from." · Bad ey-Seventy.fivt> dollars, ·.n d does not mterfere w11,h buB"lness. Oescrl p· to bring him till secure of a clea.n bill of D1 1ring the mixture of £lreetinge and in· The Methodist s of t his P rovince h· v~, " :1ve PllIJ?.phlet sent, free ou receip t or stamp ·by he.i.Jt~. "Bu~ see, ju~t o~teide the door, quiries, admira.t.ion of the flower s, and the t d "~ ~· !:I. Du:on & Son, 30ii Kirig sl:reet, Woat, theres somethmg for Billy. , ex.hibition of Billy 's t reasures, Ann·plu grea a va.n tage over the P resl y terians in [ ol'()nto, Oo,uada.. · Sh h d d d w w ~ ·hat .whenever the". h ave a minister they WHAT HI CA" l'AmUil , 11 e awa.y, and presently placed before pr:o~ide work for him. Man v Presbyterian e · a maue her servant bring up t he g. Catarrh is a dant~erous disP.ase which tltous . parcels to the pabsage outside, o,nd Billy him a tra.y, daintily benapkinned !Wd set mi t h0 b , .ll!ia ai·e consciously or unconsciouslysu:II'erini: was soon hugging a magnificent box of .sol· fort h with a little cnp of soup. ms .ers ,w ar~ not Yan:)'. means invalid, irom. It lo a muco· purulent dischar"e onu"ed d" h .B b a.re lymg ~about idle and d ish eartened be· ")Y .tho presence of 11 vegetable ·paraar & e in t he 1ers, w .erewith be pr.anoed off to show " a Y is .rea.lly asleep, and Emily s.s cause they have no work and can g et no .lnmg membmne or the nose. 'l'he predlsposthem to his mot her, leavmg the d oors open, proud as a H1elandman." she said. "Now "call." Mig ht it not be worth while t-0 take ~~causes are a morbid sta te of the bloM, t h e so that Ursu!a could more decidedly he;r.r eat t~is! wi~hout more a.do, for that good a binh from t he M:ethod ists ? ·hghted !JOrpuscle of t uberc le, the germ poison 18 the bit by's vo1oe, not a healthy child's. lusty Nutt1e is gomg to set you down at Cha.rin g G ? ~'phHrn, ~eroury, toxornm, f~om t he retencry, but a poor 11 "ttle feebl~ w·1·1, i "nter· ()rose. ·' abriel Dnmon.t, Kiel's lieut enant , is ea~- .Ion o.t th!l eflete matter of the skm, auppi·es~ed ~ w ing that the Ind d . . th N 'ewp1rat10ns, l>adly ventilated sleeping- ap9.rt · spersed with attempts at consolation. "This is the way we spoil our husbands ians are ymg m o or t · wrnts and t he !{ermtnatiou of o ther poisons in. "Come, won't she go t-0 Emily ? Oh, Billy- N ntt ie," said Mark. "Refections served West by hundreds and that had it not been .he blood. Irritated by these, the lining melll· boy, · how you tha.nked up"0 at every f?r the Ha.If· Breeds tGab hey · .vould the nose is ever ready tor sprenc1"'UP th,~ recepC U eplendid B I I ho"" r1 b turn." t ime been ext1"nct I d havet by blthis ~rane ··0 n ofof the Parasite, which ra p1 "dly ousill rsula. abyJenny, now can't you n Y ones I The immortal po! auj eu" · ne oes no 11.me :he nostrils an d down the fauces, or h:ck" ot let any one spea.k but yourself ? Oh I shall said Annaple. "And you are to go ~n the Government, but protests t ha.t their ,he tbroat, '?ausing ulceration of the thrnat; up I never tea.ch you that "Balow, my babe, " after you have interviewed your man of agents a.re unfait hful and keep in their own .h e !lus~achum tubes. cauaing deu.fneus; b t1:::. is not " bellow, my babe." Tha.t's bette." 1 steel, and have tea with Nittti'e, and P" Y pend pockets what are commissioned to ex. owmg m theP.roper vocal eorda, causing hoa.rsenees' -...T , w upon thet bey natives S 1 h" h lBnrpin g t1.1e structure of the .. bronohiai. 1 8 .1.,ow cant you l<'~ Emily have you, while I your respects to your uncle, like a dut iful . ·. ure Y t oug t ,ube~ endmg m pulmonary consump tion and go to Cousin Nuttit ?' . nephew." to b e looked mto. It 1a l<lng sin ce Dr. Rob- lea.th, "Let me come I M14yn't I?" excla.imed "No, that I can't, Nannie ; I promised ertHon and ot her well known and reliable Many Ingen ious speillcs ror for the cur" ot Ursula, invading the r11om that served as D :>bbs 10 go and see !I. man for bim and I men made t he same charges and surely a.11 'a.tarrh have bee~ .mvented 1 , but without sue· kitchen, where Annapie was trying to hush must come back as soon as l ca.~ after of th~se oould n ot h(l,ve conspired with e11ch ~~!~ t1fi~t~:a6tb~:~~~:0 t~ngdsi~~1:i~~nga'~sc~;~ off the child aud make her over to a littl11 that ." other to tell lies. ~n.ly appl!=ce which will permanently de~troy ~welve y~ars ol.d _maid, w~o stood in wait· .· Re ~ooke~-as to figure 11.nd a.ir-much To al! appearances Ca nada is being made .be parasit.o, no matter 8 how aggravated the 1ng, helpIDg Withe meantime to unpack his more hke blS old self when he had changed Na.dumph!Dg ground for pauper E nglishmen. sQldi~rs, with s1oothered ex clamations of ,. hia coat. They fed him, almost against his ow t at t he Stattis have refused t o receive ?U5mcas mana11ers, .A., H, D!xon & Son 3U5 delight. will, with a few of the forced strawberries them, t he current has been turned to the 1'l ng utreet, west, Toronto. Can ada. ' "Oh, Nuttie, how good of you I P lease to Nuttie had brought. Billy pressed on him Dominion. The· constque11.oos a.re painful in 'Vkat the Rev. E . B. Stevenson, B.A., a. Gleruv excuse the accompaniment. There never wonders from a. Pe.ris bonbon box, !Wd An· t h.e last t '.!.' her e are hundreds of im· was suoh a young lady for self.a.ssertion to naple fastened a r ose and a pink in his but· migraa 8 eIDg anded in Can a.da \l'itho11t a }_o A .H. Dixon & S on's New Treatment fo,. make upfor there being so little of her." , ton.bole, and came dowu to the street door fartbi~g au~ wit hou t the slight est prospect v a tarrh, And Ann11ple, very thin and tired looking, ·With her boy to see him off. ?f getting either food or work. It is o?uel lfi Oaklans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 h eld up the child .· fea.rfullysma.11 and pinch· i "What do you think of her ?" was Mark's ID the last degree t o t ell these poor people Deesrs. A , H. DiTon & Son: d f ld be k db N · that work 1"s l t"f 1' C d d th l , & AR SIRS,-Yours of the 13th Inst. to h ud. e. 10 r our months o , to l!laC y ut. first 1 ·nqui'ry, Pen at a 1 ·t seemed a 1most too good t o be tr ue that Iu am th t d 1 u in ana, a an 1 1 he, "Trunk I As Mr. Dut ton 8.1.id long ago, a come nee never be out of a job. l u ,mred of Catarrh, but I know that I am. r "Does she always go on like this ?" never was braver la.dy ?" stead of that there are more alread y Mck in. ~ave had no return of the disea 3e, and never " 'Cept when she is asleep," said Willie, "Ncverwa· there a ti·uer word I mo·nt work t han 1 ca.u get alt better in my life.suffered I ha.ve so tried P1sny 1 ~ call t he I' it · , and how t IIpeop h le who :hinga for Catarrh, muchsonnd fo" · "Poor wee l&seie," said Anna.pie; "there's i as to her health? As to courn,ge, spirits f mse.dves re u~tous ca.n e t ese un m many years, that it is hard to i·eall:<e that great exc!1se for her, for. the food tia.s ~~t 1 and temper, there is no queetion; I neve: ortu~.a~e. upe~ such liea is a. mysury lam really better. yet been mvented that sUlt~ her ladyship. I Bl!-W them fail, but are t.hey not almost too !'-'!d It it 16 unfou· a nd cruel to the emigr.1.nts I consid er that mine was a very bad case ; ti ,, You muat come !Wd consult nurse. " I much for th· e fr'ame ? . ··he a-··ed anx1 "onsly. it is equa lly so t o the people of t his count r .. . wtta aggravat ed and chronlc, 'iovclvlng tha I .,.. Man 0 f t h J · · hroat as well 1 as tha nasal pa.0sagee. and I 10 "And how are you all? 1'm glad you are 1 It echoed Nuttie's fear, but she tried ~o y ose w are cornmg out will bo ihought It would req uire the thre e ' tieatment s at hand, N uttie I Is Mr. Egremont het· i' frame a. cheerful a.newer, " She is very thin, ~~~:ya~~~! ~u~~:i:h:ot 1 .ithoeugch em t tomu beni.ty,Ma.n u}d . ~ut I tt;;ol ~uflly e two sen t me, a nd 111 cur ed by tl1 ter ?" but she seems well." titud b . h. \~·~~u an that I was ever induced to sen"' " As well a.a ever he is-lame and alto· , "She never complains, but I am sure her who n0 ipped_ off a.s farm la.borers Yon ° 0.re at liberty to use this letter eta.tin gether an in" alid,-but he has not had such i strength is not what it was, She cannot hoe a d a ;c.nt I have been cured at two treatments. 1 10 e the difference bad attacks of pa.in lately." I wa.lk out as she did at first. Indeed, she tell t~ t ~& tgh, 0afnC <lht~at by IN!rties who J 1;ballJfa.dJy r ecommend :vour remedy t.o sow'.· "And his eyes!" · 'i gets no real r est da.y or night and there's a e ove rist oorst rams them l 1 my · ~ s who are rntl'erers. " bo h H . . r . h ,, ' Th · ... ours, with ma ny thanks A ut t e same. e can write, and I no, re 1evtng t:r I ere 1s some t e.lk: of the Socialists in RF:v . E B . s·i·uvENSO N tell one card fro!D another, but he can't rea:d 1· "She says you .dm't get much rest Germe.nv giving tr ouble. This is exceeding· And ht::1dreds of others ' -or rather it hurts him t o do so, and he either. " , ly likely, thongh it ia d1:t!icnlt t o ascertain - - -- - - - - - - · · · ·- - -- - -- "\Wm CATA RRH. z Q 1 I °/ I ~::~ea~ii~~~C:~::1n°Pu~~et ~1;,d c!~~~~. a~0 "t~= I dc bg~ee.l a:f 0{;1~~~hLglt~:a~~~{c:;,:t,~es°I11tz~ !~~~'d 0 1 ~~u~~e e:~gl~ q be~ween an~ 0 COUCH Tha.tchildiswearin~youto I · PEATE Ta1"lo~ :tM I I eDRDIAb Frepa!~~1 6~~~~1iJc 1 BELL" 1' as I I I ~,ORGANS Guelph, O nt. u; BELL &CO. WORM I LA DI s tt t I IM I L L J N E RY ft1 AMN£LV'O I it ::at ° In I d"O~~e g:1iiJ~~:nw:,t!f. t:,. D/iei~ip~· r~cei:! I l~te I 1t 8 b ° ~mce I I E BST ER'S U nabrI'drrnd DI.Gfl'O llary J§.~- ~ban Oana~1ans msufliclen~ ~e ri~e, :u~~~!~~ ~~~;stC~~:r:am~~s he good!~ lf p~pula W 01·d e , a. I I I I I -S p R I N G N! N ! - I "0 I I I ·1a.~~ n-!l I ftlll"R . I V ES Embroideries Plushes a2s,o54 re~: ~f ~~:m~oor~l ! I is~ h e~ financ~al stock~ngs.. ! I Il ADIES' f INf U Na fRWEAR ;;enc e "J ! ~~t~::ionsu \h!~e~~a~rpere~:n t~obey c:apr:~~y g I q q B . ! MRS I VES·. · Children C11,-fot Pitcber~t(.Cae~r~aj

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