Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1888, p. 1

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M, A. JAMES EDI'l'OR A.l'l);t P ROl'IUJl1"01L, ., T B:RMB :-~1.50 Pu Alcl!fln(. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THB WORLD AFTERWARDS. -- x-f'::=::!::::::::.>="~::.:::====================:!::::====E::":ZA~&:?~ ·~~~~ ~~c=:=7"W"=-~r~~*~,;::.; · ;;;:>e..=:;:;;o;~·W£ 1&:>~=;1 7CIW'::1;11ic::;~-n;x ~ · ==~;;;;;z~==::r.;;=========-""":=;c::::::=====:::::::==:::::~====::=-:::::::::::::::;==:::::::==========================:==:====================::::::::::::::;:;;;::.:::::::::::r::::;;;:;::::::==;::;;:==== :N:&w .S'A\Jll:s. Nmm:m.a 507. BOWMANVI LLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY · .APRIL 18, 1888 VOLUME XXXIV. NUMBEit 16. couc H, JOH NS TON !!~;.~F;~~.~I~~' 1 0 NEWCASTLE. & CRYDER MAN'S Rave opened out during the past vv-eek about 2000 Y 'a riis of Dew BrJ1ssels and T apestry ' .· . .. . · . CA RPE T S New.es t 'd{ e signs a nd colorings amd no l > etter va1ue anywhere. . . · Lac e s, BougJ1t diTect fro rm the celebrate d LADlfS' man:u fa c t'u r e rs, John Cross ley .& S0n$,t0f H alifaoc, E ngla nd. ·._ Cow:lt,Johnston&Cryderman One Deer W est of Post Office, Bowmanville. ----,·---- BEO. lAlNB Has 7 NEXTDOOR TO IURi>OCH BROS, "=~· !~~.o!~·.~~u:.~ vVhere he w i ll be pleased to m eet all his o ld customers a nd as many new ones as can make it con venien t to call and see through his p lace where he intends to carry. ANOTH E R WONDER. removed 8~~r~r. McArthurs , ,Ii I LLETT'B on Millinery, Dressmaking and Tailoring, Under the managem ent of first class h and s, w ith the NEWEST AND BEST MATERIALS suitable for season and locality. GEO. LAING~ NEws:-The follow i1'g numer<'ua chan· Rev. Mr. Fl iraiwa iA to lect.ura h ere on f!PS around L ··tus ;ir ., recorded:-Mr. J · os. Wednesd. y eveniniz 25th inst. ..,!.'.:z,~uoH Sheckelton has moved on t ·· rhe P ·rtridge A TREAl'. -The :·Japan1Jse minister, _ ts VICTORIA. S'l'REl£T, TOUON'rO. gr nve far m, ~ast, of th e "illavc and owned Oan exchange a. number of well rented houses Jt,.v. Y . Hh~iwa, w·ll lecture In the by Henry McQ,·a.i.I. Mr L · ·oa~ B · o wn, in 'l'oront.o, paying a good rate of interoat, for Meth· dist chu·ch, Wfdne~day evenlnit. father of Coun Brown at Liurisn.y, having Jlrat·cla~s farms free or mortgage. th1> 25th inst, under the auspices of tne sold h is form midwav b"' ween Lr;tus and Why let mcmey on deposit a t ! per cent. W. F. M. S., on Jap11n-it.s political, edwhen j udicious investment in Toronto pro· Ballyduff t ·> W. J. Mit hell of Ballyd11ff 11c11tional, social and r eligious s 1 o.tee, pert,y will realizo ten times that amount.'! has r emoved with his family to .Liudso.y MONEY LOANED on F~rm Property a t inclusive of the n ew r eli{':loue movement, t o live. , W . Beacock having aoid out his lowest rat s. The lecturl'r will appear in his nittive 11tock aud i mplemen·s inten rls g1.1ing to We 1J6n offer eevera.1 investments in rented C"~tnme. L Pcture t o commence at 7:30. honse~-ce ntra.l Jooa.lities, 'l'oronto, paying ten Manitoba. in the conr~e of a. fe w weeks, Admission, lOo. ver 'Cent. on amount invested. accompanied by Mr. A . Hanna. Uig - - - -· By notit~i ng Uij direot. or by leaving notice Sam Thumhy, the ui ·nt of t he creek, has e.t STATESMA N OFFICE. Bowmanville. or ftu1PLE GROVE. wi.th P. 'l'l:u<; BILf OCK, Bookseller. How1 ..an· m oved on the P arker farm, l1ttelv 00-0uvme, Interviews niay be arranged with our Mr. Miles Burk"' is very :sick. pied by H .ini·y P .·rker. J F. McGill has roprcsentatlve, Mr. R C. SINCLaIH. H 3m. We t.hink our choir requires more bass. purchaAed the house and l ot owned by Mr. Geo. Nicholson and ·has moved th .. re. Some h ave commenced seeding in our The earoe gentlemau h;ui left the L otus, vici nity. atora where he h as baRn a ol1>1k for o ver Mr. S. Dobson lef t on Tuesdity last for a year. Mr. Robt. Mcl\follen. at Soo th. Manitoba; we wish him success. OSHAWA. M11nve111 having rented 1 -he MtGlll farm, : ·. . · · .J.. · · · · · : . . ·.. . . ·... . Miss Euphemia M~Donald is home on Lotus, moved mto his new home recent (From the Reformer.) t he farm agai n to recruit. in h ealth . ly. Nicholas .Just, tho chFAmpion s team, Six: convert ~ at the Salvation Army thresher at c~ nnin ~ton, 11nd Mun ve111 fa. Who 1ied their hone behind J ack's meeting ··n S bbath week. bn11gy last Sabbath and let him tear the going to M "ub ,ba in I\ fww w ~ ekP. A number of Osha,wa sports are goinJ? And with its advent 'CO\'er. 11 A llJ I T ' "· Mr. John Clayton mad the misfortune to erect, this summer, a fino c,,t ta.ge on l\'lr. J ohn Cr e,.per,' KeppalJ, it visitirg· to lose ' 'na of his h<>t"s· s recently by in · Bluff Point. The anniversary of the Simcoe St. his parents here. 'fl11.mmation. We think our 1 Gihnrch \lel·er ough t to Mtithodbt S1tb '>a.· h School will be held Mr. Thoa. Ell iott h< id ·~ hruak in hia, ,}ias opened out a fine new stock have a chair fl,t the d..ior, s,, a· not to keep on May 6th and 7th . mill dam la.st week. IS in··tv of tho iimployees of the Osha wa <:hanging ee"t'a. D EXTEit. Mr. J. Cole had a co« Imme rsed in the M1deable Iron Works a.re rnemhers ot the mill pond last wti"k, '<JRONU. ?JJech .·nics' 1.. ~titute. Mr. J . Y. Cole gener ou11ly treated t i e Ope n Di~liion to-night . Mr . H enry Sa.nndera, h&s bollght Mr. ohnrch choir Sat111·d,.v e ' t'D Dg. J P . 1'uttle'a h"use 1rnd l ot on William We have heard it h 111 t ed \hat anothtir Theh:;-ct·on fnr daru ·.ges, Burett v11. Street N ,rt,h fo r $625. Towr,e tp ·of Cl.-rke, will cor1Je up for a . . t reat is exp~cted this wt1dt at fhO· ' Hil ac· hearini;( alt 'Cobourg this week. · . !"lr. R 1·bt. McCaw, has decided to.erect ,foe. and a lovely stock of M p 'lf d f L · t f · this 8'\l'lllrner, ii blnck of stores on his lot Mr. R. J. Niddery, uf Trinity Medi:·al ate <l : 'C\pposite the Post Offictt. r.. ·U or , o . 1.<am.111g .on, 1 Ont. Vet. ·College, will assist Dr. Spenoor, : · . . . School, Toronto, is ex11ected here thi11 through the comiug season. : Mr. R . C. Gr~nt, of tlus t own, a about week. · M A T l d th k O ' ta remove t .. St. Ma.rys whe1e he has Rev. E. Barrae11 intends going to JSew . . r. . · owr~s lllll an s rooo . b0ught a hard ware busi,,ess. c1trnens · for practical sym pathy and acts : York to a tttind a Method ist Conferu1ce Ladies in want of & choice of :fine of kin:lness during a sevt<re affiict ;on. ' Mr . ·Joseph Dtew, ?~ Ard oc.h, D '"kotll, this week . Th ffi I ted f h . ' who has been on a vi"1t to friends her1 ·, F ancy Dry Goods, please give me There is no improvement in the M n· e ? cer., ·· ec or t e e1u111u1g : 'left for hi·me a. few dd 3 u o. Y g a call. I have them ia -endless qnatter 111 the Sons of Tempe1ance are ~ · d ·tion of Mr. Geo. L a.ugdon. Mr. J , 1 W. P. - ,Johu J:t,,bertson ; W A.-J ... n~h' '. Th~ b1a l6< tb!e Iroo 0 1 im pany, eo ptes< variety at store, opposi~e S. A. Kinca.id ; R. S.- Pollv Odell ; A. R . s. , ed wit h hu6tDtJK~, are .a.giun c, in~1der111g K erslake ia still improving. W c for!!ot to mention last week. thir.t. - Wm. Mc Pherson ; F. S.- S. Le·gh ; ·he enlarge crumt of their wur ks. Barracks. Trean.- D . T. Allin ; Cha.p.- A. Stalktff.; Go.1ld & Mo·J:(!lll purcha;ed 150 · ·f ·he Mr, James William~, of Oamlrian, o..m e oyed by fire. - J. L »ig h ; A. Cou. - T. D1msf Tdj fine, t ca tlo aJi,,wn at Moutr.,al E·ster "-<ear having his house deat> MRS. I VES. Con. the 7th ir.st. A defectivo ohimuey I. S - F. Vin,,ou ; 0 . S. - Wm. S"uch ·; M.irk....t. '!'hey were shipped tu Eugla·1 d. 1.·n wat1 tpe c&use. Insured, Bowmanville. M11.rch u. 1888. ·12 P. W. P.- Wm. M"Oormack. Th~ tirst plo1 dng in 1h is di·tri.:t this Mr. I. L. Brown baa a. big dema nd for· On M (md ...y !allt Chi..,f Colemiw, of aeas,·11, .wa.11 do11e hy ·Mr, Gra.ha<n 11e1 i.r Plymouth Rock ..u;g11 j i;aet 11ow. A good M :E! 't\OHAM '~ Newc"stle, lan ded 10 town with 11um 1 11011s F ive Porntd, EaM Whi tby, on Apr·l 5d1 . t.atc? gu ..rauteed ev~'!1 _ time, tf y ollr old foi: each of our hotel keepe ·s for the Diugle Bros. a re me.-tio1g with ··ha .uost llen t:! bro11dy. M11. E d it or, we will use unl .. wful 11·hng of liquor und··r -Scott u:rati ying succeM this year in the sale of our influence to &Qcuro you a. s ..1ti ng of It y are languid 11.nd weak:, 11.n,d your appe· · A,ct, aud a g·bt of sub o;naa for the boys t h.,ir Dnll and Bro,,dca:i', St!edtir, .. Th., tbe best. (t.o ooor of th., towll .. nd surronndiugs. !But New Model. " One of our young men while driving Mv &·et. Iron and Wine is tt>e tonie, be ·eure. NewcHB l.,'s Hii.:h Constable got a JiLt le The William~ B·mus By·La.w for ,. two young hd1e.i ro a pa~ one ever1 iug A.to ..n in vlllom1.in1< Ionic it Ml recognlse·t ,by · · . , much of that whioh his busiuo~s he M··dic>\l prored·ion as tha beet ·trenf;ttben· 0 P 1auo f ..ct "ry wil l;ie submitted to a, vote last we1:.k , h, d t he misfor,une to break: lnl( me<tlchoe t hu· far p1<0ctucc·d. [tis , invah1,.. ~ ca·led h101 to our village to eupprc-a~ and O! the pn-pertv owners un Saturd,.y, May his bu5gy axle. Another youug man on ble aa n blo?d a.rid muoole 11111.k·er. eepecia.t'S' ·beco u.. ing drowsy quiet1 y gave himself up the 5th, for $ 20,000. . In 1 ,bo·o 011.aes where Wll·Dtneae i ~ the re·ult, of the same m ission, took up tne you ng imperrect or ln~utllcl"nL food. or wasdnl? 'to the t ...nd of dreams, and when he Mr. William A.de.ms and fa1 nily uf 1-<di··s. You ... g m im 11u111bt1r o, e wtint fev.,rs or exoo~eeij or a ny 11ort. ilt eont<>ine 1<he awolrn fou nd th-.t his subpwnas h ud di.upnur.riment o, Be.el, t.be eti111ula.11t vropert.iea of riea red, while he presented a coun ·e rpnt Por ·, flop~ , have tak· n up their r<'s i t~n, e thA remainder of tho journey ··11 horse\>\:infl and tbe tonic powers of Iron, ..nd is ud· mlrably oalcuiat·.,1 t.. lmilil up th,. ornt1-0ir~f, d to t he red m ~n of th., forest in fuH war her<>, h1tv ·ug µurcha e<\ ·he h11uae and b,_, ck. lands owned by Mr. R. C. Q ,aut. y~ttcm, ::>old in ttowruanvllie b:Y Hlg1r!n:b0Uh· pamt.- News. Mr. Ch a ~. Goodman hM moved t o the 'm Broe. Moulders' B.,oefit Coticert · 11 the 23rd we~t ward. 8Low Bov. 1'YRONK. instl\1,t. Bowcu··ll'f"·l .e full Bam1. of 30 pie.,,ti~, wil l be ureserit. The C.. utata w1 l .ENNI8.KILLEN. YOUTH~ Colds are prevalent. here. be r·-ndert1d by the Ch1 m 1il Cla11s, t1u1ides Ner\'ous Debility, Scominal Loaeee and prema , M111. Dunn is sick with the bronchitis. local tal.,ut. T he Landlord of the Oceident:·l is on ture Dt10flY promp117 and Pl'rmanently c11red by : Mrs 8. Hutchins ie abl., to bti out again. The .Gr~?d Tru?k ~ailway Company the 11ick liat. . 'Maater Fred. Penfound is on the aick have ai).(mtied their wiil mgnes-. to µl .. ce Mr. J . P. Maclaren, 1111dtlntrad11ate of 1 1-st. an el.,ctr1 c Jight at the station if the t " wn Toronto Univeraity, is ath at prt1s.,nt · Does nor, ln·erfore with Dier. or usue.l occul)'\· : 'Oadet Harper farewelled on Saada.y will place one ou Sime .e St. South, which reading for the May ux.;.mitu.t1on . t !Je Council has decided to do. tior and fully reHtore.. Jost vigor and insures ' :nig ht . In con nection with the Saeramental perfP.Ct. mnuhoorl, Sent to any 1<ddress. poah : . . . Mr. C. H. H. SweAtapple, V S 1 eou services at t he Presbvter10.11 chur.ih, Rd9'. po.id 011 receipt of price O<te Oo far 110r box:. ' l:!t1veral cluldren h ere are auffermg with of Dr. Sweetapple, V. S ,, of 0 ,bawa, h ,1v- 1Vlr, McClelhm, of A~bburu, preach1n.t the !'!»le agono~-. HCHOFill:LD'S DRUG STORE. {ili., croup. _ King str ·et, Toronto. ing been appointed Vetrinary Surgeon on preparatory ·ermou ou F'rid ,y la.at aud - - - -- -= ·- - ------- M> r . T . Harris lett for B urnt River on t he Nort hW ll·t Mounted .P,,l 1ce s~~v iu.,, lte v. A. Maclaren pr ached and oisp ··n H d Thur.ed ay last. left last week to as11ume bus duties at Re· the Lor~'a &upper tu a ""od i, numb~,r of Hen fruit, h in Rreat demand at our ~in n. c mmu1.1icanta on 8abr>111h moruing. gID1e"al stores . J, F . Weir & Co'y., who purchased the Both eerm·,na were of a bi~h order and :M['. ill. K 11nner, of Listowel, is home d rf goods stock of Mr. Biett.,,, m~do thdr wero atLtmtively li.t.,ned to. viainng fri·· uds. 1tay iu Oahawa very short. After op1m- · A VAry amusin;: mcuieut took plrtce in Mr. 1 Gl. iI. J11rdine, of Bu~nt River, is ing for a couple of days, u, hitch occurred this v:icii:.ity a few d11.)11 ag,,, when an vi1hing friend~ h ere. in the negoti<>tiona, aud Mr. Uie .te again American gentleman, who waa v1aii1ng one o~ our neighbo rs, ti1114agt1d for a Mr· .Jos. Hawkey is . attending tile took charge of the stock. aeasions ..t ·Cubourg this week as juryman. The A. S. Whiting M anufacturing Co. wager rn a r ough a11d tum ble encou1.ter v.:1th his hosts's s~1ee1J of t ho m .. le persuaMr. R . !Branton, our practical pru·ier, have purchased six acres of lanr1from Mr. siun. B oth parties he.ng iu go d trim is making .a great raid ainoug the apple : Thomae Con.·nt, adjaceut to their works the set to began, Round 1.- The Au:ertrees . · "t Cedar Dale. A street wtll be ouentil.l lnalk.lnir Soap, Softening ·water, J>h1r14 through the land, and thti Company in - ican made a feiu t as 1f t " 111ak., a da~h at footillg, and a hundred other uses. Our pro.phets, who pr<-dicted an early the male nanny. Mr. R. accepted the A .can equals llO pounda .Sal Soda. spriug, &oo bud y ast rlly. Try again, tei,d t " build a number of houses 011 it. offer and ru~l111d blindly rornard -'hen Sold by au Grocen and Druggleta, Fire broke om Tuesday we .. k, in a large tiu lhvan stepped tu onb side u.nd Mr R friends. · &. w. tlLLIH'. · toaomo oo cmwo. Rev. A. E . Sanderson will preo.ch & frame buildmg sdj ..cent t o t he G ··d.-11 pas~ing on rncei\red a s ti111<;er on t he 1~ ,1~ 11ermu11 to Y · 11)Ung people next Sabbat h house, Picli:dmg, owned by Miss Leouard 1 whtc,h s om.,what rattled him, L ooking of Oshaw11, 1md occupied by l\lrs H .dg con111derubly aatom - h ~d he reiir ed to a eveni ng. son as a dw elliug and grocery store. The Tiwe, -~minute. The decision of the debate at the Di· building burntld very rapidly, tile inmates corner t o recuper.. te. It never was Intended, so far as I can learn, R ound 2.- Mr. R. h~viu ll !e"mt)d ca.ution vi·i,·11, on Th urada.y, was i n favor of t he Tha~0ett!l~: men or women were intended to barc:ly escaping in t heir ni~ ht clothes. kept hi8 eyes open, waltzed to one 111de I think you. will believe me, indeed I'm sure negative. 1.'be contents were almost a total loss. before c~argtug w}iich h e did eo rapi..Uy O ur organist was unable t o officiate on What in worldly matters would be that Sullivan r eo· ;1v1::d the foU force of . Ir ai~e~~~ieHa.irWorks"youhavecalled. Sabbath. Mrs. T. Creeper filled the term~d "a sharp tric~," w1u pe p~ tuted t h;, blow and fell proatrate. Time, tmio . There ie one thing Nature thinks of- let us vacaucy. u i.1on the Oshawa Delegation from Simc··e Round 3.- By th111ti'l111 b -·th partlt'&were thank her tor a.11 wo c11.nCapt. Harper leave11 on Saturday for St. Meth ..dis· Church who a 1tendt<d t he 8he takes Pllrticula.· trouble witb our race ; · Sli.e knows e. scanty iiro\t'th or ha.Ir, the gray Toro11to, to take a week's re~t with friends meetiug of the Trnnafer Committee in considerably oo th··ir metal and Na1h· u said " G ore was in their eyes." They an d whlte.1lng locks, at home. Tor-into last week. The Board of Mill!· approa~hed each otbH warily. But Mr. Will detract from the beauty o! lhe fa1:0. ' Did not the correspondent of tbia 11yement of the Oshawa chu rch had given R . eeemg that a ha.nd to hand eng;sgei Bnt. N:llttre has her laws. so strict that you :n ust never err, journal catch sc'saors l as~ week. Draw it a call to R ev. A. B. Chambers, of Mont- ment would prove di~astrous to himself F.>r yon'd surely pay the penalty at la.et, real, _whic:h had been accepted , ~ubject to withdrew~, few IJIM?es aud "lo~ her go: mild,Editor. Suijtaln it. that bounteOUl! b1lad or hair Ur. Doreowend's llair llfaglo'a unsurpassed. Sullivan 11oei111.1 that bn The rules of the Methodist church a.re the sa.uct1on of the Transfer Commi~tee. Gallagher. 0 Juet try It von afflicted, you n11vor wlll regr et· to be read after t he preaching service on Tbe Dele1:ation a~ked for the transfer could not escape punishmont turuod t o which was granted by the 1'ransfcr Con1: fie~ and j~·t then knew n othing. Mr.R . The Mae:lc was never yet ·known to rail ; .And the good tb&t it will do you will make Sabbath morning. mittee, and the Oshawa Del11gation left bem~ furwus made several sallies and you soon forget M r. T. Ricllardson, Mr. R. Philp, Mr. for home, satisfied with thtiir ·mission. The expenditure e. bottle will ontall. J . Hellyar, and M iss Maud Emmerson, A.fter tho cCJm mit~ee had left, the Trans- Sulhvau waa allowed breinhing spaoo by the removal of hH1 now much dreaded This now famous prcp l\r&tion for invig· all of town, .vere back on Sabb.,r,h. fer Committee rescinded their former oppouent, Time 1 rr1 iuuto. H uund 4 orating 1111d stimulating th e growth of the Private Halfacre co uduc·ed the meet - ruotiou, and sent Rev. Mr. Ct1ambers to hail· is universally accept.ed us the most in ~ at t he Barracks, on 'l'hursday night, N «pa.nee, !(;laving Oah111w11. out in the cold. A f~w 1uinutes sufficed, for Sullivan ~as 11 foot for the male. He 11truck valuable 8fJecific 011 the market, All whlle the otticers in charge a ttended tho Tile del'"ga·es and members of the Simcoe agam on h 1 out from _ thti shoulder, bm the C<>nny boy discl\l!es of the ~calp am either re lie ved or jubilee at E nniskillen. l::lt. Church, very properly, resent such dodfled hun ~nd tooll: him u oe::rpee~11dly perma.uently cnr··d. A doh and rapid We hear that the Hampto11ians have treatment. u11d11r the flying coat tails and left John g rowth nf hair will foll"w after judicious organized a. base ball te11im.- A wise act. L :, h ol'll d ., co~1 bat. Mr. R. was left and r eg nl ar trea1ment. It r~mains with Com.,, boys; wake up and d · liket1ise. without a blem111h, bu t the American was OONSUMPrION CAN D E CURED by proper thti user alon1.1 t'J secure the desired W1oy not gi_ v e as good a record this year healthlul ellercise, and the judiciona use not anxious to takti a. 11e11t for several r eauhs Dr, Dore n wt'nd'.i "Hair Magic" as iu yea,.s p.~$t 7 T1rro SArn. of Soor.1 ·a Emulsion of Cod L iver Oil and day1. is sold by all druggists at $ 1 per bottle, Hy µ11pho11p hites, w hich coutaina the heal· or six bott le:. for $5. If no· obtainable A BAD l'ROSPECT.-How ma"y w<1ary in your locdlity send dir~ct to 1h ,, eole Ho w TO s A:' E. MONEY.-Al w~ys bny the ing a11d etre,,,gth-g1ving virtues of thllae manufacturer, euclosiug pric,1· A. DoRN· best because i_ t ts tb.t:1 cheapest m _th e ~nd, two nl uabl... specifics in their fullest ~ro~en do wn invalids there are to whom wEN D, Par is Hair Works, 103 and 105 1and not ' !uly 1s 8urdock Blood But~re 1!10 f ..rm. Mr. D. D . McDonald, P .-titcod1ac, lite t~ burdensome and whose prospect is Yonge St ., Toronto. For eale by J, / best wed icw e known fo~ all chrome ats· ~. B., say11: 1 hav:e beam prescribing sad mdeed. The uervon11 debi ;1ty ~ncl Higginl'otham & Son, an d a ll druggists. eases (·f tlie;S~omaeh, Kidneys, L · ver and Scot t's Emulsion with good r esults. It general weakness of those afflicted with B lood, but it 1 s r eally the chtiaoest as it i s especially usefu l in persons with con· !in~eriug_d i&ea:se is ~st r emedied by the NATIONAL P I Lf,S will not ivlpelor si ck n eed s less to cure and cures mor e quiokly sumptive t endencies." Put up in 50c. Lnvigor a.trng and restQring properties of B. B. D. than any other r e medy. a nd $ 1 sfae. llRo ycl, nre a Utoroug h c11tbarll(J. - SPRING- OOURTIOE. Mr. Wm. Oke is Mr. John Walter's 11ew appr entice. Mrs. D avey, of Stratford, is a guest at Mr. L. M. Courticti's. Mr. Richard Pascoe W·s kicked in the face by a colt a few days ago. Rev. R ; Sanderson will preacl1 on " Social Amusements" on Sunday even· ing n ext. Messrs. Ashtnn and J. D evitt .he.vu removed to Blackstock. Tom and Jim will be missed. Mr. Jos~ph Armour has moved on the farm bougM by h im from the executors of the late Adam Scott. The next t ime tlie boys (lO fi·hing we hope they will be able to land som,.,t hing besides a muskrat. TRIM. MA NVERB. '.r. ,C · ·P · I· ! N ,. !· N,s· ! - o -- MRS.IVES P~u~::~ideries, '. f IN f U NOERWEAR. BEEF, IRON AND WINE·. ERRORS OF .+1uaa~'C11i11~1a+ .ru: G !:YI:

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