Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1888, p. 4

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HORSE-BnEEJDING FOR Pictures Framed VERY CHEAP. NEW STY LES OF MOULDINGS IH ~ F E W o ~vs. I am ·still continuing to give five quires of Note Paper for 25 cts. Most excellent value. I a.m going- to surprise 11 ·th WALL system for adoption by farme rs in this you a Wl ID_Y . 11ectioa of Canada. p APER S th1s spring. I '!'he 1mils and climitte of this country · d t 0 ratS·I!g · }lOrBeB. r'l-e CQll8l·gnment a l - l are aumtri<bl1 BUlte V'U · Mr. R bert Beith informs 111, and we ready 1n. know of no bet kr auth1·ri1y, thot.t a horoe who know say I raised in Canada il!I W<·rth com1·d1 ·rably Those more for use in N .. w York and uther city have f'.'l'OOd tae.te. Come J Wife-"! declore I am alw.oat ashamed to go to ch11rcb with this h ..t ou. It ien't Tm;; STA.TEl!MAY is not a. ~tock journal, at all the atyl .. ." but as the maj ..rity of our readers 11.re Husband-,. Ia thi1 Bridget's Sunday out 1" farmers, we always desire to give them Wife-" No." a fair sbow in our columns. Corning, BR Husband- " Why doa't you borrow we do, in contact with farmers every day, hers 1" we are favorably situated for hearing Wire-- "Thank you, ,John, I'll act on their o inion11 and the result of their your hint." . Aud llherequ~sts the priviP · · · d l"ge of wearml( her ~erva,Jt a bonnet, but farm openi,·l· ·us. H ba11 become a st11ple T1ut 'roronto Tele~r 1m t.alks of .blo~ Bridg<1t replied-cornplaint n ow thi;t raising wheat no being ~pilled over the rai11uv quest.wn m ·· Shure, mim, I would lend it 'l"id long"r pays, and raising barley 1mpover- 1Manit· b~. Why sh<·uld there bu 1 [f the plea11.ure, butt~"' pe11ple ,.. ould a~l know is hes the land. Mixed farming with n people of Manitoba go to work t o build a I th..t lt_ Jwa.· btohr~lO·l , ffor ~?ey nH'er see · k . . yon w1 auy mg so .,1n. la~i.;e 11ha.re o.f attention given t,o stoc J railroad, who 111 ~01ng t.o turn a can~on It is ue.;dleils ~ 8.~y that t~e ·· fom" 1·a1smg, e·pec1a.lly of he1wy hor8es ancl I on th.. m in th.-ir labor 1 Outa.rio wont- hH.t wa.11. got frum ~1.:1a McTav1eh wh..se high grade cattle, i11 J<ellt1rally conc"d~d th:o.t's CtJrta.in. ~eputatt<m for turning out fine head 1tea.r to be thtt eurl'Bt at;d moat rtimun'.·rati~t; lS well kn~_:_ PROFIT. ud all· fvr a market. They are alway eagerly taken at remunerative P ; ~ea for huyers who search for them. n. any 8 poor wan haa found ·he nucleus ,.r a com· petl·nce in the lucJ.y purchase of o. good h draft 11tallion; 1.ltld many a mortgng~ fl.8 been lif ted by the sale of the big colts raised on the farm, whil<1 the mares did the plowini? and the farm work: . A HAT STORY-FACT. I New College S~ng Book, 75c. Sankey's Gospel Hymns, No. 5, 40c. Crossley's Song Book, 25c. Whyte Bro's Song Book, 25c. Songs of Redeeming Love, by Sam Jones, 30c·. Gospel Hymns, I, II, III and IV, combined, (cloth), 50e. (ALL WITH MUSIC.) _ ______ _ WEDNESDAY APRIL 4th Is the day on which our llecond list of paid-up subsc ribers l" il1 a ppear. A C'll'l· sid.irable number who bad pa.id before the fir6t liet wn.s pnblished were om1tt.ed frQW th :it list by the wa11t of ca.re io pre· h f th mpos·tor pa.rmg t - 0 namea or · 0 co · streets than is a 11io1ilar animal raised on Those with the names of all who pay up the ptairie8. Horses rataed on 1ich ou or before 'ruesday, April 3rd, will ap- ..·--- -- - -- - - · p·stur" fands, do.vn·, flats and prairie· pear in our next report. S Pnd io the D ·~ cam ot compare in stamina and soundnc11s I d ..llars due ua in time. After the above .. . If' U ' ! \II : · . . · with t hose ratBew _, upon h"'IS h , d · 1 &ll d d "te the price will be $1 25 to July 1st., ·~·· ha1 der Boils. The hors s, fnr ·his reason, then $1 'C)O to end of year AUCTION SALES. rais«d Oil the fens of Lii·colnahire and its S..1.Tul\DAY MARCH 31. - V t' i!l bti sold at adj . ·ining c lUUhes i n Engl.mil are soft A NEW D ::EOTIONARY. Tote's Auction iitoom~, the property BowvANVl LLE, MARCH 28, 1888 belonging to O. E Henry. L ibert.y St. when teared beside those from dry up'Ve r eally thlvk Lh" puhl shere haye at North, Huwmanvi:lf:', iibont tw.:n ty lands and well tilled r.ills. In hke minut.. 's walk from P ollt Office. It litst btought out a d ictioni~ry that i~ a 0;,-E of the P'·<rn liar com plictt.tiona poerna1·11er the horae11 from the grellt prair:es sensible oictio1·ary I· do· ll not Wt!ll!h c umorises betwe~n 12 and 13 acres good sible in ~his lifo occurred in the H ouse of of the Western Su.tea are ddici... nt in fifty poun <!s; it doe~ not r·quire a table clay loam land. 80 bearing ap p le rree~, Commons when Sir J ,.bn, as member for small fruits, and a brick house of 10 endura uce and d~fective in their feet ull to i:111Jlf; it has n··t that ' epulsive '"1:1d KingM t.on, had 10 prr.eent a petition rooms, barns, sheds, ~tabl " and etc. w ht>n corn par. d with horse11 reared here forbidding aspect whi ch makes some die:1.!fSi.uat t e c"mbine11, of which he, as tllfl tiouarie11 we know 11eated books to their Nico place for ret. i red ge1.tlema.n or in fl,.na.da. Thia conside1ation brings po&aes, ors·. On the contrary it is a.. most g·rdeuer. Terms :- T1-n per cent. fa.l;aor of 1 he N. P., ia the fouutam-head. American buyer& over h»re io quest of p: epos$ussing, both i:.x ter n:.lly a od inte~down, oue third iu one month, balance It is T\OI; often that a par;,nt askil the may be ao;cured by mortgag11 . LEVI A. hea vy horse. for drayage and street car ua.lly- -and tlus iBI a tremendous compltworld t n d .. cla.re 1hat hie lawfully-born To·LE, Auctioneer . 3w. purposes. Mr. Beith tells us that ntiarly me"t f.. r a di ctionary. Its Mune i11 The son ia illegitimate.-Louoou AdverLiser. AUCTION S.A.LJCl! -!:l. C. Hunkmg, c. urtall the available ho1 ae11 in this country Conci.se lmperi<ll Dict·onary ofthe Englia!~ Language. Literar'JI, .Scientific,_ ~<ymolog~- tice, Ontario, Licensed Auctione ..r, for are 11old, and the dem1<nd is still very cal, <mcl P1 ·01wiutcmg. Contaiiu_n? a coµi- Darlington and Wh it by, Bowmauvill" R&'f'. W. F. CLAHKE, the F11rmer great.. Even at the present time buyer11 ous vocabulary w·.th e<wefW detimtwns ; e;i;- and Oshl\wa, AppTa.iser, &c. All business Pnnoher, hu given hU! opinion on "D:r11- from th0 other side are h er.a wanting 400 planation.1 of ph·rase:s proverbial exp 1·essioii.1 attended to promptly. Orders may be peptic Farmeu," and as w.e agree with yotmg draught marea for breeding pur- 'tc. ; brief note:s on ·"Ynomms and :1ram~at- left at th e ST..l.TlilSllAN office, Bowmanville, ual constructions; and 'Useful appeadices. or Reformer office, Oah.. wa. hia < ·pinion we ~ive it h~rewith for the pose·. By Charles Anriandal-., LL. D., ecli wr of R . Hut.obison, L icensed Auctioneer for hen· fit uf our farmer r t>adere, and others: A· we atated in an article on this the Imper ial Diction.a'l'J. . . . · The chief ha.ity of this dictionary thti Townships of D«rlin~ton, Whitby, I beiieve 1 can put my fi11ger on the subject hilt week, the demat·d for good (apart, drnt is, from its binding an~ tyJ?e Clarke,, Manvers and Cartwright. Sales ~ecrct 1101 Hce of dysp.. paia 1u11.ong farmers ho11e1 ia always eure, and th· re is u - both of which are marYtls) con ists m attended to promJ?tly and at ~easonable 6 .a.nd 1htJir fsn1i i1·11. It i~ the practica of eertainty of an increasing demand for thw..dmirable way in which it.a editor has rates. Where 1t Lil not cooveni ~ut. to see '"pre<:ing " and bavir ·g lU111bea betwilen years t o come. Europe cannot beRin to succeeded in combinin~ concisen. 8 & wit!i me! arramgementa can be made wnh the ·meah-ealing too frequently- deranging supply her own needs. Gr<·at B1·itain fullueu; in the "Bin ti! on Enghsh Ety- Edtt~1r~ftheSTATEll.1£.u·.-R.Huroa1aoN, mology, " i n t ile articles on "PrefixeJ11 aud j Eomekillen . . . a nd overtaak·nf.! tlie dige~tive powers by annually imports 20,000 from other Suffix:.,a, " "Pronuuctati"n," "Rules and . N.B.- Ouradvertiemg rat? for aucti on eating at &<11 hollrll. Somo have two cou.ntries. The immense armi1i1 of the Direo i<ins for Pronunciation." a 11 d a.hove ~lee, _ when we do. not pru~t th~ 111111.' ·luucbt>li rt·gulurly'- one in the middle of Con$ineot are mak iug au ever-i11cr1:casing a·I in the definitions of words (after all bills, 11 25 cents a lme, each mHrnon. · - - -·-· ----· the fo1-t!noou, and aoor h n in th1:1 middle demand, and. should there be war the ·h r true teat of a dictionary} Dr. Aunanof Urn o.fte1no1,n. I du not know whether dMtrnetion 1 1 £ horses will be 110 gre~t that dale bas shown that h<1 thr.ronghly underet.i.nds what s i,r t of a dictionary the gen· · dyep~ p1ia Cl\n be cm ad, but I am cert><in this demand will be beyond the p· soibili' y eral reader, who cannot always ca· ry t lt&t i r c ll',n be prevei,ted and mitigated by of supply. It is fre.,Jy announced in ..b .. ut a ten or twelve-dollar · ·Unabridg· I o 8 re.fnl obter'fo.11ce of a few ~imple rules. Europe that thi1 continent alonl' can ed 1 " wants. He dnes nol- m ake h ia book Miuiiic:i t· tl'e food W1' ll. Avoid indig- meet these demandll. C·rmpetent vfficers bn Jky (and N. B.---correspo11dingly .ex· penaive) by inaertin~ all sorta · nod des· eauble aud ynwholea<., me "ict11al11. Eat from t he G erman, F rench and E ngliah cription s of wordu no matter whetht·r exnou.nl1ing, 11uhd fuod, ir.1.d eschew 1·ich, armies have made extenoive examii.ati ..ns 1 ani or extinct, r .tre or C··mu.on, useful llighly·flllaao11ed and 11ppet~ing dainties. in C1mada and 1h"' United States as to or ust1les11. His rules as reg~rds uncom- wish·e to returr. his sincne thank s to the Put 11. rt·asonallle and bUffici~nt_ 11pace of our equine resources, and have made mon words is to in·ort only such as are people of Wf.st D tirham for ih1:<ir hhtiral nnpo1t:uit or to be f., und iu a w·dely r ead pa1ronage during the 8 y(·ara he has b ...en very full and favorable reports to the classical authors. tirne betw..et· meals. ·· Th1i w·1 rd11 that in business and alsv for the pr.. mptneRll home governmeuts, e.nd within a few make up t he bulk of t ha vocabulary of in paying bim 1JP so that he can pay .:a1h days the cables have brought u11 the news this dic·iona.ry," h eo s a)·a, " mainly Lelong for everythioR. Giving hiro the very ONB t.f tht1 paying induetriH of Canada to modern li1 er . ture, sciauce, and art, best chance a buyer can h i<ve in the ia tht1 dairy bu·int' H, and ita re.pid devel- ihe t the Briti11h War Oflice is likely to and C· mpri~e many of quite rectint ol'i· wholt>sale mari et a nd aa a result he ia ·dly to be met able to 1ell as cheap as anyone in the opemeut i$ evidcno" that it i.e suited t o send to Canada for more horses at once. ~in, and such ae a·e yet ha1 B ut we need lJOt look so far a11·ay for a with except in colloq uial usage, and in trade tha1 pays 100 cents on the $. His our Ontario uondition11 and climat e. 'l'en mar k et for all the horses we can raise for n«wepo.pers or periodicals. " Some of hi~ dry goods are new und new pat1 erua and years i1go (1847) ibe export11 of cheese We recommend the best t.hat can be bought. Ele says he m ~ ny y ea~·. because the demands of our defir11tions a.rt.' ~loriou3. frorn Mon·real w .. re 398, 138 boxes ; in .. ur read en to t urn up such words aa DllI'- is coming !l.1{$ill as soon as the roada are lSS'l the export. of 1h·e11e were 1,104,065 home and the American markets are winis m, accnmmod1>t ion bill, acco uut cur- good enough, wirh the hcst and largest constantly increauiug. In New y, rk city rent p··rsonal identity, Ct<auviuism, idea.. etock he ever had on the road. Fuur ·box:tll. S till Uie profit1 ftom this .busi· alone 14, 000 horse11 die every year, and By the way the 11iu ~le column in which wagons, sa.l, smpn as follows!: Mr. David ROM hnv1> gone to a. few of the best farm· this b11t word oc .,urs showa well how this Grigg, in Cl·rke ; Mr. "m Richard8, ers. 1'he milk of 2'76,000 cows was re - nearly a.a many more become lame, or are diciionary will snit e very description of in Darlington ; Mr. Viet.or E . Cole, in otht rwise disabled, and are sent into the quired to m11k1:1 the ct eeae exported durreader f, om the learnedly scieutilio and Cartwrignr., 1rnd a wagon in the t own and country, from which th ey never return. ·itorary t o the ordinary ignor1.1mus who villages. He ea.ruest lv sohci 11 tht> Ptioing· the Rummer of 1887. Had the cows I ncreasing busine11s makes incren11iog uaell '&dictionary to corrt.ct his spelling. ple's patronage and intt-n d a to take Fa.rm supp yin$.( milk to lactur ies 1111 been equal demands ; and while the substitution of The word;i in this column are icosahedral, Prnduce in exchanl(e for !<oods. to the cows of th e best patron& the saµ:ie He wants 200 tons of every k ind of old electricity for horse-powr.r upon the icosander, icteric, ictus, icy, I daliao, idea q uantity of cl:leeae would Ii ave been r eceiv(t"o-thirds of a. column to this word), iron, rags, boaes, etc. street ra ihvay1J will doubtles~, iu the and id. ntical. 100 l ns good geese feathers for sale. ed Jc om the milk of 175 000 cows. Our near fu\nre, iujure the market for inThe Toronto p ublishers of this highly Also a light single wal(on to trade for a rnputation of late ha.a been t o make fin e aoods without considering the cost of ferior horses, yet the r t>quirements of v&lu··ble dictionary are J . E. Brvant & heavy one. Your h umh!e servnnt, JOHN GRIGG, n ew industries will more dum counter - Cu. of 64 Bay St. Messrs. J. E. Bryaut ; roductiou and without conidering the West Durham Travel img M .. rchant. balance thi11 ; bu', probably, in llUperior & Co., are, we believe, the last publishnet profit., hence Canadian ~hetirn ranks Bowmanville, March 28th, 1888 j . g firm eotablish·:· d iu this city; but if 13·6w*' :much higher in tha En~lish markets than grades. It is, therefore, quite evideut th ey conti11uo to bring out such works as that our farmers can give their attention The Ctmciee l mperi ul D1c·iconary, they the American mot.ke. If our profits have wi 1 be verv far fr. -m the lea.st. We recnot.be.en largo th lly have been sure, and to and in vest their cai>ital in this import- ommen i e;erybody t.o ex.µond $4.50 i n farmer s cannot loee by goiug m ore ex- ·a nt indmitry, with a. reasonable certainty purch ..Ring this book - From " The Tor· of finding a ready sale for it:s products. onto W orld," Novcmba 11, 1887 . t0W1iyely irito J.airying. Htlllides the promise of. peouni.. ry reTo he obtained from any 1 ·espectable ward thu11 h eld out, there are m any bookseller . Tm; debate on unrestricted reciprocity atl rsctions fo und in such en,t erprises. The Third page of the Torouto D aily s a peculiar internst in the growth driuv.s ita weary length along in the Tltere 1 Mail is n oted for "Want" ad vertieements. Comwous, bu t t here has b een n othing of ·domesi;ic auim11ls, and this intt<resi; If you want to bu_ y or sell any!hing. ~f approi;chrn~: Sir Richard 01utwright'a or- incrtases in proporti01a a11:sk1ll is required you want a situanon, ~ nwchamc, a bua1·- When 1 say Cumi: I do not mean merely to atiQJl- & tm~ y m agnificent oue, trowing and intelligence is exercised in their uess, machinery, lodgmgs, 1f you have stop them for a time, P .ud tlien have them return agaln. I MltAN' A RADICAL <.:U:RE. smootla. 11.s a silver stream, down the rocky breeding and development. By the aida lost or fo und anything, or if you waa t. to I llave made t he disease of find out whore anyone is, advertise in the c9ur11e of the Commons, each sentence of this, grain-growing is but drndl(ery. T oronto Daily Mail and re11d the adverFITS, EPILEPSY clear, cut :.nd perfectly intelligible. He Again, in rearing animals, the fertility of tis~ ments on the third pa.Jle of that paFALLING SICKNESS, did not permit a single phrase of his ou r land i1 nvt exhaust~ d all it ia by per. The charge is two ct1nts ~ word AlifCJ longstndy, I WARRANTmyremedy to great su bjeot to go untouched, s ud held selling grain a nd other products. These each insertion. Address, The Mail, ToCURI': the worst cases. :Because other3 l1a.ve 4ll-tf the. Hou:1e's wrapt a.I tention for nenrly thoughts a.re worthy of the ea rnest con· ronto Canada. fallecl ts no reason for not now receivin~ ri cure. Sond atonce!or a treatlseandaFRE J.. 1.~o:rTLr: foul' hours . No one s howed any inclina- sider11tion of every Canad ian farmer, and of mv I NF,ALLil!.l.E RF:M:lIDY. Givo Ex·1c~:;s BOWMA.NVILLE MARKETS. ::-,nd :Post Office. It cost~ you nothing fo;: o. tion no mo~·e while the ringing voice de- with such an extensive choice of noble t !ial, r.nd it w ill c ure you. Addres!l liver.e d e. speech intenst ly practical a nd Clydesdttle eires &B are kept for service in I lr, H. G. ROOT. 37 Yonge 8t.1 Toronto, Ont. argumentath,,,, snd :.brave all patriotic to this county, there should be no difficulty FLOVJt., .- 100 lhll.· · ·· ·· ·· $2 10 to $2 40 the last degree. He sh owed how great in prosecuting the b ueimBB lluccessfuJJy. WR:UT, Fall, l!t bush .·..· 0 80 " 0 82 Every farwer raising stock should we.s, the e:x:isttJ.nt trade between Ou.IJada 11 Spring, u · · · · · 0 80 u 0 82 and tho neighbori ng Republic, and in 11 subscr .be t.o the best stock j ournal to be BARLJl:Y, f' bullh, No. 1. · .· 0 70 11 0 00 For $10 we will insert .a. lines (32 worde) In II II II 2 , ·· · 0 65 II 0 ()() One lllllSterly w1J.y . p<> int~d out how much that obtaiued. S ueh a one ia the Breeder's Milllon copiee of Daily, l:lunday or II 11 U 3. , . . 0 05 I> 0 ()0 Weekly Newspapers. The work will all be trad.e would b e imm1 ased- 11ith equiva.- Gazette, published by Mr. J. H. Sanders, done in 10 de.ye. Send ord·l' and check to RYE, II · · · · · · · · · · 0 55 u 0 60 ient. bendit to both oounrries- if the bar· Chicago, Ill. Mr Sanders, who ia full of OA·r s, GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., u · · · · · · · · · 0 40 11 0 45 10 SPKVCE ST., N, N, riera were removed and free interchange horse lore and wisdom, tells h i11 readers PEAS, Blackeye, "buah . . · 0 60 11 0 67 11 Small, 11 0 60 11 0 65 l iG page Newspaper Catalogue sent by maU of ptodace pe rmitted. Ile did n ot claim in the B r eeder's Gazette that in all of ror 30 cents, 11 Blue, u 0 60 11 0 65 that. Canada alone would prosper thereby, our expt rience, covering a period of some BUTT:n, beet table, f' ft>. · · 0 20 11 0 22 b ut b,ia 1.1rgument3 might be used with th irty yean, we have not known a. single L.uw, ~ ft> .·· , · · · . · · · · · · 0 10 11 0 12 e qual effect by A.mericaus. He argued mau who haa em barked in the busines11 Earn!,~ doz . .·· . . ··. ·· · · 0 14 11 0 00 DilRAJ) m.'\de of thls Yeast took 13· :l<"ir· t Prl.zt:.e 11.t O c urio simply the closn 1md friendly r elations of breed ing draught hor11es, and managed PO'l'ATOJ:S, ~bush. - . .. ... 0 55 II 0 60 ·.P::=:"'l~'~hil Fll.1 1 Sl.iowa in 18$7. H AY . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 10 00 II 12 00 " Over io,coo ladies h n.t"e w ritun tha& w.,uld. suggeat be· ween two nations so it whh anything like ordinary busmes11 D Rl!SSED Hoos . ... ... .. .. 5 50 11 7 OtJ to s.'ly that it surµaas.c ~ uny ye'4.i..;t :;teogt""-phic.t. ly united 11.s Ou.nada. and t he u .gacty, but has l"lade money out of it. Cwv1m SEED ······ · · ···· 4 90 11 5 00 ever used bv them. It mak.e· 't11e lightest, whit!lot, The d.-mand for good heavy horses has Uui.ted S ·ak a a re, a plan which would AI.sIU · - · . · · · · .. . . · · · · · 4 00 u 5 00 SW(:Ctcst bTt'nd,. ro ll ~. 1nwj a;.id l> uc kwht'at pruica.kes.. deveJope th e reaourc~:l of our grea.t coun- al ways beeu, and is to-day, in exce211 of Jlakers in ne~uly C1'WJ")' t o,..-n i.a o breeds IT (J.lN no 1110 U ..lRlll to trJ Freeman· Canada arc Ui>ing- it.. try; and provide ernployme1lt for ib pop- the 11upply ' a ud no man wh . I Wol'1n Powd4'r" when )'ou·r chJld 18 atU.n ll!:!!~!!:;:::e:!l.I PRICE FIVE C ENTS. ho1 sea of thab clau haa oocaa1on to hunt tnerisb ur rrectu.l. l .J · and see. ' CK P T EID l n 0 4 I HAVE been afl11cted with catl\rrh tor 20 years. H becume. chronic and there 'Ila!! a constant droppi11~ of mucous matter. It extended to my tl.roat, caue ng .hoarseuflSS a ud grea.t d . ffi~u ty in sµea.kir.g, ind~ed for yoarm I was not allie to speak more than thirty miuuttlll, ir.ud often thie with gre..t d ifficulty. I alao, to a gr.-at extent, l ..at th., sense of h ..ariug in the 1.-ft ear, and of taste. 8y t · ·e use of E:y's Cr.,am Bu.Im u.J droppings of muc·iue has cea.s«d a ud my voice and hear·n~ has g1·eatly iwprovt>d. -Jamea 'v . Davi.ison, Attorney a.t Law, Monmouth, Ill. t Sent to any address on receipt of price. J. H. KENNER., Variety Hall, -~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~f.!~ .ar~&JjS'~~&~ ~Q f&ht ftana4ian Jtatt,man. · · ·- - - - 1 Bowmanville. ··- -·-----.·- - ~~-~!!!!!!9- = - J. BIGCINBOTHAM & SOI, Dispensing Chemists. - - - -o - -- - --- o---- Thefollowingpreparations are carefully prepared and will be found usefu 1 in every house. Nasal Cream, Corn Cure, For Removing Hard and Soft Corns. For Cold in the Head, Catarrh, etc. For all Roughness of the Skin. Rose Glycerole, ----o----- A CA RO - -o-- SHORLEY'S IMPROVED FOOD ALWAYS ON HAND. ----o--Agents for the " Argus " Spectacles and Eye"' glasses. JOHN GRIGG .ABSOLUTELY QUITTING' 'l'he I>ry Goods l3usiness I JOHN ltlcUURTBf Requires more room for his Grocery, Flour and F eed and Grain trade, and bas determined to Close Out His DRY GOODS BU8/NE88 and extend his Grocery into the premises now occupied with DRY GOODS. 'ro make a clear sweep, everything in the Dry Goods department snow being sold AT AND UNDER COST. The goods are all fus.tclass, carefully selected for th e regular trade aud no old culled bankrupt stock, the puhlic can understand the immense advantages offered to purchasers of this stock. Evm·ything usually kept in a £rst class Dry Good~ establishment, and r equired in the Olothino-. 0 and House Furnishing line, oftered at AW AY-DOWN PRICES. Call and get Bargains. Cleari g Sales for Cash only. Po'3itively no Reserve. Everything mm1 t gon Call and satisfy yourselves th.at the WEST EN D HOUSE is giving greiiter value for a little money t han any other hou se in the district. It will pay you to lay m .a year's supply, as such goods cannot be repeated at my prices. ICURE FITS! or JOHN McM'UBTBY. - SPRING- ANOTHER WONDER. It never wae Intended, so far ae I can leiu·n That eitber men or women were intended ; 0 b e bot.Id. I think you will believe me, Indeed I'm eure you will, If at the ".Pe.rlaHalr Works" you have ~iilled. , 'fhere Is one thl og Nature thinks of-let ·u· thank her for all we oanShe takes partlcul&·' trouble with our ra.ce · She knows a 8Canty growth or hair, the gi~:y· and whiteoli11g locks. Will detract from the beauty ol lhe faee. But Nature has her lawe so strict tbaJ; y.ou must. never err, For you'd surely pay the penalty at last. Sustain it that bounteous head or hair Dr. Dorenwend'sll&l.r Magic's unsurpas&ed. J~~t try it yon e.flllcted, you nDver wJIJ regr.et , lhe Marne W&o nevii< Yet known to fall· .And the K<>od that It will do J OU will nu1lt19 you soon forget The expenditure a bottle will entail. --o-And with its advent MRS.IVES h as opened out a fine new stock - of - THE ART OF ADVERTISING Laces, Embroideries, Plushes and a lovely st ock of BBEADMAKER'S YEAST. u!a~o~ Thi11 now famou11 preparation for invigorating 1 md stiwulating the growth of the hair ill uotvereally aocepted as t he moat valuable specific oa the market. All [ [ [ I dise·iee11 of t he scalp are either r elieved -0r pcrma.neutly o ur~d. A rich and rapid'· Ladieli in want of a choice of fine growth ,.f hair will follow after judicious and regular trea tment. It r··m ..ins with Fa.ncy Dry Goods, please give me the user a.lon<1 t,> secure t he dewed 1 1 I h th · dl results Dr. Dorenwend's " Hair Magic " a ca · ave em m en ess J is 11old by all druggists at $1 per bottle, val'iety at store, opposite S. A. ?r six bot.ties for $5. If no& obtainabte Uanacks m your loc.i.h ty send direct to the 110 13, _ ·' manufacturer, e ucloaing prioe. A. DOR'SMRS IVES WXND, Paris Hair Works, 103 and lO~ · · , Y~ng!" St., T6ronto. For eale by J . llowllUUlvllle., M.ari;b. lg, 1.1188. ~ l Higginbotham & Son, and all druggi..t8.· LADl rs1 fIN r UNDERWEAR

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