Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1888, p. 4

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-THE- QUEEN'S BlRTHOAY PRHTTIBST ! -<>--- All desire my beauti. ful patterns of WALL PAPER. It is acknowledged I · have the best assortment and prettiest patterns in town. --o-- .Don~t fail to give me a call. TREBILCOCK. BowMANVILLE, }fA.Y 30, 1888. Thur·day lu\ Queen Viotoria oompleted thit aii;t7·ninth year of her life, and 11ext, month ahe will complete the dfty·first of her rei!(n. A11 the years paa· by our good eo'f'0rign takeR higher and higher plMe in th.· affections of her loyal 11objl?-()ts. Sh& 1111.11 reigned a greater number of yet.ra than any other living monarch e:xcept th" Emperor <>f Brazil. P RIZE LIST. And the latest rep ort. indicate that Don will receive the most careful attention, having securf'.d the services of Pedro is nearing hi.a end. Should he die 100 yard flat race, boys under 15 yrs. MR. W. HUMPHREY, wh ose skill in this branch i-; so w ell known the Queen of .in~la.nd will be the old011t E. Nott,F. Burden. throughout this di::.trict, as to need no furth er comment. I . O O.F. race, 100 yards.0. Bnrden, monarch in office. May Sll.e long continue T . It' . Richardson- Geo. Maynard All my work is finish ed by experienced workmen, none other employed. to be such. S.O.E. race, 100 yards.-T. F. H.ich- . All I a:sk is an inspection of my Rtock and you will be convinced that OLD 110a capta.inil a.nd other nauti-Oa.l ardson, S. Bonathan, Hezekiah Ho.mbly. 1. 0 0 yard flat race.-Geo. Fogg, Sydney it is 1he largest to choose from, best workmanship, and prices really authoritiee, have a~rioualy qtiestioned the Burridge. lower than any other place in town. My ex penses being lower, pr:opriety of pnttinl( on fast steamers to Stilt race, boys. - N . Wight, A. Mc· therefore I give my c;ur:: tomers the benefit. Gentlemen, place in your ruo between Hriti.at porta and Montreal, Sorley. orders at once and don't miss this opportunity. R epairing promptly 300 yard race.- Geo. Fogg, Jos. May· to compete with 1:re7 hounds of the done. J)on't forgd the pl11CO, Quick's Block, Bown an ville. Southern rou te run11ing between New nard, 8 . Bona.than. Bi..:ycle race.- Carl Kent, C. Miller, S. York and Liverpool. These authorities BPna.than. wiew with the grea.teet apprehen1ion, the Running high jump.- Jos. Maynard, 20 Bowmanville, May 15th, 1888. danger to which haman life would be (5 ft. ) John Climie, (4ft. lOin.) Running hop·etep·and-jump.-J.Climie, ei·.Jx>a~d, thl'ou~h &teamer!! dashing along Fogg. ·t 20 to 22 knots per hour amongst the Geo, Runniog long jump--Cl-eo. l!'ogg, Jos. foll· and icebllrgs which abo·md on the Maynard. Newfou ndland and Oanadian co~ts, and Standing high jump.-Jno. Climie, J . tlley aeaert that the present safe rou te Maynard ai .d Geo Fogg, eqoal. Flat race. 440 yards .- J . Climie, J. would be \ur1wd into au exceedingly Maynard, Ge··· Fogg. dangeraue one by increasing the present Vaulting with pole.- J os. Maynard, &peQd of auch sttlamers as the Parisian Geo. Fogg, Climbing greasy poh.-Geo. Fogg. and Vanoouver. 3-leg~ed rnce. -Noden and Steen, TapT.lil& London, Bug., Star, edited by son and L ·iecombe. Catchiug ~reasy pig.- Geo. F o'!g. Mr. T. P. O'Conn·r, M. P., ha.11 the THE E VENING CO?'CERT. following refemmce to Hoa. Ed. Blake There was a 't'ery large atte ndance at at the Eighty Club dinner : -By the side of Mr. Parnell Hat a gentleman with a the concert i u the drill sh~d when a loug and good progr am was preeenrnd. The atro11g, etri '<mg, pict1.1resque face . Th e Band pl ayed two seleCLit1ns with th eir jaw was large, sqiiare and firm, the usual skill. The sing ing hy the echool mouth was close a 11d tight, almost after children was very much ad mired and the manner of Count Moltke's ; and Misses McWain, Raines and Ham1ly received much credit for training the111 so though he wore apeot11.cles, the eyes of well. Mr . 0. Smith gave a humorous thia Tisitor, it could be seen, were keen r eading, entitled "Black P hillis, " that and penetrafo,g 1111 well as kind. This caus ed great lauir,hter. Mr. C. G. Arm- Send a delegate from every home and let us prove that w e are away gueat was Mr. B lak e, the lead ar of the strong sang "The Emigrant" in excellent down to Rock Bottom for every price put upon ou r immense stock of voice and was enthu3iastically encored. Liberal party in Oanada. Mr. Blaire h as He l"'Sponded with a good Irish song. Boots and Sltoe8, Tru11ks, Valises, etc. a reputatiou that any politician of any Later in the evenin!l he sang by r equest Everybody· will find i~ our a?sortment just th e thing they are looking country wi~ht envy. He stands first in that path.,tic song, " Papa, what wou ld for. 01Jr stock 1s perfect people-pleasers ; FASHIONABLJ<;, you tak e for mer' which w:>e very much the Oanadian Parlianrnnt as a n orator DURABLE, SEASONABLE, REASONABLE, PERFECT-FITappreciated. Mr. Wallis' clarione~te and a. think er ; but he st~ nd11 in equal playing was exceedingly fine and h e was TING, WEAR-RESISTING FOOTWEAR eminence for incorruptible integrity. r ooalled. Mr. Geo . . P eckham's 6ong in AND ABOU T PRICES :-We allow no one to u'ndersell us. Our Thia is a reputation the more valuable character caused roars of laughter and greeting to you this season is "Bargai.ns on every band and we being recalled he sang a parody on the . becauiio it staudl!l in such striking contrast will give more footwear for a dollar tha n any other with the gre1,.d 11f 60 many of Mr. Blake's School Board 1hat brought down the house. Harry Knight sang " 'fhe Order house." .we only ask a chance to prove politioal opponents. The feeling towards of Friar's Grey " in capital voice, and for with our goods that it; is so. Mr. Blake by his friende 10 wa.rm to 1111 encore gave "Th e Man Behiod the Plow," both nf which pleased the audienthuaiaam. ence . immen· ely. 0 . A. Gsmsby so.ng a Bowmanville, May 16, 1888. Sign, Big Boot drawn by t wo horses. beautiful solo entitled, " On the R olling Manning's Steam Cooperage. C. W. Wave," which was encored. Sold Everywhere at 25c. a Bottle. Thomr son's Euphonium solo was also A vy persom 1~ill be repaid for a visit well rendered a nd warmly applauded . R ee<1mwc11ded by Ever-ybotly . to Manning' s Steam Cooperage,on Scvgog Joe Halpenny captured the whole audi· I am acqaainttid with the composition of street, B wwanville, while the operatioa ence in his comics a nd was uproariously Porrin'a Pine l'ar Cordial, and can recommend it ns being 1he most efficient Cough Itemedy I of barrel making is in progress. The old r ecalled. Misses Climle and Glover know ol. hand Bysttm1 of manufacturing barrels played a piano duet very nicely together. P . P.A.J, MER BURROWS, l\f.D,, C.M. stands m1 show whatever along with The National Anthem brought the proMember o f the American P ublic HealthAs·) machm e~y . The difference is as great ss ceedings t o a close Miss Climie played sociat1 on, and President of th" Executive \. { that bet\\een th cutting of grain with the accompaniments for the singe rs. ~~?lat!on o! Health Officers or Oocario ) the old t.tn1e eicklo and the Patterson Is Canada's Favorite Bread-makflr. aelf bitadH , s ..ld by Chas. Rogers. This Farmer's Institute. 10 yearK in the inarket without a eom· barrtil factory is < 'quipped with a six plaint of any kind. Tho only yeast whlcb LINDSAY, ONT., h orie power D oty steam engine, a very The next meeting of the W. D. Farm· bas stood the test of time a nd neve r- made unwholesome bre...i.. swift ruunin1,1 one it is too, and what iB er's Institute will be h eld in the Sona' sour, AU Grocers sell it. term~ a patent barrel roil.Chine. Thlil Hall, Tyrone, on Friday, J une 8th, at 2 il. '\\', C:lW'rf, !.t'!'r. Toront.o, Ont. a Chicago, III. wa.chme is eut1rely under the control of p. m. An address will be given l.y t he ono operator and t urns out from 20 to 25 P resident, W. J·. Roy , Esq., on "The 1 Liver ()0111plalnt, barrt ls ao hour. The work is done with Bureau of Industries ,ind th e importance D yspep sia, Manufacturers of euch ~reat p..-rfoction t.hat ll1e work of of farmers sendin~ in full r eports to the lllltousncs~ . the miller or 1>pple shipper in paeking Department of Agriculture." Si ck Headache, and htad ing is r t dnced to the minimum. The subject of "Dairying" will bo inKl1tney Troubles, There is not many of these machines in troduced for d iscusaion by J. M. Joness, Rheumatism. &t·lificial Canada, th e oost being tGo Rreat for any Esq. As this subject is particularly inSklu Diseases but I~rf( e ooop"r ages. The elm sta't'es teresting to farmers wives, t he ladies are Limbs, and all from which Mr. Ma.nning mannfaotures epecially invited to attend. B y Order. tmpurtllcs or tbe And Appliances for all De· hia b11rrels are brought from Wallaceburg, formitiesof the HumanBody Uood from what· I sUFFBREn from a very se't'ere cold in Ont. The barn.Ia are shipped in all - Spinal Diaeasea, HtpJoint Disease, Diseases ot the : ever manse nrldug directions, bnt o\,lr local millers, Meal!lre. my head f· ·r months and used everythiug J . O . V 1<nstune a11d J ohn Mackay use l'ecommended but could get no relief. ~~::. il~~ r!;:,1~iu:;~t the great.er number of those manufactur- Wns advised to use Ely's Cream Bo.Im. ALSO c~~~TCHES. i Price, 75c. (with Pille $1.) ed. F.)r a u111.11 t.o make 16 ba.rrela by the It h as worke.d ltke magic in it" cure. I old way is coni;idered a day'11 wc..rk. Two e.m free from my coli after using the men with this machiue can turn out Balm one week and I believe it is the Dl'. upwards of 20() a day. Mr. John G. best remedy known. Feeling grateful THE MOST ;M11nnini.: operates the machine and Mr. for what it }139 done for me I se nd this EFFICIENT \\' m, Kerr preparee the hoopa and puta testiruonial. - Samuel J. Harris, Whole· (very amall and eaB J' to take.) !ale Gr ocer, 119 Front St., New York. them' on. Mr. Tholi. Manning has the Two bottle11 of Ely's Cream Balm cured - rsNO GRIPING. NO NAUSEA. general supervision of the bu11iueaa. Tn.rl"nnt'8 Sold everywhere: price 25 cents. Readers of 'THE S,.1.1.'ESMAN ahoul'1 call the wife of a well·known U. S. A. Gen· :Sdr.ze1· Aperient. and see for thewselv011 how barrela are eral aod also two army c.flicere in Arizona, SolJ by Tarrant It co. , N.Y., Tiie lTNION lttEDl()INE 00.· PROPRIETORS. Toronto can· ru1(i Drn ggi B t :\ e '·crywl:iere. of Catanh. t: made. Ox This part of Canada was favored on Thureday last when celebrating her Majesty'!! birthday with the most beauti· ful summer weather, the proverbial Queen's weather in fact, and a great many country people came in to enjoy Come and get bargains everybo~y in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, the day's amusements. There were Clothing, Gents' Furni~hings, et.c. several hAre also from Whitby, Oshawa. In adrlition to our general stock, which is unusually large and and Toronto. attractive, w e have a quantity of Bankrud stock, which In the morning a base ball match was played 011 the Drill Shed grounds b.-tween must be sold out at onee, cnmiisting of Dress the Mouldel'S Club, of Osha.wa, and the Goods, Shirtings, Laces, .Embroideries, " Domi11ions " of this town. It was a Tweeds, etc. very ~ood game, resulting in favor of the Oshawa team by 12 to 8 runs. The Canton went to the station to meet their brethren of Canton 'l'oronto No. 7, who came down twenty strong, eleven of them b· inginl( their wives . They marched to rhe grounds where the b ase ball match was in pro~reas and gave a sh11rt exhihioion of fancy drill. .After dinner a. pr..cessio11 was formed o.t the mark.,t square consi~ting of the ~ D. 0. & P. Co. Band (of 30 pieces), Cantons Toronto and Bowm,.nville and repres.,nbativea frum tbe Sons of En'{land lodges in Tor·mlo, Whitby, Port Perry, Osh.. ws, Newcastle and Bowmanville. Clothing made to order right and fits every time . Only a few members of Wellington l odge All goods at rock bottom prices come an<l see and you will believe. turned out owing to want of notific·ation, they being unaware that the S. 0 . E. would be requir.·d in the procession. The sports w"re engaged in exclusively by local athlet<8 and there was con11ider· able interest manifested in the games. Had there heen more participators there would have been still more interest manifested, how .. ver. The oand played at int.erva.ls during the afternoon, and midway between the ga.1ne11 there was an exhibition drill by the two Cantons, the Toronto& u11der Major Unitt, 1H1d the town brigade under Capt. Young. The drilling wtis VMY ~ood and considering ; the short time the Bowmanville Cantou hail been organized they were not 110 fa.r behind No. 7 in proficency of drill 1'3 Ha.ving purcha8ed the business formerly carried on by llu MPHREY' & might be expected. Hoth companies are MA.YER, I have moved it across the street to the premises lately composed of handsome men 11nd their uniforru11 made th.-m appear ro great occupied by Shaw & Tole, wbere in connection with my Tin u.:iJ Stove advau'tage. Mr. D . B. Fogg man!lged Business will b e found a. full line of Heavy and Li S!' ht Harneg<i, and all the games to the satiaf,.ction of all conother furnishings usually founrl in a first-cJ::i.:;s harness elrnp. cerned ; there was not a .single dispute during the afternoon. F··llowing is the - DOll~QS ! HAMPTON ----·o--CLEARING SALE l --o---- CLOTH IN c H0us E! Croquet Sets, Base Balls, Express Wagons, Window Shades, Wall Paper, & Picture Frame. s, -.A.T- NOTE THE FOLLOWING PRICES: Are being sold very cheap this week All Wool Tweed, 30c. per yard. English Worsted. 35c'. per yard. Prints, 4c. per yard. Towelings, 4c. per yard. Shirtings, 6c, per yard. · Cottonade, 12 per yard. Grey Cotton. 4c per yard. White Cotton,6c.per yd. J. H. KENNER'S Variety Hall, BOWMANVILLEr FARM PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR F. A. COLE, Hampton. coons. Harr1ess ---o---I Harness ! I PARLOR CltANCE 01 IUStNISS. ---o--1 BOOT AND SHOE.STORE. ---o--- HAND·MADE COLLARS L~ «IDe ~l!JJl(((1)~e Experience having proved that the old fogy system of long credit on business affairs is a source of loss to both buyers and sellers a5' a. whole, I have decided to limit all credit accounts to 30 de.vs. . CommenciJ;tg with the. 1st of June, 1888, [ will sell only for cash, or m 30 du.ys ~1me, and will thus be able to sell fully 10 or 15 per cent. cheaper than on the old credit system. Goods will be bought for cash and the wholesale cash discount obtained and my customers will get full benefit of the reduction. I will not do business on the old trnst system any longer. Having arranged with some of the best Shoe Manufacturers in \ihe Dominion, I will keep in sto~k the L.A TEST STYLES and MOST SERVICEABLE goods which the market affords, and at right prices. In the ORDERED DEPARTMENT, I will make only Ladies' and Gents' fine sewed work. The REP.AIR.ING DEPARTMEN'J' ~m be continued as formerly under the d1rect10n of MR. W. DICKINSON, one of the best r epairers in Ontario. Everything usually found in a First Class Boot and Shoe Store will be kept in stock. and a call from all requiring anything in my line is respectfully solicited. . ~hankful ~or the liberal patronage extended to me in the past, I mv1te a continuance of the ea.me, and hope by my square dealing n ot only to retain old friends but to welcome many new ones. WRem~ mber the old stand-First c;loor East of S. S. EDSALL's Hii..rdware St..>re, Nea.ds' Block, Bowmanville. 'Wll~~~QR- ~ ~Tai~~~l(lg~~ WM. JENNINGS. BUYERS DELIGHTED! Fine Goods and Low Prices do the work. Think Carefully, Decide Wisely, Act Promptly. We possess the facility and inclination to give satisfaction. Having bought for prompt cash, saving largest discounts given, from the most reliable manufacturers, a well assorted stock of Ladies' and Gents' BOOTS AND SHOES, In Styles-The Latest, · Qualities-Excellent, Prices-Low. and prices. TRUNKS AND VALISES IN GREAT VARIET'!. We want you to call and investigate goods - M. TRELEVEN. JOHN HELLYAR. HAINES' CARRIAGE WORKS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, - -MANU FACTURER OF- - qovAL YEAST OARRIACES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WACONS, &O. KIN G STREE'l'. BOWMANVILL PERRIN'S PINETAR CORDIAL CO., Hall now on hand a number ot vehiclee (and is manutacturing a great many more) of the ne patterns and beat ftniah, which I am olfering tor sale 11,t the lowest prices consi.sten· . with dne regard to workmanship and quality. The following ia a liet ot · the principal vehicles manufactured by me Double Covered Carrlagea .... ............ ........... ........... ..... ......... $150 Upward1 . 11 Single Phretons . ....... .............................................. ....... .... 100 AUTHOR8 & COX, Open Buggy........ ................. .......... .. ............. .... ......... ........ 70 Top Buggy................... ................ .......... .......................... . Democrat Wagon .·· ·········.·.···..········..·.···· ······.. .·.·...... ·...···· ,. Lumber Wagons......... ...... .................................................. Light Wa.gon .. ........... ... .. . . .... ....................... ...... ................ Express Wagon... ................... ........................ . .................... Skeleton.~................. . . .... . .. ........ ... . ..... . .............................. ;a 11 rl'.R US SES, 90 65 56 40 u 11 11 11 75 60 11 Sulky ······. ··..·············..··· ·····.· .····· ·····. ··············.···········.···. , 40 " Po3sesslng superlor faoillties for manufaoturlng oarrlages, I Intend to sell very cheap for o,. or approved credit, a nd by ao doing I hope to greatly Increase my number of sales, Woul4 eel! the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies ironed. ITHE CJIEAT SPRI NC M EDICINE. All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired 117 C~URCH ST., TORONTO, ONT.I Morning LaxatiYe ~~;~ER'S L" ittle L iver Pills, A.t At the Shorteat N otice, Painted and Trimmed if D esired. the Factory I also do Planing, Matohinic, l'urnlng anll Sawing with Cirole,Band ·r Sci Saws, and prepare all kinds ot lumber for carpenters nd others for building purposes. Ornamental and Plain Pickets for feno"e in every style required, made to order. A 7A.MILY J!'Rill:ND.- Dear Sire,-We have used Ha.gyard'a Yellaw Oil for &1 ? e throe!; and colds, and always can depen<1 on it to cure. We also use it for &Ol!'e 11houlder1 on our )1orse1. Mrs. William Hughey, W ilberforce P. 0., Ont. KIND WORDS AND TRUE. -Mr. John H Carter, of Corbetton, Ont., writes as follows : "Hagyard'a 'Yellow Oil has stood the test often when all others failed. Our house is never without it, and it will al· way11 find n welcome 1pot on the shelf.'

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