Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1888, p. 2

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II 2 ITT AM 1 JWZJW' Lady b< !field had her own way. Valentiue was impetuously eager to seal his fate, would not have heard of a long engagement, ekAM44AA ho.d the impedimenta to speedy marriage been ever so numerous. Ho.ppily there were WEDNESDAY, MAY 2 1888. no impedimentg, Lady Be!field's priv11te I ·income, derived from her father, and se ttled Au·rJIOR OF "UDY AUDLllY'S SJ<:CRET," "WYLIARD'S WEIRD," rn·rc., ETC. upon her athet marriage with full dispouing power, amounted to nearly three thousand CHAPTER XrI-(CONl'INUED. ) I "You would settle th&t upon my <laugh- a year. She settled six hundred a year l!SHW* HH ,, . . t tcr. A very liberal settlement on your upon Helen, with remainder to her children, Well,Helen,thed~~IS.co.s,andwemust part, and more thanapennilessgilllike or toValentine in i.he evcntof hia wife ~ake the best ,?f fat~, s~1d Constance . Bel· Helen has the right to expect, bt.t if the dying childless; and she gave her son an field gently. . Adna.n 1s gokl'.e, and if'"~ i youn~ people had t o live upon it-starva- all owance of four hundred a yeur. They ~"'l~ were ~,o ask him to come ba.c ne would no. tion, or, at le1J.st, genteel iienury. I should would t.hus have a thousand a year to ft .001[:0 · ,, 1be sorry to see my pretty daughter fading in live upon. La.<ly Belfield's pcs:ition as for and (¥ He has gone? So soon, exclaimed I a third-rate ·west F.nd lodging, .,,fraid to 110_ tenant for life of the Abbey and home . &i H;~cn. . C6pt invitations on account of the expenee fa.rm, obiiged her to - lll!\fotain a. cer~-,;;;;;m,,,.,,,.:;;;.. Yes, he knew, no doubt, that his pres· of cabs or dyina of dulness in a small conn- tain sta.te, an'1 her iMome would ' " CBStoria is so wellads:pt.ed t.ochildren that Castol'le cures Colic, Const.lpntion, ~ ence here would have been an embarassment ·tr to,;n,, "' henceforth be barely adequate for her ex· l r ecmnmcnd it as sunerlorto any pre~erint.ion Sour Stomach, Diarrh ron., Ernctn.tion, Do you feel dull, languid, low-spirited, life-1 to you and Valentine He leaves you mis · j t ' · b peueee, but she knew Adrian's generous l:DOWll to me." fi. A. A:acmm M D' · Kills Worms, gives sleep, ancl promotes d.1· less, and indosoribably misemblo, both physi- tr "S 0 f "Our own life ' And now I think to If my son m:un ei;, he must turn read.· tempel', and t hat she would be assisted by , ' · ., gest1on ' , · Cally irnd mentally ; experience a ~cns~' of e~ winner, take up a profession." _ :m So. O::ttord flt., Brooklyn, N. Y. Witllou· inJunous medication. ,, Very good in intention dear I,ady Bel him to any extent she might require. '!'hey fulln:;ss or bloating itft~r eatlng,_or or "gone- 1lesr:en the scandal, the sooner you and ya.IT.BE CENT.A.UR COUPANY, ';";' ;durray Street, N. Y. . f ' f · peSlO, or emptmess ot .stomach rn t he morn- 1entrne are married, and the more qmetly fi ld b , had d ivided some of the expenses between mg·, tongue oo:ttcd, b1ttl.'r oi· bacl taste> in I th b . · d the be+t r B11t th e. ' ut t 1iere are to ew pro ess10ns tnat ti h"th t h ' . t . . th mouth, inegnJm· nppetito, <liz?.iness, freq uent 1 e u_aine~s IS one. ' e · , e will take up a young man who has not been iem 1 er o, 15 purse mam arnmg · e cs, bluncd eyesight , "11oating specks" first th mg 1s to obtarn your fathers con- br ed to work from bw fi!Lcenth year. your stables and paying hio mother's coach-build· headncl1 before the eres, oe1vous prostration or ex- sent." V l t' h , 1 d'd · t 11 t b t I er. She had saved 2ome t.h ous<>nds aince j baustlo1~ . lrr1tallil1ty 91 temper, hot Hushes, " He will be dreadfully angry " said son ~en Ill~ as a ·Pen 1 . Ill e ec.,, u · her hnsband's death, and she added two or altcrnatrng· with clll!ly sensations, sharp · . . ' , doubt 1f he will ever earn a sixpence. biting, tran.sic:nt pttins horc and there, cold \ Helen,_with a s~1ver of apprehenswi:. S~e 1 " Then I must do more for him. Trust three hundred a year to her income by judiFOR SALE BY J. HIG GINBOTHA M & SON, J30WM.ANVILLE: f~et, drowsiness 11U:cr m~nla, WLlkcfuJncss, ot· W!l.ll still crouchmg at Lady Belfield a fee.. me with your daughter's future Colonel cious investment of her accumnlationa : all "es wl11'ch diatu rbA ,,rl an c l 111n·efrcah1 ng skcp, .co_ nstant, Her sobs hnd ceo·ed but her whole att1"tude . ' th1 °s w1"thout de·r1'ment to hur cl1°r1"11 inu<Jsulllml>le fcultug· of dread, or oc impcnci- b t k d t~h d"" 11 ' f If b - t Dever1ll, ana Bhc ~ hall be to me a.a v. <laugh' ~ ~ · ' iD!( cn.Iamity? . o o en~ e ep ·.1 o ee -a asernen . ter." wore large. l f roll have a ll, 01' any comndernbl~ J11lmhcr "He IS a man .o! the world, and we can "She is a fool and I have no patience Valentine accepted her sacrifice of income o,f ties':) symptoms, yon !lt'e s 11frcrrng 11·om ncarcely expect him to be pleased. " . h h ,, ' d ' C · h li17,htly enough, dismissed the ~nbject with that most commo11or American nmlai:lies"l . h ' · ,, · "dHel "Ol wit er, 8111 the olon el,pacmg t eroom. . Biliorn; Dysper,sitl, or Torpid T,l\rer, nssocmt.:d i darn not see un, Bal en. 1, I " She ha.cl as fine a chance a.~ a girl need brief and careless thanks. H e w11s livrng in with Dy8pc·psia, ot· Jni.ligc·stion. 'J'J;e more . L!!.dy Belfield, you a rc eo good to me, even ' have and she flung it away And now you Ii. lover's paradise, spending all his daya and compl1caLe<1 yo111· (ftseusc !ms hocome, the in my di~grace Will yon break the news to ' k ' t il If t. t ' hours with Helen, in the gardens, on the greater the number an<1 dtvcrsity of syrnp- 1 f h · · h' ld f h" _~ as me o r~conc e m1se o gen ee1 pov· . k . h toms. No nrntt<:r wlmt. sfng-o it turn r cachccl, 1 n;y at er, w111 yous le me ro1n. is i.nger·. I trty for a. girl who might have set the town river, on horsebac - int e ear1y mornings D.t·. JPlc1·cc·s. ~·~!<!cu Jl!c<Hcn,l Dlt.covery You have only s_ e en the sunny s1d~ of hrn I in a blaz ~. But 3' OU are all ,oodneas L!!.d before the sun was too hot for ridinu:; thinkwill subdu e it, iI t,uJrnn ac:co1r1111g to dli'eC-· character. He 10 dreadful when hem angrv. B lfi ld ' " ld l' g t ' d YI ing only for her, living only for her, as it tious fo r a : casonablo lcngtll nf L une. lJ uot "I 'll d 0 ll I H l I ·n "d , n e · i ou wou me i; a. s one-an d C}I recl,, comp l1 catio.u~ mL!ltipl.r nnd Co11swnp-· · wi . a . call;; e en. WI sen I am not a stone, as you might h ave known seeme, · Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the tion or t11~ 1 .unµ~. Skin Disease~, H eH;'t !Jismsc, for him tb1s mornlllg. nearly t hirty years a..,o, It seems natural They were to be married on the tenth of 1Umumrttrnm, K!du c~ J»scnsc, o,r other g1avc "No, no, not so soon. Not to-day, There I that my- daughte~ ahiuld marry vour son June, jllst ten days later than Adri:i.n'e ap· muwdJ<,i< arn quite liable to set in '11lll, sooner is no huri-v , . ·. · pointed wedding d 'Y L""V;c;' 6>!1 111'0["8" .e. d'JI a:r1111o1 ..r·m:;' '1X7'0i: A re.T D 'IJill"'" '1l·r = T ortut.;1_,im1uec iitatnltor m1n:<tion. "I ·ii'" tdl h H I ,, 1Suchamarnagehnkspast andpresentcur· a. 111. Drn.,.,,.a. tn·. 11.._, , JD.. l' l".>:::.i.Jt~ n1 .l!ll>'lll' W'..-a'J..11,S m>r, lf" l crce's ~olden J?:c(licnl ID!5~ WI. no e ay_ an our, e en. . iously together. .l:'lease Eend for Helen. In a week after Sir Adriar a dep9orture, · · · · ·. " · ··o v<w r acts powe,.r11ll.1' lipon the L1vo1·, and Valentme came mto the ro'Jm, carrymg "You will not be unkind to h er-you everybody in the neighborbooa knew what They invigorate and restore to h ealth Debihta.ted Constttuhons, and tluoug h that 1'"""t blood - punf.v 111g urg·.m, I himself as if his conscfonce were unburden· ,, d ha.d happened,_ and, pr etended to know ever ." r.r o invaluable in a ll Oomplalnta Incidental to Females of al l .Agoe. F oi k f cl<'anscs Ll·o systclll of 1111 b!outl-taints nnrl i·n- , ~d b th t. f ·t . "It j will not scold, plea ed Constance, as she J .. punr.ies, 110111 wl·«l.<:vci on usc nrisin". I t ;s .~ y e m!3s ID 1.m es1ma1 ~pee o _gm . mng tha belt mmutest cleta.11. Ihere were at leaet six Childr en and tho aged they n.re priceleea · eq ually cn:cnclo1:s in ::ctmg- 11 pon t'!i'.J He ha.J. received his brother s valedictory "There is no good in scolding The girl <liiferent vt:r sioua of the breach between - _ . · 1 1 ' rieJ s. nn d ot,IH'l' exc,·ct o1',v O"A'P.118 , eletn1si11g, letter and had digested its contentD at his · f 1 d th · · ·t b 'd Adrian and his betrothed, and not one of }~ H tl stre11gthenrng, and hea ling· theil' <lisensc'S. A 8 1 . ' ht , ·b' .. ·t IS a oo , an ere IS no more o e sa1 .L. aua1.petiuug,rei,to1·nLi1·o tome,it 1"0'11otcsj e!-5ur~. ~ 10ug everyurngw assc- 1abouther," themwasintheslighoestlikethetrut h. I · fll'bl l f BdI B 'IB W d1;;< ,,,l1 01! nn<l n11 tut1on, thrn chy lrni!cling up thng itself m a. very comfortabl e manner, Helen came pale and trembling But every ~.ccount was dramatic and had '!l 8 an l n a1 . 1 e rerneo:.. Y Or a .. egs, llrl reasts, Old · oun <ls Sor 1and that there need be no more fuss. bot.ii fl""" '""1 8 i.1 ~11gth . In mnlarml drntricts, 1 "y h ' t ·a d "th 'd , life like air, and made excellent sport for 1mil tJlcers. It ls famous for Gout and Rheumatism, For di2or d er 8 of p.,,. t ills i~· o11dl'rf11l. n:o<l icmc lm8 gamed g:reat H., t t h" th d k' d . ou ave. rt e w1 . a ~o? m.an s ft . Ch t i h c~lolmty rn eunng Fernr ~uil A ~11~. Chills nnd ! c wen over 0 IS mo er an rnae f afl'.ecllon and with a splendid pos1t10n, girl," a ernoon tea parties. as t as no equal. Fevoi, J)~tn11.J Ag ue, und Jrnidruu di~cascs. her. . . said her father ste.rnly "you ou1>ht to be Mrs. B~ddeley lrnd not been reticent. S b.e ..:1 li<l """ii n c!~;~,~1Creo's CoMcu Uicd 1cal Di!!· " "I ~ee Y?U kn?"' all about 1tt hn said; · desperately in iove with Mr. Belfield." had grne about everywhere lamenting her s: Oi" <:1'0l' e lil. dll'Oat!!I, n.l"OIBChiti~, Coughi!i, Colds, · ' .,,,, tl~at iool!sh ch1~d has been cryu_ig and con"I love him with all the strength of my sister's fatuity. " Such a nice marria.ge,and GH~ndular Swellings' and all Skjn Diseases it has no r 1' val . and @1Hi.H~E~ [U,,,l, IHIU~H'.H~S~ fees1~g and hr .. ea.kmg.her . poor little heart heart," we were all so fond of Sir Adrian, and lo , nll ' b · th t b h 'h h I Id · h t h e younger b roth er. r f eel contracted and atHf 1oinb it acto like a charm. from 11, cnn:rnon Jliotcli, or J.:ru ption, to the 1a ou. a w ic nm. Cl s e nor cou "And were I to forbid you to mury him? tak e up wit ' wo:-H~ i:krniuJu. ,Rnll-rhc urn, "F'cver-~01·es, " i help." 'Vhat would ha en then do rou think?" vexed with myself for having ordered each a ScRIY or Ho 11g h ,,J n n, 111 stwrt. " II d1seaec-; . He took the tone of a master at once spoke . "I b 1. I h ppld d" ,, ' ~ lovely tr ousseau. It is far to<>' good. " Manufactured only itt TaoMA.S HouowAY's Establishment, . mwee~. by lm<l. h!ood :u·e .co:!qucred by this 0 f h' l -b t t.h d ·'tl tl,, f . 'a , . _e 1eve s ou 1e: H . f dd I d powcll1,d, pn l'if.rrntr. nntl 111v1 g·orotmg· modi-, . 1 ~ new Y c ro e 'Y 1 1 Iv r,et: an ~~sy " \\i ell, you need not die. You can take !l.pp11Y very ew we ing presents 11!. 78, NEW OX]'ORD STRE.E'.!', (late 633, OXFORD STit EET), LONDON cm~: .. G.i::>n1" ;:!:i,i:,1g lJk~rs n)pi<ll.v hci~l UJl(Jex ill.I r o, a. husband of five yea~s stand1i;ig. your own way. Lll.dy Belfield I leave a.rnY<:d before the change of plan. Tho~e' i{s '-""l"' " rn .!Ler.r:e. :U.s pec11Jlly J1as 1t mnnt- Tht're was none of the reverential tone with th' · h d ' t' t prematuregifta wereseut back to the donor~ , And are sold ~t ls. ljd., 2s, 9d,, 4e. 6d., 111:1., 22s. , a nd 33a. each Box or i·ot ~ festc<l its potl'ncy Jn curiug 'l'ettf'L' J.i:CZ('lllll, h " - l 11 k f h" . t every mg in your an a-set lCmen ·, . h dd b k EfYB~!1~1a~, Uu'1s , q:trbnncles, ~or~ £yes, Scrof- w i()h a cve1· usua y..s ~ea s o i~ mis. ress, eveything. I suhmi.t myself to you in all wi t an cxplanc.tion, an uly camo Ile to may be had from all Medicine Vand orfl tluoughout the World, · ' f110}IR.,oLll!'8 nnd s,)'cl!m.gs, Uip-J<>H~t ll iscaso, n;me o~ th~ ~e~pec~ ".htch the worshipper things und as for this young ltl.cly I wash Helen. It was for her pleasure and not for WJi·ure h ascll:'b hou l<.1 ioon ai tile L:.bcl on Urn Pots and IJ:oxea. i r tlte r dll · r "bico f,wellrn g·s, ' C-.01trc, or 'l'luck Neck, 1111ves hta d1vm1ty Ill t 11e early diwa of beh ' .1 f h dh f t " ' her brideqroom they were g iven, wrote the and Duhtrgcd Glands. Sc!1a ten cents in "'t th my 11n-.1s o er &.11 er II e. · liiM n r..S:\. uxJo;·d ~trret. lj;nulfl.ll. tile)' .talt"P- ~o ir rl 4 tuM- .. stamps for " hrgu '.l'rcatisc, w i(.h colored J r~, a 1: . ,, . uivers reassuringly. TM~rn~~~~~~~n~ ........-,.~ plnr.cs, on Skin DiSCll.SflS or tho sr une amount It 1.s all very sad, Valeutme, ~a.id L'~dy Except for those early morning ridea, or fO!' :t 'l'rnatisc on Scroft;lons Atfoctions. · 'Belfield, while Helen rose slowly, and went CHAPTER XIII. for boa.ting on the river, Helen hardly left Ths young m '.l.n with a slenrler sah~ry u FOR THE li3ll.00illl I S TIHIE !LBFli::." to her place at the break_fast table, downcast, M ARING '.l.'HE BES'l' o.~· IT. the grounds uf Belfield Abbey till she went should choose for hiB bride a young woma.11 1 Thoroughly cleanse i~ by usiug Di·. Pierce'§ .pale, n.nd unhappy lookrng. While L!1dy Belfiehl pleaded her son's back to M orcomb at the end of May. She of small waste. Go~tlcn J Uetlical. Dli;;co"ery, and good I "Bosh, my clear mother. There need be ca.use with Colonel .Ueverill, Valentine him- was never iu the drnwing·room when callers t.'hg,.st1on, a ftur skm, buoyant spirits vital I !10 ea. d ness. a b ou t I·t" dh t t the Abb ey. " '1h e rau away a( t' strength and bodily health will be osttcbiishcd ' answere . er son, sea ·- self was eng!1ged in a. business which had came o .ie It Cu.res pir to $ 8 a day. Samples and duty FREIB '1111g himself before a covered dish, and help- very little to do with Helen's futllre happi· sound of the bell, and hid herself somewhere y~ Lines not under the htJrse'sfeet. Write BREWSTi~n·s Sa1 ·'E'£Y RF.IN Hor.DER ing himeelf to its contents with the a.irof be- nesa. -afrP.id to face people who ba d doubtless Co,. Holl, Mich. He waa trying to find out the writer of condemned her as a jilt and o. hypor.rite. which is scro~u~~ oftlie Lung!>j is arr~sted 1ing in excellent appetite. ."I wish :fO~t'd Gold in Hsa~, an~ cu1ed liy t111s rc~1cdy, ti tal<en in t he pour ou t my coffee, H elen, mstead of s1ttmg the anonymous warning which opened bis "You should brazen it out," ~uid Valen- - - - - -- - - - - -- - · - - - - - - - cai1llor stages ot the ~iscasq. From its rnar. · there like a. sbtue. Pray mother let us brother's oyea tine, laughing at her. 1 Ye ous_power over t his t erribly fatal disease ' h f l f aces. A' d-' . ' d' . . mother. , '11, w h en I am your wx:.e. .· B ll t " when fust offering this now woi·Id-fmnerl rem; r aye no uner~a da~ is 1 sap· Mrs. Marrable had been his o I w1 MYer Complni1U., e<ly to ~h~. P.nblic~ ,pi·. Pi;irco though t 8 er\?usl~ i pomt: d, I admit, and hn:s the right. to fe~l housekeeper for nearly twentv yearo, and now it tortures me to think of the way peo · STOPi3 Dy~JICl)~ln, .obf cadllrng it h±s CoIS:sUMPTION Cun~, bn, chagrmed and 8.ngry, with us or with his Valentine had been her favourite as a bovs ple t alk about me." IUU011 SJI C/'iiS. JlrOFJ·iugs from n me?i au oncd tha, name as too restrictive fot' 1d es t· 'bl, . . . . , "I never care d a '· · of Sick Jleadncllc, s. cin~ wh_ich, from its wonderful com· my. ,, nu t .h e b ~s ac t ed .l'k I e a sens. e She had md.ulge~ all his J uvem}e wh1.ms, and "ang f or th e opm1on Nasal passages in· ~H<lney · n·oubles, bi.nattor; of ton 10, or stl'.enA~hening-, altcrative, fellow, and he 1a g~mg ~he ng_ht way to g?t had kept him liberally supplied with pre- my dearest fr!end, mu ch less for t lmt of a EASY TO USE. to the thront and Ubcumathm. 01 tblO!JCt-olcm1smg:, au.ti-b1 hous, pectoral, and I the better ot his d1sappomtment. S:x serves and pickles pound cakes and Devon- set of busy.bodier>," said V alentine con· excessivo expectoration caused by Cnturrh. Sent S:l<ln Dls·~n.s es ~ ~·1 i'.~~eg~o~gi:t1 {;~d~ un~9.uul~, tn~t oni) mont hs hence I dart'say he will be engaged shire cream when'be was at the University temptuously. and all pre-pnid on receipt or price, 50c. and $1. Address h u purilics of 1hc Cluonic :Diseases 0 /1f~~ ion, n or a to somebody else, and then you will feel l\.forrable's Jams had been a famous institu: It was all over, and Helen was Valen. ! Uootl n·om wltnt· FULFORD &. CO ·· Brockville, Q.rit· il an..S Iwhat a. simpleton vou have been to make a tion a.moll" the undergraduates who break- tine Belfield's wife. The wedding had c ,~ e:- can~c arisJng tra~ea.v out of suoh a simple matter." ta.stea wit!~ him been the simplest of ceremor.ia.ls, no guests Fe male \VeakFo w '1 L n ~t . :! · j Constance Belfield said no more. She H., went to Mrs Marmble's room this ha.d been bidden, and relatives only 11csses and General en;:: un!!'s, "p1 bn"' ofCntnr Ill ood · tempe.r t oo we 11 to . . · · . · t Ther e were no b ri "clcsness rof Ilreafh c imrnio Ncwnl ·l; Short.. D. i k new h ar sons argue mormng under pretence of euqun·iug after a were p ,esen.. Debility. chltis, Asthll!n; Scvc1·c Coughs; and' l~nd~~~l · with him. To her mind the whole business groom who had been on the aick list;· and maid s~ an~. there was no best man. Colonel rurcJy '\'cgctable. al1ect1011s, 1t is an efficient r eme<ly. Iwas franght with wrong and folly· but if then, after l earning i!.ll the housekeeper had Devenll, ms eldest <laughter, and her h~a- Gighly con cen1rate <l. 1·l~as ant, c.lltdnul, :ro::o~i.~r~.DruggJsts, at $1 .00, or Six Ilottfos Valentine's happiness were a t stak~; if he to say about the dlicacy of her beef tea and band, aud Lady .B~lfield were the only wit· S:lf'e b w--· Send ton cont;; in stmnpsfor Dr. Piei·c~'s could be happy this way and in no other, the infallibility of h er mutton broth, he nesses of t he ~~arna~~· save the .cler~ and ASK FOR ook on ~nsumption. Address, ~ her love for 11im forbade her opposition. It a~ked casuallypew.op.ener, 'Ihe briae .w as marr1 ~d Ill her HODDER'S COMPOUND. World's Dispensary Medical might be that i!1 this strong and pass.ion~te "How about that half-gipsy girl my tra.vellmg ~ress, and bnde and bridegroom DR. . · nature ~here m1ghb be a greater capa.c1ty for mother took iii.? Does she get on prett y d_rove straight from the churc.h ~o the sta - TnJ·e :1 10 oilier. SnM cve1·ywhct·c. l'rlcc, 663 1Ua1u St.5 DUFF ALO. N. w. '. lcva th an in Adrian's calmer temperament ; well?" ~1oi;i, on the first stage of their Journey to 7!; c ents 1·c1· boUies. that Adrian could better bear the loss of h is "It's a very curious thin" sir that yon Sw1tz0rland, where they were to spend a LJl promised wifo than Valentine could have should ask that quest ion to".'d9oy, 'above all long honeymoon, mo1·ing about by e~sy lfll borne diaa.ppointment in his unreawnablc ot her days," she said. "The young woman stages as fancy _led them, a~d not returnmg ~H & HJ ~In i love. worked with a good heart and did her very to England until the end of September. lll /.\A\ ~~ U U A mounted messenger was despatched to best to give satisfaction' up to yesterday "l~oolish people !" exclaimed Mrs. BaddeSold tve1·ywherc. Price, 25cents an ct 50 cents per bottle. Proprie1ors and manufacturers Mercomb directly after breakfast, and Col- She was a very reserved young wom~n and ley. "'.l'hey will have more than time one! D averill was with Lady .Belfield before did not seem to be altogether happy i~ her enoug? to get tired of each other.". , Tb.e UNION Jl~EDJCJNE ('O Toronto f'nn · luncheon. mind. She was ll>lways on the watch aud ~h1le. they were honey-moonmg, Lacy Th interview was lo g, and in some parts on the listen for what was going oti in the Belfield wa~ to find a sm!1l.l hous~ at the - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - - -- 2tormy. Colonel Deverill was intensely drawing.room and library, and such like; Wes~ E?d! iust fitted to then· requ~rements angry. He would have Eent for Helen and rnemed to take mo.re interest in all thej ~nd ihe1: mcome, such a house as exists onl~ wreaked his wrat h upon her v.t once, but family's doings than it was her place to m the m1;11d of t he se~kcr. She was t o sp<'.nd It IHJ·ver waa i ntend ed, so far as I ca.n leiirn, 1'ha.t eitltel' men or womeu were intended to Lu.dy Belfield interfered. take, but beyon<l that I had no fault a ~onth m London, m order to a ccomplish be ba ld. "'Yon shall not see her till you are calm· to find with her. But this morning she, tlm task, an d :whe'? the hou~e was found I think yot\ wi ll believe me, indeed I'm a11re I er, till you have taught yourself to think doesn't appear at the servant's breakfast; she was to fnrmsh it itftcr her own t v,st e, yon will, more indulgently of her error," she said. and when one of the maids went up to her ' and ab her own expense· . Ir at the "Par\$ HalrVYorks" you have called, "She is in my charge, poor motherless gil'l, room to aee if there was an.ything amiss wi . th "N_o wond_er t,h,ey.were. m , a,rriG.d in t _hat is one thing Nal,uro thinks of- let us ff \I· h en '!'here an d I am b eI10ld en to act W lier as a mother. " her, she fo11nd ·a letter pmned on her pm- snea.k mg f ash rnn,_ said M 1·8 s,I 0 ffi·8 t a_, thank her fut· all we can" She was engaged- engaged herself of cushion, a nd the bird was flown. She had . she heard that M.1ss Devenll s wedding was She takes particular troublo with our r1too; her own free will, mark you-to a gentle- taken "ome of her clothes in a bundle I! over. " It shows how thoroughly they Sho k n ows a. .scanty grnwtlt or h :!.it', tho gray man of high posibion, a man of wealth and suppose, " and h a d l eft · h er (l rawers. ' 1 all ashamedD ofll t he transaction a nd wlute.1lng locks, · th · e r es t 111 , were ., C f ll . · " b Will dotract froin the beauty o! the face. substance; and without the faintest justi.fi. There's t he letter, Mr. Belfield. I took it ome, now,. ? y, a ter a , 1t mus,~ e , . . . cation she jilts that estimable,--highly ac- to the morning-room -ii.n hour ago meaning owned that the girl was not mercenary re- But Nature has hm. laws so strict that you . t er. "1~ " 't Oft'en a never err, - h e d young man t o t a k e up wit . to my lady ; but I thought ' ' ~onst rat e d h er sis. . h h is to show it she , · am l<'ormust you'd an rely pay t he penalty at Inst, comp1is -.BVbrother. i3he is so false and fickle that she looked worried and upset at Adrian's having ' girl ~hrows over a 1·1ch man to marry 11 poor Susta.in it. that b~unte.ous hu~1 of hair "VETERINARY RURGEON, cannot keep steadfast to the man who has left h ome so suddenly . and I made up my , one. Dr. Doren wends Hair Magics unsur passed. ORONO. who Just try it vou 11ftlict.ed, you Mver will regret . honoured her by his choice for h l >lf a year. mind to say nothing about Margaret for a I "How do you know it was the girl _ ON'l'. llF I am fully prepar ed t o attend Funerals on She is a shameless--" day or two. W hy should I trouble my J broke. o:ff the. engagement? She fl.!rte.d The Mae:ic was nevO!' yet, known to fail ; ,.he shortes t notice, at t he lowest possible rates "She is . your daughter and my future lady a.bout such an insignificant matter?" j aud~c1ously with Mr. Belfield, and Sir And the good t hat it will do you will make ~askot s and:Our ia lCasesready on s hort notice ' daughter· in-law, Colonel Deverill." "Why, indeed. I hope she hasn't eloped : AdmLn bh~ew her over. T hat's the truth of They~i~;~~1i~,~.'.l:\ot tle will entail. First-clas s hear se on very moderate t erms "Pardon me, Lady Belfield, she was to have with my brother." the s tory. Shrourls and Coftln5 constantly on hand. Fun · been your d aughter-in· law, and that future "J!'ie, for ahume. Sir ! It's just like your The Miss Treduceys shrugged their This now famo us p ~ep:i.ration for invig- era! cal:'ds s upplied at once. Furniture Shop&:: connection w11s at once an honour and a mischievious ways to say such a. thing." shoaldera, and declared they ha? never:, e~- orating and st imulat ing the gr owth of the Show Rooma-Bounsa.ll'sN ew Block. acurJe of supreme happiness to me ; but Let me look at her letter pect ed any good to come of ;311· Adrian s hair is universally accepted as the most l have not consented to her marriage with The letter was fair ly ~ritten in ~bold, foolish entanglement. 'l'hey talked of i t valuable spocifi.c Ott the mark et. All your younger son. Forgive me if I say that large hand, more masculine than feminine. now as an" entanglement," and congratula~- diseases of the ficalp are e ither· r elieved or with my daughter's excep t ional attractions in charo:cter, and t he spelling was correct '. ed ~ea.rest L'.1-dy Bel~eld upon her elder son a p ermanently curod. A r ich and rapicl Ar e prepared t o pay the highest price she ough t t o make a good matcli. B eauty throughout. havmg got himself d1sentangl~d. . g rowth C\f hair will follow afte r indicious rules high in soc1· ety J'ust now '· ~ n rea11Y " D EA~ , 1 J.VJ. ~ ·'n s· MAnnA " You must be so glad " said Ma.tllda. · · wi·th 11 k' d f G · d I' d ' " " DLE, · ,, B I · d I an d re".., u1ar treatment. It r e marns a Ill s o ram e tver e at the beautiful l!;irl ha.s the ball atherfeet. Now, You have been very kmd to me, ut am not at a.11 g1a . am very th t0 h d .. d 1 Mr. Belfield is a very fine fellow, but lie 1·s · an d I can iiaaure you I am grat e ru1 t o ycu 'fond o' Helen a.nd I am ple ased to have her e use r a .one · secure t e ' ' · It D D d ' "H · Mesu-e " Wharf or their Store House in town. not a good match." d · · 11 t th Abh h h h d for my daughter upon any terms but I h11.d re, u s · r. wen d a ir . agtc an ·O a a e ey w o ave een goo ' · ld I ll d orcn · t 4!!1 b tl "Your daughter loves him, Col onel to a waif and stray like me. r a m going to. much,rather she had proved true t o her first is s~ )y a ru g_~1scs a ~F per . ot e, · Deverill, and she will never be happy wit h London to s eek my fortune, in service or in : lo~~· ' · ,, . ?r six bottle~ _for $5. ~f n ot obtamable any one else." som? other employm~nt. You need nob be J ~h~ 1s very_sweet, murmured Ma.h~da, m yo~.r loc.tl,1ty sen~ c1 1re?t t o the sole " My dear Lady Belfield, you· know that a fraid that I am gomg wrong I am not . perce1vmg that 1twc mld not do to depreciate ;manu,ac t uru , enclosrng price. A. DORNis a fagon de parler. Every girl says as that kind of a girl. I believe '1 am made ' Lady Be~field's daughter-in-law, " but I WEND, Paris Hair Wor ks, 103 and 105 - - -- ------ - -- ----------much when she fancies herself in love. I of very hard stuff, and that I can stand the I cannot thm k, from what I have seen of ~~r, Yonge St. , T oronto. For sale b y J . have known a girl say as much six times wear and tear of life. I thank Lady Belfield, j th~,t she has much strength of ch~racte~; Higgiu'b otham & Son, an d all druggists. aboµt six different mc,m. My daughter Helen if she will allow me to do so, for her good. She has no stren~~h of eharncter, recn:inues to do a Gonoral Banking Busi ese but she_has a warm . will have to subjugate her inclinations. neas to I.\ nameless girl. I shall always re· phed _Lady Belfiold, sJ:lo wmanville Branch. Sbe has fo1·feited a. splendid position and member her with loYing gratitude affect10nate nature, and she will ma.ke an .DEPOSIT§ stamped herself as a jilt. She ha.s ab.own " Y ours Tr~ly admirabl e wife for Valentine. H e has too IN CA NADA, herself incapable of managin!-' her own life. MA~Gll " strong a chara cter himself to get on with a :teoulve1 in Savings Bank Depa:rhnen te.nd . It will be my business to look a.lter her in "She must be a determined hus~y " strong.minded wife." 0 V E R 100 STYLES OF tall .;,nd interest allowed at curren t r a tes. No 1otlco of withdrawal necessary. All deposit!! iuliure." said Valentine ' "Yes, I understand. He will have his HAY SCALES, pa:ya hl~ on d emand, Lady Belfield was $ilent for · some mo· · Sh<l's a curlou.s kind of girl, hut I believe own '!ay in a~l things, and she will ~e like 1 EXCH.il..N{itE id~ ~\& r&"'~ T A\li~U menta. She knew her son's determined what she sa.ysofherself in her letter," an· anOtientalw1fe, Nou~mahal,~he ~1ght of. GRAIN SCALES, ifi (~ ~ @ ~:fJ! Ill Qi!l-1 'fl ~ ~ ;"$ Icha:acter, and she told herself that one a swerod the housekeeper. "She is not the th~, Hare~n, and tha~ k rnd of dn~g. ., 3ong h t nnd sold and Drafts issued upon H:urope H . · havmg won Helen's boa.rt, he would find a kind of gil'l to go wrong." . I bchevo she will ~~ke hnn happy· FARM SCALES; Jntted State~ an d Canada, u.lso Gold,Si.Iver and asrecoived her new stook of way of marrying her wit.h 01· withtJut the "Bosh l" cried Valentine contemptuous- said Lady Belfield, dec1s1vely, whereupon : T EA SCA LES Jnltod Sta~es Gr eenbacke bought a nd eol d, father 's consent. He wa.s not Lim kind d ly. " She goes to L ondon'; and she goes the Miss 'freduceys told ttll their acquainttV®LLE~'l'MbJ'f.i·~ '1 young man to submit his inclinations to to p erdition as surely as a rllind.rop is lost ance that ,i;_adl'. .Belfield was yer~ soft about IMPROVED SHOW ~nd invites the Ladies of Bow Cononel Deverill's author ity. Opposition when it falls into t he sea y She h as gone to her daugu. er-m law, . and mclmed to be Promptly made at current ra.tes upou oil pa1· would only lead t o a.n elopement and a look for her mother, I daresay. Her moth. huffy at any word of disparagement. :it Greu.t Brittain, the Unitecl States and DIJ mallVl 0 and VlClllity tO CalJ \Jl andestine marriage. er went to the bad before this girl wa.s born, (TO :&E CONTINU~:D. ) minion of Canada.. and see her Patt "My youngar son mav not be a good and this girl is t ired of rusticity and servi· ; DRAWERS Tcicgral!,"lll Trans:f' e1·s ern match," she said, quietly, after that interval tude, o.nd h as gone after her mother. I Although there is an old saying t hat ' · Made tor large or small sums on all parts of of tho_ug~t, " . but he will not be pennilees. wonder you can be humbugged so easily, lightning never strikes twice in the same Canada. '! 'h is is especially advantageous to J He w1ll mhent my fortune." Mrs. Marrable." · I place, an old wa1n n t tree near Ba.ltimore, persona llvinR' In Manitoba or the No1·th·wee! and assortment oi "May it be lonv before his day of inheri"I know more of girls and their disposi - 1 Md. , h as been struck five times. The first AND BUTCHERS SUPPLIES 11s it makes the funds available at once at t he tanoe, d ear Lady Belfield. But in t ha mean- tions than you do, Mr. Belfield, and I be - time it was struck ten sparrows that were ADDRESS lN FULL, Write for terms. 'lll &ce of payment. t~n1e'. if he_marries h e ha.v? tu maintain lieve t his one is no common girl." baking shelt er in it from the storm were C WILSON &, SON ll'ol' further particula rs call at the Bank!:n 1killed. "She may be an uncommon girl, but it, 111 the tree was a neat of three · h is wife. Pardon m ; If I remmd you that Honse. he can't do that- upon expecta tions." will all <'ome to the same in the end," an- crows, and th ey were saved only because ESPLAN ADE . STREET EAST GEO. McGILL, 'I.'. RODIE, ll~~~:~t!f e,o:u.dDoorweat oll'flUiam' "I would make a. settlement. I could sv;ered (alentine, as he went out of the theirnestwaa blownoutjuJJtbeforethetree! TORO NTO, O NT. Manag er .Accountant, 1 ·Iv spare five or six hundred a year." room, was struck. · Me!ltion this paper every time you write. LIKIH AND u ·NLIKE. I . ---·-.~- By M. E. BRADDON, AT ILS I U I I I htfants I I I I I I THE PILLS I j !\id-,. I T l::I E 0 I r_r M E N T I I CONSUMPTION \) $0 CATARP&H, "s CURES HAY fEVER. I L1V1Br BEeOO d uu l unns : i I l I ·BELL" ORGANS Associatioll I I I CO·U 0 R, 0 D [)ER'S D LU nu HE BELL &CO., Guelph, Ont. ANOTHER WONDER. I I I I I. JOHN SPENcCER, lutH1ERTAKINC L EVI MORRIS. GRAIN I I Jno. McMurtry & Co. I I BREADMAKER'S YEAST. I I THE ONTARIO BANK THE LARGEST SCALE WORKS I C I l j GQ Q D S ·11 ·· · I . ' l i MONEY j i CASES · _, f3 CJ N N E TS HATS Meaf Choppers . , TR I M M J N GS :vm 91 · '

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