Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1888, p. 1

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tsman. · TERMS :-11.50 Pu AJ(l(U)[. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD A.FTERWARDS. M. A . JAM ES VOLUME EDITOJt il.D PROP.IUETQ.R, N:ir:w SERIES, Nu.MBEB 513. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1888 . FRANK lll. FIELD, D. A. I grea t variety of work under progress. Here will be seen key-boards, soumlingboards and other soecial at tachments, with t heir complicated parts. fl, r e will be seen pianos in all stages of advance· ment . . . . . . The. southern por tion of tl11s flat 18 div1ded mto numerous :rUNDIG :itoouICI, . . . . the prec1B1on necessary for tins important branch of the business being such tlrnt each tuner occupies a separate apartment , that perfection of tone may be secured. The forth fiat is who Uy occupied as a finishing department, wher e t he cases undergo a system of artistic treatment, and where t hey obtain t hat beautiful finish so noted in Dominion instrumente. These differ ent fiats are all made acces- XXXIV. NUMBER 22. COUCH, JOHNSTON B & CRYDERMAN'S aN IMMBNSE lllilMANJ) ARRISTE R, Solicitor , Notary, &c. · COB OURG. Offlce,- Armour Block, King Street. 22. FARMS WANTED. McOUA IG & MAI NWARING, Eeta.tA e.nd Financial .Agents. a a IS VI CTOIUA STR EET, TOIWNTO, I perty will realize ten times that amount? MONEY LOANED on Farm Property a.t lowest rates. Dominion Organ an d P iano We can offer several investments Jn rented housee- centra.l localities, Toronto, p aying ten Fac t ory . instr ume nts is cnnlitantly increasmg. per cent. on amount invested. There a re agencies established in every By notJtyi n ~ us direct or bY leaving notice sible by means of a capacious elevator civilized country on the face of the 1rlobe. a.t 8 '£ A'l'ESMAN OFFIC.FJ, Bowmanville, 0 1· We have on various occasions described by eteam power. On t his is conThe manager s, with justifiable pride operated w ith P . TREBI LCOCK, Bookseller. Bowman· ville, interviewR n>ay be arranged with our the farge and prosperous musical i nstru- veyed material and instruments fro.m one call attention to th e many medals aud repreBentatlve, Mr. n. C. SI NCJ,A.IH. 14 3rn. ment industry that has formed such a fiat to another, this bein1r supplemented diploms of h onor th at have been won by 1ma'l hand car» ; every fiat o f the whole from t ime to time. At the Centennial mighty fac1 .or in the welfar e and prosper· establishmi, n t is virtually the same as Exhibition, al th ongh abou t forty different ity of ou!" beautifol town, and whosti busi- though on one floor. rnanu facturers we n represented, afte t a To t ho r ear of the bnildin1t is the br ick m ost cr itical i11spection by one of th& IJoes js still 011 t;Jie increase. We again take pleaPure in publishing an article from engine house, containing an engine of moat competent juries ever as8'lmbfod, the· EXACT/NC: seventy five hor11e·power. with correspond· "Domi111on" Wll~ a~~iMned .first r arik,am:li the pen of a I<'p r e~e n tative of the Port mgly large boiler11 in adjacrnt apart· was the only Cauil<lian organ which r eH o11 e Guide, which touches on a few ments. Th~ engine room and m achinury ceivM an In ternational Medal and D1plopoints tn which r eference has not been are models of neatn ess, everything being ma of Hunor. Amons other awards which heretofore wade, to the san;~ exten t at kept in the btlsl of order, r eflect in i grea o. have been receiYed f rom tima to time, credit on the engineer, Mr. W. Fishley. ai·e rne1l al and diplorn·ts at Sydeny, Ausle11st, in these columns. £Toed h;! ln the re11r of the engine are the dry k ilns, tralia; International Med a.! and Diploma the U. 9. Your correspondeut had t he pleasure oi' of brick, where all the lumber used ia sub· at Paris; Uold Medal and D iploma at Coa.8t SUt'-rny ; in U . goiug t hru u2h the entire factory of the jected 10 the t horough ste· · m drying pro· Antwerp; Gold and Silver Medals &t ToS. N~voJ Ob :;c1·vu.tory ;bJ' Bowmanville Urg~n and Piano Company cese, necessary ii;i t he.prnparation of w~ods rou to, at different times. (,ocomotlvo rnng-ineers.Con~ yesterday. 'l'o your numerous reaelera for casea of mu111 c!ll mstrurnent~ . It ia. a It will be imp ossible in this cornmuni· tuctanrnnd other Company m · l · l!.aihru who have not yet had thi!S opportunity, a fact well u nderstood ·by th eth men. 'l'h c;r . d b'l cation t o n ot1oe t ie various style~ of Or· synopsis of this vast business establish· t . h e manu f ac t ure. o f pianos , elr ura 1 · gaos me.nnfact·ll'ed. One style h owever, ment may not be unintt'resting. Let me 1ty, tone and action, depend more perhaps 11 mllst rnnt' 0 p o O · 111 say here, however, that t his fine institu- than aoyt.hing else, on the use of pr oper- Hlack a~1 i Q.0~d i:; ~~no d a~e ~gan ~ ah · I; e d edgn tis very! tion must be seen in all its vario u ~ de- ly seasoned material. The Dominion Or· pretty a 11 ) not1 a r 0 gobo . a vard · age. . ced owo putments t o be fully appreciated, and I gan and Piano Company claim in this re- al·· t · · a.n gan emg ma e e11pecca.n assure your rcad~rs a visit would am- spec t 1 great a d van t ages. Th e d·ir THE .JEWELi.ER, .1 ucren i11lly for L ord ~'red. Hamilton, brother of plv repay time and trouble; also, that yar~a are constantly . etock ed with t~e Lady Lansdo wne. The instrument when Has b een appointed sol e agent for when t he opportunity of a visit may ar choicest lu mber, subjected to open air com,.let 6 d w·n b 8 h . . d d. t h 18 . 1 1 ng, beiug piled and repiled before go- Lord .-· hi· 's r .de i;1pe'l ' h. .recte 0 t t h e celebrated R o cKFORD W ATCHES, rive; I guarantee them a courteous recep- dryi · h h tl d k .l ~ P au enoe. 111 1 .. s r umen , tion . mg t rou.g 10 ry t n pr ocess. [ WM informed, is a daplicat<-1 of the one they a r e t h e b est Amer ican W atch ·when the present able manaiement ~om~ idea of the amoun t of 1~aterial furnished anme time ago to Lord and m anu factu red and are g u arant eed took charge of alfa.il"a in 1871> the business :vh1~n must be .kept o~ haud con.tmually L ady Lansdowne at l\ider.u Hall. ' w1u devoted ..ntirely to t he manufacture ts given, when it r eqmre11 something over th ree months to finish a piano case, from _ _ __ _ .....,_ _ _ from the factory a s be:.n gfint-class, of Organs. D arlington Oouncil. With energy and push which has ever the time it is put together till passed Call and examine t h em. since btlen a. diatingui;;hing feature, t he t hrough the hand s of the varnisher. In rear of the dry kilns, is a largA two. TOWN HAI.l., H ai.mpton, May 26, 1S8S. W e have also t he fin est stock of Company immediately began enlarging '< ,- . their premises. Large additions havmg storey building conatr ucted for a R eglllar meeting; members all present· all kinds of W atches, Gol d a.nd been added from time t o time, until at minutes read aud con firmed. ' CARV&R' S AND DBSIONER ~ DRPART)fENT, e presented : Communicatiot1 Silver,in the t ow n of Bowma.nville. prllsent the building has a frontage of 275 feet on Temperance street, and 200 feet ·and fi nishing piano etools. The chief of From D . B. Simpson, Esq ., on bshalf In J ·ewelJ.ry, we have an endl ess on Wellington street, wit.h a uniform this d epartment is Mr. Arthur Mingeaud, of Mr, ,f uhn Olre in refer ence to vVater and the beautiful work turued out at once Course. La.id on table. v ariet y - C l ocks of all kin ds verJ width of 40 feet. In tho erection of th e struct ure t'lrough· 11rnves the efficiency of t he foreman and From f :focrAtary of Committee of House cheap. ' oui, neatheoe of design, L h or-. 1ugh solid.i ty his atiiff. It is not generally kn·own, be- of AaoP111bly 1 .roposed Bill to amend the those eng~ge d in the work of manu· yond General Road CorupanieR' Act. ReI n S ilverware we have the e-:. has .been kilpt in .vie.w, while abundancti . . of. light and v.:mt1lat1on have been care- facturing the cases, the amount of mater- ceived and tiled. c lns1 ve righ t to sell for the largest fully pr ovided for. The entire building ial neoeesary in their coo .struotion. The Petitions wero presented from Richard firm in t h e U . S. The quality and is kept ~omfortably warm all the tirue by bottom of square p ianos alone contains Siemon antl ot her" for permission t o erover 100 feet of pine so arranged th"t the ect a. wire fence on west side of lot 12 iti · st eam pipes. prices a re the> best aud lowest in grain of the wood crosses at ri,~ht angles 8th con. ; from E. G. and Thoij. VV. 1'HB MAIN E NTRAN CE three times, thus securing the greatest Power for perr.uission t o erect a wire this part of i.Le country, We a sk to the building is on T emperance street, possible str ength. The iron pbte used iR fence on road east aide 'of lot l G in lat you to call a n d exam ine our goeds an d opens into t he spacious ware rooms the square piano mlJst be ca pa.ble of sup· con. ; from R obt. Morrow a.nd J . C . where is to be seen pianos of all grades porting a strain of some niue or t en tons, Cornish for permissaon t o erect a wire before buying. receiving the fi.nal inspection , before being in tenison on the strings. fence on the weBt aide of lot 3<i in the Pianos known as the "Square " and 3rd con. Granted. By-laws ~') bepaased S pecs a nd Eye Glasses, Cases, &c., imnsferred to the packing room for shipment. On the left of 1he entrance is lo- " l! pright " are the ones chiefly manufac. at next meeting of Council. we carry t h e lea d i ng stock, and cated the buBine&11 office of the establish· tured here. The Uprigh~ has lately beThe Reeve aI?d Mr. Awde r icported g uarant ee every p a ir for 6 m<'nths, mont, equi pped. with every conven ience. come very popular, owing to its compact verbally on r oad ll'.liltters r eferred to By means -of teleph ona and speaking turm and handsome exttirior, beirig iu them at last meebrng. Concurred in. well used. If they }freak we tu betl, evt·ry department is brought int o many c11ses more suitable for rooms and Ou1· cons tau.t ain.1 is to benefit the p eople b y con ~tantly if On motion t he Council resolved itself will r epair them free of ch arge. direct c0mmunication with this. directing par Ion where a Squifre pi!1no could not be into a Court of a r evi·ion, adj udicated on centre . Telegraph instru ments of both conveniently plactid. The Dominiou Or· 01lc1·ing bargains. W t show wbat w e ad1'crtize, we appeals ~a.inst assessments and passed Call a nd get fitted p r ope r ly. the Gr eat Northwestern and 0 . P. R. gan and Piano Company, after long and the assessmen t roll. u1ean what what we sa y. W e never tbiuk it wortll Hues are constantly clicking, on which earnest study and expe r -iments have suc·d . Council r e11umo OUR REPAIRING D EPARTMENT.- -We can be flashed m essages to all parts of the ceed ed in making theBll in11truments the while to quote prices, Cor what ca n any one know Mr. William Sproul complained of his world . The t olefhone connects with t he most perfect of this class ever constructcan onl y go over the same old sayfence having been U··dermined by parties a bout articl es merel y b y the price in a n e'1'sp a p er ? ing, t hat we repair W a tches, C l ocks stati"n, and al b usiness pla~ea of the ed. takin l{ gravel from al.·ng aide same. Re· town. Mingled whh the click of the tele- . Particular mention might be made of The C ar bette r w ay is to c all and e xamine them Cor and J ewellry i n t h e most skilful graph instruments is that uf tho type- style "D" in this class. N o one cau h elp ferred to Messrs. Bren t and S.ml.i:le. M r. Avery oom phined uf t~ . condiy ou1·sel:f. Suffice it to say, iC there I S honor Ill ruan, or man ner. We are fook ed upon ab writer manipulated by the nimble fingers admiring t he sonorous and p·oworful tone, tion of t he road adj oining his ph~c~ iu the of Mr. B. McGill, who is also phonogra· its r ich and elegant case, both in R ose- 18th con. Referred to Mr. Brent· arid' -virtue i n good GOODS a t low prices, w e m ean to b e th e only reliable Watchmaker in ph"r of the establishment. We must not wood and Walnut. I was informed by the Reeve. · · t to ment ion Mr. W. McKay, the · 'o/l !·. Russell t hat they are doing quite a mast e1· ot the s ituation. «Joine and see our DRES S t h is par t of the country. Mere forge Ed \vard Byers and' Richl\~d · Hodge book-keeper, whose qenial countenance sp eCial line in st.yle · 1 D " in fancy woods. were appoint ed pathmasters in. place of GOODS. tile b est v alue i u town, (or can be od" cr e d) talkin g can't do the work, but tools, ever lightens up the surroundrngs. H e Two orders were being'executed in Silver James Berry and John Mu[ison, r e· one fault, he still persists in being Grey Maple, one in Coco Bola, four in moved. ; . . '. . with all s orts ot Tri mmings to suit 1he a1·t icles. The ability and expe rience combined ha.s 3 bachelor . Adjacent to this busin ess French Walout., and two others in B llrl On motion the Reeve was instr ucted to is what may be fitly called oilico, Mahogany. I w11s shown a ma ~ nificent genet·al stock ot· STAPLE DRY GOODS-1'CI'~' com- cau, of which we have plenty . grant orders on the Treasur.er as follows : c piano gotten llP in ]'rench Walnut B url, .James and Gale B ros. p rinting, $ 20.00; ·rnx DRAWINfl lWOM 7 1·Iete . 'l'" EEDS w ith u s are soon m a d e Uf) - i l l a Thoe. Mountjoy, Sheep damages, $5 .33; of t h" estt1.b:i;hmont- the sanct um saneCALr.En l'Hll " QUEEN n." Ve~ t,·y, Cote t·ie and Pantry, b y ve1·y s killed and note44. The Jeweller. torium- devoted to consultations of the The Burl USi.·d in t hese pianoa is without Geor ge A mey, rent of land used as r oad, --·--------manager!! and dictation of important cor· doubt the fines t ever imported in to Caua- $~.00; Indigent persrrns :- Mrs. Courtice, a ble w o1·k m e n. $7, Weller, Gay, L , ff aud Sproul , $5.00 respundence to phonogra.phic cler ks. i a, and outi of tho most beautiful of woods. each; Mallt,t, Cornish, Cvur tice, $4 each; Here bas recent ly been added a massive I t is surprising to think t h .. t wood could fire proof vault with walls two feet thick ever grow in such b~autiful figures. Who- Campb ell, Lane, Head, Wilson, R obin· '. aon and Trick $3 each; Oro hard, Dean, of solid masonry, containing safe, etc. ever obt..ins an instrumen t of the style Stacey, Gregorv a nd Staples, $2 each : This has been necessitated by t he immense "Queen D, " will certninly have a treasure Mro. Campbel l $1. 50. increase of business, and vast a.ccumula· and what will be ~o h im a thing of " joy Total 95.83. and beauty forever." t ion of important correspondence. On motion the Council adjourned to Passing from the ware r oom above Style ' ' A " is a full ecu.le, swflet 1 md Saturday, J une 30th, at IO 11. m. mentioned, into the principle mechanical very powerful medium sized piano, finished R. WINDAT1~ part of the building, the store room is in Rosewood , Walnut or Mahoi;:any. I I Township Clerk. the left with t he delivery clerk , was gr eatly pleased with ita wonderful fouud t o ~~ U W 1'1.A~V,J: LLE, Ont. Mr. F. Ra.ttenbury, in charge. Her e is sustaining quality of tone. This style E STABLISHED, 1857. 50,000 bushels of Prince Ed ward l sland fouud conveniently a rranged, the best must c...r tainly commend itself to t hose mater ial that cm be obtamed 1mit1'ble for who wish a full seven and a third octave o:i.ts have been sold in M antreal at 3!) tlie interior mechanism of pianos and or · piano which does not r equire nearly the and 40 cen ts for 32 lbs. ALL K INDS OF gana . space ocJupied by the Square. W H A1" A PRET'FY llABY. - Ia it a boy or To the left of the store room, passing Style "B" is a little Gem of a pia·:.if) girl ? H ow often do we hear t his rem:i.rk onwal'd, is one of th e entrances to the for compactness, neatness and elegance of and question. Yea, i t is a prett.y baby, basement , where is found t he most im- finish is certainly a masterly piece of me- but how bad its mother looke. Sha lookf! port.ant wood ·workin!! machinery, such as chanism. Expr esaingsurprise at t he sweet ae if she were going right down. She is planers of different kinds, moulding and volume of tone in t his instrument, Mr. so thin and yellow, a11d her face i~ cover done in the latest styles and materials. mortisin ~ machines,. turning lathes, circu- Jt'r.,d Rogers, the genial foreman of ·th e ed with wrinkle~ aud blot ches. She seems la.r, band aud j ie: saws, plate drilling, t uning depar tment, k indly informed me so nervous aud irritable t oo ; but it is piano-string spinning machines and t hat ii. contained the full overstrung scale, easy to accoun t fo: her condition. Child· with heavy iron pb te backed by h ~avy birth has left her with grolapsus or other S COTCH , GERMAN AND others. The flat above this is devoted to the oross veneered wrest plank- the same as displacements, uuisoned blo··d , and a disNEW BRUNSWICK construction of piano and organ cases. I in t he larger styles-thus retaining all the ordered etate of the stomach and bowels. noticed with wliat careful supervision this sweet quality of tone togtotherwith a large The best th ing she cari do is to u~e Dr. work is done ; not an impertect piece of percentage of the power of the tone pecu- P ierce's Favorite Prescription which has material is used, for a case will not be ac- liar to styles "A" and "D." been prepared for the expr ,.ss need of IN STOCK. These styles partially described, and womon in this condition. All druggists. · cepted from a workman's han ds in which t here is the smallest flaw. It is t he aim othera of the Upright pia.nos should be Dr. Pierce's Pellets- cleanse and regulate Call and see our designs and get out· of the Company to produce only first· heard and seen ~o be appreciated. Their the stoma.oh, bowels and system g-enaral· estimates before purchasing. class instruments in overy respP.ct, hence volume of tone is cer tai nly equal to a.ny ly. 25 cents a vial; one a dose. t - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -·· every detail ; every bit. of material is of t he best Square and Grand pianos, '1'111! lllOJHJOl.ftR oftb e blood i~canaed by wa1 ched by cofl)petent m en. while their diirability and capacity of tbe ll'on i t eontaln!i. s 111.1ply t11e Iron when The thitd flat is no doubt the one of . standing in time is even a relltor. N 0 A.S A.N 410 to lnteraal renumlca !'01· ~kin ; lacki n g bynsiug Mllbnl'n"s Reef. lren 1t11tl t . t t t . ·t . t t'· d · "' d l seasc.s, D ... ~1>w'~ l!ttlphur Soa(t "tw1n·cs 1Yhu1. , mos ln eres o v 1s 1 or s, gwmg o " e 1 won er. ' -..ery ~·n l unw~. Have opened out during the past in Can exchange number of well rented houses Toronto, paying good rn.te of interest, for Jirst·clll.BB f1>rma free of mortgage; week about Why Jet money ori deposit at per cent. judicious in vestment in Toronto pro· .I has sprung up for t hese instruments, which seems to me will soon become the most popular in the market. So far as the Grand and Square pianos ma!lufactured hero are concerned, I can I only r epeat what is already well knownthat is th e superiority in every way. There are sever al styles of th!!ae varyrng in price and si~e from the Grand 1md Oon<J r t down ' e ' · ORGAN" DlllPAP.'l';\>IEJS~'. when 2000 I n the manufacture of Org1ma, the Com· pany are deservedly proud of their success. No fact more emphatically speaks fo r the merit of the "Dominion Organ," than that the demand fo r these beautiful Yards of new Brussels and Tapestry FORD WATCHE S CARPETS and colorings and no ~r value anywhere. . Bought direct from t,he c elebra ted manufacturers, John Crossley & Sons, of Halifax , England. Ne~~~gns· MAYNARD, cOUch, Johnston &Crydorman One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. 1 BEORBE LA/NB, The F armer's Friend. - ---·o---- MAYNAR 0 , - ---o ---- BOUNSALL'S Granite Works, MILLINERY. MILLINERY:-Marble and ,- - -- NEW GOODS TO HAND -WE E X CEL I N I ENGLIS~, CRAN ITE M0NU M ENTS FASHIONABLE MILLINERY. G EO .. L A ING. I

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