Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1888, p. 2

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------::!D'W·~~ encouragement, then curning toward a memFOR AND A:BOUT WOM.EN. £ocentric Wills. Site Tried in vain ':o Get ber of the fa.mily she ,,eked for c~rbonate of , W Eccentric wills have been met with even ReHeC aud had quite soda. Moistening ama.11 -portion of the lB PUBLISHED S1>me Simple Remedies. soda. with water, el.A applied it to the omen a.re naturally trnthful, especia.lly since wills were in fashion. Men sometimes Given up all H ·t)e, wound,· when the iiod· became dry she when they are talking about another WO· are ready to say after they are dea.d what . f h b . f EVERY WED.NESDA.Y MORNING t h is sea.eon o the t e fa.ce year 011 s requent~ 'k e. -BYly At break out upon and body. The moistened it again a.t"l a.t the expiration of man tha t · thay d on 't l 1 t hey never h i.d t h e courage to assert a.a long Campbellford, June 9, 1887. person thus affected should eschew rich an hour was overjoy ucl to see upon the white A bright sc~olM" in a. V ?~mont school re- as they were a.live. his well when trnth pa.str.y, gravies and every kind of meat ex- surface of the application unmistakable cently stated Ill a oo.muos1hon that dough- is at last rea.ched whether in a will or on a MR. E. Mo1mrs, Toronto, AT THE OFEJCE cepting lean mutton. The boils may be evidence of eua.ke virus. nuts were first ma.de m Greece. tomb·tone. For instance, what do the mernDEAR Sm :- 1 feel it my du ty to give brought to a head by using a warm poultice R11sty nails make ugly wounds, which if Of the two hundred gold.beate:rs in New bers of the Foul'th Estate sn.y to the follow· you my testimony for the good I had Posi omce Block, Ktng Street, Bowman· v1Ue, Ontario. of camomile flowers or boiled white lily not a.~teI?-ded to at once, may ca.use great · York, not one is a woman; while, of the ing rather hatd n.nd pitying words from a from your Dandelion Liver and Kidney root, by fermentation with hot water er by suffermg-perhapa death. · Smoke the wound J nine hundred gold-cutt~rs not one is a man. New York h~wyerY Perhaps l here is mo1 e Bitters. My liver was in a bad stat~and stimulating plasters. !l'ith wool er w?ollen cloth, fifteen minutea A Chien.go woman ha.a not spoken to her truth than poetry about them : ' L&e ~r Annum, or $1 i f pait1 in ndvance. I wad a great sufferer. I had tried in A severe cold and perhaps an attack of ~n the smo.ke will remove the worst class of husba.nd for three years, and he wants a "I am informed there is a society com· vain to get relief and had quite given up Payment strictly In adva.nce reqn!redtrem pneu,monia. may be prevented if premonitory mfla.mm1tt1?n· . . divorce. If that is not ingratitude what posed of young men connected with the bBcltbers outside of the county, Orders to The terrible pam caused by bemg severely is y ' public pr.;ss, and, as in eady life I was con· all hope, till a friend told me of your 1continne the paper mul'lt be accompanied by symptoms a.re heeded. A chilly sensation f · . · nected with the papers, I ha.vc a. keen rccol- Bitters. I got a bottle at once and I am ~a1Donnt due,orthepape wil notbestopped. along the spinal column, a. cold, clammy burned may be almost instantly relieved by T.he nends of ;,he late . Di.nab ~ulock lection of the toils and troubles that bubbled happy to say the Bitters made a new wobscrlber11 areresponeibleunti fullpayment ia feeling 11cross the chest a.re sure indications applyinu a mixture of strong, fresh, clean that a severe cold is trying to settle in the lime water mixed with as much linseed oil JJraik, author of John Halifax, Gentle- then and enr will bubble tor the toilers of man of me. I can heartily recommend 1de. a.sit will ~ut. Before 8.pplying, wrap the ,. man," are abou~ to erect a marble medallion the world in their pottage caulcron, and ae them to any one troubled with liver com· system. RA.TES 011' A.D'VERTISING: o::.~ z: ,.. Pour boiling water upon equal parta of burn in cotton wadding saturated with the to her memory in Tewkesbury Abbey,To>'l'k· I desire to thicken with a little savoury herb plaint. Yours trnly WholeCelumnone7ea.r ............. $60 oO :;;;~;;; their thin broth in the Bhape of a legacy, I ·· " Hal yea.r ·.······· u . 36 oo · ifi o catnip, spearmint and sassafras, steep but lotion. Wet as often as it appears dry, with- ' e·bu~y, ~ngland'. CARRIE STEPHRNI! .,. ·· One quarter ......... 20 oo ,. . . . . do not boil the tea.. Put the feet In a tub out removingcottenfrom burn fornine days, Mtss Lmda. Gilbert has devoted fifteen clo hereby bequeath to t he New York Pren - - - - - -·-- - - ---.......:./'""' Halt Column one year ............... 36 oo - - filled with hot water to which a tea.spoonful when a new skin will probably ha.ve formed. ye11.ra and most of her fortune to prison re· Clnb, of the city of New York, 1,000 Good .N ews at Home. " Half year ...... .. :..... 20 00 of mustard ha.a been added, and while soak· Bleeding at the nose frequently causes forn:. ~he has. establish~ twent:l'·two Ji. dollars." " One quarter·- ......... 12 "nterv1'ewm·g, reing the feet drink freely of thoi tea. extreme prostration. bleeds brartes What with item.hunt1'ng, 1 E . M ORRIS, E D - ftaarter ColuJI.n one yee.r ........... 20 oo ·1 If the h nose fi l f d ID the l pnsons ·f of differc:nt t Sta.tea and 'SQ. , - HAR S1R,-lhavJ . h ·· " HaU:rear ....... .. .. 12 60Another excellent remedy for a cold is the f rom t he rig t nostn , pass t e nger a ong oun emp oymen. or ex-convic 8 · porting the speeches of pretentioue block· " " Oue quarter...... ·· 8 001 6 "vapor bath." Take a pail a.bout half full the edge of the right jaw until the beating Laura M. Royce, one of the heroines of heads and praising the doings of pompoUB rason to speak well of your Dandelion '.l'en l!nee and under, first Insertion , of hot, but not quite boiling water, which of the arterv is felt. Press hard upon it for la.st January's terrible bli2zi\rd in Nebraska, rascals who deserve to be crucified or a.t a.oy lVOl" and Kidney Bitters. I have been llle.oh eubeequen t insertion...... 0 25 should be placed under a cane bottom chair. five mi!1-utes and the hleedif!g will sto~. is said to be destitute and dyinv. She lost rate forgotten, the life of manv a. reporting trouble d for Ao me time with my Kidney l!"rom six to ten lines, first insertion 0 75 ·Seat the patient in the chair and encircle A child who has a morbid propensity to both feet and one hand in her efforts to save Bohemian is not a particularly happy one or and a friend of mine recommended them ll:e.oh subsequent insertion...... 0 35{)ver ten lines,fl.rst ineertion,perline 0 101- 1 0 bath, chair and patient with a heavy blanket force b~ttPns, bean~, e.tc., into his nost~ils the lives of the school children in her charge, dignified to any great degree. Ilut atill it to me and I tried them in my case, and Each eubsequentlnsertion " 0 reaching to the floor. When pro nee per· keeps his whole family Ill a state bordermg The feathers and wings of bii·da are almost is all n. ma.tter of taate and no doubt the found them to work like a charm ; thereThe number ~f lines to be reckoned bY =:spiration starts from every pore, remove o!1 terror, for they never knew at what pre· wholly discarded now on In.dies' hats a.nd brotherhood will receive th<3 thousand do!- fore I have much plea.sure in recommendJJ\, space occuvled·. mea.aured bya sc.Ue ot from the chair into a bed that has been 01se momenb they_ may be c,alled upon ~o bonnets. Ribbons a.nd flowers are used a.I· lars with thanks oven though accompa.nied ing them to all persons who are troubled ol!d Nonvareil, thoroughly aired and warmed. Additions.! perform an operation upon Master. Harry s most to the exclusion of everything else. On with words as pityingly contemptuous as in any way with their Kidnev. 'e!22:: _ __ __ _ . - ·- --- ---- - - - - --"' covering must of course be placed u~on the nasal appei;idn.ge. ~ressure agamot !he some of the big hats buckles are being re- can be well imaeined. The French Iii.wyer Y ouris truly, DRS, HeLA.lJGRl..IN 4 BEITH. body to prevent a chill. empty nostril and qurnk, stron17 brea.thmg vived as ornaments who put the following in his will was as bitJ Simple remedies 11re within the reach of into the open mouth will dislodge the for. .· . . i · h' d h th h 1 · J. JoNBs. OnwE : -MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE. 'gn aubst·nce "nd send tl1e suir~r1"ng young· "Mias Fra.n,c,cs \Y1lla.rd adv1 .aea all guls _wh. o ng m is way an per aps upou e w o e Newtonville. May 3, 1887. every one, n.nd if resorted to in time will el ~ ~ u" f 1 ll h d d t th e..-en more truthful :Dr.J.W.McLAUGIH:JN', Dr. A. BEITH. Gra.du s ve d 11 · d ' 8 b'll Th ster upon his way re]· oicinct ee a ca ' as s e once i ' o e mm ts"I . ·· -· ··-- -1 s. e many a 0 ar m octor ,... try to enter a theological seminary and pregive 100,0~0 fro.nos to the local mad Consumption Surely;Cured. H. oentia.te of the Royal ate of the Toronto a College of Physicia.oe money thus saved will prove a. blessing to pare for the work, undisturbed by the alhouse. ~ 1?t th.is ~on. ey_out o.f thoEo who cuid member of the UmverS1ty, Phys1c1e.n m11ony people who, in order to settle the Sen d' 1eged irreconcilability of the vocations of pa.ss ' t ion ; m bequeath. To THE EDlTO"' · lile; £ or th e Doct or · . · their ives m I1viga. ltoyal College of Sur· Surgeon, &c. doctor's claim a.re obliged to deny them· "I ha.ve established a rule never to go to see min1~ter · 1ng · it f or th e use 0 t l una.tice · I on1Y make ' '" aeons, Edinburgh. and mother· Pl ease tn · f orm selves that which ia necessa.rv to their comreshtutiov " yo\lr readers tha · o I have fort. a patient at night unless I feel fully satisfied The day of woms.n's complete indepen · Th h' a l)Ositi ve remedy for the above named DR. J, 4J, MITUllELL. 1 Cold in the head is no7 only annoying, that the ca.se requires immediate attention," dence of man is coming with slow but sure oie w o go to law are $!enernlly ma.d as disease. By its timely use thou~ands of EMBER OF COLLEGill OF PHYSICIANS but likely to develop m·to catarrh. One said a well-known phyaician. Ma.ny steps, says The New York World. The March it f is well h ope1 · and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, ete. a th when h appropria.te h 1 ess eases h ave b een permanently · · doctors b · I hares n.nd OIBoe and ReBidence. Enniskillen. U. tea.spoonful of mustard dissolved in a. wonId g l a.dly a d opt t h e a b ove d ec1s10n, ut ugns multiply. Now comes word that Miss asy urns are rca Y or em w en t e aw· tumblerful of cold water and used as a they hesitate for various reason. Some are Ida. C. Allen, of Dover, N. H., has been of. yers get all their cash. At the ea.me time cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles gargle three times a day, will often effect a juststartin.u out in lifP, others find the build- fere.I the position of teacher .of literature in the desire "not to be beat" is ofteri very of my remedy FREE to any of your ll". S, OJOllSTON, L, L, B. Barrister; Selioitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money speedy cure. In more obstinate ca11es equal ing up of a. lucra.tive practice ~uch slow work, Smith College, at Northampton, Mass., a.ta strong as it is very natural, Every ma.n's readers who have consumption if , they to loan. Otllce, in .Beaver Block upstairs in pa.rte of loaf suga'r a.nd pulverized alum used that an assumption of independence on their si.lary of $2, 700. case is right in his own eyes a.nd naturally will send me their Express and P'. 0, l'()Oms formerly occupied by Dr. Harnden, a.a a. snuff will p-ive instant relief. part, is not to be thought of. It is only by he is anxious that ini11uity should not address. · :Bowman ville. 3!1 1 0 Fever and restlessness in children is fre- hard work and many sacrifices that a physi· em~a~~~~ Yjt ';, ai::::s i::s~~dd':ta: . ::iu:::, triumph. The other man, of course, thinks . R i;spectfolly, DR. T. A. SLOCUM, 37 d cian can ever hope to have his claim to inde· and feels in exactly the same way. Hence Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. DR. E. C. lllcDOWELL. quent1 y ca.use by indigestion. If you find pendence recognized. and she took it up after his death and fa Ute !ego.I duels and the lawyer's gains. ICENTIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE the skin of the little one hot 1md dry, reMany 'F>eople a.re constantly inviting dis· making money at it. She says that ~any Fancy a. la.wyer advising a client not to· go AD VJ CE TO MOTRERs.-Are you disof Physicians. Lendon, ]l;ng.; Member of member, if you can, what she ate for sup- ease-for instance, a. supper of fried oysters, families like better to have her around than to law. Some few cases of the kind have turbed a t night and broken of your rest College of Physicians 11.nct Surgeons. Ontario. per. Give the child a wa.rm bat h, then give hot biscuit, rich cake and strong tea or cof- a. man, especially if the person to be buried been put on record. But, one swalbw does b SURGERY AND REBIDENCE:-Rear of Mt ssre. it a. cup half full of warm water to dr..nk. f ·11 · · t f t . th is a woman or a child. The windows of her not make summer. ""'hen w1'll men be y a sick child suffering and crying with Higginbotham's Drug Store, Bowmanv ille, In a few minutes the undifleated food w1'll strongeat ec w1 ' in nme eases ou en, ruinwho e establ' " ae to submit their pain of Cuttin!!' 6-lyr.* digestion, and theoindivi!lua.l ish ment d 0 not displa.v the usual m.or. so ra.tiona.l and Christlike · · Teeth ? If so send at be thrown off the stJmach and the child will is in the ha.bit of uorging himself with high- tuary ~mblems, but are full of flowering differences t-0 arbitration a.nd to abide by once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's D, BlJ.RKE SIMPSON, 110on be aleeping soundly. A dose of mag· ly seasoned food, late in the day, will proba.- plants 1Dstead. the awe.rd ? Soothing Syrup." F or children teething, A lady informs a. New York paper that a. its value is incalculable. It will relieve .A.RRISTE'R, SOLICITOR, &;e. MOPRIB nesia, about half a teaspoonful, given in the bly spend a great portion of his life regret· BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bowman- morning before breakfast will probably re- ting that he did not heed the w&rning when kiss.on the forehead denotes r everence for the poor little sufferer immediately. DeIle. Solicitor tor the Ontario Bank etore to the child its usual health, but should his over· taxed stoma.oh cried :. Hold l the mtclkct ; a kiss on the cheek, that the Workingmen and Ohuroh·e;oing. pend upon it, mothers ; there is no rrtva&e ltlone'fs loaned at the lowest rates, fever and nausea. continue during the day enough !" d~mor is impressed with t he beauty of the mistake about it . It cures Dysentery :mmov a. tired, worn out physician plod- kissed one; but tha.t a ki6s on the lips is a Workingmn are often blamed for no and Diarrhooa, r egul ates t he Stomach and following the attack, send for a phyaician, .loha Keith Galbraith, who will undoubtedly approve of what you ding through a blinding snow . storm, or t oken of love. Kissing the hand of another going to church and are often ~poken of a.B Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the i.) .A.RRISTER, SOJ,JCITOR, NOTARY U PUBLIC, &e. Ofllce-Bounsn.ll's Bloc,k have done md should the symptoms develop drizzling rain at midp.ight to attend an indi- e;1'presses willingness to serve her ; but kia- if they were the greatest heathens and the into sc11rlet fever, measles, chicken pox or vidual who, doubled up with era.mp and s~ng.rour hand to another is a. love token, most immoral men going. S uch cha,rgea are Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives S::lng Streat, Bowmanville. Monev to lend, any of the diseases to which children are parched with fever, imagines that he will sigmfying that you would kiss her with your very ofl'Ensive and untrue as well. Would to:ie and energy to the whole syo<tem. ROBERT A.BM01Jll, liable, the attack will probably be of a mild surely die ! whole affection n.nd grace if she were near not ministers and home missionaries and " Mrs. Winolow's Soothing Syrup" ~for The doctor places his hand upon the enott,flh. tempera.nee advooa.tes be a great deal the children teething ii; pleasa.nt to the t aste ')ll:GJSTRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER nature. loot Marrla.ge Licenses, Barrister and A.ttorNearly one·half the p opulation a.re more patient's wrist, examines his tongue, then, . The recent convocation of McGill Univer· better of taking a. hint or two from tlie and is the p r escription of one of the old~J' at Law and Solicitor In Chanoery,MoneY e physicians and nurses 111.ned on R eal Esta te. Ofllee on King street, or less afl:licted with neuralgic pa.ins. In· with an expression of disgust upon his coun- s1ty ~::.rked another step in the history of following defence of his fellow werkinsmon est and b e s . f e stead of sending for the doctor, who will tenance, which he cannot conceal, prescribes the higher educ1tion of women in the Pro- by a. Christian mecha.nio :-.;.._, ~ . ... ~~;,., i.~~~ in the Uni cs, and is f or sale by JoWtnn.nvllle. _:_ _ _ _ _ __ 'Probably p rescribe a plaster 111nd a dose of a doae of oil, orders a warm bath, and rest. vincc of Qnobec. The ecoe.sion was one of There are many other reasons why the all druggists ~h the woild. Pl'ice WILLIA.Ill '\VIGllT, medicine, we advise t he sufferer to heat a "I would advise you to eat very little special inter est, in as much as it was distin· working classes do not attend places of wor· 21) cents a. b ottle . Be sure and ask for ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the fiat·iron, put a. double fold of flannel on the rich, heavy food. If you keep. on abusing gu~hed by the gra.dun.tien of a number of ~hip, lis~en to open-air preaching, show any . "Mn s. WINSLOW'S SooTHI NG SYRUP. " County of Durham. Orders loft at the pa.i.nful part, then move the iron to and fro your stomach in this way, I will not answer lad!es. One of the gradua.tes, a Miss Ritchie, mterest m teetotal lecturin~, and ether work and take n o other kind, l!'UTESMAN ofilce or forwarded to '£yrone P .O, on the flannel. The pain will cease almost for the consequences," says the doctor in a. delivered a.n address trn.cmg the progress of of that kind, from the fact that we are made ..1111 rooeive prompt attention. 28:6m immediately. We have seen the most pain· tone of annoyance. the educational movement among women, t he scapegoat for all the sins of the nation. fnl cases of neuralgia. relieved. in less than The patient, with lamb-like docility, prom- and .d ema.nding the further right tha.t the ·Take, for instance, the usual kind of preachs. C. BUNKING, ten minntes. isea immediate reform, and while his body is medical classes be also opened to the foir i.og in our pln.o;;es ot worship· it is about the IOENSED AUCTIONEER FOR Sprains are among the most; severe a.cci - racked wii;h pain anQ. his throa.t pa.rchcid sex. trouble~ and joys of the children of Isrll.el, When :B1>by ...ae sick, we g""'" h,.,,_c,..tom,the County of Durham. Salos at.tended dents to which we a.re liable. When a. joint with fever, he vows to live on oat meal, dry and .t he wickedness of the working elasses. 10 on sbortest notice and lowest rates. Address is sprained swelling comes on gradually. In toast and "cambric" tea henceforth and for A PUZZL.ED INDIAN. In the religious tracts we find the working When she was a Child, ehe cried for Castoria, )OUR'l'tCB P. o. 36:tf dislocation the swellinq and loss of motion ever. Recovery from the "spell" usually man is ma.de the sabject t o represent every- Wilen she became Miss, she clung to Caetoria, of the 'joint happens immediately after the renders the individual entirely oblivious to Bob Tall <:1·cnv·s AHlonlsllment on Flr11 thing that is vile and loathsome, and the When she had Children, she gave thorn Castoria, Pia.nos Tuned and Repaired. accident. A ~prained limb should be kept the good resolution and ere Jong he is a.gain llaing a Tele111u.ne. mn.n of broadcloth and tall hat is represented quiet. To prevent iofllmmatioo, ca.lied upon to pay the penalty of indiscre· In a small town close to an Indian reserve.- button-holing him abou t his soul and ARTIES WISHING TIIErnPIANG~ perfectly use poultices of worm-wood, hops or tansy. tion. tien, one of the doctors had his office con· evenpually is t he means of leading thatwick· Tuned orrepa1reu can :nave them a.ttende<I Every E:ffort on the part of the p~tient to As the doctor tramps or drives homeward nected with his house by a telephone. A ed one to be a Christian. The teeteta.I lec- 1;0 by leavinll word ,at the DOMINION ORGAN Co's OFl'lOB, Bowmanville .A. first-olas man repeat in _detail the ~a.use of t;he accident, through the storm, we cll.llnot blame him for gre11.t many Indiana a.re in town almost turer is most offensin to ue working men, now beinR in their emplo; ~e sensations, experience, etc., s.hould be ; Ia.psing into a abate of mind simila.r to that every day, and it takes consider able now to also, in his manner of conducting a campai1:1n d1soourag~d. Cheerful conversation upon, of the druggist; who was a.roused at twelve astonish them a.s they are very observant against the E oglish Devil-strong drink. . A ccording to his narrow way of treating that other subJects n.nd perfect reet, will bring ' o'clock on a cold winter morning by a mn.u and have good m emories. about speedy recovery a.nd strengthen all 1 who wanted to. buy a- postage . 'lta.mp ! An important chief, named Bob Ta il Crow, evil, he would lead a. for eigner lisuning ~ncerned in the belief, that it is not always waa in town a. short time on some busi· to him to believe that the wor ltin't classes necessary to send for the doctor. riess. As he could not t alk l<Jnglish an inter· of Ea gland were a drunken, diesipa.ted, Rough on Gophers, preter waa needed. None could be fouad . and hopeless Jot ; but as far as he could A writer in the N<Yrth Da.kota Faif'/ne?· Finally someone su~gested thai Charley infer from t he teetotal lect11rer, all ~ Remedy for Croup, says : "Three yea.rs ago this spring I wished Blank, the doct~r·s stepson, could talk Crow. other classes in England a.re very good as!; "Cfoup caused the des.th of six of my to plant a few acres of corn, 'mt dreaded He Wllll down at the house, but the office be- reg~rd~ abstainin~ from pa.r~aking 11onr alcochildren, can you wonder that I feel alarm· the rav~es of gophers and gray ground ing handy, the telephone was ca.lied into re· hoho orlnk. As to opeu.a.1r preaohmg of · K;;. n. 0 cd wh~n my only remaining child ex hibits equirrels. I procured fifteen cents' worth q~isitio?· C~arlev, w~o was acquainted the gospel ? What n. butletque on t he gospel the slightest symptoms of a cold I" asked ot 'Rough on Rats 'and according to di· with this particular Indian was notified of of our Lord Jeans Christ, the carptnter of a mother sorrowfully. " Sometimes th.e ections dropped a. ht\!f do11on gr:i.ins of corn what w_as wanted.. , 'fhe instrument Wa3 always Nazareth, went about doing good, a.nd . L" hadwho compassion on the people I Street J d octor conId not .come at once, I was af~&1d in each hole; on my way home I saw some p 1aood m t he Induw A. hand~, and. he . w.a.1i H A RN [}IE N L D g and no mstructed how to hold it. On placmg it to preachers preach an unsympathetic gospel 'X..'5i?":El.C>N'E. · · I · · · to apply remedies without being advised of them eating their last meal Gradna.te of the Royal College of Dental and-~nd-" . gophers were seen for two ye~rs. Last h~s e11.r he wa.s gx eete~ with u. 9uestion in in the most unnatural t one of voice to a. peo-o--Surgeons, Ontario. While the mother was speakmg-, her only 1 , year I planted ten acres of corn, over a half his. own language. '?onsterna.~t?n and as. pie who are hungering and thirst ing for The above st ore is now is 1 a position 010 to s upply 0 FICE OPPOSl'l'E EXPRESS Ol!'FCE. child, a pretty little girl seven yeu.r's old mile from the field mentioned above and tomsh ment were depicted on ms counten· dChristit~n eympa.tfhY: T hhell n.nd the public wit~nd ~~~~ ;':t~~~'. of Sprmg 1hey preachh 0 JOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY came running towards us "ith hands up· need the . remed} as befooe, and did not lance. He. asked who it was. On being amna ton most mtous Y to us w ave to · I have purchased from one or the best manuAlitTlFICUL TEETH INS"RTED W ITHoum lifted gasping for breath. discover the loss of a hill of corn by gophers. t~ld that 1t was Charle~'" Blank, he r~ised toil, toil, toil from early morn till late in the lacturing establishments in Toronto a large "Wha.t shall I do? The doctor ia out of I ca.n clear a whole section of land of his hand carefully, exammed the transmitter day under a system of compet ition between assortment. of fine Boots and Shoes, also a fine t 'll b b k . h · d h. flUr employers for orders. My adv ice to artlole In Woman's Slippers ln ,.11 ~izes to flt PLATES. own-wt not e ac untt! t is evening !" gopohers in one dl\y wi th from thirty to an everyt mg connected with it, and then h f h d purchaser which you will find to your adva.nt· · Great Red'!-ctiene in price on. all Dental _ ried the mother frantically, fifty cents worth of · R :rngh on Rats· and burst ou~ with, "Show Charley, lie talk, preac ers 0 t e goape1· m or ?r to ii;tdi;ce age to examine. They a.re marked in price to Remembering a child of our own who was from a. peck to a ha.If bushel of corn ,, talk, t_ a.Ik, me no see him. s.how Charley-" us to become church-goers and m Christi11.n suit the times. 0 w .o rk. Vita.bze<! Air, c:onetantly !n uso pro18 1 d·ulng Painless Operations. Particular Teeth atten attack e d lil . . . h. 'th . eimp ' 1Y th'ts : come ' I liave In 8 t ock M ens Summer Sh rrem "'1 tion paid to the re~ulation ot Childx·en's manner, we procured a Here is the plan followed.by from. the wmdo·v where the f e11ows · th em, us . oes "' ·1 fill d a · s1mdn.r h h · a farmer out On h bemg shown d h down to P uswt ta.lk with live with us be up ; also Woman·~. l\'l.ens and Miss' R ubbers. _..ALL WORK W .ABB.ANTED. - - pa.a , · e It .wit o,t water and qui~kly west on the C. P. R. : He'placed a. large pack. ouse wa~ an t ? wire str eto.h ed from pole f .' h · · So come along friends and bring your en.sh , , removmg the httle one s ahoea and steckmga ing bex upside down a hole being cut out on to pole, his astomshment knew no bounds. as 6 us-~. 8 ort, do n.s near a.a they can and you will decidedly get a bargain, .Branch office, Dr. Rutherford e Orono. placed ~er feet in t~e pa.ii. We Ios.t no time each side the size s~itable for a gopher to He could only ej~culate " Ugh," and. _ left th·~ for our sp1r1tual and temporal welfare, as Ordered work and repairing promptly m ro st th th h th office fully l th t th ts I I our blessed Jesus did for the working classes , attended to .. . . conv1Dc?' . n. ·e ep1r1 1n.c of His days in the flesh 'thanks for th~ past favors a.nd sohc1t10g a a mg ree omona, en ma.~ mg ~m, pass through, but not a oat or fowl. Inside spread them upon a folded na.pkm, pourmg this he placed a small shallow box, which someth1?-g to do. w.ith it. His respect for · contrnuance of the same, over the whole a. tabl~spo?nful of goose- was fastened to the large box on a level with t~e white ~an ,is rncreased, a.nd he never "W. H. .H ICKS 1 grease ; [l.ard or swee~ 011 will do a._e well. ] · the ground, and in this he placed uornmea.l ~!res ?f tel_lmg ~ll! fellow-redme!l a.bout th.e Sii;cn of the Ble; Boot. The poultice was applied as hot a.a it could mixed with strychnine. The gophers came ta!k1Dg ucn, · as they call it. - [Dctroit Some London .tfats. Tyrone, April 2. 1888. 15-3m be borne to the ~hroat and u~per part of the from all aides and were settled in grand Free Press. Some of the new hats are t he wildest --~ - ~~ '] neck.d In ten mmutes the qmck, short gasps sha.pe. One of t hese boxes on each side of a Pleasures of Public Li '1 .ce. thin.u s you can imag ine. They make the lX ~se n.nd at the end o~ half an hour t he field would be sufficent. · wearers look n.11 hea.d. In ·Piccadilly, yea' The munioip'llity of Medora. he.s bough t "Talk about t he pleasures of public life l" terday, I ea.w a girl in n. very large, high ch1ld, wa~mly wrapped, m a. .soft blunk~t, was sleeprng so.undly, The skm was moist a lot of strychnine and proposes to use it in exclaimed Spouter ; "why, man, you don't crowned hat ma.de of black velvet, bound and the hreathmg natural, !"II symptoms ~f, this way ; Dissolve one drachm of strychnine know anything about it. I t is no bed of all round with a rim of grasshopper green. the dre~ded scourge had disappeared n.e 1f in acid- common vinegar will do- then add .roses, ~ can. tell you. N ow let me g ive you O ut of the top of it floated a pink feather, by magic. three gallons of water, aftu s t11nding a while 11o case ID point. Old Joe Brown wanted to looking so utterly ex traneous to its surWITllDUT TBITH WITS TIU:·rn. For children who a.re subject to croup, add su:fficent bran or s horts to abs1>rb the build a bridge across Puddle pond, and I roundings that I though t it must belong to make a little' bib out of chamois skin, cut meisture and place pieces of it in the gopher made a big speech in favour of t he improve· some other ' hn.t hidden behind the black the neck a.nd sew on tapes to tie it on, then holes. ' ment, which I told the Legislature was in velvet one. "The description souLds like a PB.A.CTICA.L DENTIST, melt together some tallow and pine tar, rub - - - -- - - - the int erest of the labouring classes : tha.t it mill-hand'~ headgear, does it not Y But the GVBR TWENTY Yll:ARB ExPll:RIB:NOE, p t W . h p would inure to the welfare of the agricultural hat was worn by an otherwise very well. some of this in the chamois and let the child u ater m t e ipe. population ; and that, in short, it was de- dreBBed woman. Shortlv afterwards, in the - When I say CU)iE I do not mean merely t o lre·10IldeGas A.dmlnlsteretl.Cor Palnlell wear it a.11 the t ime. Renew with tlie t ar atop thel)l for a time, and then Jiava them reoccaaiona.lly. When Sir S. ·w. B 11oker was travelling in manded by every right-minded man who bad Park, I saw a. hat that almost ma.de me t Operatlon8. qm agam . I lllEAN A RADI CAL C ORE. Central Africa some of the native chiefs pa.id t he welfare and prosperity of t he country at scream. Indeed, I am not sure t hat I did l have made the disease of OP:FHlB JllCVLlJNG'S BLOCK. How to Act in Emergencies. him a visit, n.nd one of them recived a lee- heart. W ell, what then ? Why, Bill Jone11 not utter a small shriek of horrified surl!!"!T~l., EPII.EPSY lf an individual is endowed with common aon in good mauners, which might some- - Bill is cne of my constituents, you know prise. Imagine a frying-pa.n without any sense and can exercise self.oentrol when timoo be repeated to advant age in more - came and said that a bridge 11c1 ·oss tha1; r im . Cut a hole in the centre for the head, FALLING SICKNESS, necessary, a slie:ht knowledge of physiology civilized count ries: . pond would frigh ten his ducks, and he cover the remainder with copper -colored .i\.1'.folongstudy. I W.All.RAN:rmrremedyto . As they were s~ttmg before me, Le>~ara. wanted me to stop it. T hen I had to go to velvet, strap up tho b~ck part with a loop CTJRl'l.tlle worst cases. Becanse otllers have will enable him to a.ct in emergency. A boy is brought home with a severe cut. l~g?ted ·'..I. hug e pipe and begn.~ smokrng. work and prepare anot her speech, in which of crem-celoared ea.tin to a crown composed railed lS 11 0 l'C:\SOn for n9t now receivin '!,a cure. r.i~n<l &t.onco for a treatise aa<laFHE c:~>o:::::L1· on his a~m. The blood spurts out of the '.Ilus _waa a i:;reat bre~ch o~ etiquette, as I said that from additional information just of copper .colored silk str iped with crea.m0£ n1v lNFA'r,LIBLE REMEDY . Gi vo r·-~~ ""S wound showing :plainly that an artery has emokmg is str1ctly forbidden m the presence r eceived, I found that tlte proposed bridge color, and serving as a sort of flower -pot, ~~~:t~l._Post 9n'lce. I t cost5 you nothing"'i:;_;-a. been severed. lt is.fortunate if a member of Kabba ~ef:a· waa a move on the part of a capitalist to rob out of which reed -like grasnes and tinsel i;ri.:11, and 1twill cure you. Ad<i r~s;:i of the family cn.n come forward and bind My old Cairo drago~an, Mohammed, who the labouring classes of t heir rights, that it; rosebuds, with realietic foliage, seem to :Dr, H, (;1, HOOT, 3'1 Yonge St., Toronto, Or.t. two pieces of cloth tight ly around the limb was n_o~ throughly mstalle?- as one of the would be the death knell of the farmer, and. grow. The front of t he frying pan jilted ~~~ directly above and below the wound, the exped1t1on, was well ~p m the custom that no one who r eally loved his country straigh t out over the eyes for a.bout a quarblood will cease to flow n.nd even if there ?f the countr?, n.nd qmetly resented the could vote for it. It's awfully wea.ring on us ter of a yard. Any number of brown should be unavoidable dela.y in the arrival msult of t he pipe. · public men, to walk on both sides of the beetles climbed all over t he grasses and of t he doctor he will be able to save a life He gentlr approached WI~h a ~ottle of fence, but w e have to do it; our constituents rose-leaves.- fLondon Trut h. that would certainly have been eacrifi d 'f water, which he poured polttcly m t o the demand it, yrn see ; bnt as I said before it's OF CANADA. 1.efwt er apendindgtmufich t ime and money, I aru the prompt treatment mentioned h cde it bowl, as though he were conferring u. great terribly wearing."- L Boston Transcript.' - -i prepare o 1 1 a1I orders promptly I a no f avor; a t t he same t. · mg · · Advertismg · · for a Dog. lave a fin.e assortment of w A.VES, BANGS; been resorted to. ime expl am .th a.t m SWITCHES, COMBS and PINS very cheap. A whole family were thrown into a. state my pre.senoe every o~e smoked ':at er u~stead What the Public Should Know. Wife-" Be sure an d ad ver tise for Fido in Capital paitl u p, s_1 _ ,o!,o_ ,<> _oo. Rest, $ 261!>,00 ::S.A.NGS FRO~ $2 U Pof excitement by the youngestcbild rushing of toba cco. The hm~ was immedia.t~ly The la.tes t postal laws are such that news- the newspapers. 'rh lil B a nk Is prepare d to do LegltlJ ld Switches col~red and made to look like . into the house, and declaring t hat a big t ak.en, !"nd the huge pipe, thus s umman!y ta.per publishers can arrest any one for Husband- " Never fear . I'll t ie a knot aaate Ban king ln all its bran ch es. new, Highest price paid !or long cut hair. . black snak e had " bited" him. The mother extmgu1ahed attendance , was handed to a. slave 1n raud who takes a paper and refuses to pay I in m y handkerchief. " Farme rs notes discount e d; Deposits · DAIR TONI() swooned! the father !?aced the.floor frantic· for it. Under t he law the mu.n who allows ! N ext day ~he wife rea.ds in the morning received and Interest paid on amounta of Warranted to prevent the hair from f · 1 a.Uy, ~bile tho r est of the family embraced . . his subscription t o run along for s ome time · newspaper : .5 d i S i B kD out and will make it grow. a 11mg the child and cried over ~im until, bet~een The way~ every m n.n is . declar ative of unpaid, or takes three papers from the post " T en Dollars R eward.- Loat - A measly upwar s n av n gs . an epartment; m-I have also a fine let of new Stamping . the wound and th? the little the end of e' ery x:ian. -:-- [Cecil. office, and then orders t he postmasters t o yellow cur , with one eye and no t a.ii. T oo D ll A.F 'l'S Patte~ns. .6.11 orders p~omptly attended to. f~llow came n~a.r be11:.1g thrown 1i;ito convulMost people believe m " the greatest good I mark it "Refused, " and have a notice sent fat t o walk. Answers to name of l!'ido. formed a nd Collactions mad e ln E u r ope s~ons. A sens1b~e neighbor, hearing the ?X· for the g.reatestnumbec;" and their !!"rea test notifying the p ublisher, Jays himself liable . Smells lik e a cheap perfumery shop after a Un ited Stat.ea a nd Canada, . "· !? N d , Bl I c1tem~nt, .came mto the room, and t ak m g number is namber one. to arrest and fine, same as for t heft. 1 fire. If returned stuffed, $10 reward. " O ,0 ea s eek, Bowmanvllle. the child in her ar ms, murmured words of She faints. W. J ··T NEP, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN M, .A. JAMES, HEALTH. 501 - SO 50,- 031 - I. I .. r I M L 8 I L L P I -------------------D NN THE COOK'S eesr fftl END · D ENTISTRY. z u )Is B A KI N c p 0 wDE R l 1------------------crN TR AL BOOT & sH0f STO Rf " L DENTISTRYm I I ICURE J. II. BRIMACOIIBE, FITS! or Fine Hair Goods. LADIES, I I I Patronize Home TRADE. STANDARD BA.NK I I Mrs . A. DAVIS I exc1temen~, l I I ... ' Cllildren Cry for"Pitcher's eastcfria~ ~~ I j Agoo

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